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  1. 1. Section 1: Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance Chapter 17 European Renaissance and Reformation 1300 1600
  2. 2. Renaissance Renaissance -
  3. 3. Italys Advantages Started in Important cities where people exchanged ______. Class of ___________________________ wealthy and powerful Focused on individual achievement Italian artists and scholars inspired by the ruined buildings of classical Rome
  4. 4. Classical and Worldly Values __________ Focus on human potential and achievements Renaissance thinkers stressed ______ ideas. Humanists enjoyed luxury artists, writers, and musicians create beautiful works of art Patrons supported these artists
  5. 5. Renaissance Revolutionizes Art
  6. 6. Leonardo Di Vinci
  7. 7. Michelangelo
  8. 8. Donatello
  9. 9. Rafael
  10. 10. The Renaissance Revolutionizes Art Sculptors more _________ than in the Middle Ages. ___________: creates three-dimensional illusion Painters began to paint important citizens Focus on individual
  11. 11. Renaissance Man and Woman Men: Man who did well in many fields was ______________ or Renaissance Man Women were ___________________________. Not in public.
  12. 12. Renaissance Writers Change Literature Renaissance writers wrote in _________ Expressed thoughts and feelings Very detailed Poetry and stories that were more realistic
  13. 13. Section 2: The Northern Renaissance Chapter 17 European Renaissance and Reformation 1300 1600
  14. 14. Northern Renaissance Begins 1450- _________________ended Hundred Years War between France and England ended New ideas from Italy spread to northern Europe Northern Renaissance Combined classical learning with __________ ideas. Spread to England, France, and the rest of Europe
  15. 15. Artistic Ideas Spread 1494, French king invaded _____ Many Renaissance artists fled ______ _______________- Durer painted religious subjects and realistic landscapes. Flemish Painters painted portraits of peasant life. Used oil based paints
  16. 16. Northern Writers Try to Reform Society; The Elizabethan Age Writers combined ____________ and _____________ Urged reform in Church Wanted to devote more people to god Wanted society to be fair ___________, wrote about perfect society _____________ - imaginary ideal society where greed, war, and conflict do not exist
  17. 17. Womens Reforms Christine De Pizan, female writer, questioned different treatment of boys and girls Wanted______________________ for both boys and girls
  18. 18. The Elizabethan Age ____________________ wrote poetry and music ___________________ Most famous writer of Elizabethan Age Many poems and plays Displayed great use of English language show a deep understanding of people and interaction
  19. 19. Printing Spreads Renaissance Ideas; The Legacy of the Renaissance 1440, ___________________invented his printing press Chinese carved characters onto wooden blocks Then used ink and pressed them to paper
  20. 20. Legacy of the Renaissance The Renaissance brought _________________________. Artists and writers portrayed people in more________ways celebrated individual achievement. Renaissance opened up ____________ led them to examine and question things more closely.
  21. 21. Section 3: Luther Leads the Reformation Chapter 17 European Renaissance and Reformation 1300 1600
  22. 22. Causes of the Reformation Reformation :
  23. 23. Many people _________ church Some __________ paying taxes to church Criticized church practices Popes concerned with ___________ Priests had little or no education: not able to teach immoral
  24. 24. Reformers wanted:
  25. 25. Luther Challenges the Church ________________was a monk who wanted to reform the church Other officials sold ___________ People thought they could pay for salvation Martin Luther wrote a letter in protest Letter was printed and distributed It was the start of the reformation
  26. 26. Luthers Teachings Three Main Ideas: People could win salvation only by _________________________________________ ___ All Church teachings should be clearly based on _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________ All people with faith were _________________________________________ ___
  27. 27. The Response to Luther The Pope ___________ Luther Luther had many followers Emperor tried to force Luther to trial to take back what he said Luther was sheltered by a Prince Luthers teachings became a new religion : Lutheran
  28. 28. German peasants revolted based on Lutheran ideas Luther did not approve German princes adopted Lutheran ideas for ___________ reasons Wanted to seize church property Princes protested against church were known as ___________ King Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire went to war against Protestant princes Peace of Augsburg : Princes decide the religion of their own state
  29. 29. England Becomes Protestant Henry VIII wanted a ___________, but his wife only gave him a ___________ Asked Pope for ___________ but Pope said no Decided to pass laws to become Head of Church Act of Supremacy
  30. 30. Many people did not agree and were ___________ Henrys next wife gave him a girl, and he ___________ her The following wife gave him a boy, Edward She died 2 weeks later Henrys next 3 wives gave him no children
  31. 31. Section 4: The Reformation Continues Chapter 17 European Renaissance and Reformation 1300 1600
  32. 32. Calvin Continues the Reformation John Calvin wrote an important book that gave structure to ___________ beliefs in 1530s Taught ___________: the idea that God determines beforehand who will be saved
  33. 33. Fled persecution of protestants in France Calvin created ___________ in Geneva, Switzerland Government run by______________________ Had strict rules People with different religious ideas were burned
  34. 34. Calvinism Spreads John Knox was impressed by the ______________________ Beginning of Presbyterian church Others began adopting Calvinism Difference in religious opinions often became violent ___________ (Calvinism followers in France) and Catholics had many violent conflicts
  35. 35. Other Protestant Reformers Protestants taught that the Bible is the ___________ of all religious truth As Christians interpreted the Bible for themselves, new Protestant groups formed over differences in belief. ___________: Preached that people should be baptized as adults. Taught that the church and state should be separate. refused to fight in wars.
  36. 36. The Catholic Reformation ______________________: Catholic reform movement in response to Protestant Reformation Ignatius: Catholic reformer, Spanish noble Founded ___________ Deep devotion to Jesus
  37. 37. Pope Paul III set up a court called the ___________. In charge of finding, trying, and punishing people who broke church rules
  38. 38. Called meeting : ______________________ Churchs interpretation of the Bible was ___________ Good works as well as faith to ______________________ Bible and the Church had_____________________in Christian beliefs ___________ were valid expressions of faith Next Pope put these into practice
  39. 39. Legacy of Reformation Protestant churches flourished. Catholic Church became more unified ______________ Reformation caused ___________of Church power ___________ in Monarchs power

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