Page 1: World Council of Churches - · Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves,

World Councilof Churches

Financial Report2017

Page 2: World Council of Churches - · Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves,

World Council of Churches150 Route de FerneyP.O. Box 21001211 Geneva 2Switzerland

Page 3: World Council of Churches - · Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves,


page Report to the Member Churches on the 2017 Financial Report 5 Report of the Statutory Auditor to the Executive Committee 8 and to the Member Churches Schedule I: Consolidated Balance Sheet 10 Schedule II: Consolidated Income & Expenditure Account 11 Schedule III: Consolidated Statement of Movements in Funds & Reserves 12 Schedule IV: Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 14 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 15 Schedule V: Restricted Funds 33 Schedule VI (a) and (b): Restricted Funds Programmes 34 Schedule VII: Unrestricted and Designated Funds 36 Schedule VIII: Unrestricted Operating Funds 37

Annual Summary of Contributions 38 Non-financial Contributions 47 Note on Membership Contributions 50

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Page 5: World Council of Churches - · Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves,

Financial Report 2017 5


We present with pleasure the financial report of the World Council of Churches for 2017, at the mid-point of the cycle of work from 2014-2021. The year 2017 completes the first of two four-year planning periods, shaped by the WCC Strategic Plan 2014-2017, and the accompanying financial strategy. The 10th Assembly, Busan 2013, called the churches and ecumenical partners to join in a “pilgrimage of justice and peace.” In 2017, the regional focus of WCC’s work turned to Africa, while, under the banner of the pilgrimage, there was a recommitment to ecumenical diakonia. The general secretary reaffirmed that “as churches and as a fellowship, we are here to serve.”

Financial results 2017In 2017, the World Council of Churches reported total income of CHF 25.4 million, total expenditure of CHF 26.2 million and a resultant net decrease in funds and reserves of CHF 0.8 million, slightly less favourable than the budgeted decrease in funds and reserves of CHF 0.4 million. In 2017, total income exceeded total income in the prior year by CHF 0.4 million.

Contributions income, gratefully received, totaled CHF 17.4 million, being CHF 1 million below budget. The substantial reason for the variance from budget was timing differences, with certain special project income, or other contributions, being contracted instead for 2018, together with related expenditures. Other income totaled CHF 8.1 million and was CHF 0.6 million higher than budgeted, principally in relation to net financial income and expense.

Net increase in funds compared to budget 2017Executive committee approved a budget for 2017 with a reduction in funds and reserves of CHF 0.4 million. The table below compares the actual and budgeted movements in fund categories before transfers of funds to/(from) general reserves and other funds.

Budget 2017 Actual 2017 Variance fav/(unfav)CHF 000 CHF 000 CHF 000

Restricted fundsProgramme funds (44) (460) (416)Restricted endowment funds 58 333 275Increase/(decrease) in restricted funds 14 (127) (141)

Unrestricted and designated fundsDesignated fund for fixed assets (47) (247) (200)Designated fund for the building project (382) (352) 30Unrestricted Funds: Bossey guest house 16 (47) (63)Unrestricted Funds: other 15 17 2Decrease in unrestricted & designated funds

(398) (629) (231)

Total net decrease in funds (384) (756) (372)

Programme fundsBalances held by the programmatic area Unity, Mission and Ecumenical Relations closed in 2017 at a level CHF 0.6 million below budget, principally because contributions for the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism 2018 were CHF 0.4 million lower than expected and preparatory expenditures were CHF 0.2 million higher than budget. All other programme fund balances closed in 2017 at a level CHF 0.2 million net above budget.

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Financial Report 20176

Unrestricted fundsUnrestricted funds closed CHF 0.2 million lower than budgeted, principally because an additional depreciation charge was recognised concerning the Ecumenical Centre archives building, which is planned for demolition in 2019 in the context of the Green Village real estate development project.

General reservesGeneral reserves reflect assets available to the Council, after meeting obligations and liabilities, and without recourse to land and buildings. In 2017, the general reserves closed at CHF 7.1 million, being CHF 0.9 million above the target set by central committee in 2014.

The general reserves have increased by almost CHF 1 million during the planning period 2014-2017. A net surplus of CHF 0.2 million in unrestricted funds was credited during 2014-2017 to the general reserves, and no programme deficits were charged. The Council maintained its financial strategy of reinvestment in buildings and equipment at very modest levels only during the four-year term, with a favourable impact on general reserves.

The general reserves are covered by cash and Swiss franc bond funds, invested in accordance with the WCC Investment Policy.

Bossey guest house and conference centreIn 2017, the Bossey guest house reported a net deficit of CHF 47,000, close to the break-even budget set (2016: net deficit CHF 121,000). With adjustment for the depreciation charge covered, the result represented a positive cash flow for the Council of CHF 454,000, which funded CHF 312,000 of loan reimbursements and contributed CHF 142,000 towards capital expenditure. Capital expenditure for the facilities at Bossey totaled CHF 250,000 in 2017.

Membership income In 2017, membership contributions totaled CHF 3.84 million (2016: CHF 3.86 million).

Of the 348 churches registered as members, 180 (52%) paid a membership contribution in 2017, the lowest number for the period 2014-2017. Two-thirds of member churches, 233, paid a membership contribution in either or both of the years 2016 and 2017.

In 2014, the WCC central committee set a goal of increasing membership contributions by 2% to 5% per year with reference to the 2012 contribution levels. Many member churches have increased their membership contribution in local currency during the period 2014-2017. In 2017, 121 member churches contributed more in local currency than in 2016.

The efforts of member churches to increase contributions in local currency are not reflected in results stated in Swiss francs, particularly because of the strengthening of the Swiss franc, following a change in Swiss National Bank policies in 2015. If the exchange rates of 2014 were applied to the local currency contributions in 2017, total membership contributions would be CHF 237,000 higher, at CHF 4.08 million. The WCC financial strategy 2014-2017 set the target for membership contributions in 2017 at CHF 4.2 million (2012: CHF 4.3 million).

The Annual Summary of Contributions, included in this report, provides a comprehensive list of all membership contributions.

Capital expenditure Total capital expenditure 2017 was CHF 340,000 (budget: CHF 518,000). The balcony at Petit Bossey was renovated, and some windows were renewed in the Château de Bossey, improving insulation. At the Ecumenical Centre, car park barriers were installed.

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Financial Report 2017 7

Deficit fund to be covered from the development projectThe Council’s balance sheet includes a deficit fund of CHF 23.8 million, to be covered from the real estate development project. The deficit fund was recorded following the funding of an extraordinary contribution of CHF 24 million to the WCC Retirement Fund in 2011. The WCC Retirement Fund was refinanced to the level required by regulatory authorities. Assets and obligations were then transferred to an independent collective pension fund, and the WCC Retirement Fund was liquidated.

Green VillageIn November 2017, the Area Development Plan (ADP) for the Green Village real estate development project was adopted by the Canton of Geneva, and the main building of the Ecumenical Centre was classified, together with the Brugger garden.

Set in gardens, with walkways and cycle paths, Green Village includes six new buildings, with offices, an apartment building and a hotel-residence, grouped around the Ecumenical Centre main building, which is to be renovated. Principles of sustainability and ecology will be hallmarks of the project. The Council aims to meet three objectives in realizing the project: namely, to reimburse a loan of CHF 24 million (see above); to renovate the Ecumenical Centre to the required standards and to meet future needs; and to generate rental income to cover operating costs.

Executive committee took decisions in 2017 determining the first steps in the sales strategy. Work moved forward with the architects to prepare detailed plans for the first two buildings and underground car park. In early April 2018, the building permit requests have been filed, with the expectation of approval in March 2019. Following an investor competition, it is anticipated that construction works may commence in late 2019.

Prospects for the futureFrom 2015 to 2017, the Council’s work has benefited from three years of stability in programme income, at the level of about CHF 18 million. The budget for 2018 is similarly profiled. Following the recommendation of central committee in June 2016, the draft WCC financial strategy 2018-2021 adopts a steady income scenario for the current four-year planning period. This welcome stability is attained, and can be retained, only with the continued and growing involvement of member churches and ecumenical partners in the programmatic work, a factor central to the income development plan. New sources of income could most likely be identified for country-specific activities, with an inter-faith approach to peace-building and social cohesion, and work related to the Sustainable Development Goals.

The transition period for the real estate development project will present challenges, including demolition of wings, before Green Village takes shape. A new dimension to the project has emerged, following the affirmation by the general secretary and steering committee of the general direction for the renovation and redesign of the central building. The design was selected because of the potential to turn renovation costs in this listed and historical building to a much needed economic advantage. Plans propose increased light and life in the building, which would reclaim its identity as the Ecumenical Centre, accommodating working areas sufficient for all of the Council’s staff, as well as a redesigned conference centre.

AppreciationThe Council remains truly grateful for the constancy, generosity and partnership of the member churches, specialized ministries and others, expressed in their active engagement in its work and their support offered in so many ways. The Council gives thanks for this continued solidarity and commitment.

Elaine Dykes Mark JohnsonDirector of Finance Finance Manager

22 May 2018

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Report of the statutory auditor to the executive committee and to the member churches of the World Council of Churches, Geneva

As statutory auditor, we have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of the World Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves, cash flow statement and notes, for the year ended 31 December 2017.

Executive Committee’s ResponsibilityThe executive committee is responsible for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the requirements of Swiss law and the Council’s Constitution and Rules, and in accordance with the Council’s accounting policies. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining an internal control system relevant to the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The executive committee is further responsible for selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.

Auditor’s ResponsibilityOur responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss law, Swiss Auditing Standards and International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers the internal control system relevant to the entity’s preparation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control system. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

OpinionIn our opinion, the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 comply with Swiss law, as well as with the Council’s Constitution and Rules and the Council’s accounting policies.

We further came to the conclusion that the Annual Summary of Contributions is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the consolidated financial statements.

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Financial Report 2017 9


Report on other legal requirementsWe confirm that we meet the legal requirements on licensing according to the Auditor Oversight Act (AOA) and independence (article 728 CO) and that there are no circumstances incompatible with our independence.

In accordance with article article 728a paragraph 1 item 3 CO and Swiss Auditing Standard 890, we confirm that an internal control system exists which has been designed for the preparation of consolidated financial statements according to the instructions of the Executive Committee.

We recommend that the consolidated financial statements submitted to you be approved.

PricewaterhouseCoopers SA

Marc Secretan Coralie DumollardAudit expert Auditor in charge

Geneva, 26 April 2018

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Financial Report 201710

Schedule I Consolidated Balance SheetAs at 31 December 2017(Swiss Francs 000’s)

Schedule I Consolidated Balance SheetAs at 31 December 2017(Swiss Francs 000's)

Notes 2017 2016CURRENT ASSETS

Cash and cash equivalents 3 5'546 11'661 Contributions receivable 856 630 Other receivables 4 1'056 1'006 Prepaid expenses 986 318

8'444 13'615

NON-CURRENT ASSETSInvestments 5 16'974 11'404 Land, property and equipment 6 37'241 38'783

54'215 50'187

TOTAL ASSETS 62'659 63'802

CURRENT LIABILITIESAccounts payable 7 2'010 1'813 Deferred income 8 314 278 Interest bearing loans 9 16'777 26'777

19'101 28'868

NON-CURRENT LIABILITIESInterest bearing loans 10 29'663 20'202 Deferred income 8 2'771 2'858 Provisions 22 378 372

32'812 23'432

FUNDS & RESERVESRestricted fundsProgramme funds 11 4'271 4'181 Restricted fund for fixed assets 12 1'592 1'592 Restricted endowment funds 13 9'443 9'110

15'306 14'883 Unrestricted & designated fundsDesignated fundsDesignated programme funds 14 283 283 Designated fund for fixed assets 12 10'438 11'354 Designated fund for building project 15 1'345 1'697 Deficit fund to be covered from development project 16 (23'725) (23'748)

(11'659) (10'414) Unrestricted fundsGeneral reserves 17 7'099 7'033

7'099 7'033

Total Unrestricted & designated funds (4'560) (3'381)

TOTAL FUNDS & RESERVES 10'746 11'502


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Financial Report 2017 11

Financial Report 2017

Schedule II Consolidated Income & Expenditure AccountFor the year ended 31 December 2017(Swiss Francs 000's)

Unrestricted Unrestricted& Designated & Designated Restricted Restricted Total Total

Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds FundsNotes 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016

CONTRIBUTIONS INCOMEMembership & other unrestricted income 3'916 3'928 - - 3'916 3'928 Programme contributions - - 13'439 13'597 13'439 13'597

3'916 3'928 13'439 13'597 17'355 17'525

OTHER INCOMEFinancial income 18 314 112 698 494 1'012 606 Financial expense 18 (154) (194) (41) (89) (195) (283) Rental income and sales 19 6'753 6'642 67 72 6'820 6'714 Miscellaneous income 20 80 104 357 342 437 446

6'993 6'664 1'081 819 8'074 7'483

Distribution of unrestricted income (3'912) (3'891) 3'912 3'891 - -

TOTAL INCOME 6'997 6'701 18'432 18'307 25'429 25'008

COST OF OPERATIONSDirect programme costs: grants - - 419 409 419 409 Operating & other programme costs 3'780 3'722 6'871 7'104 10'651 10'826 Depreciation 1'726 1'505 156 159 1'882 1'664 Interest expense 18 667 709 57 60 724 769 Salaries 21 4'350 4'539 8'123 8'114 12'473 12'653

TOTAL COST OF OPERATIONS 10'523 10'475 15'626 15'846 26'149 26'321

Redistributed infrastructure costs 23 (2'258) (2'352) 2'258 2'352 - - Guest house internal (sales)/charges 24 (629) (565) 629 565 - -

TOTAL COSTS BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS 7'636 7'558 18'513 18'763 26'149 26'321

NET (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS (639) (857) (81) (456) (720) (1'313)

OPERATING TRANSFERSTransfers between funds 25 - 1 - (1) - - Transfers to/(from) funds 25 10 283 (46) (220) (36) 63

NET (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR (629) (573) (127) (677) (756) (1'250)

Schedule II Consolidated Income & Expenditure Statement For the year ended 31 December 2017(Swiss Francs 000’s)

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Financial Report 201712

Financial Report 2017

Schedule III, Part I Consolidated Statement of Movements in Funds & ReservesFor the year ended 31 December 2017 - prior year comparatives(Swiss Francs 000's)

Restricted Funds Unrestricted & Designated Funds Total Funds & Reserves

Programme Funds

Fund for Fixed Assets

Endowment Funds Total

Designated Programme


Designated Fund for Fixed


Unrestricted Operating Fund

Designated Fund for Building


Fund to be covered from Development


General Reserves Total Total Total

2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2015

Opening Balance at 1 January 2016 4'767 1'592 8'951 15'310 283 11'964 - 2'065 (23'770) 6'900 (2'558) 12'752 12'010

Net (deficit)/surplus before operating transfers (592) - 136 (456) - (62) (449) (368) 22 - (857) (1'313) (300)

Operating transfers:Between funds (31) - 30 (1) - - 1 - - - 1 - - To/(from) funds (213) - (7) (220) - - 283 - - - 283 63 1'042 Net (deficit)/surplus before transfers to/(from) Reserves & Funds (836) - 159 (677) - (62) (165) (368) 22 - (573) (1'250) 742

Transfers to/(from) Reserves & Funds:From Operating fund to General reserves - - - - - - 165 - - (165) - - - From Designated fund for fixed assets to General reserves - - - - - (548) - - - 548 - - -

From General reserves to Assembly fund 250 - - 250 - - - - (250) (250) - -

Closing balance at 31 December 2016 4'181 1'592 9'110 14'883 283 11'354 - 1'697 (23'748) 7'033 (3'381) 11'502 12'752

Schedule III Part I Consolidated Statem

ent of Movem

ents in Funds & R

eservesFor the year ended 31 D

ecember 2017 – Prior year com


iss Francs 000’s)

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Financial Report 201713

Schedule III Part II Consolidated Statem

ent of Movem

ents in Funds & R

eservesFor the year ended 31 D

ecember 2017

(Swiss Francs 000’s)

Financial Report 2017

Schedule III, Part II Consolidated Statement of Movements in Funds & Reserves, continuedFor the year ended 31 December 2017(Swiss Francs 000's)

Restricted Funds Unrestricted & Designated Funds Total Funds & Reserves

Programme Funds

Fund for Fixed Assets

Endowment Funds Total

Designated Programme


Designated Fund for Fixed


Unrestricted Operating Fund

Designated Fund for Building


Fund to be covered from Development


General Reserves Total Total Total

2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016

Opening Balance at 1 January 2017 4'181 1'592 9'110 14'883 283 11'354 - 1'697 (23'748) 7'033 (3'381) 11'502 12'752

Net (deficit)/surplus before operating transfers (399) - 318 (81) - (247) (63) (352) 23 - (639) (720) (1'313)

Operating transfers:Between funds (30) - 30 - - - - - - - - - - To/(from) funds (31) - (15) (46) - - 10 - - - 10 (36) 63 Net (deficit)/surplus before transfers to/(from) Reserves & Funds (460) - 333 (127) - (247) (53) (352) 23 - (629) (756) (1'250)

Transfers to/(from) Reserves & Funds:From General reserves to Unrestricted Operating Fund - - - - - - 53 - - (53) - - - From Designated fund for fixed assets to General reserves - - - - - (669) - - - 669 - - -

From General reserves to Assembly fund 250 - - 250 - - - - (250) (250) - - From General reserves to Programme fund 300 - - 300 (300) (300) -

Closing balance at 31 December 2017 4'271 1'592 9'443 15'306 283 10'438 - 1'345 (23'725) 7'099 (4'560) 10'746 11'502

For prior year comparatives by Fund, please see Schedule III, Part I.

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Financial Report 201714

Financial Report 2017

Schedule IV Consolidated Cash Flow StatementFor the year ended 31 December 2017(Swiss Francs 000's)

2017 2016

Net (deficit)/surplus for the year (756) (1'250)

Adjustments for non-cash items:Depreciation 1'882 1'664 Unrealised and realised (gains)/losses on investments (405) (110) and unrealised foreign currency losses/(gains), netOther Operating adjustments:Interest paid 798 775 Interest income received (317) (222)

Movements in working capital and provisionsPrepaid expenses (668) (20) Contributions receivable (226) (63) Accounts receivable (50) 8 Deferred income (51) (23) Accounts payable 197 (102) Provisions 6 (21)

Net cash flow from operating and programme activities 410 636

Purchase of Land, property and equipment (340) (513) Interest received 317 222 Net proceeds from (purchase)/sale of investments (5'266) (319)

Cash flow from investing activities (5'289) (610)

Repayment of mortgage loans (26'964) (7'069) Interest paid to third parties (798) (775) Mortgage loans contracted 26'425 6'593

Cash flow from financing activities (1'337) (1'251)

Net increase/(decrease) in Cash and cash equivalents (6'216) (1'225) Cash and cash Equivalents at 1 January 11'661 12'986 Effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash held 101 (100)

Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 5'546 11'661

Schedule IV Consolidated Cash Flow StatementFor the year ended 31 December 2017(Swiss Francs 000’s)

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Financial Report 2017 15


1. OrganisationThe World Council of Churches is a fellowship of 348 churches from around the world “which confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the scriptures and therefore seek to fulfil together their common calling to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” It was founded in 1948 in response to a growing sense that a formal, international body constituted by the churches was needed to strengthen efforts to express the fundamental unity of Christians. Its members include churches from virtually every major Protestant tradition, nearly all self-governing Orthodox churches and a growing number of independent churches, especially in countries of the South. Its work primarily involves the unity of the churches and their common witness. Major education, health, justice and peace activities are a significant part of its mandate, as well as human rights advocacy and programmes in support of women and against racism and violence. Interpreting the reflections of the 10th Assembly, in 2017 the Council’s activities were carried out through the following programmatic areas:

Unity, Mission and Ecumenical RelationsPublic WitnessDiakonia Ecumenical FormationCommunicationGeneral Secretariat

In addition, programmatic activities were planned and conducted together with focus on the following themes, defined as transversal issues: Church and ecumenical relations; Youth engagement in the ecumenical movement; Just community of women and men; Inter-religious dialogue and cooperation; and Spiritual life.

