Download - WordPress 101

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WordPress Westchester Meetup

Hudson Va l ley WordPress Meetup

Wednesday, November 17 t h , 2010


WordPress 101

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•Webologist at WPStartups

•Project Manager at MarkNet Group, Inc.

•Only heard of WordPress 9 months ago

Who is Jacqueline?

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•Graduated from the University at Albany•Graduated with a BA in History and Judaic Studies•Generation Y•Only took one computer class, and it was on Microsoft Excel

History 101

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•Logging into the back-end•“What is the Dashboard?”•Create and edit a page and a post•Adding images, l inks and PDFs•Categories vs. Tags

WordPress 101

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•Plug-ins•Managing Comments•Your sidebar(s)•Adding Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

WordPress 101

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•Can access site’s back-end from anywhere, even your phone•Open browser and go to your site•After the extension (.com) add:

http: / /

Logging Into the Back-End

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Logging Into the Back-End

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•Type in your username•Type in your password•It is case sensitive!•Click Log In•Forgot your password? Click Lost your password? and it will be e-mailed to you

Logging Into the Back-End

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•Complete overview of your site•Quickly access the most used areas of your site•Can be customized to your needs•When in doubt, expand the module!

“What is the Dashboard?”

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•To get to a certain area, click on the sub-categories of each module•Example: Widgets is under Appearance•Everyday Modules vs. Seldom Modules

“What is the Dashboard?”

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•Do you need a page or a post?•Page = Supplying information•Post = Content for your blog. Usually allows for comments and sharing•Both can have images, l inks and videos added

Creating a Page or Post

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•On the left column, click Page/Post•Option 1:•Click Pages•At the top, click on the Add New button•Option 2:•Drop down the menu under Pages•Click Add New

Creating a Page or Post

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•If you can send an e-mail, you can create a page and post•Can save a draft of your page or post•Ability to use the Visual settings, or HTML code•Easily set parent pages, and set page order

Creating a Page or Post

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•Preview before you Save your page or post•Your toolbar may look different depending on your plug-ins and theme•Can set page or post to be published at a later date

Creating a New Page or Post

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•Click on Pages or Post•On the table, hover over the page or post you want to edit•Edit | Quick Edit | Trash | View•Click on Edit•Make Changes where needed, Preview Changes and Update

Editing a Page or Post

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•Same for Pages and Posts•All you need is the toolbar•To add a hyperlink, highlight the word you want to become a hyperlink•Click the link icon•Type in the Link URL, set Target and Title then click Insert

Adding Images, Links and PDFS

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•To add an image, find Upload/Insert above the toolbar•Click the first icon that looks like a square in a square•Add an Image

Adding Images, Links and PDFS

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•Upload image from your computer•Give image Title, Alternate Text, Caption and Description•Select your alignment•Pick Predetermined Size•Insert into Post•Ability to edit image after upload

Adding Images, Links and PDFs

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•Can set a specific size•Add border•Shrink by a specific percentage•While in Edit, click on image•Click on landscape icon•Clicking red circle will delete image

Adding Links, Images and PDFs

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•To add a PDF, find Upload/Insert above the toolbar•Click the icon that looks like a sun•Add Media

Adding Links, Images and PDFs

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•Upload PDF from your computer•The Title will become the hyperlink•Give it a Caption and Description•Insert into post

Adding Images, Links and PDFs

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•Used for posts (blog)•Way to organize posts•If you were writing a recipe for pizza, the category would be “Easy Dinner Ideas” and tags would be dough, sauce, and cheese•Can create sub categories

Categories vs. Tags

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•Little extras that make your site more user friendly•Gravity Forms, $39.00•Testimonial Manager•NextGEN Gallery•Google Map Integrations•Billions of possible plug-ins (CAUTION)


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Gravity Forms

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Testimonial Manager

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NextGEN Gallery

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Google Map Integration

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•Can accept comments on pages and posts, but usually just for posts•Click Comments on left column of dashboard•Shows all your comments•Ability to delete unwanted comments and report some as spam

Managing Comments

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•Can set up site so that no comments are visible until you approve them•Click Settings » Discussion on the left column of the dashboard•Click on/off the features you want for comments

Managing Comments

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•Usually powered by your theme•The same sidebar on all your pages•Ability to have one or two sidebars•Information like Search Site, Sign Up for eNews, Twitter Feed•Endless possibilities

Your Sidebar

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•Check your theme first- may have this feature set up•Many plugins•If not, l ink an image to your page•Put on sidebar, footer, or anywhere!

Adding Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

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