  • 7/31/2019 WHO - WHO Prequalification of Medicines Programme Update for 2006


  • 7/31/2019 WHO - WHO Prequalification of Medicines Programme Update for 2006









    The Programme was launched in 2001, in partnership with

    UNAIDS, UNICEF and the UN Population Fund, with support

    rom the World Bank. Its ocus was tackling the quality

    problems commonly associated with medicines or treating

    HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis (TB).

    Product dossiers relating to products for treatingHIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis (TB) productswere examined in each session and also betweensessions. A total of 496 assessment reports (linkedto 435 different products) were written duringthe six assessment sessions, representing a 45%increase over the number of reports (342) writtenduring 2005.


    Forty-nine inspections were carried out (comparedwith 52 in 2005, when the inspection capacity of the

    Programme was slightly higher), as follows:

    17 inspections (compared with 20 in 2005) ofthe manufacturing sites of nished productmanufacturers

    10 inspections (the same number as in 2005) of

    the manufacturing sites of active pharmaceuticalingredients (APIs) 15 inspections (compared with 14 in 2005) of

    contract research organizations (CROs) 7 inspections (compared with 8 in 2005) of

    quality control laboratories (QCLs), mostly inAfrica.

    An overview of inspections performed, listing

    manufacturing sites, CROs and QCLs that complywith WHO norms and standards regarding good

    manufacturing practice (GMP), good clinicalpractice (GCP) and good laboratory practice (GCP),respectively, continues to be maintained on theprequalication web-site (

    Table 1: Details o dossier assessments carried out in 2006

    Number o assessment sessions in Copenhagen 6

    Number o assessment days 42

    Total number o assessment reports produced 496

    Number o assessment reports produced on HIV/AIDS products 389

    Number o assessment reports produced on TB products 78

    Number o assessments produced on malaria products 29

    Quality problems with medicines or treating

    HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB

    HIV/AIDS: For people living with HIV/AIDS,

    antiretroviral products oer hope o prolonged

    survival yet they are not available in sufcient

    quality or quantity where they are needed most.

    Malaria: Data rom a recent WHO survey in six

    Arican countries showed that 1065% o sampled

    antimalarial chloroquin tablets contained too little

    active ingredient. The poor quality o frst-line

    treatments is contributing to drug resistance and

    treatment ailure.

    TB: Many generic anti-TB medicines have serious

    quality deects, due to their poor manuacturing

    quality. Also, bioequivalence has oten not been


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    Then in 2006, the Programme laid the groundwork or

    prequaliying medicines and commodities or reproductive

    health. This was in response to the act that, in many

    developing countries, the need or amily planning and

    reproductive health services remains urgent. For example,

    130 million couples wishing to use modern contraception

    do not have access to amily planning services, and

    340 million new cases o treatable sexually transmitted

    inections occur each year. Moreover, provision o

    reproductive health is oten hampered by lack o reliable

    and good-quality supplies o medicines and commodities.

    And international donor support or reproductive health

    supplies is decreasing as a percentage o need and

    o use. As a result, reproductive health medicines and

    commodities are increasingly being unded and purchased

    by national governments. But they do not always have

    the necessary regulatory and procurement capacity or

    ensuring sae, eective and adequate supplies.

    Considerable assistance with inspections wasreceived from PIC/S1 member countries. WHO ishoping to encourage an increased number of PIC/Smember countries to work with the Programme.France provided signicant inspection support.Its own national medicines regulatory agency(NMRA) (Agence franaise de Scurit sanitairedes Produits de Sant (AFSSAPS)) has individualinspection units for nished product, CRO and

    API inspections and so can make inspectors readilyavailable for the nished product, CRO and APIinspections conducted by the Programme. (Franceis one of the relatively few countries with signicantCRO inspection expertise.) In 2006, the FrenchMinistry of Health, AFSSAPS and WHO concluded

    an agreement whereby France provides technicalsupport for the Programmes inspection activities.

    Of the inspections carried out in developing countries,90% included participation not only of PIC/S

    inspectors, but also of up to three local inspectors.

