Page 1: wM~n~~r~~~~ii~~i~i~i~~!~~~~~~~I~I~~~B~i~~~~~~ …Vol+18...trpnlCI~ 10 IhIS, ller first H.yage to HaytI, was chiefly uccupmd With her household du- I come upun ll1t Zion.' bemg but

"'"lit ttt,ritt? PVBLI811EI> "UIH"

For the Proprletol~S, I T ]VESTER L'i', R I


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Vot. ~vm.-No. 2. Westerly, R. I.~ , January 9, 1862.

, the time from January, 1844, to January, unshaken Never dId a soldier more ardent· asleep III Jesus the 10th of Octo-1845, In New YUlk, Pennsylvama and the ly desire to rtlmam film at hl~ post m thei'be:r,'oit-l o'cluck PM, and was bnned III

New England Stales, endeavormg to create thICkest of the tight, than she deMlred to hve Oemeter), 011 Muunt ZIOn, un-an mtell~st 10 the churchell 10 behalf of the for the glory of the Redeemer IU Jerusalem of the tomb of DaVid, wuth

Her first efforts were to acqUire a knowl- AnDIe LIZZIe re8tmg upon that ml>18,lottand SUClety edge of the ArabiC and Hebrew languages, her preCIOUS remallls ThoSIl

Their destlllatlOn was changed to Hayti, III whICh she made conslderabl!} and steady her to the grave were "'-'-- -'i'feiaclher WI, In December, 1844, aud they sailed progress She became flnent 10 ArabIC ~nd Jones, from her own chosen from Boston for the field of their labors, Jan read Hcblew In course With the family, at 9, as he Btuod undp.r the ullve

mornlllg worship, but tl n days befure het sister wntmg to Mr J 10, 1845 death She also gave some a~te\ltlOn to tbe Shaughae, Chma, June

A sea voyage was always sevneiy dIS German aud the Italian lan!(uageB, and 1m- " In that sacred spot tress1I1g to MIS JUJleS, and she suffered ex- proved her knowledge of French Her time await the comllJg of' the trpnlCI~ 10 IhIS, ller first H.yage to HaytI, was chiefly uccupmd With her household du- I come upun ll1t Zion.' bemg but poorly accommodated In a small ties, h~r studies, aud the lIJstlllctlOn of the awake to see the New

women who came to her, or whom she VISit ty of God, de~cend\Ug vessel, and lalldmgnearly 10<tmllesfromPult ed She was mdelatlgable In her labors GI"tlllllS tranSitIOn from the all Prmce, which they wele obhged to reach WIth the JI'wesses who came to her, and at Heavenly Oily, whICh shall by a nutlve coaster They were the used evelY means to relieve thmr and light of the sun, neither the AmerIcan mlS810naries to Hayti, but remove tbeIr preJudu!es agaInst vital to ~hllle mtu It, fur 1;he glury were cordllllly welcomed by the Y~~o:llll~o~d,y of the lip,~ten It, and the Lamb 18

Wesleyan nnsslonanes, and found n few as a kmd of mother, per-American colured people there VI bo spoke formed out of the house was to attend upon English, and who aS8Jsted them m vallous a mlBSIOIl3ry SIster ways Her second summer was spent IU Jeruaa

lem, and the first and second wlllter~ at Then second daugbter, Martha liImam, .T affa Mr Jones removed to Jerusalem In

was born at Port nu PllUCq, Aprtl17, 1845 May, 1856 She wrote from Jaffa, In 1857 MISS Polly T Young j<l1neil. the miSSIOn In "MissIOnary labors are severe reahtres In

October of the same year Mrs Jones, be- Palestme as well as In Hayti" We might Sides attendmg to the household duties and almost fancy that one who walked the same

sull which had been trod by the weary carmg for her babe, found time to gIve con- of the blessed Son of God, who gazed on

For the Recortlcr


$Ister, I hear the nnglng I Of tby golden harp tcrwgbt ,

And thy long bushed tones are brmgmg, Agam the old dehgbt

iy Slivery vOices steBlmg I WI!4 thy mUSIc ~oft and low,

I know that Ibou art kneehng I Wbere the hvmg 11 aters flow

] mark the sunhght glancmg,

siderable attentIOn to the FI ench language, the rums of the devuted City OVCl which the and, after tbe arn val of MISS Yuung, compa~slOnate SavIOur had wept, and upon was enabled to uUlte WIth her III COIlductiIlg! the Jordan III whICh he was ba(,tlzed, who a Sunday school, wInch proved very benefi had VISited the garden where, III Ius agony

BY nlZ"XJB HOWARn for our SIDS, he had sweat great drups 01 Ehzabeth Postlewmt Jones was born near Clal, e~peclally to the AmerIcan colored cht!- blood, nnd the mount" where he extended

dren, many of whom VI ere hopefully con- hiS arms to embrace the world, and bowed

From a crown of liVlUg hgbt , .t).nd calcb a ghmpse, entTdncmg,

ar a robe of purest white

Hnutmgdon, Pa, Feb 20, 1820 Her father ,GI ted hIS head to bless It ," we could almost be

11 as of Eughsh descent Her mother, With I I h th f h In 1847, the Free MISSIOn Society deemed It ve, say, t at e Iusplrauou 0 sue hel father's famll~, was dnven from the Em- It adVisable to recall Mr .Junes, that be scenes would cause misSIOnary labor to be maid Isle by Catholtc persecutIOn, nearly mIght become a tl avehng agent for the So- but the filttlTlg of angel WlllgS, bearll)g thc Mcrcnty years ago The IClatlvcs of both Clety, wblle another famIly" entered mto mcssenger on hiS errands of mercy But I, I I d I Ii r their labors" at Pl'rt at 1 Prmce. 1I[rs Jones our great first missIOnary partook >luDiclent uel at lei an mot ler, Wit Jew exceptIOns, 'I f wa.s, by means of thIS arrangement, permit yo eartb to feel thesc reaitttes In hiS la-ale Pre~b'tellanB Her father w,\sfor many b H Di tl h h

J to VISIt her native land, and greet her ors e was su Clen y umun III Ii na years an InflUentIal elder III the Presbyterilln parents and friends ture to become weary IU hiS wandermgs and chUlch III tile \lInage of HuntIngdon Her III Octobel, 1848, they agam left their na- teachmgs, to hunger and thirst, ann to advantages for educatIOn were such as the tl\e Rhore, embarkIng from New YOlk for need sleep, also to I)lty IllS dISCiples when nil age aWOl ded, and With the aid of a quick their Island home Th!' wrIter of thiS sketch they were weary and lamt These" severe I

I The bndge of fallh IS 'p,unmg

The gulf belween, and now IIfee1 tlly soft wmgs fannmg,

Acros. my bnrnmg brow

I see Iby sof. eye beaming WlIb tbe old sweet look of lore

I Eurdy am not dreamlDg-I aee tbee up above

I feel \be Wllr\n eare~s<ng Of \11y splill mnlely given,

A radll\uce and a bleSl'lDg Are stealIng down from heaven

then had the pnv!lege of accompauyl1lg realities" were wearIng to thepbyslCal con and clear perception and a supellor Judg< them to HaytI, as a fellow laborer AlllV- atltulJon of ollr mlSlIil>lIary, sud the same SLANDER ment, she attalDed to a degree of mtellec mg at Port all Prmce, and filldlllg the sta- hald.hlps which she cnduJ(~d In !IU>tl were IS not only II hemous sm, but lual culture of no ordmary character tllm occupied, It was deCIded tbllt Mr Jones VISit( duplin her WIth stili greatljr Se\~flty melln and contemptible one,

With the gUidance of such parents as Shlllljd agalD act the pIOneer, and commence !\.nme LIZZIe was born March 20, 1857, II. 'VIOlatIOn of the" Ruyal Ln'w,"'1 ~t!~}:,~t~I~'{i those above dcsClllted, the sltbJect of thiS anothel statIOn at Purt de Pal x, on the and dIed Augnst 24 1859 Dnrmg the III- love thy neighbor as tllv'lllilfl"

I~"~'_ of the Island HelC Mrs Junes of tillS dear child, wllloh continued Golden Rule," All tlllngs sketch must have been partlculady favored many hardslnps and depnvatIOns, as montlia, Mrs. Jones wu.s taxed beY,Qud would that mOil should do to 11I a moral and lehglOus pllIDt of view The we wele VISited hy famme, SICkness her strength, ha,\\\Ilg, no,t qnly the care of so uuto them ," bUI of prmclples of truth and JustICe were early the slok Cblld, bllt the rc~p,ollijIbJilty of honorable prmcIple It IS mshlled mto her mmd, and these, united to vldmg lor the famIly, lj.nd the r<l>b,bel'.V" perpetrated ftum the'baGeglt lillllIliid a love of patIent mdUMtry and prudence, Jones, who was very S1())kki~a~iP~~nr~~t~!et:'~~::: ,in')t~re8;i·

M mam, WfltIDg of tins e


Alas I for the homes once vocal With tho laugh of happy chtldhood, that are now ~IV. en oveJ'c to a dreadful atlitootl&! V.rllltta whl> do, nott murmllr or coDiplaht, mi,l hardL

.~~~r~~I~e'Ve(ll~y re~f1IoIn from sa,ymg;" " Qb, t~ ~ were. ". UClllnJ ~. re- 1D munths past, when tbe ~qinr of tile

Lord shineq on nlY liead, Illp:d' thy cbll~rGlr were about me" Bllt'tbl!.t titln'not~, Tout DOY 18 deal:l j and' hisriJm'pty crib-hi,8iitJe.l,i ca~l:ie(kintoJ t1ie garret I ai\(h8t~ll',dJ"1'1I'ib\;


formed tbe baSIS or her character She was mother's,1 "From the tune of Lizzie's

'myun~u~Kln~~~~~~~ wM~n~~r~~~~ii~~i~i~i~~!~~~~~~~I~I~~~B~i~~~~~~ I~;~~~~~ 1'ttlflllg dl"POSlllO!l/rend~d nn Intimate ftC ~r.~r=~i;i;~;;~~jt ~~~~~:~~:7~!~1~~~~*..; quam lance With ber, nec~ssary to the ap- 'tlliltlifl,,,it plcClatlpn of her vIrtues Her accounta.. blhty to her Creator was ever present to her mmd, and tbe duty of givIng her youIig heal t to God often caused her to feel a deep anxIety on account of her condItIOn before Him, and II deSIre to flee to the Saviour, and Yield he! beart's affectIOns to Illm But the way did not appear to open until she arriv­ed at the age of twenty years t

In tho sprmg of 1840, '\Vm M Jones, a hcenttate from the North NorWICh Ba;ptfst church, NY-, commenced a sence of meet­Ings 10 the Mill Creek Baptist church, near Hun~mgdon Elizabeth PostlewaIt, and many of he! compamons, there found SavlOnr wlihng to reCCIve them, and gave herself unreser:vedly to Him there was no reserve m thIS conseeratwn {)f her heart and bet 80\1 to God, and hIS Cause, her ilfe c1\'arly pIoves As she had recelv­e(l the SaVIOur, so she deSired to walk m HIm, and she, shrank not from follQw1Og wherever \ns commandmer:ts led her, Sbe was baptIzed III August;, of the same year, by Eld J P Rockafellow, of Holhdaysburg, Pa

She was united,n marriage to Eld W m M Jones, Feb Ill, 184<1 Mr Jones had be-come pastor of the Mill Creek ehurcli, and he afterwards Huntingdon Stone lJreek and churches, and aided hiS brethren III the or­l\a11lzation of the Lockport, Altoona and SIHrleysbUlg chUlches Huntingdon was the centel of hiS labors, and Mrs Jones sharing In these traveled many mIles With Inm, and Was Itnown to very many III a large e;r.tel1t of countIy Her modesty, sweet temper and Cbflstllll deportment, endeared her to all, and there ale doubtless mallY among them who stdl bless hel' memory.

The Saviour \jas Sl'lI!. " he that IS faithful In that whICh IS least IS also faithful 10


I ,

• j . - ,



I ~ ~ I


Page 2: wM~n~~r~~~~ii~~i~i~i~~!~~~~~~~I~I~~~B~i~~~~~~ …Vol+18...trpnlCI~ 10 IhIS, ller first H.yage to HaytI, was chiefly uccupmd With her household du- I come upun ll1t Zion.' bemg but

~ I



., 1'« tt.t ~ r do not answer the end of their being. They disposition, he was not subject to than the above and a desire is felt to make the OONGBII8S.

