Page 2: Work as a Fashion Photographer: Learn What it Takes to Be Successful

Work as a Fashion Photographer: Learn What it Takes to Be Successful

You travel to exotic locales, stay up-to-date about the latest in

fashion, and work with some of the most glamorous and beautiful

people in the world. Sound like a dream job? For many people,

working as a fashion photographer is indeed a dream job. It is

also a very difficult field to break into.

Page 3: Work as a Fashion Photographer: Learn What it Takes to Be Successful

Establishing yourself

Establishing yourself in fashion photography is extremely challenging but not necessarily an impossible task. It does require vast amounts of dedication, persistence, creativity, and professionalism. Just because you are good with a camera doesn’t mean you have what it takes to become a fashion photographer. So what does it take exactly? Here are some important skills you need to become a fashion photographer and how you can break into this competitive field.Skills that Make or Break a Fashion Photographer

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People Skills

One of the most important skills a fashion photographer needs is people skills. You are going to have to interact with many different people on a daily basis and maintain good relationships with the models, stylists, art directors, agents, and fashion editors. You will have to be very good at communicating with the models and keeping them happy because a frustrated model will ruin the whole shoot. With people skills comes business skills. You are your own business so you have to do a good job of marketing yourself to other people.

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Working Well With Others

In addition to working well with others, you obviously have to work well with cameras and other photographic equipment. You will need to have a very strong grasp of the fundamentals of photography and the technical know-how in lighting, distance, and perception. Along with those basic skills you will need to be very creative in order to stay afloat in a constantly changing medium. With that comes the ability to choose interesting locations for shoots and a strong knowledge of fashion.

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How to Break Into the Field of High Fashion Photography

Truth be told, finding entry-level positions in the field of fashion photography is rare. In order to get your foot in the door, a four-year degree in photography is usually the minimum necessary. You also need an excellent portfolio. Most fashion photographers start out by contacting modeling agencies and working with amateur models to build their portfolios.

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Professional Fashion Photographers

There are many photographers who simply couldn’t make it and of the hundred who were not successful, the handful that work as professional fashion photographers got there with a combination of dedication, hard work, talent, and a high level of creativity. So how about it… keep these pointers in mind and perhaps with hard work and dedication, you yourself will become the next big fashion photographer.

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