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E-book from Kanchi Periva Forum

The Essence of Hindu Tradition & Culture

Volume – 1 Published: May 2012

Why Rituals



Authors: Subi & Sumi

© 2012 Kanchi Periva Forum

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Table of Contents

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 3

About the Authors .......................................................................................................................................... 5

1.0 Background - Religion and Rituals .......................................................................................................... 7

2.0 What is “Sanatana Dharma?” ................................................................................................................... 8

3.0 What is the purpose of our religion?......................................................................................................... 9

4.0 Who created the Vedas? ........................................................................................................................... 9

5.0 The Situation .......................................................................................................................................... 11

6.0 Surging Interest ...................................................................................................................................... 13

7.0 Why Rituals? .......................................................................................................................................... 13

8.0 Types of Rituals ...................................................................................................................................... 13

9.0 Efficacy of Rituals .................................................................................................................................. 14

10.0 Respect for Mother Nature ................................................................................................................... 16

11.0 Reincarnation and Karma ..................................................................................................................... 20

12.0 The Power of Rituals ............................................................................................................................ 21

13.0 Rituals and Practices ............................................................................................................................. 21

14.0 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 22

15.0 Voice of God ........................................................................................................................................ 23

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Shri Kanchi Maha Periva Thiruvadigal Charanam Introduction

Hari Om!

Sanatana Dharma, known as Hinduism, is the only religion on the planet that does not

have a human founder. It is timeless and ageless. Hindus have a distinguished ancestry

to be proud of - an ancestry that goes back to a period of time earlier than any modern

nation can claim. A large number of people around the world are keen to know more

about this religion and its rituals. While there are numerous books available on the

subject, many do not have the time to buy and read them in their very busy schedules.

To help readers overcome such problems, we propose to use the medium of internet to

present a series of e-books, each of a small size, easy to access and retain attention.

This e-book is the result of efforts from the members of the Kanchi Periva Forum Like minded members of the Forum have come together

realizing the need to insist upon the present generation to observe and keep alive the

rich traditions of the Hindu Religion, as prescribed in the Vedas and Sastras.

The proposed e-books are intended to serve as a convenient and concise source of

information on topics related to Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma as it is called. The aim of

the e-books is to provide relevant information on Hindu traditions in simple language and

dispel certain misconceptions that often arise in the minds of people. It is also our

objective to bring the profound teachings of great saints to the widest possible audience.

In providing this service, the authors have derived immense inspiration from the

discourses of Kanchi Maha Periva, well-known as the ‘walking God’ and at many places

have provided excerpts from his discourses.

In this first volume of the series, the authors have attempted to provide a brief

background of Vedic religion and why rituals are considered important.

We would like to express our profound thanks to Shri Sundaresan Subramanian from

Chicago, USA for authoring this book. Our special thanks goes to Smt Sumathi

Agambaranathan of Chennai, India for being a valuable co-author in this initiative.

We would also like to thank Shri K. Raman from Santa Clara - USA, an active member of

the Kanchi Periva Forum, for his valuable suggestions and advice in the making of this e-


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This book is not exhaustive and may not answer all your questions nor meet your

expectations in full measure. However, this e-book may fuel your curiosity and

encourage you to explore more on the topics presented.

We welcome your views and feedback for enlarging the scope of future editions of the e-

book and improve the quality of presentations. Feedback about the e-book may be

shared with us at [email protected] or with the authors directly at their email

addresses given in their profiles that follow.

For those who are not familiar about our website and forum, we welcome you to visit for a collection of rare videos and complete online library of upanyasams

of Sri Maha Periva. Please also register on the forum to stay

updated on devotees’ experiences and to receive our regular newsletters.

We also invite you to view the exclusive video footage of Sri Maha Periva divya darshan

by clicking on the below link:

We humbly submit this first e-book at the lotus feet of Shri Maha Periva.

Administrator - Kanchi Periva Forum

[email protected]

Jaya Jaya Shankara, Hara Hara Shankara!

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About the Authors

Shri Sundaresan Subramanian

Shri. Sundaresan Subramanian, affectionately called as Subi Anna, is

an international consultant with an array of global experiences in the

field of energy and environment. In his long professional career, he

has worked for many years in senior management positions with

multinational corporations in India and later with U.S. government

agencies. His demonstrated success includes building US-Asia

energy and environmental partnerships in cooperation with American

and Asian government agencies, non-government organizations and

the corporate sector. His professional accomplishments are

recognized through several awards from both India and the U.S.

Deriving great inspiration from Maha Periva, the Sage of Kanchi, Subi Anna developed a

deep personal interest in religion and the ancient scriptures. Based on his continuing

study and research, Subi Anna is engaged in propagating Maha Periva’s teachings and

unfolding the secrets and wisdom of Sanatana Dharma. His published e-books include:

“Mantras and Management” and “Managing Anger – Lessons from the Ancient.”

