Page 1: While following michael zimmer

1) While following Michael Zimmer, I noticed that he posted a lot of interesting things about teaching. He tweets about ways to make teaching more fun and interesting to a child. He is all about experimenting new ways to get children to learn. A lot of his tweets are from research articles and are about utilizing technology in the classroom. I think that he is someone I would like to keep following on twitter because the articles I have read through him are insightful and they help open my mind more to different teaching styles. My favorite tweet of his was about the Webinar on how comic books can be used in the classroom. One thing I noticed since I started following him though was that he hardly ever posts anything firsthand about how he teaches in the classroom. It would be interesting to see him utilizing what he gets out of all the articles he posts. I would like to hear his views elaborated on some of these articles as well.

2) Another educator I chose to follow was Aviva Dunsiger. I have also enjoyed following her. She posts several times daily on different projects her class is doing at the time with her own feedbacks and critique. She is also really big on collaborating and discussing ideas with other followers. She responds to everyone who has either a question or comment, and takes all of it into consideration. From what I have read from her tweets, I can tell that I like the way she teaches. Almost everything she posts about in her classroom is hands on activities to get her students thinking critically. My favorite tweet from her was all of the photos and updates from her bridge building lesson. It was interesting to see how differently all the kids built their own individual bridges. I also found it interesting from her that some of her tweets lead me to her daily blog. I thought that was so great that she had her own classroom blog and she kept track of what her and the class are doing daily. This blog is also linked through her twitter so her tweets are on their also.

3) Third, I followed Katie Hellerman. She does not post a lot of things pertaining to education, and a lot were more personal tweets like of her dog mostly. I did however save a good article on how to make learning more fun and how to make it irresistible. I can tell from some of her tweets that she is a dedicated teacher, but I wish more of her tweets were more about the students and teaching styles and opinions.

4) CI350Class was the final profile that I followed. The tweets posted had great guides to using technology in the classroom. The snapshot of the tweet I posted on my wiki was one I really liked. It was guidelines for teachers who use technology in their class. It basically gave a what to do and what not to do as a teacher using social media to communicate with students. There were many more tweets I looked into and they were all pretty insightful. Another one I liked reading was destroying the stereotype of using social media in education. This is a good profile to follow for some information on social media in the classroom.

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