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Workbook 10Network Applications

Pace Center for Business and Technology1

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Chapter 1. An Introduction to TCP/IP Networking Key Concepts•Most Linux networking services are designed around a client-server relationship. •Network server applications are generally designed to be "always running", starting automatically as a system boots, and only shutting down when the system does. Generally, only the root user may manage server processes. •Network client applications are generally running only when in use, and may be started by any user. •Most Linux network servers and clients communicate using the TCP/IP protocol. •The TCP/IP address of both the client process and the server process consists of an IP address and a port. •Network servers usually use assigned, "well known" ports, as cataloged in the /etc/services file. Network clients generally use randomly assigned ports. Often, well know ports reside in the range of privileged ports, below port number 1024. •The hostname command can be to examine a machine's current IP address, while the netstat -tuna command can be used to examine all open ports.


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Clients, Servers, and the TCP/IP Protocol Most networking applications today are designed around a client-server relationship. The networking client is usually an application acting on behalf of a person trying to accomplish a particular task, such as a web browser accessing a URL, or the rdate command asking a time server for the current time. The networking server is generally an application that is providing some service, such as supplying the content of web pages, or supplying the current time. The design of (applications acting as) network clients and (applications acting as) network servers differs dramatically. In order to appreciate the differences, we will compare them to the agents in a more familiar client-server relationship, a customer buying a candybar from a salesperson.


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The Server Servers are Highly Available Just as a salesperson must always be running the register, even when customers are not around, processes implementing networking services need to be running, ready to supply services upon request. Usually, processes implementing network services are started at boottime, and continue to run until the machine is shutdown. In Linux (and Unix), such processes are often referred to as daemons. Generally, only the root user may start or shutdown processes acting as network servers. Servers have Well Known Locations In addition to being available when a customer wants service, salespeople stay where they know customers can find them. Just as customers can look up the locations of unfamiliar candybar salesmen in telephone books and find them by street address, networking clients can look up the locations of unfamiliar network servers using a hostname, which is converted into the IP Address used to access the service.


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The Server The Client In contrast, the candybar customer needs to be neither highly available nor well known. A customer doesn't hang around a store from dawn until dusk just in case he decides he wants a candybar. Likewise, clients generally do not need to to stay at well known locations. Our customer doesn't stay at home all day, just in case somebody wants to come by to sell him a candybar. Processes that implement network clients are started by normal users, and generally are only running as long a necessary to complete a task. When someone breaks for lunch, he closes his web browser. Also, client applications do not need to have fixed addresses, but can move from place to place. More on this next.


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The Server TCP/IP Addresses Every process which is participating in a TCP/IP conversation must have an IP Address, just as every participant in a phone conversation must have a phone number. Additionally, every process in a TCP/IP conversation must have port number, whose closest analogy might be a telephone extension associated with a phone number. Computers on a network are identified by IP address. The IP address comes in the form of four integers, each ranging from 0 to 255 (not coincidentally, the amount of information that can be encoded in one byte of memory), and traditionally written separated by periods, such as This representation is often informally referred to as a dotted quad. Processes on computers are identified by a port number, which is an integer ranging from 1 to 65535 (not coincidentally, the amount of information that can be encoded in two bytes of memory). Whenever a process wants to participate in a TCP/IP conversation with another process, it must first be assigned a port number by the kernel. The TCP/IP protocol allows two processes, each identified by a combination of an IP address and port number, to locate one another. The IP address is used to locate the machine that the process is running on (this is the "IP" part of the protocol), and the port number is used to locate the correct process on the machine (this is the "TCP" part).


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SocketsIn order to illustrate a typical TCP/IP transaction, we will examine the conversation between a fictitious student's mozilla web browser, running on the machine, which translates into an IP address of, and the httpd web server running at, which translates into an IP address of The process usually resembles the following. As the machine is booted, the httpd process is started. It first allocates a socket, binds it to the port 80, and begins listening for connections. At some point later, perhaps measured in minutes, perhaps days, the mozilla process is started on the machine It also allocates a socket, and requests to connect to port 80 of the machine Because it did not request a particular port number, the kernel provides a random one, say 12345. As it requests the connection, it provides its own IP address and (randomly assigned) port number to the server. The server chooses to accept the connection. The established socket is now identified by the combined IP address and port number of both the client and server.


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SocketsOnce the socket is established, the mozilla process and the httpd process can read information from and write information to one another as easily as reading and writing from a file. (Remember... "everything is a file", even network connections! For most practical purposes, a socket is just another file descriptor.) The highlighted verbs in this section, bind, listen, connect, accept, and even read and write, are well defined terms in Linux (and Unix). They also are the names of the programming system calls that implement each step.


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SocketsIn the TCP/IP protocol, a socket is defined by the combined IP address and port number of both the server and the client. For example, what if our student was running multiple versions of Mozilla, each making requests of, or what if multiple users were using the machine simultaneously, all accessing How would the web server keep straight which conversation it was having with which client? Each client process would be assigned a distinct port number, and therefore converse with the httpd daemon using a distinct socket.


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More about Ports Well Known Services and the /etc/services File In our example, we mentioned that the httpd process requested to bind to port 80, and in turn the mozilla process requested to connect to port 80 of the server. How did each agree that port 80 was the appropriate port for the web server? Traditional Internet services, such as a web server, or ftp server, or SMTP (email) server, are referred to as well known services. On Linux (and Unix) machines, a catalog of well known services, and the ports assigned to them, is maintained in the file /etc/services. Notice that both the client and server need to agree on the appropriate port number, so the /etc/services file is just as important on the client's machine as on the server's. Just because a service is listed in the /etc/services file does not mean that you are implementing (or even capable of implementing) that well known service.


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Privileged Ports Unlike clients, processes implementing network servers generally request which port they would like to bind to. Only one process may bind to a port at any given time (Why must this be?). Otherwise, how would a client distinguish which process it would like to connect to? Ports less than 1024 are referred to as privileged ports, and treated specially by the kernel. Only processes running as the root user may bind to privileged ports. (This helps ensure that, if elvis had an account on the machine, he couldn't start up a rogue version of a web server which might hand out false information.) Originally, the well known ports and the privileged ports were meant to coincide, but in practice there are more well known ports than privileged ones.


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Determining Current TCP/IP Networking Services Using hostname to Display the Current IP Address The hostname command, without arguments, displays a machine's current hostname. With the -i command line switch, machine's IP address is displayed instead.

