Page 1: Willful Cinderella , flUEER OLD MP REUC CURETHATCOLD, CARVING SAID TO Bg OHK TMOUTODA - Y •AftO VKAM OLO. 1 aquar* I\»t»r { ttio offlw I'tuk tunnr )t LROM the rush an

j ;

- '-• <

Th» Haw «f CfchwO » I I » I , - j . * V.ABWOftn NATR

a «r«k with

fresh-Air Heaters

''"<• Rfctafttoii Boilershave a deserved reputation. Thousands are

" In use o!l over the United States. Are thebest heating apparatus possible to make.

They heat where others fail—give best satisfactionSend for descriptive circulars.


ave. Ttwri'th»B toljUtTbdr r^lm ***•

' 1 H


"nut quark mil opt utMttilom dtuwath« rear or urlwa N U I M R * . CMMrvaheft] Jutl* on. w r y rood, on «v«rypood, o& r\ ttf farm, oo n*ry Uko. us•rery rtn<r. Tbrn> U no baric y d»Ubuui in dm* IHMU*. Tbw» 1*UMI. Hiti« or gtvat. wltboui t|» liiKkqurtr*. All o»*r the land Ui«f« *r»

ili« k Eatcuuig


¥r . nod XIi» T W, K«,tor of TblftlA*wui». ar« trjowin« uvitr (!)• m i n i

» atcuuig wtalMMD_miu) of them uf a «|wltj><>U'-U|:lj i» |ir\Hl>if« 00,000 JoU

j.-ir Hmh muonc tb«! l l I

h»» rt.j£S*'**^. O o w o 1 1 " ilM*m K»w.

j c t « CtilUMtfU • MJI|I!C il.-lHiioj- It U catted and

A liatu w JH-cf r-N>w Vork

The Cranford National Bank



-It-itlraadr PIIJOTH this c.iu

of nearly t»n tliowuind nulnnluaU, hrtn* iii<lcorporations in CrauforJ, liamoiwl, KeuiU,.rt't.itinl Mr i in tv

Thin IB evidence'that iiMr~~bnukiiig w m > v it

'.factory in ^llj-dfelmrtmi'titi ni'nl ttun»f..rt«

WOImg to J J"Dii juu-UL-umt iD hint cu

m«-ol»?" tie asked afirf «b« bhi)crotKl la IwVf*

r \ « . d.uA*,l.- •!)* nt»l«a. "I h»v*alwaj» tlKMiyin ii «„» »urjh a inUuk*for tno |w|ik> to ru»h |u(o nialriiuuuyMom t h r l t

iwy. John' lv-k«. i ntluWoidl,


. r i I U f4. . j1i i ) > J t , „ , | ^

Mai l 1> . i ' . i r in( , . i , t niul i i i v i tu*

m.'H. \ x i l l n . i t l l i m i t m i ttllli-li

nit. r..M'- U,.|u«,t« ,„»,!„

i ' ;t i l l ' I l l k t

> u.d 111 u t u..i .run

i . . . i, , , , „ . , Llt,t

The State Trust CompanyAt IMalnfleld. N. J.


y ^ l m t i ni

qualified tomtU't j o u r rt<<]uii«m<>iitH.

Our Certificate* Uear Three Per s

Cent. Interest from Date

of Issue,

• • * • • •

%mmmm^^ ^ ^ " Z • -• +

i The Cranford Garage:- • = • • • - •



"Well, «bnut liu« IOUB would )oo_wl»b tlic «nicii|;t>tii«iit to U>r "

"L<< iui> ««•*: Would jou Ibllik II-w»« too lung If we diiln'l K«t warrloduuta i » M frooi ui>ik

F.llov. Warmt.o w buufbl tb« [tt

111 (.'auil-irfitcp MI axwla tn l with UUuiPnjtM-iili.Miii ntrued a u j uccuiihnt li>old- Mm. rrulgltf, Mrn.MJralxU. wtt« awniuan of inuuj n-c«atrlcllU>«. KuiuVour rmrt' trliH] to iH'n'uniitf ln'r to hart-bi-r tfiHii tJiinil to protect tbem fn>«-n'i!l«ra wblch aim luvoUcU lu-rnHirtiiKir«' in-!-* Hlio rt-runed IO'IM- m,c-riK'l i« the <nlrriilllarii, •Tbey vrvour fvllun- uorttia." she aaid.

«Jra.1» KHaalwUi Mojn, (!. , .j t , J»it._>iu r'lu.t, K1»J« .

Pburlh Urml. -\ar. Cmi.ll.

A n j l * "" f*


.. v. ir'"' I"""' t < '• •''" ''"iA>r "•" f"r "'•wliwl fur tli« month -of

, Eib.l « ! j <• j«n»t» MMolof O Jlrinu,

Ptnt OiJatU M,|B Auln.bii., filnl,*»K U.«(,i Arthur j'nm Ktnki n


New Orange Park,KtMilKvtiimi,W. J..

. Mm-ti* » rrM,l..i,l,,,I ,|..v. (.,, I H ^ r T S t f ^ . r ^ ^ i r ^ M J u1',,,,. »»t

HOMES TOR SAir; $3,000 and upwards, onH0MfSfORRtfT and Mi. Only a | « ^ Wt.

i i inviis 4i,

0OO< oobooooooooonooooi

I, DM.



M,|Arthur, kri.

S w w h i i t 5«ir)»rl»d, -"Why dlilii I j-t,«J- |Mjy rnter cullreff"ll* MMilUti't i>mw tb» riAmiuatioti.""1M ilw.« bait, to PBM ao Ma

I ihuu^Ut aUXc(iU«m«boy• »oiu» f l ' "


"1' Ohni. . AM«p -M l

I>'"H Ma.K<.i.«ir, Mnrv Ktuann. (lr« /l Munkt.1. I^U^a

Jftlrr.. AM«p -ArthUf. J,,l10, ll.:«|.,*nty Maul, Ariliur Himla, Wlllmn,f l l ltVMIi "•Third |'.ul Arthur,

K bSlu'7l/wnT^Mnxr.a;aMaul, lkuiiat.1 tturnnn.l.r, K » u ;

, Ht»min !{«.««. Atuualan P.llnr

Konrtii Oradi.- KNI|»I«.»I Drown,

Kifth (IratW Knimjr Iiiniminil.• M>IU"»I J i l J i T H

~»* - A



gn . A cftti) will brinn a di'monstrnllun. witli n(riihi|KaU(>B.Tj, , OrJers pl(io«cl now will limuru i>«rly il«llvery •'f< Cntaloga fumiubr-il ifKjn request


< • ••• • • • • • . ; • » • • • f • • « • • • • • •

a ^ ^

Isleib & Miller,PLUMBING

Heating & Tinning., " NEW wy«K AND IMPAIRS

" «f i»lt km<i»' ' * ^_At lieuaouable Pri«»


Holiday Gifts!Km Slt-U. WOIIIOII iitiil Cliil.lri.n I huTh "HPIIIIH

Every Department is f illcd VVjth

Holiday Suggestions. /C

Men's Neckwear,

Muffler*, Gloves1 . and Garters

A Xi.% l.i.l jint in. for llio holjilay

In the Shoe Dept.


A New Line of Toysliav«> nrrivfd ILat w»I

f n a l \ r i n . . l . T t B r 1 r > ffiSIWl.ilralmih tbxwn, William Ailliur, Ali><«'."W. Kli7,<li«lli llr<MN.r. 'Illli. Jaokmu,,

Ki.v.|ith (Jr»(l» U»|m r N,, | ,u n ) » r .»1U (i,ru.|,f,.|,|1 Man. ; ( ! ,« .

(hippo U n a Iliuilw, Ionian T^ln« lt>H*a ' ,

l^ l . t l i (irail« Pitjjrt llniarn?

; Honor Roll.

K»enilwortl] innr u kirm t> !^.. . C K. HUM, Proprirtor.

ServiceI » j

K»enilwoptl7, «New1' J'l"" >

• - - • - • - • - • • •

KnidrruarUn William W«aicKo,CUn-liAlafmUai 'l"ii,AI«tii.u«<.

| h « ,» , (n.ajl,^ C 1 ) l t W i l | ) ) ,A It In l).r»«.nl, Altn-rt (Irulw,ll»lllB«u Is.ula Krl J l ]

TOOMIiT.r-. (;. Krnnoja V^lmtn

. l>a«M T«ibun», Rid,

Citizen Want Ads. Bring Results.

Carpet Departmentt i t

U I A ««a«r Nalhartu*.l, HjuW 1;^ K, j u l i n flU.,,;,

l k J i*pb l!«Jru|>, U.ttl',,V( Olady»-B,.o


i raspy Ntyl<w of


Special faoty Wide Bbbort,

Colofue and iewdry_ Lilllni Uar««6' T — - •>—«-




Blooming; Plants and Cut Flowers.

Christmas Trees




iiii.l il.WI^

A/.ALKAH, I'lllNHKrriAH. HII.I 1'IU.MIHWKH i . ^

' |"Su«l4UiTnrn«l I'lilm^TiT.I rni^T"^^* i IWI™l»,"Z-IiTliii? 'IHII/MIM ' 'l « l i | HWH> fr r ' ' * " ' '


.67 Elm Street Westfield, N. J. • J


Will -largrfjr Uep«»il tipon-tljc nut of roar bftnlt account. IfjootrtHli to fr«s vi.ur raind from worry ^nd {,rotid» tor ihe

fif HicimeAii o r Itarii T

joo 4 per c«&L interest on all nuuu i» exetMof fS.OO,-. .Writi tog-»or—feooitlti, "Bmitiig by, which

'tour methods. - - " — £_

TBUSTiThe Bank That

f'i- - .

Minnto (lr<>bc», Loulaa Pludorf, Edllb

Ajt)J04||n 'tjfc*,t. . ta.^.^^ f k_ . 1 . . . .. «*


tor many o<

Xias fcri^lit Co' 20* &ut BriMd At/ert,

- Boxom WWow-IV 7»tM 1»B«T0«WC« Ootrtta.

* . , . . ^ - ' j- •- ,iir~

Page 2: Willful Cinderella , flUEER OLD MP REUC CURETHATCOLD, CARVING SAID TO Bg OHK TMOUTODA - Y •AftO VKAM OLO. 1 aquar* I\»t»r { ttio offlw I'tuk tunnr )t LROM the rush an

Willful Cinderellar - •

Page 3: Willful Cinderella , flUEER OLD MP REUC CURETHATCOLD, CARVING SAID TO Bg OHK TMOUTODA - Y •AftO VKAM OLO. 1 aquar* I\»t»r { ttio offlw I'tuk tunnr )t LROM the rush an

• «

V ,



1 aquar* I\»t»r{ ttio offlwI'tuk t u n n r )t

LROM the rush an<TLust!s c f basy«TT rtfMt~allje" at

this g«twn cf thu »i-ar with.CrTi&lmaa khoprvrs, back to oldNurMtlwrg in t'.i-rinani, whenfie 1'rrlatn.a* (jUrlt U»t* theKM* around, whtre Ss'M» Claus'f> via Ms worltln; rcncths forCM j.iv of tt,(v »i,r|,l 4 chilir«n —

.fur th.- lmnc'iiatttin nur Its goalum«

fur th.- lmns>natttin nur Its go> nlnltrviti'iK its a s'url/ Com

)OUr p'njjpr'IT lit th.'ir.-atM.-ai


j t |r»ftj}t_«n I* rth * i*'"*!•.t >m« 1^1 a 15 .ffit Ut«'.« . ( Mun



ttftbg \f>UTafter th*t

^ivyuirmi tu t^ iqsi (ir^Ri^nt ** ftOllturn into the r,ulr.t •jndlng. strewn, the IrregularWily passages domalleilb.) hou^wi older than any-thing In the ol.I-st patfWf the I'nltM State*Mouse rise, above hom* fulfil a hl.iory as romanate EI the proudest mansion otnur dty atrerts,

I >« a simplicity an I single hearted

•cross tho>ea llWo In th0 u.uivtnt-ss' of 4hs un-moderriytho plaxhlncs are Inu-utca and prrr«ct«d« « > 7 u r "s'lens/buojant children You readMade In Germany' v.UJx a. ulsetllral tilt of th*

•y*brow, but tho. fact r.-malr.s that by far tbe ~

! grv»» wlltl lh» » r i l » ( , T>.U ••-»< U

> whom ioun( M i l e t«wi«rn thK irtljuvK>rii If it »•«• la bin ;>o»»»'*»ior. a

' linguist wonlj t>« n<w.|>s| 1.1 i r u i < «] It Thli h>i»*«*r It golnf to tw •litnti 'n tb« near fuljrr whoa (h* r*«l M»i lory nf (bin OKI varvtng will l-» »r.o«uI Mali) lii'i* l'Ui«i»J u *a» c«»r::T

what Is M>u»ht M b* shown Tt.rrr na iiat.i of a (urt>ul«ut u* . «Uh «•»>-•mountain high. t»o high prt>w*.i »«npans Kx-k. 1 U-««tb»r »n.i tb* irt«>lighting Jn gflm »(*!• Jk mm :i *.r«

no h<W *" Oiw KdmiVn l< alnw>«t rilliie«p lu thu a***, tut tiw •IHJ-IT .in-r«n>i<ts »rn r.xiiUni lu [N»n*i wi

Irs.ltlliiunl hlstrrv ••»» '&• r»rTlr<

. f )'..


du VM«i jvur . ••>- anil 4i!fU* )-nu I i

IVif M'ltu i4i HI md .irrTrnon ttnvti.

If you but

always use Cnscarcts.

Quidy tablets, .vegetable anditiilJ. Yd just as rflective a^.nulls•nd calomel T,tlte one.whetr>'oun<*\! tt. Stop llif Utmb.lf |Never wait till inKbt."

dentil I" ttll-i-iiw It- f.xint »l!Mn »| rvttnlu hntm' ••nt«'r*vl ( nt ! * tj absi'iil i i r t i u t-n' Ihti • "• l » s»l«i'-»> I

arrnl liul In (1i »• t . f i«'»!r.«i on Hi" I

by tlir I >r * •


greater number nt all tho tojs manufactureil-eotne-from Ntrrenbrrg '

The ancient Kudul ril\ nrnunj which r W t c r• idift yrlm tni.liilnns ..f *l " iJiiilLWJiilD £i

» ,„„„ i ..!.•• trsii tho renter ofI ibildruna fair*'ami It Ii u> bei-n and Ii tbo^ of ClirlMr I !•• li.i; I'd. •-'< -fur dm south

|f»f every place In V •• onldmi. arnl lt« rharm| l » t l » perpetual tme of J.i}ij" • rcmlun ahlr'i .le-

' "I In iilaniiln< tin- fu.-t i i i -nt "f I'ttle p.-opl".•^ In the factnil-rt Urn * . l " H J»» ">»' "2."0«-

rnarkH <$tf 110 • •" • • «<rth of p,li"a»ur* la-ftt out iroia; » i i r i jt-nr. and that

10,000 nf thi-. ' i f ' " I- f»r the b*n. fit of-nnrln (Mil. > f'V »' »r» »go a(,l ol^Mi»• labor (or t1 N ^M'IIH »' pro<luctla^ ^a-'

_ B e by hand w l ii -ill >'f >'•* finHMnK/m.l finetiaflt touches iTo''or. v .1 by -i^il-il artlirw

' , now in ih- f°ir:ir|. H -h« nM spirit t>t im

inogt:jajmccriU"l_'n'i l l- l-SiI"-"li.'' an<1 l a - - " , - -mt In th.< ini.T- -t »f l"» »mnRa ariUinn for,elr craft N.n • >' r. i. "-• A»"«» "* LT1<aJ a'Df,tter Roe. tc V nl •• • r « I > ; B . ^ . ^ . . ^ : l

i ; •jsjkini:

m^rec^VrT.'.•.-'..;«;».iu.-.-. «H «-I n c t i c a l Kenlj- t,t Ci."" honnj tierman peasant1 L Batn,r h » if- r|"» industry call.-d for

I uewloped Hi f .;-i i rr.i.uncn. * ecntltlvmesSmrceptlon mliich I- r> M'vrlatilt"

rlili'ir »"fn curNt-s of tne*Al-jcht Dun.rt.trii1-*" I*1' ' n u <"":nn '" 0Df* °* *a r homes of this Nuri-n.turg spirit JujjJBiSl..

• redroof«d hous-. w.-d^.l in aniorifc a Dun-rtti huts, l|*e two old nienr-

tbla bu»lnt>M ot< toy"lhey grow

up in inn midst of It,all their hereditary

prlwd uiHin turning tt.»»rl l.l« .»;i«!\«tn i|l«c<nv.r (hot h" bal flows 11*1

I lhi« man l*»u «»k n tn hn» i ,nart« t«i bj4 VHAll I Itltv** tit-rn mini) k

' rnrniM It vwlih him ljil»r l.» l'^»| «ent>.l II lo » KimiiKui ling tif.rrr art I

tlii> IJIIIT rent II to a frt.-n 1 In !'i*an army- aL M«i!l» l l " i It

finnlij* brcughl (o 11#«* -" I rjl'««l

RichwnJ Costly Fur>t i• IM'Wnr »w»

r * N I I I I I .»i IIUI. " » ' » i > . * « > rT ri k m>* «>

a ni>i,*aur<*«M • H I

UorOU) G ASSMfcR r*UR CO.a*R««4i»ik ai,' f ir

i«d It » i J trmn KanrranrUm I<I>>'*W. York and llwti Jrjfi

ling Han Anlf*nl.> *<r*as th* proi^rtjr f-f an

Anirfl. an offWr n»<-«titir fn«r» » «an an(|t!<.n </( "I'l things ant (r-l»_wVnt

—ttarf AIlil C u i r l l .

