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Presented by: Entrepreneur Finesse

Your Knowledge, Our Passion

Author: Jeffrey Ito

2016 Jeffrey Ito

All Rights Reserved.


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Table Of Contents What You Are About To Learn

About The Author

● Create Your Personal Financial Strategy ● Be On The Right Side Of The Cashflow Quadrant ● The Power Of Scale & Time ● The Law Of Focus & Energy ● Multiple Mental Models

World Impact Blueprint

● Maslow's Hierarchy Of Human Needs ● Knowing The Cognitive Biases ● The 6 Types Of Renewable Energy ● Next Generation Technology & Trends ● Read Biographies

Conclusion Resources


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What You Are About To Learn Every successful entrepreneur needs a set of tools to help them navigate the waters of success. In particular having the right mental models and systems in place is an essential conduit for strategizing your ideas effectively and efficiently. Whether you own a lemonade stand or are building the next Uber, if you want to be able to get your idea across persuasively you will need to understand the human condition. In addition, being smart with money is prime for having options and opportunities. Entrepreneurship doesn’t need to be confusing and there is a solution. Having a quick and easy blueprint to guide you along the way is the best way to improve your chances of entrepreneurial success. I hope this World Impact Blueprint helps to guide you with fundamentals in your quest. My ultimate goal in creating this Blueprint is to inspire modern day entrepreneurs and millennials to not only achieve their personal goals, but also create lasting sustainable change in the world. Entrepreneur Finesse is dedicated to becoming a key resource for entrepreneurs all over the world. I am proud of you for beginning this journey and taking a step towards accomplishing your own goals. If you believe there is anything I may have overlooked or if you just want to meet other entrepreneurs then feel free to share your thoughts in the Entrepreneur Lifestyle facebook group.


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About The Author

Jeffrey Ito is an entrepreneur, investor and producer based in Los Angeles, California who studied B.S. Industrial & Systems Engineering at USC. A serial entrepreneur who loves new technologies and reading books, Jeff is constantly learning about new trends and believes entrepreneurship has the potential to impact people on a global scale for the greater good. Jeff's ultimate goal is to create optimized technology systems that benefit humanity. Connect with me on LinkedIn. Follow me on Twitter. P.S. Snap the image above to follow me on Snapchat.


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World Impact Blueprint How do you impact a billion people with your idea? Well, first you need to understand a billion people and their needs. Now that you have control of your own finances and mindset, it is now important to figure out Why and How you can affect the world with your idea.


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Create Your Personal Financial Strategy This may be the most boring section of the book, but it also may be the most important. Financial planning is a topic the majority of people think they are competent in, but really aren’t. The truth is hardly anyone takes the time to improve their financial knowledge. In America, credit flows like water, and it’s easy to get trapped by the “too good to be true” credit card offers. In the long run, having the right mindset and habits month after month will really help you save and earn more money. The average American is $15,800 in credit card debt, which is insane when you compare the average 15% interest paid to the measly 1% interest earned (if you’re lucky) with a savings account today. There is a reason Albert Einstein says, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.” Now, I’m sure this all seems quite obvious - earn more interest than you pay, but only seasoned investors actually follow this mantra. Just remember that when managing your income each month, the most effective and efficient thing you can do for your finances (and peace of mind) is a bit of strategic planning in how you distribute your hard earned green. Follow these steps in order every single month and you will be better off than most people.

1. Pay Off Debt, particularly your nagging credit cards and student loans. By simply reducing or eliminating the monthly payments you have to make towards these debts you will have more extra money each month. Challenge yourself to slowly pay off entire credit cards one by one.

2. Grow A Savings Account, handy for rainy day situations and to save up for things you

really want, i.e. home, travel, gifts, etc. Rather than opening a savings account with your big bank, consider opening an online savings account where you can earn 1% interest or more on your money.

3. Invest In Tax Advantaged Investments, there are many ways one can invest through

index funds, real estate, bonds, stocks, CD’s, gold, forex, raw materials, virtual currencies, etc. I suggest you research the investment vehicle that is most congruent with your risk tolerance & knowledge and then begin investing. It would be smart to diversify your investments as well through a well balanced portfolio.

Note: As an Entrepreneur your Investment bucket includes your business.


