  • 7/31/2019 Wine Country Guide October 2012


    Te #1 FREEGuide for Events & Wine asting! EASYOUSEMAPS

    Fun ThingsTo Do Today

    Activities To EnhanceYour Wine Country Visit

    Winery ProilesWith Tasting Suggestions

    Also In Tis Issue:

    Fully Exploring Te Wine Country

    Discover Soothing Calistoga

    Te Ultimate asting At Artesa

    Napa Valley In One Great Day

    op Rated Restaurants

    Impeccable Hospitality At Ledson

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    Spotlight on...

    Artesa Vineyards & Wineryhe Convergence O Architecture, Art And Wine

    page 28

    Spotlight on...

    Beringer VineyardsHistoric Past And World-Class Wines

    page 30

    Spotlight on...

    Rodney Strong Vineyardsour A Winery Within A Winerypage 44

    Ledson - Exceptional

    Hospitality Awaits YouWinery, Git Shop, And Gourmet Market

    page 58

    Spotlight on...

    Jacuzzi Family VineyardsExperience he Jacuzzi Family Way O Lie

    page 62

    Spotlight on...

    Lake CountyExplore Lake Countys Undiscovered Wine Country

    page 66

    October 2012

    Spotlights Wine Country Guide


    William R. Schoen

    Mark Crapeau

    Dan Frederick

    Marketing & Sales:

    Dan FrederickDennis Delee

    Tedianne Latin

    Dana Vaughan


    Michelle Baker

    Spotlight's Wine Country Guide (Vol 24, No. 9/10)

    is published monthly by WineryPartners, LLC at 5

    Kenilworth Ct., Novato, CA 94945-2622, (707) 723-4535,

    FAX (415) 898-7751. All contents copyright 2007 by

    WineryPartners, LLC. No responsibility for unsolicited

    manuscripts or materials received. Subscription $30/

    year. Individual copies are available on request for

    $3.50 per copy in advance by sending a check to the

    above address or by calling (415) 898-7908 and leaving

    your address, phone number, visa/mc number and

    expiration date. For advertising information, call (707)

    723-4535. For updated calendar information, visit www.

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    I you think that a day

    in a limo touring Wine

    Country is a luxury you

    cant aord, its time to

    reconsider. Caliornia Wine

    ours, the industry leader

    in the Wine Country, has

    t o u r i n g o p t i o n s t h a t

    oer all the luxury and

    convenience you want or

    less than $100 per person.

    I you dont want the

    hassle o iguring out your

    day in the Wine Country,let Caliornia Wine ours

    set up a pr ivate tour

    or you. Are you serious

    about wine? Caliornia

    Wine ours can set up

    appointments at exclusive

    wineries ahead o time,

    and then keep you on

    schedule while you stock

    your cellar. Or are you

    just looking or a relaxing

    day o wine tasting? Let

    Caliornia Wine ours

    do all the planning and

    driving while you spend

    the day having un with

    your riends.

    Lets say youre meeting

    up with some girl riends

    or a day o tasting while

    t h e g u y s g o g o l i n g .Caliornia Wine ours

    will pick you up at your

    hotel in a luxury vehiclea

    p l u s h h e a d t u r n i n g

    limousine, or something

    like a Chevrolet Suburban

    i you preer to take in

    more o the scenery. Your

    leisurely day starts with a

    ew stops at wineries the

    driver recommends. hen

    you set up a picnic lunch

    pre-arranged by Caliornia

    Wine ours, and on to an

    aternoon o wine tasting

    and shopping. No hassling

    with traic; no designating

    a driver or navigator;

    no untangling maps or

    getting lost. Its a special,

    memorable experiencethat costs less than $100

    p er p erson (includin g

    driver gratuity, license ee

    and uel)!

    Caliornia Wine ours

    also operates daily public

    tours through Sonoma

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    Th e i c o n i c S t e r l i n g

    Vineyardsperched on

    its stunning, Napa Valleyhillside locationoers

    one o the most idyllic

    experiences in the Wine


    Guests glide 300 eet via

    aerial tram to reach the

    winery reminiscent o a

    Greek monastery. Founded

    i n 1 9 6 9 , S t e r l i n g h a s

    long been recognized or

    innovative winemaking. In

    act, it was the irst winery

    in the U.S. to produce a

    v i nt a ge-d at ed var i et al


    G u e s t s a r e g r e e t e d

    with a glass o wine and

    are immediately made

    welcome. A tour o the

    winery also oers visitors

    a g r e a t d e a l o w i n e

    education. Unlike some

    wineries, there is no canned

    spielyou are your own

    guide. Elevated corridors

    above the work areasgive visitors unrestricted

    views o the winemaking

    p r o c e s s . P h o t o g r a p h s

    and educational panelsare scattered throughout

    the winery, including a

    ascinating wine barrel

    stave display explainingthe inluence o various

    toasting levels and its eect

    on wine.

    A n o t h e r u n i q u e

    innovation at Sterling is

    a Winemakers Video

    our. hrough the use o

    three separate DVD videos

    displayed on large lat

    screen Vs, visitors join

    Sterlings winemakers or

    a visit through the various

    seasons o the winemaking


    hroughout the visitor

    center is one o the largest

    collections o wine-relatedart. Another eature that

    sets Sterling Vineyards

    apart is its tasting rooms.

    Guests are comortably

    seated as a very gracious

    and knowledgeable sta

    presents the wines at your

    table. hey oer wine andood pairing suggestions

    and are eager to answer

    any questions vis itors

    might have ater their

    Winemaking 101 tour.

    Veteran visitors to Napa

    Valley have learned to

    Sterling Vineyards

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    Exploring The WineCountry More Fully

    TheWine Country is best known or

    what else?wine tasting. But visitors

    quickly learn that the regions incredible

    climate and geography are also conducive

    to many other leisure activities. hese range

    rom athletic endeavors like bicycling and

    hiking to shopping and culinary adventures.

    Here are a ew activities to consider or

    beore and ater wine tasting, and or those

    days when your exhausted taste buds say a

    change o pace is in order.

    Visit winecountr yguide.

    com or requent updates.

    Exquisite Spa

    Treatments Enhance

    Your Wine Country

    Experience in Napa

    and Sonoma

    For visitors to the Napa

    Valley, its easy to orget that this world-

    amous wine growing region was amous

    or its hot springs beore it was amous orwine. For nearly 150 years, the tiny town o

    Calistoga at the northern end o the Valley

    has been a magnet or visitors seeking relie

    and relaxation in its volcanic muds warmed

    by geothermal waters.

    oday mud baths remain a popular option

    on a broad menu o modern treatmentsoered by Calistoga spas like Golden Haven

    Hot Springs Spa & Resort and Lincoln

    Avenue Spa. At Golden Haven, couples

    enjoy Calistoga mud baths in private

    treatment rooms. Tis one-hour detoxiying

    and rejuvenating spa treatment includes

    the mud bath, hot springs Jacuzzi, and

    blanket wrap. Golden Havens mud bath was

    recently selected as the avorite mud bath

    experience o all the Napa Valley spas.

    Lincoln Avenue Spa has takes the Calistogamud bath to a new level with a body mud

    treatment or couples and individuals using

    specially designed Ayurvedic steam tables.

    Tis is perect or visitors to the Napa Valley

    who want the detoxiying benets o mud

    and heat without the traditional immersion

    mud bath. At Lincoln Avenue Spa, the mud

    is an individualized mixture preparedexclusively or each client and then applied

    to the bodymuch like a body acial.

    When you enjoy day spa treatments atLincoln Avenue Spa, you get complimentary

    day use o the Calistoga hot springs pool

    at nearby Golden Haven Hot Springs and

    Resort. Overnight visitors to Calistoga will

    nd that Golden Havens aordable rooms

    oer some o the best lodging values in the

    Napa Valley.

    On the Sonoma side o the Mayacamus

    Mountains that separate the Napa and

    Sonoma wine countries, the Osmosis Day

    Spa Sanctuary is one o the more unusualo the many spa options available. Osmosis is

    home to the only cedar enzyme bath in North


    Activities| Beyond Wine Tasting

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    new riendships, and introducelocal ingredients rom the area.Te Mediterranean climate o the

    Wine Country assures that resh

    ingredients rom organic armsare always available and a likelycomponent to most classes. Someo our avorite options or cooking

    school are:

    Relish Culinary Adventures, 14Matheson Street, Healdsburg; (707)


    Te Culinary Institute o America

    at Greystone, 2555 Main Street,St. Helena; (800) 888-7850; www.

    The Advantages o LimousineTouring

    It seems everywhere you look in the WineCountry these days a sleek stretched

    limousine is gliding graceully into view.

    Tink these are all lled with movie stars,

    business tycoons, and splurge spenders?

    Well, think again.

    Its your vacation, so take a break rom

    reading maps, making appointments and

    designating a driver and treat yourselto Beau Wine ours daily group tour. For

    just $99 per person, enjoy the ultimate

    wine tasting tour complete with a riendly,

    knowledgeable tour guide and a luxurious,

    climate-controlled vehicle.

    Beau Wine ours will provide door-to-

    door service rom any Napa or Yountvillehotel. Simply hop in and enjoy complimen-

    tary champagne as you meet new riends

    and discover our boutique wineries. At one

    o the stops youll enjoy a gourmet amily-

    style lunch provided by Te Girl & Te Fig


    For reservations and inormation contact Beau

    Wine ours & Limousine Service at (800) 387-

    2328 or online at

    Soar Above TheWine Countryheres something

    special about lying over

    Northern Caliornias

    Wine Country in a hot airballoon. he air is clear,

    the sun shines brighter

    and a calming sense o

    solitude envelops you.

