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World War II1935 CE – 1946 CE

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Chapter 26: Section 1, Paths to War

Aggressive moves by Germany and Japan set the stage for World War II. In 1935 Adolf Hitler began a massive military buildup and instituted a draft, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. In 1936, Hitler sent German troops into the Rhineland which alarmed France, but neither France nor Britain responded with force. In 1936, Germany and Italy became allies, as did Germany and Japan. Germany annexed Austria in 1938. Appeasement of Germany peaked at the

Munich Conference where Hitler claimed he sought only one final territory, the Czech Sudetenland and Britain and France agreed to Hitler's demands. This soon proved false as Hitler continued his invasions. When Hitler signed the Nonaggression Pact with Stalin and invaded Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Japanese expansion into Manchuria and northern China brought condemnation from the League of Nations. Japan was at war with China. In December 1937 Japan destroyed Nanjing and massacred 100,000 civilians and prisoners of war. Next, Japan was rebuked by the United States for its efforts to exploit resources in French Indochina.

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Chapter 26: Section 1, Paths to War1st Steps New Alliances Union

w/AustriaDemands &

AppeasementGreat Britain & France

ReactHitler & the Soviets

Hitler formed a new Air Force, then built the army from 100k-550k soldiers (other countries were distracted by the Depression). 3/7/36 Hitler sent troops to the Rhineland . Germany was NOT supposed to be there or do any of these things according to the Treaty of Versailles at the end of WWI.Great Britain & France could attack, but decided on ‘appeasement,” which is a diplomatic policy aimed at avoiding war by making concessions to an aggressor

Hitler & Mussolini (Italy) wanted to create a new Roman Empire. 10/1935 Italy invaded Ethiopia. Both Helped Franco in the Spanish Civil war. Roman-Berlin Axis became an alliance between Italy & Germany.

1938 - Hitler forced Austrian Chancellor to put Nazis in charge of the government. Germany controlled Austria by March 13th, 1938.

September 15th, 1938, Hitler demanded the Sudetenland and at the Munich Conference, leaders ‘appeased’ him by allowing him to occupy that land.

The Munich Conference showed Hitler that the leaders were weak and would not fight him, so, he took over Czechoslovakia. Great Britain realized the Hitler could not be trusted so negotiations began with Stalin (USSR) and Great Britain.

Hitler met with Stalin(USSR), Aug 23, 1939 Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact. They agreed not to attack each other. Stalin took Eastern Poland, Hitler could have the rest. Sept. 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland, the beginning of WWII in Europe.

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Chapter 26: Section 1, Paths to WarWar with China The New Asian Order1931, Japan attacked China (in Manchuria) to take natural resources. Japanese soldiers were disguised as Chinese. Though the League of Nations investigated, the Japanese kept a strong hold on the area. China worried about Communists to the West and Japanese to the East. “Appeasement” began with Japan, but in 1937, Japan declared war on China and seized Nanjing.

Under Japan’s control, the New Asian Order would unite Manchuria, China and Japan. Japan began to work with the Nazis to attack the Soviets, but Nazi’s signed a Non Aggression Pact with USSR. The US threatened sanctions (restrictions intended to enforce law), Japan did not want to risk losing US products, but decided to attack Southeast Asia & with US and European colonies.

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World War IISection 2

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Chapter 26: Section 2, The Course of World War II

• Hitler was incredibly successful at the beginning of the war. German forces swept through central and northern Europe early in the war. After Germany occupied three-fourths of France, Hitler set up the Vichy government in France.

• Meanwhile, the United States followed a policy of isolationism. German air attacks on Great Britain resulted in fierce British retaliation.

• In the east, harsh weather and a resolute Soviet Union defeated an invading German army.

• The Japanese conquered the Pacific but miscalculated when they attacked the U.S. Naval base at Pearl Harbor. The United States surprised Japan by abandoning its neutrality and entering the war to retake the Pacific.

• By the end of 1943, the tide had turned against Germany, Italy, and Japan. • After the invasion of Normandy, the Allies liberated Paris and defeated Germany. • The war in Asia continued until the United States dropped atomic bombs on the

Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, causing massive casualties and bringing Japan's surrender.

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Chapter 26: Section 2, The Course of World War II

Axis Powers: Germany, Italy & Japan

Allied Powers: United Kingdom (N.Ireland, Wales, Scotland,

England), USA, Soviet Union(USSR), Most of the major cities damaged by war were found in Germany and England.

Which countries had the

most battles?

