
The Illuminatti and the plan to establish one World Religion under “Lucifer”.

There are some things… That Go Together:

And Some That Don’t…


But, It was Never About Tolerance, Anyway:


Or Ideology

Man is God’s Creation:




Satan Hates God: And Wants to Destroy His Creations.

Jesus Christ IS God!

And Died to Save His Creation!

Sometimes It’s not Easy…

To Tell The Good Guys From the Bad.

You Have to Look Beneath The Surface…

For Example:

Is This Christianity? PRAYER OF ST. ANSELM

And Thou, Jesus, sweet Lord,Art Thou not also a mother?Truly, THOU ART A MOTHER,And Thou, Jesus, sweet Lord,Art Thou not also a MOTHER?THE MOTHER OF ALL MOTHERS ...

No Longer Strangers was a joint project of the Lutheran World Federation, World Council of Churches, World Student Christian Federation, and the World Young Women's

Christian Association (YWCA).

Or This? “This WCC publication is supposed to

be a guideline for worship. Consider some names we are supposed to call God during worship times--The Source, Lady of peace, Lady of wisdom, Lady of love, Lady of birth, Lord of stars, Lord of planets, Mother, Home, Bakerwoman, Presence, Power, Essence, Simplicity.”

I’ll Bet you don’t remember this from Sunday School. "The creation of the world began in Dreaming. Before the

Dreaming, there was a pre-existent formless substance, in which spirit beings lived. In some of the stories of the creation event, the Rainbow Serpent emerged from her long sleep underground when she realized her time to give birth had come. She set free in the spirit beings to create hills and valleys, light and shade, water and trees, and flowers, and all living things. ... The serpent also set free the spirit beings to create the animals and the human beings in a particular relationship with each other, forever related through story, song, and ceremony." <Wanderer (March 14, 1991).

Now They’ll Tell You its about “Tolerance”.


But, Read Their Constitution.. III. Purposes and functions The World Council of Churches is constituted by the churches to

serve the one ecumenical movement. It incorporates the work of the world movements for Faith and Order and Life and Work, the International Missionary Council, and the World Council of Christian Education.

The primary purpose of the fellowship of churches in the World Council of Churches is to call one another to visible unity in one faith and in one eucharistic fellowship, expressed in worship and common life in Christ, through witness and service to the world, and to advance towards that unity in order that the world may believe.

In seeking koinonia in faith and life, witness and service, the

churches through the Council will:

Ecumenical Movement:a movement aimed to promote

understanding and cooperation among Christian churches; aimed ultimately at universal Christian unity

What would One World Government Be?


Without One World Religion?


So, It’s Not About Christianity At All, Is It. “For over 50 years, the WCC, through the

Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA), has maintained a constant and active presence at the United Nations. In the early years there were offices in New York (UN Headquarters), London, Geneva (UNHCR and ILO), Paris (UNESCO), and close liaison with Rome (FAO). Today only the Geneva and New York UN Headquarters Liaison Offices remain, though consultative relations have further been established with virtually the whole family of UN-related agencies (UNEP, UNDP, UNCTAD, WHO, etc.” (UCC Web Site)

More From UCC Website monitors UN processes and informs appropriate WCC staff advises and assists in the formulation of WCC policies on

international affairs and how they are to be represented at the UN shares with the churches information and analysis on critical

political issues, viewed in part through UN work and debates arranges for and promotes research on selected problems of

international justice, world order and peace, and uses the results to further ecumenical priorities in the UN.

makes representations to governments in accordance with WCC policies

develops relationships with non-governmental organizations and provides contacts with the UN and related regional bodies

represents the WCC or provides for its representation before these international bodies

represents, facilitates and helps coordinate the representation of member churches, related international Christian organizations and non-member churches before such international bodies.

Which Explains Why. “In addition, International Affairs, Peace & Human Security staff,

through its UN offices, coordinate the UN-related work of many other WCC teams (Justice, Peace and Creation, Education and Ecumenical Formation, Mission and Evangelism, Regional Relations) to facilitate their work in a wide variety of areas, and to ensure coherence in the WCC's representations to UN bodies. As it does so, it seeks to demonstrate the ecumenical movement's long-standing commitment to the UN and the ideals embodied in the UN Charter and to give voice to the ethical, moral and

spiritual values which must undergird international relations.”

(UCC Website)

“During the conference, a group of roughly 100 "lesbian, bi-sexual, and transsexual women" gathered on the platform and were given a standing ovation by many in the crowd. They were "celebrating the miracle of being lesbian, out, and Christian."

