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Appendix Detail1 The Use of Personal Technology Devices at School

2 Procedures for Preventing and Responding to

Incidents of Bullying (including Cyberbullying)

3 Working Together to keep Wishart Safe

4 Gotcha Keys

5 Junior and Senior Behaviour Award Applications

6 Junior and Senior Responsible Thinking Plan

7 Individual Behaviour Management Plan

8 Inappropriate Behaviour Grid

9 Behaviour Levels Checklist

10 ICT Agreement Form

11 Junior and Senior Behaviour Referral Form

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Appendix 1 

The Use of Personal Technology Devices* at School

This policy reflects the importance the school places on students displaying courtesy, consideration and respect for others whenever they are using personal technology devices.

Certain Personal Technology Devices Banned From School

Students must not bring valuable personal technology devices like cameras, digital video cameras or MP3 players to school as there is a risk of damage or theft. Such devices will be confiscated by school staff and may be collected at the end of the day from the school office. Breaches of this prohibition may result in disciplinary consequences.


Permitted personal technology devices used contrary to this policy on school premises will be confiscated by school staff. They will be made available for collection from the school office at the end of the school day unless required to be kept for purposes of disciplinary investigation, when it will only be returned in the presence of a parent.

Devices potentially containing evidence of criminal offences may be reported to the police. In such cases police may take possession of such devices for investigation purposes and students and parents will be advised to contact Queensland Police Service (QPS) directly.

Students who have a personal technology device confiscated more than once will not be permitted to have a personal technology device at school for at least one week, or longer if deemed necessary by the Principal.

Personal Technology Device Etiquette

Bringing personal technology devices to school is not encouraged by the school because of the potential for theft and general distraction and/or disruption associated with them. However, if they are brought to school, they must be turned off and out of sight during assemblies or classes. Personal technology devices may be used at morning tea and lunch breaks and before and after school.

Recording voice and Images

Every member of the school community should feel confident about participating fully and frankly in all aspects of school life without concern that their personal privacy is being invaded by them being recorded without their knowledge or consent.

We uphold the value of trust and the right to privacy at Wishart State School. Students using personal technology devices to record inappropriate behaviours or incidents (such as vandalism, fighting, bullying, staged fighting or pranks etc) to disseminate to others (including distribution by phone or internet posting) build a culture of distrust and disharmony.

Students must not record images anywhere that recording would not reasonably be considered appropriate (e.g. in change rooms, toilets or any other place where a reasonable person would expect to be afforded privacy).

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Recording of events in class is not permitted unless express consent is provided by the class teacher.

A school student who uses a personal technology device to record private conversations, ordinary school activities (apart from social functions like graduation ceremonies) or violent, illegal or embarrassing matter capable of bringing the school into public disrepute is considered to be in breach of this policy.

Even where consent is obtained for such recording, the school will not tolerate images or sound captured by personal technology devices on the school premises or elsewhere being disseminated to others, if it is done for the purpose of causing embarrassment to individuals or the school, for the purpose of bullying1, including racial and sexual harassment, or where without such intent a reasonable person would conclude that such outcomes may have or will occur.

Students involved in:

recording; and/or disseminating material (through text messaging, display, internet uploading etc); and/or, knowingly being a subject of a recording

Breach of this policy may be subject to discipline (including suspension and proposal/recommendation for exclusion).

Students should note that the recording or dissemination of images that are considered indecent (such as nudity or sexual acts involving children), is against the law and if detected by the school will result in a referral to the Queensland Police Service.

Text communication

The sending of text messages that contain obscene language and/or threats of violence may amount to bullying and/or harassment or even stalking, and will subject the sender to discipline and possible referral to QPS. Students receiving such text messages at school, should ensure they keep the message as evidence and bring the matter to the attention of the school office.

Assumption of cheating

Personal technology devices may not be taken into or used by students at exams or during class assessment unless expressly permitted by staff. Staff will assume students in possession of such devices during exams or assessments are cheating. Disciplinary action will be taken against any student who is caught using a personal technology device to cheat during exams or assessments.

Recording Private Conversations and the Invasion of Privacy Act 1971

It is important that all members of the school community understand that under the Invasion of Privacy Act 1971, ‘a person is guilty of an offence against this Act if the person uses a listening device to overhear, record, monitor or listen to a private conversation’. It is also an offence under the Act for a person who has overheard, recorded, monitored or listened to a conversation to which s/he is not a party to publish or communicate the substance or meaning of the conversation to others.