What if there are multiple IP addresses? The design of the hostname command is a little misguided, because machines can easily have more than one IP address (one for each of multiple network interface cards, for instance.) In such situations, there is no reason why any one IP address should be privileged over the others. For historical reasons, however, the kernel keeps track of a parameter it refers to as its hostname, and the hostname -i command displays the IP address associated with it.


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Using the netstat Command to Display Open Ports When a port is used by a socket, it is referred to as an open port. The netstat command can be used to display a variety of networking information, including open ports. Unfortunately, when called with no command line switches, the netstat command's output is overwhelmed by the least interesting information, local "Unix" sockets that are used to communicate between processes on the same machine. When called with the following command line switches, however, more interesting information is displayed.


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Using the netstat Command to Display Open Ports Many more switches are available, as a quick look at the netstat(8) man page will reveal. The above switches were chosen from the many, not only because when combined, they produce interesting output, but also because they are easy to remember: just think "tuna". When invoked with the above switches, netstat's output is akin to the following.


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Using the netstat Command to Display Open Ports Of the many lines, we may weed away those associated with the udp protocol, and focus instead on columns 4, 5, and 6 of the rows associated with tcp.


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Special IP Addresses


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Understanding IPv6 Addresses The IP protocol which we discussed above, with friendly IP addresses such as "", is known as Internet Protocol version 4, or "IPv4", and is by far the dominant IP protocol in use today. With the IPv4 protocol, you can have around 4 billion distinct IP addresses. When the IPv4 protocol was developed in the early 1970's, this was plenty of addresses, and the IPv4 protocol has served us well. By learning a few tricks such as masquerading, where many machines can "hide behind" a single public IP address, we still manage to live with it well. As appliances become more intelligent, however, and networking (particularly wireless networking) becomes cheaper, we are approaching a day where every toaster is going to want its own IP address, and 4 billion address wont' be enough. Changes are on the horizon. These changes are coming in the form of Internet Protocol Version 6, or "IPv6". Among many other changes, the IPv6 protocol takes the obvious step, and makes IP addresses bigger. Four times bigger. An IPv6 address, in full form, looks like fe80:0000:0000:0000:0211:22ff:fe33:4411. Instead of writing addresses as familiar decimal numbers (like "127"), they are written in hexadecimal numbers (like "fe33").


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Understanding IPv6 Addresses Some merciful conventions in representing IPv6 addresses help. Once within an address, a series of zero segments, such as 0000:0000:0000, can be replaced with a double colon (::). For any segment which begins with leading zeros, such as 0211, the leading zeros can be dropped. With these two shortcuts in mind, the above address could be written a little more friendly as fe80::211:22ff:fe33:4411.


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Understanding IPv6 Addresses Red Hat Enterprise Linux is getting ready for a future transition to IPv6, and many applications can already handle either IPv4 or IPv6 connections. For our purposes, because it is not yet widely adopted, we're going to ignore IPv6 as much as possible. Fortunately, there's just a few forms of IPv6 addresses we need to be able to recognize, summarized in the table below.

Whenever these forms of IPv6 address are encountered ( ::ffff:, ::1, and ::), you can simply think of them as their IPv4 equivalents (,, and, respectively).


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Understanding IPv6 Addresses Listening Sockets Listening are sockets are sockets owned by a server, before any clients have come along. For example, at the end of step one of our sample TCP/IP connection above, the httpd process would have a socket open in the listening state. Notice in the above output that for listening sockets, only the local half of the address is defined. Established Sockets As the name implies, established sockets have both a client process and a server process with established communication. Pulling it All Together


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Understanding IPv6 Addresses These two sockets are listening for connections, but only on the loopback address. They must belong to services expecting to receive connections from other processes on the local machine, but not from other machines. To determine what services these ports belong to, we do some greping from the /etc/services file.

Apparently, whatever process has claimed port 25 is listening for email clients. This is probably the sendmail daemon. The process listening on port 631 is listening for print clients. This is probably the cupsd printing daemon. Both of these services are discussed in more detail in this Workbook.


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Understanding IPv6 Addresses These lines reflect both halves of an established connection between two processes, both on the local machine (notice the loopback IP address for both of them). The first is bound to port 59330 (probably a randomly assigned client port), and the second to the port 631. Some process on the local machine must be communicating with the cupsd daemon.

Our final extracted lines represent established connections between clients on remote machines, and services on our local machine's external interface ( The first is a connection to an IPv6 aware service on port 22. Again, we try a little grepping to look up the well known service associated with port 22.

Apparently, this line represents an active connection between a ssh client on a remote machine with IP address, and a sshd daemon on our local machine. The latter is a connection to an IPv4 only service bound to port 653, probably an NFS related service.


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Online Exercises Chapter 1. An Introduction to TCP/IP Networking

Online Exercises Lab Exercise Objective: Gain familiarity with TCP/IP configuration and activity. Estimated Time: 10 mins. Specification 1.Create the file ~/lab11.1/ipaddr, which contains your machine's IP address, as reported by the hostname command, as its single word. 2.Create the file ~/lab11.1/listening_ports, which contains a list of all ports less then 1024 on your current machine which are open in the listening state, one port per line. Deliverables 1.The file ~/lab11.1/ipaddr, which contains your machine's current IP address (as reported by the hostname command) as its single word. 2.The file ~/lab11.1/listening_ports, which contains a list of all ports less then 1024 on your current machine which are open in the listening state, one port per line.


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Chapter 2. Linux Printing

Key Concepts•Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses the CUPS printing system for managing printers. •The CUPS printing system is designed around the concept of a print queue, which combines a spooling directory, a filter, and a print device. •The lpstat command browses available print queues. •The lpr, lpq, and lprm commands are used to submit ("request") print jobs, query for outstanding jobs, and remove pending print jobs, respectively. •Print submission applications examine the PRINTER environment variable to determine the default print queue. •The lp and cancel commands behave similarly to the lpr and lprm commands. •The cupsd daemon supports a web interface, which can be accessed at http://localhost:631.


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Introducing CUPS

Introducing CUPS Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS) for managing printers. Rather than interacting with a printer directly, users submit print requests to print queues which are managed by the cupsd daemon. Print requests which are pending in a print queue are referred to as print jobs. Once a job has been submitted to the queue, users may return immediately to whatever tasks are at hand. If the printer is busy with another document, or out of paper, or unreachable over the network, the cupsd daemon will monitor the situation, and send (or resend) the print job to the printer as it becomes available. The cupsd daemon uses the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), which is a direct extension of the HTTP protocol designed to allow print queue management in an operating system independent manner. As a result, CUPS management has much in common with web server management.