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Be On The Right Side Of The Cashflow Quadrant With the leftover money from proper personal financial planning, make sure that it is going back into building the B and I quadrants (Business Owner and Investor) rather than needless expenses. The secret is that rich people spend their money on assets, while poor people spend their money on liabilities (check out Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki for an in-depth explanation). During the summertime when I was still in college at USC I had the privilege of enjoying three awesome internships. Although I learned valuable lessons, I was basically doing the work no one else wanted to do. I always knew that my time was better off spent creating my own systems and value to make a living as an entrepreneur and investor. That’s just the smart way to go. Being on the left side of the quadrant requires a heavy investment of your time, energy and focus, which is only scalable in increments through self-improvement. Owning a business is perfect for freedom seekers because it provides a dependable stream of income, especially if systems are in place and the business model is scalable. Learning how to invest is critical for understanding how the laws of nature work long term universally. Make sure to find a passion as an investor or entrepreneur of some kind if you want to enjoy flexibility in life. By creating scalable business systems that work for you and having money work for you through investments, you will be well on your way to creating freedom.


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The Power Of Scale & Time Anything you do must be scalable. If you start a restaurant today there is a limit to how many customers you can serve at one time due to the number of seats inside. In effect, this limits the maximum potential revenue a restaurant owner can earn per day (Note: with food delivery apps such as Postmates, DoorDash and automated driverless vehicles, restaurants will probably see more scalability in the future). Any once great business in history was disrupted because it failed to change and adapt to future trends. Especially with technology, there will always be a faster process for getting things done. Law of Effection – The more you affect people’s lives, the richer you will become. It’s all about scale and magnitude. An effective money system is one in which you can separate your time from the task being completed. Money trees are a great way to build wealth. A money tree is a business system that lives and grows on its own. Examples: Rentals - You can rent out real estate, permission to use your patents, access your membership website, etc. Your investment is the effort and cost to acquire or produce the product being rented, and then you can collect payments without doing a lot of extra work. Software - With software you get the implicit leverage of your application being available all over the world - 24/7. Things that are too niche to work on a local level can be a big success with a global audience. Software can include computer programs, games, apps and software as a service tools, among others. Content - When you write a book, compose music, produce a film, etc. you can make a lot of money selling your content both physically and digitally. Again, the time investment is paid upfront and then you can profit from the same product for a long time. In doing this, it is possible to also build a personal brand. Distribution Systems - If you create a system that others use to make money, you can make a lot of money. This includes storefronts that wholesalers can use such as Costco, Wal-Mart, Amazon, Apple’s App Store, Etsy, franchise creators, etc. This could even just be an e-commerce website made through Shopify or Wordpress. Your product must have the potential to reach a critical mass of people. The best money tree is actually money itself. When you have money, you can move from borrower to lender, from customer to owner, etc. Money allows you to become the investor, which means you can put the money into assets, Venture Capital or anything that you want. 9

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The Law Of Focus & Energy You may have heard of Pareto’s Principle which is also known as The 80/20 Principle. Basically, the principle states that, “for many phenomena, 20% of invested input is responsible for 80% of the results obtained.” This idea has been expanded upon into many directions and by numerous authors. The concept is also mentioned in great detail in The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss. Another related subject is the book, The One Thing by Gary Keller, which promotes the idea, “What’s the ONE Thing you can do such that by doing it everything else would be easier or unnecessary?” Basically, at any given time based on your specific situation, circumstances and goals there is really only one essential task that will add tremendous value, whereas the majority of other activities are just noise. At the root of it all, the real reason we get things done is through focus on the right thing and expending energy towards completing that task. Creating systems and organizations that can repeat that task more efficiently will really bring you further growth. It’s a little bit like physics. One spends energy, both mental and physical to complete a task. You can be expending a lot of [energy], speed (s), but if it is not moving in the right direction [focus], velocity (v), your effort can entirely be wasted. Focus and energy are key to the true art of time management and creating value. Sit down and figure out what task is going to bring the greatest results. Then go out and actually complete the task. Next thing you know it will almost be done.