Programmatic teams were supported by the Communication team and the following support service teams: Income monitoring and development and Planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting (IMD & PMER), IT and facility services, Human resources, and Finance. With its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and with 123 staff (2016: 111 staff), the Council is recognised under Swiss law as an international, non-governmental, non-profit organisation. The Council is exempt from Swiss corporate taxation.

2. Accounting policiesThe significant accounting policies adopted by the Council in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements are set out below.

(i) Basis of preparation The financial statements of the Council have been prepared on a basis consistent with its statutes. The Council’s accounting policies and the format used for the presentation of its financial statements are designed to present fairly the programmes and other activities of the Council.

The financial statements are presented in Swiss Francs, rounded to the nearest thousand, since a majority of the Council’s activities is conducted in this currency. They are prepared on the historical cost basis except for financial instruments classified as fair value through profit or loss, which are stated at their fair value.

The accounting policies are consistent with those applied by the Council for the year ended 31 December 2016.

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Financial Report 201716

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of commercial accounting as set out in the Swiss Code of Obligations (Art 957 to 963b CO), effective since 1 January 2013.

(ii) Basis of consolidation The representative offices and subsidiaries of the World Council of Churches listed below are controlled by the World Council of Churches, and their financial statements are included in the consolidated financial statements. Intra-group balances and transactions, and any unrealised gains from such transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated financial statements. Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the World Council of Churches. Control exists when the Council has the power, directly or indirectly, to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity. The financial statements of subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that control commences until the date that control ceases. In 2017, there was one subsidiary. In accordance with its constitution, the executive board reports through its executive secretary to the relevant programme of the Council.

Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network, Kenya EDAN was registered in Nairobi under the Non-governmental Organizations Coordination Act,

Kenya, in 2003.

In 2017, there were seven representative offices. None had formal legal registration within the country of operations. Ecumenical United Nations Office (Ecumenical UNO), USA Ecumenical UNO is located at the UN headquarters in New York, where under a fiscal agency

and service agreement, the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church acted as custodian.

World Council of Churches-Ecumenical Accompaniers Programme in Palestine and Israel

(WCC-EAPPI), Jerusalem WCC-EAPPI operates from a representative office in Jerusalem, where a locally registered non-

governmental organization acts as custodian.

World Council of Churches-Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy (WCC-EHAIA) In 2017, WCC-EHAIA operated in the following locations. For each office, except in Kenya and

Zimbabwe, a locally registered non-governmental organization acts as custodian. WCC-EHAIA Central Region Co-ordination Office, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of

Congo WCC-EHAIA Eastern Region Co-ordination Office, Nairobi, Kenya WCC-EHAIA Lusophone Region Co-ordination Office, Luanda, Angola

WCC-EHAIA Southern Region Co-ordination Office, Harare, Zimbabwe WCC-EHAIA Western Region Co-ordination Office, Lome, Togo

(iii) Recognition of contributions and membership income Contributions from donors are recognised in the financial statements when they have been received or confirmed in writing by pledges and when there is reasonable assurance that they will be received. Contributions which carry donor imposed restrictions are ascribed either to a programme, where the purpose of the contribution is consistent with the objectives of the programme as a whole, or to a project within that programme, or to one or several activities within a project.

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Membership income, which is payable on a calendar year basis, is recognised on an accruals basis. Membership income received relating to future periods is treated as deferred income. Donations in kind (of fixed assets, for example) are recognised at fair value at the date of donation. Revenue from recharged costs is recognised when the service or basic expenditure is fulfilled or, if applicable, ownership of related assets has been transferred.

(iv) Recognition of federal and local government and other grants for capital expenditure State grants or other significant grants received for expenditure on capital assets are treated as deferred income which is then recognised in the income and expenditure account as income over the useful life of the asset acquired. Grants are recognised only when there is reasonable assurance that they will be received and that the Council will comply with the conditions, if any, of the grant. Unconditional grants are recognised in the income and expenditure account when they become receivable.

(v) Recognition of expenditure Expenditure is recognised in the financial statements on an accruals basis. Contributions to third parties paid out of Programme Funds are recognised when the commitment to pay has been made before the end of the year and the payment relates to the current year, and where there is either a legal or constructive obligation to pay. Contributions to third parties paid out of Programme Funds close to the year end are recognized as prepayments when matched with budgeted donor contributions for the following financial year.

(vi) Foreign currency Transactions in currencies other than the Swiss franc are converted into Swiss francs at rates which approximate the actual rates ruling at the transaction date. At the balance sheet date monetary assets (including investments) and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are converted into Swiss francs at the rate of exchange ruling at that date. Non-monetary assets and liabilities in foreign currencies that are stated at historical cost are translated at the foreign exchange rate at the date of the transaction. Realised and unrealised exchange differences are reported in the income and expenditure account. The assets and liabilities of the Council’s foreign operations are translated into Swiss francs at foreign exchange rates ruling on the balance sheet date, while income and expenditure are translated at rates approximating the foreign exchange rates ruling at the dates of the transactions.

(vii) Investments The Council has designated all its investments as financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss. The Council does not have any financial instruments classified as held for trading, and does not hold any derivative financial instruments. A financial instrument is classified at fair value through profit and loss if it is designated as such upon initial recognition. Financial instruments are designated at fair value through profit or loss if the Council manages such investments and makes purchase and sale decisions based on their fair value. Upon initial recognition, these instruments are recognised at fair value and attributable transaction costs are recognised in the statement of income and expenditure when incurred. Gains and losses arising from subsequent changes in fair value are recognised in the statement of income and expenditure. Investments are recognised or derecognised by the Council at the date it commits to purchase or sell the investments.

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The fair value of listed investments is their quoted bid price at the balance sheet date. The fair value of unlisted investments is determined by valuation techniques applied consistently on an annual basis. Investment income consists principally of interest and dividends, and net realised and unrealised gains on changes in fair value. Interest income is recognised on an accruals basis, taking into account the effective yield on the asset. Dividend income is recognised in the period in which the dividend is declared. As the Council’s investments are managed externally on a portfolio basis, all investment income is disclosed net in the statement of income and expenditure, within financial income/(expense). Investments held derive principally from restricted or designated income, and the terms of the restrictions and designations require in general that investment income be used to finance operations. Consequently net financial income/(expense) is treated as operating income. Investments are classified as non-current to the extent to which they represent endowment funds held or other long-term obligations. All other investments are current. (viii) Land, property and equipment Land, property and equipment are stated at historic cost, or, in the case of donated assets, at the fair market value when donated, and are depreciated on a straight line basis over their useful lives. The useful life of a building is estimated at 50 years; of building installations 20 or 25 years, of hotel and catering installations, ten years; of furniture and equipment, five years; and of computer equipment, three years. Borrowing costs relating to the construction of buildings and equipment are capitalised and included in the cost of the assets concerned and depreciated over the useful life of the respective asset. When parts of an item of land, buildings and equipment have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate items. (ix) Employee benefits: Pension plan Contributions which the Council is obliged to make to the Council’s pension plan are recognised as an expense in the statement of income and expenditure. (x) Fair value The fair value of investments is reported in Note 5 to the financial statements. The fair value of cash, overdrafts, other financial assets and accounts payable are not materially different from the carrying amounts. Fair value estimates are made at a specific point in time, based on market conditions and information about the financial instrument. These estimates are subjective in nature and involve uncertainties and matters of significant judgment and therefore cannot be determined with precision. Changes in assumptions could significantly affect the estimates. (xi) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances and highly liquid investments with a maturity of less than three months from the date of acquisition that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. Bank overdrafts that are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the Council’s cash management are included as a component of cash and cash equivalents for the purpose of the statement of cash flows. (xii) Accounts receivable Accounts receivable are stated at cost less impairment losses. (xiii) Accounts payable Accounts payable are stated at cost.

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(xiv) Interest bearing loans and borrowings Interest bearing loans and borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, less attributable transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, interest bearing loans and borrowings are stated at amortised cost with any difference between cost and redemption value being recognised in the statement of income and expenditure over the period of the borrowings on an effective interest basis. (xv) Impairment The carrying amounts of the Council’s assets are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is an indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, the asset’s recoverable amount is estimated. An impairment loss is recognised whenever the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount. (xvi) Use of estimates The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of income and expenditure during the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Management has carefully considered the development, selection and disclosure of the Council’s critical accounting policies and estimates and the application of these policies and estimates. The most critical judgments and estimates made relate to the assessment of provisions, in particular concerning the pension fund scheme; the reasonable assurance regarding contributions and membership income receivable and the probability assumptions underlying recognition of service bonus obligations.

3. Cash and cash equivalents 2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Bank balances 5,518 11,640 Call deposits and short-term instruments - - Cash 28 21 5,546 11,661

Bank balances include CHF 66,000 in rent deposits paid, and held under dual control , as a condition of rental agreements undertaken as tenant for a number of apartments (2016: CHF 66,000). The rent deposits may be realised only subject to the terms of the lease, and with joint agreement of the real estate agent.

4. Other receivables 2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Tenants, including ecumenical organisations 408 208 Ecumenical orgs: hosts and implementing partners 49 177 Social charges and other payroll related receivables 42 158 Bossey guest house invoices 144 132 Ecumenical Trust 115 103 Other 298 228 1,056 1,006

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5. Investments 2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Non-current Investments Debt securities 11,485 6,354

Equity securities 5,489 5,050 16,974 11,404

Non-current investments are long-term investments, intended to be held for more than one year. Equity securities include CHF 2,577,000 (2016: CHF 2,458,000) managed on the Council’s behalf by the Ecumenical Trust, a not-for-profit organisation under section 501 (c) (3) of the US Internal Revenue Code. The assets managed by the Ecumenical Trust are quoted and held in the New Covenant Growth Fund and the New Covenant Balanced Growth Fund. Non-current investments held in debt securities include CHF 561,000 (2016: CHF 515,000) invested in Oikocredit. This investment is the only investment held that is not quoted. Its fair value, evidenced by recent transactions, has been determined based on the buy-back value stipulated in Oikocredit’s articles of association.

6. Land, Property and Equipment Freehold

Land Ecumenical

Centre Library & archives

Office wings

Château de Bossey

Staff Residence

Furniture & Equipment


CHF 000 CHF 000 CHF 000 CHF 000 CHF 000 CHF 000 CHF 000 CHF 000 Cost: 1 January 2017 4,198 34,899 22,738 14,030 16,112 91,977 Additions - 49 247 - 44 340 Reallocations - (18,367) 2,235 16,931 111 - (910) - 31 December 2017 4,198 16,581 2,235 16,931 23,096 14,030 15,246 92,317 Depreciation: 1 January 2017 - 23,862 7,509 6,288 15,535 53,194 Charge for the year - 665 217 564 281 155 1,882 Reallocations (12,333) 1,746 10,720 557 - (690) - 31 December 2017 - 12,194 1,963 10,720 8,630 6,569 15,000 55,076 Net Book Value: 31 December 2017 4,198 4,387 272 6,211 14,466 7,461 246 37,241 31 December 2016 4,198 11,037 - - 15,229 7,742 577 38,783 The costs and accumulated depreciation for the former library and archives, and for the four office wings at the Ecumenical Centre are separately disclosed from 31 December 2017. A permit request has been submitted in April 2018 for demolition of the former library and archives building in 2019. An accelerated depreciation plan has therefore been applied to the former library, with effect to the estimated end of its useful life, scheduled at 31 March 2019. An additional depreciation charge of CHF 217,000 is recognised as a result of the accelerated depreciation. An architectural survey dated 6 February 2012 estimated the intrinsic value of the Ecumenical Centre estate at CHF 66,435,000. An architectural survey of the Château de Bossey dated 25 March 1999 estimated the intrinsic value of the estate at CHF 18,780,000. Since that date, investment for renovation from 2009-2012 included CHF 7,298,000, principally for the development of a conference centre. An architectural survey of the staff residence building dated 16 February 2006 estimated the intrinsic value of that building at CHF 12,794,000.

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The net book value of land, buildings and equipment includes CHF 3,106,000 (2016: CHF 3,106,000) recorded as donated land and buildings. In 2017, no depreciation was recorded in the Restricted fund for fixed assets related to donated buildings (2016: none). The insurance value of the staff residential development is CHF 16,200,000, of the Ecumenical Centre including installations, CHF 64,779,000 and of the Château de Bossey and other buildings and their contents on the estate at Bossey, CHF 28,721,000. Mortgage loans and credit lines secured against the land and buildings are detailed at Notes 9 and 10.

7. Accounts payable 2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Accrued expenses 704 757 General suppliers payable 1,041 555 Ecumenical organisations 131 224 Payroll related payables 23 195 Other accounts payable 111 82 2,010 1,813

8. Deferred income 2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Current deferred income 314 278 Non-current deferred income 2,771 2,858

Current deferred income represents principally membership and contributions income received relating to future periods. Non-current deferred income represents grants received for the renovation of buildings, including CHF 1,054,000 (2016: CHF 1,088,000) being the amortized balance of a grant of CHF 1,700,000 received in 1999 from the Canton of Geneva for the Ecumenical Centre, and CHF 508,000 (2016: CHF 523,000) being the amortized balance of various other grants received for the renovation of the Château de Bossey.

9. Current Interest Bearing Loans Current interest bearing loans are loans payable within one year and include current maturities related to mortgage loans described in Note 10.

2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Current maturities related to mortgage loans: Mortgage loan on Staff Residential Building 127 127 Mortgage loan on Château de Bossey 4,550 2,550 Mortgage loan on Ecumenical Centre 12,100 24,100 16,777 26,777

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10. Non-current interest bearing loans Non-current interest bearing loans total CHF 29,663,000 as at 31 December 2017 (2016: CHF 20,202,000). They are secured on property as follows:

2017 2016 Secured on: CHF 000 CHF 000 Staff residential building 9,827 9,954 Château de Bossey 10,538 10,850 Ecumenical Centre 26,075 26,175 46,440 46,979 Less current maturities: (16,777) (26,777) 29,663 20,202

These loans, stated below at value on issue date before reimbursements, carry fixed interest at the rates and for the durations set out below:

Loan secured on: CHF 000 Issued Duration Fixed Rate Staff residential bldg 5,360 30.08.11 10 years 2.54% Staff residential bldg 4,593 31.08.16 7 years 1.10% Château de Bossey 2,000 29.07.10 10 years 2.70% Château de Bossey 2,300 30.03.12 6 years 1.90% Château de Bossey 2,000 29.07.13 5 years 2.05% Château de Bossey 2,000 29.07.16 5 years 1.55% Château de Bossey 2,425 01.04.17 4 years 1.35% Ecumenical Centre 950 31.12.15 5 years 1.21% Ecumenical Centre 1,350 01.12.15 7 years 1.45% Ecumenical Centre 12,000 01.04.17 1 year 1.45% Ecumenical Centre 12,000 01.04.17 2 years 1.06%

The two mortgage loans, each of CHF 12,000,000, funded an extraordinary contribution to the WCC Retirement Fund, recognized as an extraordinary charge in 2011. Loans of CHF 14,000,000 matured on 31 March 2018 and were reimbursed at that date. On 1 April 2018, a loan of CHF 2,000,000, maturing on 31 March 2022 was issued, with annual interest at a fixed rate of 1.5%. A loan of CHF 12,000,000, maturing on 30 September 2019 was issued, with annual interest at 1.16%. The loans are repayable as follows:

2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Within: One Year 16,777 26,777 Two to five years 25,829 15,517 More than five years 3,834 4,685 46,440 46,979 Less: Current Maturities (16,777) (26,777) 29,663 20,202

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11. Programme funds Programme funds represent amounts received from donors, and restricted for use within the Programme, project or activity to which they are credited. Programme funds are detailed by programmatic area and transversal priority on Schedules V, VI (a) and VI (b). A reduction in these funds does not represent a loss but the use of funds for the purposes for which they were intended. The separate Appendix to the Financial Statements details the opening balances, income, expenditure, transfers and closing balances of each activity, by Programme. Programme funds include one debit balance of CHF 16,000 (at activity reference D, D52F), which is to be covered from contributions to be received in 2018. In 2016, Programme funds included one debit balance of CHF 3,000, which was covered from contributions received in 2017.

12. Restricted fund for fixed assets and Designated fund for fixed assets Restricted fund for fixed assets The Restricted fund for fixed assets represents principally the value of donated land and buildings, net of accumulated depreciation. The Restricted category reflects the fact that the fund does not represent an investment made by the Council, but rather a donation with the specific purpose of founding the Ecumenical Centre. In 2017, there was no movement on the Restricted fund for fixed assets, as set out in Schedule V (2016: no movement). Designated fund for fixed assets The Designated fund for fixed assets reflects the Council’s investment in land, property and equipment. The Council’s investment in land, property and equipment was assessed as follows:

2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Total Land, property and equipment 37,241 38,783 Less Long-term loans, proceeds for buildings (17,633) (20,202) Less Short-term loans, proceeds for buildings (4,777) (2,777) Less Long-term deferred income (2,771) (2,858) Less Restricted fund for fixed assets (1,592) (1,592) Designated fund for fixed assets 10,438 11,354

The Designated fund for fixed assets records income and expenditure related to the staff residence building. The movement on the Designated fund for fixed assets is set out in Schedule VII. 13. Endowment funds

2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Restricted endowment funds Specific Endowments 6,866 6,652 Funds held by the Ecumenical Trust 2,577 2,458 Total Restricted Endowment Funds 9,443 9,110

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Movements on the Restricted Endowment Funds are set out in Schedule V. Specific endowments Specific endowments are legacies or gifts where either the donor has formally requested or it has been formally confirmed that the assets gifted will be held in the long term. Income derived from the invested asset is at the disposition of the Council, but its use may be subject to certain conditions. General endowments General Endowments are legacies or gifts for use at the general discretion of the Council. Such endowment gifts may be invested, and the derived income is then at the general disposition of the Council. Such general endowments may also be released. In 2017, no General endowments were held (2016: none). Additions to endowments Additions to Endowments are recorded as Miscellaneous income to the Restricted Fund. There was no addition to Restricted endowments in 2017 (2016: none). Transfers to Endowments Net operating transfers to Restricted Endowment Funds totaled CHF 23,000 (2016: CHF 23,000). Release of Endowments In 2017, no endowments were released (2016: none). Adjustment on Revaluation Based on the value of the original legacy or gift amounts, the Restricted endowment funds are adjusted annually to reflect changes in the value of related non-current asset investments. In 2017, the adjustments, recorded in Financial income and Financial expense, resulted in an increase of CHF 318,000 in the Restricted endowment funds (2016: increase of CHF 136,000). Distributions Income from the Specific endowments may be credited directly to the Programme funds in accordance with the relevant conditions of the gift. In 2017, a distribution of CHF 226,000 was made from Specific endowments (2016: CHF 164,000), and CHF 100,000 (2016: CHF 103,000) was distributed from the Funds held by the Ecumenical Trust. Funds held by the Ecumenical Trust Funds held by the Ecumenical Trust totaling CHF 2,577,000 (2016: CHF 2,458,000) reflect endowment assets managed for the Council by the Ecumenical Trust, as described in Note 4 above.

