  • 8/6/2019 WL Repair Request Form 8-4-11


    Updated/MKC: 8/4/2011

    Kamehameha Middle School KaplamaLaptop Repair Request

    Please submit this form and your laptop to

    Wahi Lolouila in the VP Office STUDENT SECTION:Todays date: Safeware: Y or NSafeware #:

    Students Name: Circle one:

    Login ID:


    Laptop Tag No.:(Silver)

    Is this a loaner?No Yes

    Team & AdvisoryTeacher: Team: Advisory Teacher:DetailedDescription of theProblem(s):

    Please be specific byindicating any errormessages, programsin use at the time, frequency of problem, etc.

    1. Problem:

    2. Program in use:

    3. Error Message:

    4. OTHER Problem(s):

    Where did thisproblem occur? Building and room # ________________________________

    Home ______ Other _____________________________

    VP and IT STAFF SECTION:Loaner # and Date issued

    Loaner# Date issued:Signature of Student at Loaner Issue

    Help Desk Case ID # From RemedyDate & Time CreatedDate, Name & Signature of Tech atLaptop Pick up:Date, Name & Signature of Tech atLaptop Drop-off:Date & Time of Student Notification(s):

    1.) 2.)Date & Signature of Student at Pick-up:

    Date: Sign:Cost of Repair & ERD Comments :

    FOR VP USE ONLY:Date & Signature for loaner laptop:

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