
Words for Production

1. nearby [&nIr`baI] adv. not far away from someone or something 在附近

There aren’t any restaurants nearby. If we want to eat out, we will have to drive for an hour.

nearby [&nIr`baI] adj.附近的

Instead of going to the nearby shoe store, Ben went to a shopping mall far away to buy a pair of shoes.

My grandparents live nearby, so it’s convenient for us to visit them at any time. The thief hid in a nearby building.

Words for Production

2. aboriginal [&8b1`rIdZ1nL] adj. of or about people, animals, etc., that are the first to live or appear in a place 原住民的,原生的 The aboriginal groups that first began to live in America are Native Americans ( 美洲原住民 ).

There are many aboriginal tribes ( 原住民部落 ) in this area.

Words for Production

3. tribe [traIb] n. [C] a group of people who live in a specific area and share the same culture, history, customs, etc. 部落 The Saisiyat, one of Taiwan’s aboriginal tribes, live mainly in Hsinchu and Miaoli counties.

tribal [traIbL] adj.部落的

The Harvest Festival is one of the most important tribal customs of the Amis.

The tribal chief declared war on the enemy. ( 部落的首領,酋長 )

Words for Production

4. generation [&dZEn1`reS1n] n. [C] all the people of similar age in a specific society or family 世代,一代 Three generations of my family are in this picture: my grandparents, my uncles, and my cousins.

This custom has been handed down from generation to generation. ( 世代相傳 )

The book talks about major differences between generations and shows its readers how to bridge the generation gap. ( 消弭代溝 )

Words for Production

5. legend [`lEdZ1nd] n. [C][U] a story, often untrue, about famous people or events that happened a long time ago; [C] someone who is famous for being good at doing something 傳說;傳奇性人物

The movie is based on a British legend, in which a young man becomes king after drawing a sword with magical powers from the stone. Legend has it that there is a monster living in Loch Ness. Michael Jackson’s unique music and dance moves made him a musical legend.

Legend has it that the chief of the tribe was protected by snakes when he was born. ( 根據傳說… )

The cave is the home of a legendary dragon.

Michael Jordan is a living legend in the world of basketball. ( 活傳奇 )

Words for Production

6. harmony [`hArm1nI] n. [U] the state in which people get along well with each other, or in a way that doesn’t damage things around 和諧,和睦 For years, the two tribes have lived together in perfect harmony. They have never fought with each other.

Your proposal is not in harmony with this project. ( 符合 ... 的條件 )

The restaurant was painted in a harmonious combination of colors.

Words for Production

7. form [fOrm] n. [C] the shape of someone or something 形狀,型態 A popular fast-food restaurant’s symbol is in the form of arches that look like the letter “M.”

form [fOrm] vt.形成

People began to form a line outside the exhibition hall to buy tickets.

A. The group was formed in 2005 but disbanded in less than a year.B. The idea of launching a new magazine took form in 2000. ( 成形 )C. That restaurant is so popular that you have to fill out a reservation form. ( 填寫 ... 預約表 )

Words for Production

8. tail [tel] n. [C] the back part of an animal, fish, or bird that extends beyond the end of its body 尾巴 Peacocks lift up and spread their beautiful tails in order to attract mates.

A. She tie her hair up in a ponytail. ( 馬尾 ) B. Why are you walking with your tail between your legs? Is anything wrong?

Words for Production

9. net [nEt] n. [C] something made of strings, ropes,

etc., that is often used for catching fish, insects, animals, etc. 網子 The boy held a net in his hand, trying to catch a butterfly in the garden.

A. With this 3G smartphone, getting on the net would be painless.

B. The fisherman cast/ threw a net to catch fishes. ( 撒網 )

Words for Production

10. shout [Sa5t] vi. to make a loud noise;

vt. to say something in a loud voice 喊叫;大聲說出The father shouted at his son so loudly that everyone in the restaurant heard him.

I heard someone shouting “Help!” but didn’t know where this voice was coming from.

shout [Sa5t] n. [C]喊叫聲,呼喊

Mandy let out a shout of joy when she received her birthday gift.

