
Who’s Who?

Name that person, given the description. Also, list the unit for which they are associated.

SOL Saturday Academy Review

Leonardo daVinciLeonardo daVinci

I am considered a true “Renaissance Man.” I was a painter and an

inventor and was fascinated with the

human body. I am most famous for painting the

Mona Lisa.

Unit 3: Renaissance

James Watt

• I helped encourage industrialization in England when I created the steam engine, a new power source used in mining, factories, and transportation.

Unit 5: Industrial Revolution


• I am considered the final prophet in the Muslim faith. My teachings about the will of Allah make up Islam’s holy text, the Qu’ran (Koran). Unit I: World Religions

No Picture

St. Ignatius Loyola

• During the Counter (Catholic) Reformation, I founded a new order of Catholicism, called the Jesuits. Our goal was to spread Catholic beliefs around the world through education. Unit 3: Counter Reformation

Francisco Pizarro

• I was a Spanish conquistador, who defeated the Incas through a combination of warfare, disease, and treachery.

Unit 2 : Exploration & Colonization

Johannes Gutenberg

• I improved the use of movable type in Europe, and my printing press revolutionized the way Europeans communicated.

Unit 3: Renaissance & Reformation

Isaac Newton

• Among my many accomplishments was the discovery of the laws of gravity and motion. Some people claim that I first thought about gravity after an apple fell on my head. Unit 4: Scientific Revolution

Jacques Cartier

• I was a French explorer who claimed much of Eastern Canada for France. I was originally looking for a Northwest Passage to Asia, but instead helped set up trading posts in the New World.

Unit 2: Exploration

Karl Marx

• I wrote the Communist Manifesto, my explanation for how the lower classes in society (the proletariat) will eventually rise up and overthrow the people who control industry (the bourgeoisie). My new theory was a response to the negative effects of capitalism. I envisioned a society where everyone worked together and neither private property nor a government was necessary.

Unit 5: Industrial Rev & Economic Theories

William Harvey

• I discovered that the heart acts like a pump and circulates blood throughout the human body. This was a radical idea at the time, because many people thought that blood was created from the food we ate. Unit 4: Scientific Rev

Henry VIII

• I was the King of England at the start of the Protestant Reformation. At first I supported the Pope, but when he would not grant me an annulment, I broke away and formed my own new Anglican Church—with me as its leader, of course!

Unit 3: Protestant Reformation

Peter the Great

• I was an absolute monarch who ruled Russia. One of my goals was to westernize and modernize the country, so I made all Russian men cut off their beards and wear European clothes. Unit 3: Absolutism

Charles I

• Members of the English Parliament voted to execute me after I lost the English Civil War. This shocked monarchs throughout Europe.

Unit 4: Political Revolutions

William & Mary

• We came to the throne in England after the Glorious Revolution in 1689. But since the English valued their rights so much, we were forced to sign the English Bill of Rights before we could take power.

Unit 4: Political Revolutions

John Locke

• I disagree completely with the man who wrote Leviathan. I believe that all men are born with natural rights and the ability to rule themselves. I also believe that if a government is not protecting the rights of the people, then the people may form a new government. My ideas became the basis for democracy.

Unit 4: Enlightenment

Thomas Hobbes

• In my book Leviathan, I support my belief that all humans are inherently wicked and evil and that they need the control and order of an absolute monarch to survive. Unit 4: Enlightenment

Ferdinand Magellan

• I was a Spanish explorer who set out to sail all the way around the world. Although I died in the Philippines, one of my ships did become the first European ship to circumnavigate the globe.

Unit 2: Exploration

Maximilien Robespierre

• Although I supported equality and freedom during the French Revolution, when I took power I led France through a Reign of Terror. During this time, over 40,000 French citizens were guillotined for acting against the revolution. Unit 4: Political Rev (French)

Louis XIV

• I was an absolute monarch in France who built the palace of Versailles and forced many of the nobles in the country to come and live there. Don’t get me confused with my relative who lost his head during the Revolution. Unit 3: Absolutism

Louis XVI

• I was an absolute monarch in France who called the Estates General together to address the huge financial crisis. Unfortunately I didn’t listen to the 3rd estate and caused the beginning of the French Revolution. I was eventually guillotined for treason, and so was my wife. Unit 4: Political Rev (French)

Toussaint L’ouverture

• Using ideas of the Enlightenment, I led a successful revolution against France in Haiti.

