
Woodlands Junior School

Woodlands Junior School

General information about the Woodlands Junior School

• NAME:Woodlands Junior School

• TYPE of SCHOOL:Junior School for boys

and girls • LOCATION:England

• OPENED:in September 1964

• AGE of PUPILS:7-11 years of age

• NUMBER of PUPILS:Currently, there are approximately 380 children on roll

Uniform in the Woodlands Junior School

Boys are wearing a blue vest. They have got a white shirt and are wearing their school caps - it's blue. Their socks are white and their shoes are black. Boys are wearing a black tie and grey trousers too.

School Lunch Menu Proposal

We would like to have five types of salads, pea soup, chicken soup, cutlet with potatoes, macaroni cheese, apple, cherry, grapes, peaches, carrot cake & vanilla sauce as starters in our school cafeteria because this food is tasty and healthy.

Subjects and Free TimeThey have English, Mathematics, ICT, History, ART and PE.

We have PE, History, Mathematics, Music and Art.

In their free time they have Cookery, Football, Computer. We have Art, Chess, Computer. We are interested in Art and Computer.

We do not mind joining Cookery.

Our opinion about the Woodlands Junior School

We would like to study in the Woodlands Junior School because in this school we would get a

quality education and spend free time fun.

In addition there is a good food ...

We would like to go there!

Выполнили ученики 6 «А» класса:

Еприцкий Ян, Никитина Софья, Пакулев Андрей и Кудрявцев Николай

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