14. Designated programme funds Designated programme funds total CHF 283,955 (2016: CHF 283,955). The Designated programme funds are special programme reserves held at the discretion of the Council, and derived from the Council’s own designation of its unrestricted funds. The Council may determine the timing of the disbursement of such reserves. In June 2015, the executive committee authorized the transfer of CHF 250,000 from the Designated programme funds to the Programme funds, to be applied towards the costs of central committee in 2016; the funds were duly applied for that purpose in 2016. The Designated Programme Funds are listed in the separate Activities Appendix to the Financial Statements.

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15. Designated fund for building project The Designated fund for the building project reflects funds designated by the Council to cover the interest costs, financial expenses and professional fees during the first phase of the Ecumenical Centre building development project. The Designated fund for building project fund was formed from a transfer of CHF 3,100,000 from the General reserves in 2012, as determined by executive committee in March 2013. In November 2015, executive committee determined that in 2015, a further transfer of CHF 800,000 be made to the fund from the General reserves.

16. Deficit fund to be covered from development project The Designated deficit Fund to be covered from development project records a debit balance of CHF 23,748,000.

2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Deficit fund to be covered from Development Project 23,748 23,770 Rental of land (23) (22) Deficit fund to be covered from Development Project 23,725 23,748

The fund was recorded in 2011, reflecting the debit to Funds and Reserves as a result of executive committee’s decision in September 2011 that the Council make an extraordinary contribution to the Retirement Fund of the World Council of Churches. A charge of CHF 24,745,000 was recognised as an Extraordinary Item in 2011, and a credit of CHF 745,000 was recognized as an Extraordinary Item in 2012 following the decisions of the steering committee for the pension fund and building development project, as appointed by the executive committee. In 2014, in order to complete its liquidation, and with the agreement of the Geneva cantonal pension fund regulatory authority, the WCC Retirement Fund in liquidation returned CHF 230,000 to the WCC, recognised as miscellaneous income to the Deficit Fund to be covered from the Development Project (see also Note 31, Contingent liability). In 2017, CHF 23,000 of income to the fund is recognised, being compensation for temporary use of a small area of the Council’s land during neighbouring construction works (2016: CHF 22,000).. The extraordinary contribution was financed by a mortgage loan which is to be repaid by the realisation of a building development project. The Deficit Fund to be covered from Development Project therefore reflects the balance due to Funds and Reserves on the net proceeds resulting from a building development project on plot 1270, the Ecumenical Centre estate in Grand-Saconnex. The project is expected to be realised within two to four years.

17. General reserves In accordance with the Funds and Reserves Policy approved by the Central Committee in July 2014, General reserves are defined as those funds available to the Council after meeting its obligations and commitments, without realizing fixed assets. Central Committee set the General reserves target at six months’ salary costs. The target level for 2017 was thus CHF 6,237,000.

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An analysis of the movements on General Reserves follows:

General Reserves CHF 000s Balance at 1 January 2017 7,033

Transferred out: To Unrestricted operating funds (53)Transferred in: From Designated fund for fixed assets 669Transferred out: decision November 2017 To Assembly fund (250) To Programme funds (300)Balance at 31 December 2017 7,099

Transfers were made to the Assembly fund and to Programme funds, to be applied to the costs of central committee 2018, in accordance with decision of executive committee at its meeting in November 2017.

18. Financial income and Financial expense Financial income

2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Investment portfolio income Non-current asset investments Interest income 317 220 Realised gain on investments 303 31 Unrealised gain on investments 215 261 Other interest income - 2 Other foreign exchange gains Realised gains 138 75 Unrealised gains 39 17 Total Financial income 1,012 606

Financial expense

2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Investment portfolio losses Non-current asset investments Realised losses on investments (24) (29) Unrealised losses on investments (113) (63) Other foreign exchange losses Realised losses (43) (84) Unrealised losses (15) (107) Total Financial expense (195) (283)

Interest Expense Interest expense, reported within Cost of operations, totaled CHF 724,000 (2016: CHF 769,000).

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19. Rental income and sales Rental income and sales of CHF 6,820,000 (2016: CHF 6,714,000) includes rental income from guest house receipts at Bossey, the staff residential building, rental of offices at the Ecumenical Centre, rental income on sub-letting of apartments and book sales. 20. Miscellaneous income Miscellaneous income of CHF 437,000 (2016: CHF 446,000) includes deferred income recognized as income during the useful life of the assets concerned, reimbursement of travel and other expenses and royalties on journal sales. 21. Salaries and Related Charges Salaries and related charges Salaries and related charges were:

2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Gross salaries 10,113 10,260 Social charges 974 993 Pension expense 1,274 1,218 Other personnel costs 112 182 12,473 12,653

There were 123 employees at 31 December 2017 (2016: 111). There were 107 full-time equivalent staff during 2017 (2016: 108 full-time equivalents). Pension expense details are set out in Note 22 below. Compensation of key management personnel In 2017, key management personnel are defined by the WCC as the general secretary, the deputy general secretary for public witness and diakonia, the deputy general secretary for unity, mission, ecumenical relations and ecumenical formation, the director of the office of the general secretary, the director of communication and the director of finance (2016: the general secretary, the deputy general secretary, the associate general secretary for unity, mission and ecumenical relations, the associate general secretary for public witness and diakonia, the associate general secretary for ecumenical formation, the director of the office of the general secretary, the director of communication and the director of finance). Their compensation was as follows:

2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Salaries and other short term benefits 988 1,097 Post-employment benefits 176 184 1,164 1,281

22. Employee Benefits Pension Plan The World Council of Churches is affiliated to the collective pension fund institution, Profond. In 2011 the Council, together with certain other ecumenical organizations, participated in a pension plan operated by the Retirement Fund of the World Council of Churches. WCC’s affiliation to Profond and the transfer of the assets and liabilities of the Retirement Fund of the World Council of Churches to Profond was effected as of 31 March 2012 with retroactive effect as of 1 January 2012, following an extraordinary contribution of CHF 24,000,000 made by the Council to the Retirement

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Fund of the World Council of Churches. The Retirement Fund of the World Council of Churches has been liquidated. The Fund was removed from the register of retirement funds by decision of the regulatory authority dated 15 March 2016. The Council’s contributions paid to Profond in 2017 were CHF 1,979,000 (2016: CHF 1,215,000). Vacation Accrual A vacation accrual of CHF 378,000 (2016: CHF 372,000) has been included in long term provisions, representing the cost of employees’ untaken vacation at the year end. 23. Redistributed infrastructure costs Salary costs of programme staff were charged directly to the projects within each programmatic area or transversal priority to which the staff were assigned, and in which it was confirmed their time was actually allocated in 2017. The allocation basis was validated during forecasting and at the financial year end by the responsible associate general secretary or director, who approved the monthly estimated time allocation reports for their respective staff. Two further categories of costs were distributed to the projects under the activity based costing process. These were general programme costs and infrastructure costs. (i) Redistributed general programme costs Definition of general programme costs General programme costs were costs of the programme or transversal priority, which were to be shared fairly within the projects of the programmatic area or transversal priority, such as the costs of stationery, or of meetings related to the programme’s work. General programme costs allocation method For each programmatic area or transversal priority, staff estimated the percentage of time applied to each of the projects. The general programme costs were then allocated to the projects on that basis. General programme costs were therefore charged at the level of the project only. No charges were made at the level of a detailed programme activity. (ii) Allocated infrastructure costs Definition of redistributed costs The costs for distribution were the Operating costs of the support service teams, as recorded in five cost centres, namely: Income Monitoring and Development and Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (IMD and PMER), Facility Services, Human Resources, Finance, and Information Technology Services; less Rental income and sales and Miscellaneous income credited to those cost centres. The income and expenditure of the five support service cost centres is set out in Schedule VIII. Infrastructure cost allocation method The Infrastructure costs of CHF 2,258,000 (2016: CHF 2,352,000) for redistribution were allocated to the programmatic areas and transversal priorities. Infrastructure costs were allocated to projects based on the full-time equivalent number of staff employed by the project in relation to the total full-time equivalent number of staff employed for all programmatic areas and transversal priorities.

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Redistributed infrastructure costs Redistributed

costs 2017 Redistributed

costs 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Infrastructure costs Cost of operations 5,660 5,805Rental & sales income and Miscellaneous income (3,395) (3,419)Net operating transfers (7) (34)Net infrastructure costs distributed to programme funds 2,258 2,352 24. Guest house internal (sales)/charges Guest house internal (sales)/charges of CHF 629,000 reflect the credits to the Guest House on provision of meals and accommodation for programme activities (2016: CHF 565,000). The internal sales include CHF 459,000 of charges to the programmatic area Ecumenical Formation, principally for students’ board and lodging (2016: CHF 463,000).

25. Transfers and Distributions (i) Distribution of Unrestricted Income The distribution of unrestricted income, recorded in the Income & Expenditure account, represents the immediate assignment, upon receipt, of membership and other unrestricted income to restricted funds, principally programmes, whose activities might otherwise remain partially unfunded. (ii) Operating transfers between funds Operating transfers, recorded in the Income & Expenditure account, include transfers from one fund to another that occur generally at the conclusion of an activity or programme, and represent the re-allocation of residual funds to another use. For restricted funds, operating transfers occur only within the restrictions stipulated by the donor. (iii) Operating transfers to/(from) funds Operating transfers to/(from) funds include recognition of reimbursements due to donors and adjustment of provisions. In 2017, transfers from funds totaled CHF 36,000 (2016: transfers to funds CHF 63,000). Operating transfers to/(from) fund:

2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Transfers to fund from current liabilities and provisions Release of accruals, not required - 125 Vacation accrual (5) 21 Other transfers from current liabilities 7 26 2 172 Transfers from fund to current liabilities Funds to be reimbursed to donors (31) (214) Other transfers to current liabilities (25) - (56) (214) Transfers to fund from current assets Due from ecumenical organisations 18 105 18 105 Total Operating transfers to/(from) fund (36) 63

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(iv) Transfers Transfers, recorded in the Statement of Movements on Funds & Reserves, represent decisions by the appropriate governing bodies of the Council to allocate amounts to Funds & Reserves consistent with policy decisions. 26. Audit and other services delivered by the auditor 2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Audit services: statutory audit 77 77Audit services: special reporting 18 11Other services 18 4Total fees for services delivered by the auditor 113 92 27. Financial Instruments Foreign currency risk The Council incurs foreign currency risk on pledged contributions that are denominated in a currency other than Swiss francs, and on funds and investments that are denominated in other currencies. The currencies giving rise to this risk are principally the Euro, the Swedish Krona, the US Dollar and the Pound Sterling. The Council does not use forward foreign exchange contracts or other financial instruments to hedge its foreign currency risk. In general accounts receivable for contributions are low compared with total contributions, and the proportion denominated in other currencies is low. In addition, the Council does not normally commit to expenditure until the timing and amount, in Swiss francs, of related income is reasonably certain. Substantially all financial instruments are denominated in Swiss Francs except for the following:

2017 2016 CHF 000 CHF 000 Prepaid expenses US Dollar 660 51 Euro 10 - Accounts receivable US Dollar 375 419 Euro 293 73 British Pound 33 61 Norwegian Krone 13 - Swedish Krona - Canadian Dollar - Accounts payable US Dollar 246 300 Cash and cash equivalents US Dollar 441 970 Euro 377 947 British Pound 149 773 Canadian Dollar 81 86 Norwegian Krone - Swedish Krona - Non-current investments US Dollar 2,585 2,458 Euro 563 533

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Interest rate risk The Council is exposed to interest rate risks on mortgage and short-term loans as described in Notes 9 and 10 to the financial statements. The Council does not hedge or enter into financial instruments as regards its exposure to interest rate risks. Credit risk In acccordance with credit policy, exposure to credit risk, principally as regards contributions and related organisations, is monitored on an ongoing basis. Investments are monitored by the Finance Committee and are executed to comply with the Council's Investment Objectives and Policy. The Council's investment policy requires that only readily marketable bonds and shares be used for investment and that derivatives are not used for speculative purposes. At the balance sheet date there were no significant concentrations of credit risk, with the exception of the Council's investments through the Ecumenical Trust in New Covenant Funds (Note 4). The maximum exposure to credit risk is represented by the carrying amount of each financial asset in the balance sheet, principally accounts receivable, investments and cash.

Derivatives The Council did not have any derivative instruments as of 31 December 2017 (2016:None). Fair value The fair value of financial instruments held at 31 December 2017 does not differ from their carrying amounts shown in the balance sheet.

28. Commitments As at 31 December 2017, there were no contractual commitments outstanding (2016: none). 29. Related Parties The Council has a related party relationship with its officers, and a controlling related party relationship with its representative offices. The Council also has a related party relationship, through representation on the Council’s governing bodies, with a large number of member churches, and with certain beneficiaries. Other than programme contributions and membership income received, and programme costs incurred in the normal course of operations, there were no related party transactions for the year to 31 December 2017 (2016: None). 30. Subsequent Events There were no events occurring subsequent to 31 December 2017 and prior to authorisation of the consolidated financial statements that would require modification of or disclosure in the financial statements. 31. Contingent liability Since there is significant uncertainty as to the necessity to make payment, the following contingent liability is disclosed, but is not recognised as a liability. The maximum potential exposure is CHF 230,000. The trustee of the Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (BLMIS) has opened judicial proceedings against several banks, including a Swiss bank at which the WCC Retirement Fund in liquidation (WCC RF) held an account, to which the WCC RF had credited sale proceeds of CHF 230,000 of a relevant BLMIS fund, during the period relevant to the litigation. Given that the Swiss

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bank has required that the value remain held at the bank until conclusion of the judicial proceedings, and that, in 2014, the WCC RF credited CHF 230,000 to the WCC renouncing any claim it might have over that value, and also in order to facilitate the liquidation of the WCC RF, the WCC guaranteed to the bank to cover to the limit of CHF 230,000 any claim arising from the judicial proceedings. 32. Approval and Authorisation for Issue The consolidated financial statements were approved and authorised for issue by the leadership of the finance sub-committee on 26 April 2018.

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Financial Report 201733

Financial Report 2017

Schedule V Restricted Funds For the year ended 31 December 2017(Swiss Francs 000's)

Total Total Ecumenical Total Total Restricted Restricted Total TotalProgrammatic Transversal Assembly Research Programme Programme Fund for Endowment Restricted Restricted

areas issues Fund Centre Funds Funds Fixed Assets Funds Fund Fund2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016 2017 2017 2017 2016

CONTRIBUTIONS INCOMEMembership & other unrestricted income - - - - - - - - - - Programme contributions 12'125 1'246 68 - 13'439 13'597 - - 13'439 13'597 Total Contributions Income 12'125 1'246 68 - 13'439 13'597 - - 13'439 13'597

OTHER INCOMEFinancial income 365 - - - 365 345 - 333 698 494 Financial expense (26) - - - (26) (76) - (15) (41) (89) Rental income and sales 61 6 - - 67 72 - - 67 72 Miscellaneous income 304 22 - 31 357 342 - - 357 342 Total Other income 704 28 - 31 763 683 - 318 1'081 819

Distribution of unrestricted income 3'568 344 - - 3'912 3'891 - - 3'912 3'891

TOTAL INCOME 16'397 1'618 68 31 18'114 18'171 - 318 18'432 18'307

COST OF OPERATIONSDirect programme costs: grants 265 154 - - 419 409 - - 419 409 Operating & other programme costs 6'420 450 1 - 6'871 7'104 - - 6'871 7'104 Depreciation 125 - - 31 156 159 - - 156 159 Interest expense 57 - - - 57 60 - - 57 60 Salaries 7'206 917 - - 8'123 8'114 - - 8'123 8'114

TOTAL COST OF OPERATIONS 14'073 1'521 1 31 15'626 15'846 - - 15'626 15'846

Redistributed infrastructure costs 1'999 259 - - 2'258 2'352 - - 2'258 2'352 Guest house internal (sales)/charges 577 52 - - 629 565 - - 629 565

TOTAL COSTS BEFORE TRANSFERS 16'649 1'832 1 31 18'513 18'763 - - 18'513 18'763

NET (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS (252) (214) 67 - (399) (592) - 318 (81) (456)

OPERATING TRANSFERSTransfers between funds (86) 56 - - (30) (31) - 30 - (1) Transfers to/(from) funds (31) - - - (31) (213) - (15) (46) (220)

NET (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR (369) (158) 67 - (460) (836) - 333 (127) (677)


FUND BALANCES 1 JANUARY 2017 2'987 306 888 - 4'181 4'767 1'592 9'110 14'883 15'310

NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN FUNDS (369) (158) 67 - (460) (836) - 333 (127) (677)

TRANSFERS (TO)/FROM FUNDS & RESERVES 300 - 250 - 550 250 - - 550 250

FUND BALANCES 31 DECEMBER 2017 2'918 148 1'205 - 4'271 4'181 1'592 9'443 15'306 14'883

Schedule V R

estricted FundsFor the year ended 31 D

ecember 2017

(Swiss Francs 000’s)

Page 34: World Council of Churches - · Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves,

Financial Report 201734

Financial Report 2017

Schedule VI (a) Restricted Funds ProgrammesFor the year ended 31 December 2017(Swiss Francs 000's)

UM W D EF G1 C1 Total Funds Unity, Mission and

Ecumenical Relations

Public Witness Diakonia Ecumenical Formation

General Secretariat Communication WCC


2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017

CONTRIBUTIONS INCOMEMembership & other unrestricted income - - - - - - - Programme contributions 2'232 3'872 2'755 2'027 377 862 12'125 Total Contributions Income 2'232 3'872 2'755 2'027 377 862 12'125

OTHER INCOMEFinancial income 21 344 - - 365 Financial expense (2) (2) (4) (18) - - (26) Rental income and sales - 12 7 26 9 7 61 Miscellaneous income 6 59 17 111 20 91 304 Total Other income 4 90 20 463 29 98 704

Distribution of unrestricted income 60 492 256 63 1'710 987 3'568

TOTAL INCOME 2'296 4'454 3'031 2'553 2'116 1'947 16'397

COST OF OPERATIONSDirect programme costs: grants 15 6 49 185 1 9 265 Operating & other programme costs 805 2'437 1'433 372 526 847 6'420 Depreciation 2 9 - 113 1 - 125 Interest expense - - - 57 - - 57 Salaries 1'161 1'671 1'371 890 1'255 858 7'206