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Introducing CUPS

The following figure identifies the elements which participate in Linux printing. The various elements are discussed in more detail below.


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Print Queues • A print queue is a combination of the following elements. • A spooling directory, where pending jobs may be temporarily stored. • A series of filters which reformat various formats of input files into a format

appropriate for whatever back end device is connected to the queue. • A back end device, such as a locally attached printer, or a print queue defined on a

remote machine. The following lists some of the various back end devices supported by CUPS. – locally attached parallel port printers – locally attached USB printers – networked printers using the LPD interface – networked printers using the JetDirect interface – IPP based print queues on remote machines – LPD based print queues on remote machines – SMB (Microsoft) network print services


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Browsing Available Print Queues: lpstat

Print queues are either available because they have been defined on the local machine, or discovered using CUPS's ability to browse the local network for published printers. The lpstat command can be used to scan available print queues from the command line. The following command line switches may be used to qualify the lpstat command.


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Browsing Available Print Queues: lpstat

See the lpstat(1) man page for more details. In the following, elvis is discovering that his system's default print queue is named simply "printer", and that he has several print queues available to him, which seem to all refer to IPP based print queues on a local print server.


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Submitting and Managing Jobs: lpr, lpq,and lprm

CUPS uses traditional UNIX commands to interface with the print system: lpr for submitting files and data to be printed, lpq for examining the status of outstanding print jobs, and lprm for removing pending print jobs from the queue. All three commands use the following techniques for specifying which print queue to use, in the specified order. 1.If the -P command line switch is found, its argument is used to specify the print queue. 2.If -P is not used, then if the PRINTER environment variable exists, it is used to define the default print queue. 3.Otherwise, the system default print queue is used.


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Submitting Jobs with lpr

Jobs may be submitted with the lpr command. Any arguments are interpreted as files to submit. If no arguments are specified, standard in is read instead. The following options may be used to qualify the lpr command.

As an example, in the following, blondie uses the lpr command to print the file README, using the sales print queue.


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Monitoring Jobs with lpq The lpq command lists pending jobs in a queue. In the following example, blondie will submit the output of the df command to the printer legal, and then examine the contents of the queue.


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Removing Jobs with lprm Blondie suspects that something is wrong with the legal printer, and decides to start using the sales printer as her default printer. She first sets up the PRINTER environment variable to reflect her new preferences, the uses the lprm command to remove her job from the legal queue.

Notice in the first lpq command, and the last lpr command, the PRINTER environment variable implicitly specified the sales print queue.


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Alternate Front End Commands: lp and cancel

In Unix, in the days preceding CUPS, two parallel implementations of printing infrastructure were implemented. The first used the three commands introduced above, namely lpr, lpq, and lprm. The other used lp, lpstat, and cancel for analogous roles. We have already seen that lpstat is supported, and is the preferred tool for discovering available print queues. The commands lp and cancel are also available as slight variations of the lpr and lprm commands. Consult the shared lp(1) man page for details.


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The CUPS Web Interface Lastly, we would be remiss to leave the topic of CUPS without mentioning the native web interface provided by the cupsd daemon. As mentioned, most clients interact with the cupsd daemon using the IPP protocol, which is an extension of the HTTP protocol. Because of the similarities, the cupsd daemon behaves in may ways like a web daemon, including the serving of CGI style management pages. In order to view CUPS's management pages, point a web browser to the localhost address, but override the default port 80 with the CUPS daemons well known service port, 631.

The cupsd daemon will return with a CUPS "homepage", from where printers and print jobs can be browsed, and copious online documentation is available.


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Chapter 3. Managing Print Files Key Concepts•The primary printing format in Linux is PostScript. •Utilities such as ps2pdf and pdf2ps can convert PostScript to PDF and back. •evince previews PostScript and PDF documents. •enscript converts text file into decorated PostScript. •mpage can rearrange individual pages from a PostScript document.


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PostScript In Linux, most printers expect to receive either ASCII text, or graphics using the PostScript format. Unlike most graphics formats, PostScript is actually a scripting language which has been tailored to the task of rendering graphics on the printed page. The PostScript Language's sophistication allows it to perform powerful tasks, but a PostScript interpreter must be used to render PostScript files as images. Many printers implement native PostScript interpreters, and are referred to as PostScript printers. Whenever a PostScript printer receives a text file which begins with the characters %!PS, the remainder of the file is interpreted as a PostScript script, rather than printed as ASCII text directly. (Note the similarity to Unix's #!/bin/bash scripting mechanism).


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PostScript In Linux (and Unix), an application called Ghostscript, or simply gs, implements a PostScript interpreter. Implementing a PostScript interpreter is a significant task, and although several applications in Linux can be used to view or manipulate PostScript files, almost all use Ghostscript as the back end to perform the actual rendering of PostScript into more accessible graphics formats. Rather than using the low level Ghostscript interpreter directly, the easy to use evince application is usually used to view PostScript documents.


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Viewing PostScript Documents with the evince Document Viewer.

Many applications will print PostScript directly to files instead of delivering them to a print queue. For example, in the following dialog, by selecting "Print to File", the firefox web browser is being asked to print the current web page not to a print queue, but to a PostScript file titled


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Viewing PostScript Documents with the evince Document Viewer.

As the head command illustrates, a PostScript file is a simple text file beginning with the PostScript "magic" %!PS.

The PostScript file can be viewed with the evince document viewer.


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Decorating Text for Printing with enscript

The enscript utility converts text files into PostScript, often decorating the text with syntax highlighting (referred to as pretty printing), a header, or formatting multiple text pages per printed page (referred to as printing 2-up, 4-up, etc..). A little awkwardly, the enscript command sends a text file directly to the lpr command by default, with the result that enscripted files are immediately printed. The -o command line switch is often used to specify an output PostScript file instead. As an example, elvis could easily create a PostScript version of the GPL license.


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Decorating Text for Printing with enscript

So far, the formatting has been fairly minimal: A title, a date, and a page number. The enscript command comes with a host of more sophisticated formatting options, however. Some of the more commonly used command line switches are found in the following table.


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Decorating Text for Printing with enscript


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Decorating Text for Printing with enscript Many more options exist. Consult the enscript(1) man page for more information. As an example, the following command line would render the C header file malloc.h as PostScript with 2 columns per page, rotated, and decorated with a fancy header and syntax highlighting.