On the academic side, Subi Anna is Graduate in Electrical Engineering from the

University of Poona; qualified in Production Engineering, London; in Business

Management at St. Xavier’s Institute, Bombay; and as a LEED Green Associate of the

U.S. Green Business Council. He was trained in Japan in corporate management and

was conferred with a honorary doctorate degree by the University of Berkley, USA.

His honorary activities benefited several communities. He served as a member of the

selection panel for Fulbright environmental fellowships, a senior member of the

Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and the Association of Energy

Engineers, USA.

He has authored many articles and studies related to energy and environment and

served for 3 years as an editor of “The Urja Watch” – a publication of the Indian

Association of Energy Management Professionals (IAEMP). He also serves as a

member of the committee of “Sri Veda Vyas Gurukul” – a Veda PAtashala functioning on

the lines of Gurukula system at the Kanchi Mutt in Pune, Maharashtra.

Subi Anna is based out of Chicago, USA and can be reached on [email protected]

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Smt Sumathi Agambaranathan

Smt. Sumathi Agambaranathan, shortly called as Sumi, as she is very well known in the

Kanchi Periva Forum, is an ardent devotee of Kanchi Maha Periva. She is presently

living with her family at Chennai, India, and is working as a Manager at an MNC in


Sumi is known in her friends and colleagues circle as a no-nonsense person, who is

always focused on the results and intensely active in the chosen area of work. She is an

avid orator and linguist. Her excellent written and oral communication skills and high

level of trustworthiness and confidentiality has always kept her close to the senior

management in all her career, thereby almost making her a fine entrepreneur.

Sumi hails from the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu and is very passionate about her

hometown and the clan she belongs to. For someone who comes from such a

background, she has displayed great mettle to achieve this level of qualification,

perfection, and she is very focused in bringing up her son also in the very same fashion

– disciplined, diplomatic, distinguished and devotional – all at the same time.

With the blessings of Sri Maha Periva, Sumi has been going through some wonderful

moments and miracles in her life, and her son also has played an active role in making

out the cover design for this e-book.

Sumi is based out of Chennai, India and can be reached on [email protected]

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Why rituals are important?

Om Gurubyo Namah

Salutations to the Guru

"Hinduism is not just a faith. It is the union of reason

and intuition that cannot be defined but is only to be


- Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (1888-1975)

1.0 Background - Religion and Rituals

There is no religion in this world without rituals. Though many modern societies claim to

be secular, religion is still found everywhere we turn: it persists in individual beliefs, in

communities, and in countries. Religion remains a fundamental aspect of human

experience. Even in the most secular societies like the United States, religion still plays a

profound role. In America, for example, a substantial majority of people proclaims a

belief in God, and a significant majority participates in religious services on a regular

basis. The U.S. dollar note publicly proclaims in bold letters “IN GOD WE TRUST.”

Religion has thus played a significant role in our past and for the foreseeable future,

religion is here to stay, whether one likes it or not.

Before we talk about the importance of rituals, we should understand the basics of

religion as rituals are closely connected with one’s religion. This volume of the e-book

will therefore focus on the basics of Hinduism.

The word ‘Religion’ itself is most likely derived from the Latin root religare, a verb

meaning "to fasten or bind." When people gather together to attend any ritual, be it a

mass at a church or a congregation in a temple, they are often energized and motivated

by the feeling of togetherness which they then carry beyond the ritual and into their daily

lives. Their shared feeling of community fuels their actions in the world at large. It follows

that religion offers a sense of knowing one's place with regard to others (one's duties,

obligations, and goals) on a broad scale.

Shri Maha Periva

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Our religion is known as "sanatana dharma". "Dharma" is the term used by the ancient

scriptures to denote all the moral and religious principles that constitute the means to

obtain fullness of life. The pursuit of dharma is first meant for happiness and well-being

in this world.

We have fourteen basic Sastras that pertain to dharma. The fourteen basic Shastras that

are "abodes" of dharma and knowledge are: the four Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda,

Samaveda and Atharvanaveda); the six Angas or limbs of the Vedas (Siksa, Vyakarana,

Chandas, Nirukta, Jyotisa and Kalpa); and four Upangas (supporting limbs) Mimamsa,

Nyaya, the Puranas and Dharmasastra.

While all the fourteen Sastras are basic and authoritative texts, the Vedas form their

crown. The Vedas are fundamental importance; the Angas (limbs) and Upangas

(supplementary limbs) derive their importance from them.

Just as Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Christianity and Islam have the Tripitaka, the Zend-

Avesta, the Bible and the Qur'an respectively as their scriptures, Hindus have the Vedas

as their prime scripture.

