
Who Are The Presidents On

The U.S. Coins?Presentation by

Cindi Ramseur

ABRAHAM LINCOLN16th President of United States

•Born on February 12, 1809 near Kentucky.

•Lincoln was a Lawyer, and a Senator in


•Married Mary Todd and had

four sons.

Lincoln’s Log Cabin Home

•Lincoln was elected President in 1860.

•Lincoln freed the slaves in 1862.

• The Civil War between the North and the South began in 1861.

•Lincoln gave a famous speech called “The Gettysburg Address” in 1863 to remember the soldiers who were killed in the battle of Gettysburg.

•In 1865, President Lincoln was shot and killed by John Wilkes

Booth at Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C.

The Lincoln Memorial is on the back of the penny. It

was built in 1914 to honor his memory.

THOMAS JEFFERSON3rd President of the United States

•Born April 13, 1743 in Virginia.

•Jefferson a successful farmer, lawyer, scientist, author, and

spokesman for liberty.

•In 1772 he married Martha Wayles

Skelton and they had 6 children.

•Jefferson wrote The Declaration of Independence in 1776.

•Jefferson served as the first Secretary of State.

•He was the second Vice President.

•Jefferson was elected the 3rd President of the United States

in 1801.

FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT32nd President of the United States

•Franklin Delano Roosevelt was born January 30, 1882

in New York.

•In 1905 he married Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. They had six children.

•Roosevelt was an Attorney, Senator, and Governor of

New York.

•In the summer of 1921 FDR contracted polio. It made it very

difficult for him to walk and move.

•Roosevelt was elected President in 1932 during the Great Depression, a

time when the United States was very poor.

•Franklin Roosevelt sent the United States into WWII after

the Japanese attacked American forces at Pearl

Harbor. “December 7, 1941 – a date which will live in infamy.”

•FDR died on April 12, 1945 at “The Little White House” in


•Since 1946 Roosevelt’s portrait has appeared on the dime.

GEORGE WASHINGTON1st President of the United States

•Born on February 22,1732 in Virginia.

•Washington was a successful surveyor, plantation owner,

and general.

•He married Martha Custis on 1759, a widow

with 2 children. He had no children of his own.

• Washington was Commander of the

American Army during the

Revolutionary War.

•On February 4, 1789, Washington was unanimously

elected president.

•Washington lived at his plantation home, Mt. Vernon.

He died there in 1799.

•The Washington Monument was built in Washington, D.C. to

honor our country’s first president.

•Statue erected to the memory of

George Washington in Virginia.

JOHN F. KENNEDY35th President of the United States

•John F. Kennedy was born in Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917.

•He was a lieutenant in the U.S. Navy during WWII, an

author, and a Senator.

•He married Jacqueline Bouvier in 1953. They

had 2 children, Caroline and John, Jr.

•In 1960, Kennedy became the youngest man to be elected

President. He is remembered for saying: “Ask not what your

country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

•JFK was a strong supporter of civil rights. He worked

with men like Martin Luther King.

•Kennedy was a huge supporter of the Space Program and was

determined to help lead the United States into space.

•President Kennedy was shot and killed on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.

DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER34th President of the United States

•Eisenhower was born in Texas on October 14, 1890.

•He was a career U.S. Army officer, and

President of Columbia University.

•Eisenhower married Mamie Doud in 1918. They had 2 sons, one died as a baby.

•In December of 1943, during WWII, General Eisenhower

was commander of the Allied Forces in Europe. He lead the Allied Forces to victory.

•In November of 1952 Eisenhower was

elected President.

•Eisenhower retired to his farm on the border of the Gettysburg’s battlefield in 1961. He

died on March 28, 1969.

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