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Rearranging PostScript with mpage The mpage command can be used to extract pages from the middle of a multi-page PostScript document, or reformat the document to be printed with multiple pages per printed sheet. While designed to operate on PostScript, mpage can be fed plain text files as well, which it will simply render as PostScript before handling. Arguments are considered input files, with the output is directed to standard out.


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Rearranging PostScript with mpage


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Rearranging PostScript with mpage As an example, mpage could be used to convert the layout of the file generated earlier to "4 UP".


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Converting PostScript to PDF and PDF to PostScript

Unfortunately, on operating systems which are not Unix based, PostScript documents are pretty useless. The rest of the world deals with the alternate PDF format. Fortunately, Red Hat Enterprise Linux contains easy to use utilities that allow PostScript documents to be converted to PDF documents (ps2pdf), and vice versa (pdf2ps). The syntax of the ps2pdf command is trivial, where the first argument is the input PostScript filename (or a “-” to imply standard in), and the second argument is the output PDF filename (or a “-” to imply standard out). The pdf2ps command works similarly. As a quick example, in order to share his work with a friend who prefers PDF documents, elvis now uses the ps2pdf command to convert his file into PDF format, which is of comparable quality, but dramatically more compact.


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Converting PostScript to PDF and PDF to PostScript

Note that as a nice benefit, the PDF format allows evince to display document thumbnails in a side pane.


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Chapter 4. Email Overview Key Concepts•Email Management involves an MUA (Mail User Agent), which is used to present newly delivered mail to a user, and allow the user to compose new responses, and an MTA (Mail Transport Agent), which manages the background task of exchanging email with remote machines. •Depending on the details of a computer's Internet access, the job of receiving email may be delegated to a mailbox server, which would then allow user's to access their delivered email using the POP or IMAP protocols. •Again depending on the details of a computer's Internet access, the job of delivering email may be delegated to a remote outgoing SMTP server. •Generally, locally delivered but unread mail is spooled in the file /var/spool/mail/$USER, where USER is the username of the recipient. •One of the simplest MUA's is the mail command.


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Using Email The Simple Solution The simplest solution is appropriate for people using computers which have permanent, well known Internet connections. At the time that many of the protocols defining how email delivery should be handled were developed, this was more of the standard instead of the exception. The solution involves two separate applications whose roles are identified by TLA's (Three Letter Acronyms). The first application is referred to as the MTA, or Mail Transport Agent; the second is known as the MUA, or Mail User Agent.


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The MTA (Mail Transport Agent) The MTA generally operates in the background, performing the work of the local post office. The MTA receives email to be delivered from programs on the local machine, determines from the recipient's address the appropriate machine to contact, and attempts to connect to a complementary MTA running on the recipients machine, who should be listening to port 25. If the sender's MTA cannot contact the receiver's MTA, the mail is spooled on the sender's machine, and the sender's MTA tries again at a later time. The MTA also binds to the local port 25, where it receives connections from other MTA's. When it receives mail from a remote MTA which is destined for a user on the local machine, it receives the mail, and stores it in a mail spool which is referred to the user's inbox. In Linux (and Unix), the default inbox for a user is /var/spool/mail/username, so that mail awaiting the user elvis would be stored in the file /var/spool/mail/elvis. The default MTA in Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a daemon called sendmail.


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The MUA (Mail User Agent) The MUA is the application most user's think about when they think about email. The MUA retrieves delivered mail from a user's mail spool (inbox), and presents it to the user as "New Mail". The MUA allows users to compose responses or new mail messages, and passes these messages to the local MTA for delivery. Red Hat Enterprise Linux ships with a wide selection of MUAs, several of which will be introduced in this and the next lesson.


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Mailbox Servers While simple, the previous solution requires that, first of all, users are receiving email on a machine that maintains a persistent Internet connection, and secondly, the machine has a well known host name and is accessible to others. Many users, such as people using a "dial up" or "High Speed" connection from an ISP (Internet Service Provider), or people using machines behind an institution's firewall, are not in this situation. Another solution has evolved to serve people in these situations: Mailbox servers.


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Mailbox Servers In the diagram above, we assume that elvis is using a "high speed" Internet connection which he has subscribed to from the company "ISP.Net". When he connects to the Internet, his ISP issues his machine an IP address, but elvis cannot predict ahead of time which IP address he will receive. The hostname which the ISP has assigned to the IP address is probably unattractive, such as, so even if elvis were guaranteed to receive the same IP address each time, he would not want to advertise his machine's hostname as his email address. Instead, elvis takes advantage of an "email account" which his ISP offers him. Very likely, this account exists on a Linux or Unix machine owned by the ISP, which has a permanent connection to the Internet, and is assigned a hostname such as The ISP has arranged all mail destined to addresses of the form [email protected] to be delivered to the MTA running on this machine. When the MTA running on receives mail for elvis, it stores the delivered mail into a mail spool dedicated to elvis (very likely in the file /var/spool/mail/elvis), and the email is considered delivered. Because the ISP's machine has a permanent, well known connection to the Internet, it is a much better candidate for receiving email than elvis's machine at home. Sitting at home, however, elvis still needs access to the email sitting in his "inbox" on Usually, this access is provided in the from of a POP (Post Office Protocol) or IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol) server.


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Mail Servers POP servers POP servers perform a very simple service. They allow users to access the user's single mail spool, and transfer its contents to their local MUA. POP servers generally bind to port 110, and require that any POP client authenticate itself using a username/password pair. Most modern MUA's act as POP clients, and can be configured to retrieve mail from a specified POP server. If a mailbox server is implementing the POP service, it usually implies that the mailbox server is not intending to provide permanent storage for a user's email, but instead just cache it temporarily until the user can "pop" it down to a local machine. IMAP servers IMAP servers generally provide clients with more sophisticated mailbox management. IMAP users may maintain several folders on the mailbox server, not just their individual inbox. In general, an IMAP server implies that a user's email is intended to be permanently stored on the mailbox server, and users will occasionally connect with a MUA from a remote machine to "browse" their mail. Generally, IMAP servers are found in institutional and corporate environments. IMAP daemons bind to port 143.


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Mail Servers Sending Mail Because elvis's machine maintains an almost continuous connection to the Internet, he is willing to still use his local MUA to deliver mail. If his local MUA is temporarily unable to connect to the recipient's machine, the MUA will spool the mail locally and try again later. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Default Configuration By default, Red Hat Enterprise Linux is configured appropriately for this scenario. The local MTA is started, but it will not accept connections over port 25 (except for from the loopback address, It serves merely to deliver outgoing email. Users are assumed to be accessing their email from a POP or IMAP server. The default configuration can be changed, but the necessary configuration is beyond the scope of this course.