~ ~.¥-" '" "'. II waste on trifling oare,s;the life' wllich'God's of joybus excitement on the qne hand, It gav6 me much take tlie of voluntary In the Senate, on Monday,' ~titions' were I

~..:...:...",-.- ' compassion sparesl~ '! Cut theill, do~ gJ:eat d4lpression OJ;! the otber; bUt that you recognized In some presented from New York, ~onnecticut '1I'tSriaLY, II. I., FIFl'H.D1 AY, JANUARY 9, 1862. God makes sovereid.._choice of his J'udgz established in thclith, he kept on his I of my communications, to of ~I~swig: it Massachusetts andl Pennsyl"i~nl~, praying

b~ . mlBSlOnanes for the emancipation of the s'-aves. A com. ments, From some he withdraws the pre- with unvarying rpose, and as II of great rmportance cause. was received from' tbe Secreta. ,. L»1' 1'1".&.LOn ~. YIIAB ALBO." sence and operations of the Holy Spirit, perseverence. Indeed, be was an world, and to our denominatlion : We bave ry of War, refusing to submit to tbe Senate ~ we enter a NeW' Year, it is proper and and tllIls leaves them, as he did Pharaoh, to of punctuality and fidelity. He always fill. ." The positions I aSljQD1~d books and tbe correspondence between Gens. Scott and

WIlle' that we pause at its threshhold and hardness of heart and a reprobate mind; ed his place at all thel solemn feasts of the 'communications were, 1st. It mission- Patterson. llr. Davis, of Kentucky intra. eoDaicte 1h 1 h· h' are duced a bill, which was referred to the Ju. 1 ' r e ess.ons w lC It teaches. These them "strong. delusion, that they house of God, lImess Providentially prevent- the discipJes of Chris~, ·nnnAr d' . C . d I etlOIII re t iClary ommlttee, ec aring certain {XlrsonR \ a v~noul1; ye DO one is more should believe a lie ; that t1iey all might be ed, being in' regulllr atteniIance on pnblic bircuinstaflces, to eugage in alien enemies, anI} sacrificing their proper. \

101emn than thIS, that to 80lne, the prelleTlt damned who believed not the truth, but had worship, until his last illness about of killing one another. for the benefit of loyal per80llII. The 1

year will be their last year of trial. God en- pleasure in unrighteo\1lmess," He sends, as weeks before his deatb. He 'was always for Christians to place the,J$el'l'es .t!lfC[lUr!!e tben adjourned until ThursdllY, dured for many years the sinB of the Jews. in the days of Amos, the hel'dman of Te- forward to sbare his part of the martial law; and thereby rec9g[lize '~lJ:~~:~;i~~~s1 In the Honse, a resolution waB!' adopted It He sdered t1ieir manners in the wilder. koah, II a famine, not of bread nor of thirst bearing in the churcb, in counseling or whose command is palrarrw*:nt il dire~ting the Secretary of the r .. l!asury to

" d fter. ' Methodist furDlsh to the Select Committee appointed ness, !,n a w;atd "bewed them 1:!Y for' water, but of hearing the words of the couraging his brethren in laboring in of Jesus Christ, and _must be obllyed, date of Sep. to inquire into the alleged disloyalty of; prop~ets j" b.ut withlthe coming of John the Lord!' He permits distracting cares and department, and especially to contribute it may be in direct opposi I Sunday, I Government employes, certain information BaptISt, ,Chl?-st .. and his aposUes, came the troubles to arise, domestic, ecclesiastical, or his substance to promote the cause of God. the and the word of our at Kanchia, asked for. Mr. Pot~er, the Chairman of the last year of' trial to this ap~state people, national; and having no check upon them, He was emphatically a peace-maker, never and IRedeemer, In arguing the question to tbe Committee, i also asked for the pauage qf Whom God compared tQ a barren fig tree. they glide, without resistance or effort, into giving his judgment upon any civil or eo- of these positions, I charge." a resolution making a similar reque8t of Th~ cha~a.cte~ which, they developed, was in the deceitful and damning currents of world· clesiastical question until hearing both sides for the consideration of pnlfessed, "" .. m tdbe

b Secr~tary of th~ Interior, but after Bome

, , ITABIJ!'F ON TEA, SUGAR e ate It was obJected to, and WI8 not ItfQge Clfutrast with the privi1e~es offer· and utter forgetfulness of God of tbe cause before him, and invariably, of who tever name, and I tbe benefit of those w~ receiv~d, A bill was reported from the ,ed. ~m. In their anti·christian zeal, God and his claims. It needs but one more counseling peace. He was alway8 intere8t· I did speak of professed '" CommIttee of Ways and Means, repealing 1~ld of. tbe~, "Ye s.tiff-nl)cked, and un· stroke, the stroke of death. Death comes, ed in the cause of education and missiollll, and professed Christians new tarIff law, whIch went mto eert~in laws creating ports of entry. Its cll~lIm~sed ,n heart Bhd ears, ye do always and the scene is ended; but there is an eter- giving them not only his sympathies and tbat they wer~ identified tbe 2Mh ult : I consideration was postponed until the I r68lSt t~ Ho', Ghost; as your fathers did, nity beyond. Shall we lift tbe curtain a prayers, but material aid. He was ejected other of tbe belligerent enacted by the Senate I and House second Tuesday in FebrulI.ry. if. bill was 80 40 ye." Their doom WliS prophetically moment and look? We see despair written a member and clerk of the first school com. in our unhappy country, I cfthe United States cf in~o~uced by ~r. Spaul~ingl of New York,

Congress assembled Tpat from w IC authOrIZes lhe 18SU8 of Treasury ~uf'l'Dced by Christ; II Bel1.OId, your house upon the countenances of the lost; and hear mittee in the town under the act establish- were led by their different date of the passdge of this act, in notes p~able o~ demand. It .was· ~eferred 18 leu unto you desolate t' and a few years its accents in their cries, "How have I ing public schools in the State, which I did not use the term II the duties beretofore imposed by law to the W~ys and Me~nlt Commltte~'r!ld ~hc . later, the last I lingering remnant of nation- bated instruotion, and my beart despised re- held for. nine years. And Christians and slaveholding hereinafter medtioned, tbere House adJourned until Thursday. <' ',r • ' Ii'" d' d th· f d h b ed h • f h" b t . th esl' levied, colle'cted, and' Pilla on the In the ,se~a~, on Thnrsda7, ~r,!t'i,llg p're. a"3 1B8p~ j elr sun went down prOo j an ave not 0 ey t e V01ce 0 my t e pIOneers m t e cause was no argumg e qu Ion and merch~ndjse herein enum. sented a petItIOn, num~rously sl~neaiit!llti:"

amid the smoke and· diu of war, and-'the teachers, tlor inclined mine ear to them Dominational, educational, .nd nor W88 I considering th~ vital and for im olted from for- zens ?f ~ew York Olty, praymg for the gloom 1)( a Sfarless night settled down upon me." 'j Tlie harvest 1s enterprises, for which he continned til religion of professed the fohoJnf doti s and emanCIpatIOn of slaves under tbe . lyAr pow- . the Burvi;l's oC the natiou1s overthrow. In the summer is ended, and we are not saved," ish a vital affection until the close of life, ' or Soutb. The one great dut its. e er. Mr. Latbam presented a petttlon froul b· • W f h' d' S I l'll ) , h' , . OnY'al! as '1

00 ay. the Chamber of San Francisco for a steam. t 18, II P gured the charaoter and doom e turn away rom t IS sa pIcture, to ure y a good man has la en, eavlDg IS in view was to show to Ch .. Coffe;e f -11 cek~tdI ~r poutnd. ship mail line between that port and Cbina. I of all th~ who enjoy gospel privileges, consider man's dnty in view of his last year deeply amicted surviving children, numer" name, the glaring absurdity " 0 am,,, cen s per Mr. Sumner offered a resolution that the

but do not improve them; viz., all impeni- of trial. It is evidently this, to accept ous relatives and friends, the unspeakable sinfulness of members of . On all ra I II President be requested, if not incompatible G h '1 d' d' I G d' '" f . h' . fi . w sugar, mmon y ca - 'th th bl" t t . t th tent persons, of whom od says, "I have eartl y an Imme late y 0 sauer 0 mer· satisfaction that their great loss IS IS 1D - of engaging in the work of or brown sugar,land on sugars WI e pu ~ meres, to tran~ml~ 0 e

called ~nd ~e refused ;" likewise all profes· cy, and thereby escape tbe visitations of his nite gain. He only desired to live while j and also, the great above No. 12 Dutch standard Sen1"te aU t~e correspondence whIch b~s, B '1' I'f! I ' taken place Slhce the CongreSil held al ParIs 80~of reli' ion who are living in a cold, in- judgment. ut some one may say, II If this might be useful, and although we could not themselves to the bm mg, c arJ ymg, or other pro- in 1856 relating to neutral and beI1i t

'IICti~ and 11ifeleaa state j of whom it will is my last year of trial, then my doom is see how to spare him, nor how to fill tbe whose commands might on of sugar or sugar·cane, rights ~n the ocean which was ag~~n.\ be "Ill in the last day, filling their hosoms fixed j my case is hopeless; it is of no use breach in Zion's wall, which would be occs- of disobeyiug God. molasses 01'1 concentrated Mr. Kennedy pre8e~ted ~ reeoilltion fro~

'b!"'ij q;: .:.-,,~'" y: 1m d r. toth' k fth I t' fl' db" fill k G d twodcelntsdand a hat,lfhPerdPoundd; the State ofMaryland,proteBtingagainstin_ WIt utter repro...,...",," e ew your uty or me mOil sa va Ion 0 my sou; SlOne y us a ,yet we now 0 never for a Christianity that binds Cbris- an c aye sugars en a vance d. I I 11 . l·ti h'l I h th tat b' 12 D teh h'rfierence with Slavery I'n the Sta'AI! by the 'In ~ Idid it not." may as we enJOY I e, w I e ave it, so errs, and desire to bow submissive to his in love, recognizes no "" ""

fi I A1H'RIP!r ebraw 1 s 'f ~, a ove o. ,u General Government. Mr. Latham oft'ered a -Eaeb 'Year rir the paet bas been the last h~re goes , or p easure aud" dissipation ~ I will. Nor could we a8~ him back, ~hen ,,:e prompts to universal Obll4i!lDc:e, Y ~ a~ ~;:g or ~ther proce~s, resolution, instructing tbe committee on Pi.

year of trial to a lamentably large number WIll bra~e It out to .the last: What an tn- reflec~ ~hat th~ future hfe,. as he beheved, IS iD8~iring each and al1 of its re ne, he~ben IS ~erl po un j nance to inquire into the expedieDcy of eg. of the elass to whom at the opening, God chOIce I And IS there mdeed no hope.7 a posItIve .reahty: May hIS man. tie faU on an intense desire for the immedi,te liugars, t weer I Cit' ump, or tablishing a distinct Bureau for the Treu •

. has said, IJ Let'them alone this year also," Does God offer no grounds of hop~ f Is hIS us, and thIS prOVidence be sancttiied to tbe patlon of all men from the tbraldom rev:n~~~ ;!e~r 8.~~lar~ ~~n:~!r~~~ IIr! Depart.ment{to regulate and control the and at the close, " Cut them down!' The year present offer of mercy a formal.lty and a good of the chur.clt and the furt.herance cau~1 ing them to be willing to make or any other way adulterated, and ml!lts, which was agreed 1? Tbe &/laoo

i ? D b k d ttl b h f Cb t .. Let d th 11 th candy, eight cents per pound; on adJourned to Mond.ay. eighteen hundred and sixty-two will add to arc~. oes e moc an an a Ize men, y t e caus~ 0 rls . me IC e ea ces~ and labor with apostolic zeal, in six cents per gallon provided that In the House, I~ was resolved that the thia feareul record.' tet us, dear rel\ders, offerlD~ to save them, when already he has ~f th~ rlgbteous, alld let my last end be ingl" the gospel to every creature," of sugar or suga::cane concen. Secr~tary of War I.nform the House why eacH for ourselves consider what may be deterIWlled ~o destroy them? Let no one hke hIS." J. c. ing; exclusively, spiritual instead of molasses, or concentrated' melado, certalO voluteer reglm.ents' fr?m New York learned fwm the iast year of trial. We f?lJy upon God. II ELD. ESTEll '1'0 ELD. GlUSWOLD. weapons, in its great struggle under the name of molasses or any State ~ere not provl.ded WIth ~rms, Mr, think there are two things of great iJrte~est !elit h~ propbet to say, Yet forty E SSG 1"1 error and sin, AzoR name than sirup of sugar or sugar- Kelly tntroduce~ a hIll t? provl~e for the

, , days, ."nd Nmeveh shaH he overthrown." Ln... RISWOLD: ~ear molasses o~ concentrated defense of .the cIty of PhIladelphIa on. tho to be learned therefrom, VIZ., G0If8 purpose, "So 1... 1 b l' d G d l' d thank you for your letter adaressed. to me, shall be liable to forfeiture to the Dela:v~re mer" Referred to the OOl!1mlttee d· , d t G d 11 fi t' t..., peop e e leve 0, proc alme a S 26 1 6 I JlINISTEBIAL States and the ~ame I shall be for- on MIhtary aft'a, IrS, and tbe House adJourned an 'man 8 U y. 0 ca s rs tn mercy. fi kIth t' h . d through the RECORDER of ept. ,8 1. N ,'D t M d He , 'te to ;d th t h II I ast. put oli sac ,c 0 ,sa m as es, cne The brethren composing the ew 0, on ay. IDVI B men conslf'er a e so ov· .. . gives me pleasure, also, to have the opportu· I '_-:-'--_~ __ _ d th Id th t h' hi I mlghttly unto God, and turned every oue h Baptist Ministerial 0 I J

8 8 wor a e ga~e s ~ y. from his evil way; aud God saw their works nity.of respon~ing to it t rough the same at the vestry of the Pawcatuck FROM CHlNA.-Recent correspondence . WAB NEWS. SOD, that whosoever belIeveth lD hIm d f d f tb '1 th t h . d b medIUm. PermIt me bere to say, that I have Hong Kong gives a resume of receut '\ -dIspatch. from Fortress Monroe em.

I no~ perish, but have eternal life." ,He (lom· an rep den e toO th e ~VI d ha d~d S~tl t~ no complaint to make bccause you have DelqelIlber 9th, and, after some . . . bodIes a val"lety of rebel news from tho !led h' t Ez k' 1 t "A I 0 un em ,an e I I no. . . . . . voted to appropriate the folllbwiDlZ ID ChlDa. The formal ~vacllatlOn of south, some of which is more en¥rtatning

I ,18 servan e Ie 0 say, I s .. Return unto me and I will return yon," Crttlc\.S ed that part of those com~UntCllttons fior essays and sermons to of Canton by the allted forces of than true. There is one item, however, hYe, salth the Lord God, I have no p easure . bl' h d . . I . God' to whIch you bave referred, whIch you re- ' I in the death of tbe wi4)ked',' but that the IS ant esfta IS e .,PSnnkclp edIn hS Iglosverdn,-, gard as obiectionable. You inquire, with 'wlhtl'Chtbel'S nteoxtbemheeeltdingwl,othf tthhee "h~I;'r.h and England took place on the 218t important, as it pointe to tbjl pro--'~"-d fi h' d I' t men 0 men. ee an ye san . ch J II I't 'bl HI after an occupa~ion of bable evacuation of Bowling GreeD, Ky .. by ... ...- turn rom IS wayan Ive: urn ye, B' be t I he rt b t t' mu apparent earnestness, S) POSSI e Tb ce e' tl . the rebel army uuder Bucl\ner. IHs stated tuOi ve, from your eVil ways; for why will lyut It must _uno on Y1l\a a ;"Gi~ agtlme. tbat slavery has so stultified your IOOrsl Conn, on the e r .montes on Ie occ~sl.on that appearances do not indicate an engage:

I " • .eason_e repen nce ve ory l'n March next. The exercises conducted WIth much form, and a Jomt ment there, though unforeseencircnmatance' .. Ye die:" Thus God dt'clares both his ability "h L d" 1>G d 1..~'h 'h d k aeDse, as to have effaced, if not C01lDprj~JI I • ~ . to t 8 or your a ".lIvre e cause ar· , . me~ce at 6 o'clock P. M., with in anticipation lof the event might precipitate a battle within eight dl'

and biB willingness to sate, and fllrther_ all· d be" ti:3.t' - tu bl obliterated from 1~ur_ lieart, ~e '''ic:rip. by the Viceroy and the Tartar. ten days. In other words, should Gen. Buell IN' h . he 1 ti . ness an .ore your e" s m e upou •. . ~ , E888Y OIl the- Inspiration of the ,'- ~le~~=~re::a:~~:t~ 11 • , , I Bures them," elt er IS t re sa va on ID d k~ t'" th ....... ..L. t . pl"lllC\ple Of humal1Uy~ 'tiz,: or ItS courteous terms get there before the rebel army can lretreat, I the ~ th L.' th r a' ar moun alns, e UlITJI, moun ams hl'.wt .1... PrOf. J, W. Marlon, forei~ers. whorh, the .occupa. a battle may' be foug' ht. , I an)" 0 r ; lot Ilre-n. 1l000e 0 e n me JIB- b r f . fid n th r t: tal el1OI' tlen to t emS!! re!5, a ... ..., WI.:I. hAth 1'" !if ' der,heaven giVell among men whereby 'we ~ndekle,1D tae.1Y;,orr o efi ad 'll.;b'tI! nality of all who should deprive "'Issa.r on t e u enlClty led the Ohmese to entertaIn more A detachment of Nationat troops madel<'

be d n 'U th h t t ar moun InS 0 con rme eVll'a I, h . h?" T th' I by Eld. T. R.Williama. for. Tb~t:vacuationtook place be· descentuponWarsaw,Ky.,afewdayssinCtl,

:~call, ~:;e ~erc~~n ~~ ofu:h: ;OS~1 ~ hwhichtclint~ ~ the ~~I, ~~ t~ '; ~~:~,'~:; ~~~ ~~e !tro~t IS anl\W~ '; .. n'!t .. WrlJl~nesday, Exegesis on the CO~!~~~~~d °t;h~h~a~li:~~f f!: ~h:;!P!~~f fH':m:h!~;iM":r:h:Hls, among the· b ~"t £ t £ 'th th ere 0 8 eopar s Sill; 0 . f 11 d n I te d great gratification among the 'd' ti U' • f .. ,~e throuy> '1lacb

e to ace wa

l I~ cr.~- mountains" of your last sickness. These I~g carebu y n:ad yo r eft r, an .weIHh~.oIhl.1 iJohn 3: 9, by Eld. F. Beebe. . '1 . tb U 't d St t A VIceS rom MIssour, at;e 0 Importance ci~r If ey WI u see an rea Ize I . G d' . d t -the closing scenes iu sldere~ t e varle forms 0 expressIOn W IC b Eld A B B di k. dlVI w~r ID fti e t DI e A a e~ -the~ indicate the speedy redemption of There ill npw offered them, peace, pardon, ahre d 0 s JUf gml'fie~~1 t We must "';ve you have used to indicate your ntter abhor- 16: 9, y '" ur c· 3 .e~ress~ng.e ~h' upo~ t mert of the State from rcbel controL

d 1 l 'ti 'tb God . '(. t e rama 0 a I e -spen. 0- r th . fA' I 6 : 4, 11, 6, by Eld. H. Clark. I? eres sm. mil, u, n? information bas been received at an olerna I e j peace WI j a spm I to G d b l' 'th e tance love rence 0 e sm 0 merICan s avery, you 17 19 b Eld E D tbls fact AmerICan enterprIse II ua! peace, reconciliation through the atoning g °drybed' 0, Yb °ti

ur ,al 'tir pet ~umbl~ upon may have the fullest assurance, that I have :, y .. arrow. , fi Id . th Gen. Pope's headquarters at Ottervi e, that f J Ch . t J' t r t th an 0 lence, e ore our ee s ··ft d ti r f I th' t. bh JQlneS 1: 27, hy Eld. C. Chester. t i:t ~yn~he'; trade In e Price has again commenced to retreat 80utb,

bloOd 0 eBUB rl~;. a~eB ora Ion 0 e these II dark mountains" which border on an mWD81 . e ee .I~g 0 oa Ill.g anu a or· 4: 12, by Bro. T. M. Clark. a::ne;ements were madi~~ ward ~itb his whole force. I fa!or of G~,. ,who IS J?8tly offended at the the shades of death, eternal death. But let ren~ ag~mst thIS Heaven-danng, GtKl-pro- In the evening, sermons on the atoin~lne~lt, sill1i1ar to those upon our A dIspatch fr~m Pal!llyra, Mo., anuounCC8 revolted 8ubJects of hIS government. The t d d ' e ourselves too vokmg sm, equal to yourself, unless you f rivers Mr our new that Gen. PrentIss, WIth 450 men, has en.

' • 1 I d 1;;' be . us no, ear rea ers, promls d . h .• h' rom- . . d d d' ed 900 bel t" \' old score IS cance e ; a new be. gms, a much. Let us not tbink we have now an. have been favore Wlt a capacIty In t IS 21Cor. 5 : 19 first clause b Eld. to Ohina had and cntered counterp an Ispers re sa ruoun life of holines ...... full of holy 10ngIDgs, hun· th b l' t f h' h we respect beyond what has been conferred C II' ,y I his duties I' Zion, in Boone counlY, killing and wounding

~ . . boer year e,ore us, a par 0 w IC " f oUra . . 150 of them, and capturing 35 prisoners, '5 gerings and thIrstmgs after rig tifyieo~8neS8 j may safely devote to the vanities of the upo~ me. I tr~8t thIS exr~'sslO~, _0 my IIJohn 2: 2, by Eld. Joshua Clark. ' I horses, and 100 gllns. Tbe Nation!.l lOBS a deadness to the world;.a. cruc dn?San worlQ...,beW:e we seek the verities of reti- fee~1Dfgs and s~ntdlmhentsI' on ?IS Prt°hl/l!;,d may :Rom. 5: 10, by Eld. S. S. I Presb~rian cburch only three killed and 11' wounded. overcoming the fiesh, the corrupt an In rm . . I' B t t th If f tow for satl8 y your mID t at remam 0 0 ox on Jhh 10 1~ I I b Eld I held services on the Gen. Siegel, according to the Vollc8blatt, .. glOn. oas no yse 0 o-m rro, hit' If I I d I" n ;"', ast cause y f th t· . I b' naturel the" old maD," which IS corrupt. th k t t h t a'd may bring t e savery ques IOn. proper y un er· Ut.~ ,. 0 e wo anmver- of Cincinnati, threatens to resIgn uu eBB 18

• II l'k . " 't ou nowes no w a ay t d . 8 a re d i the I tt ""r, I of the establishment that churoh. desire to be appointed commander of an in-.Thill IS peace, peac? ) ~ a river; II forth." We shall not all of us see the end s au your.vlew.' Bexp sse n e er I IPet. 1.' 18 19 b Eld. O. C. fift.e abtmdant· and refreshmg, ItS currents; are f b h t d under conslderabon, I must coufess, that I I "LY M C who have ever connected dependent division, numbering en or

d ' 'bl It 0 t e year we ave now en ere . . t d f h '"*" fo . . 01'I'RELL the congregation, were to J'oin twenty thousand men, is complied with. \ deep, inexhaustible, an IrrepreS81 ed· In the UTeekly record of deatbs, will be ehxerClse tia g.rea eOrb . et~ree't o. ctba··?1 r' f h Ii 'd bl b te f h d fi " celebratl·on. The were pecu. All idea 0 t e OrIDl a e I:l arac r 0 restores to the BoulltS s attere con e~~e. found, before the close of the present volume t 06~ pro esslUg m lanl Y In e B ave· !U!S:t01U.BY Th sermon was tbe proposed Mississippi expedition mat be

"Being justified by faith, we bave peace WIth r th R~CORDER the names of some who will holdmg States than !O? bave expressed. It Scenes of deep interest occurred e gathered from a description given by a cor. G d "yoa and pea also with our own 0 e, . appears from statlstlCaJ tables carefully I I d' . by Dr. McDonald, N'respondentoftheNewYorkTimes,ofwhat 0;, , .. read the sentences we are now pel1Dlng. ' medinuggur, Western n la, ID • consciences; they ","-e·n, I~nger upbt:aldmg 'ourielf may bll of that ·number. Let us prepared,by t~e Rev. T. S: Malcom, A. M., witn ~ melltillg of tho Mahratta the oldest surviving have been and are being co'JJs~ructed at 51. and" accusing" u , hkp>the apostle, W8 then wI'th tbe New Year begin anew to and pubhshed tn the Baptist .Alma.nac and October of whieh I\ccounts from Loui~ and other points for thi ... service. The

• ..:c' lI'd f ' , A 1'1>-' te fi 18'8 th t the W r ' THE HOME JOURNAL, pul)lislll~d by Morris numhPr of gunboats to be used.ill tl[lelve, seek always to hav a ;r"'nsclence VOl 0 G~" I nnua ~gls r or ", a re e 0 h d In th B b ,l'" 'I. b 38 d of u.;, serve uu. " h d . th I b la' Stat . Bou~ceil ave appeare e om ay WiJlis, New York, at $2 snnum,Min- of/mortar-boats or bom\).:aetp es ,,~n. otrense." We bave peace, also, with one an- at t at ate, ID e save 0 IDg es, m· Th * I'b t •• 1 b tugs and steamboats 28-seventy-elght 11l

other having laid aside ilnfeignr.dly all ,OBI'1't1~BY-DJU.. OBBIR. O. LllWIS. G1uding" tbe District of Columbia, 4,844 Bap· h~" e:e as ~ er~ gIVIng, with tbe usual de<lluClI:ion to c u s, all. The i!"unboats are absoluteiy shot'pr9(if, ' .. '} k' The sUb;ect of the following brief 8_ketch, t' t h h 'th 384979 be Th .... n prevlOns Y among year, aud lravin'" ~n proved to be BO ~y actua11)x.

' malice, and bitterness, anu eVI -spea mg, Cb ,. h C Le' I d h' - thl 18 C urc esf, WI b h'. m~~ ~8. e and the Madura Christians; furnl'sh to I'ts r~~(len " "b-ana e~piBed to walk in true love with our rlslop er . WIS, C ose IS ear ., aggregate 0 mem ers IP, at ..... t time, ex- , th t .b l' for the periment-and will carry a very Ilavy ar. nel',b'};r To cOlIBider and seek this state, NovelJlber 26th,1861, m the 8~ aeeded that in the free States, by 1II0re tban lben I CasebS' I e cto°nCrbl,utlonsd fqrthcom:ink volume, aU the fOrlmp.r peculiar mament j ~nd tbe m6rta!CboatS am 80 con·


" , • H k' . . y ove rls an o~ the paper, which "WI gIvllnll structed that they can lIIl used for bridlflls, yea, tp accept and practice i~, does God call year of his age, I{e was born II) op II)- 38,000. The stalt.stlPIl Qf tbe churches for b s ecial influences of T" carrying each oile ot' the bea\,lcst; men liv the goBpel. To this end, he says to ton, R. 'i., September 25th, 1 'tEO, where he 1861, would probably show tIle Pl'lljlellt ag- y p mortars used in modern wlU'fare, and lJeing the ~ord of Divine ,JtlBtice, '" Let during his long and useful life. gregate of membership in the slaveholding loop.holed for musketry. It is believed that "lono'""'1.. "'- .... Ar·' l .. t't,....... ... n1ov my • Although he did not make a public profes· States. to be considerably above 400,000. no defences of the rebels can stand againit .. , ....... J v", , " ' ....... " ~ ". this formidable lu'mada. , I a~d S~eIl' WOM and works!' sion of religion in the ordina,nces-of I am not prepared to unchpistianize"hastJly, New York Trib, line of I;n,.q' tbis, 'God 'doe! not simply offer Gospel, until June 12, IBI9, wl:$Jn. about 40 this num~r of professed Christians, found co;llt~iins.what is c1abned to Lates~ti:a/r~: Beaufort and ~ilton

-mft. '-fe&'-' Qf.:triai, lu!t ihe ~:thW~. .F • .yilt h~ \>eIieved, ~s h~s m.a.nner jll.lII!iP~",br/l>nc4. ~f' 't~~h~e8~~~~iie~ 'lMlthel'Q.,me"-llciwihad-~~l~~:\ly,...tb~!;clIlIItla~,ail~

allO:'" an additional year, an addino .. l of- Jifeeviuced, that he experienced a change becanse il~very itill ~i ,furnished by-lion. Alfredl!3Ellv our troops, stllriea fer. '-llllP.III, II TO'day, after 50 long a time; of heart in early life. He united with the del'S. As r trace the hillti>tY- of tf\8, t" that DUII)U!ln"}~ rillealllld' fro)U RicluilQp~ rebel papers being- pure i~~::~~tf!~~~ ~ -it is said, to-da~il!.rill,hear his voice, Firllt Churc? in denomination in the slaveholdw:inlrl Shtates, ity ~:~ri~D':aB Jlot until after seven about three thollBaud DA~~eB, "f1a.; ~~:e:e:~~ ~~~ ts~t:, are ~: JJ.rden DOt your ... God thus ton at the time he llIade a pubhc from the organizing of the e c tract of t~il that the .chain of caste ga~e of melancholy interest all, tionuecure as they go, scouting-parties ciif!!!lf.hill..zo'W:mindedne~; he is full of com· of faith in Chtiat, of which he remained' II- Church, now in the Stp,te ot pela.wllre, the Imissionanes welcomed theIr, l'~"., •. ~ to sUllh as find thereiIl! Ule names of are pllllhed in every directtoll"'"'"fl"' .....;joD:.nd tenderneilli. We benr him ~- worthy memh"l' uutll released by death to 1701, forty years befor'il &ny Baptist Church vert, GdllDihh

a Dhor. Now: thtedere are I • from Port Royal IsI.Jl.d alm6at ~ '.' . . . . .' h . . N-L Y k hundre II w 0 are emanOlpa, I intiinla'te friends. f S Ui.A --rUo blithe I e1_fIIg /I HOW"Bball 'I give thee up f How Jom the trmmphant dIviSIon of the c urch was orgaDized m the State of e:w; or, te nd idol-worship and living in a 0 annn. t'- u

iIi.n!i-d1~Iit'er tliee (to punishment 1) .. How above,' Orr December 27, 183~,. he was up to this time, I see much to inliptre in_e ~~: lnatbe order and' comfort of a ill atilre of onr friends who wish to noissanQe fiftee~g~iie~t f~-.!' 8ea::r:,"~d ' ~ tniUe thee as 'Admah 7 How shall I unanimously chosen t<1 th~ oQice of deacon, with confidence that God has greatly. b~C!I&- Cliri~tian village. I Publishing Agent taken six rebels prilQDeJ'S, These recan . .et thee as 1.eboim 7 )lin~ heart is tum~ in which capacity he rehdered. Ule Chrch ed the penomination, p,nq that a .largil num- Rjlv. J. Thom~s, of the ,(Jh~rch .. ~, saiiln othprwiAA. will find hiill, dur/ing. UlrUIIIal"]~'1 noissances and scouts had eatabliahfld tho .in JOe my repentingB are kindled important service, "and using the offlce of ber, tbrough th.e in! > of the in Southern Indl~, ~taltes tm his h hours, at the fact that the rebels are abl~ to collcentrate,

