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Installing Different Operating System

A. Installing Microsoft Windows 8.1

Getting started

First Boot the CD/DVD (optical drive)

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Figure A

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The new light blue Windows flag is introduced.

After a few minutes, you'll see the Windows Setup screen shown in Figure B and you will specify your language settings before clicking Next. When you do, Setup will perform some more initialization tasks in the background.

Figure B

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The first step in the installation is to specify your language settings.

As soon as the initial steps are taken care of, you'll see the Windows Setup screen shown inFigure C and will click the Install Now button.

Figure C

To get started, just click the Install now button.

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Collecting InformationOnce you click the Install now button, you'll see the beginning of the information collection phase of the installation procedure. As you can see in Figure D, the first step here is to input the Windows 8 product key.

Figure D

You'll enter your product key to start the information collection phase of the installation procedure.

The next step is to acknowledge that you accept the license terms, as shown in Figure E. If you take the time to read through them, you will see that Microsoft has indeed radically overhauled EULA as Ed Bott over at ZDNet wrote about in a recent column. Even if you don't take the time to read the license terms during the installation, once you have installed Windows 8, you can find the Microsoft Software License Agreement in the Windows Help and Support system - just search with the term License. Not only is the license shorter in length, but it is also much clearer and easier to read.

25-characters code that's used to activate Windows

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Figure E

The new EULA is much easier to read that previous versions.

When you are prompted to choose which type of installation you want to perform, as shown inFigure F, you'll choose Custom: Install Windows only (advanced) type in order to perform a clean install of Windows 8.

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Figure F

In order to perform a clean install of Windows 8, you'll select the Custom option.

When you are prompted to choose where you want to install Windows, as shown in Figure G, you'll see a list of any partitions that are currently on your hard disk. As you can see in my example system there are actually four separate partitions. You may have a different combination depending on your system.

As I mentioned, performing a clean install means blowing away all existing partitions. The

first partition in this list is labeled System Reserved and it was created automatically

during the Windows 7 installation. A new System Reserved partition will be created by

Windows 8, so you can remove existing one. The partition labeled Recovery contains the

OEM recovery for Windows 7. I created the recovery DVDs soon after I got the new

system. It won't do me any good going forward with Windows 8 anyway, so I will remove

that partition too. The partition labeled WIN7 contains the Windows 7 installation that I

am replacing, so it is definitely going. The partition labeled DATA contains all of my data

that I copied to an external hard disk, so it is safe to blow that one away too.

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Figure G

On you example system there are four partitions that I will be blowing away.

To begin blowing away partitions, you start by clicking Drive options (advanced). When you do so, you'll see a list of commands for managing partitions, as shown in Figure H.

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Figure H

When you click Drive options (advanced), you'll see a list of commands for managing partitions.

Now, you'll select each of the partitions, one by one, and select the Delete command. When you do, you'll see a confirmation prompt like the one shown in Figure I. Just click OK to delete the partition.

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Figure I

As you delete each partition, you'll be prompted to confirm the operation.

Once you delete each of the existing partitions, you'll see that all of the space will be combined together in one chunk labeled Unallocated Space, as shown in Figure J. While you could create a new partition and format it, you don't have to. Windows 8 will automatically take care of that in the next step. So just go ahead and click Next.

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Figure J

All of the space will be combined together in one chunk labeled Unallocated Space.

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Installing WindowsWhen you click Next, Setup creates the partition, formats it, and then instantly moves into the Installing Windows phase which begins with copying and getting files ready for the installation, as shown in Figure K. This process will take a while to progress though, so you can sit back and relax a bit.

System Reserved with 350 MB

This is Drive C: select this partition

and click next to install

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Figure K

The Installing Windows stage begins with copying files from the DVD to the hard disk.

When this phase of the process is complete, Windows will alert you that it is going to restart in order to continue, as shown in Figure L. If you are really impatient and really quick, you can click the Restart now button.

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Figure L

Windows will restart after the first part of the process is complete.

Upon restarting you'll see the black screen with the blue Windows logo and see that Setup is getting devices ready, as shown in Figure M. As soon as that part of the process is complete, Windows will alert you that it is going to restart again, as shown in Figure N.

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Figure M

Windows Setup will get all installed devices ready to work with Windows 8.

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Figure N

Windows will restart again.

Configuring WindowsWhen the system restarts, you'll be prompted to choose a color scheme for Windows 8 and a PC name, as shown in Figure O. I chose a light blue color scheme for now. I can change it later.

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Figure O

You can choose a color schema and name your computer.