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Outgoing Mail ServersFor machines that have only transient connections to the Internet, attempting to deliver email using the local MTA may not be appropriate. Instead, users of "dial up" connections and the like often use what is referred to as an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Server, or outgoing mail server. Many ISPs and institutions provide outgoing SMTP servers, often with names like

The MTA on the SMTP server is willing to accept mail from "local" machines, even though it is not the final recipient for the email. Instead, the SMTP server relays the mail, forwarding it on to its destination. If any temporary problems occur, the spooling and redelivery attempts of the pending mail is now the responsibility of the SMTP server. Many MUA's allow users the option of specifying a remote host to act as the user's SMTP server (as opposed to forwarding mail to the local MTA for delivery). [1]


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Local Delivery All of the above scenarios assume that a user is sending email from his machine to a recipient on a remote machine. Linux (and Unix) also allows users on a local machine to deliver email to one another, where email is addressed simply to a username, such as blondie. For local delivery, no POP servers or SMTP servers are required, as the email is instantly delivered by the local MTA.


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Local Delivery Sending Email with mail The mail command can be used to deliver mail to recipients who are specified as arguments on the command line. The body of the message is read from standard in (which may be read from a pipe, a redirected file, or from the keyboard directly, where CTRL+D ("EOF") is used to indicate the end of the message). The command line switches in the following table can be used to specify a subject line, recipients to "Cc:", etc.

As an example, in the following, elvis mails to blondie the contents of the file lyrics.txt.


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Using mail to Read Mail The mail command can also be used to read mail from a user's local mail spool. The interface is primitive, however, and usually other MUA's are used instead. Details can be found in the mail man page. These days, the most common use of the mail command is as a quick and easy way to send mail. In the following example, blondie is using the mail command, without arguments, to view the mail in her inbox, and then delete the message and quit.


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Chapter 6. Network Diagnostic Applications Key Concepts•/sbin/ifconfig displays local IP configuration. •ping confirms low level network connectivity between hosts. •host makes direct DNS queries. •The netstat -tuna command lists currently active network services and connections. •/sbin/traceroute can diagnose routing problems.


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Required Configuration for the Internet Protocol IP Address Linux (and Unix) represents every networking device attached to a machine (such as an Ethernet card, a Token Ring card, a modem used for dialup connections, etc...) as a network interface. Before an interface can be used to send or receive traffic, it must be configured with an IP address which serves as the interface's identity. Default Gateway The mechanics of the IP protocol organizes machines into sub networks, or subnets. All machines on a given subnet may exchange information directly. IP subnets are in turn linked to other subnets by machines acting as routers. A router has multiple network interfaces, usually each participating in a distinct subnet. In order to communicate with a host on another subnet, the data must be passed to a router, which (with the help of other routers) routes the information to the appropriate subnet, and from there to the appropriate host. In order to communicate with machines outside of your local subnet, your machine must know the identity of a nearby router. The router used to route packets outside of your local subnet is commonly referred to as a default gateway.


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Required Configuration for the Internet Protocol Nameserver Other machines on the Internet are in turn identified by their IP address. People tend to prefer to think in terms of names instead of numbers, however, so a protocol has been developed to assign names to IP addresses. The protocol is called Domain Name Service, or more commonly DNS. The DNS protocol requires that every machine have available one or more DNS servers (commonly called nameservers), which can serve as both a database for assigning name to local IP addresses, and also a starting point for determining IP addresses for domain names for which the server does not have direct knowledge.


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Determining Your IP Address(es): /sbin/ifconfig A previous Lesson introduced the hostname -i command, which displays the IP address of your local machine. In reality, a "machine" does not have an IP address, a machine's network interfaces do. This Lesson discusses the topic of IP addresses and network interfaces in more detail. In Linux (and Unix), every network device is represented as a network interface. (For once, we encounter something that is not a file!) Linux names interfaces according to the type of device it represents. The following table lists some of the more commonly encountered interface names used in Linux.

In each case, n is replaced with a distinct integer for each instance of a given device attached to a machine.


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Confirming Network Interface ConfigurationThe ifconfig command displays the configuration of all active network interfaces. Because the command is generally used by root to configure interfaces, it lives within the /sbin directory, which is outside of the default PATH for standard users. Standard users can use the command to view interface configuration information, however, by using an absolute reference, as in the following example.


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Confirming Network Interface Configuration

The ifconfig command displays a stanza of IP configuration information and usage statistics for each active network interface. In most situations, users should expect to see two stanzas reported. One stanza contains the configuration for an attached Ethernet card, while the other shows the configuration for the virtual loopback device. The important line is the second line, which displays the IP address assigned to the interface. If the line containing the IP address is missing, or if the IP address does not look reasonable for your local network configuration, you can expect to have trouble accessing the network. 67

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Determining Your Default Gateway: /sbin/route As mentioned in this Lesson's introduction, communicating with hosts on your local subnet uses different procedures than communicating with hosts on a separate subnet. The Linux kernel, like all Unix kernels, maintains an internal table which defines which machines should be considered local, and what gateway should be used to help communicate with those machines which are not. This table is called the routing table. If you are a standard user, the route command can be used to display the system's routing table. If you are the root user, the command can be used to manipulate the table as well. Like the ifconfig command, the route command lives in the /sbin directory, so standard users should invoke it using an absolute reference.


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Determining Your Default Gateway: /sbin/route

A standard routing table displays two types entries. The first type defines which subnets should be considered local subnets. In general, there should be one line specifying a subnet for each active interface. In the output above, the first line defines the subnet associated with the Ethernet interface (with an IP address of, and the second line defines the subnet associated with the loopback interface (with an IP address of The second type of entry, which is used to define gateways, is more relevant to our discussion. Gateway entries can be distinguished because a host is defined in the second column ("Gateway"), and the fourth column ("Flags") contains a "G". Every routing table should contain an entry for a "default" gateway, an the second column should contain the gateway's hostname.


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Determining Your Default Gateway: /sbin/route The same information can be displayed using IP addresses instead of hostnames using /sbin/route -n.