Unit 4: Political Rev

Napoleon Bonaparte

• I am known as the “Little General.” I took power in France in 1799 and crowned myself emperor in 1802. The French loved me, but the rest of Europe didn’t like how I defeated them. I escaped from exile once, but was finally defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and exiled to St. Helena.

Unit 4: Political Rev (French)

Mazzini - Garibaldi - Cavour

• We are the heart, the sword, and the brains of Italian unification. Through all our efforts, the country was unified in 1871.

Unit 4: Political Rev (Unification)

John Calvin

• My belief in predestination, the authority of the Bible, and a strict work ethic led me to break away from the Catholic Church during the Protestant Reformation. I set up my own new church in Geneva, Switzerland. Unit 3: Protestant Reformation

Otto von Bismark

• Although I was not the king of Prussia, I was responsible for using war and diplomacy to unite all the German states into one unified Germany. My motto is that you need “blood and iron” to accomplish what you want.

Unit 4: Political Rev (Unification)

Eli Whitney

• I am famous for inventing the cotton gin, which made separating cotton from the seed much easier. This process encouraged industrialization and slavery in the United States. Unit 5: Industrial Revolution

Adam Smith

• I wrote the book on capitalism: The Wealth of Nations. I believed that government should leave business alone (laissez-faire) and that the market should control prices and production.

Unit 5: Industrial Rev & Economic Theories

Baron de Montesquieu

• My book, On the Spirit of Laws, included advice about what an effective democratic government would look like. I am most famous for advocating a “separation of powers,” an idea that was used by the founders of the United States.

Unit 4: Enlightenment


• During the scientific revolution, I used a telescope to make observations that proved that the universe was heliocentric (sun-centered) instead of geocentric Unit 4: Scientific Rev

Henry Bessemer

• I created a process for turning iron into steel that was much faster and cheaper than it had been in the past.

Unit 5: Industrial Revolution

Thomas Jefferson

• I borrowed many ideas from the Enlightenment in Europe to help found the United States of America. You can see the influence of John Locke in my most famous document, the Declaration of Independence. Unit 4: Enlightenment

Prince Henry the Navigator

• Although I was not an explorer myself, I founded a navigation school in Portugal that trained many explorers and helped Portugal take the lead in overseas exploration in the 1400s.

Unit 2: Exploration

Vasco da Gama

• I was a Portuguese explorer who was the first European to sail around the tip of Africa and find an ocean route from Europe to Asia.

Unit 2: Exploration

William Shakespeare

• I was an English Renaissance writer, who wrote such plays as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth.

Unit 3: Renaissance

Martin Luther

• I started the Protestant Reformation when I posted 95 thesis statements (arguments) on a cathedral door in Wittenburg, Germany in 1517. Although I didn’t initially want to break away from the Catholic Church, I ended up forming the new Lutheran Church after the Pope excommunicated me (kicked me out of the church). Unit 3: Protestant Reformation

Adolf Hitler

• I came to power in Germany after World War I. I was the leader of the Nazi party and responsible for starting World War II and the Holocaust.

Unit 6: Dictators/WWII

Nelson Mandela

• I spent 27 years in jail trying to end apartheid in South Africa. Eventually, I succeed and became South Africa’s first black president.

Unit 7: Independence

Movements- AFRICA

Franz Ferdinand

• As a result of my assassination, Europe entered into World War I. I was killed while with my wife in Serbia.

Unit 6: World war I

Gavrilo Princip

• I was a Serbian nationalist who assassinated the Archduke of Austria while he was visiting Serbia. My action helped lead Europe into World War I.

Unit 6: World War I

Vladimir Lenin

• I led the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution in 1917. When my side won, I took power and established the communist party as the ruling party of the new Soviet Union.

Unit 6: Russian Revolution

Simon Bolivar

• I used ideas of the Enlightenment to lead several countries in South America to independence. My goal was a united South America that could compete with Europe. People in South America admire me so much that I have a country named after me. Unit 4: Political Rev

Nicholas II

• I was the last Tsar of Russia before the 1917 revolution. Many people blame by ineffective leadership for Russia’s massive casualties in WWI. Russian citizens also didn’t like the close relationship my wife had with Rasputin. Unit 6: Russian Revolution

Harry Truman

• I become president of the United States after the death of Franklin Roosevelt. It was my decision to drop two atomic bombs on Japan to bring the war in the Pacific to an end. Unit 6: WWII &

Unit 7: Cold War

Winston Churchill

• I was prime minister of Britain during most of WWII. I led my country through the Battle of Britain and helped turn the tide of the war. After WWII, I named the new division between Eastern and Western Europe “the Iron Curtain.” Unit 6: WWII

Woodrow Wilson

• I was the president of the United States during World War I. At the end of the war, I proposed the 14 points, a plan to maintain peace in the future. Although Britain and France rejected most of the document, they did create the League of Nations, perhaps the most important of my 14 points.