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Chapter 26: Section 2, The Course of World War II

Hitler’s early Victories Battle of Britain Attack on the Soviet Union

Blitzkrieg = lightning war. After the slow trench warfare of WWI, Hitler knew that fighting fast was the key to winning, with his ‘Panzer’ divisions of 300 tanks, he was able to move quickly. April 9, 1940 (after dividing Poland with USSR) Hitler attacked Denmark & Norway. Then 5/7/40 he attacked the Netherlands, Belgium & France. Hitler attacked France in an unexpected way so France signed an armistice on June 22. France was now occupied by Germany. The US denounced Hitler, but did not enter the fight.

Luftwaffe=German Air ForceIn August 1940, Germany attacked Great Britain from the air; they attacked not just military targets, but civilian. The British people were resilient to the attacks. The British used blackout paper to block light from their windows, and used the subway stations as bomb shelters during German raids.

Hitler did not want a two front war, but he thought the USSR was supplying Great Britain. Hitler tried to attack the USSR, but was delayed in his attack AND he attacked a large front 800 miles long. Hitler did not study Napoleon’s problems of invading Russia and the early winter and fierce Soviet Resistance halted the German advance.

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Chapter 26: Section 2, The Course of World War II

Japan attacks Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7th, 1941, This is a military base in Hawaii, on the island of Oahu. This was before Hawaii became a state. On the same day, the Japanese also attacked Philippines and the British colony of Malaya. By the spring of 1942, Japan controlled all of Southeast Asia & much of the western Pacific. Japan now declared Greater East-Asia Prosperity Sphere.

Japan in the Pacific

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Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor

Pearl Harbor is a deep water harbor that could hold large battle ships close to shore. That and its location in the

Pacific were reasons why the US used this port.

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Chapter 26: Section 2, The Course of World War II

Island Hopping was the term used to describe the US advance across the Pacific to gain control over Japan’s hold on the many islands.

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Chapter 26: Section 2, The Course of World War II

European Theater Asian Theater European Theater Asian TheaterThe Big 3: The leaders of Great Britain, Winston Churchill, US, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and USSR, Joseph Stalin, decided to fight until Germany and Japan surrendered. Hitler saw victories in North Africa, but by the fall of 1942 Rommel (Hitler’s leader in Africa) had to retreat. Hitler wanted to attack the USSR in Stalingrad

By 1942 the battle in the East also started to change. By May 7th, 1942 Americans stopped the Japanese and saved Australia from invasion. On June 4th, the Battle of Midway Island US planes destroyed 4 attacking Japanese aircraft carriers, this defeated the Japanese navy and established US superiority in the Pacific.By 1942 Douglas McArthur was in charge of US operations in the Pacific.

Africa had fallen, so the Americans attacked Italy through the island of Sicily. Mussolini was removed from office by the Italians. Germany controlled parts of Italy until June 4, 1944. The Allies (UK, US & USSR) had a plan to attack Germany through France. D-Day was June 6, 1944 U.S. General Dwight Eisenhower landed in Normandy, France. 2 mil. troops were there within 3 months. By January, 1945 Hitler moved into his bunker 55 ft under ground. May 7, 1945, V-E Day Victory in Europe was achieved.

President Roosevelt died in April 1945 (He had Polio and could not walk) Harry Truman became President; was developing an atomic weapon. He used the bombs on Hiroshima Aug 6,1945 and Nagasaki Aug 9th. Thousands of civilians died and the cities were leveled. Japan surrendered V-J Day Aug 14th, 1945.

50,000,000 people died during the war.

Allies Advance Last Years of the War

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Chapter 26

World War II

Section 3

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What do you think this poem means? In the part that

says, “Then they came for me…” how would you

describe ‘you’ that would make them want to ‘come’


To further their war effort and Hitler's plans for Aryan expansion, the Nazis forced millions of people to resettle in Germany as forced laborers. No aspect of the Nazi New Order was more terrifying than the deliberate attempt to exterminate the Jews. As part of the Nazis' Final Solution, Jews were locked into cramped, unsanitary ghettos or forced to dig their own mass graves before being killed. When this proved too slow for the Nazis, they transported Europe's Jews to death camps where they were starved, worked to death, sent to die in gas chambers, or subjected to cruel "medical experiments". The Nazis killed approximately six million Jews and nine to ten million non-Jewish people. Japan showed little respect for the peoples it conquered in Southeast Asia in its effort to secure industrial markets and raw materials. Japanese treatment of prisoners of war was equally harsh. Japan professed a commitment to ending Western colonialism, but the brutality of the Japanese convinced many Asians to resist Japanese occupation.

