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The faculty here at Westland decided it was time

for a change. Our current uniform policy has remained

nearly the same for a long time. But change is coming and

all students must be informed before they go out to get their

school clothes for next year. The main change made has to

do with the color of the polo shirts. Students will no longer

be allowed to wear white shirts of any kind. Instead, stu-

dents will be allowed to wear a grey polo shirt. Mr. Gonza-

lez says that the change was made so it can appeal to the

students. He also went on to say that the goals that they

plan to achieve with this change include making sure the

students look more professional in a learning environment

and so it will be easier for them to identify the people that

shouldn’t be on campus.

However, some people still don’t believe this

change is for the better. Some students are outraged and

believe the school is not looking out for the students’ best

interest. Kevin Quintana, freshmen, said “The change is

unnecessary and meaningless.” Yet, on the other end of

the spectrum we have students that can’t wait to see the

change take place. For example ,Miralys Perez, sopho-

more, said “The uniform change is great, and the color grey

looks really good.” The opinion of the students won’t

change the fact that starting next school year all students

not be allowed to wear a white shirt.

Westland’s New Uniform Policy

The Wildcat Chronicles

Inside this issue: Headlines 1

Feature Stories 2

Testing & Health 3

Senior Section 4-5

Sports 6

Entertainment 7

Horoscopes 8

Volume 6, Issue 3

By: Felipe Martinez

For over three months now, Venezuela has

become the top story in nearly every news station. Riots

have broken out all over the country because many of its

people are tired of the way things are going in the country.

At first, university students took to the streets to riot because

of a campus sexual assault. However, the protests were far

from done and more people started protesting for different

reasons. Some people were disgusted with the police

brutality, crime rates, and the corruption going on in

Venezuela. There is not one specific thing that they want

changed but instead they wish to see a massive change in

the country starting with its leader. Nicolas Maduro took

office after President Hugo Chavez passed away over a

year ago.

He only won by 1.5% of the margin of votes and

many, Including his opponent Henrique Capriles, thought

that the votes had been altered in some way. He was very

influential in establishing the Movement in the Fifth

Republic; this was essential for Hugo Chavez’s presidential

campaign. When Hugo Chavez died, he ran for office and

came away with the victory. The death toll in these riots is

around 40 and that is only the reported deaths. Over 2,000

people have been arrested and 174 are still behind bars.

The numbers are very alarming and they are still rising. Yet,

a lot of Venezuelans feel like it is necessary for a huge

change to occur.

Uprising In Venezuela By: Felipe Martinez

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Page 2

Feature Stories

Gender equality has been an up and coming controversy inconspicuously making its

way to social media. Lately, diverse groups of people have been questioning media and

society’s outlook on women and men. For example, Tumblr, a blogging site popular amongst

many young adults, has a post put up questioning why yogurt commercials are usually targeted

towards women.

Another popular questioning of society’s look on women’s equality includes Beyonce’s

new song Flawless. Where the song includes a speech written by feminist Chimamanda Ngozi

Adichie who says:

“Because I am female, I am expected to aspire to marriage. I am expected to make my

life choices. Always keeping in mind that marriage is the most important. Now marriage

can be a source of joy and love and mutual support. But why do we teach girls to

aspire to marriage and we don't teach boys the same?”

Even President Obama has been taking action in gender equality as well. He recently

signed a new Executive Order to prevent workplace discrimination and empower workers to

take control over negotiations regarding their pay. The president signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair

Pay Act and established the National Equal Pay Task Force. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is

an act established for women’s equal pay rights. Obama said this on the woman he named the

act after:

“Lilly Ledbetter didn’t set out to be a trailblazer or a household name. She was just a

good hard worker who did her job – and did it well – for nearly two decades before

discovering that for years, she was paid less than her male colleagues for the very

same work. Over the course of her career, she lost more than $200,000 in salary, and

even more in pension and Social Security benefits – losses she still feels today.”

It has become very apparent that the topic of gender equality is one topic that will not

be going away any time soon.

Gender Equality

“Lilly Ledbetter didn’t

set out to be a

trailblazer or a

household name.

She was just a good

hard worker who did

her job – and did it

well – for nearly two

decades before

discovering that for

years, she was paid

less than her male

colleagues for the

very same work”.