    Napa Valley Balloons

    lies over the southern

    Valley with launches

    Activities| Beyond Wine Tasting

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    Pinzgauer. Napa Valley Bike ours lets

    you experience the vineyards rom a

    totally unique vantage point aboard an

    authentic Swiss Army Pinzgauer. Youll

    cruise past rows o rolling vineyards inan open-air jeep that can accommodate

    up to nine passengers. Along the way

    youll stop at three boutique wineries

    or tasting appointments that will have

    been scheduled in advance especially

    or your group.

    Your excursion will be hosted by a

    knowledgeable, local guide who willexplain the vineyard growth cycle and

    arming methods. he tour includes

    a catered picnic lunch, served at a

    winery overlooking the vineyards.

    Napa Valley Bike ours, 6795 Washington

    Street, Bldg. B, Yountville; 707-944-2953; www. Old Faithul Geyser NearCalistoga To See Fainting Goats

    About every 30 minutes, visitors to the Old

    Faithul Geyser o Caliornia are treated to an

    eruption o steam and scalding water spray-

    ing 60 to 100 eet in the air. Tere are only

    two other old aithul geysers in the world

    that have earned the title due to their regular

    eruptions. Tis geyser has also proven itsel

    to be a good predictor o earthquakes. When

    the geysers show is delayed or diminished,an earthquake is likely within the next cou-

    ple o weeks in the 500 miles surrounding the

    geyser. Te grounds surrounding the geyser

    eature a large picnic area where visitors are

    encouraged to bring their own lunches. Tere

    are also a snack bar and a git shop on the

    property. Old Faithul Geyser makes or

    a wonderul amily outing and eatures

    a petting zoo that includes the amous

    ennessee Fainting Goats, Jacobs Four-

    Horn Sheep, and Guard Llamas.

    Old Faithul Geyser o Caliornia is open

    every day including holidays. Hours are

    9 AM - 6 PM (til 5 PM in winter). 1299

    ubbs Lane, Calistoga; 707-942-6463;

    Relax With Retail Therapy

    Discover incredible savings o 25% to

    65% every day at Premium Outlets

    with our Wine Country locations in

    Gilroy, Napa, Petaluma and Vacaville.

    Activities| Beyond Wine Tasting

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    The Napa Valley is generally regarded

    as Americas most amous and most

    prestigious wine producing region. Exceptduring peak traic times, it is an easy hoursdrive to the northeast rom San Francisco

    or to the southwest rom Sacramento. he

    Valley runs approximately north-south or

    some 30 miles. Its width ranges rom about

    a mile at its northern end to about ive miles

    at its widest point near its southern end. It

    is ramed by the Mayacamas Mountains onits western and northern sides, by the Vaca

    Mountains to the east, and by San Pablo Bay

    to the south.

    From north to south, the principal towns

    o the Napa Valley are Calistoga, St. Helena,

    Yountville, and the town o Napa. BetweenSt. Helena and Yountville, the hamlets o

    Rutherord and Oakville are important

    grape growing and winemaking centers.

    South o the town o Napa, AmericanCanyon is signiicant as a commercialcenter and as the second largest town in

    Napa County (ater the town o Napa). he

    Napa Valley is home to over 400 wineries,

    some o the best restaurants in the United

    States, world-class spas, and many other


    hanks in part to an abundance onatural beauty, and in part to stringent

    eorts to preserve both the beauty and

    the agricultural heritage o the region, the

    Napa Valley remains largely unspoiled by

    its success and notoriety as a wine tourism

    destination. It is worthy o as much timeon your itinerary as you can devote. Count

    Our suggestions on where to taste, where to eat, and what to do

    Napa Valley

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    Top Picks For Wine TastingArtesa Vineyard s & Winer y, 1345

    Henry Road, Napa; 888-679-9463. Among

    the most dramatic and beautiul wineries in

    the world, Artesa is built upon a Carneros

    hillside with views to San Francisco. hewines here are exquisite. Ask about the

    special wine and ood pairings.

    Beaulieu Vineyard, 1960 St. HelenaHwy South, Rutherord; 800-264-6918. I

    you think you know the BV brand, think

    again. Founded by Napa Valley pioneer

    Georges Latour in 1900, Beaulieu Vineyard

    is an integral part o the Valleys history andmakes wines or every palate and budget.

    Beringer Vineyards, 2000 Main Street,St. Helena; 707-963-8989. On the Register o

    National Historic Places, this breathtaking

    winery oers among the best tours and

    tasting experiences in the Valley. Ater your

    tour, sit on the Rhine House wrap-around

    porch and sip through a light o reservewines.

    Black Stallion Winery, 4089 Silveradorail, Napa; 800-200-9756. Located on a

    picturesque stretch o the Silverado rail,

    the Black Stallion estate recalls the rustic

    charm o early Caliornia. he estate

    property is ramed by century-old olive trees

    and landscaped with natural grasses andMediterranean plants.

    Etude Wines, 1250 Cuttings WharRoad, Napa; 707-257-5300. Etude means

    study in French, and this winery is a study

    in the crating o Pinot Noir. Enjoy lights

    highlighting dierent interpretations o this

    notoriously challenging-to-make wine at the

    tasting bar or on the patio.Grgich Hills Estate, 1829 St. Helena

    Hwy, Rutherord; 707-965-2784. Vintner

    Hall o Fame inductee and asting o Paris

    winner Mike Grgich, now well into his

    eighties, continues to nurture his six dierent

    wine varietals as i they were his children.

    Chardonnay is the air-haired child.

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    Ultimate sightseeing experience over the

    southern Napa Valley. Sparkling wine

    landing celebration. Morning launch 7 days

    per week, weather permitting.

    Napa Valley Bike Tours, 6795 Washington

    Street, Bldg. B, Yountville; 707-531-7708.Complete cycling vacations, guided tours,

    sel-guided tours, bicycle rentals. Wine

    purchase pickup service.

    Old Faithul Geyser o Caliornia, 1299ubbs Lane, Calistoga; 707-942-6463. One o

    only three old aithul geysers in the world,

    and home o the amous ainting goats.

    ShoppingRASgalleries, 6540 Washington Street,

    Yountville; 707-944- 9211. Specializes in

    American Art Glass and represents over 200


    Napa Premium Outlets, 629 FactoryStores Drive, Napa; 707-226-9876. Over

    50 designer and name brand stores in an

    upscale shopping mall.Napa Valley Wine Hardware, 659 Main

    Street, St. Helena; 866-611-9463. Unique

    wine accessories, wine racks and cabinets,

    wine books, corkscrews, etc.

    St. Helena Wine Merchants, 699 St.Helena Hwy, St. Helena; 800-729-9463.

    Specialty wine shop oering the best

    wines o Napa Valley, including many oldervintages. Nationwide service.


    Golden Haven Hot Springs, 1713 LakeStreet, Calistoga; 707-942-8000. Calistoga

    hot springs mineral water and rejuvenating

    spa treatments, including mud baths or


    Massage Envy Spa, 3365 Solano Avenue,Napa; 707-255-8000. herapeutic massage

    and skin nourishing acial treatments.

    Visit or our other Wine

    Country locations.

    Lincoln Avenue Spa, 1339 LincolnAvenue, Calistoga; 707-942-2950. Perect

    or visitors to the Napa Valley who want

    Prager Winery &Port Works

    Family owned - operated since 1979

    Tasting Only

    by appointment



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    Napa Valley


    *Ask about The Prager Port Club

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    Cindys Backstreet Kitchen, 1327Railroad Ave, St. Helena, 707-963-1200.

    his upscale eatery has become a beloved

    destination or locals and visitors alike.

    It eatures a menu o delicious, cooked-

    rom-scratch cuisine created rom quality

    ingredients.Cook St. Helena, 1310 Main St., St.

    Helena; 707-963-7088. Dont be ooled by

    the plain storeront o this locals hangout.

    Te excellent Italian are makes this a great

    complement to a day o wine tasting.

    Cuve, 1650 Soscol Ave., Napa; 707-224-2330. Adjacent to the River errace

    Inn, Cuvee has compiled a menu o newAmerican avorites that includes braised

    shortribs, pan roasted chicken and resh sh

    and seaood.

    toile, 1 Caliornia Drive, Yountville; 707-944-2892. Etoile bills itsel as the only ne

    dining restaurant within a winery in Napa

    Valley. It prides itsel on epitomizing the

    very best that wine country dining has tooer.

    Farm, 4048 Sonoma Hwy.. Napa; 707-299-4880. his restaurant prides itsel on

    preparing ood that accompanies win e

    and a passion or experimentation. Most

    ingredients come rom within 150-miles o

    Carneros .

    French Laundry, The; 6640 WashingtonSt., Yountville; 707-944-2380. I you didnt

    make a reservation two months ago you

    are not eating here today, this week, or even

    this month. But no list o Wine Country

    restaurants is complete without it. 3 Stars,

    Michelin Guide, 2011.

    Gotts Roadside Tray Gourmet, 933Main St. between Charter Oak & Pope, St.Helena, 707-963-3486; also at 644 First Street

    (at Oxbow Public Market), Napa, 707-224-

    6900. Inormal, gourmet roadside diner

    with memorable Ahi sandwiches and low

    corkage ee. Lunch, dinner.