TOTAL COST OF OPERATIONS 1'983 4'123 2'853 1'617 1'783 1'714 14'073

Redistributed infrastructure costs 293 453 402 248 328 275 1'999 Guest house internal (sales)/charges 13 58 4 459 39 4 577

TOTAL COSTS BEFORE TRANSFERS 2'289 4'634 3'259 2'324 2'150 1'993 16'649

NET (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS 7 (180) (228) 229 (34) (46) (252)

OPERATING TRANSFERSTransfers between funds (2) 151 (19) (12) (250) 46 (86) Transfers to/(from) funds (3) (24) (4) - - - (31)

NET (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR 2 (53) (251) 217 (284) - (369)


FUND BALANCES 1 JANUARY 2017 1'163 134 311 1'067 284 28 2'987

NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN FUNDS 2 (53) (251) 217 (284) - (369)


FUND BALANCES 31 DECEMBER 2017 1'165 81 60 1'284 300 28 2'918

Schedule VI (a) R

estricted Funds Programm

esFor the year ended 31 D

ecember 2017

(Swiss Francs 000’s)

Page 35: World Council of Churches - · Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves,

Financial Report 201735

Financial Report 2017

Schedule VI (b) Restricted Funds ProgrammesFor the year ended 31 December 2017(Swiss Francs 000's)

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Total Funds Church and ecumenical relations

Youth engagement in the ecumenical


Community of women and men

Inter-religious dialogue and co-

operation Spiritual life WCC


2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017

CONTRIBUTIONS INCOMEMembership & other unrestricted income - - - - - - Programme contributions 314 118 250 564 - 1'246 Total Contributions Income 314 118 250 564 - 1'246

OTHER INCOMEFinancial income - - - - - - Financial expense - - - - - - Rental income and sales - - - 6 - 6 Miscellaneous income 3 2 - 16 1 22 Total Other income 3 2 - 22 1 28

Distribution of unrestricted income - 1 48 55 240 344

TOTAL INCOME 317 121 298 641 241 1'618

COST OF OPERATIONSDirect programme costs: grants 18 - - 136 - 154 Operating & other programme costs 111 41 103 183 12 450 Depreciation - - - - - - Interest expense - - - - - - Salaries 146 63 167 368 173 917

TOTAL COST OF OPERATIONS 275 104 270 687 185 1'521

Redistributed infrastructure costs 37 16 44 106 56 259 Guest house internal (sales)/charges 41 - - 11 - 52

TOTAL COSTS BEFORE TRANSFERS 353 120 314 804 241 1'832


OPERATING TRANSFERSTransfers between funds 42 (1) 16 (1) - 56 Transfers to/(from) funds - - - - - -

NET (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR 6 - - (164) - (158)


FUND BALANCES 1 JANUARY 2017 - - - 306 - 306

NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN FUNDS 6 - - (164) - (158)


FUND BALANCES 31 DECEMBER 2017 6 - - 142 - 148

Schedule VI (b) R

estricted Funds Programm

esFor the year ended 31 D

ecember 2017

(Swiss Francs 000’s)

Page 36: World Council of Churches - · Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves,

Financial Report 201736

Financial Report 2017

Schedule VII Unrestricted and Designated Funds For the year ended 31 December 2017(Swiss Francs 000's)

Unrestricted Designated Designated Designated Deficit Total TotalOperating Programme Fund for Fund for Fund to be covered Unrestricted & Unrestricted &

Funds Funds Fixed Assets Building Project from Develt Project Designated Funds Designated Funds2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016

CONTRIBUTIONS INCOMEMembership & other unrestricted income 3'916 - - - - 3'916 3'928 Programme contributions - - - - - - - Total Contributions Income 3'916 - - - - 3'916 3'928

OTHER INCOMEFinancial income 314 - - - - 314 112 Financial expense (154) - - - - (154) (194) Rental income and sales 5'938 - 792 - 23 6'753 6'642 Miscellaneous income 80 - - - - 80 104 Total Other income 6'178 - 792 - 23 6'993 6'664

Distribution of unrestricted income (3'912) - - - - (3'912) (3'891)

TOTAL INCOME 6'182 - 792 - 23 6'997 6'701

COST OF OPERATIONSDirect programme costs: grants - - - - - - - Operating & other programme costs 3'378 - 355 47 - 3'780 3'722 Depreciation 1'228 - 498 - - 1'726 1'505 Interest expense 177 - 186 304 667 709 Salaries 4'350 - - - - 4'350 4'539

TOTAL COST OF OPERATIONS 9'133 - 1'039 351 - 10'523 10'475

Redistributed infrastructure costs (2'258) - - - - (2'258) (2'352) Guest house internal (sales)/charges (630) - - 1 - (629) (565)

- - TOTAL COSTS BEFORE TRANSFERS 6'245 - 1'039 352 - 7'636 7'558

NET (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS (63) - (247) (352) 23 (639) (857)

OPERATING TRANSFERSTransfers between funds - - - - - - 1 Transfers to/(from) funds 10 - - - - 10 283

NET (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR (53) - (247) (352) 23 (629) (573)

Schedule VII U

nrestricted and Designated Funds

For the year ended 31 Decem

ber 2017(Sw

iss Francs 000’s)

Page 37: World Council of Churches - · Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves,

Financial Report 201737

Financial Report 2017

Schedule VIII Unrestricted Operating FundsFor the year ended 31 December 2017(Swiss Francs 000's)

F1 F2 F3 and F8 F4 F5 F6 Y5 Y1 Total Total Management Directorate

Income Monitoring & Development

Facility services Human Resources Finance IT services Ecumenical

Institute Guest House

General Secretariat Fund

Unrestricted Operating Funds

Unrestricted Operating Funds

2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016

CONTRIBUTIONS INCOMEMembership & other unrestricted income - 3'916 - - - - - - 3'916 3'928 Programme contributions - - - - - - - - - - Total Contributions Income - 3'916 - - - - - - 3'916 3'928

OTHER INCOMEFinancial income - - - - 252 - - 62 314 112 Financial expense - - - - (154) - - - (154) (194) Rental income and sales - - 2'990 13 - 319 2'616 - 5'938 5'830 Miscellaneous income - - 51 20 2 - 1 6 80 104 Total Other income - - 3'041 33 100 319 2'617 68 6'178 5'852

Distribution of unrestricted income - (3'916) - - - - - 4 (3'912) (3'891)

TOTAL INCOME - - 3'041 33 100 319 2'617 72 6'182 5'889

COST OF OPERATIONSDirect programme costs: grants - - - - - - - - - - Operating & other programme costs - 35 1'460 103 164 210 1'381 25 3'378 3'302 Depreciation - - 687 - - 40 501 - 1'228 1'224 Interest expense - - 29 - - - 148 - 177 190 Salaries - 448 726 450 839 480 1'271 136 4'350 4'539

TOTAL COST OF OPERATIONS - 483 2'902 553 1'003 730 3'301 161 9'133 9'255

Redistributed infrastructure costs - (490) 146 (520) (983) (411) - - (2'258) (2'352) Guest house internal (sales)/charges - 7 - - - - (637) - (630) (565)

TOTAL COSTS BEFORE TRANSFERS - - 3'048 33 20 319 2'664 161 6'245 6'338

NET (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS BEFORE OPERATING TRANSFERS - - (7) - 80 - (47) (89) (63) (449)

OPERATING TRANSFERSTransfers between funds - - - - - - - - - 1 Transfers to/(from) funds - - 7 - - - - 3 10 283

NET (DEFICIT)/SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR - - - - 80 - (47) (86) (53) (165)

Schedule VIII U

nrestricted Operating Funds

For the year ended 31 Decem

ber 2017(Sw

iss Francs 000’s)

Page 38: World Council of Churches - · Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves,

Financial Report 201738A












or the year ended 31 Decem

ber 2017

ANNUAL SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTIONS for the year ended 31 December 2017

Membership Undesignated Programme Assembly Total


 Anglican Church of Kenya 1'092                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'092                    Anglican Church of Southern Africa 8'489                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           8'489                    Christian AIDS Bureau for Southern Africa ‐                            ‐                           488                      ‐                           488                       Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Blantyre Synod 981                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           981                       Church of Christ in Congo ‐ Baptist Community of Congo 509                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           509                       Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 1'462                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'462                    Church of the Brethren in Nigeria 1'028                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'028                    Church of the Lord (Prayer Fellowship) Worldwide 615                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           615                       Churches Health Association of Zambia ‐                            ‐                           486                      ‐                           486                       Dutch Reformed Church 16'830                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           16'830                 Eglise de Jésus‐Christ à Madagascar 1'233                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'233                    Eglise presbytérienne au Rwanda 965                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           965                       Eglise presbytérienne camerounaise 733                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           733                       Eglise protestante d'Algérie 122                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           122                       Episcopal Church of South Sudan and Sudan (Note 1) 1'549                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'549                    Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus 5'933                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           5'933                    Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church 3'974                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'974                    Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia 865                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           865                       Evangelical Presbyterian Church in South Africa 488                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           488                       Lesotho Evangelical Church 1'061                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'061                    Methodist Church Ghana 1'584                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'584                    Methodist Church of Southern Africa 17'167                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           17'167                 Nigerian Baptist Convention 995                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           995                       Presbyterian Church in Cameroon 1'530                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'530                    Presbyterian Church of East Africa 1'541                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'541                    Presbyterian Church of Ghana 1'149                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'149                    Reformed Church in Zimbabwe 1'530                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'530                    United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe (Note 2) 304                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           304                       United Church of Zambia 969                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           969                       Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa 1'061                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'061                   Total Africa 75'759                 ‐                           974                      ‐                           76'732                



Page 39: World Council of Churches - · Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves,

Financial Report 201739

Membership Undesignated Programme Assembly Total


 Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia 8'734                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           8'734                    Anglican Church in Japan 3'433                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'433                    Anglican Church of Australia 13'260                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           13'260                 Australian Lutheran World Service  ‐                            ‐                           1'169                   ‐                           1'169                    Bangladesh Baptist Church Sangha 1'040                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'040                    China Christian Council 10'404                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           10'404                 Christian Churches of Java (GKJ) 484                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           484                       Church of Bangladesh 482                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           482                       Church of Ceylon 1'114                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'114                    Church of Christ in Thailand 2'529                    ‐                           450                      ‐                           2'979                    Church of North India 4'128                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           4'128                    Churches of Christ in Australia 3'119                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'119                    Episcopal Church in the Philippines 1'162                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'162                    Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China 6'151                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           6'151                    Iglesia Filipina Independiente 478                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           478                       Kalimantan Evangelical Church (GKE) 1'285                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'285                    Karo Batak Protestant Church (GBKP) 1'428                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'428                    Korean Evangelical Holiness Church ‐                            656                      ‐                           ‐                           656                       Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church 968                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           968                       Mar Thoma Syrian Church of Malabar 2'475                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           2'475                    Methodist Church in India (Note 3) 8'448                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           8'448                    Methodist Church in Singapore 1'804                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'804                    Methodist Church of New Zealand 3'459                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'459                    Methodist Church, Sri Lanka 998                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           998                       Miscellaneous, Asia ‐                            164                      30                        ‐                           194                       Myanmar Baptist Convention 1'944                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'944                    National Christian Council in Japan ‐                            ‐                           3'492                   ‐                           3'492                    NCC Australia ‐ Act for Peace ‐                            ‐                           21'195                ‐                           21'195                 Norton Clive Harcourt ‐                            ‐                           607                      ‐                           607                       Presbyterian Church in Taiwan 11'019                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           11'019                 Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea 10'384                 ‐                           173                      ‐                           10'557                 Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand 3'155                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'155                    Presbyterian Church of Korea 25'000                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           25'000                 Protestant Christian Church in Bali (GKPB) 1'561                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'561                    Protestant Church in Sabah (PCS) 1'890                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'890                    Simalungun Protestant Christian Church (GKPS) (Note 2) 992                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           992                       Toraja Church 969                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           969                       United Church of Christ in Japan 3'491                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'491                    United Church of Christ in the Philippines 1'549                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'549                   


Page 40: World Council of Churches - · Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves,

Financial Report 201740

Membership Undesignated Programme Assembly Total


 United Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India ‐                            ‐                           500                      ‐                           500                       Uniting Church in Australia 22'033                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           22'033                 World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women ‐                            ‐                           658                      ‐                           658                      Total Asia 161'370               820                      28'274                ‐                           190'463              

 Church in the Province of the West Indies 6'034                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           6'034                    Iglesia Presbiteriana‐Reformada en Cuba 1'164                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'164                    Jamaica Baptist Union 1'004                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'004                    Moravian Church in Jamaica 1'768                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'768                    Moravian Church in Suriname 711                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           711                       Presbyterian Church in Trinidad and Tobago 1'040                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'040                    United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands 976                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           976                       United Protestant Church of Curaçao 505                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           505                      Total Caribbean 13'202                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           13'202                

 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mennonitischer Gemeinden in Deutschland 959                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           959                       Armenian Apostolic Church (Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin) 3'087                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'087                    Baptist Union of Denmark 1'241                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'241                    Baptist Union of Great Britain 6'344                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           6'344                    Bread for the World ‐                            ‐                           4'433'311           ‐                           4'433'311            Brot für Alle ‐                            ‐                           160'000              ‐                           160'000               Children's Investment Fund Foundation ‐                            ‐                           78'096                ‐                           78'096                 Christian Aid ‐                            ‐                           117'659              ‐                           117'659               Christian Council of Sweden ‐                            3'000                   171'075              ‐                           174'075               Christkatholische Kirche der Schweiz 3'396                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'396                    Church in Wales 6'588                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           6'588                    Church of England 114'121               ‐                           22'826                ‐                           136'947               Church of Greece 6'032                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           6'032                    Church of Ireland 4'444                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           4'444                    Church of Norway 196'584               ‐                           60'459                ‐                           257'044               Church of Scotland 58'792                 ‐                           4'420                   12'840                76'052                 Church of Sweden 443'546               ‐                           1'382'826           ‐                           1'826'371            Conseil Suisse des Missions Évangéliques ‐                            ‐                           5'000                   ‐                           5'000                    Czechoslovak Hussite Church 2'731                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           2'731                    DanChurchAid ‐                            ‐                           130'406              ‐                           130'406               DEFAP ‐ French Evangelical Department for Apostolic Action ‐                            ‐                           12'585                ‐                           12'585                 Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) ‐                            ‐                           301'220              ‐                           301'220               Diakonie Auslandshilfe Österreich ‐                            ‐                           1'435                   ‐                           1'435                   



Page 41: World Council of Churches - · Council of Churches, which comprise the balance sheet, income and expenditure statement, statement of movements in funds and reserves,

Financial Report 201741

Membership Undesignated Programme Assembly Total


 DIFAEM ‐ Deutsches Institut für Ärztliche Mission ‐                            ‐                           996                      ‐                           996                       Ecumenical Patriarchate 9'971                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           9'971                    Eglise Coréenne de Geneve ‐                            ‐                           1'300                   ‐                           1'300                    Eglise Protestante Unie de Belgique 3'728                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'728                    Eglise protestante unie de France 42'717                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           42'717                 EKD ‐ Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland 794'010               ‐                           155'684              ‐                           949'695               EKD ‐ Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland ‐                            2'327                   34'105                ‐                           36'433                 EKD ‐ Evangelische Kirche in Hessen und Nassau ‐                            ‐                           28'713                ‐                           28'713                 EKD ‐ Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg ‐                            ‐                           3'325                   ‐                           3'325                    Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church 4'920                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           4'920                    Evangelical Baptist Union of Italy 1'939                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'939                    Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren 2'277                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           2'277                    Evangelical Church of Greece 409                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           409                       Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Poland 1'530                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'530                    Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Romania 1'392                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'392                    Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia 2'871                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           2'871                    Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark 123'043               ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           123'043               Evangelical Lutheran Church in Hungary 3'303                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'303                    Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland 194'387               ‐                           29'403                54'450                278'240               Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland 8'874                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           8'874                    Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia 117                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           117                       Evangelical Methodist Church in Italy 2'118                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           2'118                    Evangelische Brüder‐Unität 1'849                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'849                    Evangelische Kirche A.u.H.B. in Österreich 13'883                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           13'883                 Evangelische Landeskirche des Kantons Thurgau ‐                            ‐                           3'000                   ‐                           3'000                    Evangelische Regionalverband Frankfurt am Main ‐                            ‐                           8'996                   ‐                           8'996                    Evangelische Regionalverband Gießen (RV Oberhessen) ‐                            ‐                           10'210                ‐                           10'210                 Evangelische Regionalverband Nassau Nord ‐                            ‐                           15'435                ‐                           15'435                 Evangelische Regionalverband Oberursel ‐                            ‐                           10'935                ‐                           10'935                 Evangelische Regionalverband Rheinhessen ‐                            ‐                           10'399                ‐                           10'399                 Evangelische Regionalverband Rhein‐Lahn‐Westerwald ‐                            ‐                           8'849                   ‐                           8'849                    Evangelische Regionalverband Starkenburg‐Ost ‐                            ‐                           2'721                   ‐                           2'721                    Evangelische Regionalverband Wetterau ‐                            ‐                           12'630                ‐                           12'630                 Evangelische Regionalverband Wiesbaden‐Rheingau‐Taunus ‐                            ‐                           11'251                ‐                           11'251                 Evangelischer Oberkirchenrat ‐                            143                      1'011                   ‐                           1'154                    Evangelisches Dekanat Darmstadt‐Land ‐                            ‐                           1'913                   ‐                           1'913                    Evangelisches Dekanat Darmstadt‐Stadt ‐                            ‐                           5'152                   ‐                           5'152                    Evangelisches Dekanat Dreieich ‐                            ‐                           1'730                   ‐                           1'730                    Evangelisches Dekanat Gießen ‐                            ‐                           4'029                   ‐                           4'029                    Evangelisches Dekanat Odenwald ‐                            ‐                           2'297                   ‐                           2'297                   