In nallroadlng.

m*n I* rov«r*d with »lrnn«« Urtthe -wur" rnrtr"«ilw «rirra !• 11 K'*n

II it 7<HI hail nil f«ii»rl"l» nrniya hi«r

Tri'irt/ H»w »p«:l»» orThe. wlliln (ifAfrlra irt Jtat

of ItInxldo of liaU'n rjoi

e n blof k^ you h a v etra ins up-rf>datp holi>h <-ley(rlcit) , motor< ar«, Jt'arlwali' frocks .prlrB«IV» i a r t s drawn

Iffs, funny

1irke<l a » » y fnn» nearmaTkrt place .full

of p e a s a n t %<>tnpn In« l d « b l i r k r«Hic ,ipmr.», j /„•. ?and snowy white taps—crumbly fountains aitd a 'rasilo «lii> a secret t iautge All tbavloincntaof thq

prroont wltbjn a utone's thrww of earn other Thorealization of all-that N'uremtjeri; han been and

r»-«)roe»-ro-<me--m<nit-vi»ldlji-jks.-«nolookinK ilowa Into the Rchluas »«11 1M-

fe«'t dc*|>. •»h»r»' prisoners used lo comn to fetchwater rniler'groun.] th>!r passagq led from tli»

ln(«flnr IKIV lo allow a manat bl* Msnr» wllhuul lli« ton

•tanj horrnr »vf iH» .jiiknown l.aiig'.iito»< r Mm Th«- l»i*si *n««tUI'in li.inth* ""Aiifnls <ti7iiiiry <il tt«t AfrU.i!>** bniiighl fwrdi 1 ' »"• • ^ • t * » i>ffluli Mtlirrtu pt,'lf»ir -III«ICO«I» Id I tinBiliTiilfl. wniII I'r 'A J .\n«' rg-fbrought lit'y (r) HH> IU1||»K I 14*«>

(.'•»!I ar.l'\iir[i<' (linn I O'.II •tiiK/<'»rmi II.-. t v l

»nrloi)n binull Hl'lu'ii Karili-in, r.iirt".| itn.1 ptlnlri!b> a poor man uiirl l>Is nl*tt r of(*r tlinlr^r'uulsi«orkliiK II'IUCK, sail Uiuuht by Mr Jfuli'T nf U-K^rales nt liln. [n-t plilluiitliro|iy. Injlilii »\m'v no*100 ) n n old. orti nwn ftll of thn ryrml t\rt\ir\ rii

, M | t ^ i


t1)-ol the •'irk

It n p*i4»«bta lit ^1,*»rf »./rf>«T r f th*»

What World l i n t 7'II mml l .n wursl mlnlilllr (lit! <">vf

tap't i lin.I (•> n.<".' •Igtifil tin* t'n!«. In(oIl<M l . j* | lilgh liruwod )'Hing wlxnlin**1 bad urltlen a- |I>.HI«III I"». l«( f n.irt-l, toritif'^lw (o '(b« U«t fhnjjtiT HJMIr. <iiffI-»< ««-M*;ii!l ^'M itniherrd Hion,'-><» if-t lju U.UI'IIIK ri(.(. li.mi tlixT i"f »»i.-r" *)m wild hud MrjWli lln.iri,»tj>l "«f<l Hi' in !'i oln'rt a IIIB^JII III«""

U U I it h.iTiilnc shftmo tliat w a s ' '".l:iurc[.ifd Mian TflfUn

in i'.<«)"lrully

»Ilb nVJn. i l i i^rrn-cmT. lh lrtr (ban uiidw liilr J]',,",", M1d all'M... .,!>,.(« in t|t icn , and abio/lx'd for hnur» H»r thu r ! r and ' o f ^^j ' , , , , , , , W | t , , J O U I , IJ . . , , ma ,quaint allriitUoiis . tn f t l wMl tl,w]j „ , ,„„„ t, v,'.


oV*lili I » e ™ n t h qte .r7cn .OnK b<nt o«or .mVll circles of

lK. carUng. painting.

•' All dar they sit th<n\ BumeUmcs all nlghU... ' _• -u- i.«.,iMi nmanicnted dolls

«rt^«tto*»--M>» *»;". ttffiyftt, as a BmaU4

it lhl.>e. Just l i l s «ften"»n ^ * o t t f

btt-r-s ir'co.looked at them carelessly: they•»"•••»»

. . would .

my. • « » - « ' - » >o u l c n 0 * l h a t b a c l t

of Alwajs Cbriitmiui old Hands badtrivial plates and pitchers.. Old,

i."i_ I — - t«M itn*lnf<r--<i«vr fEfMUT"

on«r» -were nev^r permllt'-d to i w the light, andthe bollffw splash of the «atrr uhlch (ho attend-ant drops trito the w»ll »c«iiilPto-j-e-frhf>. after aninterminable half minute, the hopclc^ij pttffr'lrn-nge nf ihii** countlets Ticilmit nf mcdleva.1 fnnat-Irltm Ruch Is the votenry of the ended. Whiletbe vitality of tbe pecurrjeg nm-phasiZTO It^lf, notfar off. In one of Ibi dozen* of toy factories,wtsasf rtry machinery whirs modernity, men,worsen and children—that Is, children over six-teen—are soassci Into this" building, all Intent onthe on^ ld»al the creaUm DI belter and nevror andmore wonderful toys for everyone's children. Incveryonei's country.

It is *eldoni the Industrial j.Ja-i»-t can boast o fa broader ambition th»n this* of tbe cr»ft»mi-n of.

i Narpmbrre, Ta W n i tho «Teat<'«t t^Rslblo,amount

ore, to (Trowing. actiTe minds Is sorely an alia *worthy of tbe finest art In the world. It evensrems as though tbe tnonght back if tbe toysshould surround 'them wltb. a deeper- meaning a*

" this Cbrlstnadld*, state the addml gift—the

to bO'drsInd Not only trf<! umiiil room* u{-a r<>n\fnll<<nal ni< HOgf nr" found ]n It tml c«li»rTvitorlr-H with inluUNirn orrhtds, founlaln* tin'l »«turliiK r-ans. *rlio«l rooms wlih liny d'sks. . a•rliMiIinasK r, very »n-rn, wild gosgles iuit)ruU'r.and children. In aprons and carrying slatr*, tholattrt- ft s lxloiuh <>f »n Irwli bin; (IpM* ft nowrrsfor tho birk ),ird nml a swing fur tho »nall<'*tdolL ' • | '

In nil (S'rn'an art. of »Mch toy inAktag In by 1no means au Inslgnincant deiKirtmnnt, p«r.f«riItyn jof d.etall has always beta tbe sa>lenL>atur<>. KT Iery'phase of borno life Is ruproducsd In ml«-ro- }acoplc form In German trjyland, *ren down to t»» |> « pairs of bud-knitted stocklrtgs and nwfisteri, Ltbo faob-nallc'l sbops-nad blue liknis*s wulrh roakaup the waMrchfl of tb» »olicrboy a.a-X *\&. ^JL .rmn; .„„»-•

T\\t t,'jurJ*» »''»son 1» 1 sewod Chflgiisiis fof «j t ^ , j-m » a w / i rf»

gill—lie* Ih tbe patient teterestetf-tloo aad aceompllsbment; ofexpoient. . ••

Kuretub'-rg people, and tiey sell as many play-things-la thn one period as »h«t eth«r. A(» lnt«rpsting point t>rut.ght lo.light by tills fact Is theearly .ilfTirfntlMIon til t i e AjsxTlran and Kuro-

vblch *hows lts«lt In <;boJc« ol

strained with loving• ' - iriti Olfl UViUiJm UHi

,,VM.J_- trifles-- »4tb tb«painter overT)Ti~bestT

Jndeed._rtearly_aB of tboIJT hun fi l^ *to O3jcd Qp

*«ft«.-eX, ..fisSla^CIattr _^ 0 - l^'^TIirJBSy--!i«rts^^rf*«^ra*-T&tit and table* Utf patate4 wooden^anV •Ktefr "•»»••" '« a. dallght jo all children.

irfiTsSown <* T l ! e s e « " ' " " °? & * t 0

iT'feSnEtlinW-by tbe *Sona,& »bole (am-

speaking, theirreward seems Infiniteainsal according to our stand-

rials cl patput^tuM It I* cbl<>(ly to bl« proit thatnew inreatiorRs tn toylsnd redonnd. Trw- Ban or

?bo firstt tUnlcs of or imnxOT s upon somowry small per rent of tb# In-

from IL To tnzr pew world slandaxds ofJBaS!3S3Baa«g5ateS3I.SrSS»*Si»

i. and- tb»t

jmnielrr—They say 1ft the ahc-ps thatare tha-~ an Arnerl'an child ta Irvtarlabjir f4«clnat«d oyet

tbe mocbanVs! and complicated, tbal tm.tlni* In

•of pUytng. while (,!>« Eurojieaji child llkM a »Im-JIrt'HMteUilllJtXfttft •

Anoth«r T^«ory Koetl«si« Out.

'Yes, sir I ln«!»t tnat a * '*•• IndlvMual, »n.| nol l.l» <<irmttndlng* Ifa innri t<t K 'lftg r >

In «pU» <"i1 t"Well, now, wall * mlnii'r X<u

u«mj tn \-<t ronnUlercd lult*' an IKI-pf.rao} 'flgTir» down In !b<» l!tt!« oldbfiine town, didn't you r

'1 »m proud, w »»y th»t »*«<7b»rjythought, well of'.jna tbur* ' r ^

"You'r» Just a«'gr«al w n as- you

of liie |lu««lHiiBnotbi<f flvtf tnlllluns 4u_

ptlUlllW) MS «l)UlJH>flttwl III IPOt.

r nf( vjt ITTT;—i TTT-HI" in \ t h v t f f ~ r^ 1 1 " * t f ir^i ftfcZ7nV.pT.

aod lncr«as» overy yenr bydnspltq wars, Dplffouik'* and

lii(»rnal dlstorbaocs. A* !'"''" Is 110,Ivk i.f ruHlmtfl vill lit Hunala ftVn.I w r n b<i rrnw/li w)iy tills big snnMAl


' ' EAGER TO WORK.HMIUT fUgairjed by Right Food. ,

Tt>« aterago bealttiy man or woman. Is usually *ag»r to bit busy-at tocau

Hat let dyspepsia «j IndlgnstlOM K«t'I bold of one. and r" -"-"*-"-— -*— —I ft Cordeo. '"


tmn»=r.)riii tfts*'.—W»ll, you M* It all i5«p-cd» «

#OTfr(*in«nt, IM I said Th»»» yif,were- sotzi«t>odyi h«re yvi have ! -i g»>l

one *Q Sd'-n ify ?od

, "ray stowacli and D«r»e» bejt»tt lu glv«' Ci« murb trouble,' "At tlm«s mr aj»t«rtlti» WM> .1

want to jsun » <-&.«<-* /en1 I ?. -.Vow. th»r«r'» wbero

old man. I know

you ' followed. Olher itbida I h*<I no »pp<)-~ TTCt'wGWliSSf. Tb>» food rtouk'dld u»X^~

<*.**A 'o'rirj,«h lae and I grsw weaker tbaji

WDQ alwaysout a kick

» tor

and h«.

sbjooM receive inch scant recoiwithout grotnbllng.

frfcTVtrr.. Tery

^ ai f— — ~ ~ — ' '

M ta tte age ««ut for eUU Ubor toBO Young person I* prohlbtted from

at bome provided be spendstime at KbooL 80 Uat

ev-r grown r.tcb ottr their Ingeatoq»3*jr«. It U-_K«4t. im-toys-la - Cgrgi a ny_aarilir*^

gonea ttrg* purciaie prle« the« Is only modenri* oow.^ . ~ . » f time at school. 8o U t

"playthtogu which glte n»«t bap;^ J j o t ABJMica. b«T« -been

of NBrembers. Aj>d-tt-wort tt»ld on. nm& for


% s«nt!m»nt for traulltkinal ob;«eu rah astypify otd world cons<»rvaU«in.

Tbflj- art- ble*««d with Imajflrjatjor), U i o f i -vli- K d m o o d 'JeIffico peopl'*. a n d the-y a r t not. astiArimd </ / -4btw oove l l^ t . s^xnlit*'! (bat twIng Sbtlr s5sr.p!lcity o f Kplrlt. Thi ' lr WJTIJS nru -wlih 'SJI «•;<» . - - . . - . . T -

•?m^oTO^~f^S^^>rr swTn^^5^^lfc<W tnalnffEreAtb.^^ 1st fJh# »oo»3 » rfcar,i<!*-rJ* ; (6»t -tb« '(.<.;a:S.t ffc«rfi" *r f '4 BayfV; vlU'.ltr--ihei-iaaJay that wm«i! nf <vstur1« j ^ . . - j f^ j f j .^ /<•-! f*»t fwea-ar. (-< toiof *trlrtn«. of wntart** of pat.l nr stfiltv^uienl, | srHth Of^fUjt.aJJy f.S'n <•;> Ml.'.'l »tta

A» yga stt in a ovlrl cf rei rljt>>y.ti nsd ftnaiay fj<l«owi, I IUOUM l«i •»ir«i l5'^_*T '*("

'trots tbU!(

raay add bfjoar hotiAmf h«pptn««* to kn<rw -teatao t>te«aare which tha toy may trtng can b»

^1 Kr«t lotfll'mii Ih VVAfxtbVjJg SffiJwanted t» b« alono. t bad'altray* Uaul

»fT*»7Titirnow"|b» rowoiit trlfj»up*«t fn« and brlDgon n rlcflont'

0«ada«luj. Walkla* across lh» rown

. v{ bad »'"n f)rap#-Nuts n'lvrrlltcd,

, ttjtKfc At li«t when 11 xcruifd a* If I _'' was I!l>T*ily starvlnx, 1 began to ent • -

•—S-j ijK" Jluls"' " ~ ^ "r '"I ha.i tit.t 'b<-ea able to Work for *

- T'«-r, i a t j jo* ati«r_i«»_nitaiilai_flji _ — ,am fflgwf-ta t o at wttffc-——

BMC'lK) 4TOU-,', iny cenrw «r4 stt*dy u «T*r,


, 1 ,

expense, aad Bwa/ k <ial«* dterlty 1» m4«ttaka«or A S M men wbo at fcMMwmld 1w «fasa(%a'to v u i a s rldL t* tb* chep o( Ittti HoUtr are

gr»at« ttiaii tbtpiauMt* of those wboja»4« th«m.IMMI tfeat no gwd wia of yoors cait-oWdTtlw (Jiilitt

Ss*» g t m th«r part tow*r4 lbi»1 el tk* nnlraraai g i f t - ^ c v _- -*-r—

\ .

F/ ' =1

RHJ:-- '-: '> i°'r-' -,.'


Page 4: Willful Cinderella , flUEER OLD MP REUC CURETHATCOLD, CARVING SAID TO Bg OHK TMOUTODA - Y •AftO VKAM OLO. 1 aquar* I\»t»r { ttio offlw I'tuk tunnr )t LROM the rush an

I. —

fro|IM3^^(Eranforb Ciftjtn



Onion AvtBoe, - . " Oranford, l . J

J T#rrtiM. On« WollJir n Year .

Ciu.. Vollrr.retire puliltratinn, ftnmtinira

float miuf ite tignttl or arrom/Hintrd Iff fc< writer* name a* a guarantee ofgood failh, Thf (.'iftxrn teill ;<nnftomm»nif4ition» On any •ulyrcl ofptneral intrieil to lhr»pr,iyir of Cran-font but dort not thfrrtif auutar ««»responsibility for o/itnumnttf rrprrstrit.