    La Toque, 1314 McKinstry Street, Napa;707-257-5157. Che Ken Franks new La

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  • 7/31/2019 Wine Country Guide October 2012


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    Artesa Vineyards &

    Winery is among the

    most dramatic, beautiul

    and unique wineries in

    the world. Built into a

    hilltop on the Napa side

    o C a r n e r o s , A r t e s a s

    spectacular architecture,

    sculpture gardens and

    o u n t a i n s e n h a n c e a

    wraparound view that on

    a clear day includes San

    Francisco some 50 miles to

    the south.

    B u i l t o r i g i n a l l y a s

    Codornu Napa, which

    produced sparkling wines

    exclusively, the winery was

    rechristened Artesa in 1999.

    In the Spanish Catalan

    language o its amily

    owners, who have been

    making sparkling wine or

    450 years, Artesa means

    cratsman. oday Artesas

    w i n e c r a t s m e n a l s o

    produce highly acclaimed

    s t i l l w i n e s i n c l u d i n g

    Chardonnay, Pinot Noir,

    Merlot , and Cabernet


    Visitors sample Artesas

    wines at a curved wooden

    tasting bar with a picture-

    window view o a peaceul

    courtyard. In-the-know

    w e ek en d v i s i t or s c a l l

    ahead to reserve a place

    at an exclusive wine and

    cheese pairing oered

    e v e r y S a t u r d a y a n d

    Sunday at 11:30 in Artesas

    luxurious Raventos Lounge.

    Participation is limited to

    10 guests each day.

    A n o t h e r p o p u l a r

    attraction at Artesa is

    the terrace o the tasting

    room where guests can

    sit to enjoy the sunshine

    and superb views with a

    sampling o their avorite

    Artesa wines.

    Artesa Vineyards & Win-

    ery is located to the south-

    west of the own of Napa,

    near the intersection

    of Carneros Highway with

    Highway 29 North. Enter

    the winery by taking a com-

    fortable climb up the tiered

    double stairway and cross-

    ing the broad plaza to the

    main entrance, pausing to

    appreciate the views, sculp-

    ture and fountains.

    Artesa Vineyards & Winery

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    So many wineries, solittle time. With so many

    great places you couldvisit,

    how do you narrow the

    options? Heres a winningday trip on which youllenjoy exquisite wines in

    three o the most relaxing,enchanting and exclusive

    settings in Napa Valley.Start your day at Stags

    Leap, which has ixed

    tasting appointments at10 and 2:30 daily. A quick

    phone call a day or tw oahead nets you a seated

    tasting in a captivatingsetting under the blus o

    the Stags Leap Palisades.Visitors tour the historic

    Manor House, a two-story

    stone structure with acorner castle-like towerbuilt with rocks rom alocal quarry in 1891.

    S t a g s L e a p w i n ee d u c a t o r s w i l l g u i d ey o u t h r o u g h a l i g h to i v e w i n e s . h e

    w i n e r y , b e s t k n o w n

    o r i t s e l e g a n t P e t i t eS y r a h , a l s o p r o d u c e s

    Vi o g n i e r, C ha rd on n ay,and Cabernet Sauvignon.he 90 acres o estate

    v in eyard s surroundin gt h e M a n o r H o u s e a r elargely planted to PetiteS y r a h a n d C a b e r n e tSauvignon. hese estate

    grapes are eatured inhe Leap, the winerys

    most collectible CabernetSauvignon.

    Ater a leisurely lunchi n n e a r b y Y o u n t v i l l e

    or St . Helena (see thed i n i n g g u i d e i n t h i sm a g a z i n e ) , g o t o S t .Clement Vineyards. Here

    youll ind more rich Napa

    Val ley hist or y as well ass i x w o n d e r u l s i n g l e -

    vineyard Cabernets andt h e i c o n i c B o r d e a u x -s t y l e b l e n d , O r o p p a s .

    S t . C l e m e n t s m a i nt a s t i n g r o o m i s i n aclassic Gothic Victorianbuilt in 1878 by stainedg l a s s m e r c h a n t F r i t z

    Rosenbaum. Architectureb u s w i l l a p p r e c i a t e

    Napa Valley In One Great Day

    St. Clement Vineyards, St. Helena

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    34 | Wine Country Guide >>

    I y o u r e l o o k i n g o rconsistently great wines

    and lots o selections youcant ind back home,

    Whitehall Lane on Highway29 near St. Helena is a must

    stop.W hi t e ha l l L a n e i r st

    opened in 1979, but itswhen the Leonardini amilypurchased the winery in1993 that the awards andaccolades began rollingin, including three wines

    in Wine Spectators op100. Now unquestionablya w o r l d - c l a s s w i n e r y ,

    Whitehall Lane ke eps itssights on consistent qualityand great value.

    h e t a s t i n g r o o m i shoused in a modern looking,a n g u l a r b u i l d i n g . h e

    knowledgeable, r iendlysta will take you throughthe wines, many o whichcome rom the winerys own125 acres in Napa Valley.

    Whitehall Lane makes all othe best varietals rom Napa

    Valley, and or ans o dessertwine, theres also terriic

    Orange Muscat.Whitehall Lane is one o

    the irst Napa Valley wineriesto step boldly into the useo alternative closures ontheir wines since natural

    cork does not always ormthe perect seal. On their

    white wines the winery isusing screw caps, whileon a ew o the red wines,including the perennialaward-winning ReserveCabernet Sauvignon, they

    are using a stylish, easy-to-open glass-on-glass closurethat might just revolutionizethe way wine bottles aresealed.

    W h i t e h a l l L a n e h a sadded two new wine clubsto ensure members can gettheir avorites available only

    at the winer y. Membersr e c e i v e c o m p l i m e n t a r y t o u r s a n d t a s t i n g s ,discounted pricing, accesst o l i m i t e d p r o d u c t i o n

    wines, invitations to partiesand events and accessto the estate or privatecelebrations.

    Taste the consistently great wines from

    Whitehall Lane


    09 Chardonnay, Carneros

    Tis well-balanced Chardonnayhas aromas and favors o pear,honey, tropical ruit and toastyoak. It has a very long, favorul

    nish that lingers. $28

    09 Las Brisas Pinot Noir

    Te Tis rich and graceuloering has appealing aromas

    o rose petals, violets and toasty

    bread. On the palate the wine isplush with waves o ripe currant

    and strawberry favors ramedbeautiully by ancy oak under-tones. Te subtle tannins addlength to the silky nish. $48

    08 Reserve Cabernet

    Sauvignon, Napa Valley

    Tis stylish wine is captivatingand delicious rom the enticingaromas to the long, smooth

    nish. Its a blend o lush ruitwith aromas o deep blackberry,

    currant and toasted oak. $75


    1563 St. Helena HighwaySt. Helena, CA 94574


    Open daily 10-5:45


    Whitehall Lane Winery is locatedat 1563 St. Helena Highway

    (Highway 29) in St. Helena, justsouth o Zinandel Lane.

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    36 | Wine Country Guide >>

    St. Helena is the capital oNapa Valley and a town

    that epitomizes all that

    makes this area so special -

    world-class wineries, greateats and unique shopping.

    Plan a ew days with St.

    Helena as your home base

    and delve into all that this

    vibrant small town has to


    I youre interested in

    spending a day or twowine tasting and touring,

    St . Helena has plenty

    o wineries to explore.

    One o the best in-depth

    tours around is oered

    at Beringer Vineyards,

    the oldest continuously

    operating winery in Napa

    Val ley. For wine tast ing

    without an appointment,

    drop in at Whitehall Lane

    or St . Clement, whereyoull ind many incredible

    examples o Napa Valleys

    inest Cabernet Sauvignons.

    For something entirely

    d i e r e n t , B e n e s s e r e

    Vin eyard s has a w id e

    s e l e c t i o n o u n u s u a l

    I t a l i a n v a r i e t a l s ,including Aglianico and

    Sagrantino. Across the

    valley on Silverado rai l,

    visit Wil liam Harrison

    V i n e y a r d s , w h i c h

    specializes in Bordeaux-

    style blends. Back in town,

    Merryvale Vineyards stays

    open until 6:30pm daily so

    you can make one last stop

    beore dinner.

    St. Helena has a wides e l e c t i o n o e a t s o r

    whatever you crave. In the

    morning, the top stop or

    coee is Napa Valley Coee

    Roasting Company, where

    they roast resh beans

    almost daily. Youll ind

    the best pastries in townat Model Bakery, which is

    also the perect stop or a

    quick lunch o resh salads,

    sandwiches or the days

    special pizza. I you want a

    juicy burger or other classic

    drive-in are, check out

    Picture Perfect St. Helena

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    38 | Wine Country Guide >>




    North 29



    Myrtle St.

    Cedar St.









    Washington St.






    Myrtledale/Grant St.



    e d

    Fore s












    Rosedale Rd.

    Comfort Inn

    Old Faithful


    Golden Haven Spa

    Vermeil Wines


    Indian Springs

    Clos Pegase


    Eurospa& Inn

    B Cellars

    Stevenson Manor Inn


    Chien BlancCalistogaBalloons


    ST. HEL




    Wine Country Guide | Northern Napa Maps

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  • 7/31/2019 Wine Country Guide October 2012


    Our suggestions on where to taste, where to eat, and what to do

    Healdsburg Area

    40 | Wine Country Guide >>

    As the Russian River twists and turns her

    way out to the Paciic, valleys and gentle

    hillsides an out on both sides. Her banks

    are strewn with sandy beaches, redwood

    orests, and vineyards o every description.

    he river has carved three valleys o major

    winemaking signiicance: Alexander, Dr y

    Creek, and Russian River. hrough these

    valleys dozens o wineries rise out o the sea

    o vines, presenting visitors with a balingarray o places to explore and tastes to savor.