                                                            1 Education Queensland does not tolerate bullying behaviour at schools. This includes bullying conducted by electronic means.

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Students need to understand that some conversations are private and therefore to overhear, record, monitor or listen to such private conversations may be in breach of this Act, unless consent to the recording is appropriately obtained.

Special Circumstances Arrangement

Students who require the use of a personal assistive technology device in circumstances that would contravene this policy (for example to assist with a medical condition or other disability or for a special project) should negotiate a special circumstances arrangement with the Deputy Principal or Principal.

Inappropriate behaviour outside of school hours

Students may receive disciplinary consequences for bullying or cyberbullying or other inappropriate online behaviour that occurs out of school hours, and affects the good order and management of the school.

* Personal Technology Devices include, but are not limited to the following devices; portable gaming devices, the IPhone, IPod, IPod Touch or IPad, Tamagotchi® and similar games, laptop computers, PDAs, Blackberries®, cameras and/or voice recording devices (whether or not integrated with a mobile phone or MP3 player), mobile telephones and devices of a similar nature. 

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Appendix 2

Procedures for Preventing and Responding to Incidents of Bullying (including Cyberbullying)


1. Wishart State School  strives to create positive, predictable environments for all students at all times of the day. The disciplined teaching environment that we are creating is essential to: achieving overall school improvement, including the effectiveness and efficiency of

our student support procedures raising achievement and attendance promoting equality and diversity and ensuring the safety and well-being of all members of the school community.

2. There is no place for bullying in Wishart State School. Research indicates that both those being bullied and those who bully are at risk for behavioural, emotional and academic problems. These outcomes are in direct contradiction to our school community’s goals and efforts for supporting all students.

3. Bullying behaviours that will not be tolerated at Wishart State School  include name-calling, taunting, mocking, making offensive comments, kicking, hitting, pushing, taking belongings, inappropriate text messaging, sending offensive or degrading images by phone or internet, producing offensive graffiti, gossiping, excluding people from groups, and spreading hurtful and untruthful rumours.

4. Bullying may be related to: race, religion or culture disability appearance or health conditions sexual orientation sexist or sexual language young carers or children in care.

5. At Wishart State School  there is broad agreement among students, staff and parents that bullying is observable and measurable behaviour. When considering whether or not bullying has occurred, we will therefore avoid speculation on the intent of the behaviour, the power of individuals involved, or the frequency of its occurrence. Whether bullying behaviour is observed between students of equal or unequal power, whether it occurs once or several times, and whether or not the persons involved cite intimidation, revenge, or self-defence as a motive, the behaviour will be responded to in similar fashion, that is, as categorically unacceptable in the school community.


6. Research indicates that many problem behaviours are peer-maintained. That is, peers react to bullying in ways that may increase the likelihood of it occurring again in the future. Reactions include joining in, laughing, or simply standing and watching, rather than intervening to help the person being bullied. Whilst our school would never encourage

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students to place themselves at risk, our anti-bullying procedures involve teaching the entire school a set of safe and effective response to all problem behaviour, including bullying, in such a way that those who bully are not socially reinforced for demonstrating it.

7. The anti-bullying procedures at Wishart State School  are an addition to our already research-validated schoolwide positive behaviour support processes. This means that all students are being explicitly taught the expected school behaviours and receiving high levels of social acknowledgement for doing so. Adding lessons on bullying and how to prevent and respond to it is a subset of procedures that our students are already accustomed to.


8. Attempting to address specific problem behaviours will not be successful if the general level of disruptive behaviour in all areas of our school is not kept to a low level. Therefore, our schoolwide universal behaviour support practices will be maintained at all times. This will ensure that: Our universal behaviour support processes will always remain the primary strategy

for preventing problem behaviour, including preventing the subset of bullying behaviour

All students know the 5 school rules and have been taught the expected behaviours attached to each rule in all areas of the school

All students have been or are being taught the specific routines in the non-classroom areas, from exiting the classroom, conducting themselves in accordance with the school expectations in the playground and other areas, to re-entering their classrooms

All students are receiving high levels of positive reinforcement for demonstrating expected behaviours, including those associated with following our routines, from all staff in the non-classroom areas of the school

A high level of quality active supervision is a permanent staff routine in the non-classroom areas. This means that duty staff members are easily identifiable and are constantly moving, scanning and positively interacting as they move through the designated supervision sectors of the non-classroom areas.

