
Why asking ‘why’ should be on every organisation’s agenda. A SlideShare by IDG

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ited 2016

Why does ‘why’ matter?

• UK businesses need to compete and to compete we need to be at our best

• Our people are one of our most important and valuable assets – we need them to feel engaged and motivated to help us achieve high performance

• But employee engagement in the UK is particularly low - the Towers Watson annual survey puts UK workers at around 40% engaged

• And the UK Commission for Employment & Skills also calculated poor people management costs the UK £86 billion per year (2015)

• We want to help your organisation be happier, healthier and more sustainable • By taking a step back and asking ‘why’, you can start unpicking what you do and

where opportunity for high performance lies

• We believe there are some key people management themes you need to explore to help set your course to high performance

• Ready to find out more? Let’s go

Values & Behaviours / Reward & Recognition / Purpose, Vision & Strategic Alignment / Measures & Analytics / Employee Engagement

Why… values and behaviours?

Definition: Values are important and lasting beliefs and ideals that are shared by members of your organisation. They are unique to each organisation and inform the behaviours expected and demonstrated by your people.

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” - Peter Drucker • Embedded values and behaviours help promote employee engagement.

Organisations with higher engagement levels posted total shareholder returns 22% higher than average (AON) and those with engagement scores in the top quartile average 18% higher productivity (EFS)

• 87% of leader’s cite culture and employee engagement as a top organisational

challenge – something values and behaviours directly feed into (Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2015)

You’ve got the why, but what’s next? It’s your DNA: Values and behaviours are your organisation’s DNA and how your people understand and act on them can have a big impact on their engagement and in turn performance. Do you know what your values are and does everyone else feel the same way? Start testing your assumptions to check everyone’s on the same page. Mirror, Mirror: Take some time to really reflect on your organisation’s purpose – what are you doing and why? It’ll give you a really strong foundation to explore the values and behaviours you need everyone to live by to make it happen.

Walk the walk, talk the talk: Senior leaders play a really important part in how your company culture is shaped and how your values and behaviours are taken up to support it. Make sure they’re leading by example. Live it: Your values and behaviours should run through everything you do – use them as a guide to support decision-making at every level. They should be second nature to your people and a real foundation to your culture.

• Watch the video: Simon Sinek – Start with Why

• Read the book: Reinventing

organisations - Frederic Laloux

• Attend our free taster sessions • Listen to our Why Series Podcasts • Download our Values & Behaviours


• Download and share our Values and Behaviours infographic

• Follow us @i_dg for all the latest news, resources and events

• Find out more about our Ambition Programme here

Why… reward and recognition?

Definition: Recognition and reward is a return on an employee's effort, dedication at work and results. This could be a simple thank you and public recognition, through to development opportunities, awards, pay and additional benefits.

Performance: Organisations with the most sophisticated recognition practices are 12 times more likely to have strong business outcomes (Bersin by Deloitte) Keeping hold of talent: Companies with strategic recognition reported a mean employee turnover rate that is 23.4% lower than retention at companies without any recognition programme (SHRM/Globoforce Employee Recognition Survey, 2012) Not just for the blue chips: Smaller businesses will benefit most from a focus on recognising and rewarding performance, with an estimated efficiency gain of 10 per cent (Impact of investing in people report, 2015).

You’ve got the why, but what’s next? Remember to say thank you! When asked what employers can do to increase overall happiness, employees said ‘say thank you more’ (Investors in People, Job Exodus Report 2016) Money doesn’t always talk: Reward and recognition isn’t just about money. According to the ILM, ensuring employees enjoy their job is the single most effective way to motivate - even more influential than salary in inspiring staff to work hard.

Make it relevant: Consider your company purpose and values and what kinds of recognition and reward would be relevant and motivational to your people. The more relevant to your culture, the more impact it will have. Engaging all levels: Your leaders and managers are the frontline in developing a culture of effective recognition and reward. Ensure they are engaged themselves and understand the ‘why’ behind what you’re trying to achieve.

• Look up: The Armstrong Total Reward Model

• Read the report: Show me the money – The behavioural science of reward (CIPD research report)

• Attend our free taster sessions • Download our Why Series Podcasts

• Download our Recognition & Reward SlideShare (coming soon)

• Download and share our Recognition & Reward infographic

• Follow us @i_dg for all the latest

news, resources and events

• Find out more about our Ambition Programme here

Why… purpose, vision and strategic alignment?

Purpose: Why do we exist? Values: How should we behave? Vision: Where are we going? Strategy: How are we going to get there?

• Collins and Porras in “Built to Last” found that outperforming organisations understand the fundamental reason they were founded and why they exist – and stay true to it.

