Page 1: Whole Foods for a Healthier Life: Your Kick Start Guide To · Eating a healthier diet can also help take care of less

Whole Foods for a Healthier Life:Your Kick Start Guide To

Healthy Eating

By,Becki Andrus

Copyright 2010 – Becki Andrus – Page 1

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Table of Contents

1. Health Benefits of Eating A Whole Food Diet 2. Feel Empowered! 3. Foods to Stay Away from 4. What Exactly Are Healthy Foods? 5. Debunking the Myth Of Fruits and Vegetables 6. Eating Healthy on a Budget 7. Substitutes for Favorite Foods 8. Making the Changes 9. Learning More

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You have no doubt heard the phrase, "you are what you eat." You've probably even heard all your life that you should eat more healthy foods—didn’t your mom tell you to finish your vegetables before leaving the table? Everyone that I talk with knows that they should be eating healthy food, and they have a desire to be more healthy… but the problem is, when is there time to switch to a healthier eating style? How are you going to afford it? And what kinds of foods are actually healthy?

It can also be confusing because it seems like there are so many differences of opinion when it comes to what exactly is healthy and what isn’t. You've got one group of people telling you that you should be eating low-fat "diet" foods and another group of people telling you that you need to deprive yourself and only eat bits of fruits and vegetables! Still others think that eating a diet full of lots of meat and carbs is the way to go.

I'm here to tell you that none of those options are correct if you want a healthy lifestyle! Many of the foods labeled for dieters out there are way over-processed, almost completely man-made, and just all-around unhealthy for you. You also do not need to deprive yourself of foods in order to get healthy.

The secret to eating healthily is avoiding processed foods (by eating whole foods) and focusing on eating a plant-based diet.

It’s probably going to take a little bit of convincing to get you to change your eating habits since they are so ingrained in you. First and foremost, doing this is all about the Copyright 2010 – Becki Andrus – Page 3

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health of you and your family. The modern foods that crowd grocery store shelves today are full of toxins and ingredients that human bodies are simply not meant to ingest -- no matter how much the big food companies want you to think that they are!

There are a lot of additives in our processed foods. Things like MSG, artificial flavorings and colors, artificial sugars, and more are slowly poisoning our population.

Pesticides are another big issue with our current food supply. These pesticides have been linked to numerous harmful side effects, especially among children.

Of course, it can seem absolutely impossible to avoid ingesting these foods. You probably also don't feel like you have the time to do so. It is a lot easier to grab a box off of the shelf than it is to cook something from scratch.

Get rid of that mindset, because I'm here to tell you that it's easier than you think to live a healthier lifestyle!

The first thing you need to do is motivate yourself to really investigate the foods you eat and make these changes. Think about the health of yourself, your children, and the rest of your family members. It's time to stop overloading our bodies with processed foods and focus on what is whole, healthy, and natural. Eating a plant-based diet is one of the best ways to achieve this lifestyle.

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Health Benefits of Eating A Whole Foods Diet

There are numerous health benefits that come along with eating a whole food diet. An incredible number of doctors and other experts contend that eating a diet full of whole foods can greatly decrease, and even eliminate, a host of degenerative diseases that are taking over our society.

The Western diet of today tends to be high in saturated fat and cholesterol. This can lead to sluggish systems, heart problems, obesity, and many other health problems. Some doctors and scientists strongly believe that eliminating processed and fatty foods can even help prevent diseases like cancer.

Knowing that, it becomes very clear just how important it is to live a healthier lifestyle! It is sad to know that one in three people will get cancer during their lifetime, partially because of our eating habits. Some of these foods can also lead to heart disease, which is a leading cause of death.

On the flip side, studies have shown that eating at least five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day can decrease your cancer risk by a wide margin! It also lessens your chance of getting a heart attack, diabetes, and other diseases.

We’ve discussed the fact that healthier eating can prevent fairly serious diseases. Eating a healthier diet can also help take care of less serious ailments, such as the common cold or the flu! Your immune system will be stronger when you eat a healthful Copyright 2010 – Becki Andrus – Page 5

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diet full of fruits, vegetables, and other whole foods. It can make your skin glow and you will start to feel younger and better than ever!

You see, when you eat whole foods, you take in a ton of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. These can strengthen your immune system and fight off dangerous bacteria and viruses.

Some people might think that they can just take vitamin supplements and continue eating whatever kind of diet they want. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way! You simply cannot get the same health benefits with supplements as you can with whole foods.

