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Who is ANSTI?

• (ANSTI) - African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions Established in 6th Jan 1980 by UNESCO and is hosted at the UNESCO Nairobi offices.

• UNESCO was urged to help African Universities and Research organizations engaged in training and research in science and technology to establish linkages amongst themselves to enable them pool their human and material resources to contribute more effectively to the application of science and technology to development in Africa.

• A regional non-governmental organization (NGO).• UNESCO continues to provide financial and technical assistance


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About ANSTI cont.…

• The network aims to develop active collaboration among these institutions so as to promote research and development in Basic and Engineering Sciences.

• To-date it has 199 member institutions in 37 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

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• The mission of ANSTI is to facilitate the active collaboration among African Scientific Institutions for the purpose of training and research in science, engineering and technology.

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• ANSTI emphasizes the pooling of resources available in the region so as to provide quality training and research in various scientific disciplines.

• In order to achieve this objective, ANSTI is engaged in numerous activities which can be grouped into four programme areas: Training & Capacity Building; Seminars & Workshops; Publications; and Promotion of Research.

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• The ultimate development objective of ANSTI is to strengthen the region’s capacity for training and research and for establishing services for intensive and purposeful utilization of science, engineering, technology and innovation for development.

• The specific objective is to support the process of human resource capacity building in relevant areas of science, engineering and technology.

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Flagship Programmes

The Network has international flagship programmes: Flagship Programmes: •UNESCO/L’Oreal Fellowships for women in science in Sub

Saharan Africa.•ANSTI German Academic Exchange Services - DAAD

postgraduate fellowship program•Conference Grants•Staff Exchange Program•The regional African Bi-annual Conference of Vice-

Chancellors and Deans of Science, Engineering and Technology (COVIDSET )

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The COVIDSET conference(s)

• The Conference of Vice Chancellors, Provosts, Deans of Science, Engineering and Technology (COVIDSET), is a biennial forum for university leaders responsible for Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) education to meet and dialogue on strategic and emerging issues in Science, Engineering and Technology Education.

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•Making education, science, technology and engineering training work for Africa’s sustainable development: the role of universities;• Innovative use of science and engineering in: enhanced research

infrastructure, climate change mitigation and adaptation; sustainable environmental and ocean management; access to water, efficient energy, food security and healthcare delivery; • Creating an effective synergy between science, engineering and

innovation, youth employment, entrepreneurship development and inclusive growth• Science technology and innovation policies for sustainable

development of Africa.

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UNESCO/L’Oreal Fellowship

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ANSTI/DAAD Post-Graduate Fellowships

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Other scholarships and grants

• Visiting (Staff Exchange) Fellowships– The objective of the fellowship is to mutually

strengthen the human resources of the members of ANSTI by pooling together their staff for training and research purposes

• ANSTI Conference grants– Senior Academic staff of ANSTI member

institutions can benefit from conference grants to attend international conferences

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Our Member Institutions

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ANSTI Partners/Donors

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