Page 1: Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol? By Tanya Prorokova Group A

Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol?

By Tanya ProrokovaGroup A

Page 2: Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol? By Tanya Prorokova Group A

Alcohol is the drug of choice among youth. Many young people are experiencing the

consequences of drinking too much, at too early an age. As a result, underage drinking

is a leading public health problem in the whole world. 

Page 3: Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol? By Tanya Prorokova Group A

Each year, thousands of young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking; this includes also many deaths

from motor vehicle crashes and from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns and so on.

Page 4: Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol? By Tanya Prorokova Group A

     Yet drinking continues to be widespread among adolescents. According to some data

three-fourths of 11th graders, more than two-thirds of 10th graders, and about two in

every five 8th graders have consumed alcohol.

Page 5: Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol? By Tanya Prorokova Group A

Teenagers consume alcohol for a number of reasons. There is not just

one dimension to it. Teenagers are at an age when they want to experiment

with everything.

Page 6: Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol? By Tanya Prorokova Group A

The curiosity to consume alcohol sometimes leads them towards alcohol addiction.

Teenagers can sometimes go through rough patches. It can be due to relationship problems or something to do with their parents. They are unable to cope with these issues and tend to get depressed.

Page 7: Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol? By Tanya Prorokova Group A
Page 8: Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol? By Tanya Prorokova Group A

Many times teenagers witness their parents fighting and verbally abusing each other. This also impacts their mental state.

Page 9: Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol? By Tanya Prorokova Group A

One of the leading reasons for teenagers to drink is parents divorcing. Whenever such a thing happens, teenagers are known to seek solace in alcohol and drugs. This primarily because they are not mentally

strong enough to handle these types of issues. Many of them can cope up but not all. Such issues

play a significant role in their mental state and hence, they turn to alcohol.

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You cannot blame the teenagers for their addiction.

Page 11: Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol? By Tanya Prorokova Group A

Also, another reason to drink alcohol is that teenagers want to impress friends. They want to be

cool in front of friends. And, they believe that drinking alcohol is a way of being cool, adult-like

and trendy.

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Drinking and


Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among youth ages 15 to 20.  The rate of fatal crashes among alcohol-involved drivers between 16 and 20 years old is more than twice the rate for alcohol-involved drivers 21 and older.

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Suicide Alcohol use interacts with conditions such as depression and stress to contribute to suicide, the

third leading cause of death among people

between the ages of 14 and 25.  In one study, 37 percent of eighth grade

females who drank heavily reported

attempting suicide, compared with 11

percent who did not drink.


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Page 15: Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol? By Tanya Prorokova Group A

 There is also one more point: is it possible to stop it somehow? Actually many people can advise only

some medical treatment, and they are right, because it’s abnormal when a boy or a girl of 15 thinks that life is dreck and starts drinking all the time as if it can save him or her from something. They never think about how much they distress

their relatives and friends.

Page 16: Why Do Teenagers Drink Alcohol? By Tanya Prorokova Group A

Adolescence is the most important phase of growth for any individual and anything that

affects the mental state can become a major cause for alcohol dependency as many of teens are highly sensitive and take things

too personally.

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So it is very important to keep the home environment positive for

teens and lavish care upon them.

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The End

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