Are you wondering what it takes to eat a diet of whole foods? If so, you're definitely not alone. There many people out there who simply don't even consider this as an option anymore. Whereas our great grandparents ate a diet full of whole foods, these days everything seems to come out of a box!

You can consider whole foods to be food that is as unaltered from its natural form as possible -- it is not processed (or has had very minimal processing). Nothing has been done to it to strip it of its healthful content. There is nothing synthetic about whole foods -- they are simply what your body was meant to eat.

Consider the foods you typically eat in a day. What do your children eat in a day? If you're like many families out there, then you're incredibly busy, which leads to unhealthy eating. You might grab fast food, heat up food from a box or can, and eat

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fatty foods on the go. Candy bars, french fries, sodas, and other unhealthy foods abound, because that is what is convenient, and (let’s face it) delicious.

How do you feel after you eat an unhealthy meal? The chances are good that you feel sluggish and tired. You feel full -- and probably like you’ve eaten too much since many of these foods are addictive.

Now consider how you feel when you sit down to eat a healthy meal. You probably feel refreshed and energized after. Wouldn’t it be nice to feel that way all the time? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live a healthier life all the way around?

Knowing the health benefits, it's time to make the switch to healthier eating!

Feel Empowered!

By this point, you should be fully motivated to start eating whole and natural foods instead of what you might be eating right now. You should feel like you can make this happen with the right motivation. Yes, it will take a little time for you and your family to adjust (old habits die hard!), but the results are well worth the effort.

There's a lot to learn about this topic, so it is important that you absorb as much as you can. In this guide, we're going to cover foods you should always stay away from, foods you should strive to eat as much as possible, and -- everyone's favorite -- how to Copyright 2010 – Becki Andrus – Page 7

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eat healthily even on a tight budget! That's right -- even though many think people think healthy eating always has to carry a high price tag, it definitely does not!

Foods to Stay Away from

In order to change the way you and your family are eating right now, you have to know which foods to stay away from. Avoiding these foods will put you on the path toward living a healthier life.

Remember -- whole foods are those that you eat as close to their natural form as possible. They do not go through processing and are a lot healthier for you. Avoid anything that doesn’t fit this description as much as you can!

In general, you should skip anything that comes pre-made in a box. To help convince you of this, take a look at the ingredients of some of the foods you have in your pantry right now. Chances are that you don’t even recognize some of the ingredients! As a general rule of thumb, the fewer ingredients there are in a food preparation, the better. You should be able to recognize every single thing you are eating!

You’ll definitely want to eliminate anything fried from your diet. Foods prepared this way are very fatty. Fried preparation can also eliminate many of the nutritional qualities that would have been there had the food been cooked a different way.

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In addition to the fried and prepared foods, take stock of the cereals you have in your household. Many families feed cereal to their children every morning. How much sugar is in the ones you buy? It’s unfortunate that so many unhealthy foods are marketed to children!

Foods that are full of sugar can lead to obesity and other diseases later on in life, so you don’t want your children to chow down on them each morning for breakfast. Don't worry -- there are healthful alternatives.

Sodas are also a definite no-no. They have no nutritional value. This is especially true in the case of diet soda, which is full of aspartame, a fake sugar. This is a man-made product that will do nothing good for your health. You can consider most sodas to just be liquid sugar. That is not a good thing!

It is also important to eliminate refined foods from your diet. This includes white flour, white bread, sugars, and anything else refined! These do not contain the vitamins, fiber, proteins, and minerals your body needs.

Eliminate anything that has been genetically modified from your diet. This includes most products that include soy! Genetically modified foods (GMO) are not natural and will not help you lead a healthy lifestyle. If you buy organic and eat whole foods, it will be a lot easier for you to avoid GMO foods.

This might go against many of the eating plans you've heard about or tried, but eating a diet of low-fat products is not a good idea. These are often modified foods and are Copyright 2010 – Becki Andrus – Page 9

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definitely over-processed. Many low-fat products contain chemical versions of the real, whole food, which means that you do not want to consume them.

In general, if the food was not available before the 1900s, don't eat it! The 1900’s marked the time when our food supply took a turn for the worst.

It's unfortunate that unhealthy, processed foods are so readily available and so inexpensive. This makes them incredibly enticing -- but the health of yourself and your family is not worth the risk. Turn to healthy, whole foods instead.

What Exactly Are Healthy Foods?

In addition to knowing which foods you should stay away from, it can be very helpful to know which foods are best for you to consume.