A. The officer shouted orders as the soldiers marched in goose step.

Words for Production

11. lately [`letlI] adv. recently 最近,近來

I haven’t seen John lately. The last time I saw him was about a month ago.

A. I have felt tired lately.

B. Amy visited/ has visited her teacher recently.

Words for Production

12. decrease [dI`kris] vi. to become smaller in number, size, etc. 減少

In this area, the number of monkeys has decreased from 1,200 to about 500.

decrease [`dikris] n. [C]減少

Over-hunting has led to a sharp decrease in the number of African elephants.

A. The birth rate is on the rise (= increasing) and an increase in population can be reasonably expected.

Words for Production

13. volunteer [&vAl1n`tIr] vi. to do something without being forced to do so or without receiving any money 自願做…The teacher volunteered to teach in a school far away in the mountains.

volunteer [&vAl1n`tIr] n. [C]志願者,志工

Many volunteers helped out at the hospital, and they did not receive any pay.

A. Doris works as a volunteer / does volunteering work at a museum. ( 當志工 )

B. My brother volunteered for the army. ( 自願 ...)

Words for Production

14. harm [hArm] vt. to hurt or cause damage to someone or something 傷害 Both smoking and drinking will harm people’s health and may even cause illness.

harm [hArm] n. [U]傷害

Chemicals can cause great harm not only to our health, but also to our environment.

A. Frequent exposure to strong sunlight is harmful to your skin and eyes. ( 暴露在…有害的… )

B. Overworking can often do more harm than good.

Words for Production

15. fierce [fIrs] adj. done with a lot of strength, energy, power, etc. 激烈的,猛烈的 In the fierce battle, the soldiers fought with all of their energy in order to win the fight.

A. The ECFA has become the topic of a fierce debate. ( 激烈辯論的主題 )

Words for Production

16. rise [raIz] vi. (rose | risen | rising) to move to a higher point; to increase in number, amount, etc. 升起,上升;上漲,增加The sky will turn bright as the sun gradually rises in the east.

As prices rise, people have to spend more money than they did in order to buy the same products.

rise [raIz] n. sing.; [C]升起,上升;上漲,增加

Climate change ( 氣候變遷 ) has caused the melting of the ice sheets and the rise in sea levels.

The beef price has gone up to NT$ 450 a kilogram, a rise of 50%. Beef was NT$ 300 a kilogram before.

A. Mike rose to stardom after his debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show. ( 一夕爆紅 )

B. The book records the rise and fall of the Roman Empire in detail. ( 興衰 )

Words for Production

17. foolish [`fulIS] adj. stupid 愚蠢的,愚笨的

It is foolish to go out during a typhoon.

A. Jane was foolish enough to go against their wishes. ( 真是… )

Words for Production

18. plenty [`plEntI] pron. a lot of something 大量,許多

Relax! We have plenty of time!

plentiful [`plEntIf1l] adj.充足的

If drinking water had been plentiful, the people in the desert might not have died of thirst.

A. There are plenty of books to choose from.

B. We had fruits and vegetables in plenty. ( 數量豐富 )

Words for Production

19. greed [Grid] n. [U] the strong feeling of wanting to have more than what is needed or necessary 貪婪,貪心 Though the man is very rich already, his greed for money can never be satisfied.

greedy [`GridI] adj.貪婪的,貪心的

Mark had eaten half of a cake, but he was greedy for more.

Words for Production

20. shocked [SAkt] adj. feeling surprised at something bad or unexpected 震驚的 Christine was deeply shocked by the ugliness of the Phantom when she first saw his face.

shock [SAk] vt.使震驚

It shocked me to discover that my mother’s hair had turned grey over the past year.

shock [SAk] n. sing. ; n. [C] (usu. sing.)震驚;令人震驚的事件

It will surely give my father a shock when he receives the NT$ 5000 phone bill.

The unplanned pregnancy came as a sudden shock to the couple.