J y r j t pMMd bM M M lb»«j<»Blul«Ubhf4ua«rltof U M PabtwLibrary in it* own building and UwwgloDinc of what trill tMMkmbUdl*

_ bMonr <t pablte u»efal-From the day of opeaiBf io -Uv

middle of Aaguai, up la (be preeerjday, Ibe people of Oranford hat* ahmrn

locreaaiof interest IDyLinideed, ite- gtomilTr, tmriKr^6$HBeW~1fralWjfI»li;

but pbcDoracoal. aurprialng ereo toxmf »A t.t »ho barn for pradietMl

Townsliij) ("Ir-rfman wan served with anntltt-r uo-tirn -from' tho ""SlalV'"TioanT "~6Tflftaltli that ('ranford nui>.t w a m]>ollutingthc «atc>H of the Hnli-wiiy HiTeV by <mi'livinginto (lie—stream.- Th'0.' moutI bo Cranfort) nt'ww i» war


ltfihwiiy"where there is n Mr/ingtu la TiieTvSiJfo wltt tli<- ilute atOct. 1, 11)11. It IH prtMimaibiyniiuilur Ui iidtii'OM *MJI to all othertowuR anil (tftifrii, l>tit'wit-JjAv«—tintliunrd of »ucb noliccK (acrpl rnt t>4ltaliWH; City. Why thftn< tthuiilil1m xplccttMl IIOCH not upiitiir Tho

<litit*liBrj;e from Croiifuni

compared with the wholii amountf i<if


i' N«'« Yi>rk

r yafl* pUi»f. U>« uoiftrm\ vain* of • fr»» pllbr«rjr iu « plao* lik* lbi« •outd profilwlf U>)fnui fjutwtion when it ft»i«»ie no eatabllibMl ioatiiuttuo.11>« librarian'* r»|»wt »)II'!«» that tlntr.ti*Ttt i>f«n In ih» lbr<« »od » halfriii.lilh««lnrT- l ln o|»n|og dtj up to )h<rirn d s j Pf ttM» month VJ8 tppllcaiiofor lit* pmllrga of taking out book*,rwwrd »IIHII In UM |>opulalion of, «ll>)Aue M |KMiimljr extraordinary. Td««'unl HIU(c-irxul»li«n of TOIUCDM IIM

ff T O U M

Iwwo for ttw wot* |mriud 7.B47. abuuli)iiiul>u(il4i Ui* LirouliIIuo of itr« ole•ubacriplkw Ilbiar/. ID No»»mtior »lou<!<•«• uBiiibgurf vulumwi lahwr out w'2,!>.y»; lh« mroriKe cUily circulation haaaru*i»'Trom?l U> 121. T h . L.urirUDicform* UR Ihal t l» paroatago of Uctlotok«-aout it CO, ciilUlreb'* 2k and R»o«r-al llWatur*0. W» may -hop* io: aactlim ftomowbat. «i«Maira laaoing toU.-tion rrdunxl io the futur», if « • araktilu to atuek' tba library with aundardUooks Mkpwialljr io ilie directloo> ofb l l i ft d l blj d i l o o o

j j p i j , afteoot) and oatural blitory,Tlw'i'ruO««« bava reMirad from theHtnle Library Ooruoiuaiot tba aum oftltu, attuwad to a near free library forrhe piirchaae af book*, and thia amonotta tMPg ei|wpi!*d apialjr fur raferaoqa

Inttitutlon.tfi« working pow*r of...

Tba Librarian rnporta also


uiikiml ronuirkH1)11 t|l(> OriU-


yth»t all dogfi »lj«lr"t*(: iiiuz/lcil if,iil lowdiltn run lit-lar l 4CIH ON UHUIII ffeliiij; j

i at tlip ciirluiliiiint of th«hi OJfull lilx-rtv of thoir |«jt«. OwnJ

f ll hifl / derH of snmll t-hifilroii, i/hd|«jt«.

, i/hd yotlmm, wi41 hn tlio ollinr liuntl ftt-lvery much' caHior j>roi i*lt'<l tlin-order w rarrieil out to thi> letter.Tho number of cunt's uf IUIUPM re-jiorttid from uvnrliy IOUIIH and theknown \i>ty rmont CIUMIH- hereninko the nnmxliiiK order verytitnoly jind wo. lio]i«'t» nt>o u cvm-|t f t l th d

y ])|{ito cnforct'inent})|{ito


thu order.m, wo lnlu>e.

thin will ill time bring aboutremedy without >,'<>>n to thel h fd

y i h > , ^ thelength* now fmind tn "In? nei«'»-

I^ ^ y

J.)«o. 'SI, at the Kirel M. K. Cliii|»U

nliwt llirea truNtma to HUCGMHI t'. I.Itkml, Oco. Itaiievli _iiud li. F. (fain.



Huoday SOIJOOJ at <XW a. m 1'rwiel.-liitf at 10.45 a: in. Subjoct, «*Tlit>lloundlefw IVwalbilllWor (]rnn>"

Mati'a Uible (.HUM HIU! tjadlni' llitilrCXau at 3 p. in.

Kuworlh LMOKUC aurvice n't T p. in"From lit* WaU-h-

f ntaohlnff IU T 45 p, m. Sulijivt, '-ALife of l'rayar."

1'rayer tueatlutf on Kruluy t>vmli)« qtP J ! i ; _ _ ? r » M-^JMUUI

"Palluwehip with Hod aud Oow to Main-tain It',", Coma and bring a friond. -

. Tha folluwlog Kpwortb fipiuiun offi

yeor: President, Kev.TlliioeatuUh; 1*1via*, 11. W. V, Kandolptt-r i!ti<lI4 . i l . MenUell; "3rd viu». MUM SJUtfhindlar;.4th via*, Mias Vina*AII«n;'1'rt'aa. Miaa H. Siuuck; &t<y , D. 1*

ihM ".'*)1 volume* bava beeu added totl.« Library aloe* ita t, opening V7 b«tftir^<i»rnomheiLot p*fi>illcali ou j h ilibrary Ulilee liaa beau A3. -

TuiDiutf to the lluaucikl 111011100,ninr rec»ll the fact thai Mr. Orocgia'iiilft ot t|(i,(«JU, wna pitwl* U) oover not<>iii) tli« « » l of building, grail lug, aide?w-lka, wrBwiit, sliadoa, elo:, but that itTory liir«»lj provided for th* eipeueoultuin!*lu»K winch had hardljr beflti ' oi-

J. A (IBIICII of about 1200 ' op lh»II« fcOoouni will IM taken tip M

oilier n i m o w . allow from tho niaidlMi-«in» fund. - Tim ekperleoao of tb<> DPIi»o«r liire* moullia should noon »ho»»»'. flrai jn«t what our tdtal inoome fa

CIMI.IIIK )«ar *i||| be, and aeooodly,bo* it ahould be beat divided . betwerotiiod UIIBIRW, ourrentaod miaoellaneou

d the purohraae. of booka aniiwra.Tbe IVi-videut renotu wilt; regret Ibe

kw« by n<aignatb>n or one of tbe originalinrHibw* of the Hoard, Mra, Hale, andUianka th Ola f th T h

h Hoard, Mra, Hale, andUianka tha Oliainnao of the TownthipOmiiiiitiMj for appoinllng an a<|Ually<-ni<-n-nt aud iutereeted tn«tnb«r. Mral hMiirmuD, in nar piaue.

In ouocluaiou the i'reeldent deairN toliauk the other oflloera and tha_a}»aj»T*Y>nbe DoanlTor therfrme "and "it

ntion th«y havo given to the affalra ofthe Library,aod toaiprpea tba hope thatnot only in tba' pbyaloal and llnaiiolalIW|H>OU but alto iu the InUlleetual(levelopoifuttho o n t yeat will showl<»rtiiaiieuVaBd-joIld advance.

l f l lf l l y auo._ -11? I). TovNBIMit,

l).-<*»uber fi, 1010* (Widant.


auj.|«r«fin sale fieMTirOJf-llall mi Tuesday evening, uuilor tlii>a.uaincoa uf the uii»plo»s of the Ulmrolil>*ut Society. Ttis hall waH prettilydecorated aod evinced an air of welcome

I lie large crowd who were prenentduring th* evening. On' •Qtoring th«hall nil wen* made tu fetil welcome by nfriendly Mint* from the ChiofT K. F.tttetrns, wlm divided lila lima beUeeuUi» r«wrj>llon l all and kilolieti. 'i'hcUbloV. which uero presided over by MraK F.^ttxrwia and MJM II. M. Frost,alTuril^l an abuuilaiioe of eeubloe tosatisfy tho ap|MtitM a la' cart* during

1 r- »


Trimly ChunJiThe profrramlift for tbe full choral

tarvlod at Trmlty Ohurch nest- %»<nlng at 8 o'clock will tw B'« follow*;

1'rooeaaional Ujmn'; Full Uboral Eveo-ing Pr*jf*r; Migoitlcal On F), SUaov;Nuno JDbulttlt (in F>, Ut«aiie;-ADth*>mfur Advent Seawn. "Bohold the Oaja

Anthe'm, "-Abld. with U s / ' BobartWhitney; Jteynfolil Anjen J i t e W ;CSoalog BenUnoe,' Sliatw; Kvcnelooa)Hymn,

Closed Portals.•Oo Tuetday avempg nfit panford

Council, Royal Arcanum, will initiatealargaelaaaoftaani from Ilayonne Council will be

,: i

-^ajnbera of tba Iwnl Jr. O, U. A, M.,|U««riMrglDgU>"haU a quoit touriui

l d tl will b h U hjoaalattda maatlog will b . h»U thta

woo Oeair* tojramMibould enroll Immediate)!;

~ ' "~"~)^nu£it of th* tournamentto-»- hinidaoipe Junior Mechanic um-

night.'aka Tribe, No. Ml, I. O. R. M.

i•M&£*9» T1** ™ T « ^i take plaoa-.Th*

Unreling an I 111M May I'ettlt who WMin charft*, wa* kept bnayher atook to aooomtnuJate lier many

Tba'llpv Q f l ^ J U j ^ y n Rr», ref <

ruany Uieir future posaUitlittati and onaccount of the |liuiil»d tint* allowed forft-h aubjwt aha WM dodged to omit tbaliaatand prraent and dlraot BCilaly tof Dturr. Tbe fancy add art tablet, undac(he superriaion nr Miaa Roaalllller aotlth« Mutara Nellie IVUiV were oeatlyarranged with a-|arge variety of art«t)oand uaeful artioles whloh werejispoeed.of at pnrata aale and fttfcf Uie remain-inirstoek «aa auollooed off by "8. 8.RuthwbtwoauocoasfulWor. won\d dojoatlM to a profpaaiooal. Th*-dullwhich waccliaooad off by Mia* Wiloel

yand the lanm-aofa pillow 00 whichJlisa Ruth Hillor aokl chanoea, waswon by Arthur Bmlth of S

Warts-Wattr^ipmN, Anglaman,

y, haa aobmUUd to Uj»OUlof Water OommUalooera a woomnianda-

i 1 h h M d d k W p n ybeeojoioedfromdlrerUm water fitamRobineonVbraobh for ptirpneae8r-Sale,U« quoteaad^oWoo ot the Oourt of Kr-ror» and At>P»«la in tbe caa»of/FiatenionatalqattboEaat Jeraay ^atar

the Paaaalo Rivet for purposeaT * OpayTraoupTioT years ago built a dam aoroaa the& b Bru>flh to

y a r o Ft)i* puipoee.,o*Jmio« a atorag. aut-l4rrbrM>irloo»Ut|.^riMBihway law-

ripjarian ownam

"=J*iw Ip all tba*b»incbT -1

^terttdiijaeat at•ohooJ ooours td.







. J A P A N E S E s<»EENs. •" : ;;;V-V'' '•'• :1;:?'--!":1J'.^ ' . ; '•• -.' •• ;.


tmtm. 34tb wti 35tlj Hna


Useful Christmas Gifts.

Permit us to offer a few suggestions which

may assist you in the selection of a Christmas

Gift. We have a great variety of articles to

choose from, every one serviceable, - many

""beautiful as well'Ts useful, and all reasonable

in price. "*

Here are some of them: > *•

Portable Lamps

— —Dining Room-Domes—

Electric Ghaflnr Dishes—

Electric Coffee Percolators

Electric Curling. Irons—,


Electric Waffle Irons

Electric Toasters.

'Any of the above mentioned articles would

make a most acceptable present as it would

promote personal convenience and comfort.

On Display and* Demonstrated at our

• showrooms.

PUBLIC SERVICE;If^if^H^rttfr^fjrc^^a^

Presbyterian Church.Bptwial inuajoal service fpr

.December will be given next Bumlevening insteail ot tho fourth Sunday of

fourth Sunday falls on Christmas Day.The muaia will bo approprL«t« to theChristmas eoaaon. Tha progran willinolude tha following: Aothtm/'lteholdtbe dsya come." Woodward) coolralta


Eve," Qade; "Thn AdventUymn,'* Behuman. a oantata foraoprsiissolo and ohorua. ' _,, 4

Th* December scsaibn' of Uie Men'sLeagtta w iloli WIILJIEU ,thU evening inthe lViNibjrterlatt %hun:li!T*promises- tobs very inUrestlrfft" John G Oswald ofMew York-Gty. will addresa tha League

' T h C U U t e ' O

afiowioit ohlld life in, lh,e mettopnlta andtha police ponr.1 methodir, pteturea of th«Q J R

Now York. Both t f«Boy*' Bttgade and the Boy1 Scouu willaUtendthe taMtiag. Spooinl musioWill be a festur* ot tha occasion. *

T ,: Undaimtd Letters. • -Thafullowin«l*'tter«renaW unoalkd

tot. at t^«l-Onw|6«i>poatoace:,,Mi»,LUtia Hillary; MlaaUlnnU Hartwell,W B loam. Vim. *Wre.n, f;hat»eajobo-MO, Johli 0 . FttUrt.

V«i - •

GAMILLO MASSA,General Contractor.

Qnullnr;, ' Concrete Work,

Cellars Excavated. .

Sewers, Sidewalks,,Etc.


—, Proclamation.Concerning Dogs 1

.r 'M*fa- nf Irntif

New Jmcr. aad a,Ttnraahlp.befavci

llrr TUmalirnt VathnraaWt itaad auieU, TowaaliUi dork acine of the opinion that the

«MT~ieqauwita«lanl>«ot tola ProelamI. A. a. Deoaaa, the aaU Tetraablp « «aOrlce ol the aaMTownahlti COnnnlttbevabx aalhodas the d«atroctk>uuif_aU

dork ol »>Uion that the publicthU PtoclamatloD.

Committee, do

mner. Anna. . . . . . .i Moan. Emilr l , . , ^ - . . .

14 13 Spencer, Dut$S j6 Sweoiun. John ....':...40

* it

• 44a 16

M 17 a8

171 50 Van4U, ••» Va«

pnoaoffand. (X O, flicker. McKlhal-

MSS RKHMOND'SCollege Preparatory

Boarding SchoolAIX «H*DI«-KiU'tvnrl<a,

owliala. AeellMBiCMd l'"tl»»» V

Day and Boatding pupilsMia, Ulehmon.1 itwi-mnml ulviVi'.K

M o l l o l >Dd rrctnwuiMwtoil b j lUfiMil J" u k t < J U « Miui« I e p u l i n r a


Mt«x««<J U>« Miui« I e p u l i n r a .It a cuocwrt p<aol»t awl Imclutr of rl . K p u u t i n o . Clw wil l tM»i>a,l>api

wh]> intowl to I r a n i ilnrin* tb« winterwill Bwi thl« a tbuniu«h, t l l

l b l t l i i la Kbuul fitr Ihoir glrja.

Hlaa KlctDH,ud-»lttl« at her "««• •mumintf fr»mi B U, H . - "


Candies in Boxes15c to $5

Cigars for the HolidaysApollo Chocolates, Candies, Nuts

Kniicv Cream to Order.

H. J. LUSARDiOj>or(i HOUHO Block, Criinfori

Tother>blic:Hnviiig Herviccs of an Ex[io,i

Watch and Repair Man^v/e .are 'now ready to do a\ varietioB of repair work > o

I, K o t i c i n . ' , ' • ' • - - , •

Call and See Our Unusual Assortment ol Holiday Olfts.

E: T. DUNKLEEJeweler ' ' Florist

Oporu HOUHO Block Craufpri

Sale of Land ,for Taxes, Boroug

Unpaid Taxcs.(or 1908 and 1909.Public i m l n V l i lierfby given b]/ K....V

Dcllar, . Ciitlc/lor and Treasurer of tilllluruuirh ofyKiuiilvurlll, Caunty - Q'I Unior4IKI Mute <n New Jcrsry, that he will acllat puMu tale all the lanu«, tenemeuti. her«hfalTirnti -and . real . eaute hereinalter ipelluiir.l lur rti l l h k hItllttilrfcl—teilu- ful—wrltteli an;| 4 ^ I J | | i*r firrffdiu* Hill agree Iu lake tli<aame and fiay the tax Iirn thereoniiiltufal .mil t n*t i»f aJilc. .

I lie kiul kjle v, ill take plaLC at UuruUKliMilK cm 1 aiuAV, LlEctuaEa ajao, nineteenliuiiilrril and ten. at the houf of three o'clock

lilnili, trnenicnlf, bereditamenta ai

i l whom the uni txxei Irj g h e «ttccn b id • tin nccuunt uf. tbe aanie, and thi.iiiiuiinl-i.f ia»ri> hi i l oii acianlit nfihr amoiiiit uf l.ixcs h i d on o i . l i

f l lBLK. LOT. * AMOUNT Pi!

Hi v Aiulrmin, John A l f r e d . . S l o t ' s 1*4!Jt JI Arthur, jaa^*l ' ' "M

U 4»• I !<•

: 1 3 6

• S \llliur,Wthnr. jj<. . . .

,_u .Xckrrnijii, JJJ 1 .»j a AMimii, 1 rank . . ,

• Hi O J J Alt1ri7:r Kuhih I1 . .itlj io Aldrn, Kalph I* . . . .4uy l i lliiiwu, A. aud II. 1.

J? j l lltll, Albert Ubo 41 llcll»»orlli, II. J .

174 i~ llorinn, C W414 j Urawkin, M^ry h415 if, V. j187 74 loin llrrckenridiie, II 1i(.i iu Cule, W W . . . T . — T . . .6) 17 Ctuwther, John I ]6

~*A-=- A -CSinrbttrr "AHhilr","- iTts' 04"6; 1 Caldcrwoiid, W. S a 04.14 i s Uenmi. Jaa. X 1 j6»> }o;9io84 Devine, J, and C.611 a» Dwiskt, Jaa. S.