Actually, you'll find that there are some differences of opinion as to what constitutes a healthy food. While some people think that that the low-fat, aspartame-filled yogurt you find in the grocery store is healthy -- that is definitely not the case!

Once again, healthy foods are those that are whole and nutritionally dense. They are foods that are wonderful and natural. Eating these foods will not lead to the diseases so many Westerners are facing today, and instead will lead to a lifetime of health. Your skin will look great, you'll feel healthy, and your body will finally be able to detox itself

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from the harmful processed foods you've likely been consuming for a lifetime.

Healthy foods are those that are without any synthetic ingredients. There is nothing fake or processed. Whenever possible, the healthiest foods are also organic. This will help to ensure that they have not been genetically modified and do not contain harmful pesticides that can overload your system. It will also ensure that all the vitamins and minerals that are meant to be there, are there.

Whole foods are those that come out of the ground, grow on trees, and so on. They are not processed and refined! Think of all the beautiful colors fruits and vegetables have. All of these colors mean that they contain the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and fiber your body so desperately needs.

No, you won’t be able to pop these healthy foods in the microwave and have a ready-made meal. It will take little bit more time and effort (though, not quite as much as you think!), but you'll quickly get into a groove because this is what is best for your body. Sometimes the “easy” way isn’t actually any easier after all.

Eating healthy foods means getting a variety of these natural foods. You'll be ingesting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. There will be no need to pop vitamin pills because you’ll be getting it from natural sources instead -- it is so much better that way!

In some cases, you might even want to eliminate animal products from your diet. Meat and dairy has been linked to a host of illnesses, just like processed foods have. Some Copyright 2010 – Becki Andrus – Page 11

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people are not quite ready to make that leap, but it is something you may want to consider if it fits in with your new philosophy of healthy eating. There are so many benefits to going with a plant-based diet.

Debunking the Myth Of Fruits and Vegetables

One of the biggest myths about eating a mainly plant-based diet is that you will not be able to get enough protein and will not be filled up enough. This is definitely not the truth!

Protein can come from many sources other than meat. Some examples include:

• Whole grains • Legumes • Nuts • Seeds • Vegetables!

You might hear that plant sources of protein are not as complete as animal proteins. While this is true, it does not mean that you won't be able to meet the recommended daily allowance of protein with a mostly plant-based diet.

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What you’ll need to do is combine these different healthful foods in order to get what you need. In most cases, if the things you're eating are varied enough and you’re getting enough healthful, whole foods, you'll likely be getting the protein you need.

Another myth of eating a mostly plant-based diet is that you'll be depriving yourself or that you'll always feel hungry. That is definitely no way to live, and it’s certainly not true if you eat the right foods! There are healthy, whole foods that will make you feel full without adding all the unnecessary calories, fat, cholesterol, and man-made ingredients.

You'll find that the most filling foods are often full of fiber. Foods that are full of whole grains can also fill you up quite nicely. That means you'll definitely want to stay away from things like white bread, and go for the 100% whole-grain options instead.

If you want to feel full, know that many fruits and vegetables contain a lot of fiber and they also contain a lot of water. This can add to the feeling of being full! This fiber keeps your system going as well, which can regulate your digestive system.

Nuts can help you feel full too. They also usually contain healthy fats. That’s not even to mention that they are often loaded with protein and fiber! Many nuts even contain powerful antioxidants. A small handful of nuts is often all you'll need as a snack to help you get through the end of your day!

It might seem overwhelming to try to eat a plant-based diet if you don't think your Copyright 2010 – Becki Andrus – Page 13

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body will be satisfied or that you won’t be getting enough protein. The fact of the matter is that you might miss the foods you're eating right now -- but you won’t be deprived.

You might start to crave the french fries and the chocolate bars. It can take a lot of time for those cravings to go away, but once your body makes the adjustment you’ll realize that you are feeling feel and getting everything your body needs from the healthy, whole foods you’re choosing to eat.

Eating Healthy on a Budget

No matter how convinced you are to change the way you eat, your heart might drop a little if you feel like you cannot afford for your family to eat this way. It doesn't seem fair that you can buy a box of Oreo’s for under three dollars, but it can cost a lot more than that to buy a bag of apples. It doesn't seem fair that you can get a complete kid’s meal from McDonald’s for under $3, but you can't make them a healthy meal from scratch for the same price (unless you know how!).

The good news is that those are myths as well! You can eat healthily even on a budget. The first thing you need to do is evaluate what you truly buy from the market. How many packages of snacks do you purchase? How many ready-made meals to you buy? Do you often eat out or purchase fast food? Those costs add up! While they might seem cheap on the surface, it can get quite expensive when you're buying a lot of

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these processed foods!