9. Cyberbullying often does not occur at school. Students are explicitly taught Cybersafety for example how to safely conduct an internet search, what cyberbullying is and what they should do if they receive unwanted messages including for example:

Not to respond to messages but keep them to report to parents and/or teachers immediately

Report any instances they see as a bystander of cyberbullying to parents and/or teachers immediately.

Our school will then investigate and respond to any incident of cyberbullying.

10. The student curriculum modules of the anti-bullying process consist of lessons taught by all teachers in all classrooms to a schoolwide schedule of instruction. At all times simultaneous instruction is our goal, in order to maintain consistency of skill acquisition across the school.

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11. An initial introductory lesson is delivered, which teaches the 3-step process to be used by all students when experiencing bullying behaviour either as a person being bullied, the person bullying or bystander.

12. The introductory lesson is followed by several shorter lessons, each of which focuses on one of the bullying behaviours that the school has identified and defined. These lessons include instruction on how to approach adults and also on what reactions and systemic responses they should expect from adults.

13. Wishart State School will take part in the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence on the third Friday of March each year. This is to highlight the importance of bullying issues within our school community and what our school is doing to prevent this.

14. Research indicates that a common outcome of anti-bullying programming is an improvement in understanding of bullying but little change in the frequency or nature of actual bullying behaviour. One of the reasons cited for this outcome is the lack of behavioural rehearsal in the programming. The anti-bullying process at Wishart State School takes care to combine knowledge with practice in a process of active learning, so that students understand by ‘doing’ as much as by ‘knowing’.

15. Wishart State School  uses behavioural data for decision-making. This data is entered into our database on a daily basis and can be recalled as summary reports at any time. This facility allows the school to track the effectiveness of its anti-bullying process, to make any necessary adjustments, and to identify specific bullying behaviours that may need to be revisited or revised in the instructional process.

16. All classroom teachers discuss bullying with their classes and every individual signs a ‘No Bullying’ promise. If a student has a bullying complaint they write it down on ‘Bullying Report Form’ and place it in a box in the Library. Every week a member of staff responds to all forms placed in the box.


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Appendix 3


We can work together to keep knives out of school. At Wishart State School: Every student has the right to feel safe and be safe at school. No knives are allowed to be taken to school by students. There is no reason for a student to have a knife at school, and it is against the law for a

student to have a knife at school.

If a student has a knife at school, they can expect serious consequences, such as fines and possibly jail. Longer jail sentences can be given to young people if someone is injured with a knife during an assault.

What kinds of knife are banned? No knives of any type are allowed at school, including flick knives, ballistic knives, sheath

knives, push daggers, trench knives, butterfly knives, star knives, butter knives, fruit knives or craft knives, or any item that can be used as a weapon, for example a chisel.

Knives needed for school activities will be provided by the school, and the use of them will be supervised by school staff.

In circumstances where students are required to have their own knives or sharp tools for particular subjects or vocational courses, the school will provide information about the procedures for carrying and storing these items at school.

The Principal can take action against a student who brings a knife to school.

If a student has a knife at school, Principals can inform the police. Possessing a knife at school may result in serious disciplinary consequences Police can search a student and their property at school if they suspect a student has a

knife. A student may be charged with a criminal offence and may face serious consequences if

convicted, including a fine or jail.

School property such as desks or lockers may be searched if the Principal suspects that a student has a knife on or in school property.

If the Principal suspects the student has a knife in their bag, the bag may be temporarily confiscated until police arrive.

If the student does have a knife at school, it can be confiscated by the principal and given to the police.

How can parents help to keep Wishart State School safe? Make sure your child knows what the laws and rules are about knives. Do not include knives or knife tools in children’s lunch boxes, pencil cases or craft kits. Contact your school principal if you believe your child is being bullied or threatened at

school. If you want to talk about students and knives at school, please contact the Principal.


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Appendix 4











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Appendix 4











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Appendix 4











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Appendix 4











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Appendix 4











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Appendix 5



I am proud that for a term I have shown that I USUALLY choose to: () Care In our school we care for ourselves, others, and the environment.

Take care of myself Take care of others Take care of my things Take care of school property and keep the school clean

Courtesy In our school we treat ourselves and others respectfully.

Be friendly Use my manners with teachers

Cooperation In our school we work and play happily together.

Listen and follow directions Respect the school and class rules

Common Sense In our school we use our common sense to keep everyone happy and safe.