    We suggest you explore the three valleys

    starting rom Healdsburgwinery central

    or northern Sonoma County and the hub

    o the three-valley area. Framed by the

    Alexander Valley to the northeast, the Dry

    Creek Valley to the northwest, and Chalk

    Hill and Knights Valley to the southeast,

    its no wonder the grapes and wine make

    the towns wheels go round. he heart o

    Healdsburg is a shady park, known as the

    Plaza, surrounded by inns, restaurants,

    and shops. here are gourmet delis, too, i

    you choose to picnic right there or want to

    provision a vineyard outing.

    Dry Creek ValleyNear the Mendocino County border, about

    10 miles northwest o Healdsburg, the Warm

    Springs Dam holds back the waters o Dry

    Creek, orming serpentine Lake Sonoma.

    From the dam, you get a birds eye view

    o the valley that rolls out in ront o you.

    he dam was built by the Army Corps o

    Engineers in the 1980s primarily to orm

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    42 | Wine Country Guide >>

    and, while scenic and serviceable, it is

    not a particularly good road. I you ollow

    Westside all the way to its end, you will ind

    yoursel at River Road about three miles

    west o Wohler.

    he character o the Russian RiverValley is a bit dierent north to south. he

    northern reach has much more o a Dry

    Creek Valley eel. Up north the wineries are

    generally larger, newer, and perhaps a little

    lashier than in the south, which has a more

    rustic eel.

    On the map, the southern Russian River

    Valley is a large area with irregular shapethat is somewhat wider than it is tall. It is

    bounded on the north by River Road, which

    becomes Old River Road near Guerneville;

    and on the south by state Highway 12, which

    becomes Sebastopol Road and then the

    Bodega Highway as it runs east to west. On

    the west, the Bohemian Highway shapes

    the area, running rom near Guerneville

    southeast to Freestone. Highway 101 orms

    the eastern boundary.

    State Highway 116 runs diagonally

    through the southern valley, rom

    Guerneville in the northwest to Sebastopol

    in the southeast. Other important roads

    are Mirabel Road, which connects River

    Road and Highway 116; Guerneville Road

    connecting Highway 101 and Highway 116;

    and Olivet Road connecting River Road and

    Guerneville Road. All along this skeleton

    o roadways and many smaller roads

    branching rom it are a myriad o wineries

    where you can taste Pinot Noir, Zinandel,

    and other wines produced in the Russian

    River Valley appellation.

    he major towns youll want to consider

    visiting in the southern Russian River Valley

    are Sebastopol, Graton, Guerneville, and

    Occidental. Forestville is also important

    because it is home to some good wineries

    and is located at the junction o Mirabel

    Road and Highway 116.

    In Sebastopol, you can enjoy an easy stroll

    along Main Street to take in antique, art,

    and book shops among other homegrown

    stores and restaurants that somehow

    are only ound in small towns. Youll ind

    the Sebastopol natives to be riendly and

    welcoming i a bit quirky. Nonconormityis the norm among many locals in this

    unabashedly authentic and American small


    he hamlet o Graton is essentially a wide

    spot in Graton Road just west o Highway

    116 near its intersection with Guerneville

    Road and about our miles northwest oSebastopol. ake a ew minutes to walk

    the downtown area, occupying just a

    couple o blocks along Graton Road. Youll

    ind surprising touches o sophistication

    including good restaurants and interesting


    I youve stopped in Graton, you might as

    well continue on along Graton Road about

    six miles to the southwest to Occidental.

    Yet another micro-town, Occidental

    seems impossibly cute, but is remarkably

    authentic. Here again you will ind good

    restaurants and many interesting shops

    to browse. From Occidental, you can head

    north along the Bohemian Highway to

    Guerneville or go south to Freestone where

    you can pick up the Sebastopol Highway

    (Highway 12) back toward Sebastopol. Or,

    you can just go back to Highway 116 the way

    you came.

    Guerneville is about 12 miles to the

    northwest o Graton along Highway 116, andabout 15 miles to the north o Occidental

    along the Bohemian Highway route. During

    the warmer months, which can be seven or

    eight months in the Wine Country, it is the

    ocal point o much activity or visitors to

    the many rustic resorts along the Russian


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    44 | Wine Country Guide >>

    Wi n e d r i n k e r s k n o w R o d n e y S t r o n g

    Vineyards or its wonderul,approachable line o SonomaCounty wines. But startingive years ago the winery

    signiicantly upped the antewhen it started the Winerywithin a Winery, a cuttingedge project to create smalllots o distinctive ultra-

    premium wines.N o w R o d n e y S t r o n g

    o e r s o n e o t h e e w

    c o m p r e h e n s i v e w i n e r y tours in Sonoma Countyw here you can see theWinery within a Winery

    project in action. ourparticipants st art out inthe estate vineyard with anintroduction to vineyard

    practices. hen it s into

    the winery or a irsthandlook at the this innovative

    p r o j e c t . I n t h e c e l l a ryoull learn about how thewinemaking team careullyselects, sorts, and processesthe best individual vineyardblocks to make RodneyStrongs Reserve and Single

    Vineyard wines.A ter the tour, stop in

    the tasting room or theReserve tasting, where the

    winery shows o the greatwork done in the Winer ywithin a Winery. his listo superbly crated winesincludes two single vineyard

    Alexander Valley CabernetSauvignons that highlightthe dierence place makese v e n w i t h i n a s i n g l eappellation. Youll also get

    to try Reserve Chardonnay,Reserve Pinot Noir, andRodney Strongs lagshipB o r d e a u x - s t y l e b l e n d ,Symmetry.

    R o d n e y S t r o n g shospitality center oersa large selection o unique

    gits or riends and amilyback home. his un andeclectic git shop eatureslocal, handmade and highquality tabletop accessories,

    wine accessories, and logoattire. Its the perect placeto do all o your holiday andspecial occasion shopping.

    Enjoy tours, tasting, and shopping at

    Rodney Strong Vineyards


    07 Symmetry Red Meritage,

    Alexander Valley

    Layers o blackberry, cassis, darkplums and sweet spices with a

    hint o smoky dark chocolateand spice. Silky in texture and

    long on the nish. $55

    07 Reserve Cabernet

    Sauvignon, Alexander Valley

    Full bodied and richly textured,with intense aromas and favors

    o black currant, sandalwood,white pepper and cocoa.

    Smooth, lingering nish. $45

    09 Russian River Pinot Noir,

    Estate Vineyard

    Aged entirely in small Frenchoak barrels, which adds a

    subtle, toasty vanilla characterand a hint o spice. $16


    11455 Old Redwood HighwayHealdsburg, CA 95448


    Open 10 AM - 5 PM Daily

    Guided winery tours daily at11 AM and 3 PM


    Exit Highway 101 Northat Healdsburg Ave. akea let rom o-ramp onto

    Healdsburg Ave./Old RedwoodHighway to the winery 1.6

    miles on the right.

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    46 | Wine Country Guide >>





    Wine Country Guide | Northern Sonoma Maps







    March Ave.






    DryCreek Rd.

    Lincoln St.

    Grant St.

    Piper St.

    Haydon St.








    Hudson St.

    Healdsburg Ave.



    Simi Winery

    Kendall-JacksonTasting Room


    Grape Leaf Inn

    Gallo of Sonoma

    RosenblumSelby Winery



    Hudson StreetWineries

    Camellia, Sapphire,Holdredge


    La Crema


    In VinoVeritas


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    48 | Wine Country Guide >>


    Take Sterlings amous aerial tram to

    the top o the hill or a special reserve

    tasting (p. 12)OLD FAITHFUL

    Visit one o only three Old Faithul

    geysers in the world (p. 18)


    See the Napa Valley in one great day

    with stops at three notable wineries

    (p. 32)



    Experience a Calistoga mud bath at

    Golden Haven Hot Springs (p. 14)


    Get a mud treatment on a special

    Ayurvedic steam table (p. 14)

    WHITEHALL LANEVisit the winery, honored three

    times or wines rated in the top ve

    worldwide (p. 34)


    Ater tasting, promote peace by drop-

    ping coins in the ountain at Grgich

    Hills Winery (p. 26)


    Providing exceptional transportation

    and memorable tours in the wine

    country since 1986. (p. 2)

    BERINGER VINEYARDSTour and taste Napa at its best, past

    and present, at Beringer Vineyards

    (p. 30)


    Rent a bicycle or a ew hours, a day,

    or longer (p. 24)


    See extraordinary art collections at

    RASgalleries in Yountville (p. 35)


    Serving Napa and Sonoma with excep-

    tional service and experience (p. 4)


    Dine on the Wine Train as the Napa

    Valley glides slowly by (p. 25)


    Reserve with Napa Valley Balloons to

    soar above it all (p. 16)


    See breathtaking views, architecture,

    and ountains at Artesa (p. 28)


    Shop at over 50 designer and name

    brand stores at Napa Premium

    Outlets (p. 24)


    Taste the incredible wines rom the

    Oak Knoll district s Cunat Family

    Vineyards (p. 23)


    Enjoy world-class entertainment

    at historic Napa Valley Opera House

    (p. 27)


    Taste delicious Caliornia Ports rom


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    50 | Wine Country Guide | SONOMA NORTH DIRECTORY

    A. Rafanelli Winery

    4685 West Dry Creek RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-1385.

    Alderbrook Winery

    2306 Magnolia Drive

    Healdsburg; 707-433-5987.