' he I h • . h d' .u,· porti· "The statlstlca re urns s ow in a short time Upon any g' ifen ""i~~:rom ,-I;.er." God isloathtorepeatt exallJpe a deacon well, e purchalled'to hlll)self a Southern BaptIsts, ave, urIDg ~8 .Ime, I' f 781 persons during & Cbamplin, where would be ' t'v. ,

l!t~ f th l' G d d h I crell§e 0 • • fifteen to twenty ,.thou8al\d moD, U1er ol':Admah and Zeboim, II cities 0 e p alD. good degree, and great confidence in the been truly c'ollverted to Il, an ave a· and'there 'are others on to see any who m~y blm WIth important gunboat reool1no~!'I':~ ~n lie Ia' Wnoi willing that an., should perish, faith, wbich is in Christ Jesus!' read., entertd upon their ete,nal relit, not- namlls have not been' . which h~ bell!lI!UB~ed 'rtth\n 4~een, bj~ ,,~ . .all should cq!De to ~e~ntance:" Dea. ~ewi8 possessed. a rare degree. of witbatauding tbe awfn) sin of slavery e{.iBt- )I~. ford, of the .syria ,~iaB!on, AJ . of Oqadestoll, I\t a to~n f~~lI;., or ibis, hill ball given many prpofs to old and natural endowment;- WhICh, toget1ier WIth ed in~tbe country, before the Ilrst churqb was ~. ~., wrItes from SI~on; ~ e se~ n9 the many tlrst-claSBi hterary aud Here a force of tour it)ln'dtMt ~tieJ8 Yo-' H{' baS suffered their delays, and the advantages for improvement afforded organized, and has been perpetuated to t)le tiug of the doorsthagalns~s Ifn th

SYrJa as gener~1 n~wspaper8 whillh privilege found, which f\iid in a paui~'W1ie11 a~ ill, uue' 1 , _~.. " t'l' t' h" I l·ti f h' h . h . A d Itt th t but JIVe do 8ee e eneIllles 0 e we find none that o\anfl.slhiJ~hel) or ferior foroe of onr men W'U landeik '0 • es:ClIIeI,and:':coDtr ... lctJOns, unl JUSlce Im,lD e~ry Ie, 0 W.IC It appears e pre_.tlme. n ~8, a tin lforth redoubled efforts, and'lav~8hiJlg .,

hp'. ~~ ~f. I "On~ ~em down, w~y cum· availed ~Imself, ma~e hIm, a man of iIl?re of Ba~tl8t8 U?W 1I~llg In the. mo!by liJ-e water to d~aw the. WHICH The ~aT!~:t C~~e b{/:i~ :::. n:o:~ fr:;, btr ltlleJ,tbe grou~." But the m.erClful, I~e than ordmary,good Jlldgment, and executtve States, a8 w.eU .all)foiessed Chr18tians of elPCFially the YOUDg, I~to theIr on tbe intrench!ullnt.. Jt, I~ compuaionate the tender-hearted, tha JlID- capability, other denolDlDationB, althongh. pJ'e8lBd un· see lIew and powerful lIilluences a movement will soon be

iaClObiigr ' JJe was' elected Town Clerk in 1817, and der tbe weight pf m~;Y erroN, wUl, ulti- to niold fix tb~ c~racter direction of Savannah. The number' !:l.,<r\i. lflle~ ~1oJie' this ,Year alsO' (' J will try served ilJ. ~b.,at capacity till 1858, making mately, be sanctified through the truth. ' • that ~o~ is ~:e time, rebel troops at t~at pl~ce is put dnwn at.

\ ' ~ . b h d b th bl od f Cb t II WeIl. about two tbousand. ' ,. ~ ~at,I.caD ~ for them; l wUl repeat forty,on~ ,co.n,ll!8,cutirl) ,ears, wen, as e being cleanse yeo 0 tl' , WI battle-field may be won or of armi- Orders for building an iron.elad steamer ' I tlMt," ,of P.lrdo~ a. peace i it mal be thought he migp.t b,e qc.used, frpP.l this be saved in his ~verlasting You most parts of Germany the oli Calvin- by contract. at the Pbilad,elphia':N.""Ya~.

1 they will turn from \ their eyil wa.ys, t, ;vice bF l'C,j.Bon .w his _age, being "!lo.ut 18 s",.,/ II To recogll1ZB the South as A _. is on the increase. In have been received. As soon 811;the con' they perisb not," But 'the calls of mercy, ;y,earli, he .deol.lnE\ll a re-election, T,\Iis , aOll jts inhabitantll ~s Chrfatla~., is to be lI)ade to the ou~ the work wi11 be pU8b~ aetl~"'''d wilL be followei by judgDJeJJt term Of publto'serYice and .favor, I!J a test;' quite as monstrous BJI to gIve the C~s- so B8 beto ~"abl.e 1? all possible di8l1atilh.

I: ,1,':1'- , 'h • - .~" • , - h'n !; I.,. • AI . 'te d .... _1:_ nUill r "', MIssrOIlary d 't t S't ~ ~ I. i r,'tes" ,," ~inoUt:mercy.'J'" uod purposes tbl8 also, ID Itlopial of the bllW eStim,atlOn III W; I"", 'If' t181} name to , gerJDe plra s an .......... r· . great .diaOulty felt iu l.lttention 'of/our eXI~haMI~ , A correspon en a . 1JII1!IS, ,w ,UU'

'~'j}.~i' l~,r ot .tn,IIt, He will, as he has was held bl J:jjli 1i!lIow-citillenl!. ou~ W:0~.I!' I,n viewm 0' ,wtiat I I~ ~oe/ller,the lIli"iion fjeld, chaiIre of our office Ofi>Jil)lio)a8, ;lOll to NQrt~a~S:!U~~b!9~e:ro=~~ PMJ~ii'jl:l.'licatehi8 own, and ~e majes- Nol' wa~ be.1eR.S)BtilrCFi~te4 f!i a. n,Q'f .!¥'\~, 1 /Ulpo yoy'!) e~c,use the difficulty.Js ,to keep I t b·Ch. thl'Y will tbe railr~8, IMIII 8dDlir"bt~Ye_)l. '~e tf,/of ,ItW ria",;, '7 cu'UlIg the cumbererll 01', f~r "h~ ,be ,1IIas .eminenti, IlPQlijic4~ nsing a milder forro ,o~ ~JP1~~IOJ~ ~beJ) are ler qQali~ J!0r ~. " It. . W I art of How Not to Do, Ilo. ')Welt;after t"'

,.dod 1 TheJlive tp DO Sf" pU'poie. As .. Ohrlstian, bemg ,naturally of aI'l e"ow profe._..chn8tian~1Dt.,&Uth" all Sl~w •• t 1DI~81On

Page 3: wM~n~~r~~~~ii~~i~i~i~~!~~~~~~~I~I~~~B~i~~~~~~ …Vol+18...trpnlCI~ 10 IhIS, ller first H.yage to HaytI, was chiefly uccupmd With her household du- I come upun ll1t Zion.' bemg but


I dcstrudtlOn on the North Ml8soun, THE lilXPIlDITION AGAINST JlEXIOO The opllllOn of Controller WhIttlesey, oftbe New York genera I d to guard the brIdges along the The Havana correspondent of the a.cq1llesced III by Secretary Chase IS, that ProvIncetown, under the~~~IR~ and St Joseph road and the result York 2hblne under date of December 28tb, accordmg to the present law legulatmg tbe of ~~~~~~t~~~~~says that Mason anlddl~~~~:.~ ila thllt wlthm the 16st tAn days three speakmg of the SpaUish 'invaSIOn of MexICO, compensatIOn of members of Congress, they left Fort at 7 o'clock that n IS brIdges hllve been destroyed Some says the first shouts from onr VIctOriOUS can receive mIleage only for the regular for that and were pnt on ~~):~em are ury near the ~a8tern termmus army 1U MeXICO wete echoed tbrough our sessIOns, therefore mileage for the July ex BrItish Rmaldo for Halifax


at $6 for Pots and G. B & J H

d the disasters cIJuld not have happened streets last mght, amId the gala feasts tra sessIOn remains to be prOVided for by It that Gen Lane will, an I t gross derehctlOn of duty on the Chnstmss-not the less glorIOUS that no fntnre legIslatIOn It may be stated that the of the Government, \ !VII IOU Th tt dId h I .~~.ft'!' rill

t f our officers e rna er eserve8 blood stams the laurels of the conquerors on severa senators were pal t e two ml eages the of employmgslaves of reulel$ Their TypOe l\lInd.lp~.~aDreTnOew>IA:anDdOlnOpli:er'£.'o\... ~ f;:ro~gh InvestIgatIOn, and meanwhtle, the anCIent fame fields of Hernan Cortez before the opmlon W8S offiCIally flllUlshed III hiS operatIOns lD the West, .~_. ,,~ •• _ mumcBtlOn wIth Kansas IS Cllt off for The Spantsh war steamer Fernando de ASIs for mlDlstenal gllldance f and cOTumis8:~rJt der and tbelr motto 18 ~t Qnl~k and{Jhel\P" l

clom time B It Hen SChofield who has amved on the ntght of the 26th, from Vera The New York Times dIspatch of Jan Mi~l~ig~tf. 1. :~~en the field along the hne of the North Crnz, rehevmg the public mmd of anxiety uary 5, says the Committee on Ways and oceurred m New York THE NARRAGANSETT "']trE'Kt,y. 1£1850llrl IS an energetIC and effiCIent com as to the safety of the Royal Armada Means Will report and ask the Immediate MIr'R·.<!",v and the succeedmg nin'htl Pllbllshed Bt Westerly R I, by G 11 .t J n trttel IIlpnder and 13 hunt\ll~ down the The place was vutually surrendered on passage on Monday, of a bIll to anthorlze damage to shlppmg The Is a thirty two colllmn paper devoteil to J:k"ItDf Illflo' burners very efft'ctlvely SIX have alrjead. the 14th mst On the 16th, the General the ISSUC of a hundred millions of demand So'lnd was so severe as to detam Day and MI.ctllaneoUB Readmg BpC'llal promioeJIce been shot III complIance With the ol:ders Staff landed and exchanged C1vlhtles WIth treasury notes recCivable for all pubhc and steamers Is given \0 New England news and eSpeCIBlIy to ~uob Gen Halleck, and our boops are m hot pur the deposed authOritIes-a small force tak pflvate dues and debts and makmg them MIDlste;r COlwm w1l1 plobably return 18 Rhode Islanders, resldeb\ at hom~ or abroad, RUllof others If thiS policy IS perservered mg possesslOJI of the Castle of San Juan de legal tender and exchangeable for 6 per MeXICO wlthm a month He has been rellas'l wOllld be likely to feel an mterest in As an aJv~t n It WIll prevent a recurrence of the evil Ulloa, frOID whence agam the SpaDlsh Btand cent bonds, also extendmg the same pnvI ed lea\ e of absence upon hIS earnest tlslDg medmm It IS admitted to be tbe best in Soutb

The Benton Barracks at St LOUIS, Mo, ard was flung to the rude embrace of the lege to all demand treasury notes already repeated and other causes ern Rhode IeItiDd Terms, $1 50 Plr yeQ)', III Ii<l noW contam about 16000 mer. The most U northers" On the 17th, the U Plaza' and authorized dislsa1~isfa~tion WIth the State Department vance - I of the regIments are froll). IIImOls, Iowa and all the mty defenses wer~ evacuated and Judge Mellen has startled the peopll' of latest tnmors CIII rent aait~fi~~i;~11 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICAlI'ioNS WISCODSIn Every arm of the selVlce IS the soldiers of MexICO retlTed from the CIty, PIttsburg, Pa ont of theIr propflety by Queen VICtoria talks of a· G B &; J H Utler haVing parcbi\8ed the Book~ represented and the regIments ale !Illb]ect takmg up theIr line of march for Perote chargmg the Grand Jnrors of Allegany rone m favor of the Prmce Pnnted She~1s Stereotype Plates EugravlDgIl and cd tq systematIc exerCIse and drIll They Neally 100 rifled cannon of the latest County that there IS an mevltable and 1m known to be opposed to Lithographs of tbe Seventb-day Baptist Publleh!n~ make 1\ very credttable api earance a~ the patterns, were found by the Spamsh troups per~tlve necessIty of commg to some 1m mted States SOCiety offer them for sale at low prlce6 for ca<h dreRs parqpes and the weekly lJ,lspectlOns lD the Castle of San Juan d Ulloa med13te settlement regardmg theIr falhoad

I C I C 1Ft Ht'llry Wa b d d b d U I THE S~VJiNTTI DAY BAl'TIST MEMORIAL. The 1st owa ava ry 0 I Z I The next news from Vera Cruz was ex on mete ness ness some compro-ren 18 composed of a peculiarly fine hody pected at Havana by the Ocean Bird whICh promIse 18 made With thmr CI editors, he We have from fifty'" one buildred complete nt.j of men who are rapidly becommg converted states that the tax levy fur 1862 Will reach the Jlemon~l three vo1a~ IDclndlDg blopphle. mto soldIers Gen Sherman Ill, lU command was to have left that place on Chrlstmas no less than 12 per cent on the assessed and welleXe\lllted porlratu.!lf Elders Wm I)lllll, Tho. at the Barracks, and gives hiS personal at- day valuatIOn of th" county and no less than 6 lfucox, .John D4VIS WD) Jjatll!.rl."EII S B.i\ey, Wm teutlOn to detads rendeflng It an excellent It appeal8 by the latest account, that al per cent for each year e'nSumg B MaDOlI, l:iolomon CppcnM N WardllJer, ._'._'., school of lDstrnctlon He may be seen though the MeXican troops evacuated V The question 18 often asked, What H Cochran Ind Damel Coo. togetheJ: "'itl~'~~lmv. III dlfi'erent1r!ft!ti Of tire --smiCi0lIB 1!t'011ll{ls+o~~, the muDIIll~ .autb.bhtjllS and the conrea of aU tn~ and ~er i!:~j~~~~~~ri.~!~J~~~~~~; lDgo of the old meetlnr-bollllCS at Ne'tvport·an_a

qlllte free from that display /whICh so many shouts of welcome been gll'im The prevlllhng oplDlOn IS that than at any DI'<IVi(lUS'ti altenamg to bls dutIes, but on foot, and receIved the SpanIsh lDvaders WIth cOlDed? ND satIsfactory answer has ""¥~~~~~~l:~~?~~~~~~~!r~~~~~~~;~~~~~~ Bllbordmate officers deem lDseparable from Mlramon and Lopez are both expected at It IS hoarded and bllrled all over the East" la74 W Rathbone, an !doler.,'11 publisbed at Qne dollar each and are bOllndae a larg~ shoulder straps and brass buttons Havana thiS month, to take part lD the -partlllUlarly lD tho ChlDese emplfe Dur resldmg Itt Llverl!ool, recelV and I1traetlvebook at tbe enst orano~ber dollar We