Make good choices Make safe choices

Conscientious In our school we focus and work hard to learn and let others learn

Try my best Be ready to learn Let others learn

Staff signatures required: Classroom Teacher (must sign first):

Specialist Teacher:

Student’s Signature:

Accepted Declined/Reason for Action:

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Appendix 5


I APPLY TO BE A SILVER STUDENT. I am proud that for two terms I have shown that I USUALLY choose to: () Care In our school we care for ourselves, others, and the environment.

Take care of myself Take care of others Take care of my things Take care of school property and keep the school clean

Courtesy In our school we treat ourselves and others respectfully.

Be friendly Use my manners with teachers

Cooperation In our school we work and play happily together.

Listen and follow directions Respect the school and class rules

Common Sense In our school we use our common sense to keep everyone happy and safe.

Make good choices Make safe choices

Conscientious In our school we focus and work hard to learn and let others learn

Try my best Be ready to learn Let others learn

Staff signatures required: Classroom Teacher (must sign first): Specialist Teacher: Student’s Signature: Accepted Declined/Reason for Action:

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Appendix 5


I APPLY TO BE A GOLD STUDENT. I am proud that for three terms I have shown that I ALWAYS choose to: () Care In our school we care for ourselves, others, and the environment.

Take care of myself Take care of others Take care of my things Take care of school property and keep the school clean

Courtesy In our school we treat ourselves and others respectfully.

Be friendly Use my manners with teachers

Cooperation In our school we work and play happily together.

Listen and follow directions Respect the school and class rules

Common Sense In our school we use our common sense to keep everyone happy and safe.

Make good choices Make safe choices

Conscientious In our school we focus and work hard to learn and let others learn

Try my best Be ready to learn Let others learn

Staff signatures required: Classroom Teacher (must sign first): Specialist Teacher: Student’s Signature: Accepted Declined/Reason for Action:

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Appendix 5


I HEREBY APPLY FOR BRONZE. I am proud that for a term I have shown that I MOSTLY choose to: ()

CARE In our school we care for

ourselves and others, our belongings and other’s belongings

and for the environment

care for myself consider and care for others take care of and respect my property take care of and respect other’s property take care of and respect the school’s property respect the rules of the school keep the school clean

COMMON SENSE In our school we use our common sense to keep ourselves and others


make choices to keep myself safe and happy make choices to keep other’s safe and happy take responsibility for my actions take care with what I say and do

COURTESY In our school we treat ourselves and

others respectfully

am friendly to others speak nicely to and about others use appropriate language and actions greet all staff members I know and use their appropriate title be a good role model

COOPERATION In our school we work together to achieve and to manage conflict


display self control follow staff/adult direction follow the rules of a game accept and listen to others, treat them fairly and try to understand them exhibit good sportsmanship

CONSCIENTIOUS In our school we focus and work

hard to complete learning tasks and allow others to do so

am prepared for work try my best in whatever I do stay focussed to complete tasks take advantage of learning opportunities consider other people’s rights in the learning environment arrive/return to class on time

I understand that in order to become a Bronze Student my behaviour needs to be of an high standard. I believe I should be promoted to Bronze because:

The following staff members recommend my application. (Signatures required). Classroom Teacher (must sign first): Specialist Teacher:

Student’s Signature: Parent’s Signature

Accepted Declined/Reason for Action:

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Appendix 5


I HEREBY APPLY FOR PROMOTION TO SILVER. I am proud that for two terms I have shown that I MOSTLY choose to: ()

CARE In our school we care for

ourselves and others, our belongings and other’s belongings

and for the environment

care for myself consider and care for others take care of and respect my property take care of and respect other’s property take care of and respect the school’s property respect the rules of the school keep the school clean

COMMON SENSE In our school we use our common sense to keep ourselves and others


make choices to keep myself safe and happy make choices to keep other’s safe and happy take responsibility for my actions take care with what I say and do

COURTESY In our school we treat ourselves and

others respectfully

am friendly to others speak nicely to and about others use appropriate language and actions greet all staff members I know and use their appropriate title be a good role model

COOPERATION In our school we work together to achieve and to manage conflict


display self control follow staff/adult direction follow the rules of a game accept and listen to others, treat them fairly and try to understand them exhibit good sportsmanship

CONSCIENTIOUS In our school we focus and work

hard to complete learning tasks and allow others to do so

am prepared for work try my best in whatever I do stay focussed to complete tasks take advantage of learning opportunities consider other people’s rights in the learning environment arrive/return to class on time

I understand that in order to become a Silver Student my behaviour needs to be consistently of a high standard. I believe I should be promoted to Silver because:

The following Staff members recommend my application. (Signatures required). Classroom Teacher (must sign first): Specialist Teacher:

Student’s Signature: Parent’s Signature

Accepted Declined/Reason for Action:

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Appendix 5


I HEREBY APPLY FOR PROMOTION TO GOLD I am proud that for three terms I have shown that I ALWAYS choose to: ()

CARE In our school we care for

ourselves and others, our belongings and other’s belongings and

for the environment

care for myself consider and care for others take care of and respect my property take care of and respect other’s property take care of and respect the school’s property respect the rules of the school keep the school clean

COMMON SENSE In our school we use our common sense to

keep ourselves and others safe

make choices to keep myself safe and happy make choices to keep other’s safe and happy take responsibility for my actions take care with what I say and do

COURTESY In our school we treat ourselves and others


am friendly to others speak nicely to and about others use appropriate language and actions greet all staff members I know and use their appropriate title be a good role model

COOPERATION In our school we work together to achieve

and to manage conflict positively

display self control follow staff/adult direction follow the rules of a game accept and listen to others, treat them fairly and try to understand them exhibit good sportsmanship

CONSCIENTIOUS In our school we focus and work hard to complete learning tasks and allow others to

do so

am prepared for work try my best in whatever I do stay focussed to complete tasks take advantage of learning opportunities consider other people’s rights in the learning environment arrive/return to class on time

I understand that in order to become a Gold Student my behaviour needs to consistently be of an exceptional standard. I believe I should be promoted to Gold because: The following staff members recommend my application. (Signatures required).

Classroom Teacher (must sign first): Specialist Teacher:

Student’s Signature: Parent’s Signature

Accepted Declined/Reason for Action:

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Appendix 7

Individual Behaviour Management Plan Date: Student Name: Year Level: Teacher/s: Behaviour/s of Concern: Frequency: Intensity:

Low Medium High

Low Medium High

Low Medium High

Low Medium High

Low Medium High

Low Medium High

Diagnostic Information:

Mental Health Diagnosis _______________________

Medical Condition _______________________

Ascertainment _______________________

Appraised LD _______________________

Individual Education Plan _______________________

Medication _______________________

Other Support:

Guidance Officer ____________________

Learning Support Teacher ____________________

School Based Case Manager ____________________

External Agency ____________________

Special Education Unit ____________________

Other ____________________

Target Behaviour/s Proactive Strategies Responsive Strategies

Authorisation: Teacher Signature: _____________________________________Principal Signature: ____________________________________ Parent Signature:_______________________________________ Student Signature:_____________________________________

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Appendix 8 




Care In our school we care for ourselves and others, our belongings and other’s belongings and for the environment

Untidily or inappropriately dressed Forgets or loses own property, doesn’t

take care of own property Disrespects, doesn’t take care or doesn’t

return other’s/school property Doesn’t put rubbish into the bins Disrespects our trees and gardens

Untidily or inappropriately dressed – ignoring requests to rectify

Consistently forgets or loses own property, doesn’t take care of own property

Consistently disrespects, loses or doesn’t take care of other’s/school property

Repeatedly leaves rubbish behind Repeatedly damages our trees and


Repeatedly untidily or inappropriately dressed – ignoring requests to rectify

Wilfully damages own property, including graffiti

Wilfully damages, steals, loses other’s/school property, including graffiti

Deliberately leaves rubbish behind and encourages others to do the same

Wilfully damages our trees and gardens

Conscientious In our school we focus and work hard to complete learning tasks and allow others to do so

Easily distracted from task requiring teacher to monitor learning focus

Consistently requires teacher feedback Often loses equipment or keeps it

untidy Late for classes, slow returning from

lunch breaks Needs encouragement to complete work

Consistently distracted from task and requires teacher to monitor learning focus

Occasionally uses teacher feedback Often doesn’t have equipment for

learning Consistently late for class Work often incomplete

Consistently distracted from task and distracts others, close teacher monitoring required

Disregards teacher feedback Consistently doesn’t have equipment for

learning Leaves school grounds without

permission Consistently does not submit work

Common Sense In our school we use our common

Needs reminding to pass objects safely Needs reminding to move safely

Is careless when passing objects Does not move safely around

Throws objects disregarding the safety of others

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Appendix 8 



sense to keep ourselves and other safe

around playground/school/classroom Rocks back on chair occasionally Needs reminders to stay in-bounds

playground/school/classroom Swings back dangerously on chair Frequently found in out-of-bounds


Does not move safely around playground/school/classroom and ignores requests to rectify