Our planet is one of the oldest things on…well, our planet. Since the world started to develop itself into a more complex

and significant form, the amount that its health has been affected has caused it quite a strain. Our planet’s life is fading

as we fall into global-environmental threats, such as global warming, the greenhouse effect, and the decay of the ozone

layer. These problems have caused other sub-threats to take place like the extinction or endangerment of some

species of flora and fauna, which future generations might look not be able to look forward to. Even on days like Earth

Day, the progression of repairing the damage to the planet went mostly unnoticed, and the few efforts to try to help our

planet were quite fruitless. The bottom line is that if we don’t start the process to heal our planet, we are going to be

forced to either abandon it or live in a polluted and highly contaminated wasteland. We all play a major role in keeping

our planet healthy, so what will you do to contribute to healing mother Earth?

Environmental Safety By: Carlos Cortina

By: Karina Camara

Page 3: WHSH Spring Publication 2014

Florida, along with many states

nationwide, produced state exams that are

supposed to measure specific standards

that a student must meet every school year

in designated courses. However do these

tests really help us progress academically or

do they just stress the student to pass the

test. In 2011 Florida introduced yet another

test to students called the End-of-Course

(EOC). Originally the Florida Comprehen-

sive Assessment Test (FCAT) measured

student success with the Sunshine State

Standards. The FCAT measured the Sun-

shine State Standards in Reading and

Mathematics (grades 3-10), Science

(grades 5, 8, and 11), and Writing (grades 4,

8, and 10). And we also have the Florida

Comprehensive Assessment Test 2.0,

which measures student success with the

Next Generation Sunshine State Standards,

includes assessments in Reading (grades 3

-10) (This test must be passed by tenth

graders in order to graduate) Mathematics

(grades 3-8), Writing (grades 4, 8, and 10),

and Science (grades 5 and 8) in the 2013-

2014 school year. With all the testing that

students are expected to take and pass are

we really learning or are we just preparing to

take a test at the end of the year? The dis-

cussion has gone on for years about stu-

dents not actually learning but instead study-

ing to hopefully pass these tests. These

tests are not accurate and do nothing but

put stress on students. I remember last year

when I was sitting in my Algebra 1 class all

stressed out because all I could worry about

was not passing the EOC at the end of the

year and having to go to summer school.

Half of the time I was only focused on the

test and not what my teacher was showing

me on the board. Luckily, I had an extraordi-

nary Algebra teacher that was there to push

all of us along the way. In some situations ,

students don’t know how to work well under

pressure; some of us are just generally bad

at taking test. If this was the case how is it

fair for the student?

Our state capital Tallahassee

should really consider decreasing the testing

standards and not requiring Florida students

to take so many of these state produced

exams, and finding other alternatives to de-

termine student progress.

Testing, Testing, Testing!

Page 3

By: Holly Martin

Student Health Students, have you considered putting some

research into the foods that you have been eating lately?

Perhaps it is time to start now. Obesity has become a

nationwide epidemic in the United States. More than one-

third of U.S. adults are obese and more than one third of

children/adolescents are overweight or obese according to

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2012, there

were 263,944 fast food restaurants in America with

combined revenue of well over $100 billion in reference to

The Huffington Post. Although fast food restaurants are a

quick and inexpensive way to get a meal when you are in a

hurry, is the fast option really worth what the food may be

doing to your body? Have you ever wondered why your

burger at Tony Roma’s taste much better and is much larger

than the one dollar McDouble you brought from McDonald’s

last week? The next time you feel good about your purchase

from the dollar menu take a good look at your burger…

“Yummy” bioprocessed meat served to you on a

complementary bun and some “cheese” to top it off. Do you

like chicken nuggets? Another healthy alternative could be

to go to your local grocery store and buy a package of all

natural white chicken breast cut them in to pieces, bread

them and toss place them in an oven, it is an option but yet

the results will be delicious! Notice how homemade chicken

nuggets form so many different shapes opposed to the

usual 4 shapes you get in your package of Chicken

McNuggets. This should surely make you consider what

foods you put in your body. Healthy eating is a necessity for

our bodies; it gives us the energy and brain clarity that we

need to function through the day. Maybe it is time to think

twice before you walk into a fast-food restaurant and

consider a healthier alternative. Pick up an apple and go

outside and play, be active and help motivate others around


By: Holly Martin

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Through The Looking Glass


Senior Breakfast

Alice: “Where should I go?” The Cheshire Cat: “That depends on where you want to end up.”