    Number of inspections of each type









    Number of inspections by type, for HIV/AIDS products




    Total number





    Number of inspections by type, for TB products




    Total number





    Number of inspections by type, for malaria products




    Total number





    Number of quality control laboratory inspections

    Pre-audit inspections

    Laboratory inspections

    Total number




    Table 2: Numbers and types o inspections carried out in 2006

    API active pharmaceutical ingredientCRO contract research organizationFP fnished productGCP good clinical practiceGMP good manuacturing practiceQCL quality control laboratory

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    The Prequalifcation Programme makes a solid, scientifc

    assessment based on WHO prequalifcation guidelines,

    that are in line with internationally harmonized standards

    o the quality o both generic and patented medicines.

    The process begins with submission to WHO, by a

    pharmaceutical manuacturer, o an Expression o Interest

    (EOI), together with a product dossier. The saety, quality

    and efcacy inormation contained in the product dossier

    is examined by two WHO-appointed assessors. Both

    assessors must approve its contents. I they disagree, or

    i the product is particularly complex, additional assessors

    are consulted. When the dossier is close to approval,

    inspection o the manuacturing site(s) (o the active

    pharmaceutical ingredient and the fnished product) is


    PREQuALiFicAtiOn OF PROducts FORHiv/AiDS

    Forty-two antiretroviral (ARV) products wereprequalied (29 of which were generics), bringingthe number of HIV-related products on the list ofprequalied products to 154. Of the 42 products,17 had been approved or tentatively approved bythe US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA),and one product had been tentatively approved byHealth Canada.

    During the six dossier assessment sessions,389 assessment reports, linked to 334 HIV/AIDS-related products were written, representing anincrease of 75% over the gure for 2005. TwelveGMP inspections were carried out for HIV/AIDSmedicines, including three three-year re-inspections

    and six inspections for ARV APIs. Eight inspectionsof CROs were conducted, corresponding to 10bioequivalence studies of HIV/AIDS medicines.

    Country Number of inspectors








    United Kingdom









    Table 3: Participation o PIC/S inspectors in inspections in 2006

    Country Number of inspections











    South Arica



    United States















    Table 4: Number o inspections carried out per country in 2006

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    Qaly orol of ARv

    Post-approval monitoring of the quality of

    prequalied products continued to be undertaken.(For an example, please seeJournal of GenericMedicines article mentioned on page 11.) In 2006,the Programme participated in a large sampling/quality-control testing programme of ARV products,as well as in some smaller initiatives relating toinvestigation into safety and quality complaintsregarding products that have not been prequalied.

    PREQuALiFicAtiOn OF PROducts FOR tb

    By the end of 2004, a total of eight TB productshad been prequalied. However, no additionalTB products were prequalied in 2005 or

    2006. This was due to continued failure of

    manufacturers to comply with prequalicationrequirements. Strategies for improving compliancewere maintained. These included increasedcommunication with manufacturers, regarding, forexample, the benets of prequalication, and rapidprovision of feedback concerning the quality oftheir products. Scientic advice, especially relatingto bioequivalence and efcacy/safety was alsoprovided to manufacturers. This advice includedrecommendations regarding clinical study design,choice of comparator products2 and review of

    submitted protocols.

    Although no TB products were prequalied

    in 2006, the interest of TB manufacturers inprequalication of their products denitely grew.This interest was reected in the 50% increasein the number of assessment reports that wereproduced: 78 assessment reports, linked to 70 TBproducts (as opposed to 50 assessment reportslinked to around 50 products in 2005).

    Ad hoc assessments of product dossiers continuedto be undertaken by the PrequalicationProgramme as a service to the Global Drug Facility(GDF).3 These assessments consumed considerableresources (in terms of assessor and nancial input).Since the GDF initiative has only partly achievedits objectives, these ad hoc assessments will be

    reviewed in 2007. Part of the problem stems fromthe fact that the available products are of relativelypoor quality.

    Inspection o a CRO is sometimes also necessary. Products

    submitted or prequalifcation are oten multi-source

    generics. In such cases, therapeutic equivalence with an

    innovator (brand-name) product is verifed by perorming

    a bioequivalence study. Such studies are generally carried

    out by an independent CRO, which must thereore also be

    inspected and approved.

    The results positive or negative o dossier

    assessments and inspections are communicated to

    manuacturers and CROs. This technical eedback (which is

    provided ree o charge) has proved to be o great practical

    value because it helps manuacturers and CROs to improve

    the quality o their products and clinical studies.

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    Eight GMP inspections were carried out for TBproducts, including two three-year re-inspections

    and three inspections of manufacturers of TBproduct APIs. Five inspections of CROs wereconducted that corresponded to 11 bioequivalencestudies for TB products.