Chapter 26: Section 3, The New Order & the Holocaust

First they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.

Then they came for the socialists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me.

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Chapter 26: Section 3, The New Order & the Holocaust

Resettlement in the EastHitler had many prejudices and not all were associated with Judaism. To the east, in Poland, the Nazi’s felt that the Slavic people (Czech, Polish, Serbo-Croation, Slovene & Ukrainian) were also inferior. Himmler, leader of the secret police or SS, was assigned the task of moving these people out and moving German, Aryans, in. The Germans wanted to “colonize” these areas. Himmler stated that 30,000,000 Slavs could die to achieve this.

Slave Labor in Germany:To accomplish Hitler’s vision, laborers were needed. By 1944, 7,000,000 European workers were forced into labor. To put this into perspective over 300 years, covering 2 continents there were 12 million slaves in the ‘Americas’. Hitler had more than half that in just 2 years.

Hitler’s use of the SwastikaThe swastika is an extremely powerful symbol. The Nazis used it to murder millions of people, but for centuries it had positive meanings. The Oldest Known SymbolThe swastika is an ancient symbol that has been used for over 3,000 years. Artifacts such as pottery and coins from ancient Troy show that the swastika was a commonly used symbol as far back as 1000 BCE. In 1920, Adolf Hitler decided that the Nazi Party needed its own insignia and flag. For Hitler, the new flag had to be "a symbol of our own struggle" as well as "highly effective as a poster." On August 7, 1920, at the Salzburg Congress, the red flag with a white circle and black swastika became the official emblem of the Nazi Party. In Mein Kampf, Hitler described the Nazis' new flag: "In red we see the social idea of the movement, in white the nationalistic idea, in the swastika the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man, and, by the same token, the victory of the idea of creative work, which as such always has been and always will beanti-Semitic." Because of the Nazis' flag, the swastika soon became a symbol of hate, anti-Semitism, violence, death, and murder.

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Chapter 26: Section 3, The New Order & the HolocaustThe Death Camps The Death Toll Children at War

(look at the next two maps)Hitler’s FINAL SOLUTION was genocide, the physical extermination of an entire race, in this case, Jews. Heydrich was placed in charge of the Final Solution. The Einsatzgruppen carried out the Nazi plans. In Poland, Jews were first placed in ghettos, to starve out. Then, they became mobile killing units. Mass executions with mass graves. Approx. 1,000,000 Jews were killed this way, which was too slow for the Nazis.Camps were built to kill Jews faster and in larger amounts. Auschwitz is one of the most well known. Some were experimented on before being killed

It is difficult to explain all of these horrors in such a short amount of time in World History Class. Please research this topic.

6,000,000 Jews died 1.2 million were children10,000,000 non-Jews died, including the Roma, or gypsies, and Slavic peoples.

These are CIVILIANS or non-combat deaths. Some of whom were considered German citizens prior to Hitler.

Children were moved around, away from parents. Sometimes to protect them and other times to kill them. In England, 6 million were moved out of cities. (The book, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe shows this) Many young teenagers fought on both sides.

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Chapter 26: Section 3, The New Order & the Holocaust

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Chapter 26: Section 3, The New Order & the Holocaust

The ‘death camps’ were located in


Which country had the most concentration camps?

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PLEASE: visit these sites for these Holocaust Museums. There is more to see.

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Chapter 26: Section 3, The New Order & the Holocaust

Japanese Policies Japanese BehaviorMany locals in the many countries of Southeast Asia agreed with the Japanese because these locals were tired of colonial rule (powers from America or Europe controlling them) Japan was supposed to give power to the anti-colonialists, but the Japanese military had the real power.

At first, the countries of Southeast Asia thought that removing colonial rule from American and European powers might benefit them and believed the Japanese rhetoric of being a large Asian power together. Japanese military were largely in control of local governments though and the Japanese felt the locals were inferior. They made them bow towards Tokyo and recognize the emperor as being divine. Many people were killed or forced into labor.

AGAIN: This is just scratching the surface. Please research further.

Chinese being buried alive by the Japanese.

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Chapter 26

World War II

Section 4

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• Section 4 Home Front and Aftermath of War World War II reached almost every area of the world, and mobilization for war brought widespread suffering and even starvation. The war caused about 20 million civilian deaths.

• The Soviet Union won the war by using its income for war materials; there were food and housing shortages.

• The United States, which did not fight the war on its own territory, sent its forces to fight and produced much of the military equipment for the Allies.

