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The NextStep Sentinel

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pdf for printing | view online | subscribe | email to a friend | | April 2011 Volume 2 Issue 1

What's News Inside- Welcome to the Sentinel- A NextStep Solution- Building Relationships & Your Business Through Social Media- The NextStep Network- Ask Jack- Jack's Stack- In The Patch- On The Tube- Crusader Corner- Where In The World Are We- Editor's Corner- Century Club

Welcome to the Sentinelby Jack Warkenthien

“Welcome back my Friends, to the show that never ends…. step inside, stepinside”, to paraphrase a song that was popular in my college days. Or said anotherway, “We’re baaaack”. Don’t remember the movie, exactly, but that’s how wefeel, as NextStep Solutions fires up the eZine Press once again, and delivers ourfirst edition of The Sentinel. Some of you were original subscribers, back in theearly 2000s, and most of you are new friends, enjoying the pub for the first time.Regardless of how (and when) you got here, we’re glad you made the trip! I’mJack Warkenthien, and I’ll be your Tour Guide for this journey.

As NextStep Solutions races towards our seventeenth year in business this Fall, some things are new & different, andsome things have remained the same. Allow me to comment on the latter: Our purpose remains the same: “To enhanceyour sales experience”. Sounds simple on the surface, but the many facets of our value equation make your gem of acompany, both brilliant and valuable. Isn’t it amazing what happens, when you focusing on enhancing yourrelationships and communications skills? Dale Carnegie reminds us that 85% of our success in life—however you defineit—is comprised of these two ingredients.

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What’s new? In short: everything else! This month, we officially launch The Century Club. We are searching for ONEHUNDRED (hence, Century) business owners or Sales Professionals, who commit to being a minimum of a “one milliondollar revenue generating machine”, in less than two years. Each of the Century Club members will receive tons ofsales/business development/marketing resources monthly, for UNDER $100 per month! Said another way, NextstepSolutions will deliver big company sales training and strategy for small company prices. As you can imagine,candidates are signing up on the spot.

As a subscriber and reader to this monthly eZine, you’ll also be part of our movement: to elevate selling out of the gutterand make everyone proud to be a part of the World’s Oldest Profession. We’re gonna remind everyone on the planet,that “SELL” is NOT a four-letter word! Face it: you’re in sales and everyone’s in sales, so you might as well get good atit. We’re also “rebranding” our book series—SuperSelling—to include the series of books and sales tools that are beingcreated as you read. Think “Chicken Soup” or “X for Dummies” or “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to…”. You’ll not only bethe first to see the first new edition (“SuperSelling For The Home-Based Business Owner”), but we’re gonna ask you towrite YOUR book (or Chapter) on an area in which you have expertise. So far, we’ve had candidates who want to write,“SuperSelling For The Inventor”, “SuperSelling For The Hispanic American”, “SuperSelling For The Single Set”.What’s YOUR topic?

You can expect every issue of The Sentinel to be chock full of resources, tools, Jack’s Snacks, client success stories,What’s News, and of course: Jack’s Stack—special monthly deals on our stuff. You’ll meet our staff, like Jon Phillips, ourCOO who runs the “Mother Ship” from San Antonio, Luann Stec, the Editor of this eZine, LIVE from Naperville, IL—and a cast of others. Above all, let us know what you want or need. We’ll feature your suggestions in the next edition,and implement as many as your ideas as feasible. Your Jack Snack for the month: There’s no finish line to thehuman race. Enjoy the journey, and we’ll see you along the road.

A NextStep Solutionby Jack Warkenthien

TIREMAX, a Conroe, TX- based company, has found a way to beat the likes ofDiscount Tire, NTB, Firestone, etc. at their own game. For the past decade,they’ve been opening corporate-owned retail tire stores up and down the State ofTexas. Every one of them has been profitable—and within a very short period oftime. They get it. Chris Wilkerson, the Founder and CEO, realized that if theindustry “commoditizes” your product, you’d better personalize or “customerize”your service and delivery. Due to their success, they decided to franchise theconcept, and in 2010, they were selling stores all over the U.S. In fact,

TIREMAX is one of the fastest growing Franchisors in the country, since there are few other franchises available, thatdo what they do.