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Determining Your Nameserver(s) Domain Name Service allows users to refer to networked computers using hostnames instead of IP addresses. Unlike the other two aspects of network configuration, a nameserver is to some extent optional. In order to communicate with other machines at all, your host must have an IP address. In order to communicate with machines outside of your subnet, you must have a default gateway. If users are willing to refer to every machine by IP address instead of hostname, however, your machine can communicate using the IP protocol without ever consulting a nameserver. In practice, however, nameservers seem more of a necessity. (Do you have an easier time remembering, or Converting a hostname into an IP address is often referred to as resolving an address, and the library which implements nameservice is called the resolv library. When the library attempts to resolves an address, there are generally two resources available.


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Static DNS Configuration: /etc/hosts The first resource is a simple text file called the /etc/hosts file. While only root can edit the file, any user can observe it.

The format of the file is as simple as it looks. The first token on a line should be an IP address, and subsequent tokens are hostnames which should resolve to the IP address. The standard Unix comment character (“#”) is also supported. If a machine is only communicating with a few machines, or if an administrator wants to create shortcut hostnames (such as “s”), or if she would like to override the local nameserver, entries can be added to the /etc/hosts file using a simple text editor. Obviously, this technique does not scale well. You cannot expect the local /etc/hosts file to provide every answer.


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Dynamic DNS Configuration: /etc/resolv.conf When the local /etc/hosts cannot provide the answer, the resolv library consults a nameserver. In order to determine which machine running a nameserver to consult, it examines the resolv library's configuration file, /etc/resolv.conf.

The /etc/resolv.conf configuration file uses lines which begin with the keyword nameserver to specify the IP addresses of machines that are running nameservers. If multiple nameservers are specified, the first one will be used by default. If it is unavailable, the second will be used, and so on. Accordingly, the first listed nameserver is sometimes called the primary nameserver, the second listed server the secondary nameserver, and so on. Notice that a nameserver does not need to be a nearby machine. Any machine which is implementing nameservice and allows you to query it can be used as a nameserver. In practice, using a local nameserver leads to better performance.


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Network Diagnostic Utilities Diagnostic utilities that can be used to ensure that the configurations are working appropriately with your local network environment. Confirming IP Connectivity: ping The ping command can be used to confirm IP connectivity between two hosts. The first argument to ping can be either the hostname or the IP address of the machine you would like to contact.

The ping command will continue to run until canceled with the CTRL+C control sequence. If no response is returned from the ping command, you cannot expect any higher level networking communication to occur. One common culprit is an Ethernet cable which has become physically disconnected from the machine or from the wall. Inconsistencies in the rate at which lines are displayed or discontinuities in the sequence numbers are generally indicative of a congested network, or a noisy connection, and you can generally expect poor network performance of higher level protocols. 74

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Examining Routing: /usr/sbin/traceroute When connecting to a machine outside of your subnet, your packet is passed from router to router as it traverses various subnets, until finally the packet is delivered to the subnet which contains the destination machine. The path of the packet, as it is passed from router to router, can be traced with the /usr/sbin/traceroute command. The traceroute command is generally called with a single argument, the hostname or IP address of the destination machine.


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Examining Routing: /usr/sbin/traceroute Often, you will find that packets take surprising paths to get from one place to another. The number of routers that your packet passes through is generally referred to as the number of hops the packet has made. The packet above took 17 hops to reach its destination. If your packet cannot complete the first hop, your machine's default gateway has probably not been correctly defined. If your traceroute terminates within the first couple of hops (without reaching the final destination), the problem is a misconfigured local router, and your local network administrator can probably help solve the problem. If the traceroute peters out more than four or five hops away, the problem is probably outside of your local network administrator's control.


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Performing DNS Queries Manually: host The host command can be used to perform DNS queries directly. With a single argument, the host command will simply report the requested DNS resolution.

If the -a command line switch is included, the host command displays detailed information about the query performed, and the response received, in "resource record" format. Additionally, the final line identifies the nameserver who resolved the request, and the amount of time the resolution required.


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Chapter 7 Terminal Based Web and FTP Clients Key Concepts•The Elinks terminal HTTP client, invoked as the command links, can be used to browse web pages from a non graphical environment. •The curl application is a non-interactive multi-protocol client (including HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP) which can be used to transfer files in batch mode. •The wget application is a non-interactive multi-protocol client (including HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP) which can be used to recursively transfer web pages, recursing through all pages the web page references.


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Chapter 7 Terminal Based Web and FTP Clients Why Terminal Based Clients? Users are probably familiar with sophisticated graphical applications such a mozilla for browsing the web, or nautilus for accessing FTP servers. In addition to these applications, Linux provides a collection of robust command line base clients as well. Why would someone be tempted to use command line based clients instead of point and click applications? The obvious reason: If you are not running an X graphical environment, they are the only utilities available. Command line utilities are scriptable. If you are repeatedly pulling information from the same location, you might consider writing a script to do the repetitive work for you. Command line utilities require less resources. If you are trying to perform a long download on an otherwise busy machines, a curl process which consumes 4 megabytes of memory is much more attractive than a mozilla process which consumes 40 megabytes of memory. Simplicity tends to encourage stability. When downloading large files, such as 700 Megabyte ISO images, many of the large graphical applications can become unstable. (The list of culprits includes Internet Explorer). Command line clients such as curl tend to produce more stable results. 79

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Starting ElinksThe Elinks text HTTP client (web browser) is designed to render web pages in a terminal, emulating the layout of a graphical web browser. As much as possible, tables and forms are rendered to scale. Note that in the following display of a web page associated with Red Hat Network, frames and tables are rendered appropriately. Elinks is started as the links command, specifying a URL to load as an argument, as in the following.


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Browsing Web Pages with Elinks

When using links, the screen is active, and links may be navigated using arrow keys or the mouse. By using the ESC key, a menu is created which allows a user to access bookmarks, history, and customization dialogs. Although the -dump command line switch can be used to non-interactively render a page to standard out, and the -source command line switch will do the same to the "RAW" content of the URL (often dumping HTML), the support for scripted interactions is fairly unsophisticated when compared to other utilities such as curl. The links browser's strength is its ability to provide a comfortable web browsing experience in a text environment.


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Configuring Elinks to use a Proxy Server If the HTTP_PROXY environment variable is set, Elinks will use the specified proxy server, where (like the Elinks browser) the proxy server can be specified using the following syntax.

Fetching Web Resources with curl In contrast the the links command, the curl command line web client makes no effort to render or interactively browse web pages. Instead, the development of curl has focused on a robust collection of command line switches that makes it well suited for the automated retrieval of files which are published using a web or ftp server. This text would have a hard time describing curl any more effectively or succinctly than the first two paragraphs of the curl(1) man page:


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Starting curl When called with a URL as its argument, the curl command retrieves the URL, and dumps its contents to standard out. Additionally, some timing information is written to standard error, which is discarded in the following example.