When the Settings screen appears, as shown in Figure P, you can choose to customize these settings or you can allow Windows to use the express settings. If you are unsure, you can click the Learn more link and get more details. I chose to use the express settings. I can change any or all of these setting later if I want.

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Figure P

You can customize the settings or just go the express route.

On the next screen, you'll choose how you want to sign on to Windows 8, as shown in Figure Q. While you can choose to sign in with a local account, I would recommend that you use an existing Microsoft (email) account, such as a or a account. If you don't have a Microsoft account, you can sign up for one or you can use any email address that you want and Windows 8 will create an account for you.

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Figure Q

It will be to your advantage to use an existing Microsoft account or to create one.

The advantage of using an existing Microsoft account or creating one is that you will be

able to instantly use the Windows Store, will be able to easily sync settings between

multiple Windows 8 computers, and be able to easily take advantage of other Windows 8

features. I already have a Microsoft account, so I entered it here.

After filling the details of your account on the next couple of screens, you'll eventually see a screen that changes color as it alerts you the Setup is getting your PC ready. The green version of this screen is show in Figure R.

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Figure R

While this screen changes color often, it will remain for a few minutes while Setup works in the background.

As you may know, Windows 8 comes with a host of native apps for the Start screen interface that replace and add to the group of applications that used to come with previous versions of Windows. The screen shown in Figure S indicates that Setup is installing those apps.

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Figure S

As the last step in the installation, Windows 8 installs its set of native apps.

Once the apps are installed, you'll see the Start screen, as shown in Figure T, and can begin using Windows 8.

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Figure T

The Start screen appears when the installation procedure is complete.

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B. Installing Linux Centos 7

Step:1 Load operating system, Boot your PC from DVD.


Step:2 Choose 'Install CentOS 7' option and press enter

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Step:3 Choose your respective Language and click on Continue, in my case I have choose English , as shown below


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Step: 4 Change the Installation Destination , by default installer will do automatic partitioning for your hard disk. To create your own customize partition table click on 'Installation Destination'.

As you can see below I have around 30 GB hard drive for OS installation. choose 'I will configure partitioning' then click Done

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Step:5 Create the partition table , In my case I am putting everything under LVM and created /boot , / and swap partition as shown below :

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Click on Done

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Click on Accept Changes

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Step:6  Set Date & Time with your respective Zone

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Step:7 Configure Networking and Set the hostname .

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Step:8 Select the Software that you want to install. Click on "Software Selection". In my case I am selecting Gnome Desktop as shown below :

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Step:9 Now Click on Begin Installation .

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Step:10 Set root password

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 Step:11 Create a User

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Step:12 Installation is in Progress as shown below

Once the installation is completed, you will be required to reboot the machine as shown below:

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Step:13 When we first login to CentOS , Accept the EULA agreement

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Below Screen will appear after login .

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C.Installing Mac OS

Step 1 — Installing Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard 

Insert a Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard installation disc into your optical drive.

Hold down the “option” key and restart the computer to bring up the boot

option menu.

To begin the installation, click the install disc icon on the boot option


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Step 2 

When prompted, select your language and click the arrow button to


Step 3 

After the installer loads, you will be greeted by a welcome window.

Select “Disk Utility” from the Utilities drop down menu.

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Step 4 

Select your new hard drive from the left column in Disk Utility.

The correct partition type needs to be set for your hard drive.

o If it's a brand-new hard drive, it may have no partition listed.

o For an Intel-based machine, you should have "GUID Partition Table"


o For a Power-PC-based machine, you should have "Apple Partition Map"


If the incorrect partition type is listed, proceed to the next step to delete

and re-create the partition. If not, proceed to step 8.

Warning: Deleting the partition will erase the entire contents of the


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Step 5 

The following two steps are only necessary if your drive's partition is set

incorrectly. Erasing a partition will permanently erase all

information stored inside.

Select the partition on the drive and click the "-" button.

When prompted, click the "Remove" button to remove the drive's existing


Once the partitions have been removed, click the "Options..." button.

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Step 6 

Select the partition scheme required for your machine:

o Select "GUID Partition Table" for Intel-based machines.

o Select "Apple Partition Map" for PowerPC-based machines.

Click "Ok."

Press the "+" button to add a new partition.

Press the "Apply" button.

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Step 7 

Click on the “Erase” tab.

Choose the Volume format (we recommend “Mac OS Extended


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Step 8 

Type in a name for the drive. Apple names their drives "Macintosh HD"

from the factory.

Click “Erase.”