• 40% of managers cite failure to align as an obstacle ( and 68% of employees do not think businesses do enough to instil a sense of purpose in their work culture (Deloitte)

• Companies with both highly aligned cultures and highly aligned innovation strategies have 30% higher enterprise value growth and 17% higher profit growth than companies with low degrees of alignment (Global Innovation 1000)

You’ve got the why, but what’s next? Get Mapping: Look at building an objectives map so you can see how your purpose and vision translates into your strategy and activities. Think about your goals, critical success factors and the necessary conditions you need to achieve them. It’ll help you understand the links and pick up on the opportunities for high performance. Live it: Your purpose and in turn your values and behaviours should run through and align with everything you do – use them as a guide to support decision-making at every level to make the most of opportunities.

• Look up: Simon Sinek and his golden circle theory

• Read the book: The Advantage - Patrick Lencioni

• Attend our free taster sessions • Download our Why Series Podcasts

• Download our Purpose, Vision &

Strategic Alignment SlideShare (coming soon)

• Download and share our Purpose, Vision and Strategic Alignment infographic

• Follow us @i_dg for all the latest news, resources and events

• Find out more about our Ambition Programme here

Why… measures and analytics?

Measurement in an organisation is simply the process of recording units. It could be anything – from money, to time, to sales. Analytics is the discovery and communications of meaningful patterns of data. With the wealth of data we now have, it’s about how we use it effectively.

Companies that use analytics best are… • 2x more likely to have top quartile financial performance • 2x more likely to use data very frequently when making decisions • 3x more likely to execute decisions as intended • 5x more likely to make decisions “much faster than competition” (

Missed opportunities? • 83% of business leaders don’t believe talent analytics are focused on the right issues • 85% of HR leaders have not used information gleaned from data analytics to change a

business decision in the past year • 95% of senior HR leaders plan to increase investments in HR data and analytics in the

next two years (CEB Research 2013)

You’ve got the why, but what’s next? Avoid misery! Make sure you are measuring the appropriate metrics for your organisation and that they’re used to engage and motivate. Inappropriate measures can cause disengagement and job misery, which is counter-productive. Create Alignment: Make sure what you measure and analyse focuses on what is vitally important at every level of your organisation. Think about your purpose, values and behaviours and how you can test and monitor their impact through your measures.

You’ve got the why, but what’s next? Don’t lag behind: Your measures can either be lagging or leading in nature. Try framing your measures on being leading – this will help you to focus on the activities that are most connected to achieving your objectives. Create a learning culture: Use your results as an opportunity to learn and innovate, involving your people and making improvements with accountability.

• Look up: Lagging and leading indicators

• Read the book: Immunity to Change

by Kegan/Laskow Lahey to help coach individuals to look at things differently

• Watch the video: Valuing your Talent • Attend our free taster sessions • Download our Why Series Podcasts

• Download our Measures & Analytics SlideShare (coming soon)

• Download and share our Measures and Analytics infographic

• Follow us @i_dg for all the latest news, resources and events

• Find out more about our Ambition Programme here

Why… employee engagement?

Definition: Employee engagement is the quality of the relationship between an organisation and its employees. An "engaged employee" is one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and so takes positive action to further the organisation's reputation and interests.

Competitive Advantage: 94% of the world’s most admired companies believe their efforts to engage employees creates competitive advantage (Hay) ROI: Organisations with higher engagement levels posted total shareholder returns 22% higher than average (AON) Productivity: Engagement scores in the top quartile, averaged 18% higher productivity (EFS) Economics: The Department for Business Innovation & Skills calculates that disengaged employees cost the UK economy as much as £64 billion every year (CMI)

You’ve got the why, but what’s next? Challenge your thinking: Take the opportunity to really look at your engagement levels and what you do to support them. Be honest. Are they working? Are they working for everyone? Do they make sense for your organisation and what you are trying to achieve? Walk the walk, talk the talk: Senior leaders play a really important part in how your company culture is shaped and in turn how engaged your people feel. They should be walking and talking your values and behaviours.

Support your managers: Develop your managers and recognise their positive behaviours. They’re crucial to engagement levels and as they say “employees join great companies, but quit bad bosses”. Communicate, communicate, communicate: But make sure everything you do is consistent, transparent and in line with your purpose and values. Otherwise you risk lack of buy-in and trust which is counter-productive. Keep in touch: You can’t support improved engagement if you don’t know how people are feeling. Build feedback into your culture with different ways for your employees to let you know how they’re doing and visa versa.

• Visit • Read the book: First Break All the

Rules from Gallop • Download Employee Engagement for

Leaders, a free guide from Investors in People

• Attend our free taster sessions • Download our Why Series Podcasts

• Download our Employee Engagement SlideShare (coming soon)

• Download and share our Employee

Engagement infographic

• Follow us @i_dg for all the latest news, resources and events

• Find out more about our Ambition Programme here

Are you asking ‘why’ yet? • We hope you’ve found this slideshare interesting and a good starting point for your

organisation to ask ‘why’ more often – helping you to improve both your people practices and business performance

• We want to help your organisation be happier, healthier and more sustainable. If you’d like to talk to us about your journey to high performance, please get in touch or find out more about our Ambition Programme here

• To find out more about IDG and what we’re all about, visit our website, call us on 0844 406 8008* or email [email protected]

* Calls will cost 3p per minute plus your phone company's access charge

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