    Arista Winery

    7015 Westside RoadHealdsburg, CA 95448


    3320 Dry Creek Rd.Healdsburg; 707-431-9200.

    Armida Winery

    2201 Westside RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-2222.

    Bella Vineyards

    9711 West Dry Creek RoadHealdsburg; 866-572-3552.

    Chalk Hill Winery

    10300 Chalk Hill RoadHealdsburg; 707-838-4306.

    Christopher Creek Winery

    641 Limerick LaneHealdsburg; 707-433-2001.

    Clos du Bois

    19410 Geyserville AveGeyserville; 707-857-3100.

    David Coffaro Winery

    7485 Dry Creek RoadGeyserville; 707-433-9715.

    Davis Family Vineyards

    52 Front St Healdsburg; 707-433-3858.

    De La Montanya Estate

    999 Forman LaneHealdsburg; 707-484-8090.

    DeLoach Vineyards

    1791 Olivet Road Santa Rosa;707-526-9111.


    2001 Hwy. 128 Geyserville;707-857-2000.

    Dry Creek Vineyard

    3770 Lambert Bridge RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-1000.

    Dutcher Crossing

    8533 Dry Creek RoadHealdsburg; 707-431-2700.

    Everett Ridge Vineyards

    435 West Dry Creek RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-1637,ext. 17.

    F. Teldeschi Winery

    3555 Dry Creek Road

    Healdsburg; 707-433-6626.

    Family Wineries

    4791 Dry Creek RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-0100.

    Ferrari-Carano Vineyards

    & Winery

    8761 Dry Creek RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-6700.

    Field Stone Winery

    10075 Hwy. 128 Healdsburg;707-433-7266.

    Foppiano Vineyards

    12707 Old Redwood HwyHealdsburg; 707-433-7272.

    Francis Coppola Winery

    300 Via Archimedes RoadGeyserville; 707-968-1100.

    Fritz Winery24691 Dutcher Creek RoadCloverdale; 707-894-3389.

    Gary Farrell Winery

    10701 Westside RoadHealdsburg; 707-473-2900.

    Geyser Peak Winery

    22281 Chianti RoadGeyserville; 707-857-2500.

    Hanna Winery (Alex. Valley)9280 Hwy 128 Healdsburg;707-431-4310.

    Hartford Family Winery

    8075 Martinelli RoadForestville; 707-887-1756.

    Harvest Moon Winery

    2192 Olivet Road Santa Rosa;707-573-8711.

    Hauck Cellars

    223 Center StreetHealdsburg; 707-473-9065

    Hawkes Winery

    6734 Hwy 128 Healdsburg;707-433-HAWK.

    Holdredge Wines

    51 Front St Healdsburg; 707-431-1424.

    Hook & Ladder Winery2134 Olivet Rd., Santa Rosa,707-526-2255

    Hop Kiln Winery

    6050 Westside Road

    Healdsburg; 707-433-6491.

    Hudson Street Wineries

    428 Hudson Street,Healdsburg; 707-433-2364.428 Hudson St Healdsburg;707-433-2364.

    In Vino Veritas

    118 North St Healdsburg;707-395-0307.

    Iron Horse Vineyards

    9786 Ross Station RoadSebastopol; 707-887-1507.

    J Vineyards & Winery

    11447 Old Redwood HwyHealdsburg; 707-431-3646.

    J. Rochioli Vineyards

    6192 Westside RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-2305.

    Jordan Vineyard & Winery

    Appointment.1474 Alexander Valley RoadHealdsburg; 707-431-5250.

    Joseph Swan Vineyards

    2916 Laguna RoadForestville; 707-573-3747.

    Kendall-Jackson Wine

    Center5007 Fulton Road SantaRosa; 707-571-8100.

    Kendall-Jackson337 Healdsburg AveHealdsburg; 707-433-7102.

    Korbel Champagne

    Cellars13250 River Road

    Guerneville; 707-824-7316.

    La Crema

    235 Healdsburg AveHealdsburg; 707-431-9400.

    Lambert Bridge Winery

    4085 West Dry Creek RoadHealdsburg; 707-431-9600.

    Lancaster Estate

    15001 Chalk Hill Road

    Healdsburg; 707-433-8178.

    Limerick Lane Cellars

    1023 Limerick LaneHealdsburg; 707-433-9211.

    Longboard Vineyards

    5 Fitch St Healdsburg; 707-433-3473

    Lynmar Winery

    3909 Frei Road Sebastopol;707-829-3374.

    Mauritson Family Winery

    2859 Dry Creek RoadHealdsburg; 707-431-0804.

    Marimar Torres estate11400 Graton RoadSebastopol; 707-823-4365.

    Martin Ray Winery

    2191 Laguna Road SantaRosa; 707-823-2404.

    Martinelli Winery

    3360 River Road Windsor;707-525-0570.

    Matanzas Creek Winery6097 Bennett Valley RoadSanta Rosa; 707-528-6464.

    Mazzocco Vineyards

    1400 Lytton Springs RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-9035.


    3291 Westside RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-1911

    Meeker Vineyard21035 Geyserville AveGeyserville; 707-431-2148.


    4155 Wine Creek RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-7427.

    Mill Creek

    1401 Westside RoadHealdsburg; 707-431-2121.

    deLorimier Winery

    2001 Hwy. 128 Geyserville;707-857-2000.


    3487 Alexander Vly. Rd.,Healdsburg; 707-431-8845.

    Moshin Vineyards10295 Westside RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-5499.

    Wine Country Guide | Sonoma North Wineries

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    SONOMA NORTH DIRECTORY | Wine Country Guide | 51

    Murphy-Goode Winery

    20 Matheson St.Healdsburg; 707-431-7644.

    Paul Hobbs Winery

    3355 Gravenstein Hwy N.Sebastopol; 707-824-9879.

    Papapietro Perry4791 Dry Creek RdHealdsburg; 707-433-0422.

    Passalacqua Winery

    3805 Lambert B ridge RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-5550.

    Paradise Ridge Winery

    4545 Thomas Lake Harris Dr.Santa Rosa; 707-528-9463.

    Pedroncelli Winery1220 Canyon RoadGeyserville; 707-857-3531.

    Porter Creek Vineyards

    8735 Westside RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-6321.

    Preston Vineyards

    9282 West Dry Creek RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-3372.

    Raymond Burr Vineyards

    8339 West Dry Creek RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-8559.

    Ridge at Lytton Springs

    650 Lytton Springs RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-7721.

    Robert Young Estate Winery

    4960 Red Winery RoadGeyserville; 707-431-4811.

    Rodney Strong11455 Old Redood HwyHealdsburg; 707-431-1533.

    Russian Hill Winery

    4525 Slusser Road Windsor;707-575-9428.

    Russian River Vineyards5700 Gravenstein Hwy NorthForestville; 707-887-3344.

    Sausal Winery

    7370 Hwy 128 Healdsburg;707-433-2285.

    Seghesio Family Vineyards

    14730 Grove St Healdsburg;707-433-3579.

    Selby Winery

    215 Center St Healdsburg;707-431-1288.

    Siduri Wines

    980 Airway Court, Suite CSanta Rosa; 707-578-3882.

    Silver Oak Cellars

    24625 Chianti RoadGeyserville; 707-857-3562.

    Simi Winery16275 Healdsburg AveHealdsburg; 707-473-3231.

    Stonestreet Winery

    7111 Hwy 128Healdsburg; 800-355-8008.

    Stryker Sonoma

    5110 Hwy 128 Geyserville;707-433-1944.

    Sunce Winery

    1839 Olivet road Santa Rosa;707-526-9463.

    Taft Street Winery

    2030 Barlow LaneSebastopol; 707-823-2049.

    Thumbprint Cellars

    102 Matheson St.,Healdsburg; 707-433-2393.

    Toad Hollow Vineyards

    409-A Healdsburg AveHealdsburg; 707-431-8667.

    Topel Winery

    125 Matheson St.Healdsburg; 707-433-4116.

    Trentadue Winery

    19170 Geyserville AveGeyserville; 707-433-3104.

    Twomey Cellars

    3000 Westside RoadHealdsburg; 800-505-4850.

    Unti Vineyards

    4202 Dry Creek RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-5590.

    Vintners Signatures

    4001 Hwy 128, Geyserville;707-857-3300.

    White Oak Vineyards

    7505 Hwy 128 Healdsburg;707-433-8429.

    Williamson Winery

    134 Matheson St.Healdsburg; 707-433-1500.

    Wilson Winery

    1960 Dry Creek RoadHealdsburg; 707-433-4355.

    o s m o s i sD A Y S P A

    S A N C T U A R Y 707-823-8231

    Located in historic Freestone, ca

    Gateway to the scenic sonoma coast

    Discover the Perfect Spa Getaway

    w - 13 ug

    Best Day Spa in the North Bay

















  • 7/31/2019 Wine Country Guide October 2012


    52 | Wine Country Guide >>

    Sonoma Valley, also known as the Valley

    o the Moon, is about an hours drive

    north o San Francisco and about a hal-

    hours drive rom either the Sonoma County

    Airport to the northwest or the town oNapa to the east. Some 17 miles in length,the valley is bounded by the outskirts o

    Santa Rosa on the north, San Pablo Bay on

    the south, the Mayacamas Mountains to

    the west, and the Sonoma Mountains to the


    Home to about 75 wineries, Sonoma

    Valley i s a complete wine touri smdestination unto itsel. Its three principal

    townsKenwood, Glen Ellen and the

    town o Sonomaeature excellent

    B&B and ull-service hotel (including

    spa) accommodations as well as many

    restaurants highly regarded or casualand ine dining. Sonoma Valley is the

    birthplace o the Caliornia wine industry

    with vineyards dating to the early 1800s.

    he regions winemaking reputation is built

    on robust red wines including Cabernet

    Sauvignon, Zinandel, and Meritage blends,

    among others. But Sonoma Valley vintnersproduce over 25 varieties o wine in all, sono matter what your palates preerence you

    are likely to ind wines that please here.

    ravel-Wise ip: Sonoma Valley and the

    Healdsburg area (including Alexander,

    Dry Creek and Russian River valleys) are

    the main wine regions o Sonoma County.