Frequently found in out-of-bounds

Courtesy In our school we treat ourselves and others respectfully

Needs reminding to use manners when interacting with others

Laughs at others’ mistakes – takes advantage of situation

Ego-centric, poor social skills

Constantly needs reminding to use manners when interacting with others

Uses humour inappropriately and uses put-downs

Consistently ego-centric, demanding attention

Constantly needs reminding to use manners when interacting with others and ignores requests to rectify

Uses humour inappropriately and uses put-downs to ‘get’ others

Consistently ego-centric, demanding attention and ignores requests to rectify

Cooperation In our school we work together to achieve and to manage conflict positively without violence or verbal abuse

Easily coerced into bullying Easily drawn into peer conflict or the

baiting of others Tells untruths/half truths Obstinate attitude Not interested in caring for and/or

helping peers and other students Provokes others with comments, actions

and attitude, causing disharmony Doesn’t include others in games or

group activities

Bullies another student Seeks conflict with peers and joins in

with baiting of others Tells lies, cheats and/or steals from

others Uses offensive language and/or back

answers Not willing to care for and/or help

peers and other students Hurts others in any way – physical

abuse eg hitting or emotional abuse eg spreading rumours

Prevents other from joining in

Bullies other students Seeks conflict with peers and/or tries

to escalate conflict. Actively seeks to bait others

Repeatedly tells lies, cheats and/or steals from others

Severe rudeness and/or swearing Not willing to care for and/or help

peers and other students, actively discourages others to care for and/or help others

Harassment (physical, emotional, sexual, verbal)

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Appendix 8 



Actively manipulates others to exclude other/s from joining in

Consequences See Appendix for further explanation of levels

Placed on Level 1 Placed on Level 2 Placed on Level 3

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Appendix 9

Behaviour Levels Checklist


Please tick

Student’s Name: ____________________________ Year Level: ________ Date: _________________ Parents/Caregivers: ______________________________ Phone: ______________________________

LLEEVVEELL OONNEE Student placed on Level 1 have chosen to continue inappropriate behaviour in the:

Classroom playground (specify).

Class Teacher informed Administrators, parent/s or caregiver/s, that their child has been placed on Level 1 of the Levels Program. Send home Incident Report.

Teacher discussed with parents the inappropriate behaviours being displayed by the student in the classroom and/or playground.

Teacher discussed any additional behaviour management strategies they may wish to implement to assist student in controlling his/her behaviour. (e.g. individual behaviour contract)

Teacher advised parent/s or caregiver/s of the consequence/s if the student: 1. Continues to use inappropriate behaviour (e.g. Move to Level 2) and referred to Student Welfare Team 2. Shows controlled/responsible appropriate behaviour (e.g. move off Level 1 and the teacher makes

positive contact with home) 3. Students receive a positive “pass off Level 1” for making good behaviour choices/decisions.

LLEEVVEELL TTWWOO Student placed directly on Level 2, by Administrator, have chosen to continue inappropriate/ disruptive


Student previously placed on Level 1 regressed to Level 2 has chosen to continue inappropriate behaviour within a short time of being placed on Level 1. (After consultation with Administrator).

Administrator informed parent/s or caregiver/s that the student’s behaviour is continuing to cause concern and that he/she has been placed on Level 2 of the Levels program.

Administrator organised meeting with the student, parent/s or caregiver/s and class teacher.

At the meeting Administrator: Discussed with the parent/s, student and teacher the inappropriate behaviours being displayed by the

student in the classroom and/or playground. Discussed behaviour management strategies that have already been implemented. Developed an Individual Management Plan to implement for the student by Class Teacher & Deputy

Principal. Referred the student, through the Special Needs Committee, for: Social skills tutoring Behaviour Support Services Counselling with Guidance Officer Other Outside Agencies (e.g. Child Youth Mental Health Services; Dept. Of Child Safety) Advised the student and parent/s or caregiver/s that whilst on Level Two, the student may not be permitted to leave the school grounds for sport, camp or excursions as safety of other students may be compromised. (Discretion of Administrator and Teacher).

Administrator advised parent/s or caregiver/s of the consequences if the student: 1. continues to use inappropriate behaviour. 2. exhibits appropriate behaviour. (e.g. moves back a level/s and the administrator makes positive contact

with home). 3. Students receive a positive “pass off Level 2” for making good behaviour choices/decisions.

LEVEL THREE Student placed directly onto Level 3, by Administrator, as a result of a single inappropriate behaviour.