Our religious traditions are based on Vedas. The word Veda is derived from the Sanskrit

root vid which means "to know". The Vedas form the core of our religion and are the

direct authority for our dharma and for all our religious rituals. Since our religion follows

the vedic injunctions, it is known as "Vedic Religion".

2.0 What is “Sanatana Dharma?”

The Sage of Kanchi defines it in very simple terms:

“Religion is like a therapeutic system meant to cure the ills contracted by the self. The

physician alone knows about the disease afflicting the patient and how it is to be treated.

Our Sanatana Dharma is the medicine prescribed by our sages and creators of the

Dharma Sastras who never sought anything for themselves and who, in their utter

selflessness, were concerned only about the good of mankind. In other countries other

physicians have prescribed medicines in the form of their own religious systems. Would

your doctor like to be told that he should treat you in the same way as another doctor

treats his patient? There are several systems of medicine. In one there is a strict diet

regimen, in another there is not much strictness about the patient's food. In one system

the medicines administered taste sweet; in another they taste bitter. To be restored to

health we have to follow strictly any one method of treatment, not insist on a combination

of the various therapies.”

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Further, the Sage of Kanchi answers several questions as follows:

3.0 What is the purpose of our religion?

If an individual owing allegiance to a religion does not become a jnani (wise) with inward

experience of the truth of the Supreme Being, what does it matter whether that religion

exists or not? The principle on which the Vedic religion is founded is that a man must not

live for himself alone but serve all mankind.

4.0 Who created the Vedas?

We learn from the Sastras that the Vedas has existed even before creation. It is not

possible to tell the age of the Vedas. Vedas are anadi (of unknown origin).

What is the basis of the belief that the Vedas are anadi and were not created by Isvara


An answer is contained in the Vedas themselves. In the

Brhadaranyaka Upanishad (2. 4. 10) ---the Upanishads

are all part of the Vedas---it is said that the Rig, Yajus and

Sama Vedas are the very breath of Isarva. The word

"nihsvasitam" is used here. It goes without saying that we

cannot live even a moment without breathing. The Vedas

are the life-breath of the Paramatman who is an eternal

living Reality. It follows that the Vedas exist together with

him as his breath. We must note here that it is not

customary to say that the Vedas are the creation of

Iswara. Do we create our own breath? Our breath exists

from the very moment we are born. It is the same case

with Iswara and the Vedas. We cannot say that He created them.

When we say that Columbus discovered America, we do not mean that he created the

continent: we mean that he merely made the continent known to the world. In the same

way the laws attributed to Newton, Einstein and so on were not created by them. If an

object thrown up falls to earth it is not because Newton said so. Scientists like Newton

perceived the laws of Nature and revealed them to the world. Similarly, the ancient seers

discovered the Mantras and made a gift of them to the world.

The goal of every religion is to protect man from evils and lead him towards eternal bliss.

Rituals help to achieve this goal.

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Rituals have existed since times immemorial not just in India but all over the world. In the

ancient world, in Persia, Egypt and Greece, a ritual was considered holy and the primary

way that provided communication between humans and ‘unseen’ powers beyond

immediate human existence.

To make the unseen more visible and approachable they created images for veneration

and/or worship. The images of the unseen are often placed in a particular site which in

time becomes a sacred site where the people may go to perform certain rituals thereby

rendering the unseen closer and less remote.

In ancient times, like in India, Chinese people attached great importance to the worship

of the heavenly bodies - the sun, the moon, the planets and the stars, and also the earth.

Revolving around the theme of long life, Chinese performed all of the rites related to a

birth, from the praying for the inception of a child when a woman is not yet pregnant to

the time when the baby has reached the age of one full year.

Like observers of other religions, Christians also practice domestic food rituals. Many

Christians, for instance, pray before meals, giving thanks to God for their daily bread.

Particularly in the United States, many churches organize informal fellowship meals for

their members, designed to strengthen the community within the church.

In many cultures, proposing a toast is a common. It is a well-known ritual in which a drink

is taken by a person as an expression of honor or goodwill to others. When a toast is

made, the practice of simultaneously drinking by a gathering of people seems to

enhance the communal connection.

Other rituals you may have witnessed amongst Christians are the tolling of church bells

and throwing of rice at the couple in weddings.

Even for the most secular among us, life is often guided by rituals. Everyday activities

guided by rules and conventions seem to offer us both practical results and a sense of

meaning. For the religious person, there seems to be a deep connection between

religious practice and the way life is lived.

Religious rituals are not just window-dressing for the core beliefs of a religious tradition;

ritual practices form identity and sustain tradition. The value of a ritual comes from "its

ability to connect you to a larger context that clarifies your relationship to yourself, others

and your place in the universe.”