    Three of the inspections of API manufacturerswere carried out in cooperation with the InspectionProgramme of the Certication of SuitabilityProcedure, organized by the European Directorate forthe Quality of Medicines of the Council of Europe.

    PREQuALiFicAtiOn OF PROducts FOR


    During the six dossier assessment sessions inCopenhagen, 29 assessment reports, linked to31 products were written (in comparison with73 reports, linked to more than 40 malaria productsin 2005). This drop in assessment reports was dueto the drop in number of new submissions. It alsoreected the slow progress made by manufacturersin addressing deciencies identied by assessmentscarried out in 2005.

    Several dossiers for malaria products werewithdrawn by manufacturers, following revision

    of WHO treatment guidelines. The withdrawalsconcerned products that were not included inWHOs new treatment guidelines for artemisinin-

    based combination therapies.4

    Seven GMP inspections were carried out for malariaproducts, including one three-year inspectionand one manufacturing site inspection. Two CROinspections were conducted, corresponding to twobioequivalence studies of malaria products.

    In common with the manufacturers of TB products,scientic advice relating to bioequivalence andefcacy/safety was provided to manufacturersof malaria products. This advice includedrecommendations regarding clinical study design,choice of comparator products and review ofsubmitted protocols.

    Additionally, a comprehensive summary ofpre-clinical artemisinin toxicity (i.e. the results of

    experimental studies in animals and cell cultures)was posted on the Prequalication Programmeweb-site as an aid to manufacturers compiling

    Prequalifcation o QCLs ollows similar procedures. A

    QCL must respond to an EOI and submit a laboratory

    inormation fle or assessment. I the fle is approved, the

    laboratory is then inspected to veriy that its quality control

    activities are sufciently rigorous or monitoring medicines


    QCLs are not only inspected but also assisted to reach

    prequalifcation status through provision o customized

    technical guidance and assistance in the orm o

    inventory audits to improve laboratory management

    and practice.

    QCLs are vital to ongoing quality control o prequalifed

    products. That is, they check the quality o medicines

    circulating on the market. In the case o medicines

    that have previously been prequalifed, they check that

    the prequalifed medicines continue to comply with

    internationally determined and agreed standards or

    pharmaceutical saety, efcacy and quality.

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    dossiers for artemisinin products. The Noteto Applicants Expressing Interest in SupplyingArtemisinin Containing Drug Products:Bioequivalence, or Safety and Efcacy Issues wasrevised accordingly.

    Five antimalarials are now included on the list of

    prequalied products.

    PREQuALiFicAtiOn OF REPROductivE

    HEALtH PROducts

    The rst Expression of Interest (EOI) forreproductive health products was published on theProgramme web-site in October 2006. Additionaladvice to manufacturers on how to compile adossier for a reproductive health product, forexample, on choice of comparator products, wasalso posted on the prequalication web-site.

    PREQuALiFicAtiOn OF QcL

    QCLs started to be prequalied in 2005, whenthree QCLs were prequalied two university-based QCLs in South Africa and a nationalpharmaceutical QCL in Algeria. All are listed on the

    prequalication web-site.

    The dossier assessments and inspections are carried out

    by qualifed, external experts rom national medicines

    regulatory agencies (NMRAs), mostly rom countries

    that are members o the Pharmaceutical Inspection

    Cooperation/Scheme (PIC/S). They provide assessment and

    inspection support to a core team at WHO headquarters.

    (See also the reerence to PIC/S on page 3.)

    Prequalifcation Programme activities and products prequalifedNumberin 2005

    Numberin 2006

    Percentageincrease ordecrease

    between 2005and 2006

    Dossier assessments

    Assessment sessions in Copenhagen 9 6 33.3

    Number o assessment days 45 42 6.6

    Total number o assessment reports 342 496 +45

    Number o assessment reports on HIV/AIDS-related products 222 389 +75

    Number o assessment reports on TB products 50 78 +56Number o assessment reports on malaria products 70 29 59.6

    Inspections 52 49 5.7

    Inspections o manuacturing sites o fnished product manuacturers 20 17 15

    Inspections o manuacturing sites o active pharmaceutical ingredients 10 10 No change

    Inspections o contract research organizations 14 15 +7.1

    Inspections o national pharmaceutical quality control laboratories (QCLs) 8 7 12.5