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Through The Looking Glass

Letter From the Editor By: Karina Camara

Seniors! It is finally that time, time for us to

further our knowledge into a world we have never

known before. Whether it is an out of state college

or university, one in our home state, or the

pursuit of a vocational career, we are ready!

Through the past four years we have discovered and

rediscovered ourselves, our allies, and our ambitions.

We have experienced four years of growth and

understanding. Now we meet our own personal

wonderland- graduation. We are proud of you,

Wildcats. Now is the time to continue the legacy!

Congratulations and best of luck!

Grad Bash


Grad Bash...An Unforgettable Night By: Teresa Provenzano

Grad Bash 2014 was definitely one to remember. Westland Hialeah Senior High’s Class of 2014 attended for the first time ever, the Grad Bash Pre-Party in Universal Studios. The Pre-Party had fun music to dance and sing-along to, an array of foods to eat from, and a special performance put on by Trey Songz , at 10:30pm. The Class of 2014 experienced a night they will never forget, surrounded by their friends before graduation day.

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Page 6


The Wildcat

Chronicles would

like to wish

Coach Manasco

the best of luck

as he heads to

Palmetto Senior

High & we

welcome Coach

Payne to the

Wildcat family!

An MVP’s Memorable Speech By: Felipe Martinez

The 2013-2014 NBA season was unforgettable for many reasons. Big name players played big

time basketball and it seemed like everyone was putting up huge numbers every game. Yet, no one

was more consistent with their stats than Kevin Durant. He had scoring streaks that we had not seen

since Michael Jordan was in his prime. He was named the MVP of the league and not too many people

argued the decision, since he won nearly all the first place votes.

Kevin Durant had one of the most emotional acceptance speeches we have seen in a long time.

He showed emotion like he had never shown before and it was remarkable. Kevin Durant made sure

he thanked all his teammates individually and had a hard time getting through his speech without

tearing up. After he was finish thanking every man one the roster, he followed it up by thanking the

organization, the coaching staff, and the front office.

When the time came to thank his family, his voice changed and the emotions really came out.

His mother was in the audience watching him and everybody knew why he waited to thank her. It was

one of the most humbling and emotional speeches seen from a professional athlete. After he thanked

his mother, the room was quiet and filled the silence by saying, “You’re the real MVP.” She burst into

tears and everyone applauded him for being so authentic and unassuming. Kevin Durant won over

many people with his acceptance speech and now he has his eyes set on the championship.

Wildcats Take to the Water By: Edwin Blandon

Get ready to take a swim, Wildcats! The Westland Wildcats Swim Team is

taking to the water this upcoming school year. After 3 seasons Coach Kentis is back

to guide our aquatic felines for a 4th season and make sure they don’t sink. Training

at the Milander Pool, Coach Kentis says “Our goals are simple. I want every athlete I

have to be able to swim all 4 styles of swimming and to be able to finish in at least

the top 3 of any type of race they join.” Coach Kentis says she’s been training the

swim team by trying to increase their swimming endurance, making sure they have

the stamina to speed through any swim lap. When the Wildcats aren’t in the water

building their endurance, Kentis says they’re on land doing what they call “dry land

fitness”. Originally thought to just build muscle and slow down swimmers, dry land

fitness has now begun incorporating exercises to increase muscle flexibility and

strength. The results show for themselves. On schedule, there are 7 swim meets

and 1 tournament waiting for any Wildcat accepted into the Wildcat Swim Team. For

anyone interested in joining the Wildcat Swim Team, they will be holding tryouts on

August 4 through August 14 in the 2014-15 school year.

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Lights, Camera & Lots of Action!

1. Get a little cheesy, go out for pizza.

2. Experience the sea life (not through television), go to

Miami Seaquarium

3. Salty hair and sun-kissed skin? Hit the beach but use

that sunblock.

4. Go shopping, or window shopping, if you’re broke.

5. Visit some friends, if they are willing to feed you.

6. Drive-in to a movie at Ft. Lauderdale’s Swap Shop, if you

have a boyfriend/girlfriend or go alone, who cares?!