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Ritual takes many forms, it may consist of simple routines like bowing to others out of

reverence, lighting a lamp, offering prayers or doing Sandhyavandana which an

individual submits to on a daily basis or it may be of more complex ceremony as in a

birthday, marriage or a funeral.

5.0 The Situation

There are nearly a billion Hindus in the world today. That’s roughly four times the

population of the entire United States. Every sixth person on the planet is a Hindu. Yet,

why there are millions of Hindus still ignorant about their religion? There are several

reasons for this sad situation but it is sufficient to know a few important ones.

In recent centuries, education in India has generally followed the Western pattern and in

most school curriculums, the study of our Vedic religion was not included. Consequently,

many are ignorant about the scriptures that provide us the very source of our religion.

Technological advancements and the growing hunger for material comforts, cultivated

and perpetuated by advertising and effective marketing, have considerably influenced

our perspectives on religious rituals.

Many people simply do not believe in our rituals and often dismiss rituals as primitive and

unnecessary for modern living. Understandably, many people are dissatisfied with this

religion which has to be purely a matter of belief; they need proof for what we believe in.

We also find a section of people indifferent to any spiritual, religious or ritualistic activity.

There are people amongst us who tend to view rituals as a topic fit only for the “old and

retired‟. Such disinterest is a cause for serious concern.

Realizing the declining interest among our people to performing religious rituals, Kanchi

Maha Periva observed as follows:

“By the grace of Isvara, we have not reached the unfortunate state of totally discarding

our age-old rituals. However, there is a declining trend, a weakening of Vedic practices.

One important reason for this is that we do not know what rituals mean and why we

should be performing them. For the vast majority of Hindus, the most important religious

path is bhakti (devotion) to the Almighty who is in different forms. We perform a number

of rites in our home - ayushomam, grahapravesham, marriage, sraddha, upakarma, and

so on, and during these functions we chant Vedic mantras as instructed by the priest.

Even educated people nowadays have no true involvement in such rites in which they

have to just repeat the mantras after the priest without knowing the meaning.

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We cannot expect to convince people that the chanting of the mantras (even without

knowing their meaning) is beneficial. The hymns for each function are different and also

different in significance. If we appreciate this fact, we will realise that there is a scientific

basis for them. Besides, they have an emotional appeal which will be evident only when

we know their meaning. So to know the meaning of the mantras is to have greater

involvement in the functions in which they are chanted. That is the reason why the

mouthing of syllables purposelessly has come to be [irreverently] likened to the chanting

of "sraddha mantras" (rites for dead ancestors) without knowing the meaning.

The meaning of the mantras (including those chanted at sraddhas) must be understood

by the priest as well as by the performer of the rites; we must evolve a scheme for this


First, the priest himself must know the meaning of the mantras and the significance of

the rituals at which he officiates. Today the majority of priests are ignorant of the

meaning of what they chant.

If a karta or a yajamana (the man on whose behalf a rite is conducted) asks his priest,

"What does this mean?" the latter is unable to give an answer. How would you then

expect the karta (performer) to have faith in the rites?

I believe that many middle-aged people today are keen to know the meaning of the

mantras. I also think that if they tend to lose faith in rituals it is because they have to

repeat parrot-like the hymns chanted by the priest. So we need to make efforts to ensure

that those who officiate at rituals (the upadhyayas) acquire proficiency in Veda- bhasya

to enable them to explain the meaning of the mantras.

If we know the meaning of the mantras chanted at a function, we stand to gain more

benefits from it. We go through rites because we do not have the courage to give them

up. Similarly, we must come to realise that it is wrong to perform a rite without knowing

the meaning of the mantras chanted; we must therefore take the help of a pundit (expert)

in this matter.

In truth, no partiality can be ascribed to the Vedas. A Vedic rite is admittedly beneficial to

the man who performs it. But, at the same time, it does good to the entire world. If I light

a lamp in the darkness here, does it not bring light to all the people present and not to

me alone?”

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6.0 Surging Interest

In today’s world, millions of people both young and old living in different countries are

getting increasingly curious about rituals. They really want to know more about why we

should perform them and the meaning of various mantras. Fortunately, modern

technology is helping faster communication across distant places countries and the

internet is spreading information speedily. Many people are not only interested now but

also have means to learn about rituals. It is an extremely encouraging sign.

7.0 Why Rituals?

Most of the problems in this world can be traced to

human ego and lack of control of the senses. As we

see today, even in the most advanced countries like

the USA, greed and human weaknesses have led to

serious consequences. Sanatana Dharma is a way

of life that teaches a Hindu on how to win over ego

sense and discover the true 'self.'