The Kansas FIrst, Col G W Deltzler, has MeXIcan movement mg the first eIght months of last year, Eng of elgh f lillrell- of cotton propose to i!COO Ihe cOPll'lete w!)rk lIeltly bQubd wllh beeo ordered from 'ripton t<I Fort Leaven The French portIOn of the allted fleet land alone shipped in that direction, througb wlncli was ullmcdlate Iy postage or express charges paid, to anyone wlio will worth where It 18 rumored, a formidable agalD8t MeXICO arrIved at Havana on the the Oriental SteamshIp Company, nearly Government remit os three dollar. A copy onght to be 111: the expedItIOn for Texas IS to be orgamzed un 21th It conSisted of the steam frIgates $30000000 A large amount was also mond papers of the 28th say, family of every SevenUi-day BapllAwbo IS mteieeted der Major Gen Hunter, WIth BrIgadier Gen Massena Gnerrlere and l' Ardent, and shIpped from France and otber natIOns was fired lD several places on in the literature of the rlenomlnallon crala Denver and Lane 8S subordmates l' Astrm undel VIce AdmIral JUrlen de la In PUfSUaDCe o( directIOns, tbe PlOvost ng last Sevel al wooden bUIld THE SAIl BATH RECO~DF.R

t dlapa.teb r~vea at Washmgton ou GravIOre The French transports, as well Marshal Ge~l has Issued an order III r mgs small value were destroyed' Several files of the Sabbath Recorder Its com Friday evenmg from LOUlsvI\1e Ky states as the Enghsh fleet, were also dally expect spect to negroes of whIch the lDatenal por The Secretary of the Treasury an mencement seventeen yeari ago, are on hand tiM that up to the latest advlceil from General ed at Havana tlOn IS as follows Bemg the property of nounces on and after January 2 the m WIll be rold entIre or In parlil!, at one doUar per vol Buell's andy no "'engagement bad taken The eXCitement m the ever falthful19le' rebels and havmg been used for msurlec terest ou funded debt of the Confederate ome ~ place between the Unl(ln forces and the HI very great tlOl1ary purposes It IS ordered that they be States be paId ID cOIn T1I1l SAlIBATH SOOOOL VlSrroR rebels It was expected, however, that but released flom prison alld plaoed under has asked and obtamed leave The first three volumes of the ~8l or bOUDd to-httle time wonld; elapse before either a de- LA.TEB FROJ( EUROPE control of the Prmclpal QUattelmastcl from Madrid, and 18 probably in mllslin can be had at 7~ centlj SlIbse CISlve battle would be fought or some rapid The late arrivals from Europe state that thIS Department, for labor, unt11 fill the\' or lIheady hIS way home The causes as qnent \'olumes in !~eets are on hand Bnd WIll be ftIDnlDg done The rebels were reported to the blocking up of Charleston harbor WIth ders" slgnod for return are PQrely speculatIve sent In answer to orders covermg 20 cenlspervolUIDP lave taken theIr pOSItIOn, and the Umomsts Rtone IS likelY to lead to dllHcultv WIth The W h t d t f th ,.

f h .., as mg on correspon en 0 e The Journals tell 118 the Indiana THE CAIIOL, were wltbm 1 1 2 days' march 0 t em European powers more espeCially WIth Eng New York Post 8a~ s of Gen McClellan b k ~ the LOUIsville ;TournaI of Fnday Jan 3 land, iii the warlike preparatIOns stll1 con The tI 11th seems to be that he has been an s exp"cted 'suspension" III New Yurk A. ColleotlOn of ongll\al and selected MU$IC IIDd

uas mfurmatlOn that Gen Johnston's and hnue m vIew thereof, and that the surrender serIOusly III that he IS better and that the an~ hav~ heen drawmg out their specIe m Hymns for the UI!<l of SabhalhSchools SoclI,1 Rell Buckner's forces have torn up the LOUISVIlle of Mason and Slidell are not thc whole of authofltles dId not WIsh to have It known an;~,p~l(J[J To HIB Exc~IIC\'cy, glOIlS M.eetiags and,. FaDlllIes 12~ pages octavo, and Nllsh, Ille railroad, for three fourths of a England's demands how III he was-perhaps m apprehenSIOn of e blcago lhbune states that lebel R L pnClj 25 cents slDgle or $2 50 per dQzen mIle abollt four or live miles beyond Green Lllrge numbers of troops were leavmgfor some mOllcmf!nt on the part of the enemy agents a4:iItOit tIme ago applied toalltho fuoRjm~attllltbon&edQytheforegoll!£lcolnm'~. )(J,NUll. OP THl\i SEVlIlNTHDAY B.l.P:l'I8TS

River-pIled up the crOS8 tIeS, laId the ralls Brltlsh North AmerICa on tbClr learnmg that the commanqer 111 graphIC lD that cIty to PllDt $5 000, orgaDlzed as foUows - This little volume cont ins an HIstOrical Sketch of IIpon them, a.nd'set fire to the whole mass- The Obsel ver sayil that England Wishes chlCf was IDcapable of attendmg to Ius du OQO bands the Seveuth day Baptl@ts showing-the OrJglO and 10 repentmg the same operatlOu at dlffefent for peace but that she Will gam by war as ties A from San FranCISCO announces cation of their Ch rchts III En~nd and Amerlc~ distances all the way to Glasgow JunotlOn It WIll enable her to recbfy her American Gen Banks bas calle~ the attE!i:ttlOn of ~~~t the of the-21st took out $1 170 wilh a hst of preachers alld tW Btat sllcS of l11f, besIdes felhng liS many trees as pOSSIble frontiers open the ports of the south and the Government to SOlltnern IIhnOis as a E :n ,1 of wblch $270000 was for ,. churches, to whIch IS ap~eOd a brief sla_onfof across tbe track, and were engaged III blow give a lelison to the Umted Stales field for cotton growlDg It IS stlld that ng aU" Reasons for tmphas!zlDg Day of the Sabbath 109 up tbe tunnel whICh Is about 300 feet A rum(\r was current m ParIs on the 19th supphes of cotton seed Will be sent out from • It I, neatly bound In mns and sold at 25 00II18 ~r long near the Junction of Dec that the French Government had tbe Patent Office to the I1hnOls farmers, for .0'1'10B copy

h f h h I Quarterly Meoting of the associated _ .7 ~T!lN Boon A. dispatch dated Sedalia WIS Jan 5, sent a note to RUSSIa, Pruss13 and Austrla, t e purpose 0 mVltmg t em to t e cu ture ~Iai says Three men, who have arrIved from 8uggestmg' a common medlatlOu of the of tbe royal fabrIC Cotton and Corn wlll Scott LlDcklaen Preston Ot- Copies of etlan Psahllooy" the Hymn Book Johnson county, report that JenDlson was at GreatPowers between Englaud and AmerIca thus dIspute tbml kmg~hlp 11) tbe same \.ou<".r. "Ill be held With the Chnrch IR \l!ed by the Seventh-day B4ptIBt cbunlltea, Q)'e iDJI

St~ lhe Ilj8t I:!I1Ith day IB Jann,ry (816t f plied at the followlllg r°tes Rose HIll a day or two sIDce whICh pJace ParIs correspondents generally say the a e 0 eighty three meQ ~ b h h b d H b f &e"loOi to commence at 2 0 clock P of the Companies Will be &8 Bound III roan plain edge/! $' 75 t ey report e as urne e IS reported ehe that hostIlIties between England and The Fottress Monroe correspondent of ''lAlsev Stillman wo. apnninted to preach

b h t th I If th 1a. A II b '0; .. - Po"' ' .. 'I gilt edg.,.g linen paper 1 00 to e 011 IS way, 0 IS pace e tter merlca WI not be arrested, hae ecome ~ltlmore Ame1"tCan g1V(,8 currency to the ~,."VU, and Bro .J B Clark. alternnte IS true, It Is hoped that he will capture the more general ~sertlOn that Ex MIDlster Faulkner actually TliO!! FlSlIilR. morocco I 26 lotorlOUS MethodIst preacher, Vard Cooke The mall steamers of tbe PeUlnsnlar and camcd dlspatcbes fC4m hlB- colleaguC& In M~t1.1)1t CERTIFIa.&.Tts rell who IS reported encamped WIth 500 men OrIental Company, numbering about fifty, Fort Warten to the authoritIes at printed In red and bllle on o'ije pap41t Il near Columbus ID tbe northwest part of tblll were to be armed, and made capable of re RIchmond, alJd that /ill several ID With fly lea[ Pnce 60 cents per ct-n:"· coon tv Mllnyof the -,!!ost substantIal and ~~~~~J:;::i:!JT~I~~!&~~;:~~~;I~ hiS pnnted In red a.nd bll1e oU a Qeet 14. by 1'1 ~epec'abTe citizens or-:J'otlDson-c6ontyar d I ~f h tb~~:riflii~fij;fi ¥ni~~~:G1I~iii~:~~_~~l~~~:;; l'~ 1Itdi!ll"pl!1'ao~ me e\ery day bpmg driven from \belr IlJlcon c ass 0 t e ~I ~==:J~ bouses by thlS notorIOUS bushwhacker out i'llinecliately. had been ordered tQ Twenty fov tbo~and men b&l'e'bi!IiJ!,~ffi!~~~ !l~=~:;,~~i~ .• ~ .. ~_~_ by MJenrgau. for the 1\'1 t

The MIBillSSIPPI fieet IS growlDg more for The TiW'-8 says " We 1D8ist upon know Peglments were tOl' three years, one bat mldable every day It numbers 12 gun mg clearly wbether we are in the region of tetyof artIllery and one regiment for three "'!"u"" boats 38 mortar boats, and 28 steamboats- war or peace If the seIzure of the prIson. months 1he volunteers have been Tal8ed In all 78 vessels The gun boats are Irou ers (Messrs Mason and Shdell) was an act at the expense fir the State, eosting .539 [hnBbi\!ld·a"d clad and shot-proof The mortar boats are of the AmerICan Government ongmally or 000 of whICh $92 000 has been refunded by so constructed that ID case of emergency. If It be adopred by them now, It 18 an act the Umted States GovE-rnment tliey, may.. be lIet end to end for bndges The of war ~nd as such to be encountered by Congress very WIsely as It now appears Bag shIp of the squadron lS the Benton car war If they dIsavow It they must prove voted $40000 a year for ten years to aId rymg 18 gunll The other glln boats carry theIr 8IDcerlty hy repaltlng It It IS Impos ID con~tructmg a line of telegraph to San --·"-'L~~'hhl~vr.,. each 10 guns The jag officer Ii Command SIble to negotIate m the former case &p.d FranCISCo No hetter lDvestment was ever Hopk~~to!l,. er A H Foote, under whom are Ber~ng the latter bas not yet arIsen There IS made by the Governmeut Durmg the war seven officers of the rank of commander therefore no room for arbItration" such communieatton WIth the PaCIfic t:O"H< ,

The fieet 18 now at St JJOUIS and CaIro, The Daily News while assertmg that IS Important beyond the reach of a money w31tmg to deAcend like a fleshet upon Co- Eogland wdl be satisfied with nQtbmg short calcnlatlOn lumbus and MemphIS of full satisfactIOn for her VIOlated rights CllllfOlllla and Oregon wtll soon be con

Reports from Leavenworth Kansas un says that It would obvlonsly be harsh via- neoted by telegraph. ali the work hllij III der date of Jan 4, Bay that the wa; bas lent and unjust to deny the American Gov ready commenced What would our grand faIrly begun between the loyal IndIans ernment all right of replYlllg and POSItIvely fathers have saId had they been told that against the Texaus and rebel half.breeds to refuse to hear what she has to urge on the tIme would soon come when a message In a fight lD the Cherokee country 1t IS re the legal pomts at Iilsue would be sent to the month of the ColumbIa ported that C09Per, a. Texan General, aud The patly News lD another article de river literally III no tIme! ~::t:~~e'l[!t:ih~:~ McIutosh, leader of the rebel half breeds, fends the north from the charges of the A letter from a member of the Tlmteenth Diovid,'nce ::e l~t1led The loss of the loyal Indians Times that the war was brutalIzmg tbe Regiment, who was sent to Tortugas last

northern states It also justdies t4e prQ Septembel among the mutmeels states that A dispatch from Baltlmore, under date of blockade of Charleston and Savannah hA anij hll;! fellows have heel! leleased from

January 4, says Itnportant news from tbe J~~~th·Ye stone shIps as a bona fide operatIOn arrest and are awaltmg tbe &lflVIlI of I\-south IS contamed III late papers A dIS warfare steamer to take them to WashIDgton whele patch from Pensacola, dated Jannary 1st, Th L d P t' Pdt they are to re'OID theIr respective regIments says • Fori PIckens opened fire yesterday, e on on os sarIs correspon en " but the fire was not renewed to day Our says that nCither France nor RUSSia have Col WIndham the Enghsh f1fieman who batteries .fe silent" taken any steps as mediators r dIstIngUIshed hImself durmg the Itahan war,

The RIChmond Dl!fPatch of Fnday also under Gallbaldl and who served m the says • The Confederate batterIes rephed SUMHAllY 011' NEWS Sardlman army for SIX years havmg offered to Fort Pickens, and the firmg contmued a\l Several cases were trlcd before the Umted bls serVices to tbe Umted States q lvern day No vessels were engaged on eIther States DIstrICt Gourt for New York, last l1)ent has bel!O IIPpOillted to a flfl&llJon In

companlee, WIth hCI!da'lar· Newp'o~~

company With hruldll'nar:ters


lU Jobnston and SUlllh8eld-One C~Dlp&IIIY, Pawtnoket company, With helldqD~rte'rs