A. Culture shock is one of the problems that new settlers will meet with. ( 文化衝擊 )B. Alice turned pale with shock. ( 嚇得臉色發白 )

Words for Production

21. embarrassed [Im`b8r1st] adj. feeling uncomfortable and worried, especially after having done something bad, wrong, or foolish 難堪的,尷尬的 Flora’s face turned red because she was too embarrassed to sing in front of the class.

embarrass [Im`b8r1s] vt.使難堪,使尷尬

It embarrassed Chris that he had tripped and fallen down in front of the girl he liked.

embarrassment [Im`b8r1sm1nt]n. [U] 難堪,尷尬

To Mr. White’s embarrassment, he couldn’t recall the student’s name when she asked if he remembered her.

A. I felt embarrassed when my stomach rumbled in the middle of the class. ( 肚子叫 )

B. To Monica’s embarrassment, she forgot to pay the bill before leaving the restaurant.

Words for Production

22. support [s1`pOrt] vt. to give someone what is necessary for life, such as food, money, etc.; to give encouragement or help to someone or something 扶養,養活;支持 The man has two jobs because he has such a big family to support. Mr. Wu gave Eva some help and supported her in forming a new school club.

support [s1`pOrt] n. [U]支持

Karl’s parents gave him their full support when he decided to become an actor.

A. My family is strongly supportive of my career.

B. The police found no supporting evidence for this case.

Words for Production

23. elder [`Eld2] n. [C] an older person in a group who makes decisions and are respected 長者

In some tribes, the young will listen to their elders, especially when they run into problems.

elderly [`Eld2lI] adj.年長的,年老的

Like children, the elderly need care and love from their families.

A. Students often give up their seats to the elderly on the bus.

B. We are taught early on to respect their elders.

Words for Production

24. extinct [Ik`stI9kt] adj. no longer existing 絕種的

In recent years, the number of tigers has been decreasing. They are in danger of becoming extinct.

A. Many rare animals in the world are on the verge of extinction. ( 瀕臨…絕種 ) B. Pandas might become extinct in the near future. ( 絕種 )

Words for Production

25. resource [rI`sors] n. [C] (usu. pl.) something such as water, oil, and land that can be used by human beings 資源 That country is rich in natural resources. It has a lot of oil and clean water.

A. Canada is rich in natural resources. ( 自然資源 )

Words for Recognition

1. Thao [Ta5] n. (the ) the smallest aboriginal tribe in Taiwan, living mainly in Nantou County 邵族 ( 人 )

1. Thao n. (the ~ ) 邵族 ( 人 ) 邵族被稱為「日月潭畔的漁夫」,傳


Thao [Ta5] adj. 邵族的Words for Recognition

Words for Recognition

2. Sun Moon Lake [&s^n mun `lek]

n. a famous lake in the middle of Taiwan 日月潭


日月潭為臺灣第一大湖泊,以不規則的菱形的日潭與其西細長弧形之月潭構成,故得名。日月潭的邵語稱為 zintun ,可能是日月潭最早的稱呼。日月潭名稱首見於道光元年(1821) 北路理番同知鄧傳安之《遊水裡社記》文中,在其所著《蠡測彙抄》一書中載有此遊水裡社記云:「其水不知何來,瀦而為潭,長幾十里,闊三之一,水分丹碧二色,故名為日月潭」。

Words for Recognition

3. Numa [`numA] n. the name of a Thao hero 努瑪

Words for Recognition

4. underwater [&^nd2`wAt2] adv. underneath the water 在水底下

補充 詞類變化

4. underwater adv. 在水底下 The turtle dived underwater and swam away.

underwater [&^nd2`wAt2] adj.


Words for Recognition


underwater adj. 在水底下的 Whales are underwater creatures.

Words for Recognition

5. mesh [mES] n. [C] an open space in a net 網眼,網孔


Idioms and Phrases

1. pass something on to someone to give someone something after receiving it from another 將某物傳遞給某人

My mother passed the ring that my grandmother gave her on to my sister when she got married.


1. Pass something on to someone 將某物傳遞給某人 Please pass the message on to your mother.

Pass the note on to me after you are finished with it.

pass sth down (將某事物 )流傳下去 The recipe of the delicious roast chicken has been passed down from fater to son for generations.

Idioms and Phrases

2. come upon . . . to discover something or meet someone by chance 偶然發現,遇見

On the first bus to school, Alina was surprised to come upon Dylan, who was usually late for school.