Some of these foods even contain substances that can make you addicted to them, such as MSG. That means you end up buying more and eating more of these bad foods. It is a very terrible and unhealthy cycle that many people of a hard time getting out of.

The point here is that you're probably spending a lot more money than you think. You’re buying more of the unhealthy foods because they are cheaper, but those costs certainly add up. When you consider how much you spend on pre-made snacks and meals, you’ll be getting a wake-up call.

It's time to change your kitchen! Sit down and start writing a meal plan. Meal plans are a wonderful way to save money and eat healthy, whole foods. Consider what you eat every single day and only purchase those items. This will prevent you from feeling like you have to grab anything and everything off of the store shelves. It will also prevent you from having to run back to the grocery store when you forget something -- and we all know you can't just go in and get one thing!

By planning your meals, you'll be saving a lot of money because you'll make less frequent trips to the grocery store. You also will not be tempted to purchase items you don't need. Now, make sure that list includes healthy foods rather than processed and pre-made foods. That means being willing to consider which healthy snacks you want to make or buy so you don't feel tempted.

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By being prepared, you will also prevent yourself from having to eat out, eat prepackaged meals, or grab some fast food. Everything will be ready and waiting for you so all you have to do is put it together -- which often doesn't take any more time than it does to toss the ingredients together from a package! It’s just a matter of getting used to different methods of buying and cooking.

As always, the fresher and healthier the ingredients, the better. You'll be buying a lot of fresh ingredients, so you might have to make a trip to the store at least once a week. That’s why you’ll want to plan your meals for each day of the week and get the fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients you will need.

One great tip is to shop the perimeter of the grocery store and avoid the interior aisles as much as possible. That's because of fruits and vegetables are around the perimeter! You won't be tempted to grab boxes of food if you can't see them. You will fill your cart with lots of healthy items instead, which is a wonderful thing.

You'll also find that certain fruits and vegetables are on sale during certain times. This is a great thing because you can purchase the ones that are on sale (this changes often according to what is most readily available to the markets). That means you'll be getting the variety you need to live a healthy lifestyle.

Many people want to make the switch to healthier eating by buying organic, but are scared off by the higher prices. You can often save money by buying from roadside markets and stands instead of at the grocery store. Local markets often offer a great cost savings over what you’ll find in the store.

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Even if you do have to pay a little bit more to buy organic, consider that it is very worth it. You'll be avoiding pesticides, which can lead to costly health problems later down the road. The foods will also be packed with all of the vitamins and nutrients they are meant to have.

It's all about where you're putting your money. Right now, you need to focus on putting your money into prevention rather than treatment later down the road! There are many ideas you can use to eat healthy on a budget.

For example, everyone knows that buying juices from the grocery store can be quite expensive. Of course, it's best to avoid the artificial and sugar-filled juices altogether. However, even those juices that state they are 100% real fruit juice aren't always the best option.

If you can, get a juicer and make your own juices! Your juice will be full of fiber and incredibly delicious. Your children will absolutely grow to love these homemade juices more than they could ever love soda and Kool-Aid.

It's a good idea to find recipes for making your own snacks so your family can grab these on the go. This will prevent you from having to purchase pre-made stacks from the store. Your homemade snacks will be a lot healthier!

If you find a good deal on healthy foods, it's a good idea to buy in bulk. That way, you can freeze or store the goods for use later on. Over time you’ll have a stock pile of food Copyright 2010 – Becki Andrus – Page 17

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that you’ve saved money on. You’ll rarely have to pay full price on many of the foods you’ve stored.

Another important tip to eating more healthily on a budget is to take the time to shop around! Many towns have several grocery stores, so you probably have a few close by you. You might find that one local grocery store offers great deals on one kind of food, while a different grocery store offers deals on another kind of food. You can end up saving quite a bit of money by shopping in more than one location. It will take a little more time to shop around in this way, but it could be worth it if you're shopping on a budget.

It might take some time before you get into the flow of things so you can save money on the foods you buy. You will probably find that even though you're eating healthier, and healthier food appears to be more expensive, you end up paying the same, or even less, than you are paying now for the unhealthy, processed foods.

Clip coupons when you can, buy on sale, and shop locally to save money. Give it a try!

In addition to saving money, your family will be healthier, which is always well worth it.

Substitutes for Favorite Foods

One of the biggest problems people have with making the switch eating healthier,

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whole foods is that they feel like they will miss the foods they get cravings for now. This can be a big problem for some people who end up “falling off the wagon!”