"The lesbian theme was heard repeatedly from major speakers. In a workshop called `Prophetic Voices of Lesbians in the Church,' Nadean Bishop, the first `out' lesbian minister called to an American Baptist church, claimed that Mary and Martha in the Bible were lesbian `fore- sisters.' She said they were not sisters, but lesbian lovers. Janie Spahr, a self-avowed lesbian clergywoman in the Presbyterian Church USA ... claimed that her theology is first of all informed by `making love with Coni,' her lesbian partner. Judy Westerdorf, a United Methodist clergywoman from Minnesota, told the workshop that the church `has always been blessed by gays and lesbians ... witches ... shamans.' In a seminar on `Re- Imagining Sexuality-Family,' lesbian theologian Mary Hunt said,”

Is This in the Bible? `Imagine sex among friends as the norm. ...

Imagine valuing sexual interaction in terms of whether and how it fosters friendship and pleasure. ... Pleasure is our birthright of which we have been robbed in religious patriarchy" (AFA Journal, Feb. 1994).

So Much for Separation of “Church and State” "The participation of the Church in the creation of a new

society is not a secondary or derivative dimension of its existence. It begins at the very centre in the celebration of the sacraments as an anticipation of what the world is to become . . . ." Dr. Philip Potter, WCC General Secretary, quoted from a 1969 WCC Central Committee directive as follows: "We call upon the churches to move beyond charity, grants and traditional programming to relevant and sacrificial action leading to new relationships of dignity and justice among all men and to become THE AGENTS FOR THE RADICAL RECONSTRUCTION OF SOCIETY."

One Socialism? Another WCC document stated: "in

the developed countries it means changes in the production structure and employment policies which will ONLY BE POSSIBLE THROUGH A CERTAIN 'SOCIALIZATION' of decisions that have so far been taken autonomously on the basis of interests of the private sector."

Kind-of like a “Church-State” Sort of thing. There were repeated favorable references to all sorts of UN

programs in the Central Committee Documents at Jamaica - The New International Economic Order, the New International Information Order, the World Health Organization, the World Court, UNESCO, etc, It was reported that "an intervention was made on behalf of the WCC in the Security Council debate on South Africa in March 1977." It was stated that they were seeking "to sensitize churches, inviting them to lobby with their governments . . . as well as to mark the 30th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights." The WCC issued a special document promoting the UN sponsored International Year of the Child, totally ignoring the fact that even though this appeal is made with the image of starving children in mind, the real thrust of this program is toward socialization of the child and the family.

Which is Why We Wonder…

Who the Heck Decieved the Conservative and anti-globalist/pro-Constitututionalist LDS Church into becoming a Full Fledged Member?

Tough to Believe..But Here is the Link…

You Will See That The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is now a “Full-Fledged” Voting Member of the World Council of Churches. (As Opposed to Associate Members, which have an * next to their name)

David O. McKay-Prophet “The two most important documents

affecting the destiny of America are the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. Both these immortal papers relate primarily to the freedom of the individual.” ("Favorable and Unfavorable Phases of Present-day Conditions" 407; also in Gospel Ideals 309)

“I am but repeating what we all know and feel when I say that our country's greatest asset is its manhood. Upon that depends not only the survival of the individual freedom vouchsafed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and all other ideals for which the founders of the Republic fought and died, but the survival of the best that we cherish in present-day civilization throughout the world. . . .”

Again, Speaking as The Leader of the LDS Church..

“I think we owe at least the consideration to be loyal to this country and to spurn with all the soul that is within us the scheming disloyal citizens who would undermine our Constitution, or who would deprive the individual of his liberty vouchsafed by that great document, and some of our men who have come up through the public schools are doing just that. Let every loyal member of the Church look down with scorn upon any man or woman who would undermine that Constitution.” ("Safeguard in Loyalty" 3)

And Mormons Hate Communism “The Church does not interfere, and has no intention of trying

to interfere, with the fullest and freest exercise of the political franchise of its members, under and within our Constitution.

But Communism is not a political party nor a political plan under the Constitution; it is a system of government that is the opposite of our Constitutional government, and it would be necessary to destroy our government before Communism could be set up in the United States. . . .

. . .[Communism] even reaches its hand into the sanctity of the family circle itself, disrupting the normal relationship of parent and child, all in a manner unknown and unsanctioned under the Constitutional guarantees under which we in America live.” (Pathways to Happiness 46)

So Where Does Your Loyalty Really Lie?


Or Your Faith?


Your Choice Will Cause Great Happiness…



Or Great Sorrow…


You Just Can’t Please Everyone…


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