Page 1: Which is your favorite " Hard work vs Luck "

Each time we come across individuals who are successful, we often tend to believe it was luck that got him successful, along with hard work. But is luck all that important or is hard and smart work sufficient?

What is luck? Many define it as the presence of an opportunity that weren't available to the rest. But is that really true? If luck was what got a business tycoon to be wealthy, how then did he have the opportunity to be repeatedly successful? The best example of the same is the life of Steve Jobs. He founded Apple and was kicked out of the same company and later rehired and became the owner once again. Was this luck? Of course not. It was merely the capacity to recognize an opportunity and grab the same. Opportunity presents itself to all. But since it's draped in the form of work, many of us let it go. But the smart ones recognize it, grab it for themselves and work hard to make full use of the opportunity. Then, lay men like us come forward to call it mere Luck!The major ingredient to success thus, isn't the concept of luck, but is a concept that exists within yourself called, The Inner Drive. Inner drive is nothing but your yearning, passion and obsession. This can be anything from money to knowledge to art to writing. When one lives to fulfill this yearning, success is the one thing that is bound to come his way. Be it Mother Teresa's yearning to help the needy or Gandhi's strive for truth, each individual has a yearning that needs to be fulfilled. And what happens when you kill it? You tend to lead an unsuccessful unhappy life as you constantly pick up random things to do. It hence is essential for you to recognize your inner drive and once you recognize it, you need to take actions to align your life with your inner drive.

Page 2: Which is your favorite " Hard work vs Luck "

No successful individual sat back and relaxed with hours of sleep and holidays. He became a millionaire or attained true happiness in life by doing what he loves and by undoing random things. You wish to be happy? You got to work hard and there absolutely is no short cut. You wish to be self attained? Don't wait for luck, recognize you drive and work on it, success is all yours to achieve.

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Page 3: Which is your favorite " Hard work vs Luck "

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