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Multiple Mental Models You must know all of the big ideas in the big disciplines and use them routinely. Most people are trained to solve all problems in one way. This can be a problem for some as Abraham Maslow so eloquently states, "I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail." The idea of developing multiple mental models comes from the famed billionaire investor Charlie Munger who popularized the idea in his book, “Poor Charlie’s Almanack”. Mental models are important because far too often people will come to a conclusion which may not be the ideal solution simply due to their one sided approach to solving the problem. For example, a poetry major will most likely have little knowledge of science and mathematics, so when it comes to deciphering and solving challenges that have to do with math, probability or reason, the poet will likely depend on his or her mental models obtained from poetry reading and speech to solve the problem. Picture this: Every book you read, every new idea that is shared to you is a dot in your system of understanding the world. The more books one reads, the more dots that are present. Each mental model connects those dots together, similar to how a coloring book will illuminate the precise image. Every mental model achieved will allow you to see and enjoy the broader picture. Starting a taco food truck may require knowledge of delicious food, vehicles, delivery routes and the community of customers. Although this wouldn’t be too difficult of a task, it still requires a basic mental model of basic restaurant and food truck practices. Steve Ells, founder of Chipotle, took on a deeper understanding of organic ingredients, grass-fed cows, happier employees, real estate and an ingenious fast-restaurant business model. The Chipotle model of serving food can have only been created through a thorough understanding of multiple mental models which culminate into the brand we enjoy today. While it may seem futile to study vast subjects such as mathematics, biology, anatomy, physics, cosmology, psychology, economics, athletics, art, philosophy, history and the like, the fact is that we all live in the same universe which abides by the same laws of physics and mathematics. Knowledge, ideas and reason are all supported by living creatures we call humans.


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Maslow's Hierarchy Of Human Needs

Remember that you are selling to humans who have a very distinct set of needs in their daily lives. Depending on where you live in the world these needs may look very different from others. If you live in a 1st world country the needs of the people may center more around self-actualization. In 3rd world countries, people are more likely to have more physiological or safety needs as a result of the environment that they live in. Oftentimes, food and security will be difficult to come by and the last thing on people’s minds are self-actualization. This may explain why we have such an imbalance of entrepreneurship and value creation around the world. Some countries are thriving and self-actualizing while others are simply scraping just to survive. Understand that industries such as real estate, health, food, relationships, insurance and sex are evergreen businesses and will always be in demand because they deal directly with the fundamental human needs on the lower half of the pyramid. Anything belonging to the very top of the pyramid is a self-actualized need and won’t necessarily always be a thriving business as trends change.


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Knowing The Cognitive Biases Every entrepreneur should know the cognitive biases very well. Whether you are interested in psychology or not, knowing how and why humans react the way they do is key to both creating a good product and conducting amazing marketing campaigns. In his talk, The Psychology Of Human Misjudgement, Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's investing co-partner of Berkshire Hathaway fame, describes the cognitive biases which all humans are influenced by. We have uploaded his full speech on YouTube. You can check it out here. Here is a transcript of the speech. You can also find a detailed explanation inside his book, The Poor Charlie’s Almanack. Remember: Being aware is half the battle. Example: A male surrounded by women in a bar may be perceived as more attractive than one who is alone, regardless of personality or social standing. Social-Proof Tendency is an automatic tendency to think and act as others around think and act.

Lastly, here’s a quick and easy resource: We highly recommend memorizing these cognitive biases so you react instinctively when

situations arise (and they will). Flash cards and a pen are a great way to memorize quickly.


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The 6 Types Of Renewable Energy Type Process Energy Source

Geothermal Energy from heat in Earths crust Earth Pressure

Wind Turbine converts air movement into electric energy Atmospheric Pressure

Solar Convert sunlight into electricity through solar panels/ solar cells Sun

Tidal Movement of sea water similar to hydroelectric dam Earth + Moon

Wave Movement of waves through turbine Ocean Waves

Biomass Fuel from organic matter from plant, manure or wood is heated Organic Materials

The definition of energy is, “a property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms.” If energy is always transferred equally from one process to another then wouldn’t it make more sense to use sustainable energy in our processes? There will come a day when we as a world will run out of fossil fuels and natural gas. At this juncture, we will need to depend on other sources of energy to sustain ourselves. Not only is renewable energy cleaner and safer to our environment, but it has a good chance to replace most, if not all of our current natural gas usage in the near future. A world like this is already closer than we think. The development of a smart grid will help to structure the utility of the future for energy production and delivery. Premium electric vehicles are already here thanks to Tesla and Elon Musk. An increasing number of people are installing solar panels onto their roofs. The emergence of green buildings within our cities and ecosystems are dramatically reducing the effect of dirty energy waste in our cities. Likewise we are already creatively reusing biofuels from municipal, agricultural and industrial waste. Water filtration systems are entering into a new era of water renewal. These processes in effect create a win-win around the world, producing clean energy and sustainable offerings while reducing emissions and solid waste. The technology of the futuristic world we are looking for is already here, but the real challenge is implementing it into the real world. Energy is at the root of everything that we do. Just about every building, factory and person needs energy to function. Become a master of any one of these types of renewable energy sources and you will hold great power over the health of civilization.