Enter NextStep Solutions. We were brought in, to design, develop and deliver a training system to teach the StoreManagers and Assistant Store Managers, how to quickly establish relationships with their customers. Last month wasour first month, of a 12-month initiative, to provide the skills necessary to increase store sales. The TIREMAXprofessionals left the first workshop, learning that they’re really in the sandwich business, increasing their believability,likeability and trustworthiness—or B.L.T.s. You know how “on guard” you are, when you go to a repair shop. You justKNOW that you’re gonna get “ripped off”, by a guy that knows a lot more about your car than you do. We teach RetailStore managers to diffuse the tension, by being proactive and extremely polite.

It’s too early to tell, but we’re told there’s already a whole new attitude of the employees. Next week is Round 2, so we’llkeep you apprised. Next time you need tires, look for the TIREMAX sign. They may be coming to your neighborhoodsoon.

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Building Relationships & YourBusiness Through Social Mediaby Marci Kleinsasser, CFE Vice President of Marketing at PuroClean, Inc.

Most of us today are using a social networking site in our personal or businesslife on a daily basis. Whether you have a Facebook page, a LinkedIn page, or you“tweet,” you are all listening to and/or participating in conversations that youmay not have even considered in the past. The same holds true for your clientsand customers, and the opportunity you have to create, build and deepenrelationships in your business has taken on a whole new dimension with socialmedia. Why is social media important?

1. Social media allows you to bring your product and service where your clients are gathering:• There are more than 500 million users on Facebook• LinkedIn has over 80 million members in over 200 countries• Microblogging site Twitter has over 190 million users and growing

2. In addition to the vast number of people available to you in real time, you have the ability to manage your brand’sreputation. You can see what people are saying about you and quickly respond.

3. Your activities on all of the social media networks are extremely valuable to your SEO (Search Engine Optimization)efforts online. Everything you post allows you to link back to your web pages. Both the new content and these links willenrich your SEO. Google LOVES social!

4. Social media is one of the most cost-effective platforms to connect and engage your clients, customers, vendors andassociates. There really is no other medium out there, now that you can access in real time and deliver the message thatyou control with such impact and results.

Now let’s hear from some of our PuroClean Franchisees and see how they are using social media to help them buildtheir businesses. Q. What do you find most beneficial about using social media (Facebook, in particular) to promoteyour business?

A. “Ok, this one is EASY! Facebook allows you to learn more about your client or potential client. I have made so manynew friends in this journey of owning a PuroClean. Facebook allows us to keep in touch on a more personal level.Also, it allows us to give daily tips for those who would like to get them, instead of us shoving emails down theirthroat.”Kelli SmithPuroClean Emergency Property Recovery, Nashville, TN

A. “It’s free, and approached the right way, it can actually be fun. There is a bit of give and take with Facebook, and itcan be interesting to post questions that evoke a response out of people. It makes your brand memorable. I spendabout a half an hour on Facebook just a few times per week, so I really don’t invest a ton of time in it. I try to puteducational tips on my page, as well as job experiences with pictures to show the type of work that we do. People seemamazed when they see pictures of a water loss, and a few leave comments. I feel strongly that if they experience awater loss in the future, they will remember us and hopefully give us a call.”John JacobsPuroClean Water, Fire, & Mold Experts, Waukesha, WI

A. “Facebook allows me to show potential clients that there is a real name and face behind the business. It lets themknow that I am more than just a service provider, but a valued reference/consultant for relevant items that may be ofinterest to them in their related businesses and regarding how and why we do what we do. It also allows me to touchpotential clients regularly without having to take valuable face time away from their everyday busy schedule. It