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Financial Report 201742

Membership Undesignated Programme Assembly Total


 Evangelisches Dekanat Rodgau ‐                            ‐                           2'836                   ‐                           2'836                    Evangelisches Dekanat Worms‐Wonnegau ‐                            ‐                           2'708                   ‐                           2'708                    Evangelisches Missionswerk in Deutschland ‐                            ‐                           1'511'597           ‐                           1'511'597            Evangelisch‐Reformierte Kirche Basel‐Stadt ‐                            ‐                           6'411                   ‐                           6'411                    Evangelisch‐Reformierte Kirche des Kantons Basel‐Landschaft ‐                            ‐                           8'051                   ‐                           8'051                    Evangelisch‐Reformierte Kirche des Kantons Schaffhausen ‐                            ‐                           11'588                ‐                           11'588                 Evangelisch‐Reformierte Kirche des Kantons St Gallen ‐                            ‐                           16'088                ‐                           16'088                 Evangelisch‐Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Diessbach ‐                            500                      ‐                           ‐                           500                       Evangelisch‐Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Eglisau ‐                            ‐                           686                      ‐                           686                       Evangelisch‐Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Luzern ‐                            ‐                           5'511                   ‐                           5'511                    Evangelisch‐Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Oberwinterthur ‐                            ‐                           960                      ‐                           960                       Evangelisch‐Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Spiez ‐                            ‐                           1'000                   ‐                           1'000                    Evangelisch‐Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Tablat‐St Gallen ‐                            3'000                   2'000                   ‐                           5'000                    Evangelisch‐Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Thalwil ‐                            ‐                           2'345                   ‐                           2'345                    FELM ‐                            ‐                           108'898              ‐                           108'898               Finn Church Aid ‐                            ‐                           395'777              ‐                           395'777               Fondation pour l'aide au protestantisme réformé ‐                            ‐                           80'000                ‐                           80'000                 HEKS ‐ Hilfswerk der Evangelischen Kirchen Schweiz ‐                            ‐                           366'720              ‐                           366'720               ICCO ‐ Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation ‐                            ‐                           45'844                ‐                           45'844                 Katholisches Bistum der Alt‐Katholiken in Deutschland 1'596                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'596                    Kerk in Actie ‐                            ‐                           383'478              ‐                           383'478               Klaus Kohl ‐                            2'167                   ‐                           ‐                           2'167                    Lunds Mission Society ‐                            ‐                           42'781                ‐                           42'781                 Lusitanian Church of Portugal 1'133                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'133                    Mennonite Church in the Netherlands 961                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           961                       Methodist Church in Ireland 3'655                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'655                    Methodist Church 10'475                 ‐                           43'628                ‐                           54'102                 Miscellaneous, Europe ‐                            1'864                   10'255                ‐                           12'119                 Nathan Söderblom Memorial Fund ‐                            ‐                           18'054                ‐                           18'054                 Nicolson Laura ‐                            ‐                           621                      ‐                           621                       Norwegian Church Aid ‐                            ‐                           432'361              ‐                           432'361               Old‐Catholic Church in the Netherlands 1'147                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'147                    Old‐Catholic Mariavite Church in Poland 1'020                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'020                    Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania 2'023                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           2'023                    Orthodox Church in the Czech Lands and Slovakia 1'040                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'040                    Orthodox Church of Finland 3'507                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'507                    Paroisse de Terre Sainte ‐ Céligny ‐                            ‐                           1'000                   ‐                           1'000                    Pater Margaret ‐                            ‐                           500                      ‐                           500                       Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church in Poland 1'500                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'500                    Polish Catholic Church in Poland 357                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           357                      

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Membership Undesignated Programme Assembly Total


 Presbyterian Church of Wales 928                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           928                       Prisma ‐                            ‐                           1'154                   ‐                           1'154                    Pro Ökumene e.V. Initiative in Württemberg ‐                            ‐                           1'752                   ‐                           1'752                    Protestant Church in the Netherlands 65'172                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           65'172                 Ray Sheila ‐                            ‐                           700                      ‐                           700                       Reformed Church in Hungary 10'200                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           10'200                 Reformed Church in Romania 1'049                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'049                    Reformierte Christliche Kirche in der Slowakei 111                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           111                       Reformierte Kirchen Bern‐Jura‐Solothurn ‐                            ‐                           15'000                ‐                           15'000                 Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Bremgarten‐Mutschellen ‐                            2'000                   10'000                ‐                           12'000                 Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Gsteig‐Interlaken ‐                            ‐                           2'000                   ‐                           2'000                    Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Kelleramt ‐                            ‐                           800                      ‐                           800                       Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Küsnacht/Kommission Hilfe ‐                            ‐                           500                      ‐                           500                       Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Wülflingen ‐                            ‐                           500                      ‐                           500                       Reformierte Landeskirche Aargau ‐                            ‐                           45'102                ‐                           45'102                 Religious Society of Friends ‐                            ‐                           156'510              ‐                           156'510               Remonstrant Church 1'563                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'563                    Romanian Orthodox Church 4'657                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           4'657                    Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) 10'313                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           10'313                 Sarensen Torunn ‐                            ‐                           666                      ‐                           666                       Schweizerischer Evangelischer Kirchenbund 140'000               43'000                52'120                ‐                           235'120               Scottish Episcopal Church 4'511                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           4'511                    Serbian Orthodox Church 1'644                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'644                    Silesian Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession 1'761                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'761                    St Michael's Church Pen Selwood ‐                            ‐                           595                      ‐                           595                       Stichting Rotterdam ‐                            ‐                           151'216              ‐                           151'216               Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) ‐                            ‐                           166'499              ‐                           166'499               Undeb yr Annibynwyr Cymraeg 953                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           953                       Union des Églises Protestantes d'Alsace et de Lorraine 10'363                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           10'363                 United Free Church of Scotland 1'428                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'428                    United Reformed Church 9'377                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           9'377                    Uniting Church in Sweden 11'666                 ‐                           224'151              ‐                           235'817               Vereinte Evangelische Mission ‐                            ‐                           20'356                ‐                           20'356                 Waldensian Church 13'579                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           13'579                Total Europe 2'378'889           58'002                11'596'725         67'290                14'100'905         

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Financial Report 201744

Membership Undesignated Programme Assembly Total


 Iglesia Anglicana de Sudamérica 1'088                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'088                    Iglesia Cristiana Biblica 822                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           822                       Iglesia Evangélica del Rio de la Plata 963                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           963                       Iglesia Metodista del Perú 395                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           395                       Iglesia Metodista en el Uruguay 1'166                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'166                    Igreja Evangélica de Confissão Luterana no Brasil 8'197                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           8'197                    Igreja Metodista no Brasil 4'851                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           4'851                   Total Latin America 17'481                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           17'481                

 Armenian Apostolic Church (Holy See of Cilicia) 2'117                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           2'117                    Church of Cyprus 3'060                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           3'060                    Coptic Orthodox Church 1'752                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'752                    Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Egypt, Synod of the Nile 1'000                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'000                    Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East 9'577                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           9'577                    Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem 10'132                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           10'132                 Miscellaneous, Middle East ‐                            ‐                           639                      ‐                           639                       Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East 1'135                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'135                   Total Middle East 28'773                 ‐                           639                      ‐                           29'413                

 African Methodist Episcopal Church 23'178                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           23'178                 African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 4'095                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           4'095                    American Baptist Churches USA 14'639                 647                      18'505                ‐                           33'791                 Anglican Church of Canada 31'053                 ‐                           952                      ‐                           32'005                 BNY Mellon (Carnahan Fund) ‐                            ‐                           14'704                ‐                           14'704                 Canadian Foodgrains Bank ‐                            ‐                           1'174                   ‐                           1'174                    Canadian Lutheran World Relief ‐                            ‐                           7'301                   ‐                           7'301                    Canadian Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 458                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           458                       Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States 18'564                 6'216                   133'974              ‐                           158'754               Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 6'546                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           6'546                    Church of the Brethren 7'403                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           7'403                    Collegeville Institute ‐                            2'915                   ‐                           ‐                           2'915                    Edens Edward ‐                            ‐                           2'956                   ‐                           2'956                    EMPACT Africa ‐                            ‐                           500                      ‐                           500                       Evangelical Lutheran Church in America 59'204                 ‐                           296'757              ‐                           355'961               Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada 7'573                    ‐                           ‐                           757                      8'330                    Foundation for Theological Education in Southeast Asia ‐                            ‐                           81'578                ‐                           81'578                 Gill Theodore ‐                            595                      ‐                           ‐                           595                      

Latin America

Middle East

North America

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Membership Undesignated Programme Assembly Total


 Hassib Sabbagh Foundation ‐                            ‐                           50'465                ‐                           50'465                 International Council of Community Churches 968                       14                        ‐                           ‐                           983                       Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church Abroad 1'163                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'163                    Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns ‐                            ‐                           999                      ‐                           999                       Moravian Church in America 1'418                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'418                    Miscellaneous, North America ‐                            3'563                   2'271                   ‐                           5'833                    National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. 1'017                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'017                    Orthodox Church in America 1'268                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           1'268                    Pittsburgh Theological Seminary ‐                            ‐                           1'875                   ‐                           1'875                    Presbyterian Church (USA) 443'057               ‐                           38'596                ‐                           481'653               Presbyterian Church in Canada 9'191                    ‐                           33'386                ‐                           42'577                 Reformed Church in America 20'120                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           20'120                 Religious Society of Friends: Friends General Conference 2'703                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           2'703                    The Episcopal Church 31'721                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           31'721                 United Church of Canada 36'725                 ‐                           257'608              ‐                           294'333               United Church of Christ 22'620                 ‐                           84'341                ‐                           106'961               United Methodist Church 406'030               4'992                   96'247                ‐                           507'268               Wells Kenneth A.B. / Helga Muelder ‐                            ‐                           583                      ‐                           583                      Total North America 1'150'712           18'942                1'124'771           757                      2'295'182           

 Church of Melanesia 2'609                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           2'609                    Eglise protestante Maòhi 5'631                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           5'631                    Ekalesia Niue 938                       ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           938                       Methodist Church of Samoa 2'671                    ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           2'671                    Miscellaneous, Pacific ‐                            134                      ‐                           ‐                           134                      Total Pacific 11'849                 134                      ‐                           ‐                           11'983                


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Membership Undesignated Programme Assembly Total


 Caritas Internationalis ‐                            ‐                           2'692                   ‐                           2'692                    Catholic Committee for Cultural Collaboration ‐                            ‐                           25'688                ‐                           25'688                 CEVAA ‐ Community of Churches in Mission ‐                            ‐                           1'097                   ‐                           1'097                    Council for World Mission ‐                            ‐                           173'705              ‐                           173'705               Fellowship of the Least Coin ‐                            ‐                           14'511                ‐                           14'511                 UNAIDS ‐                            ‐                           103'484              ‐                           103'484               UNICEF ‐                            ‐                           269'596              ‐                           269'596               World Communion of Reformed Churches ‐                            ‐                           19'560                ‐                           19'560                 World Vision International ‐                            ‐                           9'554                   ‐                           9'554                   Total Global ‐                            ‐                           619'886              ‐                           619'886              Total All Contributors 3'838'036 77'897 13'371'268 68'047 17'355'248

Note 1: The contribution received from this church in 2017 covers the years 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.Note 2: The contribution received from this church in 2017 covers the year 2016.Note 3: The contribution received from this church covers the years 2016 and 2017.

Africa 75'759                 ‐                           974                      ‐                           76'732                Asia 161'370               820                      28'274                ‐                           190'463              Caribbean 13'202                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           13'202                Europe 2'378'889           58'002                11'596'725         67'290                14'100'905         Latin America 17'481                 ‐                           ‐                           ‐                           17'481                Middle East 28'773                 ‐                           639                      ‐                           29'413                North America 1'150'712           18'942                1'124'771           757                      2'295'182           Pacific 11'849                 134                      ‐                           ‐                           11'983                Global ‐                            ‐                           619'886              ‐                           619'886              TOTAL 3'838'036 77'897 13'371'268 68'047 17'355'248Total Membership/UDI and Restricted Contributions 3'915'933 13'439'315

SUMMARY OF CONTRIBUTIONS BY REGION Membership UDI Programme Assembly Total


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Non-financial contributions 2017

During 2017 non-financial contributions – such as hospitality, personnel and travel support – were received from many member churches and ecumenical partners.

Even though such valuable contributions cannot be quantified in the way financial transfers are recorded, we would like to recognise these important donations that have offset WCC programme costs and have enriched the overall quality of the ecumenical fellowship.

In this light, appreciation is recorded for those who extended the effectiveness of the Council’s resources through “in-kind” contributions.

Member ChurchesAnglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and PolynesiaAnglican Church in JapanAnglican Church of KenyaArmenian Apostolic Church (Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin)

- Diocese of the Armenian Church of IraqChristian Evangelical Church in Minahasa (GMIM), IndonesiaChurch of Christ in ThailandChurch of England

- Diocese in Europe - Partnership for World Mission

Church of North IndiaChurch of NorwayChurch of South IndiaChurch of SwedenChurch of the Province of MyanmarChurch of Uganda

- West Ankole DioceseDutch Reformed Church, South AfricaEcumenical PatriarchateÉglise luthérienne malgache - Malagasy Lutheran Church (FLM)Église méthodiste du Togo - Methodist Church of TogoÉglise protestante Maohi - Maohi Protestant Church, French PolynesiaEritrean Orthodox Tewahedo ChurchEthiopian Evangelical Church Mekane YesusEvangelical Church in Germany (EKD)Evangelical Lutheran Church in DenmarkEvangelical Presbyterian Church, GhanaFederation of Swiss Protestant Churches

- Evangelisch-reformierte Kirche Basel-Stadt - Evangelisch-reformierte Kirche des Kantons Basel-Landschaft - Evangelisch-reformierte Kirche des Kantons St Gallen - Evangelisch-reformierte Landeskirche des Kantons Zürich - Evangelisch-reformierte Landeskirche Graubünden - Reformierte Kirche Kanton Luzern - Reformierte Kirchen Bern-Jura-Solothurn - Reformierte Landeskirche Aargau

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Financial Report 201748

Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga (Methodist Church in Tonga)Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of JerusalemHoly Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the EastIndonesian Christian Church (HKI) Jamaica Baptist UnionMethodist Church in Fiji and RotumaMethodist Church NigeriaMethodist Church of New ZealandMethodist Church, UKThe Church of the Lord (Prayer Fellowship) Worldwide, NigeriaUnited Church of Christ, USAUnited Methodist Church

- General Board of Global Ministries - United Methodist Women

Councils and Conferences of ChurchesAll Africa Conference of ChurchesChristian Council of NigeriaChristian Council of Sweden Churches Together in Britain and IrelandCommunion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI)Conference of European ChurchesFinnish Ecumenical Council National Council of Churches in IndiaNational Council of Churches in KoreaSouth African Council of ChurchesSouth Sudan Council of ChurchesZimbabwe Council of Churches

Churches, Communions, Specialized Ministries, other Ecumenical PartnersAl-Azhar University, EgyptAristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Theology, GreeceAssociation for Theological Education in South East Asia (ATESEA)Association of Protestant Churches and Missions in Germany (EMW)Bose Monastery, ItalyCenter for Interreligious Dialogue, Islamic Culture and Relations (CID), IranCentre for Caring, Empowerment and Peace Initiatives (CCEPI), NigeriaChristian Aid Program Northern Iraq (CAPNI)Christian Conference of AsiaChristian Medical Association of India (CMAI)Christian Medical College, Vellore, IndiaCity of Andong, South KoreaCollegeville Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research, USACouncil for World MissionCouncil of Christian Church Leaders in IraqDrew University, The Theological School, USAEuropean Protestant Kirchentag (Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag)Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll

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Financial Report 2017 49

Evangelische Akademie HofgeismarUniversity of Göttingen, Faculty of Theology, GermanyUniversity of Pretoria, Faculty of Theology, South AfricaFinnChurchAidFriends of TanturFuller Theological Seminary, USAGeneva Disability Community Global Network of Religions for Children (GNRC) Evangélica Valdense del Río de la Plata, Uruguay / Waldensian Evangelical Church of

the River PlateIndependent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation (ICRICT)International Student Festival in Trondheim, NorwayInternationale Ökumenische Gemeinschaft - International Ecumenical Fellowship - Deutsche RegionJakarta Theological Seminary, IndonesiaKAICIID (King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercul-tural Dialogue)Korea Forum for Science and LifeLife and Peace InstituteLutheran World FederationMuslim Council of EldersNorwegian Church AidPatriarchal Foundation for Patristic StudiesRoman Catholic Church

- Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Indonesia - Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development - Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue - Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity - Primacy of Ireland

Sungkyunkwan University, South KoreaTAABCO Research and Development ConsultantsThe Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, USAThe Network of Religious Leaders and Traditional PeacemakersTumaini University Makumira, TanzaniaUNAIDSUNICEFUniversity of Erlangen, GermanyWesley Theological Seminary, USAWorld Communion of Reformed ChurchesWorld Conference on Religion and Peace (WCRP)/Japan

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Financial Report 201750

Note on Membership Contributions

The following churches made no membership contribution in 2017.Churches marked with an asterisk made an in-kind contribution in 2017 (see also Non-financial Contributions 2017, pp. 47-49).

Africa Africa Inland Church of South Sudan and SudanAfrican Christian Church and SchoolsAfrican Church of the Holy SpiritAfrican Israel Nineveh ChurchAnglican Church of TanzaniaAssociation des Eglises baptistes au RwandaAssociation des églises évangéliques réformées du Burkina FasoChurch of the Province of Central AfricaChurch of the Province of the Indian OceanChurch of the Province of West AfricaChurch of Uganda*Council of African Instituted ChurchesEglise anglicane du BurundiEglise baptiste camerounaiseEglise de Jésus-Christ sur la Terre par son Envoyé spécial Simon KimbanguEglise du Christ - Lumière du Saint EspritEglise du Christ au Congo - Communauté anglicane au Congo Eglise du Christ au Congo - Communauté des disciples du ChristEglise du Christ au Congo - Communauté épiscopale baptiste en AfriqueEglise du Christ au Congo - Communauté évangéliqueEglise du Christ au Congo - Communauté mennonite au CongoEglise du Christ au Congo - Communauté presbytérienneEglise du Christ au Congo - Communauté presbytérienne de KinshasaEglise évangélique du CamerounEglise évangélique du CongoEglise évangélique du GabonEglise Evangélique Luthérienne au CongoEglise évangélique presbytérienne du TogoEglise harristeEglise luthérienne malgache*Eglise méthodiste du Togo*Eglise méthodiste unie de la Côte d’IvoireEglise protestante africaineEglise protestante méthodiste du BéninEritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church*Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern AfricaEvangelical Lutheran Church in TanzaniaEvangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of NamibiaEvangelical Lutheran Church in ZimbabweEvangelical Lutheran Church of GhanaEvangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana*Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa

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Iglesia Reformada Presbiteriana de Guinea EcuatorialIgreja Evangélica Baptista em AngolaIgreja Evangélica Congregacional em AngolaIgreja Evangélica Reformada de AngolaIgreja Presbiteriana de MoçambiqueKanisa La Moravian TanzaniaKenya Evangelical Lutheran ChurchLutheran Church in LiberiaMethodist Church in KenyaMethodist Church in ZimbabweMethodist Church Nigeria*Methodist Church Sierra LeoneMissao Evangélica Pentecostal AngolaMoravian Church in South AfricaPresbyterian Church of AfricaPresbyterian Church of LiberiaPresbyterian Church of NigeriaPresbyterian Church of South Sudan and SudanProvince de l’Eglise anglicane du RwandaReformed Church in ZambiaReformed Church of Christ in NigeriaThe African ChurchUnion des Eglises baptistes du CamerounUnited Congregational Church of Southern AfricaUniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa

Asia Anglican Church of KoreaBaptist Union of New ZealandBatak Christian Community Church (GPKB)Bengal-Orissa-Bihar Baptist ConventionChristian Church of Central Sulawesi (GKST)Christian Church of Sumba (GKS)Christian Churches New ZealandChristian Evangelical Church in Minahasa (GMIM)*Christian Evangelical Church of Sangihe Talaud (GMIST)Christian Protestant Angkola Church (GKPA)Christian Protestant Church in Indonesia (GKPI)Church of PakistanChurch of South India*Church of the Province of Myanmar*Convention of Philippine Baptist ChurchesCouncil of Baptist Churches in North East IndiaEast Java Christian Church (GKJW)Evangelical Christian Church in Halmahera (GMIH)Evangelical Christian Church in Tanah Papua (GKITP)Evangelical Methodist Church in the PhilippinesIndonesian Christian Church (GKI)