160 10 Dwlil i t , J j i S . . ,174 IJ Uowiung. Oca I 3 *

I 4.> 4'a 11• 4'a 11

7»' 44

4 3 fcdwards. John A 1 16li ,i» Froat,.lhary Kt>5 4 7 Froat, 11 cury K

184 0 7 Fuller, KJward 14 4,i» I (iUppo, Antonio . . . . . . 20 4a 18 7;40 V» Oray, V*1. N - - -74 41 Goodnclt, Minnie . . . . 1 4 .74 . 4 ; Goodrnh. Lhaa I • 44" « ''S>>«?4 i ' e n ' 0 1 ! - " ' - ' - ' 1-1-*« T 54 l l o r c > , K d w a r c T ^ . . , . . ' . . 1 j 6 1 1 4

iSu 1 Heltng, Chaa. W.>. a 04 ) > ?74 11 l lenderaou, Kobt 1 4

ly» 6 l la thaway__trank K , . . ^ - a 1414 4~l loran, L i m e <-;'' 1.1

jtl 4 j l lanaen. Herman - 1 44J 17 Juhnson Wm. E 1 36 1 444 44 JniM, t>o|ihia A . . , . , 1 440 32 "Juhn, l>avid 2 1

110 11 Klntf, t jeo. W 36 a i410 u KrcTer, h\a ft, . - i 1

,lH U Kcrr. UlanoJie 11 14 .3 i 34 lantf . Luuw l^, 1 4— — * Ltaler £ a 11

411 10 Litter, Melnlle Cla 33 AUUtath, l\ U, Jr . . . - l > 3 68.1 34 Mintten, Samuel 1 36

159 4 i Madlay, Ilylmer '406 jo-MH.iaugh, Oiav 1 1 . . . . 3 . 4411 17 MiLlndon, John. . . . . - 1 3 6411 18 McLindon. John > tu4 y .i McMprara. Kichird . . . .

1 44' 1 4

> 44a 16• 44> 44

• > 44-L4.

. . 41 Mahun. Mary . . . .41S 33 Mcrritt, Norman .-»6—te-McLnn—Wrar—=-r- . -

36 16 Uathaut, Chaa. W.110 4 0 Oftrander. Lieo. . . .•H 11 Paae , Joaruh3a 11 Page. Joaeph . i .jH 4 j i « . . . u i . u r _ L<43 * «ciM;iit Wm. l£.

t» fag*. )«aepb3J rtul. «eo •.

- - » » ParaonV Caia«rine - . . .4> 31 Kombliitt, C . . . . . . .j l as Kowe, fleo. i l : .

<* ."Jisjvi** l f•ti^i'rt5»i«'"r«*n^:^11' 15 Roth, Jobn TT •„..58 33 KoberM, Chaa. 1 ) . . . .61 19 Robhin, John D

40. 41 Randall. R . . I 1 . . , .l» ai Sage, W. N., •..-64 4oT 41 hclrreTner. Anna

J 44' • 44

a Ib14

> 44

—I> 44• 44

•'• 4417 8

> 44* a 16

IS• 44

BIX. Lot ——- • »a Uokwara

< 11 "

: j % : : :14 i i Brown, Aarao

tilxia Jka'14 »i


< l-ortlund. John A4.-j j» . I^i ik i iu»n. - ,... 1.^—_^.^a_

36 16 Uuknwn40 1} Skkbjr, Wm.4j i i ' Unknown . , .

** ' ZA3 ,194J 3O4J 51U "

5tf . 30 Clapperton,, -\V. - - . . . . . . . . •'W 24 *1 l*\kdtt. Joint ' N , . . ' ' . . '.»'-

6 , t . 14 • " • ' . . , . . , '.~o.l 1U Harriaon. Jonea -66 17 Unknown . . . . . . . . . . . . .U II " • . . . . . ' . ' . . .67 '. 4 \Vrll»,..aiaa.' K . . . ; . . . . ,6 U k



• 73 6» — " - '- —••; 3 w174 9 Itrown, Aaron 1 36179 30 Unknown 1 3(1• 79 47 " ' 1 3d18J 9 " .^ „ I 3 '1B4 >9 " . . . , 1 3 '184 . JO " 1 36184 11 " 1 1 )IMI » " , . . . , . 1 .IS406 35 " a 944u8 >l " J 364»tt 31 " a 044 0 8 40 Kanilall, -K II . . . . . . a 044o8__4 l Hqmli l l . l( II . . _ i t l 1 0 4 ,4^5 T T X i i l i i u o i i , . ' . . . " . . . . a"04"409 ia " , a 04400 14 " » 04

409 .a409 40 " a (14409 41 " a 044 1 0 1 2 " > a t>4410 34 " a 114410 40 " . . , , . , , , . , \ . . a 04411 10 ** « .».'. 2 m41 j j Nolan, JohnA1A 1 fiifcim»n



11 S i i e m e r , I J I X . . .f -SociUnit , ( - <i .3 Swcnaoii....C. li . .3 Swenson, C. d, .4 I r m u k , Jului -W5 " " .

it« 3*

• • • • • ^ • : ;

••,;;-^P^'.'. s » .•


—-H—- B

, Rill

' ".'.- 'Iare

'"•' " " \

AV("I' l l .

' • • ' • ' ' • '

mo• uril

-:' --;'*sBlrcUifl

I)* r

ur.\1 1

1;t«k<in l>



IhuL1 fc-~ _ j ^


MIII nWill"MrlR

417 17 - '

: : . i •• -41* 9 ••4 8 10 " -41S. 27 Unknown4f» 31lllM 3l«4 "ItB 3165 " J

Illltnl Nov. *i, 1910

• J»I 3i» J«1 J*1 30I 36I jS


Notice ot Meeting ot. Sewer Ad.sessment Commissioners.'

Nutirb la htwbv Riven that tlm sobserluan,*''mmuMnntira anixiintoil hjr the Clrcolt Ooarl

Mwinpbt uf tliu cunt and <(Xp«l»« «f oon-r"atrnctioK en tain latcrnl knwera in the Town-BlilpuM'ranfiird, recently rotutrnctnl, to wit,

Itt Union Avrnno rmin Willow At.nuecaatcr-lr to imlnt n « i Kiiat Orchard atrwt.

IriUnUm Avvnne from Emit Orchard I

In Union At-uiin rrom a iKitat n M r ' E u t ,Orehnnl 8t., u... KMC llrclmrd Hlrwt. BateOrchard 8lr»t, (lanlen Hfnat. CraVford Av«

nil '. . . nisuwiivi



if 236 fH)t more or lew.

-* - ---—-— w««*.^'«s ^•••««««ja« u i i m v i nanaaaayi**nnt>, llraml Htrwt nod Illnoinlngilala A«Doe.-

• - " - ' - - \fann«ifroni Houtli Avenoe nortiarj

.-•--u--i i Place from lUnnlde DrivltoliaHalleATenlMiorHthBtreet. 1 .

Iu Gllialnth ATnnne from Unfdn Areout to-ti-llaniilitnrATnnni {

In I.llicoln Areaaerroni point mar Illgb St.—Io CenUiirnlal Avenue.

In ( cbn-uninl Atenua from Cumfflliiga St. toLincoln AIPUIIK. ' *

'» *">'n A<tniir botwwn Conlennlal Annaa 1and Thnnwi Areuue.

larhoiniu Avonna from South Avenu to( ummluK -HtlMt.togrtllierwnb. the proportloa-alet'iwtof thotrnnkaewer. #will mratat the Townatilp Ilooma in tba Town-Hhlpof' nuifonl, on the


**,[be ilatiei impoert upon -

loteneud ln"^*rftaaid aplan allb h l

•aid ti • u niul plan all iwnoua lotemud In•aid uintter may b* hronl nod b a n tbaoppor-nnlty Ui pmiMit id bfo U b

n r may b* hnnlty Ui pmiMit «v

i f

y * hronl nod b a n tbaoppoy i pmiMit «vid«n<-« bsfor* UM «ib«cn

twre in auiiport of any tinjncUona to tba |.ro-l t i m a b i a i a a t u

y jw>l«timabiaiia ataenaimiauDut«l Itecunbtir litli, 1910.

noBKirr c PLOMR.KKUltllirK. W. PABK,

* W J - B U U T D J . -



• m e t — .

Do You Want a Home?Ifao, looktarup.

iqo&iiuoroR AND BUIUDBB.

Page 5: Willful Cinderella , flUEER OLD MP REUC CURETHATCOLD, CARVING SAID TO Bg OHK TMOUTODA - Y •AftO VKAM OLO. 1 aquar* I\»t»r { ttio offlw I'tuk tunnr )t LROM the rush an

,">"«)' '> V,

' ;-' '?*'*"


was hrl.J a} tb« liutur <


tl»— I'lrv ItctiMi < I III ' U k n l i < r , . , . . . , w . ,

J ? !*' " ' ' I ' ^ l ' A' J I Ii , r ^ '

fir1?."1'"" '"!"">..»- I - ~

>.'1" nl-«lHull) - | , ,_ „11' ...,!»


I ' — c <• i l>» Mi—i. ' i i t , ; r I*~i

i ..."'ll;Mi an I Mr*

I ' l . i l l W i l l I l

The h-' in) I1..11.I iv ru-ti wi 1 . .. & u - i . ' -"»t ' i -"II / I t t i l l ' l lMlll | « M I l k . - J i - * ~ |

u t j .un tut i in^

h .iu> »ili I..' ilU


tin- ft inter* in I'unf j n . t -* '<"<' ' -"

Mm Il.iiT-t M i l ^ i u - h l i n .if .NMtr, f r "' '»••-Avt - , i-s visiting fri"tj'l-i it Nilt-»frxif* I *** •I'll ' J ll.B-1

mootl f l / % Ittmti.•!! tu(.'r.4(.f it I >u •'.it ,"" * ' ' ll\uril»> „ * a * * ' '

' M r iiwl Mr* I: Y*l**'tr i n , f u t i ,

fllri'i't, iin> I'OIIUI'I'-I m ^ frcr 1 tut i--

Uuk uf tin- KT'I1!"'

D r ami M M Miuk l n \ » r - t . r r - . !In Fri'i'lioM .ifli I' ii

I! \t


-'-' I.


.) .,1».lf i I n - i i n II *«'i

>>f ; In ( - • • i i iu iut

K'i-! SI< Ittl lumril uf

»,-h !., l , 3 i . - I l i f IU \ Hi-rlwK K I I I I H -

-"!ii \ •••ui<(-^l l i ' t ' in i i f i i t i l l i f x l M iir

tVsijf r-< 4 <' 'I'MJ n - I K t I'lt-fn

j n i - ••« l'lt'l-it • H'IHIIK l u i l , l lm

,i(Tiir'<• ri<: Jtitrn Imt tn i n i m y fiunt

o'l l .>/ l o a n 1'u." f.-i Hii- lii>ial u n

It « I'uiinv

it tl . 'I. mi~

uf Mra. Mink'spiir-nM Mr 11M Mt*

1 f IJt>M •<, OrniiK>* ' 1

T. \V HWmf.T if d m . - h-r.' .t . * „•.t«kfii up hia riHiilcn. i> iti it !• 1 \t\ . t*

\ ultv UiUsi'ri. i lur) uf Mij-ti'

Tin* lhi>riMniiii'r<'r l i .n t»*ii I, .v.-r

. . . - [_t 1 . ~ — ^ • ' . I T ^ I I . T - H . T l i | I I K . | H»***tt«WI - — "

Rtitfii ihi-HkntHrx |>I»nt) "f 11 niis> tc.tiiuij(*r HP mi thi' froinn rivfr 14^*'a vi*i; fruni n'i olil ftl"n.l,

•* -A -\^it'titp FHliiiOjf'fttflt^liitn^itn"! ft j - -i 17"". \—; T ' T*"~" ". , . . . . »*& a n t r t d *itl» 11 tnliir* nf

hlblit n|i< to In-mlilwl tu 1|J<- t rurfxnf . ' .

('allot-C'lllli rmiliw foe tliM* nrniiM-i^-LI • " „ l l » I I "ot't l ie iiii'inlH-n aurt tlicir frt«u>N . . , f , , ' . , . . i- V • ^

l » i H i - b - . U > j i l » S«'« 1 rt< i l r - j^ firmMj;«_ lWni i i ib l ) i>) l<* ln-t rri'U'.tlly « t i - » , l . - « t , t | j , . i,«m«. of MILT I.IWUK

III lit h»r fiiiiim ntr ( V u U n i m i an'RHf. , „ ,, . p v. i^ l ) t . _

fur (IK

it* h a * 1M-I*II a eutr.'rfr "fr.>i'6

i lm-a-i ' fur -fciuiiMunntht,

I'Vwlrn k S< li-'liHrn, • |»-r it. >r,

T M HrnlK>-<, IHItlit ).'tri| muter**»t , ; , . j t P j . i -(f, |

Inrn t i ' i i . >iri; h n.^ n ' l . r . ^ t : . . . . 1 - . . . ,B. . .H> | " ' l t l . l < l t K

tin' pn-u-iTI Iniii( V u n t i - i Illhut. inslrm-'or in IV. r >i » ! • • « • t C. i t i l -nf « ill i 1 » n i f a i i ) IM m-

at Ml-dHH'hiiionil - - i h i . i l . i- l ' . | - - S - f t <u U.- y: -1- •—.) 1 h m « . ^ <'itli«t

Itiitof hi.rprl»uu-n>llH. ii m ..if I" r> - ' r » - t t - r - rt . « • . 1 i . s i inv . i K.IIH

IIIIIK, <•(' . ut rt fill.- iii'W lj» 1111 fi-i'l .'» M> •••«. W W liinlT .nxl Itnipli

Ni-w Ynrlc I#.i! m+r ' 1 ^ ' I" o .« l l i i »n A M - , a i l

It ll«iirinnTiithiil 11111J I! IS — * ' . ' • " ! " " I " 1 1 ' " " I" ' » •ford "f S...1II1 At.- Ea*t, I - i n - .n t^"1 M ' - i i o « f i a u u Ih . ir

Momlaj, fm a wi-ck'-t t u p t i I. n-nr,.. 1* irt «uii t » l!«,

ntn lr» thry will aitt-ml th>~ u m i - n t . n

Ma« Msntfui hiM b.'1-tJ .'l«'t.-l C a t - l » ^ " « ' U n n »'l <>f Fn-cliolil

la in of tht'Craofonl tJuMwf lu l l h»-k.-j n » * l - i M « ' purthaar th« f « n u

an.l II Wln.kl.-r. inmiurVT - « « O - " f u ] l « t n t i - i n N<-» l'rnvl.l.-i

^ „ . -mn^M- m ^ ^ ^ « pfJ- -u^guawi .boyn by Mm m-ore »t 1 to 11 Th»y arf- '»«» ^*U'<n-' «»*M -H»e a. l « . Ini-lnil-npootintlnv Kiinw, with.,mt uf t .«n . < « » iak'->> H H IwsataJ « mil.' anil 11,, ..., b-if rcthn'tii" maiii liti.> trullry utit-iiiii < 1 -

'J«.m At the IKIIIII

tf-T .


dmu-e on'Norttrav^nu-\ Club *.v* IK-JJ Iti lb<-

pftratury loimprov*>mef»^ th«* tlr^t >.f tii.» ).•.Half of the hi if "Hut- r.i .111. (1 '••_

" partlinf'nrir "ntT" IIIPI " ijtti'meals mail -

The dlrrclnr< ut t l n ^ • - . » " . • . - | > . . 1 ; } a l l ( jNational Hank <it a tw«'nt m^-tsnp j | r v f(U 4 ,b,dwlureil tin' «*i.>n(l .->-nii linstwl

. dlvitlpml «t th» nit*1 of 1 {"-t «-ot. tube paiil to the ilo<'kh..liW» ..u, Jno I.1011. The lni(i»f<»r !>»•!»«-f >bsare lo rfinaln clo-ftl ti»lsj ui

* Jan* istLrituth liiclueis?* - . - - •«..•ki* IDIO th** oft -** t»f C-

•r, the Soul h AtenUf-f*-e<t mchnnt. on Krlilay nfRht. anilwl tb» plao. From a .lm»»r in ^ ^

\»r'»ilnik I hoy • stok' »t3StU ' ^ ' ^ j , . ; . r j«, from the »»f» whK'b •**

3T lix-kMlJIji'i atao toofe i-»»h

room ofpfwlpnt . Mis*

Br «-o. ia ill*«liair Current cVeutt)Mri I'nrk alnl

xt^n^v^ <*••- tlt«.*ry 1

d 1J} Mr«^ I»)W, was1 t y , Mr* lint*-» A pit|i'r oil

iniur" »«« ri-nil lit• " "

Mr-". 11. M. (Viiiiplon w»ref l

bv tttr-1 f M 1'aal** M.I;y gChurch fb-v J •> J ltliwlrs of Hlu-



to ITntyfw-l (y,lr»attlaa»

forcing open a TTIIHILICH. arrv«l SMT*- ' * » r o r I*1'" *?**'" "** ll11" °'n

aai l t l iu wi/1 Bh«>**ll«lf 0<»- Irirtalla-

feras««Hk dwrtksTh* CbfUtow )>««(*«« ) • lit*

Sobool•M-riowi* amiWill i«-Jt|iitf t

At Ttinily rtiurch itw-ttuaJaT

S..m >>• cbttcoh. at

l i t t>>ttl bD « . « , ami 4

y. A*it «iil 1* » giving a* «#>(•*»wil f'T thu »f<ii'liir< »nil

Th* t«c«et rtttmt >t OutfimiID

n, llx*•< *i*e<> Ukni up Ui« ttory wtb jb«

l H

li* e«»»miRMiii=«it rhamtnm, raU|HHI Kith Mi\<t"un •)•«. lt» Au

t ulth ,li>ti*r« Inntiklloluir* fmntall |wn«t

>-t» (ruatj»

ltt rkHhlugor prnfMiiotDH-fof lit* -*

S u I* (1«u» h u Wi Mij*. n*il W«ll,ii«Lln) UWtKt fot-M* UM>1i<T TtWflWMthr Kir.t M.~K. Ohurrh Ttw t

># a rttrutjoiu. t M aaJl Ii* ttifl* fur nil 0* wWl u« an

A pppajiUwoo C»ui»f

nm# SUIKU)

A! St l'nul'ii M K. amrrfa th.irMimu fB»tiviU»« of llir KwmUjl)«Hil full uo Krijmy •vroiuf, D«e

At, Hhru u na»Ut» will b* h*J.I. entUM

SiritU'iia ni'i'tiitirmti-tu )ul« tUI#mt) h*r**ui tit^|.li> PtinUir C^itiiplon.An ••nlrttnium.-iif fur th» kitiJurHruu . IUM <>f tliv Fir«t I'rtiabyti-rlAt

Slll).,lll) Hchoul, »lll IM< lirltl DPtt W K I -•MIU> nfUrnoNl In thl' <<b*lM<l. '1

Suiulny Kliuil will r*mltt 11tniitfram in IIIK chupul ou Uli

lny• I hi' iloiil)l..» (|UHrt«lta choir nf Nt.