-One company With h~ILdql .. t·

other officers for 'hese cO/l~palnie. hereafter

The88 try~ tiDIes o! we live render a

te.ln Its PAPER


durlDj The ill.cr8l\lle~~i~~;,i~~~~:i~!~i.~I~~ which !'!~ .. ~'~

SIde and no casualtIes occurred WIth U8 week, the most Important or which was that the fifteenth WISCOIlSID Reglmj!nt General Bragg was absent whlle tbe can of the Umted lStates agamBt the Mary Mc The recent amvals from RlChnwnd by llonadlng was go1Og on, but General Ander Rae ThIS was the .first deCISIOn on a selz fiag of truce confirm the fact that the block Ron was 10 command General Bragg rC! ure made under the act of July 13 1861, on ade IS workIng seTlously agamst the rebels turned on the 2d mstant, but the Federals the ground that the vessel was owned 10 In RIChmond tea 18 $3 to $3 50 per pound, dId not renew the attack, and our gun, whole Of m part In the rebel State8 Tlje mon boots, $2ii, gold bars fiO per cellt were sIlent" Judge condemned the tbree-fourths of the rnTlemi:um I nearly every tiling' else hIlS aij

~~~~~~ lleW8 ~ SIXTY THOUSAND TO li1lm,,"v

~~~~II~~~l~~::~;J,~!~f~~'::~!i:~;~E~;~ day and It bill) frequently Igu:~~n~a~ m~!?~~rl!~~~,~r:~~~~ of e,,01101118n\ reaohed over One B "f per day~teSIlIl!l th .. capacity Of both our

Pressel to the utl110st to 811pply tbe demMd

The -charleston Mercury has a dlspatcn v{!88el owned lD WlImmgton, N' C and re- the same ratio stating that a large force of Federals had leased the one fourth owned by a resIdent of Mr,."l'Elin·low Weed states, III & letter to the landed on the North Edisto S C, selz10g New York The New York owner made a .qU'''''''1I Journal} that he dmed on the raliroad stabon No 4, on the Charleston claIm agamst the southern sharell for a rata SIr Emerson Tenneut, late and Savannah ratlroad ble proportIOn of die advances made by him Ceylon In the party were

on account of the vessel ThiS claim the and Manchester nnl Court overruled, deCldllJg that the forfelturef;"j~UI~UI~~"ie~~',:"-a11 t-rl,mrllv to the AmerIcan Ila was snperlOl to all hens and eqUItIes, and tlOnal cause that the remedy of the loyal part-owoer If any must be had on apphoatlOn to the Sec The Eufala (Ala) Spmt of the South ret;ry of the Treallury By thIS deCISIon It chronicles a rumor that persons m Barbour wJlI be observed that where vessels are selz Counts nave been engaged 1D shlppmg cot ed under tbls aut, the portIons belongmg to ton from Eufala to Columbus and thenoe to 14a.iJgblterof 10 al owners III loyal States wtll be released Apalachicola, whence It IS clandestlllely

y conveyed to the enemy's vessels aud taken i Some rebel pflsoners, taken last week, re- to the Yankees North

One or lhe released prl80ne~s who arrived pott tliat serlbull dIsaffectIOn eXIsted at ,.. ..,.. at BaltImore on the 4th lUSt, had an edlto- Cbitrleston towards the rebel government, 4 ~bert:ij !rJ'n, wh~ ~IIS ;fJ6 1\ &lllJ;lpii.nt; hllll article from a RIchmond paper w~lCh by rea~on ~f tM apparent ailandonment of M 4ullB:~r 6th ap\n, fte ~ S eW!<'ra,q¢iS!lO; e cqt oqt lt1l4 QC!irete4 1D lils QOQt It the Soqt4 C~J'O~lna llOast to Natjol\&llnva on ay e IqS, Qf lin +

gives an awful plptore of the condlton of SlOn and tbe Immense destrllctlOn of prop thence t{) ~sll to hiS destlUlltlOn IJe .~.'w., the rehel army on the Potomao, saymg that erty: that owners Gon81gned to the flames I the pl,ace of},fr ~arrls, wbQ, aftpr, fqllrteen '''\~'''A,.~,~, the entire army 18 utterly demorall~ed, regl they have destroyed ten million dollari yeArs serVice rlls gllB Co(ll1-.. In"PeIlaYlter, mental drIlls have ce~_ntlfely, the men worth of cotton, which at last Q.CCOUllts A specml to the ChICago lhbune, spendmg their time 1110 U81Ug greasy plWlks \hey were deplonng, ail they 8upposed the Oall'o, January 5, says that si~;h~lndreai.sulb; of cards Great numbers ate Dft'erlng" large blockade was about to be raIsed by mal1ne batterIes have been nl.,rit •• iI hpt.a,pp,,'1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~===~

"RuIDB for Bubstltutes, and one has oft'ered as land, and they mIght have shlp'p'ed and Columbus and MemphiS gentleman • high as fifteen hundred dollars It Jeff DaVlB IS held responillble tor WItnessed theIr experIments says that they ~~:I~~~~:~;;~~~:~:{~r:r~\

The. steam~r Northern LIght, whIch ar dIsastrous losles, and many CltlllCD8 were were enttrely successful ~ flved 10 New York on tlie 4th lost per As- boldenongb to lay that tbe old government Lalbteis~i.~~~~~ni)~~~~i:Qr:~l~~otl PiUwall, brought three hundred' regular was better than the new d trOOPt9 from Califorma, consl~tmg of two The RIChmond Enqu,rer of the Belrlin ... bl·ot~I-C C~IDP Dies of Firat Cavalry two companIes that the Hon W m M nrowne, jIJ~~~::a~fl o tb Fourth Infantry, and' one company of formerly edItor of the NY. ~!~tn:V!1Jr~J~~!I the Slxtb Infantry Two IWdltlonal comp&-; Uommerce, has been \ commissIoned all ~~8 Were. to Ie'ave by the next steamer, mg "ecretary of State dllrlP.g th~~teJm~~",.~y ~Icb were all the. troops to come nntll abAcnce from Rlchmol}d of the

further ordeN There are thirteen compa '.P Hunter ThiS confirma the report nlea-Dlne of mfantry and fonr of artillery Honter WIth bad ~ailed -.tillln California Halifax for Europe


ED W A.RD~;CUII;:;~I" Ge1~~~al.