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Command Line Switches for the curl Command The following table lists a few of the command line switches which can be used to modify curl's behavior. Consult the curl(1) man page for a complete list.


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Command Line Switches for the curl Command As an example, the following command line could be used to download the ISO images for the Fedora Core 1 release:

The following details should be noted about the curl command line. Notice the use of "brace expansion syntax" in the referenced URL. The curl command will attempt to download three files, yarrow-i386-disc1.iso, yarrow-i386-disc2.iso, and yarrow-i386-disc3.iso. Because of the -O command line switch, the files will be downloaded to the local directory with the same names. Notice the time left at the current throughput: 13 hours! If the command needs to be aborted and later restarted, the -C - switch tells curl to examine any already existing partial downloads, and pick up the transfer where it left off. The -L command line switch tells curl to follow any redirects issued by the web server. (Although not evident from the output, curl was redirected to a FTP server.)


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Configuring curl to use a Proxy Server If the http_proxy environment variable is set, curl will use the specified proxy server, where the proxy server can be specified using the following syntax.

Recursively Downloading Web Resources with wget The wget command line web client is designed to non-interactively use the HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols to download resources, possibly recursing to pages referenced from downloaded pages. Starting wget When called with a URL as its argument, the wget command retrieves the contents of the URL and stores it in a local file in the current working directory of the same name (or index.html if the URL specified a directory). The following table lists a few of the command line switches which can be used to modify wget's behavior. Consult the wget(1) man page for a complete list.


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Command Line Switches for the wget Command wget


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Command Line Switches for the wget Command As an example, the following command line could be used to mirror the content of the site.


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Command Line Switches for the wget Command And off it goes. After a little observation, it should become obvious that when called recursively, the wget command often recurses beyond expectations. After canceling the previous command with a CTRL+C, the following directories demonstrate that wget strayed beyond the bounds of the website.


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Configuring wget to use a Proxy Server Like the curl command, wget uses the http_proxy environment variable to specify a proxy server, again using the following syntax.


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Chapter 8. Remote Shell CommandsKey Concepts•Remote shell applications allow users to execute arbitrary commands on remote machines, and have standard out returned locally. Alternately, an interactive shell can be started. •The Secure Shell application provides a remote shell, where all transactions are encrypted, and users can be authenticated by traditional passwords or using a public key authentication scheme. •In order to use the public key authentication scheme, a public- private key pair must be generated with the ssh-keygen command. •Because Secure shell servers have their own public-private key pairs, servers can be authenticated to clients as well as clients authenticated to servers.


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The Original Remote Shell: rsh and Rhosts Authentication

Remote Shells with rsh Linux (and Unix) shells are intentionally designed with simple interfaces: they read input from the standard in stream, and deliver output to the standard out stream. As a result, the interfaces are easily implemented over network connections. By simply substituting a TCP socket for a terminal device, a shell can operate on a remote machine as easily as the local machine. In Linux (and Unix), applications which provide this functionality are referred to as remote shells. The first commonly used Unix remote shell was the simple rsh application. If a remote machine is properly configured (i.e., it is running the RSH server), users can use a rsh command line akin to the following to invoke a remote shell.


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The Original Remote Shell: rsh and Rhosts Authentication

Translating, this command says "as the user elvis on the host server1, run the command ls /tmp". The command executes on the remote machine (server1), but standard out is delivered to the local machine (station). When the command completes, elvis's prompt implies that he is still on the host station. If elvis does not specify a command to run, the rsh utility would opens an interactive shell on the remote host server1. By paying close attention to the bash prompt in the following excerpt, note which commands execute on which machine.


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Rhosts Authentication: ~/.rhosts

In each case, elvis did not need issue a password. Before he could access his remote account using rsh, however, elvis needed to configure the account to allow him access from his local machine. For rsh, access control configuration is as trivial as adding a line to a file. On the remote account, elvis created the file ~/.rhosts, and added one line containing the hostname and username for each external account which he wanted to grant access. Additionally, the RSH server requires that the file's permissions prohibit anyone but the user owner from reading the file. As the following commands illustrate, elvis has already configured his .rhosts file on the remote machine.

Authentication which relies on a properly configured ~/.rhosts configuration file is commonly called rhosts authentication.


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The Secure Shell

The rhosts authentication method is pitiful. At its essence, it relies on DNS (Domain Name Service) to authenticate a user. In order to exploit elvis's ~/.rhosts configuration, all someone would have to do is detach the real host station from the network, and bring up another machine configured with station's IP address. The fault is not elvis's, but the design of the rhost authentication protocol. Additionally, rsh is a plaintext protocol. Exchanging data over a network in plaintext is essentially the equivalent to sending mail on postcards: anyone handling the data between here and there is privy to its contents. The Secure Shell was developed to address both of these shortcomings of the rsh command, and add significant new capabilities, while still providing all of rsh's convenience. Assuming the remote machine is running the ssh service (i.e., the sshd daemon), elvis could invoke a shell on the remote machine with the following.


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The Secure Shell

The ssh command's new syntax for specifying the username of the remote account is slightly easier than is rsh's, although the -l command line switch is also implemented (in order to be fully backwards compatible). In the above example, elvis is authenticated by providing a password instead of configuring a ~/.rhosts file. In the next section, we find that the Secure Shell can use a more mature public key technique to grant users "password free" access to an account. When public key authentication is not implemented, however, ssh falls back to traditional password authentication. [2]


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Secure Shell Public Key Authentication

In addition to traditional password authentication, the Secure Shell application can use public key cryptography to authenticate users. Public key encryption algorithms relate two large numbers, referred to as "keys", so that information encrypted with one key can only be decrypted with the other. Anyone who wants to use public key cryptography must first generate a pair of keys. Most public key protocols call one key a public key, and the complementary key a private key. Your public key you treat like your phone number: you share it with anyone with whom you are willing to communicate, and may choose to list it in public directories. Your private key, on the other hand, you share with no one. All of the security provided by public key protocols relies on the fact that only you know the contents of your private key.


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Generating a Public-Private Key Pair: ssh-keygen

When using ssh, a user's public-private key pair can be generated with the ssh-keygen command. In the following example, elvis uses ssh-keygen to generate a ssh public-private key pair.

