
Why We Need More Men in Autism-Related


By Lisa Jo Rudy

Autism Spectrum Disorders Expert


Updated November 23, 2015.

Women tend to predominate in careers that involve children, disabilities, and care giving.

There are more women than men teaching school (especially in the younger grades and


There are more women than men providing therapy to children on the spectrum (though

men seem to be just as involved in theories and research).

There are far more women than men involved with social skills, speech, occupational,

and related therapies.

More women go into pediatrics and developmental pediatrics than almost any field of


More women than men are child psychologists or psychiatrists.

In general, mothers are more involved with the day to day activities of their autistic

children than fathers are.

As a result, autistic people -- and autistic children in particular -- live in a world of women.

Why might this be a problem? Well, in some cases, it really isn't. But I would like to make the

argument that kids, teens, and adults on the spectrum need to see, learn from, and engage with

more men! Here's why:

1. There are four times as many boys as girls diagnosed with autism. Those boys need to

learn skills, body language, and social communication from people who used to be boys -

- and not exclusively from people who used to be girls.

2. Women and girls use language differently from men and boys. They talk more. They talk

about more personal topics. They move their faces and bodies differently. Women who

teach social skills to autistic boys rarely investigate typical "boy" behaviors before

teaching back-and-forth conversational skills.

1. In a general way, men who teach tend to be focused in a laser-like manner on practical

outcomes. A child with autism may find a man's direct, pragmatic approach easier to


2. Men and boys tend to be comfortable with physical games that involve chasing, climbing,

and making loud noises. These are just the sorts of games that many children with autism

find engaging. As a result, some men can engage with autistic children that women find

harder to reach.

1. Men know more than women about the skills other men need to be accepted in a school

or social setting. When choosing which skills to focus on, therefore, they are better

equipped to choose the most critical skills.

2. A fast-growing number of autistic boys are growing up to be autistic men. Autistic men

need male peers with whom to socialize and from whom to learn appropriate adult male


3. While women can teach the basics of sex and sexuality, most men need to hear from

other men about how their bodies work. And the truth is that women simply can't answer

some sexuality-related questions!

4. Girls on the autism spectrum, like their male counterparts, have little opportunity to

interact with men. Girls, of course, also need the opportunity to learn from men -- and

about men. In addition, some of the more direct teaching methods used by men are as

effective for autistic girls as boys.

5. Fathers of children on the spectrum, when they do get involved with their child's

education and therapy, are often overwhelmed by a sea of women. While most men

understand that women are in the majority in child-related, psychology-related, and

disabilities-related fields, it can be much easier for fathers when they are not the ONLY

man in the room. What's more, male teachers and therapists may be better equipped to

coach other men in how best to engage with and relate to their autistic child.

Do you know a man or teen who is seriously considering a career related to autism? If so, I' hope

you'll share this article with him!

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