Mk'liu»r« I'hurcli am holdlnit wweklyri»lifiiis«l» f.irilJflr ChrmtniM U*y |iroiirani wfijrh.»ill ^o |itih)i«hi<il 111 our

Cranford Casino Notes.On Hi'i riuiil uf hn (-nUtrtalniiii'iil tiA do

fUl nt \iw (lulf IM11I11111 tlio i<v»niii(f ufitiular) 1 I, thti r,liUTtmnrii»i>l t'omutiiM' nf tin* ('imiiif inkm pli'iutitK 111H.-t|i nil K IIIHIIHU< «ft fur Uln^ IIIK I

'i nit Hti[i|M>r, BII 11H l.lit to i'<l»lfi<'t>, -I!'.» t'VfliiOtf nt I ti« 10IK'lu«n>n (if tlir

iTwttm;—lTrtmnmTr<TiT7Ti "Vgfil IJiiiTTTi p ^ r m l l IH* Hi>r\ml tl i thv ui(>jiib<*rvml lliHit iim-atii Fur tlnm« wl»h|hft to

Mn' Mm

Mnriit-,1 Mxu 1 'i 3

4iiiithiliil, II. KSIIIKIH MHI

Imf(,,, \Vfl|. W '.TT 1(ll|i|ll|l 1'. ll« (iSlik'li* III.-II n m thm< uiiL

|«ni{.' 1 In. \Mim«t« i.f thi' lib'JlJ-, l)ip

'IIIK Iwilll nf till* lliult'll til ihtlfct (M>

i.tii'i- 1.1 lln> li.tifntMik i|i||iii-r «t till-

mln 1 l)^U-i iif txilli I- mid illft.

T tu li« iiiitti. 11111 t'tl Inti r

"ill Im inn <>IT t l m ••\rninKml Dm jti ' i it »i l l iindiiulitwHjr bringut nuiti> fru-ndb of tin* ^tKiiitvflfniit*.h«ri*'IH kii-n nviilrjr liotHi'xn Tfrnir nfin If iijln^ ti-Hiiid which iirn qiiili.

tMll> lllhll lll'rL ( "

K i l n h i d WUI.IIIIIIK Is un n l.nsl-

••<•• 11if to Kentucky ,

I hy rl|i» JOIIIIK folks nbout Uj«n,

c ICIIKK Villa Mtmlc/iJ CI11I/ tli in uftrr-

'Hi.- Ij»ifi('»'^IiHdfim'ary-rfocli'iy oflit- l'ri'sb}terlau Church ck-urwl ovi-r((«> (it tin- ivcHiit'lmlli'Jny fair In-lit Inlie 1 Inn i'h.

Prank Cook. i'.f IJiO'ikl>n, a IIHTVIDK> I , T*7.iz|if>'ct*<lHaTe II1T1

tu VIOHU u ijenl ofp ptirinl ctiun-u |iro|wrly. for

sliow emporiumM"»' Vl.iln I'nliiicr.'ll [>&p>I of Ilutact

ai-Ufy. the noted (JUDIM, is nuir inur|{K nt_\hi> •Mu«le Di-p«Jiliii'lit (if

JIM lUrlinvmir* m. html.I'uBl Canli ri'O'lveiJ In town ji-BUf-ty ftrihO'ilicu tlio «nf« nrrlvnl uf <i.

l- will rid ttw"yfftte£.*--.'~'.».

Krvi«lia.» takuu a contriKtbuild it liuuw! for K. K, Ailnmit un

The coatiacl calU

oo fur whlrli hiw

r#faul nnil tlielr (ylirl«tiDa» vx-n'ivn uu' i f i « . D « J J3..«it » o"t4«'k.

ftcFitml Tier. .fleoiK'- K.rW11",_U. Ii., alii aiMrwiw »m'IK.LI.-*, Hchwh «f|ll| reuioio

mil Tu'tufay, 4au/J, 111

With » ff>t<V4i>IM

p»to«, *l4jn« liln blAw-lf a»»n

MritwUl' l l j" , Mill uim uf tft* (nut!

lU Iktifrll lii« I'tii1-^*!* with the- il#fl,ml i i ienul i i lioiiiloi iti»flu U>t »n

i'h»ll<p I* fi*liui; on h\* tnurok

VHtagf IniprovciiHMt Assodition.|>lly |u Spr.nif lV» V 1. A


uUb Murkot

Sudden Illness andAilments

N a grave eiiier^jcyj tele- 1 , .

Just step to your Boll TfI»*|.i«..«-t.M.nup the doctor or (frui;i*:ist, stati* tlu« rase,and act 011 tho iulvitf which y«ui rccfixc.

Should you need soincthiui; which isnot in the local .store's, the Ho 11 Telephonewill reach anylKnly in any place at any


Sax UK. mutts

t, nf S « w \ u | k ,

: of S, II.K.U J ,1.

Dr titiiiU L Kottinin. Un> Afin'mi

Vriiflnr. will rolato ,I.'M •'i|wriiini.<w« 111

lh<ij>«tk (AmtihKiit Inl tli* IwtUr* <>n

Jun.iUlt lit Vfrnlj>U-tl«ii rli«|H-l I t will

bi< hnlil iiinlor tliv »nh|»ic» of lit* A M I I

t'ililitin mill tH't(«t« o< mlnilMlnii M ill In-

l iurt j Dv« IWIHH

Tim* illinliiiK di

Ui Im (iclil CAMX I" •Uiiu«l> nl

..f Mm I'. U S>'k"i», iin (Vlj

jtrnl «^Tinn ..r M M

IV.UU, ) | ,

nn it|i|i«rtiiiiitj in Itintii lh«<i«y»U<li.'a uf lltit i-uliiiur; ml da mitn)

Th«~riili>rtn(iiiH«flli-i>niMiiit»r In-Ill n

I'm'H.U) affrtliixjli, wliii-li »»• Kivriif,,^lii^^h»lilliif_»fl».JiiMii'lli»t!!_Oijnii.nittw <)>t»r|M0 »n« i^ili7(vtill I*. muHl,fii CI.TIMIHII" *nrk niunt.g' • i II' «*»I.V f"'!'"1!! Illblrn °w»ni Illlwl

with pla»iir« I I'IUVJ IjrnlKit vthf

10 llm' |i4tM<|4ilin litill nu.I

hfiiltt* In Clirl «|in/jn>ii« (linuiif t'Hiui.

Tan Collfflor-TCivesTux iVilli-i'tui P |A

(u ri'm-ldt tiimi» |rm M'inilii) ml>l Tm-mUjr Ih <h«

i\-\v 'lo»iifl.t|i IJ.IIIIIII.IIIWHr.,.ny

r IIIM liT>TrrH vi'tli

<k l u u i i , ami » I" 5 D'I'ICM'IC p tn ,


hour of the day or^Mi*^ffwi"5l1i9K!5''ffi'J5»i.?iiai>k'*!¥«S«T<«W»«

Ha\'e you a Hell Telephone?,...

NEW YORK TELEPHONE COMPANYIUU Ttltphont it .4 long />iV.imi'

Concrete Building MaterialAny Design- All Colors.

GUARANTEED DAMP PROOF. IH VIHI ti un t t l m I . m l , «.> inuLi. it


Ghalmers-Detfoi. and HUDSON CARS

Best Proposition fur trl dnd l)i'mon<lr.ili>$


Tooooooopooooftooouooooooooo***' UOOCXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ

Real Estate Bought, Sold and Exchanged jof property |^.-rnuii.illy attcudctl Inittul

J.C. W. RANKINTelephone 160-J.


I I NORTH AVENUE.ooooootioooaooooobt>OO(X

SkholiM IttinitiiHi'hwr luia glvtto tipIIH p(M)ltlnn nt I'ntil JllltiH'r'« •hop, l<>

n'v-optn similar <»fm nt Nnw-Urutw-nltk.

• Krir "Atidcfi^iti. <-hlt-f *'l--fk/ at- Ihit.j;ink. in ;ri»i«'<l l»r hi* IndiMiry anil•|o«. nlU'otl'in to liutinma. tin nf v r

tt7 put off "till tomorrow *l»a<Iniuli'''! trMlay." nu<I y«i»t<T«

lay WII»II'I oxcptl'in In hi*

ietnril Oiilit«-r 1'IUIIIH worn ft-acly I"'If Ut AmlorwMi wtt^jdll (Imply In-

| in lim wotk. Ontt by "lie Ml*l1

aL it HJUI h» .ll'l not ttilnk v,f..4,iittlriKuntil flmjcmim r'«m*i on Thf« with

'tf «nti»llc<l fiM-llug li« U')\ luinwlf•««dy lo IB»*H w|n-B. imrrlUlB fate! h«

11I tifln«af ).K-ki'.j In th*> <'.wwrtftl

j J i u d promptly «AII<0 lil< muUtaiux'thc ulephua* ut t1 cttUtii oVerJ-li* 'pbofie unlit h*foundKWKI hWuijititim willing fit hilbl il(>

iie Juniujr. vrlij taiokt *<-£ t inth

hile *M Inb-rmUHl pulillc nUfA rai\.utiitly Hb»ul tb<-,fr«Mt. of the l»tup<mtj

lo jAher fmbllo

_ .1 -toridtnet and Shop,e T i b l 7 | ^

eoitOwrt att-Eintt^Ui l>> Jslnrs (J at MufHliair, ithm Ktorputi—t Orgiigd; Mimi ltinol*

arri«o«t-atKl M*»» Oaire Hw>d,

of fi«r»» during the affinal. T»i»pb»fii.li7.|.,

ofk.Clty.Next «wk'« bwiHt uf TBKIII contain Interastfojr lit*TBt«rt>

to ynjatmaa KX>KkeMitanio<» Xulctlde Cato

Cl«5fl«na»CBroLU **BayJtint" has toocfa^d ralllfon*

^ neart« and afeon^it tor faaoaaofrlndrw

Contfaotor*;r t e d l i i ?

IVTANORRealty "Company _



I.O T5 on HIM t l irc ( /mU tl/i-y uri.iU>rr]i)ninu, ih^V tri> nfT'iriiji; fornaln'rko^^ SUHUttMAN HOMESih all part* of ''rauf/<nl nt ptir»Hf %HW Il iWV T I I

pfrom %H,W) U, Ili.WfVj TIKV II*VI,aUu OBSIRAHt-R HOUSfJ.»i' (OH

Baumannf8a j Photograph Studio

Brwd" Street, opp. Central Ave.WBTflflDJN^L Jl_

One of the Beat Stud.lo* In (he"' ' . SGli, .


Sln»|i < ItMiwIinre »li4'ii jmi nili (.'i I,HII mntiy jihffiil iiinl Mi'iinllilii m i lI'II * fur ('lirmtumH |iri>nc»U ut tlioItndl luir/lnjirr 'dloii Ili'n. m 11

i", from '


(itirti[il_Lmt (" I'ni'ki ( Kluvim, ofI'M: lo 12 ^

Safitt) Itu/Mi»t SI Ui tt 'f'nrVlii(4 Hffh, Hi'i'Hoir',


I'lyi r SlmiU, (IfT K V I S '


Page 6: Willful Cinderella , flUEER OLD MP REUC CURETHATCOLD, CARVING SAID TO Bg OHK TMOUTODA - Y •AftO VKAM OLO. 1 aquar* I\»t»r { ttio offlw I'tuk tunnr )t LROM the rush an

-iY /

Henry Irving Studies SolorisHow the Great Attpr Wltctied ths. Law -M»*<«f« , t-Wwk ^- " " T h e i r Characters" With

markable Accuracy.Re-

Ir Henry Inline firit appiarrrt cjri".tl'1 AniTl'iiii ftnRi In 1"2!l Sol l"rt(fafter his d«lmt «« Mutlilfm. In "Tholi'lls.' 1 had (|ic pltafrarh t<r nii'i'llli*the Kr* nt ICijRllhli iirUir inamt'T [it allttlo im-nxftiM In Washington, Dur-ing tlio.ripilin- i.f IBi- IIIORI lie imhfllIf I rmiM tnVc. hill) lulu Did hnuso ofti'ini-dyilallvi B. (Inn In p'-sklon

'1 nlmulfl llk<' viry mil')) to inakrn study of DIM iiiiuibcru of your hmiso.(if oiiigrcim from a »mt 111 lbe_gallori"«where 1 nil) not h<f »t>»r>rVMl," .houcnt on In cxplAln "I limn » l»a )« 'found icrrnt pit aiurr In Mudylng thefun s and iimtihi'm <>t men win) nroprominent "in |mljll(> llfn when theyare not awn re that nii> emit In pnrtk't;


Mm rorrectlyT What Is his nameT"'That la Satnuel fl. Cox, commonly

llnmto of Iilin. la probably not far outof the way," Sir Henry wax Informed.And (lien he waa told, of n»pn>a«nta-tlvo c« '» literary career and partic-ularly of hit KorKAoaa description of anunact wlilrh won him national lltor-ary'fnnio and hla lifelong nlfknama,

Hlr Honry thougbt a moment, ,"I fhmM think ho would lie more

art urntiily draeribod a» 'Sunrlae,' " he

ham tna/lQ my »lu(l[i'«, I nm Kind tohe tuld llirlr nniiii-M.f fur it frei|unnllyliffnrd* IHO a *n . i t pi' imtirn t» Ir-nrnUrn I my Pomona! jilmervnllonn h.n\nPiuiblid mil to reiijl arcurnti-ly tlio

^rlinriK li-rs of KOIIIH of tny unconsciousmihjei In "

'Hint nfternoiiti It WRH not difficultlo Bocure fur Klr_lh'iirX- Ic»lng—then

Tlntn Mi rieiir> irvlns—a BIMII in tlio% tailors' n^l(Ty whim' lie would bofiifrly >sHfi>* friiii|-~(i|innrvatl(iu. nnd yeti(mid *ec iivcr>tlilng thnt « « B mklrmjilate on the" floor of tho bout* A S•mm (in lie WIIH ni-att'd ho bo'mine Inluim ly lntI-Iftiled In the nriM-ei'dlmmiijxill iho lliMir

A imjtnont later tbo great actor's at-tention was held by a man-roundwhom w*re gathered four or five ofhis fellow members, to whom he wasdpunrf tilly speaking, In some excite-ment, about' a tneaiuro before tbe

"That man," whispered Sir Henry,after studying him closely for several'mlnutrs, "IK- a typical American, I


ie American"character." Ife'ltvery nlort'mlnded and knows bow Conliabo hands, and li completely absorb-nd In politics I should like tp bear himspenk I judg* thnt be has a nigh andpimalhly rasping voice. Have I JudgedJilin correctly?" What IsTi!*'flam"*?1"

"A fairly nrcurato judgment," wastlm reply. "Jlis namo Is Cannon, andIIII has a hobby of paring down appro-•pTTHftoinjITIs: nels-very "popular In"his hoiun district, has a good deal ,of i

At firm hoHie whole hnifnr, ucVmlim to take ItIn with one brnad mteop of thfl ' <•)(>.Then IIIK nttitiillon beromo fixed upon«in*>- nirrtibnr nnd" Im sal silently ol>-m-nlni; him for, ppihspx IIVo minutesAt Innt.. he upokv, In a whisper, soAM'not to. disturb our neighbors,

"I nhuulil say that tlint tuan Is verj-—ItrhtlM, a—rtiry—chlppVr • puuuu, with

cnnsldorHlilo lltorary |J ability. I no-tltti tTiat- lio has a vcrjr jfibserVantAi-yo.1 nhould think, hnwflVPr, that ho Is

* liioro Bup"eHinfil~(TiSlii"~iToep--tlint lib", might wrlto or »po»k, slttuetlvely

suylug nnicli. llnva I Judged

Inflntnce In tbe lou'ae, and l i reporf*dto be a v«iy keen politician."