There are different means to achieve this ultimate

objective, starting with daily rituals, idol worship,

observing the sacraments (samskaras), following a

path of devotion (bhakti) and eventually, renunciation


As per the ancient seers, there are three simple

methods that can be followed to realize the self;

Sravanam (Listening), Mananam (Remembering and reciting), and Nidhidhyasana

(meditating on the self). It requires self-control, discipline of the mind and the body and

overcoming desires.

8.0 Types of Rituals

Kanchi Maha Periva’s discourses and his simple explanations provide great inspiration to

millions of devotees. He explains rituals in a very simple way:

“There are three types of rituals or karma as they are called in Sanskrit: "nitya",

"naimittika", and "kamya".

"Nitya-karma" (daily ritual): As the name suggests, this ritual includes sacraments that

must be performed every day.

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"Naimittika" rites are those conducted for a specific purpose or reason or on a specific

occasion. For instance, when there is an eclipse we must bathe and offer libations to our

fathers. When a great man visits our home he has to be honoured ceremonially - this is

also naimittaka. Nitya and naimittaka rites are to be performed by all.

“Kamya” - A kamya-karma is a ritual that has a special purpose. When there is a

drought, we conduct Varuna-japa to invoke the God and seek His blessings in the form

of rain. When we are desirous of a son, we perform the "putrakamesti"(sacrifice to beget

a son). These belong to the kamya category.

The Vedas speak about things not easily comprehended by the human mind. If we

perform rites imposed on us by them, the fruits thereof will naturally follow. Sound has

always existed: it has indeed no beginning and the Vedas are this sound. Like time and

space they are ever-present.

Sandhyavandana, a simple Puja at home and the like are everyday rituals. The non-

performance of nitya-karma is a sin; performance means we will not incur any demerit.

That apart, there will be the benefit of general well-being of the performer and the

community around.

If we repay a loan in installments it means that we shall no longer remain indebted to the

lender (here we see a gain); additionally we earn a name for being honest and trust-

worthy. By performing nitya-karma no sin will attach to us and, besides, it should mean

some good to us. Thus there are two types of gains.”

9.0 Efficacy of Rituals

Critics of age-old rituals demand proof for the efficacy of rituals. The authority of

Hinduism lies only with those saints who have first-hand experience of the divine

elements. Rituals are intended to serve a higher purpose, that of disciplining the mind,

cleansing your consciousness, and preparing you for the inward journey. Rituals are a

way of defining what is meaningful and important.

The effects of rituals have to be experienced and related to others. Take a simple ritual

like greeting others with a Namaste; In Sanskrit namas means “bow,” “obeisance,”

“reverential salutation.” It comes from the root nam, which carries meanings of bending,

bowing, humbly submitting and becoming silent; te means “to you.” Thus, namaste

means “I bow to you.” Why is this ritual any better than a handshake? What if your

palms are sweating or unclean? It avoids transmission of contact diseases.

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Popes and saints seldom shake hands. The namaste communicates, “I honor or worship

the Divinity within you.” The namaste gesture bespeaks our inner valuing of the

sacredness of all. It recognizes that all souls are divine. This simple way of greeting

others including prostration to elders is neat and hygienic without any physical contact.

Many of the rituals are not written down. They have been handed down as practices by

ancient sages. One has to trust them. The great Sage of Kanchi offers the following

explanation and advice:

“How can anyone claim, as a matter of right, that all subjects ought to be brought within

the ken of human reasoning? Man is but one among countless creatures.

Take for instance the experiments conducted by a physicist in his laboratory. Does a cow

understand them? If the scientist formulates certain laws on the basis on his

experiments, does the cow say that "These laws of physics do not exist"? But how do

humans ignorant of physics get to know about such laws? They trust the statements

made by people proficient in the subject.

To illustrate, take the example of any common appliance. Let us assume that you are

told that it works on the basis of certain principles of science. Don't you accept these

principles by observing how the appliance works? In the same way we must have faith in

what great men say about the Vedas, great men who live strictly adhering to the Sastras.

We must also place our faith on our scripture on the basis of the fruits or benefits yielded

by them, the benefits we directly perceive. One such "fruit" is still there for all of us to

see. It is Hinduism itself, the religion that has withstood the challenges of all these

millennia. Our religion has produced more great men than any other faith.

People have been rewarded with the highest inner well-being [the highest bliss] as a

result of their faith in the Vedic tradition. There is no insistence on their part that

everything on earth must be brought within the realm of reason or direct perception.

The Vedic mantras do good to all creatures in this world. We must have implicit faith in

this belief. It is not proper to ask whether what we ourselves cannot hear now with our

ears was heard by the seers. There is such a thing as the divine power of seeing and

hearing. Our sight is dependent on the lens in our eyes. If this lens was different, what

we observe would also be different.

