Page 1: Why word press is good for franchise marketing

Why WordPress Is Good for Franchise Marketing

For many reasons, WordPress is the best website platform you will find if you are looking to launch a

marketing campaign for your franchise. WordPress is an open source content management

(CMS). Open source means that WordPress is supported by thousands of developers who are system

constantly developing it, and best of all, it is free!

These days, it is by far the most commonly used website platform in use. WordPress was used to build

more than 7.5 million websites. 1.2 million of those rank among the most visited and most popular sites

on the globe. Read on to learn why you should leverage this amazing website development tool for

your franchise marketing strategies .

WordPress Is a Powerful Blogging Platform

In the beginning, WordPress was a blogging engine. It has not forgotten its roots as it has grown into

being a fully functional website CMS. If the content on your site is relevant and fresh, it stands a good

chance of attracting new franchisees. Blogging is a great way to do this. Plus, a major driver of search

is your blog, since this is where the bulk of your new, keyword rich content engine optimization (SEO)

will be located.

You can keep your prospects in the loop and give them a candid look into your organization thanks to

how effortless it is to update your company blog with the blogging engine that is built right into


Plugins Galore

Right out of the box, WordPress has an impressive amount of functionality. Plus, the developer

community has you covered even if you have more exacting requirements. You can make your site more

functional for visitors to your site by using Plugins. Plugins are packaged lines of code that work with

your existing site once you install them. The installation process is fast, and there are hundreds of free

plugins offering you all of the advanced programming your franchise recruitment site could need.

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Create a Multimedia Experience

It is one thing to write a beautiful article about the franchisee experience. It is another to have a

professionally produced video right on your website showing prospects what they can expect. Visitors

can get bored quickly with a text only site. Instead, engage your users with relevant maps, graphics,

videos, podcasts, and photos.

Due to WordPress’s impressive Media Library, all of these media are simple to import, use, and manage.

Within minutes and without knowing a single line of code, you can easily build a professional looking

photo gallery.

Top Notch SEO Capabilities

Your is only good if it can be found by franchise candidates. Your site is franchise marketing website

much more likely to be read if it shows up higher in the search rankings. With good SEO, search engines

like Bing and Google will rank your website higher, and it will be easier to find.

You get the best SEO possible with the code generated by WordPress. It has been specifically engineered

to improve SEO. That is why senior search engineers at Google have been quoted as saying that

WordPress sites are capable of ranking higher in the search results.

Control and Collaboration Options

It is up to you to decide how people interact with your website. Your users can maintain their own

profiles on your site with WordPress’s fully functional user registration section. This can be useful for

prospective franchisees to interact with you over the Internet, where they are most likely to seek out

information about your franchise.

By the individual or group, you can control the level of access users have. This makes it so you can assign

a team to your website to answer questions or post blog entries. If you choose not to use the

registration system at all, you can disable the whole thing. And, to keep out unwanted elements,

WordPress comes standard with spam controls.

WordPress Keeps It Simple

WordPress was developed to be as simple to use as possible. It is supported by just about all web

servers. And, you typically just need to click one button to install it. You already have the skills to edit

web pages built on Word Press if you can do basic edits to Microsoft Word documents.

Overall, WordPress is a powerful, free of charge, and easy to use tool for any franchise marketing

strategy. Plus, it is easy to manage multiple websites from one dashboard, which can come in handy if

you choose to have centralized control of all of the franchisee sites.

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