"Ooei he want to be presidentrSir Htmrr uked. Hut almoet befof*he. bad time ia receive an anrwei1, b*

leaned forward «<cttedIyaDd

roan I should like to study!" Andthereafter ho sat In silent observationfor perhaps" a quarter of an hour. ,

"I cannot quite fathom that man'sIntellect," he said at last: "apparently,h« Is lethargic, pbyilcally, yet of won-derfully keen Intellectual powers. Butwhat Interests mo In him la the (actthat bis bead 1« a perfert copy. Incon tour, of the hoad of Shakespeare.The alrollarlty 1* mnrvelou*..: I havenever ieen any other bead ao closelyapproach In It* characteristic* thebest buit that 'we have of Shakes-peare Is he a leader In this body?He should be with such *vhctd. Andwhat la his name?"

"He 1* one of the leaders In thehouse; he 1* one of the most brilliantmen In publlejlfe today, and his name)la Thomas' Itrockott Reed." wai the

FOB A6ED EMPLOYES: from flt«"y«an to'foHy-tltrei

Th* agxregale ana to be paid withMate HmtUtloca would leave lUJUt

available for employment of"persona

Plan for Retirement Mow Being 'EZJ^SLP'-E' ptae*'JXit5!I_I _ , , ^ cieraa rettr«4U, Tola awn would neWOfKeo UUt by BOsUtL enough to euploy,almost as,many

clerka as would be retired. If the satariea were fixed at the lower grades.

' Effect a -Compulsory 8avlng' Scheme—Malt Cost to Roads

, ' " atalng Investigated.

.Washington.—It looks aa if the gov-ernment would make a desperate. Ifntn a final effort at this session of con-

_4T_ess ta barejfor the retirement' of agad dvtl serviceemployes. Economy and Improvementboards hater been holding almost dallymeetings.

Tha presence In every departmentof scores o'f mfu and women sixty,seventy and eighty yean old. haa beena great obstacle to the adoption or thoprogressive plans which tbe Investiga-tor* aro working on. Not all these

-clerks ar» lnenieient, to ue~auf?7but aa a rulo a p«raon'« abilities donot expand much after the age of six-ty, and It Is a fact.that hundreds ofvenerable men and women are-carriedon lhe pay rolls who not only, arew^rth nothing, but are a positive det-riment to the service How to get ridof them without causing hardship is aVry serious -problem and one to whichthe best brains In tbe departments

Wonderfui—Wbnderful lsT the like-ness between his bead and that o( th*bust of Bh»ke»poarel" eiclalmed SirHenry under hla breath. An4 duringChe reat of 'the bow- that the greatEnglish actor, w,ho had iifoved himselfso excellent a. reader of men's charac-ters, stayed in tho houw,l bis gazowas constantly riveted on Thornns W.ft«ed. j \ .(Copyright, WO, by K J. Rdwarda.

JUChts Iteicrvcd.) ,All

How Banker Lost Bjg^Tfust

Merrftt C. 'chance, auditor for thepost office department, has toached onthis Important problem In bis" annualreport and has helped lo put the sub-ject Into concrete shape for discussionby. recommending with a triflingamendment, the 'passage of the billIntroduced last April In the bouse byFrederick C. Glllett of MassarbuiteUs,

California. Thin>lU"n>akes provisionfor ret'irlng,«tvli employes £n annul-^ | h sflvca by meansof monthly deductions In salaries. Itla m uffect a compulsory Raving

j , tho government merely toi stomT

Gornallus Vandtrbllt Shpwsd InWill That He Didn't Forgive

ward King for Irialatlng ore*Csrfaln Dlrtotor,


"Cornelius Vnndthnif the Varitlurbllt fortune ,ln 18RS, fol-lowlnjc tho/flnnth of his father, WllHunt II,,/TM iicraanally oo» of tho

maTile-^r iBob -OJlCo" *atdTIDlato,-Charles C Clarke, for

years ft vlco-presldent of tl'io par


r mtlM)

Jones' Prophiscy-JEuUilletL

:r~-l -

Nevada Senator Declared Thaf AlaskaWould Be Found to Oa One of the

lffFWIWeTiiaTa^reWths Velio* Mstal.

i Troni tbn tlmo, In August, 1B7S,whon ho bfcuuio ilmlnimn of tbuuiuuvtHry comrniBUlOd provided byilulut 'riwolution ut coiiKroas to ox-'ninltio mid rv|iurt upon the quostlonof bltrictnlllsin, until tlw s\hor l»suojuihued off Ui«i ]ui)ltlcnl stnKc, .lul>n I*.Juucs, Ni'Vmln tncuibvr of llio I'ullcdfitntrs soimto for 30 jeure. boKljUiiugIn IMa, w«» one fit tho fonnnoMvlmuinluus of blmotuHUm In ttila

Country. Hlo doiortlon of the Itepub-Itcnn party In 1899 on tho silver quos-<lou Is historic; llkowlno his ruluiu to

About u jenr aftor vho U9Caontlnl VIIIIIUHIKII IUITI breii dvcldvd In(u\or of WllllaBl McKluloy Auil ttio

iind In [ho course ot the vouvorsutlanHaiti to_hlm: "1 havo hoard Jt. said,Scnutor, tlint you huvo chnngml youropinion i canceling tho uso of silverus ti inoucy metal, uud I havo boon

' wgudcilue wltvthor that report is.correct." _ •

"I will toll you about that 'as vcowalk along," lie »nW. And. ioolt my.arm. "I havo not eban^od my opin-ion ro«i>o<r(ing tat oniPdlpncy of us-Ins silver <u n monoy inetnl—«t Ichst,tho opinion I b«ld wheu I «d\ocata<ibimetallism. ,_ Hut conditions huvochanged lately, as they Chunked f-Ol-l tho discovery of gold In Ca|l

ver do)lar _wu» really the iland»,rd.and tho" ratio between gold aud sil-ver waa Htrongly lu. fafor ofBllvcr. Two factors have served tobring about tho prcneat change. One

tBff«\ which very low grade gold ore can

J. _J>«_prontabJy_»orked,_and tho. _Qthorr la tho vast development ot gold rnln*

>; Ing In South.-Africa and tbo UnitedX' •• States. Thcso fac.tors havo sei ved to

glvo us inore of tbo gold than \\o hadat the Wuio I vra»-&dvof»Mag blm'et--alllam." ' • ' .

"I have heard it said, Senator." IInterrupted! "that your changed opin-ion zmight be .traced to the fact-that

0. ZUliU v/lio 'bhA hixix' superih-nt anrf part'ovttncr.of the famous

frotot^ sllfer mine, M i

o. tiat statement l> not'cor-itftld:,' "tiongh' I am lntc^

In ore.

OVD to be o iand wnlk

sir, lit algnldvaat of what Is In storefor Alaska No «xporlonood prospec-tor could be found who-would say

knek or 'It by' guaraiitcuinlc arnte pf Interest at 3*4 per cent. ta-king care of the small expense of ad-rnlnlHtratlon nnil provldlhg .the annul-

ij-sfitom of the Vandorbllt railroads.~KflO was very sby, and modest almostto a fault. Ho was nbsolutoly loyalto bis frltfnds: was vury HOIICIIOIIS of tins for services rendcrod up to thetho opinion of every oho w.tth whomhe was brought In contact, ang wouldnovef" pormlt hlmseif to Indulge ID anoutburst ot temper, Yet notwlth-

prevent any reduction In the higherelerteal grade* and consequent orer-popalatlon of the lower clerical .grades.Mr. Chance goggeated a provlilon inthe law directing that tbe relativeratio of the aeveral cleriasl gradeiabould be maintained.

Hera waa^a propoaltlon which In-'v6Tve4~B<r~iacreaiU> of «ppropri«Uon,no undue hardship to the governmentclerk and would have more thandoubled the efficiency In the office.Senator,Hale of Maine vetoed the Idea.aa be b'aa every other looking ta thebenefit of the government clerk, andthe plan waa abandoned. The a&meaystem could be pursued no doubt laevery otber'department of the govern;ment. In fart. Invpatlgatlonanother division In thu same buildingwhere condftlons were worse and bet-ter results'could,have been gainedthan la the auditor's division,

In tho pas't the civil service retire-ment idea haa uffpred In thn hallsand committee rooms of congress bo-cause evldenco has been adduced to i.«t>u IMI.JO par Waijrt 'nwrs*tshow that the annuity plan would -real,ly b« a money maker for the govern-ment Instead of a loser Many con-

w£iwmt fci » n u auu u »t-nis naneusi

. WtSiki M fw baft* ml M n


AW FURSTHE OUUT nm max. m-

JOSEPH18-20-22 West 20th Street, New YorkDnnet EaUbUituntau rad«r UXI VUa at

rzo VOUDO* r t

riajlof . id.nuini »f , _ _••rh. vtlrl* wttra tmt rnaltt art otulnd, «•.

tlon to any scheme of retlremenMbaf•culd cost the government money, butthey never have becn-'ifhown thatwhile spending: money at first to aliithe scheme Iho • government reallywould bj. saving as much If not morethanT'lt put out. Data' covering thispoint are now being compiled by de-artment committee* olid the account-

and In tho senatw fry. Mr PPrklm uL nnts vihn hnn. ii«.»n CTll»i.l In to tug-•Rest administrative reformn, and whenthe matter comes Up again tho states-men Kill be Hhonu that civil servicerctlremenl, conceive.! and executed onho right'linen, muntiu oconom? ami

not eitravaganre.

ne.'. Wag Iiman of great firmness whon'oncn' hawas convinced that he was Tight Inany matter,' though his apparentlyfl&ntle m«thod-of-lnsl*tlng-ti|>on-nltloti of hi* prerogatives often ledoven persons who knew him fairlywdll to mlsjudgo his' character ' Inthis respect. Tbo llttlo story I nmgoing to rolato to you Is a caso IDJ?Qln_t. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Vandorbllt succeededdirecting authority ol

Central systom. Intl-had boon maintained

Hltka Is-morelr nn Isolated outcrop-ping, ot gold. No, hlr. It Indicatestho preseuco of vast and rich de-posits ot gold aomewbitre, althoughtho outcropplnga may.not be foundwithin a hundred or several hundredratios of thu mine"

Ths senator, stopped In tils walk.He turned until bo faced In a north-westerly direction. Ha raised hisright hand and pointed ImpressivelyIn tha dlroctio.n.

"lip tli*re. In tho remote north-west," he said, "wo aro going to findtho mother lodo of gold*, wuvoco Hownil thn Turroiils of 'gold that rantoutliorly through tha entire Koeky•nnrantimr-b«wtnr- r inn "pwfocttf- cam-vlnccd of It. , -In 'my opinion, thoponrnnuln off Alnska sonto d'ay, andmost probably In tjho very near fu-ture, Isto bo retooledrT(WoS^6W'1»arIng'ra?cglon's Tii~ theentire world. I am noAv of too ad-vanced years personally to visit andmake, explorations ot that territory.Tlioro arq younger men' who will a(>tend to that—In fact, are doing thiswork. now.. I .ahivll not be surprisitdto bear any day of rich gotd discov-eries nindo by somo ot them. Thenwill follow gradual but certain- tt-ploratton until, at last, tbe mother-lodo Ie found. And becauso I believeall this—because my miner's trainingtells mo Implicitly that this is,so-undloads mo to make to you this prophe-cy of gold—I suaposo It has beensaid of ma that tbe little gold mine

mo to change my views on bimetal-lism."' T - .

It waa only a llttlo more than ayear aftor my conversation with Sen-ator . Jones that 'tho world vras stajr_tied with~ tbe nrst reports" telling ofwpndcrtul dlscovofles ot gold In (hoYukon district—of .Alaska— Today,Alaska ts one of tho world's princi-pal sources of thQ.<y«iltow metal.' "Andtha development of the territory tsto Its Infancy.


islmilttud«?",'.the lawyer asked

Plaot,>(-S»turday _v«,»tnK Post,

tomthg••Wltbdnv. my

"When Mr.his father astho New Yorkmate relation*for year* betwoen tho Vandorbllt fain

of the bill. The annuity wouldb«* payable quarterly throughout llfnnndrwould bo equal to IV4 per rent, ofthe nnnual salary for every full yeartil service or'major fraction'thercoTbetween Tho dhtn of the paaeauoof (hoad and tho arrival of tho employo attlie auo of- retirement. Tho bit] dl

poiies. Into thrco'groups, two of nlxt!j-flvc *.f»rs and. one of Bovciity jearsvacli. It emijowers tho i president todfslgnato tho 'branches oJf tho sen Iceto bo Included Jn each group.'Tho bill pormlU employment after

reaching iho age of retirement, butprovides for a deduction of fen percent, of the pay, the same to be treat-ed lis a savings account and Interestpaid thereon nnd returned tt> thi> em-.

tutlons of. Now York. This Intimacydated back "to the-days ot tha Commo-dore himself, and''Cornelius Vuuder-bllt, SJ, tb« head of tho family, en-courofed and maintained il. Imag-Ino his surprise, theroforo. when tholato Edward King, president ot thoInstitution, said to Mr. VapdcrbMtooo day that ho -was anxious that agentleman of high llnanctal stumllngwith whom It was generally knowjithat Mr,. Vanderbtlt \»HS nut on friendly term*, should ,uo ulertod to fill nvacancy In tho board of dtrockors of itha trust 'company. No other" numo Icould have been moro distasteful UiMr, Vandcrbltt; still, In his (Miivractor

to protest ngalnst tho selection of tboman." '

V'lt la my vlow,' ho said, 'that In , , ,-, „ ,

lug Institution puch as ours In thcro ' t M 3»«taB-«nr-emr "War*1-gshould bo as for as ppBslblo completecordiality and harmony among thovarious- tnvmbers. Certainly, theroshould not bo'elected to the director-ate any one with whom anotherrootor cannot-hold person*! «inlcatlon. This inan arid myself donot maintain- porsonal relations aud It•would bo exceedingly eiubarrasalng tomo', and I am lUro It to him.It wo wore; compc-lled to meet In a-itl-reotora' moetlng,'

"Now, you would suppose, wouldn'tyou," continued Mr. Clarke, ''that n -

Throe optlonH are allowed on retire-ment: The flr«t an annuity payablequarterly throughout life, the secondthe naniLV with the provision thnt Incase of thn death ot the annuitant be-fore ho has received In annuities the~amount of his savings with Interest,tho balance shall bo paid to bis legalh'elrs. and tho third that ho may drawhis money In a lump sum.

If, after retirement, the employoitocs not ayill hcmsclf of one of tiioforegoing options, -but leaves thoamount duo .him on deposit, Interestat lh«t r.ito of iwo^per centi on the

. orlfilnal pum left an duposlt shall be

.£E£'!li£i fi?r.?O-,W"r»- . I t thcuaPK«y,lanot then wltlvlrawn. It goes to tbotroaqufy. Mr? Chance suggests as ananiondmcn^that tho retirement pay

notwlo(ia than hd por cent, of tho awrngo,/onuu.-il couiponsatton ilurlng/tbur,j*llro iioricul of umpldymcnt

/Civil serMce. • The- auditor sajrs thisplon^comparcd with a straight civil"I'ensfcm puld out, o,f. the federal treim-ury, presents many advantages bothfor tho- governm^cnt ,nnd for tho em-ployes.

~ Slmpfe>nd Businesslike.' Mr. Chance, himself. In a reiwrt toJhe secretary of tho treasury, madelast February, showed how relativelysimple ntiil businesslike th; clvtf styv-

Studying Mall-Carrying.• PoMrriasU'r pencral HltchcoeK IsingagL-d tn an effort ta find out to the

•last n m how much It actually coststhe rallrotujs of tho United States tocarry tho inofls. Mr. Hitchcock wantsto cut further his department dcficTt.— AVhpn. tho rw.iit.nia»tcr. ganural g»t»-bis lufurnmtltm It.uiay, bo ^ j i m e a iwill bo foun^ to KBVO tho people of thocountry a IsrRe sum of munoy,vaihlthat they_ will get tlm benefit, of Itthrough" rc.Iuce.l post ago" rates, nil oxtlmslon of Iho rural route service orthrough something: more profitable tothe purse and.the convenience of theAmerican cltiicn. The deportment em-ployes, under the direction of thoclilcr^ara engaged In the giant task offlmllus out definitely how much Itco»ts the railroads to carry the mailsami whether Of not the) are makingthe enorinuiiH profits that ha\e;in M f


8Uppla( T«aXni »Hnm «s m n tinr MimatlU Afncjr or Buk,

Hale's HoneyOf Horahotmd and Tar

For Coughs and Colds




TitsowttiTriK -Tbo nmgnltiula of tho work I

may be known when It Is snid/lhat pIOTKO part of the-clerlcal forc« of theservice Is engaged In It. tifr returnswhich the railroads mnkotu tbo interRtate cutnmeree conimla^ron are underbtud>. and to these hyvo been addejlreports dlrvcl "from/die railroads tothe department. More than tills, the'entire Inspector Kirre of tho nenlceIs lending its jdd to enable, the of

oflclals to RetiiKures which they -ctmho sure, areylght.