We must not inquire into the Vedas with our limited powers of perception and with our

limited capacity to reason and comprehend. The Vedas speak to us about what is

beyond the reach of our eyes and ears and reasoning- that is their purpose. There are

things that we comprehend through direct perception. We do not need the help of the

Vedas to know about them.

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What cannot be explained by reasoning and what is beyond the reach of our intellect -

these seers have gifted us in the form of the Vedas with their divine perception.

We have to accept the Vedas in good faith. Develop faith in them and you’ll experience

for yourself the fruits yielded by them. In due course of time, you will be convinced about

the truths told about them.

Sometimes, the "Varunajapa" (ritual for rains) may not succeed in bringing rains. But this

is no reason why all mantras should be rejected outright as if they have no value.

Sometimes, sick people die even after the regular administration of medicine. For this

reason, do we condemn medical science as worthless? We have an explanation for the

patient's failure to recover: May be his illness has reached such an advanced stage that

no medicine could be of any avail. Similarly, no mantra or ritual is of any help when it has

to contend against the working of powerful karma. There is also another reason. If you

are not strict about your diet, the medicine taken may not work. Similarly, if we are lax in

the observance of certain rules, the mantras will not produce the desired result.” (Source:

Deivathin Kural)

More than 5000 years ago, ancient sages of Sanatana Dharma had stressed the

importance of nature and worshipped Mother Nature through various rituals. In a

nutshell, rituals have been handed over by our ancestors and authors of Dharma Sastras

who had a profound understanding of the world we live in and human nature.

10.0 Respect for Mother Nature

Our rituals have always respected Mother Nature. From times immemorial, Hindus

worshipped through rituals all the five elements Earth, Water, Fire, Ether, and Wind as

these elements sustain life on our planet. They never tampered with nature and its

elements as in modern times. Human beings were seen as part of nature, rather than

the rulers of nature.

In contrast, look at the environment we live in modern times with all scientific

advancements. Decades of mindless abusing of God-given natural resources has

resulted in all round pollution and deterioration of even the vital air we breathe, the water

we drink and the food we eat. Scientists invented the power of atom but used it for

destructive purposes too.

Scientists invented chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) for refrigeration and air-conditioning to

enhance human comfort. After realizing the adverse impact of CFCs on environment,

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the world is now destroying the very same CFCs. Today the whole world talks about the

need to preserve the environment and that green house gases are detrimental to the

well-being of our planet.

Our ancestors who followed the Vedas always respected natural resources and

encouraged their worship through Vedic rituals.

Although Hinduism encompasses so many different beliefs, most Hindus share the

importance of striving to attain purity and avoiding pollution. This relates to both physical

cleanliness and spiritual well being.

Consider the element of water – Water, called Aapo in Sanskrit, represents the non-

manifested substratum from which all manifestations arise. In India, water has been an

object of worship from time immemorial. Water is Akshitham (imperishable). In the matter

of purity it is like one’s eyes. Hence it is also known as Akshitharam. Water is a purifier,

life-giver and destroyer of evil. It is life- preserving power par excellence.

Water cleanses, washes away impurities and pollutants, and enables an object look

fresh. The belief that water have spiritually cleansing powers has given it a central place

in the practices and beliefs of many a religious ritual. Physically and mentally clean

person is enabled to focus on worship. Water is, therefore, an important constituent in

Hindu’s rituals. Before performing rituals, water is used to purify hands with sacred


Agni (Fire) is considered as one of the most important of the medium in Vedic rituals.

Agni is worshipped as the messenger of the gods, the acceptor of sacrifice. Agni is in

everyone's hearth, he is the vital spark of life, and so a part of him is in all living things,

he is the fire which consumes food in peoples' stomachs, as well as the fire which

consumes the offerings to the gods.

Agni is the fire in the sun, in the lightning bolt, and in the smoke column which holds up

the heavens. Agni, as sunlight, plays a vital role to sustain and nourish various forms of

life. It has the power to cook food, provide light and energy to carry on with life sustaining

functions. The stars are sparks from his flame. About 200 hymns in the Rig Veda are

addressed to Agni, with praises dedicated to him.

Parsis worship the Fire as their God. In fact, they worship all the five elements! Fire is

just the symbol. In every Fire Temple, there is the Fire, but there is also a well and a

tree, which are also worshipped!

The Gayatri mantra, the most mighty of the Vedic mantras, is a prayer to the Sun god to

alleviate one from all human sins, physical dissipation and to bestow knowledge,

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health and longevity. Gayatri mantra is a vandana prayer to everlasting light of lights and

extols the Almighty Suryanaryana as the soul and spirit of the moving and static objects,

with a supplication for proper application and direction one’s buddhi or intellect in all

matters. The Gayatri Mantra forms a part of the Rig Veda Samhita, Mandala III, 62 – 10.