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Indonesian Christian Church (HKI)*Korean Christian Church in JapanKorean Methodist ChurchLao Evangelical ChurchMara Evangelical ChurchMethodist Church in Indonesia (GMI)Methodist Church in MalaysiaMethodist Church, Upper MyanmarNias Christian Protestant Church (BNKP)Orthodox Church in JapanPasundan Christian Church (GKP)Presbyterian Church of PakistanProtestant Christian Batak Church (HKBP)Protestant Church in Indonesia (GPI)Protestant Church in South-East Sulawesi (GEPSULTRA)Protestant Church in the Moluccas (GPM)Protestant Church in Timor Lorosa’eProtestant Church in Western Indonesia (GPIB)Protestant Evangelical Church in Timor (GMIT)Samavesam of Telugu Baptist ChurchesUnited Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India

Caribbean Convention baptiste d’HaïtiIglesia Metodista en CubaMethodist Church in the Caribbean and the AmericasMoravian Church, Eastern West Indies Province

Europe Altkatholische Kirche ÖsterreichsBaptist Union of HungaryEvangelical Presbyterian Church of PortugalEvangelical-Lutheran Church in RomaniaHungarian Reformed Church in AmericaIglesia Española Reformada Episcopal Iglesia Evangélica EspañolaPolish National Catholic ChurchReformierte Christliche Kirche in Serbien und Montenegro

Slovak Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Serbia & Montenegro

Latin America Asociación Bautista de El Salvador

Asociación Iglesia de DiosConvención Bautista de NicaraguaIglesia de Misiones Pentecostales Libres de ChileIglesia Evangélica de los Discipulos de CristoIglesia Evangélica luterana boliviana

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Iglesia Evangélica Luterana en ChileIglesia Evangélica Luterana UnidaIglesia Evangélica Metodista ArgentinaIglesia Evangélica Metodista en BoliviaIglesia Luterana SalvadoreñaIglesia Metodista de ChileIglesia Metodista de MexicoIglesia Metodista de Puerto RicoIglesia Morava en NicaraguaIglesia Pentecostal de ChileIglesia Presbiteriana de ColombiaIgreja Episcopal Anglicana do BrasilIgreja Presbiteriana Independente do BrasilIgreja Presbiteriana Unida do BrasilMisión Iglesia Pentecostal

Middle East Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan & the Holy LandEvangelical Presbyterian Church in IranNational Evangelical Synod of Syria and LebanonSyrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East

North America Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in CanadaHoly Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the EastInternational Evangelical ChurchNational Baptist Convention of America, Inc.Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.Religious Society of Friends: Friends United Meeting

Pacific Congregational Christian Church in American SamoaCongregational Christian Church in SamoaCook Islands Christian ChurchEglise évangélique en Nouvelle-Calédonie et aux Iles LoyautéEkalesia Kelisiano TuvaluEvangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New GuineaFree Wesleyan Church of Tonga (Methodist Church in Tonga)*Kiribati Protestant ChurchMethodist Church in Fiji and Rotuma*Presbyterian Church of VanuatuUnited Church in Papua New GuineaUnited Church in the Solomon IslandsUnited Church of Christ - Congregational in the Marshall Islands

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World Councilof Churches

Financial Report2017

Activities Appendix

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World Council of Churches150 Route de FerneyP.O. Box 21001211 Geneva 2Switzerland

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Report of the auditor on the Activities Appendix 5to the Executive Committee and to the Member Churches Summary: Restricted Funds and Designated Funds 6 Restricted Funds Activities List for the year ended 2017 7 Designated Funds Activities List for the year ended 2017 22 Information on Consolidated Activities 23

Notes to the Activities Appendix 24

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Activities Appendix 2017 5


Report of the auditor on the Activities Appendix to the Executive Committee and to the Member Churches

On your instructions, we have audited the schedules, showing opening balances, contributions,authorised expenditure, transfers, and closing balances of the activities of the World Council ofChurches, as at 31 December 2017 and for the year then ended, as set out in the Activities Lists forRestricted Funds and Designated Funds and the notes which follow.

Management’s responsibilityManagement is responsible for the preparation of these schedules in accordance with the requirements of Swiss law, the Council’s Constitution and Rules, and the Council’s accounting policies as set out in note 2 to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2017. This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining an internal control system relevant to the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Management is further responsible for selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making accountingestimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.

Auditor’s responsibilityOur responsibility is to express an opinion on these schedules based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss Auditing Standards and International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financialstatements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures inthe financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including theassessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud orerror. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers the internal control system relevant to theentity’s preparation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate inthe circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the existence and effectiveness ofthe entity’s internal control system. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of theaccounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well as evaluating theoverall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained issufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

OpinionIn our opinion, the schedules present fairly, in all material respects, the opening balances, contributions, authorised expenditure, transfers and closing balances of the activities of the World Council of Churches for the year ended 31 December 2017 in accordance with Swiss Law, the Council’s Constitution and Rules, and the Council’s accounting policies as set out in note 2 to the consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2017.

PricewaterhouseCoopers SA

Marc Secretan Coralie DumollardAudit expert

Geneva, 26 April 2018

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Activities Appendix 20176

Summary: Restricted Funds and Designated Funds

2017 2016CHF CHF

Restricted FundsProgramme Funds 3,065,430 3,292,859WCC Assembly Fund 1,205,595 888,332Total Restricted Funds 4,271,025 4,181,191

Designated FundsProgrammes 283,956 283,956

Total Designated Funds 283,956 283,956

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World Council of ChurchesRestricted Funds Activities List for the year ended 31 December 2017

G1 General SecretariatActivity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceYYG1 General Secretariat 0.00 2,005,737.54 (71.21) (2,005,666.33) 0.00ZZG1 General Secretariat 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Subtotal G1 0.00 2,005,737.54 (71.21) (2,005,666.33) 0.00

G101 Office of the General SecretaryG1011A General Secretary's travel 0.00 2,583.23 (100,353.47) 97,770.24 0.00G1011B WCC delegations 0.00 2,059.44 (91,128.90) 89,069.46 0.00G1011D Fund for priority areas 234,261.18 0.00 0.00 (234,261.18) 0.00YG101 Office of the General Secretary 0.00 0.00 (875,861.44) 875,861.44 0.00

Subtotal G101 234,261.18 4,642.67 (1,067,343.81) 828,439.96 0.00

G102 Governing bodiesG1021A Executive Committee and Leadership of Central Committee 0.00 1,158.45 (96,149.20) 94,990.75 0.00G1021B Central Committee 0.00 0.00 (1,764.33) 301,764.33 300,000.00G1021D Membership matters 0.00 0.00 (6,163.32) 6,163.32 0.00

Subtotal G102 0.00 1,158.45 (104,076.85) 402,918.40 300,000.00

G104 General Secretariat initiativesG1046A Conference office 0.00 0.00 (347,191.74) 347,191.74 0.00G1047A WCC 70th anniversary 0.00 5,851.25 (12,969.44) 7,118.19 0.00G1047B Mid-term evaluation 0.00 0.00 (46,707.63) 46,707.63 0.00

Subtotal G104 0.00 5,851.25 (406,868.81) 401,017.56 0.00

G105 Library and archivesG1051A Library 0.00 918.00 (54,040.29) 53,122.29 0.00G1051B Archives 0.00 9,335.16 (27,101.88) 17,766.72 0.00YG105 Library and archives 0.00 666.01 (248,196.08) 247,530.07 0.00

Subtotal G105 0.00 10,919.17 (329,338.25) 318,419.08 0.00

G106 Pilgrimage of justice and peaceG106A Coordination : pilgrimage of justice and peace 0.00 58.79 (3,962.74) 3,903.95 0.00G106B Reference group : pilgrimage of justice and peace 50,000.00 792.22 (41,733.59) (9,058.63) 0.00G106C Theological reflection : pilgrimage of justice and peace 0.00 0.00 (13,968.82) 13,968.82 0.00G106E Visits: pilgrimage of justice and peace 0.00 0.00 (10,189.05) 10,189.05 0.00YG106 Pilgrimage of justice and peace 0.00 56,676.97 (100,889.96) 44,212.99 0.00

Subtotal G106 50,000.00 57,527.98 (170,744.16) 63,216.18 0.00

G107 Human sexuality reference groupG107A Coordination of the human sexuality reference group 0.00 552.00 (38,420.26) 37,868.26 0.00YG107 Human sexuality reference group 0.00 29,818.41 (33,502.42) 3,684.01 0.00

Subtotal G107 0.00 30,370.41 (71,922.68) 41,552.27 0.00

284,261.18 2,116,207.47 (2,150,365.77) 49,897.12 300,000.00Total G1

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Activities Appendix 20178Programmatic area UMER: Unity, Mission and Ecumenical Relations

Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceYYUM Unity, Mission and Ecumenical Relations 0.00 569,353.00 (56,240.42) (513,112.58) 0.00ZZUM Unity, Mission and Ecumenical Relations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Subtotal UM 0.00 569,353.00 (56,240.42) (513,112.58) 0.00

UM1 Faith and OrderUM1A Commission on Faith and Order 0.00 6,266.17 (46,699.06) 40,432.89 0.00UM1B Study : The Church on a pilgrimage of justice and peace in today's world 0.00 0.00 (3,420.26) 3,420.26 0.00UM1C Study : Pilgrimage towards a common vision of the church 12,882.62 18,054.00 (21,255.77) (34.00) 9,646.85UM1D Study: Moral Discernment in the Churches; facilitating, promoting and understanding 0.00 0.00 (7,024.52) 7,024.52 0.00UM1F Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 0.00 0.00 (6,541.20) 6,541.20 0.00UM1G Forum on bilateral dialogues 0.00 0.00 (2,909.83) 2,909.83 0.00UM1H United and uniting churches 8,026.33 0.00 (93.99) 0.00 7,932.34UM1K One baptism: toward mutual recognition 4,569.14 0.00 0.00 (4,569.14) 0.00UM1L Digitising the Faith and Order papers 0.00 20,000.00 (33,696.21) 13,696.21 0.00UM1M Permanent Committee on Consensus and Collaboration 0.00 0.00 (11,880.09) 11,880.09 0.00YUM1A Parvey legacy 16,618.14 0.00 0.00 (16,618.14) 0.00YUM1 Faith and Order 0.00 286,371.10 (582,519.45) 296,148.35 0.00

Subtotal UM1 42,096.23 330,691.27 (716,040.38) 360,832.07 17,579.19

UM2 Mission and evangelismUM2A CWME reserve 943,058.86 204,397.43 0.00 (163,321.33) 984,134.96UM2B Commission on World Mission and Evangelism 0.00 3,031.05 (114,970.87) 111,939.82 0.00

Conference on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) 2018UM2C CWME general planning 0.00 0.00 (77,399.68) 77,399.68 0.00UM2CA CWME 2018 0.00 0.00 (13,642.96) 13,642.96 0.00UM2CB CWME planning committee 0.00 0.00 (48,640.83) 48,640.83 0.00UM2CD CWME spiritual life committee 0.00 0.00 (41,926.74) 41,926.74 0.00UM2CE CWME pre-conferences 0.00 0.00 (39,875.39) 39,875.39 0.00UM2CG CWME communication and publications 0.00 0.00 (6,622.08) 6,622.08 0.00

Missional formationUM2G Missional formation 0.00 66.35 (37,523.24) 37,456.89 0.00UM2GB Mission and transformative discipleship 27,460.75 0.00 (13,384.05) 0.00 14,076.70

Evangelism as authentic discipleshipUM2K Working Group on Evangelism 0.00 0.00 (26,723.87) 26,723.87 0.00UM2M Explorations in Evangelism 0.00 0.00 (27,621.36) 27,621.36 0.00UM2N Evangelism and theological education 0.00 0.00 (5.33) 5.33 0.00UM2O Contribution to relations between the WCC and Pentecostals 0.00 0.00 (4,999.95) 4,999.95 0.00

PublicationsUM2P Carnahan Fund 29,387.85 14,703.60 0.00 (9,506.39) 34,585.06UM2Q International Review of Mission and publications 0.00 0.00 (2,884.31) 2,884.31 0.00YUM2 Mission and evangelism 0.00 708,821.14 (441,577.15) (267,243.99) 0.00

Subtotal UM2 999,907.46 931,019.57 (897,797.81) (332.50) 1,032,796.72

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Activities Appendix 20179

Programmatic area UMER: Unity, Mission and Ecumenical Relations (continued)Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing Balance

UM3 Mission from the marginsUM3A consol Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network (EDAN) 26,092.80 222,135.02 (252,440.87) 80,000.00 75,786.95UM3C Mission from the Margins solidarity conference 0.00 9,142.95 (15,956.48) 6,813.53 0.00UM3D Building Capacity for Ministry with migrant churches in Europe 6,882.80 49.25 (9,340.26) 2,408.21 0.00UM3E Working group on Mission from the margins 0.00 0.00 (18,775.24) 18,775.24 0.00UM3F Ecumenical response to racism 0.00 0.00 (17,842.20) 17,842.20 0.00

Indigenous PeoplesUM3IPA Reference group Ecumenical Indigenous People's Network 0.00 0.00 (25,314.23) 25,314.23 0.00UM3IPB Indigenous Peoples: programmes 0.00 0.00 (3,361.70) 3,361.70 0.00UM3IPC Indigenous Peoples: reconciliation conference 0.00 0.00 (11,252.74) 11,252.74 0.00YUM3IP Indigenous Peoples 75,653.52 120,879.28 (115,920.71) (42,133.72) 38,478.37

YUM3 Mission from the margins 0.00 113,542.99 (150,048.45) 36,505.46 0.00Subtotal UM3 108,629.12 465,749.49 (620,252.88) 160,139.59 114,265.32

UM4 Ecumenical relationsUM42 Relations with Pentecostal Churches 12,019.73 0.00 0.00 (12,019.73) 0.00

Subtotal UM4 12,019.73 0.00 0.00 (12,019.73) 0.00

1,162,652.54 2,296,813.33 (2,290,331.49) (4,493.15) 1,164,641.23Total UM

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Activities Appendix 201710Programmatic area W: Public Witness

Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceYYW Public Witness 0.00 1,546,957.30 (78,641.35) (1,468,315.95) 0.00ZZW Public Witness 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Subtotal W 0.00 1,546,957.30 (78,641.35) (1,468,315.95) 0.00

W1 Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA)W1A CCIA: convening, communication and management 0.00 754.86 (73,961.51) 73,206.65 0.00W1B CCIA special initiatives: Ukraine, Colombia, Central America and West Papua 0.00 0.00 (20,699.79) 20,699.79 0.00W1C CCIA convening reflection and study processes on complex issues: 2017 focus - religion and violence 0.00 0.00 (1,149.45) 1,149.45 0.00W1D Arms control & disarmament 0.00 0.00 (49,307.32) 49,307.32 0.00YW1 CCIA 0.00 42,892.00 (223,989.04) 181,097.04 0.00

Subtotal W1 0.00 43,646.86 (369,107.11) 325,460.25 0.00

W2 Ecumenical United Nations Office (EUNO), New YorkW2A EUNO: coordination, communication & management 0.00 13,553.00 (255,199.01) 241,646.01 0.00W2B Partnerships for peace and security 0.00 0.00 (5,710.21) 5,710.21 0.00W2C Ecumenical Strategic Forum 2017 0.00 0.00 (109,440.47) 109,440.47 0.00W2CA Partnerships for sustainable development and SDG monitoring 0.00 0.00 (6,889.19) 6,889.19 0.00W2D Partnerships for gender justice 0.00 2,097.03 (17,907.10) 15,810.07 0.00W2E Advocacy for Indigenous Peoples’ rights 0.00 0.00 (6,343.72) 6,343.72 0.00W2F Activities on religion, violence and extremism 0.00 9,667.48 (20,137.22) 10,469.74 0.00W2FA UNOGP: collaboration on inclusive societies in Asia 0.00 12,638.50 (10,781.05) 0.00 1,857.45YW2 Ecumenical UN Office, New York 0.00 383,105.30 (61,169.27) (321,936.03) 0.00

Subtotal W2 0.00 421,061.31 (493,577.24) 74,373.38 1,857.45

W3 Ecumenical Accompaniment in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI)W31 EAPPI international coordination 0.00 0.00 (12,616.37) 12,616.37 0.00W31A EAPPI evaluation 0.00 12,164.30 (48,040.28) 35,875.98 0.00W31B EAPPI annual meeting 0.00 0.00 (14,337.94) 14,337.94 0.00W32 EAPPI local coordination of accompaniment and protection 0.00 51,486.92 (176,205.27) 124,718.35 0.00W32A EAPPI Yanoun House 582.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 582.69W32B EAPPI coordination DCA 0.00 13,560.00 (13,712.41) 152.41 0.00W32C EAPPI Field and Security Officer 17,783.70 12,212.50 (37,579.39) 7,583.19 0.00W32D Staff support measures 0.00 9,458.00 (7,111.08) 0.00 2,346.92W32SE EAPPI coordination CCS 12,766.90 47,025.00 (64,055.35) 4,263.45 0.00W33 Ecumenical Accompaniers coordination 0.00 191,525.22 0.00 (191,525.22) 0.00W34 Building awareness and advocacy 0.00 4,943.56 (4,943.56) 0.00 0.00W33AT Ecumenical Accompaniers: Austria 116.59 960.00 (1,150.35) 73.76 0.00W33AU Ecumenical Accompaniers: Australia 195.07 14,070.00 (14,038.49) 0.00 226.58W33CA Ecumenical Accompaniers: United Church of Canada 695.30 5,051.00 (5,976.30) 230.00 0.00W33CB Ecumenical Accompaniers: Presbyterian Church in Canada 10,520.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,520.16W33CH Ecumenical Accompaniers: Switzerland 0.00 62,370.00 (71,848.20) 9,478.20 0.00W33DE Ecumenical Accompaniers: Germany 74.79 45,750.00 (51,448.45) 5,623.66 0.00W33DK Ecumenical Accompaniers: Denmark 0.00 24,718.39 (24,565.98) (152.41) 0.00W33FI Ecumenical Accompaniers: Finland 182.07 57,132.58 (61,044.34) 3,729.69 0.00W33FR Ecumenical Accompaniers: France 4,154.86 8,310.00 (9,559.77) 0.00 2,905.09

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Activities Appendix 201711

Programmatic area W: Public Witness (continued)Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing Balance