Student previously placed on Levels 1 or 2 regressed to Level 3 have chosen to continue inappropriate/disruptive behaviour within a short time of being placed on Level 2.

Principal, as accountable officer, informed the parent/s or caregiver/s, using the specified Departmental format letters, that as a result of being placed on Level 3 of the Levels program, the student has been: (Specify)

Suspended for 1-5 days Suspended for 6-20 days Recommended for exclusion from the school.

Principal arranged a time for the re-entry meeting, prior to the students return to school.

At re-entry meeting, the parent/s or caregivers/s and student advised that: On re-entry to the school the student will be placed back on Level 2 of The Levels Program. Discussed behaviour management strategies that have already been implemented. Reviewed and revised the students Individual Management Plan. Referred the student, through the Special Needs Committee, for counselling with a Guidance Officer. Advised the student and parent/s or caregiver/s that whilst on Level 2 the student may not be permitted to leave the school grounds for sport, camp or excursions as safety of other students may be compromised. (Discretion of Principal)

Principal advised the parent/s or caregivers of the consequences if the student: 1. continues to use inappropriate behaviour (e.g. 1-5 suspension; 6-20 suspension; exclusion). 2. exhibits appropriate behaviour (e.g. move off the program and the Administrator makes positive contact

with home). 3. Students receive a positive “pass off Level 3” for making good behaviour choices/decisions.

G:\Office\WINWORD\BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT PLAN\Behaviour Levels Checklist.doc

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Appendix 10 



Please outline the following responsibilities to your child. It is essential that parents sign this agreement. If your child is old enough to understand, please have them also sign; if not please ensure your child is aware of the rules and consequences.


Wishart State School

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) includes for example computers, printers, scanners, digital cameras, Internet, email facilities and other associated electronic and mechanical hardware and software. STUDENTS I understand that the use of Information and Communication Technology resources at Wishart State School is a privilege, which involves the acceptance of certain responsibilities. I understand and agree to the following:- I will use ICT resources only for appropriate learning tasks. I will

be considerate of other users. I will respect their privacy, and not seek access to files or messages intended for, or belonging to others,

not attempt to send, transfer or create computer viruses, immediately report any damage, errors or faults with ICT resources to my teacher, immediately report accidental access to inappropriate, offensive, controversial, dangerous or illegal

material, use my own logon, only print material related to my education, only use my print account.

I will not use ICT resources to:-

access, copy or distribute any material that is inappropriate, offensive, controversial, dangerous or illegal,

download or install any software, access streaming media such as sounds, music, videos and games without teacher consent, access the control panel, system configuration, or make any changes to settings, passwords (other than

my own), directly or indirectly access drives other than those allocated to me, directly or indirectly move, delete, modify any files (other than those in my personal drive), be involved with electronic or physical vandalism, use, manipulate or transmit photos of members of Wishart State School, student or staff without their

(and their teachers) prior approval, reveal my full name, personal address, phone numbers, or those of other students or staff, in any

electronic communications. I understand that if I break these rules I could lose access to ICT resources temporarily or permanently, depending on the seriousness of the matter. Student’s Name: Student’s Signature: Year Level: Date: PARENTS/GUARDIANS I have read the above agreement and have explained the above to my child. I do I do not give permission for my child to access, produce and communicate information on the Internet, ________________________________________ _____/_____/_____ Signed by Parent/Guardian Date

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Appendix 10 



Consequences for misuse of Wishart State School Information, Communication, Technology resources

1. Students found going to inappropriate web sites will (with or without downloading) a) The first time – have their Internet access denied for 2 weeks. b) The second time – have their Internet access denied for 6 weeks. c) The third time – have their Internet access denied for one semester. d) If the offence involves e.g. sexist, racist or violent material then the consequence will be at the discretion of the Administration. 2. Students found with inappropriate files on their drives will: a) The first time – have their Internet access denied for 2 weeks. b) The second time – have their Internet access denied for 6 weeks. c) The third time – have their computer access denied for one semester. d) If the offence involves e.g. sexist, racist or violent material then the consequence will be at the discretion of the Administration. 3. Students found inappropriately using other students logins, and/or Print Accounts will: a) The first time – have their computer access denied for 2 weeks. b) The second time – have their computer access denied for 6 weeks. c) The third time – have their computer access denied for one semester. Note:

If the offence involves the offending student using another student’s print allocation, the student will be responsible for repaying the costs associated with the Print Account.

If the offender bullied another student to gain access to passwords then the School Behaviour Policy will also apply.

