  • WIN!EarthboundOrganic wine


  • whats up! Wine and Dine

    Meeurots Caf & Restaurant

    Open: Mon - Sat: 10.00am-3pm - light meals,Mon - Sat: 6pm-late - a la carte menu

    Sun: 12.00 - 8pm - a la carte menuMeeurots Curiosities - small gifts & Yzer novelties

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    Bookings & Takeaways: 022 4512 608

    WIN!Enter our competition and win!

    hile eating and living with a conscience is becoming more and more mainstream, what about conscious quaffing? With this in mind, a new local wine, Earthbound, has been launched. With a range of five

    varietals, four of which are also certified organically grown, the new wines have more depth to them than just complexity of character; they are grown using Fairtrade principles too. Earthbound wines have a conscience: from how the grapes are cultivated, to considering its carbon footprint from farm to fridge, to reinvesting in the land and its people. Its also a high quality wine that is easy-drinking with wide appeal, says winemaker Samuel Viljoen. The latest premium wine innovation from Cape Legends, Earthbound wines are produced on Papkuilsfontein Vineyards in the West Coast Darling district. It is characterised by an expressive terroir of water-rich red soil, above-average rainfall and dry bush vines that collectively yield consistently good crops.

    Our grapes are sourced from certified producers and we ensure trading conditions are properly sustainable for both the land and the communities that work on it. In fact, for every bottle of Earthbound that is sold, R6.50 is reinvested into the farm and its people, says Viljoen. He said the farm employs eco-sustainable principles too. For example, owl boxes accommodate these birds of prey, allowing them to control rodents, while steam weeders are used to destroy invasive plants with heat.

    And while the wines are low-sulphur, four are also organic. This means that the vineyards employ farming methods that produce the strongest and richest grapes possible with the fewest detrimental effects on the environment, explains Viljoen. The vines were also certified by the global benchmark for quality, Socit Gnrale de Surveillance (SGS), after a three-year conversion process. The full range can be foraged from TOPS @ SPAR, Cyber Cellar and Darling Wine Shop for between R45.00 (white) and R54.00 (red) RSP. For more information about #Earthbound email info@earthboundwines or visit and join them on Facebook at EarthboundWines.

    5 bottles of Earthbound wine and receive a FREE trendy Hessian bag!


    I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food. W.C. Fields

    Rustic Pizza @ Die Stal, Yzerfontein

    Come and enjoy real

    with the whole family! (Child-friendly garden)Take-Aways availablePhone: 076 360 0103



    To enter our competition: like us on Up Magazine

    SA & us a tweet: @WhatsUpMagZA

    with your details.We will announce the Winner on the 31st of July 2014 on our website and

    facebook page.Good luck! competition is only open to persons

    over the age of 18. Proof of age will need to be supplied on acceptance of this prize.

    Earthbound raises a glass to quaffing with a conscience


  • BODY STRESS RELEASEUnlocking tension - Restoring self-healing

    DO YOU...Feel stressed?Lack energy and vitality?Suffer from pain and discomfort?

    Freedom from body stresspromotes a better quality of life - physically - mentally - emotionally

    Norah Duffett M.B.S.R.A. (S.A.), B.S.R PractitionerCell: 071 587 8434

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    whats up! Health & Wellness

    or most of the world, the transition from summer to autumn and autumn to winter never is easy. You still crave those warm summer nights and the idea of seeing a temperature below 20 is frightening.

    For those experiencing the weather shift and all that comes along with the change of seasons, staying motivated to exercise and maintain your once outdoor routine, slowly starts to crumble with each gust of wind that passes by. Exercise can actually help clear your winter blues and chances are, you'll be in tip top shape once the weather warms up. Be creative and don't stop just because the wind is blowing. Chances are, you'll wake up to a fitter and healthier you come spring. Here are some tips to stay motivated and keep the body you love during the cold winter months.

    If you're a person who loves to exercise outdoors, use the change of weather as a time to try something new and change up your own workout plan. Map out a new routine at the start of each season and find a different way to stay in shape because there are thousands of ways to stay active.

    If you're that person who loves to run outside, whether rain or shine, then it's important to be prepared for the winter worst. For many people, cold air can trigger chest pain or trouble breathing. Make sure if you have any medical conditions or concerns about exercising outside, check with your doctor beforehand. Dress in layers that are easy to take on and off and made of sweat resistant materials. Having drenched clothes mixed with a wind chill is a recipe for spending the next few days sick in bed, so wear the proper attire. It's important to still use sunscreen if you plan to stay active outdoors.

    The more fit you are, the less likely you are to get sick during the winter. It's no surprise that colder weather brings runny noses and winter coughs. Keep yourself moving, put the right foods into your body and make sure you continue your healthy lifestyle to prevent you from contracting any illness. No one wants to spend the holidays stuck in bed, so burn those calories, even if they seem frozen.

    Switch Up Your Routine

    Layer Up

    Prevent Getting Sick

    Keep fit this



    A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley motorcycle when he spotted a well-known heart surgeon in his shop. The surgeon was there, waiting for the service manager to come and take a look at his bike. The mechanic shouted across the garage, "Hey, Doc, can I ask you a question?"

    The surgeon a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, "So Doc, look at this engine. I open its heart, take valves out, fix 'em, put 'em back in, and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I get such a small salary and you get the really big bucks, when you and I are doing basically the same work?"

    The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic...Try doing it with the engine running.

    The mechanic & the surgeonJust for giggles

    The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body.Harry J. Johnson


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