    From the town o Sonoma to Healdsburgis about 40 miles and, in usual driving

    conditions, driving time is about an hour.

    While it is certainly possible to tour the

    Healdsburg area through day trips rom a

    base in Sonoma Valley, it is not advisable. It

    is ar better to devote two or three days toeach area and to reserve accommodations

    close to where youll be touring. Visiting

    Our suggestions on where to taste, where to eat, and what to doSonoma Valley

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    Napa Rd.









    Napa St.





    To San Francisco

    To Santa Rosa

    Adobe Canyon Rd.


    E. Bonness Rd.





    Bonneau Rd.

    Carneros Hwy.

    Oakville Grade(steep)

    to NapaValley













    Aerobatic Plane Rides

    Infineon Raceway

    General Vallejo'sHome

    Buena Vista


    Bartholomew Park

    Sonoma MissionInn & Spa


    Chateau St. Jean

    Jack LondonState


    Viansa Winery

    Landmark Winery



    Cline Cellars

    Gloria Ferrer

    LarsonFamily Winery

    Schug Winery

    Ravenswood Winery

    Valley of the Moon Winery

    Arrowood Winery

    St. Francis


    Matanzas CreekWinery

    The Wine Room

    B.R.Cohn Winery

    Adler Fels Winery

    Mayo Reserve Room

    Ledson Hotel& Harmony Club


    Sonoma Valley Visitors Center



    Mayo Family Winery

    Kaz Winery

    Glen EllenOlive Oil



    To Stone Tree Golf Course

    Imagery Estate Winery

    SonomaWine Hardware





    El Pueblo Inn


    Jacuzzi Winery

    Anaba Wines


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    54 | Wine Country Guide >>

    Here are our recommendations or wineries

    that deserve a spot on your itinerary. o be

    sure, there are plenty o other good wineries

    in Sonoma Valley, but you cannot go wrong

    choosing rom this list:

    Top Picks For Wine TastingChateau St. Jean, 8555 Sonoma Hwy,

    Kenwood; 707-833-4134. Stunning. he

    gardens o this winerys dreamlike setting

    oer visitors the eeling o having traveled to

    the Mediterranean. World-class wines and

    a well stocked charcuterie make this the

    perect picnic spot.

    Cline Cellars, 24737 Arnold Drive,Sonoma; 707-940-4000. You know this

    brand, and youd never imagine it comes

    rom this laid-back winery. he tasting

    room is in an 1850s armhouse. here

    are aviaries and a museum o Caliornia

    missions. Some wines may be amiliar, but

    others may surprise you.

    Jacuzzi Family Vineyards, 24724 ArnoldDrive, Sonoma; 866-522-8693. Yes, this is

    the same Jacuzzi, the amily whose name

    is synonymous with luxury whirlpool spas.

    And what a job they ve done with their

    winer y--a spectacular Italian villa--and

    their wines, which celebrate the amilys

    heritage. Youll be sorry i you miss this one!

    Kenwood Vineyards, 9592 SonomaHwy, Kenwood; 707-833-5891. his acility

    and sta behind this amiliar wine label are

    unexpectedly rustic and riendly. heres

    nothing corporate about this 22-acre estate

    with its tasting room in the barnjust an

    authentic Wine Country experience.

    Ledson Winery & Vineyards, 7335Sonoma Hwy, Kenwood; 707-537-3810. Youhave to see this 16,000 square oot French-

    Normandy castle to believe it. our the

    winery, stroll the grounds, and taste some o

    the best wines in Sonoma Valley.

    Schug Carneros Estate, 602 BonneauRoad, Sonoma; 707-939-9363. he drive up

    rom Bonneau Road will take you through

    vineyards and rose borders to where thewinery building is tucked into a hillside

    containing underground barrel caves.

    Behind the German style post-and-beam

    building, there is a vista point with a 360

    view o th e surrounding area and the

    opportunity to see as ar as Mount Diablo

    on a clear day.

    Sebastiani Vineyards & Winery, 389Fourth Street East, Sonoma; 800-888-5532.

    his legendary winery has been making

    ine wines at the current location or well

    over 100 years. Get a irst-hand sense o

    history while tasting outstanding wines,

    many available only at the winery.

    Valley o the Moon, 777 Madrone Road,

    Glen Ellen; 707-939-4500. his landmarkwinery marries a rich history dating to

    1860 with state-o-the-art wine production

    and Italian artisan packaging. he etched

    bottles are git-worthy, but youll be

    tempted to keep the wine or yoursel.

    Where To Dine

    Basque Boulangerie Ca, 460 FirstStreet East, Sonoma; 707-935-7687. A great

    place to ind locals early in the morning

    talking to neighbors, reading the paper and

    grabbing a cup o coee with a pastry.

    Carneros Bistro & Wine Bar, 1325Broadway (in he Lodge at Sonoma),

    Sonoma; 707-931-2042. For heartier are,


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    56 | Wine Country Guide >>

    this venue prides itsel on a creative menu

    with ingredients rom Sonoma County

    arms, ranches and dairies.

    Ca Citti, 9049 Sonoma Hwy, Kenwood;707-833-2690. his wonderul, casual

    neighborhood restaurant oers consistently

    good Italian ood including a good variety o


    The Girl & The Fig, 110 West Spain Street,Sonoma; 707-938-3634. Seasonal, Provencal-

    inspired cuisine eatures garden vegetables,

    herbs, and an abundance o creativity.

    Ca La Haye, 140 East Napa St, Sonoma;

    707-935-5994. Restaurant critic MichaelBauer calls this small and intimate eatery

    one o those rare restaurants in which you

    know the moment you walk in the door,

    youre going to have a good time ... Simple

    ood prepared to perection ... excellent


    Harvest Moon Ca, 487 First St West

    (West Napa Street), Sonoma; 707-933-8160.

    Award-winning Sonoma County Wines ~ Free Historical Tours ~ Picnic Grounds

    Located four blocks from the Sonoma Plaza ~ Open Daily 11am-5pm.

    Sebastiani Vineyards & Winery~389 Fourth Street East, Sonoma CA 95476 ~ 707-933-3200 ~ Established in 1904


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    I you want to be treated like royalty,

    visit Ledson Winery and Vineyards in

    Kenwood. he 16,000 square oot French-

    Normandy winery reerred to as he

    Castle, sits majestically behind its estate


    Steve Ledson adopted his passion or

    growing grapes rom his ather, grandather

    and great-grandather. He originally built

    he Castle as his private home, but when it

    began to draw much attention rom locals

    and tourists alike, he decided he wanted

    more privacy. In 1999 he opened the doors

    to the public and created

    one o the most unique

    and dynamic wineries

    anywhere in the country.

    Upon arrival, a well-

    inormed concierge will

    guide guests over elegant parquet loors to

    one o the our cozy and classy tasting salons.

    On warm spring and summer days, the doors

    are let wide open. Ater tasting, you may be

    tempted to stroll through the gardens. You can

    also visit the Gourmet Marketplace and select

    among ine cheeses rom around the world,

    meats, pastas, salads and sinully decadent

    desserts. While enjoying your avorite Ledson

    wine, you can picnic beneath century-old oak


    All Ledson wines are handcrated in small

    production lots and many sell out beore

    the next vintage is ready to go to market. A

    great way to avoid disappoint is to join one o

    Ledsons our wine clubs. Members receive two

    bottles or a case o wine with each shipment

    and you choose the wines you preer: white

    only, red only, Zinandel only, or a mix.

    Club members are treated to private parties

    throughout the year and enjoy preerred

    pricing at additional events.

    Ledson Winery also provides a unique and

    romantic setting or a airytale wedding. he

    Castles dramatic circular driveway and arched

    carriage entryway, water ountains, and grand

    staircase create the perect background or

    exchanging nuptials like royalty. And the

    stunning visuals make or a magniicent

    wedding album.

    o enhance the Ledson experience, there

    is the luxurious Ledson Hotel and Centre du

    Vin on the historic Sonoma Plaza. Named

    by Conde Nast raveler as One o the 100

    hottest new hotels around

    the globe, one o the top

    18 hotels in the US, and

    one o the only 2 hotelsin Caliornia, the hotel

    eatures six individually decorated guest

    rooms, urnished in antique grandeur blended

    with the inest modern comorts. he French

    Bistro, open rom 11:00 am, serves ine wines,

    sparklers, beer and cocktails with delicious

    French cuisine made rom local ingredients.Centre du Vin eatures wine and ood pairing,

    as well as wine tasting at the beautiul and

    welcoming bar. As a bonus, there is outside

    seating where you can watch the world go

    by on the Plaza. he Hotel also eatures

    incredible live music events rom time to time.