Gayatri is the mantra to be repeatedly recited during the Sandhyavandanam ritual which

is essentially a Vedic prayer. "Sandhya" means the time when day and night meet and

"Vandanam" means 'Thanksgiving." So the expression Sandhyavandanam means the

prayer of thanksgiving to God during the morning and the evening twilight. Is it not

important that we should thank the Sun God for unfailingly providing us with light and


For the Hindus, the Earth is sacred as the very manifestation of the Divine Mother. She

is worshipped as Bhumi Devi, the Earth Goddess. One of the reasons that Hindus honor

cows is that the cow represents the energies and qualities of the Earth, selfless caring,

sharing and the providing of nourishment to all.

Hindu rituals work with the forces of nature to bring a higher consciousness and energy

into the world. They are part of a comprehensive spiritual science designed to connect

us to higher planes of consciousness and creativity.

Hindu rituals form probably the most sophisticated ritualistic approach in the world,

allowing us to link up with the inner forces of nature in a systematic manner.

Here are some more examples of how our ancient scriptures respected nature:

One should not destroy the trees. (Rig Veda Samhita vi-48-17)

Plants are mothers and Goddesses. (Rig Veda Samhita x-97-4)

Trees are homes and mansions. (Rig Veda Samhita x-97-5)

Sacred grass has to be protected from man's exploitation (Rig Veda Samhita vii-


Plants and waters are treasures for generations. (Rig Veda Samhita vii-70-4)

May those born of thee, O Earth, be for our welfare, free from sickness and waste,

wakeful through a long life, we shall become bearers of tribute to thee. Earth my

mother, set me securely with bliss in full accord with heaven, O wise one, uphold

me in grace and splendor. (Atharva Veda - Hymn to the Earth - Bhumi-Sukta)

Earth, atmosphere, sky, sun, moon, stars, waters, plants, trees, moving creatures,

swimming creatures, creeping creatures all are hailed and offered oblations.

(Taittiriya Samhita i-8-13)

(Courtesy: Vedic Quotes as found in the articles of Dr. S Kannan and Dr. Karan Singh relating to

Nature and Hinduism)

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With constant repetition of such Vedic sayings, they become rituals that recognize the

importance of natural resources and also offer advice to the chanter and listener on how

they treat such resources with respect for these resources provide us with a healthy

living environment.

Most of the mantra’s employed in rituals are from the Vedas.

Actually rituals (called samskAras) are aimed at developing the eight inner values (Atma

guNa’s), which are:

Compassion (dayA), patience (kshamA), free from jealousy (anasooyA), purity

(soucham), keeping cool (anAyAsam), not being miserly (akArpaNyam), absence of

attachment (aspruhA), and peace (mangaLam). All these are positive qualities to be

developed in a human being not only for an individual’s well-being but also for the

welfare of the community. Aren’t these highly relevant today?

When we start looking at what some people do in pursuit of their faith and dedication to

rituals, we can only be struck by wonder and curiosity.

Think it over –

Why in the world millions of people inflict discomfort on themselves to perform

certain rituals in the name of devotion?

Why would some men sit for hours without any food performing smoke-emitting


Why would people of all ages walk hundreds of miles braving inclement weather

to take a dip in a holy river or climb up a mountain on foot to offer worship in a

temple? Or walk barefoot over a coal bed?

Why do people go to so much trouble to fast on some days?

These questions (and many more) are addressed through close attention to, and then

interpretation of ritual. The underlying cause is ‘implicit faith.’ The spirit of sacrifice and

control of senses pervades in all such rituals.

It is clear that people have experienced some satisfaction or mental comfort after such

hard rituals because they do it again and again. It is also clear and undisputed that the

number of such people is swelling every year.

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11.0 Reincarnation and Karma

Hindus believes in reincarnation. They believe that body and soul are two different

things. No body has seen the soul. But Hindus believe in it. They perform monthly and

annual ceremonies (Tharpanam and Shraddam in Sanskrit) for the welfare of dead


Hindus believe in Karma theory. Like there is a reaction for every action, it is the effect of

actions (karmas) that one does that eventually result in a miserable or enjoyable life.

If we try to analyse it in any detailed manner, other than karmic theory there is nothing

else to explain why people born at the same time in the same hospital to parents of

similar living standards lead totally different lives.

Why someone is very impressive in talking while another person is often irritated even

though both have same quality of education from the same institution and teachers?

Born of same parents, why do some children shine well in studies and others do not?

A person may live for many years even if he suffers from diseases. But a perfectly

healthy person passes away suddenly. Some people become wealthy without any

special effort. So also, some millionaires become paupers. Why do such things happen?