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Step 9 

A warning window will pop up and ask if you wish to continue with the

erasing process.

Click "Erase" on the warning window that has popped up.

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Step 10 

After erasing is done, quit Disk Utility.

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Step 11 

After quitting Disk Utility, proceed with the installation by clicking the

"Continue" button.

A window will open and ask if you agree to the Software License


Agree to the Software License Agreement by clicking the "Agree" button.

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Step 12 

Make sure the correct hard drive is selected as the installation destination.

Click "Continue" to proceed with the installation.

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Step 13 

We are now ready to install Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard on the hard drive.

Before proceeding to the next step, make sure that all of the installation

settings are correct.

Click "Install" to commence the installation.

Step 14 

The installer will check the source DVD disk before starting the installation


During this step, you will see a "skip" button. It is not necessary to check

the disk, and the "skip" button may be used. However, if you have never

used your disk before, or haven't used it recently, it is highly

recommended you check it.

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Step 15 

Leopard will now install onto the hard drive.

The installation process can range anywhere from a half hour to an hour.

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Step 16 

If you are installing Leopard from a retail disk, please skip this step.

If you are installing an OEM version of Leopard, you need to install the iLife

applications and other software from the Applications Install Disc.

Step 17 

The installation was successful. Click "Restart" to reboot the computer.

At this point you are finished with the Mac OS X install.

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How to Install Windows Server 2012

1. Set Bios to Boot from a CD/DVD ROM

2. Press ENTER to boot from DVD.

Files will start loading.

3. Take the defaults on the Language screen, and click Next.

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4. Click Install now on the install screen.

5. Click the second line item for the GUI. The default install is now Server

Core. Then click Next.

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6. Read License Agreement, Turn on Checkbox “I accept the license

terms,” and then click Next.

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7. Click Custom: Install Windows only (Advanced).

8. The disk you are using should be listed. If not, you will need to Load

driver. Select the disk you will be installing on. If you do not want to

change drive options (optional), Click Next. If you want to use Dual boot

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using Native Boot To VHD (Boot2VHD), see below:

9. [Optional:] Click drive options; then you can create custom partitions.

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10. [Optional:] Add a drive using Native Boot To Vhd: SHIFT-F10 to open

a command prompt window; Find installation drive (dir c:, dir d:, dir e:,

etc). Diskpart to open the Disk Partition Utility (the first four lines below

are all the same command and must run on the same line, separated here

to make it easier to read).Create vdisk file=e:\BootDemo.vhd

type=expandable maximum=40000. Attach disk. Exit. ThenRefresh.

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11. It will then start copying files. This will take a while (could be 20 mins

or so depending on hardware performance).It will reboot a couple times

(automatically). After the first reboot, it will no longer be running off of the


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12. In the Password box, enter a new password for this computer. It must

meet complexity requirements. Re-enter the password in the second

password box, and then click Finish.

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13. Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete at the same time to get the login screen

14. Enter password and press enter.

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The Desktop will be displayed and Server Manager will be opened


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15. Pressing Windows Key on the keyboard will bring up the start screen

(formerly known as Start Menu). If you Right-Click on Computer, you will

see the new right-click menu is on the bottom of the screen instead of in a

dropdown box. Select Properties.

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Self Check 3.2-1

Fill in the blank: Write your answer to a separate sheet.

1. The divisions of hard disk space?

2. The proper drive or partition where the OS installed for Microsoft Windows?

3. 25-character code that's used to activate Windows?

4. Can create custom partition?

5. Keys combination to login or sign in on Microsoft Windows 2012 server?

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Answer Key

1. Partitions2. Drive C3. Product Key4. Drive Options5. Ctrl-Alt-Delete

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Title : Installing Server Operating System.

Performance Objective : Given the necessary tools and materials you are going to Install Server Operating System.

Supplies : Operating System, manufacturer’s manual.

Tools/Equipment : Server Computer CD ROM or Portable Device.

Steps/ Procedure:

1. Go to BIOS and make your bootable device as fist boot2. Divide your partition in to 40% for drive C: and remaining is for

drive D:3. Install windows 2012 server Operating System.4. Install drivers for all device/peripherals.

Assessment Method:

Demonstration with questioning , Performance Criteria checklist

Performance Criteria Checklist for Task Sheet 3.1-2

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Performance Criteria

Did you… YES NO

1. Configured BIOS

2. Compared the system information to OS hardware minimum requirements.

3. Created the partition correctly

4. Installed OS in correct drive

5. Installed all drivers for all device/peripherals.

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