W3 Ecumenical Accompaniment in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) continuedW33GB Ecumenical Accompaniers: Great Britain and Ireland 0.00 102,360.00 (118,748.32) 16,388.32 0.00W33NL Ecumenical Accompaniers: Netherlands 861.43 2,539.62 (3,311.87) 0.00 89.18W33NO Ecumenical Accompaniers: Norway 0.00 99,810.00 (109,493.74) 9,683.74 0.00W33OT Ecumenical Accompaniers: Other 0.00 0.00 (4,888.10) 4,888.10 0.00W33SE Ecumenical Accompaniers: Sweden 266.67 94,050.00 (109,538.29) 15,221.62 0.00W33UN Ecumenical Accompaniers: UNICEF 43,427.32 265,858.00 (257,917.35) (33,203.81) 18,164.16W33US Ecumenical Accompaniers: USA 14,990.10 20,589.72 (39,720.14) 4,140.32 0.00W33EV Evacuation Fund 14,615.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 14,615.11YW3 EAPPI 0.00 159,799.92 (287,942.39) 128,142.47 0.00

Subtotal W3 121,232.76 1,305,744.73 (1,549,793.73) 172,266.13 49,449.89

W4 Peacebuilding : country/region focusesPromoting peace and reconciliation on the Korean peninsula

W4A1 Promoting encounter and dialogue for peace and reunification on the Korean peninsula 0.00 2,902.50 (6,271.66) 3,369.16 0.00W4A2 Ecumenical forum for Korea 0.00 0.00 (1,967.88) 1,967.88 0.00YW4A Promoting peace and reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula 0.00 0.00 (52,868.49) 52,868.49 0.00

Peace building in the Middle EastW4B1 Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum (PIEF) 0.00 7,569.75 (23,157.46) 15,587.71 0.00W4B2 PIEF communication officer 2,289.74 10,799.51 (16,026.25) 2,937.00 0.00W4B3 Amman II consultation: 50 years of Occupation, 10 years since the Amman Call 0.00 0.00 (30,844.59) 30,844.59 0.00W4B4 Jerusalem Inter-Church Centre 0.00 50,726.14 (150,623.98) 99,897.84 0.00W4B5 Initiatives for peace in Syria January-March 0.00 84,734.30 (87,979.87) 3,245.57 0.00W4B5A Towards an inclusive peace building process in Syria July-December 0.00 300,102.54 (288,945.16) 0.00 11,157.38W4B5B Towards an inclusive peace building process in Syria April-December 0.00 127,979.13 (127,979.13) 0.00 0.00W4B5C Towards an inclusive peace building process in Syria April-December 0.00 70,000.00 (60,916.39) 0.00 9,083.61W4B5D Towards an inclusive peace building process in Syria April-December 0.00 30,914.44 (30,914.44) 0.00 0.00W4B6 Initiatives for peace in Iraq 0.00 0.00 (87,807.55) 87,807.55 0.00W4B6A Church leaders visit to Iraq 0.00 34,296.55 (34,556.49) 259.94 0.00W4B7 Theological handbook 10,000.00 0.00 (602.36) 0.00 9,397.64W4B8 Protection and security for religious minorities in Iraq and Syria (WCC-NCA joint project) 0.00 1,035.95 (1,079.29) 43.34 0.00YW4B Peace building in the Middle East 0.00 169,245.42 (284,180.31) 114,934.89 0.00

Peace building in South Sudan and Sudan

W4C1 Accompanying churches and ecumenical council in South Sudan in initiatives for justice, peace and reconciliation

0.00 0.00 (13,092.67) 13,092.67 0.00

W4C2 Accompanying churches and ecumenical council in Sudan in initiatives for justice, peace and reconciliation 0.00 0.00 (10,585.18) 10,585.18 0.00YW4C Peace building in South Sudan and Sudan 0.00 0.00 (131,057.70) 131,057.70 0.00

Accompanying the electoral process in the Democratic Republic of CongoW4D1 International ecumenical accompaniment of DRC presidential election process 0.00 0.00 (6,616.29) 6,616.29 0.00YW4D Democratic Republic of Congo 0.00 0.00 (87,374.77) 87,374.77 0.00

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Activities Appendix 201712Programmatic area W: Public Witness (continued)

Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceW4 Peacebuilding : country/region focuses (continued)Peace building in Burundi

W4E1 Peace building in Burundi 0.00 0.00 (31,151.57) 31,151.57 0.00

YW4 Peacebuilding : country/region focuses 0.00 50,510.00 0.00 (50,510.00) 0.00Subtotal W4 12,289.74 940,816.23 (1,566,599.48) 643,132.14 29,638.63

W5 Human dignity and rightsW5A1 Ecumenical advocacy in UN human rights forums 0.00 0.00 (26,663.61) 26,663.61 0.00W5A2A Special initiative/s on freedom of religion or belief 0.00 602.54 (2,055.21) 1,452.67 0.00W5A2B Special initiative/s on racism and racial discrimination 0.00 0.00 (7,690.03) 7,690.03 0.00W5A3 Support for church engagement in ending statelessness 0.00 1,670.34 (20,486.04) 18,815.70 0.00W5B1 Capacity-building of WCC member churches for advocacy on children’s rights 0.00 3,737.72 (19,252.47) 15,514.75 0.00W5B2 WCC member churches’ engagement in child protection campaigns 0.00 0.00 (8,839.58) 8,839.58 0.00W5B3 WCC member churches’ engagement in "children and climate" initiatives 0.00 0.00 (1,289.41) 1,289.41 0.00YW5 Human dignity and rights 0.00 189,765.82 (490,173.13) 300,407.31 0.00

Subtotal W5 0.00 195,776.42 (576,449.48) 380,673.06 0.00

133,522.50 4,454,002.85 (4,634,168.39) 127,589.01 80,945.97Total W

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Activities Appendix 201713

Programmatic area D: DiakoniaActivity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceYYD Diakonia 0.00 753,155.16 (99,971.30) (653,183.86) 0.00ZZD Diakonia 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Subtotal D 0.00 753,155.16 (99,971.30) (653,183.86) 0.00

D1 Economy of Life, Care for Creation, Sustainability and Climate JusticeD11A Transformative education for economic and ecological justice 0.00 25,707.41 (81,806.57) 56,099.16 0.00D11B Advocacy and accompaniment for economy of life and climate justice 0.00 9,367.48 (54,646.78) 45,279.30 0.00D11C Theological reflection and interfaith cooperation on economic and ecological justice 0.00 1,017.45 (17,153.81) 16,136.36 0.00YD1 Economic and ecological justice 0.00 315,600.02 (299,774.09) (15,825.93) 0.00

Subtotal D1 0.00 351,692.36 (453,381.25) 101,688.89 0.00

D3 Ecumenical Water Network (EWN)D31 EWN Capacity building and communication 0.00 145.00 (38,486.31) 38,341.31 0.00D32 Theological formation on water justice 0.00 0.00 (7,825.46) 7,825.46 0.00D33 Advocacy for water justice 0.00 4,836.34 (19,054.26) 14,217.92 0.00D36 EWN youth programme 2,683.56 0.00 0.00 (2,683.56) 0.00YD3 Ecumenical Water Network (EWN) 20,835.95 215,229.18 (167,384.70) (60,122.09) 8,558.34

Subtotal D3 23,519.51 220,210.52 (232,750.73) (2,420.96) 8,558.34

D5 Diakonia and ecumenical solidarityD51A Regional seminars on capacity building for diakonia and development 0.00 0.00 (86,417.00) 86,417.00 0.00D52 Follow up workshops with churches to promote theological reflection on ecumenical diakonia 0.00 173.25 (31,428.96) 31,255.71 0.00D52F BftW scholarships 2014-19 (20130098E) (2,862.17) 74,646.40 (1,681.44) (86,417.00) (16,314.21)YD52 WCC diakonia scholarships for capacity building 10,941.93 0.00 0.00 (10,941.93) 0.00

D53 Strengthening the relationship between WCC and ACT Alliance (Malawi follow up) 18,735.54 0.00 0.00 (18,735.54) 0.00YD5 Diakonia and ecumenical solidarity 0.00 69,829.50 (164,109.32) 94,279.82 0.00

Subtotal D5 26,815.30 144,649.15 (283,636.72) 95,858.06 (16,314.21)

D6 Health and healingD61 Advocacy in health and healing - implementation of WCC and WHO and UNAIDS agreed activities 0.00 0.00 (24,695.20) 24,695.20 0.00D62 Strengthening global networks to promote and advocate on health issues 0.00 927.00 (32,144.56) 31,217.56 0.00D63 A collaborative response to health issues in conflict areas 0.00 1,562.49 (12,825.00) 11,262.51 0.00YD6 Health and healing 0.00 0.00 (236,645.33) 236,645.33 0.00

Subtotal D6 0.00 2,489.49 (306,310.09) 303,820.60 0.00

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Activities Appendix 201714Programmatic area D: Diakonia (continued)

Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceD7 Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy (EHAIA)D71 Increased capacity of churches to respond effectively and compassionately: Youth

D711C Masculinity workshop with youths (follow up) - Central 0.00 0.00 (6,483.78) 6,483.78 0.00D711C1 Masculinity workshop with youths 0.00 0.00 (10,894.08) 10,894.08 0.00D711C2 Masculinity workshop with youths - Cameroon 0.00 0.00 (7,115.78) 7,115.78 0.00D711E Intergenerational conversation - safe spaces 0.00 0.00 (12,595.34) 12,595.34 0.00D711E1 Tanzania activities follow up 0.00 0.00 (4,324.19) 4,324.19 0.00D711E2 Kenya activities follow up 0.00 0.00 (4,632.44) 4,632.44 0.00D711L Adolescents Training in Angola at Schools IEBA and IERA 0.00 0.00 (4,274.42) 4,274.42 0.00D711L1 Adolescents Training in Angola at Schools IEA and IEUCA 0.00 0.00 (3,818.35) 3,818.35 0.00D711L2 Adolescents Training in Angola at Schools UMC 0.00 0.00 (3,124.05) 3,124.05 0.00D711W Adolescents and Youth Training Togo 0.00 0.00 (3,132.45) 3,132.45 0.00D711W1 Consultation for adolescents and youth on SGBV and SRH 0.00 0.00 (4,295.03) 4,295.03 0.00D711W2 Intergenerational dialogue - Kaduna 0.00 0.00 (1,380.65) 1,380.65 0.00D711W3 Consultation for youth leaders, in collaboration with GANERELA+ 0.00 0.00 (2,394.01) 2,394.01 0.00

D71 Increased capacity of churches to respond effectively and compassionately: MasculinitiesD712S Joint training on Masculinities with INERELA+ - South Africa 0.00 0.00 (8,197.40) 8,197.40 0.00

D71 Increased capacity of churches to respond effectively and compassionately: Church leadersD713A1 Church Leaders Nigeria 0.00 0.00 (760.54) 760.54 0.00D713C Masculinity workshop with church leaders (follow up) 0.00 0.00 (6,441.12) 6,441.12 0.00D713E Dialogue with church women - Malawi 0.00 0.00 (10,307.80) 10,307.80 0.00D713L Church Leaders Meetings in Cunene and Kuando Kubango 0.00 0.00 (1,360.63) 1,360.63 0.00D713L1 Church Leaders Meetings in Cunene and Kuando Kubango 0.00 0.00 (5,101.15) 5,101.15 0.00D713S Follow up meeting – Zambia 0.00 0.00 (1,489.22) 1,489.22 0.00D713W Consultation for church leaders (follow up) on prevention 0.00 0.00 (4,515.04) 4,515.04 0.00

D71 Increased capacity of churches to respond effectively and compassionately: PreventionD714W Consultation for Sunday school leaders on prevention 0.00 0.00 (5,851.84) 5,851.84 0.00D714W1 Consultation for church leaders on prevention 0.00 0.00 (5,221.46) 5,221.46 0.00

D72 Transformed life-affirming theology and literature: Theological education and trainingD722A1 ATISCA-Circle Theological conference- Zimbabwe 0.00 0.00 (5,314.00) 5,314.00 0.00D722A2 Mainstreaming HIV in Theological Education – Tanzania 0.00 0.00 (6,411.31) 6,411.31 0.00D722E Training on HIV, CBS, SGBV & Transformative Masculinities and Femininities 0.00 0.00 (10,604.42) 10,604.42 0.00D722E1 Rwanda activities follow up 0.00 0.00 (3,413.85) 3,413.85 0.00D722E2 Kenya activities follow up 0.00 0.00 (1,882.99) 1,882.99 0.00D722S Follow-up Madagascar 0.00 0.00 (995.35) 995.35 0.00D722W Interdisciplinary week for UPAO lecturers and students on Sexualities and SGBV 0.00 0.00 (4,295.11) 4,295.11 0.00

D72 Transformed life-affirming theology and literature: Theological consultationsD723L Church leaders Mozambique 0.00 0.00 (9,967.97) 9,967.97 0.00D723S Church leaders Southern 0.00 0.00 487.00 (487.00) 0.00D723W Consultation for Women with Disabilities on SRHR and HIV 0.00 0.00 (6,428.40) 6,428.40 0.00

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Activities Appendix 201715

Programmatic area D: Diakonia (continued)Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing Balance

D7 Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy (EHAIA) (continued)D72 Other activities and coordination

D724W PCN Conference 0.00 0.00 (292.21) 292.21 0.00D72GE Transformed life-affirming theology and literature 0.00 0.00 (1,039.42) 1,039.42 0.00

International AIDS Conference and UN High Level HIV meetingD73A International AIDS conference - Southern 0.00 2,014.31 0.00 (2,014.31) 0.00

Regional offices and coordinationD74CE Regional office and coordination - Central 0.00 0.00 (32,966.64) 32,966.64 0.00D74EA Regional office and coordination - Eastern 0.00 (56.26) (26,689.55) 26,745.81 0.00D74GE Regional office and coordination - Geneva 0.00 (1,437.41) (292,631.84) 294,069.25 0.00D74LU Regional office and coordination - Lusophone 0.00 0.00 (33,942.78) 33,942.78 0.00D74TCA Regional office and coordination - Anglophone theology consultant 0.00 212.41 (45,871.42) 45,659.01 0.00D74WE Regional office and coordination - Western 0.00 0.00 (39,039.11) 39,039.11 0.00

PublicationsD75S Printing CBS Manual on Young People 0.00 0.00 (4,085.05) 4,085.05 0.00

Travel for invitations and collaborationD76 Travel for invitations and collaboration - Geneva 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00D76C Travel for invitations and collaboration - Central 0.00 0.00 (5,617.63) 5,617.63 0.00D76E Travel for invitations and collaboration - Eastern 0.00 0.00 (3,613.14) 3,613.14 0.00D76L Travel for invitations and collaboration - Lusophone 0.00 0.00 (1,424.32) 1,424.32 0.00D76S Travel for invitations and collaboration - Southern 0.00 0.00 (2,464.22) 2,464.22 0.00D76W Travel for invitations and collaboration - Western 0.00 0.00 (4,691.81) 4,691.81 0.00D76W1 Travel for invitation and collaboration - Special Church of Sweden workshop 0.00 3,322.36 (3,365.46) 43.10 0.00

D77 Evaluation 0.00 0.00 (17,669.25) 17,669.25 0.00

Young people and prevention of HIVD78W1 KAP baseline study 0.00 0.00 (2,375.44) 2,375.44 0.00D78W2 Workshops on capacity reinforcement for teachers 0.00 0.00 (4,600.90) 4,600.90 0.00YD78 Young people and prevention of HIV 0.00 45,843.93 (1,705.47) (6,976.34) 37,162.12

YD72 Transformed life-affirming theology and literature 0.00 54,310.00 (9,274.76) (45,035.24) 0.00YD7 Ecumenical HIV AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy (EHAIA) 44,820.43 866,176.57 (303,455.83) (607,541.17) 0.00

Subtotal D7 44,820.43 970,385.91 (1,003,353.42) 25,309.20 37,162.12

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Activities Appendix 201716Programmatic area D: Diakonia (continued)

Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceD8 EHAIA-PEPFAR UNAIDS Intergenerational consultations

D81A National consultation Zambia 0.00 0.00 (2,480.71) 2,480.71 0.00D82A Stage One: Treatment Adherence and Faith Healing, Uganda 0.00 0.00 (39,307.36) 39,307.36 0.00D82B Stage One: Treatment Adherence and Faith Healing, Rwanda 0.00 0.00 (28,916.98) 28,916.98 0.00D82C Stage Two: Preparatory work Nigeria 0.00 0.00 (3,708.95) 3,708.95 0.00D85A W-YWCA Kenya intervention 0.00 0.00 (16,463.51) 16,463.51 0.00D85B W-YWCA Zambia intervention 0.00 0.00 (15,813.18) 15,813.18 0.00D85C W-YWCA documentation 0.00 0.00 (12,582.00) 12,582.00 0.00D86A W-YWCA administration 0.00 0.00 (5,142.00) 5,142.00 0.00D8A1 Phase II ICASA Participation 0.00 0.00 (7,571.52) 7,571.52 0.00YD8 EHAIA - PEPFAR UNAIDS 113,088.29 28,605.15 (9,707.23) (131,986.21) 0.00

Subtotal D8 113,088.29 28,605.15 (141,693.44) 0.00 0.00

D9 WCC-Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (WCC-EAA)D91A WCC-EAA coordination 0.00 0.00 (25,003.26) 25,003.26 0.00D91C HIV and AIDS campaign strategy group 0.00 967.25 (9,511.70) 8,544.45 0.00D91D WCC-EAA website redesign 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Food for life campaignD92A Promoting just and sustainable food systems 0.00 2,011.16 (19,244.86) 17,233.70 0.00D92B Promoting adequate nutrition through a rights-based approach 0.00 0.00 (8,804.76) 8,804.76 0.00D92C Mobilising action and reflection for food justice 0.00 97.05 (56,710.89) 56,613.84 0.00YD92 Food for life campaign 0.00 104,429.95 (112,413.04) 7,983.09 0.00

HIV and AIDS campaign D93A HIV treatment for life for all in need 0.00 990.34 (7,632.18) 6,641.84 0.00D93B Maintaining the global focus on HIV 0.00 0.00 (7,519.47) 7,519.47 0.00YD93 HIV and AIDS campaign 0.00 108,821.70 (159,004.27) 50,182.57 0.00

Paediatric HIV advocacyD94A Consultancy fees, travel 0.00 0.00 (24,852.12) 24,852.12 0.00D94B Communication 0.00 0.00 (3,825.69) 3,825.69 0.00D94C Events 2017 0.00 0.00 (11,466.13) 11,466.13 0.00YD94 CIFF Paediatric HIV Project 0.00 78,095.65 (7,495.20) (40,143.94) 30,456.51

YD9 WCC-Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance 0.00 190,009.03 (104,428.42) (85,580.61) 0.00Subtotal D9 0.00 485,422.13 (557,911.99) 102,946.37 30,456.51

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Programmatic area D: Diakonia (continued)Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing Balance

D10 WCC-EAA - PEPFAR UNAIDSD10A3 Communication 0.00 0.00 (1,197.00) 1,197.00 0.00D10A8 HIV testing campaign events 0.00 0.00 (13,605.61) 13,605.61 0.00

FBOs' meeting; UN High Level meeting; Host prayer breakfast UN GAD10A9 Faith-based Organisations' meeting to strengthen FBOs' advocacy response 0.00 0.00 (20,908.15) 20,908.15 0.00D10AX UN Commission on Status of Women 0.00 0.00 (1,992.03) 1,992.03 0.00D10B2 UN High level meeting June 0.00 0.00 308.77 (308.77) 0.00D10B6 Host prayer breakfast UN GA September 0.00 0.00 (32,375.47) 32,375.47 0.00