All such strange happenings can be explained by karmic theory only.

Though the belief in karma and reincarnation is exclusively in Hinduism, many people in

the world today are coming to the same conclusions, not from being told to believe but in

a natural way on their own because they have no other logical reasoning for the

differences in human lives.

Hindu’s believe in some of the legends like Ramayana and Mahabharata.

Today in front of our eyes, we see a magician performing a vanishing trick or producing a

rabbit out of his hat. If a magician can do it, why can't we believe that Ravana and

Marichan, characters in the Ramayana changed their forms.

In order to reinforce faith in both religion and the concept of God, rituals are necessary. It

is important to realise that if we are to remain true to the sastras it is not because they

represent the views of the seers but because they contain the rules founded on the

Vedas which are nothing but what the Almighty Isvara has ordained. That is the reason

why rituals are important and why we must follow them.

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12.0 The Power of Rituals

As many of the readers may be aware, mantras are associated with our rituals. Mantra is

a Sanskrit word that originated in India. It is a sacred phrase of Hinduism, repeated in

rituals, prayers or meditation as an invocation to the gods.

In recent years, the word “mantra” is getting increasing global recognition through its

usage to signify secrets for success in business and management. Obviously, even

foreigners seem impressed with the power of mantras.

The origin of mantras is from the ancient Vedas. Wikipedia defines mantra as a sound,

syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of "creating


The word mantra is derived from two Sanskrit words. The first is "manas" or "mind." The

second syllable is drawn from the Sanskrit word "trai" meaning to "protect." A mantra is

one that offers protection by repetition through remembrance in the mind. It can also be

interpreted as mantra protects the mind of the man (from confusion and going astray).

Mantras are ancient. In mainstream Vedic practices of Hinduism, mantras are viewed as

instruments for spiritual advancement and high attainment. It is believed that a person

who chants the mantras in a prescribed method reaps desired benefits.

Mantras help steady the mind and focus one’s thoughts; free mind from baser instincts,

anger or resentment; and develop inner strength, patience and love towards other living


Swami Chinmayananda (1916-1993) said “The tragedy of human history is decreasing

happiness in the midst of increasing comforts.” It seems so true in today’s world filled

with more money and materials but less happiness. The reasons are not far to seek.

13.0 Rituals and Practices

An observation on rituals and customary practices is relevant. Many people do not

understand the difference between a ritual and a custom. The whole of Hindu religious

practices can be divided into 1.Sanskars 2.Vratas 3. Pujas and 4. Customs.

Rituals, known as Samskars are those like Jatakarma, Naamakarana, Annapraashan,

Mundan, Brahmopadesa, Vivaham etc.

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Vrataas are observance of sacred Tithis such as Amavasya, Pournami, Chaturthi,

Sashti, Ekadasi, etc.

Pujas are worships for deities like Ganesha, Krishna, Saraswati, Durga, Shiva, Rama,

Hanuman, Skanda, and so on. etc.

Customs are those practices followed locally depending upon regional climate and

available materials. For example, in Rajasthan dry coconut is used in Pujas as wet

coconut is not readily available. This becomes a traditional practice and even when the

wet coconut is procurable they will use dry coconut only.

Similarly in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, plantain leaf is available in plenty and hence it is

used for various purposes. Even in areas where it is scarce or not available, a Keralite or

Tamilian will pay a high price to get the same as it is deemed to be their customary


While Samskaras, Vratas and Pujas are equally important, people often get them mixed

up with local customary practices. Details about performing poojas and some rituals will

be covered in the next volume of this series.

14.0 Conclusion

The lures of the present day world are too many. It is not surprising that many people get

distracted by the temptation of reaping huge but illegal and dishonest rewards. The

white-collar crime in recent years by many educated, high profile and wealthy people is

enough proof to indicate a virus that has crept into our society.

How to eradicate this virus? Not by prison sentences and by more laws alone - it

requires reformation of the human mind. It requires constant disciplining of the mind and

the body. Mantras and rituals precisely deal with the mind and hold the potential to

reform it.

For centuries, mantras and rituals have been practiced in India, and have withstood the

test of time despite the rule of several foreigners in India. In present days, people report

that observing rituals gives them peace of mind and happiness.

If anyone still demands proof of their power, it is simply up to the individual to test these

practices and draw conclusions based upon one’s own experience.

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15.0 Voice of God

We hope this ebook would have given you a good understanding about the importance

of our rituals and tradition.

We encourage you to also listen to the Voice of God – of our own Maha Periva, on the

importance of our Sastras by visiting the below link (discourse in Tamil):

Jaya Jaya Shankara, Hara Hara Shankara!

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