The coujitry hn^ been divided Intozones. aa«J each ono Is connliler'ed separately / I t Is moro costjy to carrj tho


. SgW-Placf w thnnJt ifr.tnotlverand-all this haa to bo tnjten


Ico retirement Wea Is It Uic govcrn-plea ot tbst kind would have been suf-ficient to cauno Air. Klug to chanpo

iimlfidi-Motlt--WTinUBrilt01 afitfutf mA _ , u l a t o ^ ^ ^ H e B n o w o J

Uiat Inthe board, of directors} But It wasn't;Mr. King was 'sol' on having hli.ownway. The man was Wected a director,and bcc&uio Mr. Vauderbllt mads no

hta own office, -w&ero morethan "00 persons aro employed, Uieroworo 42 persons, seventy years ot agoand over,

. lto his" trlsnd's- election, to Mr.-King's

fiInward, aatlafsction."But* how 'gravely mlBUkon rtr. l a r y ti"soo

King was In hla estimate ot Mr. Van- 'derblltV character tvaa ninde plainto us vho know Cornelius Vauderbllt•nd his «ays.well whCT. following tbere&dlng ot bl* will after his deathla'lSSS. U K«^tthcotcr«i3L-U__lijr._.

ftdrffi>»TTn5^portBftt trust, which no had at Srst

t b i h d l t llo the strongest rtVftl ot th&t lasllttj-tlon. Th

Air. King's dlsrcj5»rd._ ot MX.VanderMlt's gentle,, protest need asyto teft ua. wlir. Mr.&fcf* «*hart l(>at' th«» Mffrtffp i\f I>«I«

" „

most- yaluiblo tuwts ev«r,J. ht }£'!, ]"*tt-r

•- , Window piipiay-. Whlla t think I -V tradesman la not

Urk«d article, froin '

: * ,

Th_age, In fact, -was seventy-three


two-thirds years and Die averago saK

Under the* Glllett bill theso it em--ployua ivuuld~rece1ve annuities agsre-gat Ins T2J.090. Mr. Chance recom-mended..that Vlthbut changing his ap-propriation at alt a proviso" be addedrmitKojyi7Jg'^57i5t^wy^U£ara-ury ia tcllra a l clerka who are "seven-ty j-cara. or ovenuid who served under'

io i>4 p«r cent, of 'the.' annual pa\y

Service. Thla WorttaTSivo a'tolaToninutty ot »St,O»t!,' Ho ttTtta proposedthat lhe dlfforenco. WA$i be, twed for


Customer (In grocery store)—Arethose eggs on .that counter fresh?

Clerk—Yes, ma am.Customer—How long have thoy boen

laid?Clerk—I l.aliL»thom ttere myself,

ma'am, 20 minutes ago.

Why Klck7 ' 'Ixiuls Wlsna, tho "Newark artist,

wore n gloomy look on hla usuallycheerful fnce.

"It has Just struck me," he said toCharles Stasse, "that my shoes dbn'tcost mo its much as my youngBter'a."

"Then what are you eotDDlal'** nsked SJagse. «,

senger service what part to freighte m ice, what part tp express service/and •» hat port to tho moll Korvlco. Ad-

"What -was the matter?

a 5analjtical geometry.

It has ticen chargecj In consrens andIn tho press frequently that the rail-roads were making too much moneyout of their contracts for carrying tbemails. Them have been frequent at-tempts tn the -past to find Just howmuch tt did coat, but theTo was lackj>f proper Information.

"today the post office department laat the. -work In earnea_ U may be<Mtft^«rft8*w«nsi}2W

Did they i»r.nt to live at his expense?" / /

"No. His father-in-law wanted ww 'A" | to earn Vhe salary he ""

the*old Bentlomon."

\Vtu?n a woman refuses a/ttiari and-ho takes to dr)nk.: It's" / question "«Iiether h<> fs'trylng to drown his 'sor-raw or 13 colebratlng. his escape, —, I

not been- overpaid for tho carrying JSeoIw.Hina'lt way "be also that It will jbe found that tho profit Is so treatthat tho carriers must bo forced 4o-»-share all but "a reasonable part ofttr-Trtartfie- people:

Ths.paesage of laws In the last fouror fl«» years which glve-easlor accessto; -the records of corporations' haspationsmade It sgmowhat easier iha'n It

_ L ; - £ _ * L 5 M l f o r «»e department .to get_J___Hblch_work.

It the present. Un catlgatlon showsat the government can save money

s" mail-carrying Con Us" mail-carrying« i i


portu ot tha present dfparlment ,of-" ' " hare any weight.

. te. not i t .a l l unlikely, noire* er,'omtccnt poitnge »m co.m_'as a

wH ot -the Mvjng. ff gq ln? there.jis, will be flomethjag it the de-

partment deficit can bo decreased a,(e,«;. more millions, - '

tho eiuployment ot. "clerks affected't something wore If it caactrtl senrlea.registers to~lH ~-

b'ann&uteB'wotilil.rAnBtift'^ under. |200, ta direr

i might be. made ttxmifilM nim'mwm s* tUQ and tbe mta.~lawm al.WM, a* tha p « M i ot serrie*

when UWX operated on Uqiyuur-Oh. »ea, Abont halrafhU tkeosaMT

Gives Breakfast



•A' sweet, crisp,

Corn; ready to serve Tightfrom the bent ~:rrc -'"ancLsugar, .—u-

JFlavoiiry ' '- Delicions

4 ' .

Page 7: Willful Cinderella , flUEER OLD MP REUC CURETHATCOLD, CARVING SAID TO Bg OHK TMOUTODA - Y •AftO VKAM OLO. 1 aquar* I\»t»r { ttio offlw I'tuk tunnr )t LROM the rush an




'7 "'- r~"l'h• o«J tHiU*

t. New tco-k city wlto-«.!n« that op In IU tort

at ta, a* vomeft

a! *.'" '3 ( t c - u o l r »°man builder of airship*!r j ,''..;*. h l :fc* !" f t mentioned that »he <ro#a alli_..'_/"?*'""•"* *''*'tOTi admitted to th« ptaco «ooov*V' T " f c ? "u! l f l!l*f d 0 n0* "i«I are sure»'•,,."„ '.,' •" m U t t_ b j *otBl> cardboard model, ,^,L»' ,K." ::''J'at . .'""*-Tod 1 »enj» whUilng

motor.•'••: i . V -,«n

toward.; *•„. , a , .S | b l

of an afrshl:, „;.„... .

*ork tin a biplane about twoi:i r . ' '•»•"" **""' * u i c "••*"• '•*> successful flight on the

yvzau !..'"«•*'LV^W y 3 t . M ! 0 ! 1 - " f c a ' w h»t I~»h»t cv*ry builder'.» ,t Lipt " TL".',",1 " !' ""*' *'"' tl*l*nce-and recover aiito-

•actlcal • _' ' " "*' ' ! i"r o ! S M ii"!»'I»k-ria« win make airship travel" \ V V _ _ $ b t K o f k ! r i { » , - . _ a r , V j . . . • ' • ' , • ' • • • " - • ' • ' ' . . " ~ . •• •• .

content hfcr.-. u~ oop.,;';,,,,' .,. j ! , , , '"" }n America now. Aviator* .noeniexhibition i c r i f riat- • •-'! •"* '''''V'-^'V^' flights, content with'brilliantthrm j.ienty „. , , : . i w . .,'.7'.;^ ,'" 'I»"ght,nl to. __j.J_ud; and. t h e .reea give* Jwhen the _.i_!J-.Jm '••-'•-'--^•--*K^L^t ^"i t»« ,Then, . K , i , ,.0Inf,. , „


, too.^ amper.*, too. b r

*« !",-ftlum-ot the air. andf r t . h

rtmroar |4Uow «it(>»4l

2*« tswtur fcn* l a * »wir n*k >ROP8YHW

ftartt, u*•*""«»*• b«*« rwtdkwl u a«» < | M ItIt i»rtai«»JU* ta r»Oi» from

»«».a* *


pwmy dajr* «bfn ak« nod Hmur In-to* ruM th. th»»iruaj » « « «« j r ^I M « Mta» T«rry iuw rMtrwl from th»*u*» •» <»r a» fc-ttnt i» «a»tn»rt,»«4 o*. takta to l*cturlni an «mk*«.P+a*1 b i

' *haa »>»« who ha«—plajed ' so«uu»y at the womanly 1 __B r*»t" draaiatt.tT Rwtdtfs ~_r'"^EUbr*_»y biography know what «h»Ihtuk* ot l>mla. lleatrtc*, Votts. K.«»lltld ami other fajpous wonteg j»t thi

f *


VEAuwastiUk haa1 whom JO.90O sr* Vltad"


^ 7hi^ Wii^sra:y l o r S n f ^ ^ ..^..^ ^-^''-ionV^'iny; wi f-^eZ

a dav aiid^en""!!/^! !:r'!>S ""I t ! u W 5 ' tti1> a t t '"h"'> n : Often I work i? hours' : • • . • uo.ux uecauiitf.j have tv so to bed and fciialo tjme nloeplng!"

• partner •tuck, a haichni with a'Woof:" rjiht'lri my h « d -

Uut »h*n- ihl. n»r*» tilnw I.--.truck'

Th.n th* llnw 1,0 mm. (or im in' 10,1,1oi l v u d n i g ^ i o O I L . . - . - , . . .

p .M*rlw*ther Terrell la llfi*; tu-w-t'n(t'-'J fit,at#« >>Miator from Georgia. Th« naralnR of

Covtruor T«rre!l pjobabi.v causWil no (iirprlaetbroiisfco«vth?;-»l»i«.:7-jr» wai f the I.UB man mo»lponiiplcuouily iiie'iitioded for the p o u t , . . . . . . . . . .

, A former Kovwnor 'of Uftorgla anil ''former «ltornt'y- gmtem o r i h o state. Senator Terrell ha»

TTcrn cerfwinmiir'Tor Ili" i f r t T i ' ^ l ' i 'Ilia ifrtgTin^lucationglrU of' thaj»tat«. TTW e«libr

nt/«if lht< PIUVPII .(tlitrlct JagrlcuTTural.i/«hli-li hay« since ooint- Into, being wanl d 4 l h l L t y

. - ' • - • / •

ho rvalgned to raaki/ihe'j-ace fot governor.• 120 iipoechcs; ' / / ' :

. . . . . . . . . . _._..,. In 1902. ' • . . . . . . . • . 1.-SWnato'r Terrell served in, tlVe.i lower house W

Mifc sesslohit of 1884 and 1886.' and 1» the itenate/Wklch convened In 1890, He was elected attor-

/ ney general In 1S!»J and served until 1302, wheu

•V9I » luul , an out »: wtdmpff. whw.

Hy a.cutttn1 out th» .r th. t )«ouM al .

' *»i«r. IM s.y, "I I M I yuit'oralkln1 withyour •i»l»r r"<»rdiiy,' . ' . • . '

An' -'Wj'Tthaf.wjie' nut-iaiF'-.lst«rrItwmar

» Ia<!): • t>« wuuM «»y.T M . 1 Ifl '«m tros.t.ltiat ^«*t«t-flut t I.H

y^u «rt Is art, . - . ' . . ." VAs . i n . HIM h i t iorn» for >n« »n'

old v.uil.vlll. to part. , ' . . « ~ Mr Knof k«r-1 had llttl* t*Hh taU

« b y . th.V'vi. rij( oMt .luff tlitt l»t,d- •forty $*•***'**»,'• »i1'vino'w, '

An I n.v«r,Hcki»I or «njtnt.l«l, n.v

: | ' . « - - ' n - ; . . r . ; , . _ • . . •

j Th» Agent-- Uut it cured you? ..1 ,; Jlr. Knocker-fVea. of even the little

- E P a f * s k l L - . a i - . > . .Wttl. «V I U ' ^ B .'_«""» "> It- _.. •_So on. h*ard,.m» l»lr«v riot • ••


Ho wryed In/the/offlc« of governor"for four"yejiri au<i eight months be-' g l v e » r a n *e*lra .•ienetb.-nf i im* ntrina *.v. «i... ....*<,... „# *t._ \ ^ _ . .._.•

/ h f f l c « of governorfor fc ir yeir. au<i eluht niontha l».Ins glvei»ran Wra/engtht i f time owing t<nii« Bcilo'n ot the"lacUUtura In

tinifot mwtlnft-«f the leglglaturo from October to June H#-^overnor'a chair ou July 1 1906 d h d

Vannfpng Ine linift Of ...v* »»»„—^i \uv ir«iaiaiuru iruni UQiocwjr to JUflfl H #retired froniXhe-^overnor'a chair on July 1. 1906. and ha» since been engaged

'In tho nraoflae/iif Inw in m^r. ' . • . . : . . ? * " • .

; . r a m w , b l u ;Out th.y-r. ^oii,- („„ , n u c h ,irt

th.y uinp«r wHb"mr art.An th* tllil* ha» como for m* »n' »oo<J

j*M v.ud.vlll. to p«rt.- '


^•n. by. on. th»y ... n , , .^, , „ ..,'; 'h"t 'I'mv.r l iu m«l . ar«.Hj-* » tn«. «>i . ih.t all ih* lowbr

tit. uth.r. uml.r.tood;Why. n W m U r how w. h.W"'*m^alai>(y

tieirt >m lu tb. .put .Wh.n "What ia yj,ur itam.r" li»'<1 g»K

SAVfED OLOLLADY'S HAIRt "41 y mother used to bavo a V.ry be4humor on her head wjilcb lh« doctaricalled an eci'cma, and for It I had twodHT*r«nt doctors.; Her bead waa »ery.tor* and .hfrhair n*srtr all fell out;

In aplte of what (hey both did. ynejday ber nlecv came In and «a«y«»r# j•B**klog.iiY hbw-her hafr *a» fallingout and the iloctora- did It no '

born In^rewntlle. ilrrtwether tounty. on Jun.' (T. ISO], the «un of Joel K <;and Surah It lAnthonn TerrMl Tho county of bin birth MUH named forGene/al fins Id Merl»,«T. an undo of hl» grandfather, and th« ou« f0I

whptn Jhft grandfather » u oapied He «aa educated tn the common nchoolto^/tho stais and studio! law. bring admitted to-the bar In m i Four ic-artiter/on Uvtebcr 1», 1SSC he married Jessie I*e HpUey of OrwnMvllle '

, /The term for which Senator Terrell-Is named will t'-rmlnate on thn nee.end Tuesday" after the legislature meets next June, or whene»er hU successorIs elected and qunliflea

, i«)«l t» my .rt,An l|io llnw has am* fur m. .n' «,«>.l

"lit vanihvHIe to part.

Crowdtd Out

WINANS NEW TO HIS COUNTRYAltboiiBh^c l»_flfty«lx rents ot «g», Walter

Wlnans, an American rjttaen, neier «aw thincountry until he atepped axhorp from (ho steamer

J * a l r l j " « U £ 5 i o r k J h J h Jfather. William L. Wlnana of lialtlniorer'went to

siia to build a railroad for thp czar and neverreturned" It »aa «afd that thp «ea voyage fromAmerica had bt«.u so disagreeable that he feared

^, . . and as the familyestablished lti residence In EnglaDd -ho wasbrought up lu that country.

Walter lulurlted an- enormous fortune. Het'aa devoted lil» life to Bport. ' Ho has 32 of hish o w s tio» > n Austrian tracks and may sendtftes" to Arairlca some day He has a very largentable of <show bor»«s. 16 of which bo has Sent

to this country fyr exhibition at the New York borte show. Mr. Wlnans IHalso a bunttr of bl< ijnme"' He has killed J.'HM stags and boars. In fact,he Is more devoted to hunting than be 14 to horse sb.owa and racing It lanot alone na a Bpunsmap tba; .Mr. Wlnanu has won fame He ham gone In forart and his work ns a wulptor and jwlntrr has been ejhlbll"d at.the Royalacademy Mr Wlnan* I' much intrrFStPd.ln tattooing, and a design on hisarm l« raid to be the most beautiful plec)> of tattrxilt>g",evpr done.

Mr. Wlnann.haa !he<! nearly 49 jears In England! and for IS

"My fiance "la"And why?" ^"The papwri ha>l to do?ota so much

•pace to ray'trousseau

, an Anfl'rtcin TTeTfii a"coe»'alter 0} tha Invperlal Russian order ot_B)L etanlslas lie upeajcs tkrroan. .French. Russian and Italian. He tearnH

Russian In St Pftprshurg. and atUTided srhool there a Jong time. H» be-lieves that anjboJj »ho can learn Kutslan ought to be able to pick up anyold'language. . • ' I

What They All Say.In one day she was told that sbe

bad *~ x fc - ,(1) Ileautlful hair,(2) Lovely iMn,(3) A perfect .figure,it) Shapely bands,(5) Very small feet,However, It I. eiplataed b,y the

that sbe vliltod-(1) Tho hairdresser,(2) Tho beauty doctor, •(3) The nwdlitef

1" qj -it


Money's Worth.^ 'Your watch la away "wrong," »ay,the friend. "Why. we compared tlnuiPieces half «n hour ago.- and already

Oovernor^lect H. W. Job^nion or'uuuorouwh(j declined to attend an Inaugural ball ai

* In hl» hnnn^. I. i h . •—'•" - "~" r" ~'bis state. He tint came Into prominence duringtbti ftght against graft. £n°d It was largely do* tohis faflneiice that Ab» Ro«f was^^onvleted 'afterthe shooting of Frauds J. H«ney In court Mr,Johnson wastwrn In California tn

Tour watcn baa gained, s full halfhour over mine."

wlth the tnu, »ayi-

-llk* fa* , .»

