Download - Words Kill People

  • 7/31/2019 Words Kill People


    Prof. James Brown Moisoiu Adelina- Mihaela

    Course: Texte 1st B Chinese-English, group 11

    Page 1 of 2

    Words kill people

    We are born as savage, unsocial creatures. Since early age our parents teach us words

    and we slowly start to make connections in our little brains. It all begins with a simple mom

    or dad and after many years of education and life experience we learn to express our needs

    and thoughts in much more complex phrases.

    Living in a society has raised the need of communicating with each other in order to make our

    lifes easier. Dealing with words and the art of using them is the most important weapon that

    us, as human beings, own and control. Being aware of the fact that we can give impetus on the

    other people or situations, we can take advantage of this power of using words by creating and

    spreading positive or negative feelings.

    According to Buddha, Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will

    hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.I strongly agree with the idea that people

    can be easily affected by what they hear, because as far as we know, words are the tools we

    use to express our feelings. Since the beginnings of the humanity, people started investing

    emotions, getting attached to each other and strived to please and win somebodys attention

    by different means. When special bonds are built between people, every word uttered has a

    huge significance for the other. A word can hurt more that physical force because it affects the

    mind, and the mind owns the control of our entire being. By hearing harsh words coming from

    persons that we consider important, we let them affect our mind by giving them a deep

    interpretation. Humans are conducted by the mind, and every process happening there has a

    paramount importance for what can happen with our whole being. Wrong ideas produced by

    hard words can lead to self-destruction if the reciver is an emotional person. They poison their

    minds, give them a distorted image of the reality. Its like blindfolding and hindering us from

    seeing the real truth, that is only in our minds, not in the others.

    However, people are usually emotional weak , dependent on what the other people think and

    say, too sensitive to what society think is normal and they strive to keep up with the standards,

    tags, and what is forced to be considered as normal. Any idea that is out of the normal

    principles of the society is considered to be wrong, and thats the point where all this conflict

    starts from. What is more, as an example that people let words control them are the recent

    surveys that clearly show that people are less and less happy than they used to be a century

    ago. Not to mention the concerning rising number of the suicides commited because of

    different levels of depression.

    Words are dangerous. They can affect ones mind for a very long period of time. They can

    traumatize soemones childhood and have severe effects in the adult life of that person. For

    instance, Ive heard numerous cases in which the parents used to have serious or violent

    discussions in front of their child. As a result of this thoughtless behaviour, the child raised up

  • 7/31/2019 Words Kill People


    Prof. James Brown Moisoiu Adelina- Mihaela

    Course: Texte 1st B Chinese-English, group 11

    Page 2 of 2

    with difficulties in adapting to different groups, communicating and interacting with other

    people or in worse cases, the child itself becomes violent and has a behaviour that gets out of

    control. In addition, there are often in the news, cases in which a couple of lovers end up

    dramatically with one commiting a suicide just because the other said a few harsh words which

    hurt the feelings of his mate. However, the case that impressed me the most was the one in

    which a fat person went on a harsh diet and lost so much weight, that it became anorexic and

    had health problems, just because people used to laugh and make disturbing jokes about her

    physical appearance.

    To end the ideas expressed earlier, I need to headline the fact that words, unhandled with care,

    can rotten ones mind and destroy their image about what is good and right for them. They will

    try to change their own reality and this way lose themselves, become something that they cant

    identify with. By letting words affect our minds, we also let them affect our lifes, for all those

    misconceptions they lead to will slowly start to kill the person we really are in order to

    become something different, in our striving for perfection.

    On the other hand, looking at the the positive part of the situation, we can also say that

    words can save people. Words that are carefully chosen can save a situation or change

    somebodys life . They can erase the killing effect of some previous bad words with their

    magic healing property. The right word said at the right moment can have a substantial effect

    on a person, boosting its mood and energy. When we hear the words that we yearn for we

    gain more self-confidence, we feel more comfortable with ouselves and we have that feeling

    of being more strong and no obstacle can stop us from achieving anything. The most common

    example is the situation when a simple and sincere i belive in you can do more than other

    material helps. Words of wisdom, comming from the heart can mean a lot for the one who is

    listening and can change the way he/she sees life. Words can be the fuel when there is no more

    zest for life or energy to keep going on. Thats why we need to support each other and

    encourage us in achieving our goals because words dont cost a thing and when they are said

    with all heart can have amazing effects on people. When we share positive feelings through

    words we recive the same thing back. I belive that words are a priceless gift that we own and

    we shouldnt be afraid of using them more often with more courage because nothing bad can

    happen and after all we have nothing to lose.

    To draw a conclusion, I should remember the fact that words are powerful tools that we

    own and we need to weigh and choose them with wisdom when we speak to somebody, for we

    must be aware of the fact that what we say can have deep consequences on that persons life

    and way of thinking.

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