a.m." for Jlankirk tlDld illtermE!d,ate Sta

lliddle\!lWn, Ne~fbll/",gh, and

foUoWlDg stations at Ihe IUDeUR. ~

~~~~~4mm ~g 21 qUa m 12 tl p 7 15 "DIllIk'll

Tbe fonowlng lire the prlDeB 01 titEr .evttsl edltJQIlI of The Journal


Clroulatlon tlve times III) lalite 8, thAt of sny JI~per of Its clas!l1n New England

BIZ Dolla., a Year, :"'lgle>OopIllS nco c",rs

THE BEMf WEEKLY JOURNA'Tj ~da, and Frida, Morrnngs

Thre6 DollarB a Year

TO CLl1lI8

THE WEEKLY JOURNAL Publlshed on T/turBday Morning

One copy ODe year Two copIes one year Five copIes one year Ten copl.. one year

And One to getter up of oluh. Twenty copies, one yellr

Ana two to getter up of chlb

Page 4: wM~n~~r~~~~ii~~i~i~i~~!~~~~~~~I~I~~~B~i~~~~~~ …Vol+18...trpnlCI~ 10 IhIS, ller first H.yage to HaytI, was chiefly uccupmd With her household du- I come upun ll1t Zion.' bemg but

I 1

ses of tUe persons before-named Wf en they em barked on that vessel

In VIeW of these cJl'Cumslances MI Sew IIUBBJl aid thmks Lord Lyons wIl[ perceIve that

WDBB 01' IlAS()N AND SLIDELL the case\'riI'!!tead of pre8entmg a merely fla We IlDnounccd last week that OUf Gov "rant act of nolence on the part of Captam

ernment had deCided to surrender the rebel Wilkes was undertaken as a sImple legal comml8810ners, Mason and Slidell on the and -custe maty belhgerent proceedmg The demand of tlie BrItIsh Government ThIS questIOn IS whethel th s proceedmg was au I b tliorlzed by and condncted accordmg to the 8 t e result of a correspondence ..iJetween law of natIons It mvolves five mql11rles

Secretary Seward and Lord Lyons ThiS 1 We~e the perSons 'lamed and their sup correspondence IS mter~stmg and con tams F5'sed dIspatches contraband of war? 2 much IDfurmatlon on IDternatlonal affalfs M,lght tJap'tam Wdkes lawfully stop and bot if. prmted In foil would: make some olght' search the Trent for these contraband per Ibheerful,lll

sons and dIspatches? 3 DId he eXClClse ind~icate or nIDe columns of the RECORDER We there that right m a lawful and proper manner? fore make a careful dIgest gIVIng the pith 4, Havmg found the contraband persons on A note from Lord Lyons dated Dec 2~ of the whOle board and 10 presomed possessIOn of acknowledges the receipt of Mr Seward s

Th d contraband dispatches had he a rIght tu letter and says I WIll wltllout delay do e correspon ence opens WIth a confiden t th ? 5 D d h

t I te d d N cap lire e persoll,B I e exerCIse myself the honor to Mnfier With you pel sou la no , ate ov 30 from the Secretary th t ht f h d ~ f St a rig 0 captllle m t e mannel allowe ally en the arrangements to be made cor de-

o ate to Mr Adams AmerICan Mmlster d l'

Lo .In an recogmzed by the law of natIOns '1' hvermg the four gentlemen to me IU order m n""n, ID whIch he commends the speech M S d dd b If b

f th 'u r ewar a Jesses Imse to t ese ID that they may be agriln placed Ilnder the o e .w.IDI~ter at the Lord Mayor s dmner th d H b I "

d Ii qumes m elf or el avmg sown t lat protectIOn of the BrItish fI"g In IS statement to Lord Palmerston that h fi fi a

pa-ved platform sun two or three

CXln~!l,s a pod of a deep brown

th I Ii r h • ~_' t erst our must be answered m all faiT FolIowmg the correspondence between e leo t e AIIlerICan msurrectlOu IS sus- ness affirmatIvely he comes to the last and the BrItIsh and AmerIcan Governments IS ahlnt.,fi,,'"

tamed by Its he pes of recogmtlOn m Great confesses that lust here the dIfficulties of dIspatch from Thouvenel French "Inlster BrltalD and France and expresses Ilia own th b H 1I.L e case egm e exammes at some of ForeIgn AffaIrB t{ Mr MmCler Mmlster oplDlon that 'It would pensh m nmety days length the pllnClples of mternatlOnal law of France at Washmgton strongly support If tli<iee hopes shonld I Such recog applIcable to the case and finally reaches mg tl e Enghsh VIew of tne case and m Flench Govern~nt IS so mttOD, be has always beheved would pro the conclUSIOn that whIle Capt Wilkes cap structmg hIm to seIze the fil at occasIon dace war ootween the UnIted States and d Ii T hous property of thIS preCiO\18 tho ... dountnes, aud he has not supposed It ture t e rent m 0. perfectly lawful man opeDlng hImself to 1Ifr Seward The Cabl the Zouaves an the Turcos p0881ble tbat the Brltlsh<Government did not ner he saCrificed the rIght of Ins Govel n net of Washmgton could not says Thou every mornmg for their breakl'a,st,

t l.! b 1 ~ h ment to the cllstody and dispOSItIon of the venel WIthout strlkmg a blow at the t f tr d f ~ uliI, w I e ne all smcerely beheved captured persons by faHmg to brmg hel wblch all neutral natIOns f"~~S:~~I'~~l quar 0 cOuee an a plCce 0

that It must, ID Its mmost beart) be as mto port and thercpy , prevlJntmg the ,.udl- h liI iii! It 18 saId that after takmg such averse to lI1lC'h iii war II as he lniows that of olal eXammatlOn whhlh other'Vlse nhgbt'likve t~n ~fi~n~ m f herOiC troopers can walk or ~he Unit~1lState8 dted0 be ThiS Government eccurred TI e capture was left unlllllsh own cour:e ~p 't~ t~l~ tIme gIve ItS appro- clay WIthout needmg more nail care.u y avol glvmg any cause of ed or was b d d d th I b celebrated phYSICIan one I"t 1_' ... ..., t" I~ b b a an one an e re ease e to the proceedmgs of the commalJ(ler t A' b lrl'l ... Ion w "".,a '01'1 ... 10 ut It all seem mg voluntary mvolved a waIver of the of San J amnto 0 give up cOuee avmg cd to hIm thatcthe latter haB not heretofore claIm of thIS Government to hold the captur M S d f'~ to M '[ SRld he that It was a slow Dolisold, beew tt t t tb t ts th t d r ewar a ""r announclU"" "' el ue"ery low Indeed th

U' a en Ive 0 e cur en a sceme ed persons Mr Seward concludes hiS let- tb d f th P dO: I ,B e to be bnngmg the two Govel'Dments mto ter as follows Cler e eClS on 0 e resl ent to comp v for I have been usmg t collISion He mfers from Mr Adams state- Itt tb t I h b h With the request of the BritIsh llilvernment and am stdl ahve

b h B h G rus a ave s OWll to t e satlsfac says The Government of the Umted States ments t at t e ntIs overnment IS now bon of tl e BrItIsh Government by a very 11 b h f th h h I awake to the Importance of avertmg; a con SImple and natural statement of the facts ~ d th appy I d occasIOn;: IC bas d IC l'BINCE ALBERT 'Iltct, and dIsposed to confer and act With and analYSIS of the law apphcable to them let IS correspon e;c; can e Impro~e so t'rancls Albert Augustus Charles EmamI earl'iestness t3 that end and he says If that thIS Government hos rihlther rnedltated tahs 0 hseclure abmotreb e nilite agreemen upon 11~D f S C / e ddt t th th " " e woe su ~ec y a marItIme powers e uke 0 axe oburg Gotha was Dorn at so, we ar Ispose 0 mee em m e same nor practICed nor approved any dehberate Yon WIll assure M Thouvenel that th s Gov Rosenau m the Duchy of Saxe Coburg on SPJrlt, as a natIOn chIefly of BrItIsh \tneage wrong m the transactIOn to whICh they have e t t 11 til f k thri 26th of August 1819-Just three m mths sentIments ahd sympathIes-a clVllfzed and called Its attentIon and on the cOlltrary rfnhmen ap

lprectHl es as thWC et rfanf nesds 1 h

h m n t Chr S I ' h h 0 IS exp ana IOns as e SplTl 0 rlen after the but of VictorIa who was to be u a e na Ion a I Ian peop e t at w ICh has happened has been SImply ship and good WIll toward ths Untted States hl~ futnre Queen He was tbe sel~omLd The seIzure of the rebel commiSSIOners IS an madvertency conslstmg m a departure ID whICh they are expressed of Ernest Duke of Saxe Coburg 'TOl','IIl.

a new mCident to be met and dIsposed of ~y tbe naval officer free from any wlongful There ale contradICtory rumors as to the der whose ImmedIate personal sUIlerinte!ild· If pOSSible ID iJ. friendly spmt Deemmg motive from a rule uncertamiyestabiished, hme wheu the lebel CommlsslOnms Will be ence he receIved an admllable It more prudent that tlie ground taken by and pJObably by the several pal tICS con handed over to t1 e BntIsh Government but wInch he completed by attendmg the Brlttsh Government should be first made cerned either li'hperfectly understood or en dIspatches from Washmgton assert that verslty of Bonndusmg tbree ~~!~~~iic~ known here Mr SewaTd Simply mforms Mr tlrely unknown FOf thiS error the BritIsh they were to have gone on board the Cunard seaslons In 1838 he VISited R Adims that j Capt Wilkes havmg acted G?vernment has a right to expect tbe same steamer N lagm? l\ I ICI left for England on company With the KlDg of 'RAI",i,;"" WIthout any instructIOns from the Govern reparatIOn that we as an IIldependent state the 8th nst sp~nt some time at the Court of un",.h_ thent tbe subject lIS therefore free from tbe should expect from Great Blltam or from ful Queen and next year It was embarrassment whICh mIght have resulted any other friendly nation m a SImIlar case COFFEE anpounced to the Pnvy CounCIl If the act had been epeCllllly dIrected by us I I ave not been unaware that In exam I TI e colfee plant (eot!ea a.-a./nea) IS a na QIjeCl that sl e ntended to furm a mn""i,m~ eXllre~es tbe hope tbat the BrItish Govern mmg thlA questIOn I have fallen lUtv an ar I tlve of Ab)ssima I ut It was III Arabm DIal alhance WIth PUlice 'l.lbert ment WIll Qonslder the subject III a. frIendly gumeut for what seems to be the BlltJsh SIde that It first became an object of Importance had long been public property temmll , and concludes 'Ylth a peruusslon of It agamst my own country But I am to the clVlhzed world kept m suspense by the decorous coIlltra.d to)(l: AdamI! to read bls note to Earl RUB reI eved from III embal rassment oIll'tbat sub It IS smd that the dIscovery of Its stlmu tlOpS of the MmlsterIal Journals sell and Lord Palmelston If he deems It ex Ject I had hardly fallen IDmatft~~ hne of1latlnl(' and restOiatIvc properties IR due to r llige was solemmzed Feb 10 pedlent to do so argllDleut "ben I dlscover'~il4U&t I wa& tbe followlDg Clrcnmstance the purpose of rendetmg hIm Dm:fe~:tl

W e hav~ next a letter from Earl Russell really defendmg and mamtalnmg not an I Toward the DllddJe of the 15th centurv a dependent the mumficent permancrl~ allm"-to Lord.Lyons BrItish MinIster at Washmg exclUSIvely Brit sh Interest bllt an old hon poor Arab was traveling through AbysslDla- anpe of $150000 a yei\r was made ton reCltmg the Circumstances of the ca ored and cherIshed AmerIcan cause not and findmg hImself weak and weary from by l'arhament BeSide whICh he tur~ of the rebel commiSSIOners as certlfifd up n Bntlsh authOrIties but upon prmCiples fatIgue I e stopped near a grove There FJeld Marshal Kmghit of the fhdi-r by the mall agent on board the Trent cbar that constitute a 1111 ge portIOn of the dIS bemg m want of fuel to cook IllS lice be otller orders Colonel oH the FusIieer IiinaTl1lR aQUlrlzm the seIzure as an act of VIOlence tmctlve pohcy by whICh the U mted States cut down a tree whIch happened to be cov and held a number of other hOllOr:~rY WhlCh w~s an affront to the BrItIsh Ba and have developed the resources of a contment ered Wltl dried bemes HIS meal bemg luqratJve appomtment~ whICh run a VIOlatIOn of IDternatlOnallaw ex r~sslD and thus becommg a conSIderable mar tllne cooked and eaten the trl~veler dIscovered sonalmcome up to oV9 f a quarter a wIllIngness to believe that Cap/ Wllk~ power have won the respect and 001 fidence that the half burned \:lemes were very fra hOI! of dollars a year willi" actlng WIthout any authorIty from the of many natIOns TI ese pr uClples were grant HI;! collected a number of these Prmoo Albert was a man of rpilnp.tI

A et\can Government or under (I. mlsunder laId down for \IS III 1804 by James MadIson and on crushmg theJII \'11th a stone he aad an accompbahed mbslman and drau!!llts-8~itqtt of hlB IDstrnctlOns anit aQ nnwll when Secretary of Ktate III the admlmstra found that thmr aroma. IDCl.1:.I!.S~ to a. ireat man ForbIdden by hiS POSItion to i.lf.,.lop'; IIDgne88 to believe that It could be the tion of Thomas Jefferson lD inl!trnetlons e:r.tent While wo~<lermi. at;AI~ he Jl(l ID iPoilt!(lQ ~e oecull1ed hIMself deliberate mtentlOn of tbe GovelDment of g ven to James Monroe our Mmlster to Eng I mdentaUy let fall the sqbstat1,~e< ill a oan In1ienamg the eduea~lOn of hl8 tbll Ualted States unnecessar!l to force IlltO land Atth ugh the case before him concern I whICh contaIned hiS scanty supply of wa!er Thll progresil of the arts and sci,enc:l1s. diSCUSSIon between the two iovernments 1\ cd a descrIption of persons dlffeylmt from Lo' whata muacle-I the almostp'utrld UqUla geperal philanthropIC subjects such queBtlOll of so grave a character aud With those who are mCldentaIly the subjects of was Instantly pUrIfied He brc>ught It to hIS dwellmgs of the workIng classes I sam regard to wblCh the whole BrItIsh natIOn the present diSCUSSIOn the ground he assum lips It was fresh agreeable and III a mo- tavy an angements &c also engaged hiS would be ~ure to entertam such unaDlml ed then was the same I now occupy and ment after the traveler had so far recover at1entlOn He was preSIdent and patron of feehng' Earl Russell trusts tbat t~ the arguments by whICh he sustaIned him ed hIS strength and energy as to be ahle to nu~erous charItable InstItutIOns ID whICh American Government wIiI of Its own ao self upon It have been an mspmllion to me resume hiS Journey The lucky Arab gath he took an active wtereet He was the cord offer sucb redress as alone could satisf ID preparmg thIS reply AlCd as many berries as he could and hav cblef promoter If not the orlgmator of the the Bntlsb nation namel The hberatl ~ Wherever he says property found m mg arrived at Aden In ArabIaj he mformed great World s ExhibitIOn of 185l I\pd was of the four gentl~men a!d thClr delivery ~o a neuh al vessel IS sUPPoied to be hl\ble on the 1IIufu of Ins d scovery That worthy dl greatly dehg4te4 at the Immense auooess

ur Lordshl ID order thattbe ma 1I00am any ground to capture and condemnation vIDe WaS au Inveterate opIUm sm *er w40 that magmficent undertakIng The popu lO l ceA Pi:! B t h t 1 Y °d the rule In all cases IS that the questIOn had been sulfermg for yeafil from the Intlu larilty whICh for a long tIme he enjoyed WIth ~ tibi ;: ui er f [l ~~ pro oc Ion anhi ~ shall not be deCIded by the captor but he ence of that pOlsonolls drug He trted an all classes was for II bIlef space over

~U1 b' e p~ o~~J" R aggrel!slon w t camed before a legal tribunal where a reg mfuslOn of t\ e roasted bernes and was so c19uded lD 1855 when Illmors were purrent as e.eSh c Id~b t e s~~s 1m CO~\U ular trIal may be had and where the captor delighted at the reco\ elY of hIS former vlg that the Prmce was meddhng m Engbsh

~Oll'~ II 0; esellorms no the 0 ter~ y hImself IS liable to damages for an abuse of or that 10 gratItude to the tree he called It politICal affalTs and even beld communlCa r ew r yon WI propose em 0 1m hIS power Can It be reasonable then or Cahuah whICh In ArabIC ~lgDlfiesfQ1CIi t on WIth German Courts whICh were preJu A! C;qpy of Earl Russell s dispatch havmg just that a belhgerent commander who 18 The wonderful medlCmal VlftUC8 of the dlcml to Enghsh mterests, but tl'l1s was