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Next Generation Technology & Trends Below is a list of trends which are soon to be impacting our world. Remember, you want to move to where the trends are going to be, not where they are currently succeeding as Wayne Gretzky simply puts: “A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.”

● Social ● Mobile ● Apps ● Selfies ● Self Measurement ● Non-GMO ● Organic ● Healthier Ingredients ● “Fast Casual” Restaurants ● Personal Fitness ● Sharing Economy ● Same Day Delivery ● Home Delivery ● Free ● Video ● Cheap equipment ● Live Streaming ● Outsourcing ● Middleman ● Globalization ● Biotech ● Breakdancing ● Photos ● Privacy ● 3D Printing ● Virtual Currency ● Online Learning ● Virtual Reality ● Subscription Boxes ● Health ● Education ● E-Commerce ● Internet Of Things


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● Mass Customization ● Automated Factories ● Self-Driving Driverless Vehicles ● Mobile Advertising ● Gig Economy ● Rising Value Of Art ● Brick And Mortar Showrooming ● Fast Fashion

Feel free to combine trends and include your own flavor to truly create a game changing product for the masses. Use the principle of developing multiple mental models to create your own framework. To stay on top of trends I recommend two things: Google Trends and the Zeitguide.


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Read Biographies The best way to understand the most successful people in history and also the most influential billionaires is to simply just read their autobiographies. The next best option is to read their biography written by someone who had a first hand account of their life. By following their stories it is possible to simulate how these uber successful people completed their missions. Feel free to implement them into your own business strategy. Here are few good ones to start:

● Sam Walton: Made In America by Sam Walton ● The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos And The Age Of Amazon by Brad Stone ● Grinding It Out: The Making Of McDonalds by Ray Kroc ● Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story by Arnold Schwarzenegger ● Michael Jordan: The Life by Roland Lazenby ● Shoe Dog: A Memoir By The Creator Of Nike by Phil Knight ● Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance ● Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time by Howard

Schultz and Dori Jones Yang ● Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson ● How to Win at the Sport of Business: If I Can Do It, You Can Do It by Mark Cuban ● Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose by Tony Hsieh ● Idea Man: A Memoir by the Cofounder of Microsoft by Paul Allen ● Titan: The Life Of John D. Rockefeller, Sr by Ron Chernow ● Jack: Straight from the Gut by Jack Welch ● Losing My Virginity: How I Survived, Had Fun, and Made a Fortune Doing Business My

Way by Richard Branson ● Call Me Ted by Ted Turner ● The First Billion Is the Hardest: Reflections on a Life of Comebacks and America's

Energy Future by T. Boone Pickens ● Direct from Dell: Strategies that Revolutionized an Industry by Michael Dell ● Bloomberg by Bloomberg by Michael R. Bloomberg ● Wild Company: The Untold Story of Banana Republic by Mel Ziegler ● The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie and the Gospel of Wealth by Andrew Carnegie ● iWoz: Computer Geek to Cult Icon: How I Invented the Personal Computer, Co-Founded

Apple, and Had Fun Doing It by Steve Wozniak and Gina Smith ● The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Benjamin Franklin ● Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg ● The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life by Alice Schroeder ● Ralph Lauren by Ralph Lauren


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Thanks for reading.. I hope the World Impact Blueprint inspired you to take action. Please like our page on Facebook if you found this information useful. Far too often people are motivated by the pure thought of money. Money should not be the motivation but rather the means to freedom to develop your vision. Create a legacy for yourself by impacting the world positively. Have an awesome day, entrepreneur. Sincerely, Your Friend Jeffrey Ito P.S. Follow Entrepreneur Finesse on Instagram for great quotes, meme’s and inspiration.


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Resources Mentioned in the book:

● Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki

● The Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss

● The One Thing by Gary Keller

● Poor Charlie's Almanack: The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger, Expanded Third

Edition edited by Peter D. Kaufman


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