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Page 1: Why Scouting

My name is Rachel, I am 17 and I'm an Explorer Scout from Carlisle. I have

been asked to explain what Scouting means to me and how it has shaped

the person I am today. I hope that this article gives you an

insight into the many opportunities

Scouting provides.

Why am I willing to speak up for Scouting?

Well that's because many people have

branded Scouting as old fashioned and

boring, thinking back to the 1950s, when it

was all about boys, tying knots and bob-a-job; if that is your opinion

on Scouting, then think again. Modern Scouting includes girls, very

few knots and lots of fun! Try your hand at quad biking, scuba diving,

zorbing, archery, coasteering, mountain biking, kayaking and much

much more. Hang out with your mates on a camp by a lake in the

Swiss Alps - what's not to like?

So what does Scouting mean to me? It means going to places I would have

never get the chance to go to. This summer I will be setting off with 17 other

Cumbria Scouts to go to Rinkaby in Sweden to join 38,000 Scouts from

around the world for the 22nd World Scout jamboree. To even be selected

was a challenge and I have been given the responsibility of Patrol leader,

which has given me the chance to practice leadership skills and to help

others achieve their potential.

Another example is when I was asked to do a presentation for my new 6th

form tutor group so that we could find out a bit more about each other. I

started off with all the usual stuff, family, friends, pets etc. I then showed

them pictures of me abseiling down a 30ft crevasse in an ice glacier in

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Switzerland. That got their attention. This was followed by a picture of

me in mid-air as I jumped off a 30ft rock into the sea in Newquay. By

the end of the presentation all my form couldn't believe how many

amazing and seriously cool things I had done- even my form tutor was

impressed and that’s saying something! At the end of the presentation I

was asked "How have you done all that and you're only 16?" The answer

of course "Scouts".

But Scouting isn't all about amazing adventure opportunities- it's about

learning about yourself; it gives you the

opportunity to challenge yourself both physically

and mentally, to try things out in safe

environment, to experience new skills. Scouting

has encouraged me and enabled me to have a go at becoming a Young

Spokesperson. And to equip me properly for the challenge I was sent on

a course which taught me some of the skills needed to work with the

media. This has in turn given me confidence to speak out for what I see

as right, the confidence to speak to people of all ages and that will stay

with me for the rest of my life.

So yes, Scouting is about fun, adventure, challenge but more importantly it's about learning about

who you are and helping to shape the person you are and it's GREAT! And just to show you

how great, here is a link to a short film made by local Scouts with the help of ITV Fixers to show

what Scouting is like today -

Rachel Bradley

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