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basically lets them know that our business is “alive and really kicking” in a regular, non time-invasive way. For meit’s just another way to stay in touch. Since this is such a reactionary business, you need to be everywhere andreachable in a moment’s notice. Facebook is just another place for people to reach out to you in a time of need.”Kevin OakleyPuroClean Property Rescuers NC, Fuquay Varina, NC

A. “I love the social media outlets for the business. These days, almost everyone is tuned into Facebook, LinkedIn orTwitter. Facebook, in particular, has been a fabulous way to get to know the people you market to on a daily basis.Once I go into an agency and meet the staff or anyone new, I go back to the warehouse at the end of the day and startsearching for their profiles. Even if I do not feel comfortable enough to ‘friend’ them yet, I'll browse and try to pick upa few conversation pieces for my next visit. For those that I do ‘friend,’ it becomes a great way to drop a commentmore often than they would normally see you, in an informal way. You learn key things about their lives, like children,vacations, sports, etc. that you may bond over. Another key benefit to social networking with others is that it allowsthe people you market to ‘professionally,’ to see you for who you really are, not your branded name tag. I have alsostarted a Facebook page for my PuroClean (office). There, my Twitter feeds through with our logo, and I can postpictures of jobs, new equipment, and other things of interest. You can set up an account with Facebook, and pay tohave your ad run to a strategic audience to get "likes" or followers. This is a good way to build your page so it doesn'tlook empty when you invite the people you really want to join.”Megan ThielPuroClean Restoration Professionals, Atlanta, GA

Q. Have you received any leads/jobs as a result of the marketing you have done on Facebook?

A. “Yes. However, mostly it just strengthens the existing relationships we have built.”Kelli SmithPuroClean Emergency Property Recovery, Nashville, TN

A. “I approached my Facebook page methodically when I started it by finding real estate Agents to hook up with.They have a very big Facebook presence, and I would say that I have gotten about seven leads as a result. In addition,one of my Facebook followers recommended me to someone else in her office that needed a mold quote, so it hasactually transformed itself into a word-of-mouth resource. I also had someone ask me to call them during a surgeevent via Facebook, but didn’t notice until about a week after the post. Obviously, checking Facebook wasn’t a highpriority during the surge, but I realized the importance of splashing my phone number everywhere on my page, justin case. Others that I approached were Plumbers, municipalities, politicians, property management companies, bars(they flood too!) and new reporters. Again, it’s methodical. News reporters are looking for news, and in October, Iposted a picture of a tree that fell on a house during a windstorm. We were asked by a State Farm to board up thewindows. Not ouran hour after the post, I received a call from a news reporter asking if we would be willing to tellour story on the news. That particular interview fell through, but we received a call from the same reporter last weekwho interviewed us regarding freezing pipes. I will now anticipate freeze/flood events on the horizon and postinformation that may lead to similar results.”John JacobsPuroClean Water, Fire, & Mold Experts, Waukesha, WI

A. “Yes, but as expected, it is difficult to really measure the total impact of this valuable exposure except that it isobviously beneficial.”Kevin OakleyPuroClean Property Rescuers NC, Fuquay Varina, NC

Q. What tip(s) do you have for other Franchisees who have not yet tried or who are hesitant to try usingFacebook/Social Media in their marketing efforts?

A. “Don’t be afraid of it! My daughter had to show me how to use it! LOL… It is a great way to strengthenrelationships. It lets them see that you are human and have a life outside of business. Make sure you monitor it,though. Do not friend people that may comment on you offensively, etc. Remember, you want them to see you in yourbest light. Pictures can be inappropriate, too. Try not to have pictures of you at functions smoking or drinking, etc…Remember it is all about the image and how they perceive you.”Kelli Smith

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PuroClean Emergency Property Recovery, Nashville, TN