    Products, laboratories prequalifed

    Total number o products prequalifed 32 44 +38

    Number o HIV/AIDS products prequalifed 29 42 +44.8

    Number o TB products prequalifed 0 0 No change

    Number o malaria products prequalifed 1 2 +100

    Number o QCLs prequalifed 3 0 100

    Table 5: Summary o Prequalifcation Programme activities, and products prequalifed, or 2005 and 2006

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    By the end of 2006, 18 laboratories had expressed

    interest in gaining approval; and 15 of them hadsubmitted a Laboratory Information File, the rststage of the process. Five pre-audit inspections ofnational pharmaceutical QCLs5 were carried out all in Africa as a means of providing guidanceon improvements needed in laboratory practice and


    Progress in prequalifying additional QCLs has beenslow. The laboratories prequalied in 2005 werealready operating at or close to the levels requiredfor prequalication. But it has become clear thatthose laboratories now seeking prequalicationstatus will require considerable technical assistancefrom the Programme, and must commit to making

    substantial operational improvements themselves.Technical assistance has been delivered to several

    national QCLs, including to laboratories in Ethiopiaand Tanzania.

    tRAininG WORksHOPs On PREQuALiFicAtiOn


    Recognizing the importance of capacity buildingthrough training and hands-on practice, theprequalication team organized several trainingworkshops on prequalication issues during 2006.

    These workshops provided tuition on generalor specic technical issues for larger groups,

    including staff from NMRAs and QCLs, and frommanufacturers or other private companies. (Allworkshop materials can be found on the on theprequalication web-site at

    Such workshops include group sessions withtask work. Efforts are made to ensure open andcollegial communication between manufacturers

    and the presenters, who themselves are assessorsor inspectors working with the PrequalicationProgramme. The overall aim is to promote mutualunderstanding concerning quality and efcacy/safetyissues. Feedback on the workshops held to date hasbeen very positive: they are seen as a catalyst for

    increasing capacity to ensure medicines quality. Fourworkshops were held in 2006, as follows:

    Worhop : Gl, cha

    January (5 days)Subject: Pharmaceutical quality, GMP andbioequivalence, with a focus on artemisinines.

    The Programme actively seeks the participation o

    regulatory sta rom less well resourced NMRAs in

    Arica, Asia, Latin America, and the countries o central

    and eastern Europe, in dossier assessment sessions and

    inspections. Such participation constitutes valuable on-

    the-job training. Additionally, workshops are organized or

    regulatory sta (including QCL sta) and manuacturers

    to alert them to common problems identifed during the

    manuacture and development o generic medicines

    or HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria. By these means, valuable

    knowledge on medicines quality, efcacy and saety issues

    is transmitted. As a result, the capacity o manuacturers

    to produce good-quality generic products is increasing,

    as is the capacity o NMRAs and QCLs to monitor

    pharmaceutical quality.

    Full details o the prequalifcation procedures and

    prequalifed products can be ound at: http://www.who.


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    Worhop 2: Hao, ve nam

    January (3 days)Subject: Pharmaceutical quality and bioequivalence.

    Worhop : Par, Frae

    March (2 days)Subject: GCP seminar for inspectors participating in

    the WHO Prequalication Programme.

    Worhop : dar-e-salam, ue Repl of


    August (5 days)Subject: Pharmaceutical quality, GMP and

    bioequivalence, with a focus on artemisinines.

    tRAnsPAREncY AbOut MEdicinEs QuALitY

    The Programme pays particular attention toincreasing transparency around quality issuesrelating to generic medicines. Informationcollected and results obtained during assessmentsand inspections are (subject to condentialityrequirements) made publicly available throughWHO prequalication web-pages and publishedreports.

    WHO Public Assessment and Inspection Reportsare a major means of communication. (In 2004,

    the World Health Assembly requested that WHOsprequalication activities be made more transparent,including making assessment reports and inspectionreports publicly available.) A standardized formatis used for producing WHO Public AssessmentReports (WHOPARs). WHOPARs are posted onthe prequalication website (with priority beinggiven to xed-dose combination products). Theweb-site includes guidance for manufacturersregarding these reports and information on howthe reports are compiled by the prequalication

    team. (When submitting a product dossier forassessment, manufacturers must include specieddocumentation for inclusion in the WHOPARthat will later be compiled on their product.) A

    standardized format is also used for WHO PublicInspection Reports (WHOPIRs), which are likewiseposted on the prequalication web-site.