4. Students found attempting to access unauthorised sections of the computer systems (this includes the use of hacking and logging programs) will: a) The first time – suspension (to be determined by Administration) and access to computer system

denied for 3 weeks. b) The second time and subsequent times – suspension (to be determined by Administration) and

computer access denied for a semester c) Computer hacking is a criminal offence in Queensland and maybe reported as such. 5. Students found using email inappropriately (this includes using Spam, using email for social reasons during class time, using inappropriate language in emails such as swearing ) will: a) The first time – have their Internet access denied for 2 weeks. b) The second time – have their Internet access denied for 6 weeks. c) The third time – have their Internet access denied for one semester. d) If the offence involves serious allegations, offensive email or threats, the consequence will be at the discretion of the Administration. 6. Students found tampering with or damaging computer equipment will: For Minor Damage - a) The first time – complete a lunchtime detention and replace damaged item. b) The second time – complete 3 lunchtime detentions and replace the item. c) The third time – as determined by the Administration. For Major Damage –

a) The first time – suspension (to be determined by Administration) and payment for replacement equipment.

b) The second and subsequent times – suspension or exclusion as determined by Administration. c) Payment for repairs and or replacement equipment.  

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Appendix 11 



Wishart State School

Behaviour Referral Form – Junior School

Teacher: ____________________________________Date: ____________

Students Name: _____________________________ Year: ____________


Location: Junior Shelter Shed Junior Shelter Shed Asphalt

Adventure Playground Junior Toilets Oval Cricket End


Verbal misconduct – swearing at another person aggressively, inappropriate use of language including sexual language

Physical aggression/threats

Throwing/pushing over objects/furniture

Non-compliance – refusing to follow directions

Objects to cause threat/harm


Obtain attention Obtain object Obtain activity

Avoid attention Avoid activity Don’t know


Witnesses: Student: ________________________________ Year: _______ Student: ________________________________ Year: _______ Student: ________________________________ Year: _______

Teacher Signature:_________________________________Date:_________

Wishart State School

Behaviour Referral Form – Junior School

Teacher: ____________________________________Date: ____________

Students Name: _____________________________ Year: ____________


Location: Junior Shelter Shed Junior Shelter Shed Asphalt

Adventure Playground Junior Toilets Oval Cricket End


Verbal misconduct – swearing at another person aggressively, inappropriate use of language including sexual language

Physical aggression/threats

Throwing/pushing over objects/furniture

Non-compliance – refusing to follow directions

Objects to cause threat/harm


Obtain attention Obtain object Obtain activity

Avoid attention Avoid activity Don’t know


Witnesses: Student: ________________________________ Year: _______ Student: ________________________________ Year: ______ Student: ________________________________ Year: ______

Teacher Signature:_______________________________ Date:_________ 

Page 30: WISHART STATE SCHOOL...promoting equality and diversity and ensuring the safety and well-being of all members of the school community. 2. There is no place for bullying in Wishart

Appendix 11 



Wishart State School

Behaviour Referral Form – Senior School

Teacher: ____________________________________Date: ____________

Students Name: _____________________________ Year: ____________


Location: Senior Shelter Shed/Tuckshop Eating Area C & D Block

Oval Terrace End Senior Toilets Asphalt B & C


Verbal misconduct – swearing at another person aggressively, inappropriate use of language including sexual language

Physical aggression/threats

Throwing/pushing over objects/furniture

Non-compliance – refusing to follow directions

Objects to cause threat/harm


Obtain attention Obtain object Obtain activity

Avoid attention Avoid activity Don’t know


Witnesses: Student: ________________________________ Year: _______ Student: ________________________________ Year: _______ Student: ________________________________ Year: _______

Teacher Signature:________________________________ Date:_________

Wishart State School

Behaviour Referral Form – Senior School

Teacher: ____________________________________Date: ____________

Students Name: _____________________________ Year: ____________


Location: Senior Shelter Shed/Tuckshop Eating Area C & D Block

Oval Terrace End Senior Toilets Asphalt B & C


Verbal misconduct – swearing at another person aggressively, inappropriate use of language including sexual language

Physical aggression/threats

Throwing/pushing over objects/furniture

Non-compliance – refusing to follow directions

Objects to cause threat/harm


Obtain attention Obtain object Obtain activity

Avoid attention Avoid activity Don’t know


Witnesses: Student: ________________________________ Year: _______ Student: ________________________________ Year: _______ Student: ________________________________ Year: _______

Teacher Signature:________________________________ Date:_________

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