Framework for dialogueD10C1 Framework for dialogue: Two consultations (a) - Kenya 0.00 9.75 (46,798.34) 46,788.59 0.00D10C3 Framework for dialogue follow up: Homabay and Siaya 0.00 0.00 (23,359.95) 23,359.95 0.00D10C4 Framework for dialogue follow up: Children and adolescents 0.00 0.00 (10,280.14) 10,280.14 0.00

Other activitiesD10C5 Stigma study 0.00 0.00 (2,484.04) 2,484.04 0.00D10E1 World Aids Day Geneva 0.00 0.00 (4,454.65) 4,454.65 0.00D10F1 Coordinate ICASA December 2017 0.00 0.00 (13,102.19) 13,102.19 0.00YD10 WCC-EAA PEPFAR UNAIDS 102,953.30 74,879.32 (10,156.11) (167,676.51) 0.00

Subtotal D10 102,953.30 74,889.07 (180,404.91) 2,562.54 0.00

Total D 311,196.83 3,031,498.94 (3,259,413.85) (23,419.16) 59,862.76

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Activities Appendix 201718Programmatic area EF: Ecumenical Formation

Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceCCEF Ecumenical Formation Commission 0.00 1,635.25 (34,044.49) 32,409.24 0.00YYEF Ecumenical Formation 0.00 767,077.23 (33,626.06) (733,451.17) 0.00ZZEF Ecumenical Formation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Subtotal EF 0.00 768,712.48 (67,670.55) (701,041.93) 0.00

EF1 Ecumenical Theological EducationF11A Accompaniment of regional associations and networking 0.00 0.00 (1,192.95) 1,192.95 0.00F11C GlobTheoLib 0.00 0.00 (10,000.00) 10,000.00 0.00F11D Pan-African women's ecumenical network 0.00 4,718.18 (22,254.40) 17,536.22 0.00F11E Leadership capacity development projects 0.00 891.42 0.00 (891.42) 0.00F11G AACC theology programme 7,261.80 0.00 0.00 (7,261.80) 0.00F11H Global Ecumenical Theological Institute (GETI) 154,098.31 145,684.11 (53,791.45) 50,766.58 296,757.55

F1AF ETE projects Africa 0.00 63,885.00 (108,698.31) 44,813.31 0.00F1AS ETE projects Asia/Pacific 0.00 0.00 (1,311.59) 1,311.59 0.00F1EU ETE projects Eastern/Central Europe 0.00 0.00 (13,285.90) 13,285.90 0.00F1FTE ETE projects FTESEA 791.92 25,035.10 (26,849.14) 1,022.12 0.00F1LA ETE projects Latin America 0.00 0.00 (48,445.00) 48,445.00 0.00YEF1A ETE regional projects 21,609.81 131,925.00 (893.11) (152,641.70) 0.00

F1CA Solidarity Endowment Fund South Asia 9,826.08 4,138.98 0.00 0.00 13,965.06F1CB Solidarity Endowment Fund Bangladesh 7,782.37 8,277.98 0.00 0.00 16,060.35F1CN Solidarity Endowment Fund Nepal 4,913.03 2,069.50 0.00 0.00 6,982.53F1CP Solidarity Endowment Fund Pakistan 27,375.95 8,277.96 0.00 0.00 35,653.91F1CR Solidarity Endowment Fund Regional Committee 6,294.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,294.78F1CS Solidarity Endowment Fund Sri Lanka 19,862.61 6,001.53 0.00 0.00 25,864.14F1PK Solidarity Pakistan 771.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 771.36F1SC Sarah Chakko Fund 28,758.29 10,400.28 (3,000.00) 0.00 36,158.57

YEF1 Ecumenical theological education 4,839.20 192,390.63 (158,287.13) (27,507.75) 11,434.95Subtotal EF1 294,185.51 603,695.67 (448,008.98) 71.00 449,943.20

EF2 The Ecumenical Institute, BosseyF21A The Ecumenical Institute, Bossey 0.00 10,351.00 (775,254.58) 764,903.58 0.00F21B Organic garden project 0.00 0.00 (311.72) 311.72 0.00F21C Ecumenical missiology salary/costs 0.00 148,645.20 (186,459.74) 37,814.54 0.00F21E Ecumenical Trust faculty chair 0.00 55,470.71 (74,183.20) 18,712.49 0.00F21F 70 Years of Ecumenical Formation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Ecumenical Institute scholarshipsYEF2S Ecumenical Institute Scholarships Fund 484,603.69 488,684.90 0.00 (449,906.14) 523,382.45F2S1 Vinton Anderson Scholarship Fund 58,315.20 7,388.12 0.00 0.00 65,703.32F2S2 Eugene Carson Blake Scholarship Fund 176,276.93 12,433.04 0.00 0.00 188,709.97F2S3 Presbyterian Church (USA) Scholarship Fund 12,219.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 12,219.30

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Activities Appendix 201719

Programmatic area EF: Ecumenical Formation (continued)Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing Balance

EF2 The Ecumenical Institute, Bossey (continued)

F2S4 Orthodox Programme Fund 21,917.43 0.00 (370.43) (500.00) 21,047.00F2S5 FTESEA Scholarships 12,923.50 31,783.20 0.00 (38,320.00) 6,386.70F2S6 Vatican Scholarships 0.00 25,688.00 0.00 (25,688.00) 0.00

Academic coursesF22A Intensive English summer course 0.00 388.05 (84,249.45) 83,861.40 0.00F22B Complementary Certificate in Ecumenical Studies (CC) Jan 0.00 1,680.40 (21,736.64) 20,056.24 0.00F22C Complementary Certificate in Ecumenical Studies (CC) Sep-Dec 0.00 7,094.89 (68,520.77) 61,425.88 0.00F22F Master of Advanced Studies in Ecumenical Studies (MAS) Jan-Jun 0.00 3,936.20 (68,652.70) 64,716.50 0.00F22G Master of Advanced Studies in Ecumenical Studies (MAS) Sep-Dec 0.00 3,919.75 (78,995.61) 75,075.86 0.00F22H Doctorate in Theology (mention Ecumenical Studies) Jan-Jun 0.00 0.00 (3,862.29) 3,862.29 0.00F22J Certificate of Advanced Studies in Ecumenical Studies (CAS) Jan 0.00 (370.25) (42,446.69) 42,816.94 0.00F22K Certificate of Advanced Studies in Ecumenical Studies (CAS) Sep-Dec 0.00 3,288.94 (106,096.51) 102,807.57 0.00F23A Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Interreligious Studies 0.00 35,779.95 (40,250.26) 4,470.31 0.00

YEF2 The Ecumenical Institute, Bossey 0.00 270,645.76 (6.40) (270,639.36) 0.00Subtotal EF2 766,256.05 1,106,807.86 (1,551,396.99) 495,781.82 817,448.74

EF3 Ecumenical Continuing FormationF32 Pastoral challenges to sharing the faith with younger generations in a multi-cultural and multi-faith world 0.00 38,914.86 (27,882.31) 423.00 11,455.55F33 Ecumenical formation for specialised ministries 6,097.52 15,554.71 (19,027.03) 2,119.25 4,744.45YEF3 Ecumenical continuing formation 0.00 19,459.53 (210,289.64) 190,830.11 0.00

Subtotal EF3 6,097.52 73,929.10 (257,198.98) 193,372.36 16,200.00

Total EF 1,066,539.08 2,553,145.11 (2,324,275.50) (11,816.75) 1,283,591.94

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Activities Appendix 201720

C1 CommunicationActivity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceYYC1 Communication 0.00 1,848,676.10 0.00 (1,848,676.10) 0.00ZZC1 Communication 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Subtotal C1 0.00 1,848,676.10 0.00 (1,848,676.10) 0.00

C101 Communication strategy: catalyst for changeC1011A Communication general 0.00 0.00 (15,577.83) 15,577.83 0.00C1011B Communication strategy implementation 0.00 0.00 (19,814.25) 19,814.25 0.00C1011C Travel 0.00 0.00 (14,530.32) 14,530.32 0.00C1011D Media monitoring statistics programme 0.00 0.00 (4,000.00) 4,000.00 0.00C1011I Kirchentag 0.00 442.20 (10,222.31) 9,780.11 0.00C1011K Pilgrimage of justice and peace : recommendations of the reference group 0.00 0.00 (5,748.79) 5,748.79 0.00C1012B Global communicators network 28,318.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 28,318.93YC101 Communication strategy 0.00 0.00 (389,226.76) 389,226.76 0.00

Subtotal C101 28,318.93 442.20 (459,120.26) 458,678.06 28,318.93

C102 Language serviceC1021A Language service: general 0.00 0.00 (145,452.39) 145,452.39 0.00YC102 Language service 0.00 0.00 (97,903.74) 97,903.74 0.00

Subtotal C102 0.00 0.00 (243,356.13) 243,356.13 0.00

C103 Media and web officeC1031B Staff travel 0.00 0.00 (301.85) 301.85 0.00C1031C Non-staff travel 0.00 0.00 (5,724.36) 5,724.36 0.00C1033A Freelance writers and photographers 0.00 0.00 (73,499.00) 73,499.00 0.00C1033C Regional communication 0.00 0.00 (253,843.69) 253,843.69 0.00C1033D Regional communication travel 0.00 0.00 (89,401.05) 89,401.05 0.00C1034B Web maintenance and development 0.00 0.00 (5,438.64) 5,438.64 0.00C1034C Web e-mail distribution 0.00 0.00 (13,814.33) 13,814.33 0.00YC103 Media and Web office 0.00 0.00 (519,013.21) 519,013.21 0.00

Subtotal C103 0.00 0.00 (961,036.13) 961,036.13 0.00

C104 PublicationsC1041B Marketing and distribution 0.00 0.00 (4,035.40) 4,035.40 0.00C1041D Distribution 0.00 0.00 (113.60) 113.60 0.00C1042A Ecumenical Review 0.00 40,824.93 (49,688.76) 8,863.83 0.00C1042B International Review of Mission 0.00 37,372.09 (5,244.40) (32,127.69) 0.00C1043A WCC Annual Review 0.00 0.00 (16,824.28) 16,824.28 0.00C1043E Reprints 0.00 0.00 (11,964.37) 11,964.37 0.00C1043F New book projects, print and digital 0.00 19,467.66 (31,540.07) 12,072.41 0.00C1045A Ecumenical Literature Fund 0.00 0.00 (9,102.90) 9,102.90 0.00YC104 Publications 0.00 0.00 (126,406.66) 126,406.66 0.00

Subtotal C104 0.00 97,664.68 (254,920.44) 157,255.76 0.00

Restricted Funds A

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C1 Communication (continued)Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing Balance

C105 Promotion and hostingC1051A Promotion and hosting: general 0.00 427.00 (12,890.38) 12,463.38 0.00C1051C Reading room 0.00 0.00 (25.20) 25.20 0.00C1051D Promotional materials 0.00 0.00 (35,492.93) 35,492.93 0.00C1052A Gift and souvenir items 0.00 0.00 (250.97) 250.97 0.00YC105 Promotion and hosting 0.00 0.00 (25,929.03) 25,929.03 0.00

Subtotal C105 0.00 427.00 (74,588.51) 74,161.51 0.00

Total C1 28,318.93 1,947,209.98 (1,993,021.47) 45,811.49 28,318.93

Total Programmatic areas 2,986,491.06 16,398,877.68 (16,651,576.47) 183,568.56 2,917,360.83

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Activities Appendix 201721

Transversal issue 1: Church and ecumenical relationsActivity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceT101 Coordination of relations with member churches 0.00 2,667.40 (33,388.70) 30,721.30 0.00T101A Meeting of Heads of Churches 0.00 0.00 (30,079.62) 30,079.62 0.00T102 Relations with NCCs and REOs 0.00 0.00 (20,905.67) 20,905.67 0.00T103 Relations with Ecumenical Officers 0.00 672.32 (32,337.88) 31,665.56 0.00T104 Relations with the Roman Catholic Church 0.00 0.00 (8,525.17) 8,525.17 0.00T105 Relations with Pentecostal Churches 0.00 11,702.50 (17,297.25) 12,019.73 6,424.98T106 Relations with Christian World Communions 0.00 0.00 (2,096.77) 2,096.77 0.00T107 Global Christian Forum 0.00 11,702.50 (23,836.30) 12,133.80 0.00YYT1 Church and ecumenical relations 0.00 290,897.00 (184,354.73) (106,542.27) 0.00ZZT1 Church and ecumenical relations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Total T1 0.00 317,641.72 (352,822.09) 41,605.35 6,424.98

Transversal issue 2: Youth engagement in the ecumenical movementT201 Internships 0.00 0.00 (62.37) 62.37 0.00T202 ECHOS 0.00 799.84 (38,798.97) 37,999.13 0.00YYT2 Youth engagement in the ecumenical movement 0.00 119,499.71 (80,415.81) (39,083.90) 0.00ZZT2 Youth engagement in the ecumenical movement 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Total T2 0.00 120,299.55 (119,277.15) (1,022.40) 0.00

Transversal issue 3: Just community of women and menT301 Centering the experience of women in the WCC 0.00 4,976.75 (43,488.13) 38,511.38 0.00T302 Women's experience of home, church and community 0.00 103.79 (16,649.93) 16,546.14 0.00T303 Sexual and Gender Based Violence 0.00 0.00 (2,584.40) 2,584.40 0.00T304 Theological education and empowerment 0.00 0.00 (11,593.99) 11,593.99 0.00UM1HT3 New ways of being Church and the ministry of women 0.00 0.00 (26,294.34) 26,294.34 0.00YYT3 Just community of women and men 0.00 292,797.43 (213,080.32) (79,717.11) 0.00ZZT3 Just community of women and men 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Total T3 0.00 297,877.97 (313,691.11) 15,813.14 0.00

Transversal issue 4: Inter-religious dialogue and cooperationT401 Developing and sustaining bi-lateral relations 0.00 6,606.76 (56,819.58) 50,212.82 0.00T402 Religion, society and the public space in multi-religious contexts 0.00 0.00 (23,231.29) 23,231.29 0.00T403 Theological reflections on inter-religious issues 0.00 275.45 (35,124.40) 34,848.95 0.00T404 Ecumenical Formation in inter-religious concerns (YATRA) 1,788.56 37,905.27 (41,649.24) 1,955.41 0.00T404A Ecumenical Formation in inter-religious concerns (seminars) 0.00 1,060.04 (1,329.00) 268.96 0.00T405 Monitoring Centre in Nigeria 304,579.69 0.00 (162,935.59) 0.00 141,644.10T406 Publications 0.00 181.84 (10,237.28) 10,055.44 0.00YYT4 Inter-religious dialogue and cooperation 0.00 594,629.07 (473,779.30) (120,849.77) 0.00ZZT4 Inter-religious dialogue and cooperation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Total T4 306,368.25 640,658.43 (805,105.68) (276.90) 141,644.10

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Activities Appendix 201722Transversal issue 5: Spiritual life

Activity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceT501 Common prayer for governing body meetings and other major WCC events 0.00 0.00 (316.76) 316.76 0.00T502 Coordination and support of common prayer in the Ecumenical Centre 0.00 0.00 (2,931.93) 2,931.93 0.00T503 Updating the online version of the ecumenical prayer cycle and contributing to WCC websites 0.00 1,000.00 (7,593.11) 6,593.11 0.00YYT5 Spiritual life 0.00 240,309.18 (230,467.38) (9,841.80) 0.00ZZT5 Spiritual life 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Total T5 0.00 241,309.18 (241,309.18) 0.00 0.00

Total transversal issues 306,368.25 1,617,786.85 (1,832,205.21) 56,119.19 148,069.08

A1 WCC Assembly FundActivity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceYY2A1 WCC 11th Assembly 888,331.98 68,046.80 0.00 249,216.25 1,205,595.03ZZA1 WCC 11th Assembly 0.00 0.00 (702.27) 702.27 0.00A1011A Assembly planning committee 0.00 0.00 (81.48) 81.48 0.00

Total WCC Assembly Fund 888,331.98 68,046.80 (783.75) 250,000.00 1,205,595.03

Ecumenical Research CentreActivity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceZZL1 Ecumenical Research Centre 0.00 31,452.60 (31,452.60) 0.00 0.00Total Ecumenical Research Centre 0.00 31,452.60 (31,452.60) 0.00 0.00

Total Restricted Programme Funds 4,181,191.29 18,116,163.93 (18,516,018.03) 489,687.75 4,271,024.94

Designated Programme FundsActivity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing BalanceDPF001 Designated Programme Funds 283,955.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 283,955.55

Total Designated Programme Funds 283,955.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 283,955.55

Restricted and D

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Activities Appendix 201723

Information on Consolidated Activities

Programmatic area UMER: Unity, Mission and Ecumenical RelationsActivity No Activity Name Opening Balance Income Expenses Transfer Closing Balance

UM3 Mission from the marginsUM3A EDAN coordination 0.00 34,896.00 (114,896.00) 80,000.00 0.00UM3A Kenya EDAN 26,092.80 282,873.73 (233,179.58) 0.00 75,786.95

Geneva + Kenya 26,092.80 317,769.73 (348,075.58) 80,000.00 75,786.95Consolidation adjustments 0.00 (95,634.71) 95,634.71 0.00 0.00

UM3A consol EDAN 26,092.80 222,135.02 (252,440.87) 80,000.00 75,786.95

Information on C

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Activities Appendix 201724

Notes to the Activities Appendix

1. Purpose of the AppendixThe appendix details the activities which are summarized in the Restricted Funds and Designated Funds reported in the Reserves and Other Funds in the Balance Sheet of the World Council of Churches.

Restricted Funds are Programme Funds restricted by the Council’s donors for use within a Programme, a specific Project within a Programme, or, exceptionally, an Activity within a Project.

Designated Funds are Specific Programme Reserves held at the discretion of the Council, derived from the Council’s own designation of its unrestricted funds. The timing of the disbursement of the Designated Funds is at the discretion of the Council.

The appendix sets out the opening balances, income, expenditure, transfers and closing balances of the Restricted Funds and the Designated Funds and thereby adds greater transparency to the financial report.

2. Accounting PoliciesThe information set out in the appendix is consistent with the information disclosed in the consolidated financial statements of the Council. The significant accounting policies adopted by the Council in preparation of the appendix are set out in Note 2 to the Council’s consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017.

3. ConsolidationThe Restricted Funds Activities List includes activities undertaken both in Geneva and in the Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network, Kenya. For the activity reference concerned, income, expenditure and transfers are reported on a consolidated basis.

For reference, the section Information on Consolidated Activities lists respectively for the activity concerned the relevant accounting information from the records of the World Council of Churches, Geneva, and that from the records of the Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network, Kenya. To avoid duplication, where Geneva has recorded expenditure being money transfers to the representative office, and the representative office has recorded income, being the receipt of those same money transfers, these entries have been matched and eliminated on consolidation. These consolidation adjustments to the activity have been disclosed. The net consolidated activity result is thus reported in the detailed Programme list concerned.

For further details on the representative offices and consolidation accounting policies, refer to the Note 2 to the Financial Statements.

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