    During 2006, 11 WHOPARs for specic productsand 24 WHOPIRs, covering all types of inspections,

    were produced.

    WHO bEnEFits FROM PREQuALiFicAtiOn?

    People at risk rom and/or inected with HIV/AIDS,

    TB and/or malaria: For HIV/AIDS patients, in particular,

    scaled-up access to medicines o assured quality is

    leading to a vastly improved quality o lie. It is also helping

    to reduce wasted expenditure on substandard medicines,

    be this at household level or medicines purchased

    by individuals and their amilies, at national level or

    medicines purchased by central medical stores, or at the

    level o global treatment initiatives. In other words, more

    patients are being treated optimally.

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    uPdAtE On EXistinG cOLLAbORAtiOn

    copehage Hiv Programme

    The collaboration initiated in 2005 with theCopenhagen HIV Programme (CHIP), basedin Denmarks Hvidovre University Hospital,continues. Activities focus on reviewing safety andefcacy information relating to ARV products andcontained in WHOPARs. Standardized texts onsafety and efcacy for APIs and API combinationsare developed and published, together withthe corresponding WHOPAR, for prequaliedproducts. The collaboration is helping to promoteconsistency of clinical information about ARVproducts, as well as to reduce the timeline forprovision of acceptable and useful summaries of

    product characteristics.

    us FdA a oher reglaory ahore

    A number of HIV products approved or tentativelyapproved by the US FDA were added to the list ofproducts prequalied by WHO. These additionsrelied on the scientic assessment and inspectionsconducted by the US FDA. Information exchangebetween the two organizations is in accordance with acondentiality agreement that was nalized in 2005.

    Collaboration also continues to be developed withthe European Commission and the EuropeanMedicines Evaluation Agency, particularly on

    sharing and exchanging inspection-relatedinformation.

    NMRAs: In resource-limited settings, in particular,

    the Prequalifcation Programme is helping medicines

    regulatory sta to increase their technical capacity to

    monitor and ensure the quality o medicines, particularly

    those or treating HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria. This includes

    developing greater understanding o: dossier assessment

    or new generic medicines; good manuacturing practice

    (GMP) adherence and GMP inspection; and how to

    overcome problems resulting rom poor manuacturing

    practices. For NMRA Programme participants rom

    developed countries, the principal beneft is a greater

    understanding o regulatory problems in resource-poor

    settings and problems encountered by pharmaceutical

    manuacturers outside their jurisdictions.

    QCLs: For unctional developing country QCLs, benefts

    include increased capacity to assess the quality o

    medicines samples, not simply or medicines or treating

    HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria, but medicines in general.

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    Pharmaceutical manuacturers in developing

    countries: The capacity o this very diverse group to

    produce medicines o assured quality, efcacy and saety

    is being enhanced, in turn reducing reliance on imports,

    and increasing opportunities or export. Manuacturers

    have already been assisted in improving the quality

    o their dossier submission. An increased number o

    generic medicines manuacturers now routinely submit

    dossiers that include sufcient detail regarding proo

    o saety, efcacy and quality. In short, the Programme

    oers manuacturers a tremendous opportunity to obtain

    technical guidance ree o charge, that is o the highest

    calibre and that might otherwise be unavailable to them.

    PubLicAtiOns And inFORMAtiOn

    An article (Ongoing monitoring of antiretroviral

    products as part of WHOs Prequalication Projecton post-approval monitoring of prequaliedproducts by T.G. Dekker, A.J. van Zyl, O. Gross,I. Tasevska I, M. Stahl, M.L. Rabouhans andL. Rgo) was published in theJournal of GenericMedicines (Vol. 3(2):69105, January 2006).

    The prequalication website ( was updated frequently in 2006. Newlyprequalied products and details of QCLs meetingprequalication requirements were posted, as werenew or revised guidance documents, together withWHOPIRs, WHOPARs and workshop trainingmaterials.

    A new and more user-friendly prequalication web-site was launched in November 2006.


    A new and revised guidance on variations(changes) to a prequalied dossier wasadopted by the WHO Expert Committee onSpecications for Pharmaceutical Preparations.The guidance stipulates, among other things, thatif manufacturers have notied the Programme of

    a variation or variations belonging to a certaincategory as dened in the guidance that theywish to make to a product, and are not contacted

    by the Programme within three months, then theymay go ahead and implement those variations.