A. “Twitter is my new favorite toy! You can link both your Facebook and LinkedIn accounts to your Twitter account,so what you blog about during the day shows up in all three applications. I am just building my following on Twitternow, so follow me @PuroATL! You only get a short, two sentences or so to say what you need to, so it keeps yourblurb less annoying, at least I think so. You can post a link to an article you have found online, or a YouTube video. Ialso like to say where we are working that day, or if we did something special. Ex: "On a big fire job today inEastATL! Remember to unplug the Christmas tree when u go to sleep!” Some Agents are on Twitter, and I also followState Farm and Allstate so I can chat to Agents about their own company sometimes. Also, I urge you all to rememberthat your nifty iPhones have video cameras, so capture anything you would personally want to see! These videos willnot necessarily be searched for by the homeowner, but used by the rest of us in the Network to show the world whatwe do. So many Agents have NO IDEA about the equipment we use and how technological we can really get. Havefun, and if you have trouble, ask a teenager how to do it!”Megan ThielPuroClean Restoration Professionals, Atlanta, GA

A. “It’s like selling anything. Don’t be afraid to open doors and reach out to potential connections that may be able tohelp your business. Push the Facebook envelope a little bit. Connect with people who know you, and then work toconnect to people who know the people you are friends with. Connect with your past customers and clients for sure.This is a relationship business. My impression is that Facebook pages are less valuable than Facebook friends, so useboth.”Kevin OakleyPuroClean Property Rescuers NC, Fuquay Varina, NC

A. “You have nothing to lose. Free is a great price, and the results for me have been far more successful thanServiceMagic.”John JacobsPuroClean Water, Fire, & Mold Experts, Waukesha, WI

The NextStep Networkby Jon Phillips

A powerful part of NextStep's business is our NextStep Network. We use onlinecontent, social networking and digital engagement to keep in touch with ourcandidates, clients and crusaders. In each Sentinel we post our most powerfulmessages:

FaceBook: We are honored to have Jack Warkenthien's, "Journey toCareersville", article published in the Houston Business Journal last week. It is agreat read and can be found at:

Twitter: "The difficult I do immediately. The impossible takes a little longer." - Jack Snack - (NextStep Solutions)

YouTube: We have posted seven of the 12 video series introducing our Relationship Selling Process ®

LinkedIn: We have redone all of our profiles and are ranked higher than ever in the search engine, while adding 20%new contacts. We are LIONs so link to us.

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Ask Jackby Jack Warkenthien

• “I’m being told, by my Sales Manager, to go out and Network. So I attend allthese events, from breakfasts, to lunches to after work mixers. The problem is, Ican’t track any real deals that occurred for having attended. Am I doingsomething wrong?” (Kathryn M.)

Hey Kathryn, For starters, your Boss is right. There’s no greater “investment” of your time,than to attend events where your candidates lurk. Of course, you have to know

your “sweet spot”, and I’m gonna assume you do. While at the networking events, you should have one objective:identify Qualified/Interested candidates for your product/service/value. You’re NOT trying to sell anything—other thanan appointment—if they qualify. Here’s a tip: Be a card collector and ask for THEIR business card. Ask 2-3 qualifyingquestions and jot the answers on the back of the card. When you come home, place the cards in one of four piles(Qualified/Interested, Qualified/Not-Interested, Not Qualified/Interested, Not Qualified/Not Interested). Then follow-up, diligently, with all Qualified candidates, by quickly setting an appointment to next meet. If you do that, you’ll soonbe converting your new “relationships” into “revenue streams” and you’ll be glad you listened to your Boss.

• “People always ask me for my elevator pitch, or 30-second commercial, etc. It’s hard to describe what we sell in sucha short period of time. What do you suggest I say, when I’m asked that question?” (Brad W.)