    For hotel reservations log on to or call 707-996-9779. he

    concierge will be happy to assist with your

    plans or an unorgettable stay in the area.

    Ledson Winery is open daily rom 10:00 am

    to 5:00 pm, at 7335 Highway 12, Kenwood. For

    more inormation call 707-537-3810 or visit

    S P O T L I G H T O N . . .

    S P O T L I G H T O N . . .

    Extraordinary Hospitality Exquisite Atmosphere Impeccable Wines


    This castle is a must

    see. Bella English, The

    Boston Globe

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    Wondering what to do

    with your ree day in

    San Francisco? Hop in the

    car and in just 45 minutes

    you can be at the door oyour irst winery in the

    spectacular Carneros wine


    heres a distinct eel in

    Carneros, whose location at

    the conluence o Napa and

    Sonoma makes it part o

    both regions. Yet Carneroshas its own unique and

    inimitable spirit, ed by its

    world reputation or ine

    sparkling wine, Chardonnay

    and Pinot Noir.

    Highway 121 is the

    g a t e w a y t o C a r n e r o s ,

    and within a ew minutes

    you l l hit some world-

    class wineries on this

    scenic stretch o road. On

    either side o the highwayare sister wineries Cline

    Cellars and Jacuzzi Family

    Vineyard s. Cline is best

    known or its highly-rated

    Rhone varietals, but this

    350-acre estate oers so

    much or visitors picnic

    grounds, spring-ed pondsand colorul gardens.

    Across th e hig hway,

    Ja cuzzi pays homage to

    Cline proprietor Fred Clines

    Italian heritage. Jacuzzi

    eatures a wide array o

    interesting Italian varietals

    served in a sprawling 18,000

    square-oot villa modeled

    ater the Jacuzzi amily

    home in Italy.

    Just up Highway 121 atits junction with Highway

    116 (Arnold Drive) is

    Schug Carneros Estate.

    Founded in 1980, Schug

    Carneros Estate Winery

    is the showcase and lie-

    long dream o one o

    Caliornias most celebratedwinemakers, Walter Schug

    who bui lt hi s reputation

    at Joseph Phelps Winery.

    raveling eastward and

    deeper into the region

    a l o n g t h e C a r n e r o s

    H i g h w a y ( H i g h w a y 1 2 ,

    Exploring Close-In Carneros

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    The name Jacuzzi evokesan expectation o luxury,

    and luxury is exactly whatv isitors ind at JacuzziFamily Vineyards.

    Jacuzzi Family Vineyardswas irst launched in 1994by Fred Cline, proprietor oCline Cellars and grandsono Jacuzzi whirlpool inventor

    Valeriano Jacuzzi. he brandmade its home at Clineuntil 2007, when the wineryopened in its new 18,000

    square oot home directlyacross the highway romCline in Carneros.

    Jacuzzi Family Vineyardsc e l e b r a t e s t h e J a c u z z iamilys Italian heritage. othat end, the main visitorcenter at Jacuzzi is a uscan-style stone villa modeled

    ater the Jacuzzi homesteadin Udine, Italy. And, thetasting room eatures mostlyItalian varietals, includingMoscato, Dolcetto, Barbera,and even lesser known oneslike Arneis, Lagrein, and

    Aleatico.he visitor center has

    incredible detail work bothinside and out, rom thedramatic Murano chandelierin the main oyer to thetasting bar handcrated

    using 10 dierent kinds owood. Visitors can enjoy apicnic in the winerys stonepiazza (courtyard), whosecenterpiece is an 85-yearold ig tree transplantedrom grandpa Valerianoshome in Oakley. Or, themore adventurous can walk

    up the steps o the winerysbell tower or spectacular,

    panoramic views o theCarneros hills.

    Vi sitors to Jacuzzi canalso sample olive oils romthe Olive Press, a boutiqueolive oil producer. he OlivePress has its own tasting

    room with ull view o theolive oil production area,and visitors can watch oilbeing made during harvestseason. Both Olive Press and

    Jacuzzi tasting rooms have awide selection o importedand local ood products thatmake great gits.

    Experience the Jacuzzi family way of life

    Jacuzzi Family Vineyards TASTING SUGGESTIONS06 Pinot Grigio,

    Sonoma Coast

    Bright, crisp and well-bal-anced, with delicious tropicalpear and peach favors. $21

    06 Pinot Noir, Carneros

    Ripe red cherries, raspberries,strawberries andspearmint. $24

    05 Sangiovese, Sonoma


    Bright raspberry, cherry andspicy favors with balanced

    acidity and moderate

    tannins. $24



    24724 Arnold DriveSonoma, Caliornia 95476

    Phone: (866)

    Open daily 10-5:30

    DIRECTIONSJacuzzi Family Vineyards is

    on Arnold Drive/Highway121 directly across rom

    sibling winery Cline, 1.8 milessouth o the Highway 12/121

    intersection and 4.9 milesnorth o Highway 37.

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    64 | Wine Country Guide >>

    Lake County

    Just a hal hour north o the Napa

    Valley and Mendocino County wineries

    are the wine regions o Lake County. he

    relaxed, rural atmosphere and clean aircontribute to the rereshing character o

    these unspoiled regions. Well-known as a

    vacation and weekend getaway destination,

    Lake County is re-establishing its reputation

    or producing ine wines.

    Wi th an important exception, Lake

    Countys wine regions are around Clear

    Lake, the large body o water that is themain ocus o tourism within the county.

    he exception is Guenoc Valley, situated

    along Butts Canyon Road just north o the

    Napa County line. he Clear Lake district

    literally surrounds the lake; carved within

    it are two sub-regions. he Red Hills district

    is just to the southwest o the lake along

    Highway 29 as it runs northwest towardKelseyville. he High Valley district lies

    along the eastern shore o the lake, just

    to the north o Highway 20 between the

    j u n c t i o n w i t h s t a t e

    Highway 53 and the town

    o Lucerne.

    Clear Lake, with its

    100 miles o shoreline,is Caliornias largest

    natural reshwater lake.

    he parks, beaches and

    resorts around the lake are

    popular spots or rest and

    relaxation, amily picnics,

    ishing, skiing, boating and


    A one-day taste o Lake

    County is best achieved by

    simply driving around the

    lake, a distance o some 60

    miles on highways 29, 20,

    and 53. Consult the map

    and directories in this

    section to plan your itinerary and stops.

    Highway 175, ive miles north o Kelseyville

    will take you to Highway 101 i your evening

    destination is in Mendocino or Sonomacounties.

    he communities o Lake County

    are alive with special events such as the

    Heron Festival at Clear Lake State Park

    (April); Wild West Day in Upper Lake and

    Middletown Days in Middletown (June);

    the Lake County Wine Adventure (July); the

    Kelseyville Pear Festival (September); SteeleWines Harvest Festival (October); Memorial

    Day, 4th o July, and Labor Day activities;

    as well as concerts and entertainment

    year-round at Robinson Rancheria Resort

    & Casino. Call the Lake County Visitor

    Inormation Center or inormation

    on these and other events. he center islocated at 6110 East Hwy 20 in Lucerne. he

    number is 800-525-3743 or 707-274-5652.









    Kelseyville Lower Lake

    Upper Lake




    Clear Lake

    Lakeport To Colusa















    Rosa DOro

    Lake County VisitorInformation Center


    Tulip Hill

    Redwood Valley Cellars

    Discovery Inn

    Calpine GeothermalVisitor Center

    Six Sigma

    Twin PineCasino

    Crazy Creek AirAdventures

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    The Undiscovered

    Wine CountryLake County has been growing wine grapes

    since the mid-19th Century, long beore vine-

    yards were established in Napa and Sonomacounties. Prohibition spelled the end o com-mercial wine growing in the region until the1960s, but Lake Countys wine industry isbooming again with nearly 20 wineries, 135growers and 8,800 acres o vineyards. Withineasy reach o Napa and Sonoma, savvy winetravelers are rediscovering the wines andbeauty o Lake Countys Wine Country. Weve

    prepared a quick overnight tour to introduceour readers to this exciting destination.

    Day One: Starting rom St. Helena via

    Pope Valley, your rst stop is Langtry Es-tate. The winery overlooks the beautiul DetertReservoir, and produces outstanding PetiteSirah and Sauvignon Blanc. Leaving LangtryEstate drive North towards Hwy 29 and head to

    Wildhurst Winery in Kelseyville.The tasting room is located in the restored

    Odd Fellows Hall building. Visitors are treatedto a variety o wines including the celebratedSauvignon Blanc as well as local merchandise.

    Next, stroll down toStudebakers Deli andenjoy lunch where locals gather.

    Ater lunch, get back on Hwy 29 and head to

    Steele Winery. Jed Steele was the oundingwinemaker at Kendall-Jackson and continuesto turn out award winning Chardonnays. Whenyou are nished tasting, head to Upper Lake

    and the beautiully restoredTallman Hotel.

    Dinner is next door at the Blue Wing Sa-loon where you will enjoy homestyle cookingprepared rom locally grown ingredients and

    paired with local wines. Day Two: Beore returning to Napa, head

    south on Hwy 20 toCeago Del Lago Win-ery. The beautiul winery rests on the shore oClear Lake. Learn about Biodynamic armingand plans or the upcoming resort. Continuesouth to Hwy 53 and merge onto Hwy 29 andreturn to Napa via Calistoga. For winery hourssee the directories in this section.



    Lake county islocated northo Calistoga andis a next doorto MendocinoCounty.