2. come upon 偶然發現,遇見 Kevin came upon the truth about his parents’ divorce. 與 come upon意思相近的片語尚有:bump into 巧遇,碰見 I bumped into an old friend during my trip to into 偶然遇見 (較不正式 ) Bunny ran into the guy she had admired for years in a coffee shop.come across 碰到,遇到 (無意發現 ) Mark came across an old picture in the book he borrowed from the school library.

Idioms and Phrases

3. would rather . . . than . . . would prefer to do something else 寧願,寧可

Yvonne would rather go shopping with her friends than stay home and watch videos.


3. would rather . . . than . . . 寧願,寧可 I would rather sleep than talk to Terry.

would rather 的用法1 接的動詞相同時,可以省略 than後面的動詞。 例如: I would rather swim in the sea than (swim) in a pool. Patrick would rather go by bus than (go) by taxi.2 would rather 可以接子句,表示「與事實相反的 願望」。例如: I’d rather you hadn’t done such a foolish thing.

3 除了 would rather , prefer 也可以用來表示 「寧可、偏好」。但是, prefer 不能像would rather直接接原形動詞,而是要接名詞、動 名詞、不定詞或 that 子句等。例如: I prefer coffee to tea. → I like coffee better than tea. Max prefers going to Kaohsiung by plane. My sister prefers to buy daily necessities in the department store.

Idioms and Phrases

4. bring something on . . . to cause something bad to happen to someone or something else 給…招來 (壞事 )

The war brought great destruction on the city, which was burnt to ashes overnight.


4. bring something on . . . 給…招來 (壞事 ) Going out without a coat on brought on a cold. bring sth upho 招致,引起 Craig’s headache was brought upon by drinking too much.can’t bring oneself to do sth 某人不願意做某事 I can’t bring myself to face the problem.

Idioms and Phrases

5. make peace with someone to end a fight, war, etc., with someone 與某人談和

The two countries decided to end the war and make peace with each other.


5. make peace with someone 與某人談和 The two brothers stopped fighting and made peace with each other.

be at peace 與…和平 ( 相處 ) The country is at peace with its neighbors.bring peace to 為…帶來和平 The talk is supposed to bring peace to the region.peace bring quiet 寧靜,安靜 Stop yelling at me. I need some peace and quiet.

Idioms and Phrases

6. get away to escape; to leave a place, especially when it is not easy to do so 逃離,逃脫;離開 The murderer got away on a stolen motorcycle as the police were trying to catch him. I have a lot of work to finish, so I won’t be able to get away from the office until nine or ten tonight.


6. get away 1) 逃離,逃脫 2) 離開 1) The thief got away immediately after he stole all the money and jewelry in this house.

2) Due to the meeting, I won’t be able to get away from office until 10 tonight.

Idioms and Phrases

7. call for something to say publicly that something must be done 呼籲,要求

The animal protection organization kept calling for public attention to save almost extinct animals.


7. call for something 呼籲,要求 The police called for the release of the hostages. This is an emergency that calls for immediate medical treatment.

Idioms and Phrases

8. be blessed with something to be fortunate enough to have or enjoy something 有幸享有…

People on this island are blessed with a beautiful beach that is one of the best in the world.


8. be blessed with something 有幸享有… I am blessed with good health

I. Compound adjectives: Adj. + N-(e)d“Adj. + N-(e)d” can form a compound adjective. There is often a hyphen in the middle of this kind of compound adjective.

long-haired 長髮的 kind-hearted 心地善良的 short-sighted 短視近利的 far-sighted 有遠見的 cold-blooded 殘酷的 open-minded 心胸寬廣的 good-natured 脾氣好的 short-lived 短命的 high-priced 價錢高的 補充

I Compound adjectives: “Adj. + N-(e)d”

此類的複合形容詞由「形容詞 + 名詞 (e)d 」所

形成。以下補充其他相關字:broken-hearted 傷心的big-eyed 大眼睛的one-legged 一條腿的middle-aged 中年的old-fashioned 過時的narrow-minded 心胸狹窄的absent-minded 心不在焉的

II. Aboriginal Tribes in Taiwan


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