    The EOI for reproductive health products waspublished on the Prequalication Programmeweb-site, as was a list of recommended comparatorproducts within the area of reproductive health.

    The lists of recommended comparator products forHIV/AIDS, TB and malaria products were revisedand updated on an ongoing basis.

    The following were adopted in October 2006 bythe WHO Expert Committee on Specications forPharmaceutical Preparations: Procedure for Assessing

    the Acceptability, in Principle, of PharmaceuticalProducts for Purchase by United Nations Agencies(Annex 4) and Procedure for Assessing the

    Acceptability, in Principle, of Quality ControlLaboratories for Use by United Nations Agencies

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    National disease control programmes and global

    health initiatives: Prequalifcation not only reduces

    the risk o expenditure on poor-quality, ineective or

    countereit medicines, but is also extending the range o

    suppliers o good-quality medicines. Given extension o

    treatment to unprecedented levels, this is critical. Access

    to antiretroviral (ARV) therapy is set to expand ten-old

    by 2010, based on the commitment made by the Group

    o Eight in 2005, and current unding commitments or

    treatment o malaria with artemisinin-based combination

    treatment is driving a one hundred-old increase. Without

    quality medicine supplies, these increases will be


    In due course, once medicines and commodities or

    reproductive health start to be prequalifed, more

    individuals will be able to access amily planning

    services and more individuals requiring treatment or

    sexually transmitted inections will be able to obtain

    such treatment.

    (Annex 5). The rst document is an update to thealready existing general procedure for prequalifyingmedicines, while the second document describesgeneral procedures for prequalifying QCLs. I.e.taken together, these documents describe the

    general principles of prequalication.


    The Technical Ofce for Studies on InternationalCooperation (Ofce Technique dEtudes deCoopration Internationales6 OTECI) completedtranslation of training material on GMP intoFrench. It will be a major contribution to trainingworkshops to be held in francophone Africa.

    Translation into Chinese of the most importantparts of the prequalication web-site started in2006, in cooperation with the Chinese Ministry ofHealth.

    inFORMAtiOn MAnAGEMEnt

    A database to log and track dossier assessment,inspections and other activities is being developed.It will also incorporate all correspondence withmanufacturers, as well as assessment andinspection reports. The database is expected to

    become fully operational in 2007.

    AdvOcAcY And AWAREnEss

    Prequalication team members took part in avariety of meetings in 2006, to present and explain

    the Programmes activities. In so doing, they helpedto maintain awareness and understanding of theneed for and impact of prequalied medicines.

    The most important meeting was that of the

    International Conference of Drug RegulatoryAuthorities (ICDRA). ICDRAs have been heldevery two years since 1980. They provide regulatoryauthorities of WHO Member States with a forumfor discussing national and international prioritiesfor regulation of medicines, vaccines, biomedicinesand herbal medicines. They are key to efforts toharmonize regulation and to improve the safety,efcacy and quality of medicines globally.

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    The 12th ICDRA, took place in 2006 in Seoul,Republic of Korea and was attended by regulatorsfrom nearly 100 countries. It included a session,

    Access to medicines: new regulatory pathways forpublic health needs that included presentationson: procedures relating to access to medicinesunder Article 58 of European Union legislation; the

    United States FDAs tentative approval procedurelinked to the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDsRelief (PEPFAR); the Canadian access to medicinesregime; and the WHO Prequalication Programme.The following recommendations resulted from thissession:

    1. In the assessment of products, particularly thosedeveloped for public health needs, countriesshould make use of new regulatory pathways

    provided by highly-evolved regulatory agencies inorder to avoid duplication of effort. This wouldenable optimal use of limited resources.

    2. In cooperation with well-resourced regulatoryagencies, WHO is urged to assist Member Statesto provide training on the best use of regulatoryinformation on product approvals available in thepublic domain.

    3. WHO should continue its efforts to prequalify

    APIs for priority diseases, including HIV/AIDS, malaria and TB. Information concerningprequalied products and approved sites shouldcontinue to be made public in the form of


    4. WHO should assist national regulatory agenciesto develop innovative approaches to improveaccess to safe and effective essential medicines ofquality which address public health needs.