Unit 6: World War I

Joseph Stalin

• I led the Soviet Union during WWII. I made a secret alliance with Hitler, but fought on the side of the Allies. After WWII, the tried to strengthen the Soviet Union and communism by forming the Warsaw Pact and making sure Eastern Europe was under my control. People also claim that I was suspicious and that I had millions of people killed during purges of the general population and the communist party.

Unit 6: WWII &

Unit 7: Cold War

Mikhail Gorbachev

• I was the last president of the Soviet Union during the fall of the Berlin Wall. My strongest legacies to world history are the policies of glasnost and perestroika.

Unit 7: 20th Century

World Leader

Benito Mussolini

• I led Italy during WWII. I made an alliance with Hitler and led the fascist party in my country.

Unit 6: Dictators/ WWII

Chiang- Kai Shek

• I led the Nationalist Party during the Chinese Civil War. When my party lost to the communists, I was forced to flee to Taiwan where I set up a new government.

Unit 7: China’s Communist


Mao TseTung/ Zedong

• I led the Communist Party during the Chinese Civil War. When my party won the war, I set up a communist government in the new People’s Republic of China. I ruled until my death in 1976, implementing such policies as the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.

Unit 7: China’s Communist



• During the fight for independence from British rule, I helped Indians use non-violent resistance. I organized boycotts and participated in hunger strikes. One of my most famous marches was the Salt March in 1930, when I led a group of Indians to the sea to protest British control over the salt industry.

Unit 7: Independence

Movements- India

Nikita Khrushchev

• I was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis. My decision to put nuclear weapons in Cuba brought the world to the brink of nuclear war Unit 7: Cold War

John F. Kennedy

• My decision to remove U.S. nuclear weapons from Turkey helped to diffuse the Cuban Missile Crisis. October of 1963 was one of the hardest times of my presidency.

Unit 7: cold War

Fidel Castro

• I was the communist leader of Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis and still am today!

Unit 7: cold War

Gamal Nasser

• I was the 2nd President of Egypt starting in 1956. I am most known for strenthening Egypt after the end of the mandate system, nationalizing the Suez Canal and building the Aswan High Dam.

Unit 7: Independence

Movements- AFRICA

Hideki Tojo

• I led the Japanese military during WWII. My decision to bomb Pearl Harbor brought the United States into the conflict.

Unit 6: WWII

Jawaharlal Nehru

• I was a very close associate of Gandhi and became the first prime minister of India. I supported western-style industrialization and in 1950 I had the Constitution changed to prohibit caste discrimination.

Unit 7: Independence

Movements- AFRICA

Golda Meir

• I was the 4th Prime Minister (first and only woman) of Israel.

• Victory in the Yom Kippur War against the coalition of Arab States led by Egypt and Syria in 1973.

Unit 7: 20th Century World Leader

Kwame Nkrumah

• I became Ghana first president after gaining independence from Great Britain in 1957.

Unit 7: Independence

Movements- AFRICA

Jomo Kenyatta

• The British accused me of organizing the Mau Mau and went to jail for 7 years. On June 1, 1963, Kenya became independent from the British and I became the first Prime Minister.

Unit 7: Independence

Movements- AFRICA

Indira Gandhi

• Jawaharlal Nehru was my father and I became prime minister of India in 1966. In 1967 I started a nuclear program and supported Bangladesh in its fight for independence from West Pakistan. My own body guards assassinated me in October 1984.

Unit 7: Independence

Movements- India

Margaret Thatcher

• I became the first woman British prime minister in 1979. I formed a very close relationship with the United States and U.S. foreign policy. I also encouraged more free trade for England and less government regulation of business.

Unit 7: 20th Century

World Leader

Deng Xiaoping

• In 1978 I became leader of the communist party in China. I reformed China’s command economy to a market economy. But, I still continued strong control over the people and government as evident in the Tiananmen Square protests.

Unit 7: 20th Century

World Leader

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