You have to consider what is more important to you. Right now, your body has come to depend on a processed and unhealthy foods. It is what you are used to, physically and psychologically. It’s no wonder you might doubt these changes at first!

You may want to start off slowly to prevent yourself from giving up on eating better. Allow yourself to keep some favorite foods around right now, but start to eat healthier foods on the whole. Slowly wean yourself off of the “dangerous” foods until you are finally only dependent on things that are great for you.

Stick with it no matter what! Experts say it takes around 30 days for something to become a habit. Right now, you are in the habit of purchasing and eating unhealthy foods. Give yourself 30 days to really make this work for you. Having a goal in mind (in this case, the goal of making it for 30 days) can make it easier for you.

Also note that the cravings for bad foods will go away! There will come a time when you no longer need to eat the unhealthy, processed foods. In fact, your body will start to crave the healthful foods instead!

Once again, this may not happen right away (though, it does for some people once they realize how great and alive they feel!). Once you make it to this point, you'll realize that you have definitely made the right decision.

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In the meantime, you might want to come up with some substitutes for your favorite foods. For example, you can make the switch from white bread to whole-grain bread. You don't want to eat anything that is enriched!

If you're having trouble fitting in enough fruits and vegetables each day, you can get yourself a fruit juicer -- then make yourself a lot of wonderful fruit smoothies. Natural fruit smoothies are very nutrient dense and are usually enough to curb cravings for things like ice cream!

Are you addicted to things like breakfast bars in the the middle of the morning rush? If so, you're definitely not alone! These are so easy to grab that they are a major roadblock for people who want to be healthier. Instead of these “on the go” foods, you can make your own bars out of raw ingredients. Then you can have them ready and waiting for you each morning.

Make it a game to add color to your plate every time you sit down to eat. For example, if you have a favorite cereal right now, try adding fruits to it to ensure you get the nutrients you need. When you're ready, make the switch to a healthier breakfast, still adding the fruit.

Slowly, ensure that the fruits and vegetables on your plate make up a far larger portion than the meat on your plate. You can avoid needing to eat meat altogether for most meals, and still be absolutely and completely satisfied with what you are eating.

If you’re stumped for ideas of what to eat, know that the Internet is a wonderful place

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to find alternatives for your favorite foods. You can find whole food recipes, snack ideas, and more from people all over the world.

Keeping things fresh and interesting is a great way to ensure you are able to stick with this diet instead of giving up and going back to old and unhealthy eating habits.

You might even find that making these changes is kind of fun! You'll feel and look great and you’ll get to try a wide variety of foods you wouldn’t have tried otherwise. It won’t be long before packaged and processed foods start to look disgusting to you. Those foods you craved will no longer even be appealing to you. It's a great thing when you have reached this place!

Making the Changes

The information contained in this guide is just the start of it all! It's important to absorb as much information about eating healthily as you can. The fact is that the food that is popular and easy to obtain today is slowly poisoning us. Our society as a whole is obese and unhealthy.

You've got to follow the science for a long, healthy life! The science shows that colorful fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and other plant-based foods in their whole and natural form are absolutely best for us.Copyright 2010 – Becki Andrus – Page 21

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The most important thing in this world is the health of yourself and your family members. You need to do every single thing you can do to ensure that you all stay as healthy as possible.

That means preparing yourself to purchase the right foods, figuring out how to do so on a budget, and absorbing as many meal ideas as possible so you don't feel tempted to slip back into old habits. You’ll eliminate everything that is refined, processed, chemically altered, genetically modified, fattening, greasy, and all-around disgusting!

Since this is a pretty large life change, you might want to start a food journal. You can document your feelings as you go on this journey. You can even write your meal plans in this journal! You can vent about not being able to eat your favorite food (until the craving goes away!), and write about how wonderful you feel eating whole foods. You can also use this journal as a place to take notes on healthier eating.

Personalize this effort to truly make it your own. You need to own this process and do whatever you can to make sure you put the right foods in your body.

Learning More

This is just the start when it comes to eating a healthier diet. There is a lot of information out there, and you need to ensure that you're getting your information from the best sources. Those low-fat diet plans full of processed foods are definitely not

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what you should be following! It's time to get the right advice on the best possible foods you should be eating today. You have nothing to lose, and truly everything to gain in life by making the decision to eat right and get healthy.

I have plenty of free information available on my website, please visit to learn more about how you can experience better health through changing your eating habits.

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