    T h e V i s i t o rI n o r m a t i o nCenter is locatedat 6110 E Hwy 20in Lucerne.

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    68 | Wine Country Guide | WINERY DIRECTORY



    Breggo Cellars11001 Hwy 128, Boonville;707-895-9589

    Brutocao Cellars - Anderson


    7000 Hwy 128, Philo;707-895-2152

    Brutocao Cellars - Hopland

    13500 S. Hwy 101, Hopland;

    707-744-1664Claudia Springs Winery

    1810 Hwy 128, Philo;707-895-3993

    Goldeneye Winery

    9200 Hwy 128, Philo;707-895-3202

    Graziano Family of Wines13251 S. Hwy 101, Suite 3,

    Hopland; 707-744-8466Greenwood Ridge Vineyards

    5501 Hwy 128, Philo;707-895-2002

    Handley Cellars

    3151 Hwy 128, Philo;800-733-3151

    Husch Vineyards

    4400 Highway 128 Philo;

    707-895-3216Jaxon Keys Winery &


    10400 S. Hwy 101, Hopland;877-462-0666

    Jeriko Estate Winery

    12141 Hewlitt and SturtevantRd, Hopland; 707-744-1140

    Maple Creek Winery

    20799 Hwy 128 Yorkville;707-895-3001

    McDowell Valley Vineyards

    13380 S. Hwy 101 Hopland;707-744-8911

    McFadden Farm & Vineyards

    13275 S Hwy 101 Ste. 5Hopland;707-743-1122

    McNab Ridge Winery

    13441 S. Hwy 101, Hopland;707-744-1986

    Milano Winery

    14594 S. Hwy 101, Hopland;707-744-1396

    Navarro Vineyards

    5601 Hwy 128 Philo; 707-895-3686

    Nelson Family Vineyards

    550 Nelson Ranch Rd., Ukiah;707-462-3755

    Pacific Star Winery

    33000 N. Hwy 1, Fort Bragg(12 miles north of town);707-964-1155

    Pacific Star Winery

    401 Main St., Fort Bragg (intown); 707-962-9463

    Parducci Wine Cellars

    501 Parducci Road, Ukiah;707-462-9463

    Paul Dolan Vineyards

    501 Parducci Rd, Ukiah;707-463-5357

    Phillips Hill Estates

    8627 Hwy 128, Philo;707-895-2209

    Roederer Estate

    4501 Hwy 128 Philo; 707-895-2288

    Saracina Vineyards

    11684 S. Hwy 101, Hopland;707-744-1671

    Scharffenberger Cellars

    8501 Hwy 128, Philo;707-895-2957

    Silversmith Vineyards

    3700 A Road J, Redwood

    Valley; 707-485-1196Standish Wine Company

    5101 Hwy 101, Philo;707-895-9213

    Yorkville Cellars

    25701 Hwy 128, Yorkville;707-894-9177

    Zina Hyde CunninghamOpen 10: 00-5:00 Daily.

    14077 Hwy 128 Boonville;707-895-ZINA

    Lake County

    Brassfield Estate

    Open By Appointment10915 High Valley Road,Clearlake Oaks; 707-998-1895

    Ceago Del Lago

    5115 E. Hwy 20 Nice;707-274-1462

    Cougars Leap Winery

    9300 Seigler Springs Road N.,Kelseyville; 707-279-0651

    Langtry Estate Vineyards &


    21000 Butts Canyon Road,Middletown; 707-987-2385

    Moore Family Winery

    11990 Bottlerock RoadKelseyville ; 707-279-9279

    Ployez Winery11171 S. Hwy 29 Lower Lake;707-994-2106

    Rosa dOro Vineyards

    3915 Main St. Kelseyville;707-279-0483

    Shannon Ridge Winery

    12599 E. Hwy 20, ClearlakeOaks; 707-998-9656

    Six Sigma RanchOpen Daily13372 Spruce Grove Road,Lower Lake; 707-994-2086

    Sol Rouge

    Open By AppointmentPO Box 859 Kelseyville;707-279-9000

    Steele Wines

    4350 Thomas Drive,Kelseyville; 707-279-9475

    Terrill Cellars Tuscan Village

    16175 Main StreetLower Lake; 707-799-7530.

    Tulip Hill WineryOpen 10:00- 6:00 Daily.4900 Bartlett Springs RoadNice; 707-274-9373



    Boonville HotelSpontaneous menus of simple,

    fresh, local fare featuring

    organic meats and locally-

    grown produce. Dinner. 14050

    Hwy. 128, Boonville; 707-


    Lake County

    Blue Wing Saloon

    California comfort food,

    microbrews and local wines.

    Menu offers homestyle recipes

    pairing the best of the regions

    orchards, farms and vineyards.

    9520 Main St. Upper Lake;




    Grace Hudson Museum

    History and anthropology

    museum featuring Western

    American art, California Indian

    cultures, North Coast history,

    and contemporary regionalartists. 431 South Main Street,

    Ukiah; 707-467-2836.

    Lake CountyCrazy Creek Air Adventures

    Amazing views soaring above

    Lake County just minutes

    from the Napa Valley. 18897

    Grange Rd, Middleetown;707-987-9293; www.

    Twin Pine Casino & Hotel

    Dining and entertainment

    a few minutes away from

    Napa Valley. Located in

    Middletown; 800-564-4872;

    Wine Country Guide | Mendocino & Lake Directories

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    The Wine Country ex-perience is probably asmuch about ood as itis about wine. Nowhereelse are the basic in-gredients o great wineand ood pairings moreabundant than in the

    Caliornia Wine Country.Conditions that makethe region perect orcultivating world-classwine grapes bless theWine Country withquality produce, herbs,meats, dairy products,

    and other ches essen-tials. Close proximity othe Pacic Ocean addsresh seaood to thebounty. Access to newines, including manynot available outsidethe Wine Country,

    makes this the perectlocation or creatinggreat cuisine. On the ol-lowing pages youll ndlists and proles o theWine Countrys best res-taurants, together withtips or getting the most

    rom your Wine Countrydining experiences.


    The Wine Country is home to some othe worlds most talented and innovativeches. They come here or the spectacu-lar climate, produce, artisanal oods, andwines. No wonder the Wine Country ishome to so many abulous restaurants.

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    70 | Wine Country Guide >>

    Napa Valley

    Bistro Don Giovanni

    Napa Valley cuisine with an Italian and Country French flavor;memorable ambiance featuring traditional fireplace and romanticoutdoor terraces. Lunch, dinner. 4110 Howard Lane, Napa; 707-224-3300.

    BottegaChef Michael Chiarello serves seasonal farm-to-table Italian cuisineusing the locally/sustainably produced food. The menu is dividedinto Stuzzichini (bites to share), Antipasti, Pasta, Secondi (maincourse) and Contorni (vegetable side dishes). 6525 Washington St.,Yountville; 707-945-1050.


    Chef Jeffrey Cerciello serves award-winning French cuisine at thisrelative of the impossible-to-book French Laundry. Lunch, dinner.6534 Washington St. at Yount St., Yountville; 707-944-8037.

    Cindys Backstreet Kitchen

    This upscale eatery has become a beloved destination for locals andvisitors alike. It features a menu of delicious, cooked-from-scratchcuisine created from quality ingredients. 1327 Railroad Ave, St.Helena, 707-963-1200.


    Award winning, seasonally influenced global comfort food servedin the beautiful dining room or lovely garden courtyard. Lunch,dinner. The Historic Napa Mill, 500 Main St., Napa; 707-254-9690.

    Gotts Roadside Tray Gourmet

    Informal, gourmet roadside diner with memorable Ahi sandwichesand low corkage fee. Lunch, dinner. 933 Main St. between CharterOak & Pope, St. Helena, 707-963-3486; also at 644 First Street (at

    Oxbow Public Market), Napa, 707-224-6900.La Toque

    Chef Ken Franks new La Toque, now located in the Westin VerasaNapa hotel and residences adjacent to the Oxbow Public Marketin downtown Napa, features prix fixe and ala carte menus thatshowcase seasonal local ingredients. Dinner. 1314 McKinstry Street,Napa; 707-257-5157.

    Meadowood, The Grill

    Offers a daily menu featuring ingredients fresh from Meadowoods

    own garden. The menu and style is light and healthful with naturalingredients. 900 Meadowood Lane, St. Helena; 707-963-3646.

    Napa Valley Wine Train

    Enjoy the freshest and finest ingredients available prepared on boardthis rail excursion from the historic town of Napa through one of theworlds most famous wine valleys to the quaint village of St. Helenaand back to Napa. Lunch, dinner. 1275 McKinstry St. between 1st St.& Soscol Ave., Napa; 707-253-2111;

    Pizzeria Tra Vigne

    This informal sister eatery of the more formal fine dining restaurantof the same name serves excellent brick oven pizzas. Lunch, dinner.1016 Main St., St. Helena; 707-967-9999.

    Redd Restaurant

    The menu here showcases regionally inspired seasonal selectionswith ethnic influences. A daily 5 course chefs tasting menu is alsoavailable in addition to the regular menu. Lunch, dinner; brunch onSundays. 6480 Washington St., Yountville; 707-944-2222.

    Rotisserie & Wine

    Chef Tyler Florence serves up interesting and creative comfort farefamily style at this downtown Napa restaurant with indoor/outdoordining. Known foryou guessed it!rotisserie items and housemadepies. Lunch (Wed.-Sun.), dinner. 720 Main St., Napa; 707-254-8500.

    Solbar at Solage Resort

    Solbar says its guiding principle

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