7. If you’re fit enough to hold your body upright, go out to

A1A Watersports in Pompano Beach.

8. Get crazy wet and crazy sun! Rapids Water Park has

both to offer….unless it rains the day you choose to go.

9. Rejuvenate your soul at Disney World. School makes

us feel a little old sometimes.

10. Attack your taste buds. Visit some exotic restaurants

and try some new foods.


Page 7

By: Miralys Perez

Summer is a great time to

check out those major block-

buster films. Not sure what to

see? Check out this list and

don’t forget your popcorn!

1. Edge of Tomorrow - June 6, 2014

2. The Fault in Our Stars – June 6, 2014

3. The Sacrament – June 6, 2014

4. Obvious Child – June 6, 2014

5. 22 Jump Street – June 13, 2014

6. How to Train Your Dragon 2 - June 13, 2014

7. The Rover – June 13, 2014

8. The Congress – June 27, 2014

By Miralys Perez

Holden Martinez, a quirky, fun, and, outgoing senior, is the student spotlight for the

Senior Edition Newspaper Publication! Holden is an involved individual who plans

on furthering his education by going to college and majoring in public relations.

Holden hopes to eventually work in a well-known firm. Though the years have

gone by quickly, Holden will sometimes reflects on his freshman year of High

School and he offers a tip to being successful in High School for the Class of 2017;

it is “Don’t wait till the last minute in anything, ever! This includes clubs, sports,

friends, and yes…Final papers.” Holden says that one thing he can honestly say

he’s learned throughout his years of high school is how to deal with people and

their ways of thinking. “People are, and always will be, diverse. You can either learn

from them or better yourself from their lessons, or you can pretend that you are already

better than them…and pretending is never a good thing.”

Student Spotlight: Holden Martinez By: Karina Camara

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Aries- Summer is coming and all your classmates can not wait to NOT see you for 2 months.

Taurus- Stop shouting at people, they hear you. They just choose to ignore you.

Gemini- You will be winning both on the work and on the sentimental field, probably because you won’t have much to

work on and not a lot of people to talk to.

Cancer- With all the things going on, you may begin to feel like a fabulous celebrity. You’re wrong; don’t let it get to

your head.

Leo- Your summer will be filled with dancing and parties. Sadly you have two left

feet and can’t dance very well.

Virgo- Socializing is one of your best qualities, especially through social media.

Unfortunately, your status updates are all misspelled and people can’t understand

what you are trying to say.

Libra- You are the sign known for maintaining balance. Too bad you are not very

coordinated when you are walking.

Scorpio- Money is something you have a grasp on. Unfortunately, your grasp is

that of a newborn kitten. You will most likely go broke this summer with all of your


Sagittarius- You are a free bird! Sagittarius people love to travel and you are no

exception. Problem is, the only place you will be traveling to is the East side of


Capricorn- A summer flame will spring into your life this summer. Be careful

because you are not very good at lighting a match so you might get burned.

Aquarius- Jupiter will keep you very active with work this summer. Of course, this work will only consist of you going

from your bed to the refrigerator for food.

Pisces- You are in for a major transformation this year. Just make sure you are very careful at the salon/barber shop

or you might end up with purple hair!

*Disclaimer: These are only for entertainment purposes only!

Wildcat Chronicles Westland Hialeah Senior High

400 West 18th Avenue

Hialeah FL, 33012

(305) 818-3000 Ext: 2198

The Wildcat Chronicle’s mission is to inform and entertain all students, faculty, and staff with everything Wildcat. We aim to

cover every event pertaining to Westland Hialeah Senior High.

Editor in Chief: Karina Camara

Layout Editor: Edwin Blandon

Managing Editor: Holly Martin

Sports Editor: Felipe Martinez

Opinion Editor: Carlos Cortina

Entertainment Editor: Miralys Perez

Photo Editor: Teresa Provenzano

Advertising Manager: Andy Inchausti, Teresa Provenzano & Lianet Santana

Staff Writers: Edwin Blandon, Miralys Perez, Teresa Provenzano, Felipe Martinez, Holly Martin, Carlos Cortina,

and Karina Camara

Advisor: Ms. Arlene Socorro

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