Brad, The days of the 30-second commercial, are behind us, for many reasons. Primarily, you can’t differentiate yourself inthat short of time, so you end up sounding like everyone else. At NextStep Solutions, we teach our clients the 2-MinuteEngagement—and the differences are profound! In essence, here’s how it works: get in the habit of asking the otherparty “What do YOU do?” first. Then, when they reciprocate—and they always do—you tell them how what you do,applies to what they want/need/seek. For instance, when a plumber asks me what I do, I DON’T say “I’m the CEO ofNextStep Solutions”. Why? Because we’re not a household name—yet! That doesn’t mean anything to them. Instead, Isay, “We engage plumbers and help them convert the numerous inquiry calls they receive, into firm appointments”.Wow. THAT means something to them. (True story: we picked up a new client in S.A. by doing that). Following that, youask a qualifying question or two, to see if they’re a candidate for your value equation. We next create a sense of urgencyand FINALLY, own and control the Next Step, so both parties know what happens next. Good luck, Brad.

Jack's StackHere is this issue's Jack Stack, a great deal on some of our products:All all 3 items for only $40, over 33% off the original price or said another way,BUY TWO GET ONE FREE. You get our Life's A Sales Call Book and Jack'sSnacks Calendar, plus our newest book - Ma's Cookbook. Select the emaillink below to receive the special offer, purchase instructions:

I would like to order this month's Jack Stack!

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In The PatchBelow are a few photos from our latest events and adventures. Each Sentinel will show you a few pictures of wherewe've been between issues. Stay tuned, you may be in our issue.

On The TubeWe post new videos on our YouTube channel, NextStepBroadcast, all the time. You can play a few of our videos below,just move through them by selecting the arrows on the side of the box. If you do not see the video box below click thislink to go to our channel: NextStepBroadcast

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Crusader CornerNot to honk our own horn, but here's what our clients think about us:

- "Very industry appropriate, along with great suggestions."- "Solid information! It moves away from old school to the new school."- "High energy and a great sales process. This will be beneficial for ourbusiness."- "Excellent workshop that was very informative and entertaining."- "Simple steps to follow after training. The training went through thecomplexities of relationship sales - great job!"

Where In The World Are WeHere is were NextStep Solutions will be training, speaking andworking in the near future:

- Tamarac, FL (Client Engagement - PuroClean) (April 20-21)- San Antonio, TX (Client Engagement and Meetings - Friedrich) (May 2)- Conroe, TX (Client Engagement - TIREMAX) (May 3-4)- Houston, TX (Speeches and Events, Client Engagements) (May 9)

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Editor's Cornerby Luann Stec

What does one do when handed 3,000+ business cards and a CardScan? Onebegins to scan and scan and scan. My goal, to create a usable marketing databasewhich NextStep Solutions would utilize to reach out and contact their closestfriends, business associates and acquaintances.

The once no nonsense business card; simply included your name, company, title,address and "a single" phone number. The card has now evolved into asophisticated piece of information including the basic info plus a whole lot more;

"multiple" contact numbers, email addresses, web addresses, product information, pictures and often personal slogans.I could think of an additional piece of information that could be included.…LOL

A 3,000+ email blast went out inviting all to be part of our Sentinel audience. The consequence being, I found in myInbox several "delivery failure notices". I recently learned that those messages actually mean something other than"delete".

The learning experiences have been numerous, what a hoot I have had. What should I do with 3,000+ business cards,which are now in bundles of 200, alphabetize?

Select the Century Club Logo formore information about ourCentury Club! Be 1 of 100 eliteBusiness Owners and Professionalsthat we are working directly withevery month to improve revenueresults and gave more sales. JoinToday!

© 2011 All Rights Reserved - NextStep Solutions, Inc. Duplication, reproduction or reprints only with the express permission of NextStepSolutions. Although, feel free to forward this document to friends and colleagues. All trademarks are the property of NextStep Solutions or

their respective owners. The NextStep Sentinel is full of great information for sales professionals and others interested in improving their life.The NextStep Sentinel is distributed solely by NextStep Solutions, Inc. Feel free to contact us at:

[email protected]

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