been len WIth Mr Seward the latter repIJes thus restrICted and thus respouslble 10 a case I coffee plant ot!.ll8eq It to be spread Ij'\ the offiCIally and exphc tly denIed m Parlillment Jil I letter to Lord Lyons onder date of Dec of mere property of trIVIal amount should East WIth great rapIdIty ~ a number of tho ana the claud on hIS popularIty soon passed 2~ ~~ fS.,u~~J sta.tes tilat Oapt WIlkes be permItted WIthout recurrmg to allY tn trees were transplanted m the vlcmlty of awjay In agricultural SCIence he tool' great In concelvlnlf aDd executmg the proceedmg bunal whatever to examme the crew of a Mocha llnel after ward m every part of mOOrest and hlB farmmg stock iras bee!) fre \U qU~tIOD '8cted upon hl~ ownsiiggestlOns neutral vessel to demdethe Important ques Arabm qu~ntlyexh b tedandgamedprlze~'PlInce ot ~\ltl'. WI~lioJlt !!cuy dIrectIOn or lDstruc tlOn of theIr respective allegmnces and to From ArabIa the plant was transplanted Albert s pIgs were famolls at all English tlOp or even foreknpwledge of It on tbe carry that deClslOu mto executIOn by forcmg to Java by the Dutch m 1690 failS As a patron of att and hteratIhe too part be thiS Government No dlreotlons evelY IOdlvldual he may choose mto a SCI In Paris coffee was nearly unknown until Prince AlbeIt was partICularly actIve hr;¢.been gIven to him or any otber naval Vlctl abhorrent to hIS feel ngs c Ittmg blm the an Ivai of Solomun Aga the TurkIsh By Prmce Albel t Queen VlCtoIla had mne otll~et'W arrest the fonr persona named or oft' from hiS most tender conuectlOns expos ambassador m 1669 children all of whom are sttll ahve td mourn aDY of them, 011 tbe Trent or any other 109 IllS mmd Qnd bls person to the most hu In the year 1714 a Dutch naturalmt sent the loss of theIr father Brit,I~ vljl!!lel, Of on any other neutral ves mlhallOg dlsClplme and hIS hfe Itself to the a flotmshlng colfee plant to LOlliS XIV who sOli a~ tbe pJace wHere It occurred or else greatest danger? Rellson JustICe and hu depOSIted It 10 tbe Jardm des Plantes of SAL'i' AND ITS OFFICES wbeN!" He adds The BrItish Govem maJllty umte m plOtestmg agalllst so extra Pans S d I I ·~,.anr" I ment wIll Justly lOfer from these fu.cti> that vagant a proceedlOg In the year 1160 M de Cheux a French ome m~ ern agnclI tur .nimJa,,,vlco

theU.uited StlIotes not only bad no pur If I deCIde thiS case 10 favor of my own officer who owned a plantatlOJ 111 MartlO do~bte4h t ~eIlllecesslty Ofk glvI~g p~ 'tilit even no thau~ht of forCIng mto Goverllment I must disavow Its most cber Ique formed a project of setthng In that Sll leo I o~~ng remar s as °Jolmston dllJCq~JOn the questIon whICh has arIsen 01 Ished pnnClples aud reverse alld forever Island and attemptmg the cultivatlOlI (f of S\t uPln lIed b h tfY Pro~es8~rll

; any q~ whIch could affect 10 any way the abandon Its essentIal polwy The country e ffee Be for tunately obtamed a young may e re IS e 'l lOse w 0 S I seIJSlbilf~e, Of the Brltlsb nat!)JI Mr Se- Qannot alford the sacnfice If I mamt!\m coffee sblub from Jardin des Plantes of Pa ~I tl hel~tlwn puddd~h and allow waril next states some modificatIOns of thOse pnnClples and adhele to that pohcy r s and embarked ID a shIp for MartIDlque e a I e now an en tHe eas~" ~s sbown by our olficl!\1 reports I must surrender the case Itself It w1l1 be The vessel had a long passage and thtJ pas f N1:h~bwlldt buff~o freque~ls thld and procOOdi! to remIDd Lord Lyons that seen therefore that thIS Government could sengers as well as the crew were put on 0 or wes [ern merIca, Ie WI at the tIme the transactlOn occurred an In not deny the JustIce of tbe claIm presented sbort allowance of water but M de Olleux I~ !the cen~ra th pa~t8 tOf SOfth Africa! surrectlOn was el;lstIDg In the UnIted States to us m thIS respect upon ItS ments We took great care of hIS plant and dally dlVld ~ r prey It e un er w lO





llANO IUlDm""





MRS WIN:5IOW AN EXPERIENCED NURSE and Female PI y. e.n pre"" 18 to lbe

Btlennon or mothe~. her SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHll DRENTEE'.I'IItNG which greatly facIlitates Ibe proceM of toetb n~ 11 sIlf enlDg the gums, r auclog ali mftamm~tlon-WII1 allay ALL P,!.IN a d spasmodic acllOn and i8

SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS Depen4 apoa It motbers It WIll gll'C feet to YOur "1'lve8 and "-

RELIEF AND HEALTH TO lOUB INFANTS We have pot up and sold tbls article fur over ten

years and un 'F.! .n CQIlJillence and lruI,. ~'>l~ wbat 'l'r. oove nevor been abie to ""r of any o~ber:m~clnc­mo.,. 41 it-fa.kd In a ""'JIe ,,..lance 10 ".!fm.,a ctJhI wh.n timely used. Neyer d d We kuow au 1U8111noo ot also sallefacuon by aay one WOO used II 01 coolrBry

ORAND AND SQUA.RE PIANO iFOIRTES. all al'8 delighted wnb t. I~ tern s unij

mat'ter,' wlUll II!/, exP,rlealie, nr"'''r.' •• tbe or g nal

securmg It for I p~rati,in dis •. greea~'ie Inequahty of almost

Frame Plano I'lUn and relief wlll case. .. nd tbus twenty after tbe syrup li~"::;~:~~~~~~~'; tune It gIves ThiS valuable preparati a I •• he

and sweeter of tne most apem cetl aDd ikiUfw nurolllJ IU, ,.ew Cllr~~~t:~'1Band to aU laad and has been used With __ f_llong •• ~_ ,'U

, I It 18 pro-

~i~~£~~~~;~~8!~:~:~ Improve THOUSAND:> OF CASES ! produe- It not only reheves tbe child from pam but Iuvlg superior to all the stomach and bowel. oorrects ac dlly a"d

Enr"pe. g ves tone and energy to tbe whole system 1~ w 11 &Imos Jnstantly reheve GRIPING IN TIlE BOWELS AND WIND U,UlulU.

I have neve, played 'iaTHUii~ N~;(p;o~~io:;,~" Square P ano Forte a

I I aln aston shed and del ghted Iron Frame PtaUO Ferte. made by be a Eplend d tutl re for Llghte li;; Jllradt,ury's', Fortes

I have never played UpOl) 80

GEO JOstrumenl

HRIRT'OW for Easton Reamng

I Pottsville and Williams flOalDly, pCIll1e"s, lullness port

agr eable elas- Jlail1l'alR at 8 A Ii for EllSton Water Gap Scrllll PIanos made I ton Great Bend Pltt/l\on WllkeBh!lrre die

W ELS 12 M. ThrtJll!lh 1l'am for EaslOn lItaacb Chnnk !.tcM 109 PottSVille H~rrlBbar!, WilUalUSj ort &c

a supenor In 4 P ltl1'llrough fui" ror EiI!wn Be,blehem Aile. town and M"nob Chunk

5 30 P M. Way 1l'am for Somemlle aDd JOtermed! ate statIOns.

8 00 P M. Wut"n.&pr... for E •• t~n Allento n Read ag H rr,slmrg Pnt8burg aud tbe West, Sleep JOg Cars from i ersey Oily through to Pittsburg

your '&pra. Tram fur Harrolrtirg-1 be 6 A M ExprR~ eftarts Tra n from New York arTlvesat HaTrl8bnrgalli1l

In all the excel I (noon) n t me to connect w tli. tost t aIM on Penn.yl Forte to any vama Central Rat road Northern Central nortb and EISFELD south and With Oumberland Valley Ra ~road

'l~e 'Ih 0094 Bxpra, 'I1 am for the Wut leaves Nell' York at 7 30 P M d.Uy (S ndays ex <pled ) III~k ng eioBe ooaneet on at Hafl'lsbu g with P nnstlvan, Ra lrbad-wlth lIo chnge of earB to Plltsburg, Rud but ODC to 0 nc nnat and OblOago Foor ho IrB lIme • saved by tak ng tb" Ira n

~-,-E~ ZABETHPORT AND lrrOEW YORK FERRY LM", Nw rorkjrl)fll PIN 2 North R,~er at 7 20 aad

1120A M and 3 to 420 and 520P M T~e boots stop al Bergen Pomt and Marmer s Har

bor "very <nil each way JOR ~ 0 STERNS Supenntend~nt

~.I!~m~~to~it~hl~eex I j;;;~~t~~le~r'lll to I THE AMERICAN SABBATH TRACT SO CIEIT publishe~ the folJow!Q~ Trac:tt. wblcb 8!'/l

imIloriam yet for oa al It. Depos tor.)' Westerly RbOjle I81ana fir.'t"!,!:~i!,.!'I.~ VIZ

No I-Reasons ror Introdnc ng the Sabbath of tbe

J t take t \ Foltrlh Commandment to tho consld rat"u ~ h op mon 0 Chrlitl8lJ PAlbl.'" qi np

y Ill!New Iron A ~ ~ r, f mgnr SuperlOr PI~no man~lfacltUl'<',d mN'ng No 2-MoraJ Nature and Scnptllr&l 01 TV

Y ,. tb In e v the Sabbath 52 pp r.. ey certainly must~~~~~;;r~;:i~to:~B~none of No a-A.uthority for the Change of the D~) tll,m for Btrength pUrity of tone to- Sabbath 28 pp

gcther Wlth extraord nary 1 h""e S also bad frequent opportumltes la No 4-The abbalh and 'Lord. O'.y • b Slur,. tbe pasl four years to not ce the ~nnng the r ob.ervance In the Ohr Btl .... qhnrch , (\~ pp.,

t b 0 your No. 5-A. Gllll.tian 4 pp Ill! ruments and 1 is under I\Jld unremitted No 6-Twllnt)' Reason{ fqr keep I!ll bolJ in aile Irlals. 11 OURTI~ I week the :;eventh Dal !Dstead of tbe l'll"lll'd.,

['he blgb reputatlOa tbe T fine btlillant tODe P~,;~~~~~~feb~~ !>Iven them tbe prereren-ce over uf.etnres IU Ih. Pnblic Schools ore~ one hundred are now In or fifteen of w hi cb are ID deDarlInehts had tbe pleasure of teachm ... them for the last five years 0

I Ilemg pleased WI tb y-;'; provlDg Ihe quail Iy of your frolll BaYlug to you af er some erlge 01 them that the:New I pave seen I tbmk the rn,st t~18 ~fl€r haVlDg purchll8ed over Prano Fortes

Our Square PIanos range JU prICe Our Grand Panos

pp No 7-Thlrty SlX Plam QuestIOns presenting the m ••

points m tlie Sabllalh OontroV<!rsy • DIalogue II\! tween a Hlmster of tbe Gospel and a Sat butaTIllD Oonnlerfelt COlD 8 pp

No S-TheSll.bbathCoutroversy the'l'rud""". 4 pp ~o 9-Th!f'Fonrth Oommandment, Fal .. EXlo. n

4 pp No 10-The Sabbatb Embraced and OboerVIJd lfi PI

(In l!lI\gltsb French .nd German ) No tl-,lteligtons Liberty Endangered b) Leglel.t VB

Enaclbients 16 pp No 12-M: susr of Ih term Sablmt/J a Pl' No 13-The Blblet;ahbath 24 pp ~ No 14 DelaYlllg Obedience 4 pp 1

No 15-An Appeal () ! &o;"\(l,,dlon.of,t;lle,Billie. Sabbath In .. n Ad Ir.... tv ~\ BIi~~~;:~'~~~ Seventh.<J.ay B .. ptiBI Geller .. l Co -f The SOCIety h ... I\liiO pabbshed tbe .ql~~''fiI'g 070

10 which attel\tlOJl • inVIted A Diftr;e. of the Sabbath In re]>l)' to

Foar,h Oo.mlliaudmeu\ By George·~~~t~~n;~:~: pnntcd m Londou lD 1724 reprinted, In 1802 now repubhshed In a reVIsed

T/;e lWyal ~ ~ f.. By E!\,,<anl Flf8t pnnted In London lD 1658

l'indicat .... of !he 7I-u. Sabbath ll\BillGnary of tbe Reformed Pi-•• b.,-',.rl.l" Olbur"I>" 64 ~p

AIBO a periodical sheet qllSroo 1lit Sahht.!;!.Vi#·{"..uw PrIoe $1 per hundred

The !lenes of 6ft~e~~e~n~:~ci~~~~~~t

WhlCh thIS Government wlIj! engaged ID sup are asked to do to the Bntlsh nat on Just ed with It the small quantity of wafer wblch se t at a s~ IlsP~lDfh ahd ~ll\dh'Oltne!ltjb pretlJmltbythe emIlloymeht ofl!{ud alldna what we h~ve 1I1wn.;W mSlsted!.IODli fell to hl& &h(jre llavlDg at le'!Jlll\ arrived rut :ac~ ~I y 4~ e af a -!I~!~~~'f~~~~~ val forces tbat In teg'ard to thiS domestIc ought to do to us at MartlllJ(lUe the first ($iux a- a 0 liS I IClOnB nxnry '" strife the' Umted States cunsldered Great The claIm of tbe ghtlsh Government IS was to plant hiS coffee shrub 1D the most Iml~emor alit Hl~ been kll~rll n,,,,;QI, in,st~nt]li Brltala as II>fpendly power while she bad as not made III a dIscourteous manner ThIs favorable spot In l!18 garden The first crop sa man ~tU m haem y Bomed for herself tile attItude of a. neutral, Government SlDce ItS first orgamzatlOn has produced about two pOllnds of beffles whIch :mo~g hthrr~h ~ p~~s dments lem:ta Ulflg and that Spam wa)! consHlered ID the same never IIsed molO guarded 1allg1).age ID a. slm he generously dlstnbuted to hiS nelghborH I am ~ e~ a dOt eli mg cu pr: ~ lIght and had assumed tbe same attitude dar case A few years afterward a severe hurrIcane e~s 00 IS sal M 0 ave PJeval e as Great Bntam " that J It had been settled In c:ommg to my conclUSion I have not destroyed all the c lcoa hees on tUe mland barous tl?:S agfots ~n h tM~ the Umted States and Gre!!ct IBntalD forgotten that If the safetv of thiS U mon The coffee tree was substItuted IJ:! their place sppken 0 to Y an~l: ~~; ers tS dt e tliRlc,rPRO_ hjla\\l_yl~l~~~i:~~:~~j~:I~eli' mntllally rellogDlzed os apphcable to thiS reqmred the detentIOn of the captured per and m II few yea.s It became1ligreat sourte ~n{ symp mstw I s~ esslon:olodlmi local strife these two artICles of the decl.. sons It would be the fight and duty of thIS of wealth to the planters u no anCien or hunc emlCa \lUUII~1 _IOD made oy the Congress of ParIs ID Government to detaIn them But the effec The people of Martimque ID gratitude for explam how sue suffenngs 1858-namely tblt the neutral or fnelldly tual check and wamng propll-* ns of the the servIce rendered to them by M de Clleux ~e kffiow;hY t7 ~D1maJ c~ve: "1t.1m"f,,]I,,

:;m .honld caver enemy's goods, not contra eXlatJng IIIsurrectlOn as well as the compar gave hIm an annnal penslOn of $5 000 whICh ~ .slu erts dlscom orf an It w ~y'ilt ;bh!)I~. I d f d h d h J 10.1 S III 0 Isease I sa IS"

~; of war Imd that neutra goo s not ahve uDlmportance Q the capture persons e enJoye until hiS deat Ii d f h If tl I cOI1~band of wllr arc not hable to capture themselves when dispaSSIOnately wBighed Colfee was mtroduceif from MartlDlque hl r dB 0(510neer a cen~e) sa me Jmlln(lD

u~dJlJ an enemy's jag;' that II these excep happIly forbid me from resortmg to that de lllto Hayti III H68 aud then to nil the West ~~ d ~h t~~~l1~ld·i~cl~~r~l.«fel· tliJn'B tf contraband fi om favor were 11 neg/l. fense Indm IS1IDds s~ dan thS Ih ~h par .ia y tlve acceptance by tbjr partlel} of the rule Nor have I been tempted at all by sug To those WhQ aremterestea III the culture :~~ n:!es~~U~f co:ti~!~ as"ldlPpIies hitherto ovllr!wherll recogJlI~d liS a part of gestlOns that oases mIght be found ID history of the coffee plant we say that the beme!! tM health hod becomes tb.$lla.t!: of natIOns, thlLt wh~tevel Ii contra where Great Bfltalll lefIJsed to YIeld to other or seeds ftr~ planted ID beds of soft loam, B Th Yb I YI

l ILlie liable to capture and conJisoation m natlOnei and even to ourselves eimms hke and when the young plants are one yesr ou Ide ~ e a so bl id ~~~ ;' that i~ was well known at ITa that whwh IS now befote ns Those cases old they are transplanteil lit II dIstance of ~Ia ~nth III 1~1ensa f th b d V: _t,ftlie tIme wlien the rebel comllllSSlon occurred when Gillat Bfltam as well as the four or fiveieet asunder m holes of \lln or ~ a I ef ca\; afhes o~ e ~ y en and theIr 8ecret~rles embarked III the U mted States was the home of generatIOns eleven IUch»'lll:sep T~ey ~n to Yield ~~p~ 1 ~ sabl ere ~re t an ntl~Hn!er Trent, that tnej' wel'!! the accredited agents whICh WIth all theIr peeuh!!cr mterests and fruIt ID the third year but are ID full bear tI:n ~~r :lI~we th~oE::tria;e:8~~ be o1';~1i\ rtl:/i!l "oll~eJ.'I!JYj that the fact tbat passIOns have passed away She eould ID mg ID the fifth ·Hf'nxtb year When ten a .... 1I11l sa fast as the naturall ,wa,Rt~,," tMy> W8ft1i1UCh agents bai 81ilce been avow ho vther way so effectoally disavow any years old tile tree 18 from SIx to ten feet Oi y Y cd by Jeft'erson DaVIS Tn hIS me~ellge to the lIuch IDJury as we think she does by asaum hIgh The stem IS then trom tbree to four rebel Conz~eil8! tlliit aoooribng to the testl mg now as her own the ground upon wllCh mches 10 dlameter amf Iii covered With a !Among the twelve ~ Of tll.1l. ~I.\ler~can Conliul ID ParIs the we then stood It would tell !tttle for OIW whitish and rollil bark The flowers grow Iy brough~ t\l St LoUIS dilpatctHl8 of ilie eommUiBlODers haVIng es own claims to the character of a Just and In clusterB at the root of the leaves and rl 1S Mr Johp K Lmcoln nr ,."m elPtld the 8earch of the Trent were actually magnMhmous people If we should 80 far close to the tir3nches, they are white and He 18 a hl~hly respectable w~:ll~j~la~.c OOD,!l!l~ and dehvered to emlssarles of the consent to be gmded by the Taw of retaha have the sweet fragrance <if Ja8mlDe When fillentlal OItl~en of that county ~i~~i~:~~a;::;~~~ lii(~~lT, in. ~6I'b1nd" and thilt accord tlOn as tt) 11ft up pUrled IPJunes frbm theIr the bloSBom falls off. tbele remalDs a small years of age and a CODsm of Pr~'sidlen1G'1 mg td' the mformatlUn and behef of the grave to oppose agalOst what nll:ti~af con ~reen frUIt whlcbJ when ripe I. purple, I!ot Llfcoln AmerJqan Govetniilent, II the OW'ller and Blstency and tile natIOnal eonillli!UCtl compel Imhke a cranberry aM IS 8weetlSh to the ql!il\Mwleilbl,el~eollitlOi~i agent, laud all 106 omeara oT the lTrent III us to re~atd as a cltum IntrinsTCally rlgb~, t~ate Under the flesh o~ th{l 'frUIt 18 tM An exchange says th~!a~~tu~ib~::~i~t~~J~~ eluding tbe CODl,lllBwier WJlhams, had know),. Puttmg ~~hlDd me 1111 suggestIOns of bean whICh Is aalled /l!fPA WhIm rlP,lf, ~ lJoofederlite Geueral at 01 tdJ8 of tIM! 18IlUJ'l,e4 cbaEl\cters and purpIP thm kInd I prefer to express my aatlsf!!cctton frUIt IS gathered .and drIed In llie BUll, 0)1. Ir f has learned to swear LC.",L-


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