Download - With Wonder

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With Wonder

Leading Mathematics Communities

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What is the dream?•Dream Student

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What is the dream?•Dream Student•Dream Teacher

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What is the dream?•Dream Student•Dream Teacher•Dream Division/School

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What piece is your focus?

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Our Math Team Goal

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Insert your goal

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How long are you going to work on this piece?

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Determine the timelines for short term, medium term, long term goals

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Breaking out our Three Year Goal

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What are the long term outcomes you expect at the end of that timeframe?




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Place your long term outcomes.

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What are your inputs?





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What inputs (time, resources, energy, people) are you able to commit?

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What are the outputs and outcomes towards your goal? Filling in the steps.

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Assessing the GoalUsing sticky notes, what indicators will you be able to see to be able to measure that outcome?• Surveys• Student data• Teacher actions• Instructional practices• …..

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For More Information•

(Wonder #2)•Key Resources:•Evaluating Professional Development – Tomas Guskey•Unmistakable Impact – Jim Knight

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