    The proceedings of the 12th ICDRA, together withall power point presentations, are available on theWHO medicines web-site:


    The Prequalifcation Programme is helping to ensure

    that donor unds are spent on good-quality medicines

    and achieve maximum impact. Indeed, the Global Fund

    to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM) stipulates that

    any single- or limited-source pharmaceuticals procured

    with GFATM unds must have been prequalifed by WHO.

    Prequalifcation o products in turn puts pressure on

    manuacturers to bring prices down, which also serves to

    optimize use o national and donor resources.

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    Other meetings attended by Programme staff in2006 included:

    2nd Seminar on National Policy on Medicines,So Paulo, Brazil, in April.

    Meeting on artemisinin-based combination

    therapies organized by Drugs for NeglectedDiseases Initiative and held in June, in Geneva,Switzerland.

    42nd meeting on improving access to quality-assured TB drugs, organized by the Campaignfor Access to Essential Medicines, of MdecinsSans Frontires (MSF), in Geneva, Switzerland,in June.

    Rencontre dt (summer meeting) on paediatricmedicines for treatment of HIV/AIDS, TB

    and malaria, organized by ReMed (Rseau deMdicaments et Dveloppement), a Frenchnongovernmental organization (NGO) in Paris,in July.

    The annual Technical Brieng Seminar onEssential Medicines Policies, in September, inGeneva, for a selected group of 35 core nationalsrepresenting ministries of health, regulatory

    agencies, professional pharmaceutical associationsand NGOs, as well as WHO eld staff.

    The African Medicines Regulatory AuthoritiesConference, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, inOctober/November.

    The annual meeting organized by AFSSAPS, inParis, in November, on public health problems(especially those related to HIV/AIDS) faced bysub-Saharan francophone African countries.

    Interagency Pharmaceuticals CoordinationGroup meeting at the Pan American HealthOrganization, in Washington, DC, in November.

    Interagency meeting on medicines issues

    organized by MSF in Paris in Novemberfor pharmacists working with NGOs orinternational organizations.

    World Trade Organization workshop on theTRIPS Agreement and public health, held inGeneva, in November.

    The expansion o ARV therapy in Arica provides ample

    illustration o the health impact resulting rom the fnancial

    savings generated by the Programme. Between June

    2004 and June 2005, coverage increased by 350,000

    people, to hal a million people living with HIV. Most were

    enrolled to one o WHOs recommended frst-line regimens.

    On average, these regimens are available or US$ 560

    per patient per year when purchased rom innovator

    companies. Generic companies, whose products have been

    widely available only as a result o WHO prequalifcation

    (and whose availability accords with national law and

    donor policy), provide these regimens or less than

    US$ 190 per patient per year. Assuming that 80% o

    those enrolled in Arica in the last year began treatment

    with these regimens, the value o using prequalifed

    generic products can be quantifed as more than US$ 100

    million. (This is the dierence in total cost o using these

    medicines rather than comparable innovator products

    or 280,000 patient-years.) This sum, when reinvested,

    provides an additional560,000 patients with access to one

    year o treatment.



  • 7/31/2019 WHO - WHO Prequalification of Medicines Programme Update for 2006









    Additionally, Programme staff briefed nationaland international journalists on medicines qualityissues, helping to maintain public awareness ofthe need not only to increase access to essentialmedicines but also to improve medicines quality


    tEcHnicAL AssistAncE

    seleo of epee exper for proo of

    ehal aae

    Since its inception, the Programme has beenworking hard to build the capacity of bothregulators and manufacturers. Additionally, in thelatter half of 2006, it started to coordinate effortsto provide customized technical assistance aimedat resolving the specic technical problems ofindividual NMRAs, manufacturers or laboratories.

    MiLLEnniuM dEvELOPMEnt GOALs

    Each o the impacts described above is contributing to

    achieving the ollowing targets set under the Millennium

    Development Goals:

    Target 7: to have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse

    the spread o HIV/AIDS

    Target 8: to have halted by 2015 and begun to reverse

    the incidence o malaria and other major diseases

    Target 17: in cooperation with pharmaceutical

    companies, provide access to aordable, essential

    drugs in developing countries.

    At a later stage, prequalifcation o reproductive health

    medicines and commodities will contribute not only to

    Targets 7 and 17, but also to an additional target:

    Target 6: to reduce by three-quarters, between 1990

    and 2015 the maternal mortality ratio.