The user elvis was first prompted for the new (private) key's filename, to which elvis simply hit RETURN to accept the default filename: ~/.ssh/id_rsa. Next, elvis was given the opportunity to attach a passphrase to his private key. By hitting RETURN again (twice), elvis chose not to. (We will discuss passphrases in more detail later.)


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Generating a Public-Private Key Pair: ssh-keygen

When the command returns, elvis has two new files in his (perhaps newly created) ~/.ssh directory. The first is his private key, which he shares with no one. (He certainly doesn't publish it in an online text).

He is free to share his second key (the public key) with anyone whom asks.


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Allowing Account Access: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

SSH access to an account is granted by obtaining a copy of the public key of the person who is to be granted access, and storing it in the account's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. Like the ~/.rhosts file, the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, and the whole ~/.ssh directory, must only be readable by the user. How the copy of the public key is obtained does not matter. It could be emailed, scped (as discussed in a moment), or transferred from one terminal to another using the mouse's cut and paste buffer.


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Allowing Account Access: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

When handling public keys, however, care must be taken to ensure that the key is placed in the file with no embedded whitespace, including newlines. Although too long to be displayed as such, SSH public keys are always stored as a single line of text. More people can be granted access to an account by simply appending their public keys to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys files, one public key per line.


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Allowing Account Access: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

In the following example, elvis uses ssh, redirection, and some carefully placed quotes to append his public key (on the host station) to the authorized_keys file in his account on the host serer1.

Okay, so we need to make the .ssh directory first.

Why the quotes? With no quotes, the output of the cat command would have been appended to the file .ssh/authorized_keys on the local machine. The quotes serve to pass the redirection syntax "into" the remote shell.


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Allowing Account Access: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Having placed his public key in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote machine, elvis now expects to be able to examine the contents of the file without having to issue a password.

Something is amiss, because elvis was again prompted for his password. Recalling that only the user should be able to access the ~/.ssh directory and read the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, elvis implements the appropriate chmod command on the remote machine. Afterwords, he is able to observe the new permissions without having to issue a password.


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Public Key Authentication Details

In order to develop an appreciation for the robustness of public key authentication, we will spend a few moments discussing the protocol. When the secure shell application implements public key authentication, it uses a procedure similar to the following. In our discussion, the following symbols will be used.


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Public Key Authentication Details

First, the ssh client on the host station requests a connection to the sshd daemon on the host server1. Upon receiving the connection request, the sshd daemon looks for a registered public key in the destination account's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. If a relevant public key is discovered, the sshd daemon initiates public key authentication by generating a random string R. It then encrypts the random string with elvis's public key P (which it obtains from the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file), and delivers the encrypted random string P(R) over the network to the ssh client.


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Public Key Authentication Details

Upon receiving the encrypted random string P(R), the ssh client uses elvis's private key S to decrypt it. Once the original random string R is recovered, the ssh client returns it to the sshd daemon.


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Public Key Authentication Details

If the sshd daemon receives from the ssh client the same random string with which it started, the client is authenticated, and the connection is allowed to continue.


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Public Key Authentication Details

A couple of aspects of this algorithm deserve mentioning. The ssh client is authenticated not by a hostname or IP address, and not by a password, but solely by the possession of the private key. (If the client could not access the appropriate private key, it would not have been able to decrypt the encrypted random string passed to it.) The only information passed over the network is an encrypted random string, and a random string (the symbols colored red in the accompanying figures). Anyone eavesdropping on the conversation would not learn anything useful. In practice, the actual algorithm used is more complicated. But the protocol outlined above illustrates the most important features of the public key authentication protocol


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Transferring Files Securely and Easily: scp

As the previous discussion illustrates, files can be transferred from one machine to another using ssh with the cat command and careful redirection. Fortunately, there is an easier and less error prone way: scp. The scp command uses a syntax almost identical to the cp command, but either the source file(s) or the destination file can be on a remote machine, accessed through a specified account. [3] When referring to a file on a remote machine, the following syntax is used.

The user and host are simply enough the host where the file resides, and the user whose account is used to access the file. If the file's path begins with a “/”, it is considered an absolute reference. If not, it is considered relative to the user's home directory. If no path is supplied, the user's home directory is assumed. As an example, the following command line would transfer the /etc/services file from server1 into the ~/cfg/server1/etc/ directory in elvis's home directory.


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Transferring Files Securely and Easily: scp

Because elvis has a properly configured public key authentication with his account on server1, he is able to transfer the file without issuing a password. What happens if he tries to transfer the file /etc/shadow?

The user elvis on the host server1 does not have permissions to read the file /etc/shadow, so the file can naturally not be transferred. If the user elvis knows the password to the root account on the remote machine, however, the file could be accessed through it.

Because elvis does not have public key authenticated access to the root account on server1, ssh used traditional password authentication.


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Transferring Files Securely and Easily: scp

The -r command line switch (for "recursive") must be specified when copying an entire directory (and its subdirectories). In the following, elvis recursively copies the /etc/sysconfig directory from his local machine (station) to the machine server1's /tmp directory.

As the scp command performs the transfer, it displays transfer timing information for each file.


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Secure Shell Host Authentication

The first time the ssh (or scp) client is used to connect to a sshd Secure Shell server, a message similar to the following is displayed.

If the user answers yes (the only answer which will allow the connection to continue), the connection proceeds, with the following warning.

On subsequent connections, the message is no longer seen.


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Secure Shell Host Authentication

The Secure Shell not only authenticates clients to servers, but also servers to clients, using public key authentication. Just as users can create public-private key pairs with the ssh-keygen command, the sshd daemon maintains its own public-private key pair, known as its host key. The first time a ssh client connects to a sshd daemon, it appends a copy of the remote daemon's public host key to the local file ~/.ssh/known_hosts.

As the client is used to connect to various machines, the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file grows, recording one public key for each machine contacted. The next time the client connects to a host, it silently uses the same public key protocol used to authenticate users, reversed, to authenticate the host to which it is connecting.


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Secure Shell Host Authentication

What if the remote host does not posses the same identity which complements the public key stored in the client's ~/.ssh/known_hosts file? The client refuses to connect, and instead issues the following warning.


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Secure Shell Host Authentication

Often, there is a very reasonable explanation why the server has changed identity. For example, the server might have been upgraded with a more recent version of its operating system, and as a result, generated a new host public-private key pair. If a reasonable explanation for the change in identity is available, the ssh client can be convinced to connect by removing the offending line from the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, and "starting over" by collecting a new key for the host.


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Secure Shell Host AuthenticationLAB

Class Evaluation\\sfs1\classroom\Evaluations


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