TT« m it .thai H may emtcb^up th* ifciy

rutlctira Soap *nd f'atlrur» Otot-incur1'' Mother did and they helpedher In-af* nuJntha' dm* -la* Itching,burning and •'•aiding of her head wasover and her hair t«*»,u growing. To-da,y she Ij?«ls much In d«M tu Cult-

j turn Hoap and Ointment H/r th« Bna. head uf halr-«ho has for an old ladyj of iinveoty four

fee 1. As »uon a. tb»' told -wcame my feet would Itch and turn andthen they would crarkxipen and blw>d.'I hen I ihought I wwHd- fie* to mymother's frl<-t>ds. rutltura-_do«p andf'atlcura Olntui>nt. - 1 "did for iour otflvo winters, and now my f*»l are as)smooth as any ooe^s. ^Kllsworth^JJun-


for Infkata md Children.

|Tha Kind You HaveAlwayaBt

3igIlalurQ'fi "fMahd8f»iConiarw»nfiih«r I ~* >rf[ OpiOm.MorpNntnorWiiwral I U»

A perfect RctTKdy fortonSourSlurwh

•(J V>Vn»,Convulskins.F(nTrtsh^*, nrit Andfcoas o r StEEPj i ^ ' *••' * "

?«t.SimiW of




ForflvBrTKjrty Years

eep Yourmess

tough as a wire'lack as a coal

• • - - » - - —mw-<m^» »»*e» BjaffeT;!^

The picture rrpresenU a buker'offrull-on which a number of Insectshave gathered Oa a pale jmltow ap-!>)#•, which 1» th« contRnrime la thecluator of frtilt, Is a Urge J6>, faintedso tnjo to nature, so say/the ofBelal*of the gallery, that tfc* csBraa. was

ired by'some ooe/wbo et.d*a'^r»dto "ihoo" It SJM bought hit cato orhand too close ih tha canvas. ~ "Atrtiiut* to the painter's genius," «ay»tbo letter recording the faet. "for whfcfcthe work b»4 to suffer,"

T« Oblige Him.Hf. Dorklns—You'r* aJwaya bound

to BMO the iMt word, ««yw»y.Mrs. Dorkfns—fee. tMfa b«cst«W

you always wait to hear me say It,

,"} "h


Steal a march on yow enemyAy ad-mitting you «er*iD Uw dfibM


Don't PersecuteHousehold Lubricant


.: Sacramento and went to Kan Francisco In 1JOJ.- • • departure for Wasiiagten_ h* die"

la which ho deciuHki Uf attend theJ«l*l,

The mvfoT _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _miue<i of thIriy"cIB_«ns"M» tu-rmoga for the '__»_toiaaxy tnausaral ball. The list wsi «ubiaiUei)

u r»—1 ' by 31r. Jofciaoii's fri«od»_ tn • k«ter received by

lb<. .ntiT Mr -ohMon »)»• J ^ / ' f " • ' _ ^ M _ ^ _ ^ " _ _ J t ? ! _ v L P f ' t * r«•*

Itnt 1 w art wtaht n l i r u i t robtss (0

ittt (rota


^ i % , j

JcC^Vfc*-'--^ ' . " ••",>

Page 8: Willful Cinderella , flUEER OLD MP REUC CURETHATCOLD, CARVING SAID TO Bg OHK TMOUTODA - Y •AftO VKAM OLO. 1 aquar* I\»t»r { ttio offlw I'tuk tunnr )t LROM the rush an

' { • ' •

SWEATING COINS.Gold Pieces Cleverly Robbed of

their Precious Metal


TV«»* W«t th« Original Dree* •» UMSeettiefc HisMaMer.

Tfee. r>rlgia*i drew -of the) hi*bhlBferw*a Ilw lulled plaid. TnU traa a plere*l l i m a tiuih. t»u r a r<i s broad tadfpor Vtu*. «hVb »aa dratra aroand

I <fce »ai«t ID nicely adjusted fold* andI usuit; barUed «ritb a" bell. Tb* lower

Now J*r—yCwit

IS A FINE ART. «•»" r-»n»edu«ff %0 tbe fcuee* lo rattentt* *aiiH Dlitt l I i

Nowadays Chtmical Brtbi,.*nd Abration Take the Pfac* sf tlteOlder and Grxtdmr Plugging—land-ing th< Lightweight Manty.

A <)rlllc<l «r "plugged* <uSn ha* I""ritiiu- Momi-tlilng of a f uri***ity ^ • r ymip nsiopiiilu-ni tbe In' "tin-nlt"-."-* «f

multlatt-tl TtHri* If <***

-as I adjBM<4 io the Iflt •boulder, auM ? tb i n t ami nlckt t» pttfreOf


t»r o f «l»llj- <«< urrMiri- in Cnd n o ruf It

<1efa<**<l In

tb, c pttfreOtn-r Thl« up|»r part wag lb« plild.• »»»h n«i «M<y| aa a coveting for tba*k<-iiM»Tii and tjodj' In wet w eat bet,»n<l «»i»« Hie UM of both irma wair.-j'jlr«rii > n farteotd aero** tba

I. often ewiooatrA 1-roorB waa a|ao oacd fo

i l df»«i>n t.i,ld on left

i m n t n t ; f n )t aopt u. fl'ilw HVHff>m 'if nnif liatfni; rrolo*hull *tii> j i f l r io i tuc . h«»-e»>r. nf t"*tae|>»rfn'tU ulrt jtnin. a nit n- rarrful i+t_e«H Ilft^l Ur d n elt t i l

V o w n i h w tli«« work «>f cl«-fv lrcrn!n»1« ruliif <•<) >i> n Bar art Tin* ••)'!, • n v l rjui'ltwxl (if iiluictrliic'th" "'ofns will 'wAmifll. •• «ln'e Itii" f r t f r a l |iuMli andtin* jfuifrnnit'iii ar*? fur nmrf* tnt^ffr11,01 <if HIP |ir»rit>-c tlmn e\n brtnr*If lhf> |ir(«-li>iia rnrtal U I o I * r<>l»!^lfrnHi .tin" ,< I)|JI* it miij'tvl* <l>n» ••*»i l « io { l ) Ilial •••(•'ii (ho i>i[«-rt ul l i >»•1 U t II IKIJoMfirr I'ftji to niuft

*l!ri»r»f lofill rnviMi IF

In fhe Mt«d pUld'ilr.-d .,u tlw part of the hlgblknder«!i,»'j nmoatit of dwrierll;. The

o»»»: »»j >••• to lar It oo (|ie floorm'tA anrr rnreftillf arranging'- ther>.vl« «« lie down upon It »nJ IPPDM»-*Je-« nan- -TWTowcr end waaraiht^urd at tbe rlfUt hip The SUlltj of«(rh • Arrv, in tfce hliblaod*'la" ob-TI"SV 1'* ttie I'hUd rrndn*d the manirMI*r«T«-iit to «t»rrna and'preiiarwl tot«w * o i b t i th »« w * oiebt in the open, »li i n i b eami lix-Vmmt we*tber,' wlille fliei . in(I«nrBi™ friatflixl film toar*i* riTtn or.n»c«xf n]0*irUrii> With

tn tl>e warrior, (be bunter andabe|tbrni.-r«Ddon Mall. , •

'I lil« priwil'i1 i tiuitniinlt ln«'«n »*.

and tlif linn-mmy dlapiaynl I* oft

ft « n j llmt I l i i 'K. in Kill ni>j<"i

T h e fii lprai Koiprniin-nt will not p»-r

« M K I I I "f « lid Ii IN IU<IOW tile

l(/>r'il toliTiiim'. H h l i h ITl iNlf ' i i f ' l |MT c c n i . If n f-oin l« f.«m.ltn .lie IIRIIIIT ( l inn Ibis | | u «t.nio|>«Midi n lnrire I.. In ludl. j l , . tri l l { b i

nturiH'il tu tin1 t u n .tbr Iinl|\iiliia1 vilui l»it it'I he unit n-ilr>>»f> i.f tli<- nitn-T 1« tnh a l e flu- IDIIH s o i l tu Wfi»lilnctuii tit

tlu> 1IIH[I In MetRbt, « l i l i h l_» nftrn r*

hWH ''Hnciititl" mi•«.v follow, 'nltb rrjmlnal prevention

Om> uf the mmt lualtllow HIPHHX!" t.r'»<*•»*• I Ing" anil pcrhirW I hi* nwmt aim

e«lt ilf all d) dt-Kvl I* the r\n tn>j>l»t-. ' luc Hidhuil The> p>M rulua'arr ti'avvit

la a clicuil.-al hath, ami part of the- 1 , It'UL l» •ll-tHl IIIHI liy .•Jx-lrli'lty.^n.l

attorney of' ,bulW awl |Kmi|Xftte tu a d e f m thatfmjvriiity rnnimi-iu* «lale of'belna,

lituaii ainyT'oliihJIIVit my ul*jnf aajf

C. H Wheeler j

Fkmr.Feed, Baled Hay «

701 South A**.,



P*; A. &ARNETT,North Avenue, Cranford, N. J. . ,—

\ CarriageRepairirrgand Paintfrrg; f-** -r

Bioyole Repairs.





' 'ExpertHorseshoeing. General Jobbing

Tal. 38 ~U.


|t mfaef diy.jU»«"«n hat OK and carrying •laff aiK-k. be liad alepped U|wu the'

•Ueaaltt « t m be Hllpjwd «nff landedB»t tipoo the iwfemi-nt with a• t a l j i t t

114. w/iVinfiuJBjiBWwajL, Vffl

.J-outchildrenareGuilty of Criminal

, ,- j w>—yt*"v» I'*"1* oil aieauVU> judtfe w>;ether ibeir altfht la Rood• f W l neither have you.' I!eMJ hla Warning I aod tat ua exaandeyourrlilldnin'aayea- '

Carpenter and Builder,

Raaldanet, Walnut avenue Craoford

De« er InJMardware & Housefurnishing Good*GARDEN TOOLS.' uwti »»»•>?GARDEN TOOLS.18EEDH,CBOCKERV,GLASSWARE,TINWARE.



oci/wime uthrr; At^wt InWay tbr pilil h n>wu\nl nijh (vrfn Ir>eQne»a fMni nil parts |if |b<> loio.The li'lliTK anil );i>ni'rnl i)i'»l;u ,,r ttu-inlllljni; maj U? "Jlghtlj- ilullnt in" ibrprei-eiw, but only aa It mh;ht t»fnm>geiuirtl wrar and tear. "Flu* 'igbtneiMof fhc i-oln HIII U- di-ttA (eij'!•> tbevualea ut the tifimiry, tint lit the tnran-Mnii* nucli n i*olir"inay puna from bandtn hittul for a Inus time wltbout

. „ . .1BK.4IISIhiirlr-rtl

j i n r a a w i i l le m f rraMuittit _j; _ __ _

•Jew ijbeo another attorney who eny>y* ao'rqnal dlitlnotlon lo tb» legal• « t d |«»ed and Uugbed at the fnllenteTw When tb> latter waa iryl

up be remarted » the other:a 1 am gettlnv old, Uy con-will not «t4rtiaJ wblrt It did

yeara am "Aa be arose to hit iMt hla frleUdlceiloqaiy remarked," "Well. U»«n.f

Dkk. you oojrlit to | * r n «aMdnMattto jotir ftmitltudon-

-turtle* «t t l i fAred wltlla-coHttara. a* cold aa tb* Ice be bad UUen

1S4 Uroad Htront. Klizubeth.

Open Ivenlnga till ( too O'cloeV


l e a iwluit kbd ot n a

yoo antteftm«*t

TTHoBTkiow esacUr," f u the relply, - | don't «tre atfvik* A» tpy client*wltboot aoma kind of a reulaer, but«« yoo are aa old frt»Qd"ot tglat^lwoaM (Bccnt a cntbion or a niat-



M l lisiale and InsuranceOJioire HOUBOS and Store for

: S_ttlo.__. 1 __


—oanoe—Cor. Doulevard and 20th St., ',


u»«oyprr%»k>n* la our

;w tr« bur-aUK&igstr« bur

rowed from the art of carpentry waybe »*™ rnuu the foHcmfng wstrfeuce:"The lawyrr who Died (be bill, aitavod

trwrinmr fhjraraafcr pUf ir^l i7^™trFTorui . n cfrtic bmllliiii nu-tb.Hl U to .pll: frii»..a an lndMmrnt Impaneled a1

the vul,, nlU| remove th«, eM Iron. lory. |>o< tbeu, Into a bo«. a.lledthe tuner, _Tbe hDV b thro « | , O e « , Mounered a i4

Booc-t Croitford

•Uraduate American VeU-rmaryCollege* N. Y'.

. Hi Hi-



SUR6C0N.fat Anlmara a tpaelalty."• KealJenoe, Downer Street.



All kind* of Hair Goods, Doll Wig*

up with muni- Ivuirrtuat-toi! nWithl will be the lunK*. awlthe l»o alilcn un< thenMelYta! tuttetberIt la p}iit8lblo tu lake a dollar'* Wi.rth vfgula" or tuurt- la lbJn way fruui a twpntydollar (old |.W'p. If the wurtc U- ntlljfa»i UUIII- II *» Imuoulble 10 drtr.»•Hi-a a t-wlu by ita wrnlgb*. ami tbe onlyclew will IH- luosome flaw la ibr milllu«T', .NTturally It takes a tralnnl. r*,perlduu-d yyn- to pkk oa( anvlf* eV»tn«-Mwnvthlle tbe golif iiteo, t u , j,rob-

cln-ulitnl for diiya ur- *»»ajalba, and It la exceedingly difficultlaaif tin*, ugcndwr-1 • • —m—^^^r—^~^^r^*^^r^m^-w ^

of tbo coiuiuonrvt methud* ofitlng" la to shake 0j> a uamber'orcvliiii in a cbamofet bat aod

— —^— -»« •• /a «b,.U« court, all In ou« ««tjU d<.»o ta"w and tvrued


clea which h*Te been fiKt*rn«t- TJwbay I* drat loolatetoed. ao that the eoUWU1 adhere to It, ana la afterwardbuMed and. tho gold aisayeO. Tl«>

_ Vnittea or deou on the cohw tr"lll'ap-pear to hive bern made/In tbe ordi-nary headline: Tbe uroOt ftvtn tht»treatluent lit nfflall, but- many peopleaeetn'H) dud proflt la i t Thai tiucathntartsea It the la«vtflilry ana labor tbua•Watuled would, tuil bHbg a iarcer re-turn If Ucrou-iJ' tu •Kiuie Inltiniatework. /'-, Tie nien/ttbo handle the gold be-come mar/elou'tly expert lu dfteetlnx:the "aweateilr"coin*. In haudjhic uli-

_ . _ coin will rarely get i*af them- The coln» are aprgad out In trajrn b»-

fl»e iseni' and' turned ov«r aud tb*llgot celna plekea out. .A slight flaw

. ~ ". loathe mfUiatv a dulled

The Youth'sCompanion

So Much forso Little]

1 WcekV Issues


floating and Tinning.

7 S. Union Avanuaf

CRANFORD. N J.Telephone. 133,

iiite t.o prOar^O^igr»n^M()wga»ro«dSi.j , Elisabeth


1 Contractors & TeamatersH4«ln|,Vana tor City or County

.Telaplione Call or JPuatal will bring- at Kapraaentativ* ,-



Dealer in Flour, Feed, drain, Hay, Etc.


Elevator and Warehouse.ROSELI.E PARK. N. J.

Some of Our Specialties:High Ulaukefs <;f alt kiiulH.Hnnio«H_iindi!Uihlo-Si.,>plie«-ftU-n:r!)-on-ImmrCrauo"a C l b t o l O l d P

, p f t U n : r ! ) o n I m m rCulBbratotl-Old-Pubioned fiiu<liWfa0Ht Flour'will

make delicioiiH cakeH. He sure and try it!Chicken -Fern! "MixdilToTOrtlor; * ~ "* "

, T^ make your lions lay food Crnno's Mixod Grain! .

'1 \V««tff«ir;


(auooeaior to. |AHN,

I ' h ^


Uhigh Coal, LumberDI<AlN P^PS.



GEORGE DITZEL.General Contractor

. , the ratface-Kin b« _•As a Una] teat 4u«> ticalm. wbJcb *UI

., Weigh 1 alugle h>lrT-aa>..-p»«>>rteil t<\«•*:tt"'Uie*aUajlit»aii dbK-reuanry earn

u.-f, ' • be'fSUad-erery coin la examuwd svpaP S ^ •. /'.-««"»>+ tmtlKthe fauUy on« hai

'i'>s - -

chosen from theworld's abundance' 'of e«rcry sort. ]

S*rJf<s» Frte Sunple Coptot*JOK Larger'Companion andfee AnnocncerotPt for IOU. »

|nria4.*Mn^ioiVi1 a THIUWD fanibca every wee*

ty, andFresco Painting,

Papor Hanging. —•*in> DBAua nt—T


Ta«roln« of All Ktnda.-



JAMES-C. PftRK;General


,,Paint;and.Wall Paper,,

:r«n>ford,"Telephone 2i-Jt.




Cranford N J


Lehigh Valley Coal

Kindling WoodOaioe: Srerryllllock, North Ave.

*-*J-_^l.!!I.'!f!^!_A_V"- CranfortJ, N J


Civil fcngineef&nd SurveyorTawnahlp.

25 Dlx BuildingTelephones J.\ ephones J

; I'undrKla of ouatomW* al."*««y,k«>o*». n la «aay for»?» «*«?« lh*'r«M(»Dfor thla

Painter.and, betoratoi'

from Sound Apple*

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