• Segregation in the U.S. military later led African-Americans to demand civil rights. • Racism and suspicion led to the wartime internment of more than 100,000 Japanese-Americans. • Nazi Germany did not cut customer goods or raise military production until after the first two years

of the war. Total mobilization of the economy did not come until July 1944, which was too late to save Germany from defeat.

• Wartime Japan was a highly mobilized society. Calls for sacrifice led some Japanese pilots, known as kamikazes, to serve in suicide missions against U.S. ships.

• The bombing of cities by the Allied and Axis powers destroyed buildings and cost hundreds of thousands of lives including civilians.

• U.S. President Harry Truman, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, the Big Three, met at Yalta to plan the post-war world.

• After the war, ideological conflict between the West and the Soviet Union resulted in the Cold War.

Chapter 26: Section 4, Home Front & Aftermath of War

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Chapter 26: Section 4, Home Front & Aftermath of WarMobilization of People

USSR USA Germany Japan900-day siege caused people to eat dogs. 1.5 mil. died. Entire factories were dismantled and moved to keep making weapons and to keep factories out of the hands of Nazis. 60% of Soviet women worked in factories, digging anti-tank trenches & air wardens. The Soviets even used women as snipers.

The war was not fought directly on its territory. It made 6 ships per day and 96,000 planes per year. We call these people, “the Greatest Generation” because they fought not for fame and recognition, but because it was the right thing to do. Movements of people around the country to follow work and then their families following them caused a shift in where the populations lived prior to the war. Boomtowns were created. 1 million African-Americans moved out of the south. This actually caused race riots in places like Detroit.

***Internment Camps***Americans were so afraid of the Japanese that they placed 110,000 in camps. 65% of these people were born in the US. pictures on next slide)

June 1944, schools, theaters & cafes were closed. Women were not called into the work force in Germany as they were in other fighting countries. Women were looked at differently. There was also resistance within Germany itself. The White Rose, a student youth movement which called for active opposition to Hitler’s regime, have gone down in history as a result of their leaflet campaign between June 1942 and February 1943. Similarly, Dietrich Bonheoffer's Confessing Church represented a significant form of Christian opposition to the Nazi government.The Nazis pursued resistance leaders relentlessly. If captured they would face certain death, with executions widely publicized to cow the local population into submission.

The Japanese culture, as an island culture, was called upon to make great sacrifices. Toward the end, young men were called up to be suicide bombers, or kamikaze (divine wind) Women did not take on additional roles in the work force. Instead, the Japanese used Chinese and Koreans laborers.

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In what ways were these camps the SAME

as the German concentration camps? In what ways were they


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Chapter 26: Section 4, Home Front & Aftermath of WarFrontline Civilians: The Bombing of Cities

Great Britain:Sept. 1940 Germans began to bomb London. These were civilian targets. ‘The Blitz’ (German air raids) caused severe damage. Winston Churchill decided to bomb Germany in return.

Germany: Great Britain decided to bomb cities in retaliation. The first was May 1942. Bombings caused food, clothing and fuel shortages, transportation and housing issues. Incendiary bombs spread fire and were greatly feared, but the Germanskept on fighting. Dresden, Germany may have lost 100,000 in February 13-15, 1945. Many people burned due to the bombings from Great Britain

Japan: Cities were being bombed prior to the dropping of the A-bomb. B-29 “superfortress” airplanes were attacking cities that were built with flimsy materials. Finally, atomic weapons were used

Atomic weapon deaths: 60% immediately die from flash burns 30% falling debris & 10% from other causes. Months later, 15-20% die from radiation sickness, 20-30% die from burns & 50-60% from injuries & illness. The soldiers had named the bombs, “Little Boy” and “Fat Man”. The bombs were dropped by an airplane called the Enola Gay.

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Chapter 26: Section 4, Home Front & Aftermath of War

Tehran Conference: Nov. 1943. The Big Three met to decide the tactics of the war and agreed to invade France and meet in a defeated Germany.

The Yalta Conference: Feb. 1945. Roosevelt needed USSR to help defeat Japan (A-bomb was not created yet) so he agreed to the USSR taking possession of Sakhalin & Kuril islands near Manchuria. The United Nations was created and had its first meeting in San Francisco in April 1945. It is now located in New York, NY. The US also wanted free elections in Europe, Stalin did not.

Germany after the war would be divided into 4 sections governed by US, Great Britain, USSR and France. By March of 1946 Winston Churchill had declared an “Iron Curtain” had descended across the continent dividing Europe into Communists & non-communist countries.

See where the Iron Curtain would be?

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