    Distinguishing between capacity building

    and technical assistance

    Within the Prequalifcation Programme, capacity building ocuseson strengthening the capacity o regulatory authorities, pharma-ceutical manuacturers and national QCLs to ollow proceduresor guaranteeing the quality and saety o medicines. Technicalassistance is defned as customized assistance provided to asingle regulatory authority, manuacturer or laboratory. In terms

    o manuacture, it addresses bottlenecks in the development andmanuacture o good-quality products. As such, it ocuses on spe-cifc products and specifc problems relating to their production.Similarly, technical assistance to national QCLs ocuses on specifcproblems that a laboratory must tackle i it is to comply with theProgrammes requirements or QCL prequalifcation.

    Twenty experts working either or nonproft organizations suchas OTECI, or acting as highly specialized technical, private consul-tants can be called upon to provide technical assistance andsupport to regulators, manuacturers or laboratories. Whenever anexpert visits a country, the NMRA is consulted and also given theopportunity to organize a general training workshop on quality andsaety issues with the experts participation.

    The activities o these experts are strictly independent o anyPrequalifcation Programme assessment or inspection activities.In other words, involvement in technical assistance automaticallyexcludes an expert rom participation in any prequalifcationassessment or inspection activity.

  • 7/31/2019 WHO - WHO Prequalification of Medicines Programme Update for 2006






    In 2006, technical assistance was organized asfollows:

    tehal aae for mafarer a


    tehal aae: tazaa

    October/November (13 days)

    Subject: Good practices for QCLs, and analyticalmethod validation and verication.

    tehal aae: Ehopa

    October (5 days) and November/December (10 days)Subject: Good practices for national QCLs, andanalytical method validation and verication.

    tehal aae a omze rag for


    trag: cha

    June 2006 (2 days)Subject: Pre-audit inspection of CROs and GCP.7

    trag: thala

    August/September 2006 (5 days)Subject: Requirements relating to quality section ofdossiers.

    trag: urae

    October 2006 (3 days)Subject: Requirements relating to quality section of


    trag: cha

    October 2006 (5 days)Subject: GMP compliance for aseptic preparation ofinjectable artesunate.8



    WHO Preqalao Programme we-e: hp://www.who./preqal/WHO Preqalao Programme emal: preqal@who.

    1 ThePharmaceuticalInspectionConventionandPharmaceuticalInspectionCooperationScheme(jointlyreferredtoasPIC/S)aremechanismsforpromotingcooperation,amongparticipatingnationalinspectorates,intheareaofGMP.

    2 Acomparatorproductisusedtotestthequalityofbothinnovator

    productsandtheirgenericalternatives,andtoensurethattwosubstancesunderinvestigationarechemicallyidentical.3 TheGlobalDrugFacilityisamechanismaimedatexpandingaccess


    4 Guidelines for the Treatment of Malaria.Geneva,WorldHealthOrganization,2006.

    5 Pre-auditinspectionsareofferedtonationallaboratories,butnottocommerciallaboratories.

    6 OTECIisaFrenchnongovernmentalorganization.Itenablesretiredprofessionalswithexperiencein,forexample,thehealth,agriculturalortextilesectors,tocontributetheirexpertisetodevelopmentprogrammes.

    7 CustomizedtrainingandassistancewasprovidedtotwoCROs(oneofwhichfocusesonclinicalstudiesandtheotheronbioanalyticalstudies),whichwereresponsibleforperformingabioequivalencestudyforaco-blisteredformulationofartesunateandamodiquine.TheCROsreceivedtrainingoncompliancewithGCPandGLP.

    8 CustomizedtrainingandsupportonensuringGMPcompliancewasgiventoaChinesemanufacturerofartesunatepowder.However,inspectionofthemanufacturingsitethereafterfoundthatitstilldidnotcomplywithcurrentGMPrequirementsforsterileproduction.Anindependentexpertwasengagedtoworkwiththemanufacturerforoneweektoremedyobservedproblems.

    World Health Organization 2007

    All rights reserved. Publications o the World Health Organization can be obtained rom WHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland

    (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; ax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: [email protected]). Requests or permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications whether or sale or or

    noncommercial distribution should be addressed to WHO Press, at the above address (ax: +41 22 791 4806; e-mail: [email protected]).

    The designations employed and the presentation o the material in this publication do not imply the expression o any opinion whatsoever on the part o the World Health Organization

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    which there may not yet be ull agreement.

    All reasonable precautions have been taken by the World Health Organization to veriy the inormation contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty o any kind,

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