  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v11.00

    • Significant New Featre!

    o Created native 64-bit version of Global Mapper, allowing users of 64-bit

    versions Windows to work with much larger data sets.

    o dded support for e!porting loaded data directl" to #$%&Geo#$% files. 'hisincludes keeping all vector features as separate entities rather thanrasteri(ing them.

    o dded support for directl" loading #$%&Geo#$% format files.

    o dded support for e!porting loading vector data to $WG format files.

    o )uilt-in $igitalGlobe imager" access was updated to have much better

    worldwide coverage.o dded free built-in access to global street-level maps from

    * via the %ile-$ownload *nline mager" menucommand.

    o dded support for e!porting Geo'%% files with or more bands of data and

    /6 bits per band, thus allowing multi-spectral input files to be output withoutlosing an" information.

    o dded new Map 0a"out option under the 'ools menu and on some right-

    click menus to allow more control over the displa" of the elevation legendand distance scale, as well as new support for adding margins and a northarrow to "our map displa"&e!ports.

    o dded real-time displa" of current cursor information 1location, distance,

    elevation2 to $ #ath #rofile dialog. n addition, "ou can now also click todefine a sub-path on the $ #ath #rofile dialog and get information aboutthat sub-path displa"ed.

    o dded abilit" to easil" create s"mbols from common shapes like dots,

    s3uares, diamonds, and stars of a user-selected si(e and color an"where thata point s"mbol can be selected.

    o dded abilit" to add custom point s"mbols from #G, G%, and 5#G images

    1in addition to the current support for )M# and C* files2. 'his includessupport for translucent s"mbols b" using #G files with an alpha channelfor transparenc".

    o dded abilit" to add custom point s"mbols from vector format files,

    including M%, $7%, and Global Mapper s"mbol 1.gm8s"m2 files, whichare 9ust +C 7:; files.

    o dded support for scaling point s"mbols, allowing "ou to change of e!isting

     point s"mbols either b" some fi!ed percentage or to make them a fi!ednumber of meters in height on the displa".


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    file. 'his can help manage large collections of vector >M0 files that wouldotherwise overwhelm Google arth.

    o dded support for averaging "our G#+ position to create a more accurate

    wa"point when tracking a connected G#+ device.o dded new +earch-+earch and ?eplace menu option to allow easil"

    searching for a particular te!t item and replacing that with a new value,including appending or pre-pending te!t to e!isting values.o #rompt users for location of missing files when loading workspaces rather

    than 9ust skipping the load of those files.o dded estimated completion time to progress dialog for operation that take

    longer than @ seconds.o dded support for named views that are saved to a workspace file rather

    than globall" shared, thus allowing "ou to easil" share views viewworkspace files.

    o dded support for adding area and line features to a running instance of

    Global Mapper using the !ternal Control # interface.

    • "igiti#er$E%it Tool En&anceent!o dded toolbar for $igiti(er&dit 'ool to make it easier to perform man"

    commonl" used operations.o dded abilit" to create new line features b" tracing them without clicking at

    each verte! with the $igiti(er&dit 'ool.o dded abilit" to rotate and scale features.

    o dded abilit" to combine arbitrar" area features.

    o dded abilit" to find the intersection of two area features.

    o dded abilit" to crop selected line features to a selected area feature.

    o dded abilit" to appl" attributes to selected line features from selected area

    features that the lines are completel" enclosed within.o dded a new feature to the $igiti(er&dit tool allowing "ou to select one or

    more points, then right click and assign attributes to those points based onthe top-most area feature with attributes that each point is contained in.

    o dded a new feature to the $igiti(er&dit tool allowing "ou to create labeled

     point features at a regularl" spaced interval along selected area and linefeatures. 'his is in the dvanced %eature Creation right-click menu.

    o dded a new feature to the $igiti(er&dit tool allowing "ou to resample

    selected area and line features at a regularl" spaced interval along selectedarea and line features. 'his is in the dvanced %eature Creation right-clickmenu.

    o dded a new feature to the $igiti(er&dit tool allowing "ou to simplif"1reduce the verte! count2 of selected line and area features b" removingvertices that do not significantl" contribute to the shape of the feature.

    o dded a new feature to the $igiti(er&dit tool allowing "ou to smooth

    selected line and area features b" moving e!isting vertices to create asmoother appearance.

    o dded option to split selected line features into separate line features for

    each segment under the dvanced %eature Creation sub-menu in the

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    $igiti(er 'ool.o dded option to calculate view sheds at each point feature selected with the

    $igiti(er 'ool rather than 9ust at the clicked location.o llow generation of $ path profiles from selected area features using the

    $igiti(er 'ool 1previousl" onl" lines were supported2.

    •New Spporte% Forat!

    o dded support for loading from and e!porting to #$%&Geo#$% format files.

    o dded support for e!porting loaded vector data to $WG format files.

    o dded support for e!porting loaded data to Window bitmap 1)M#2 format

    files.o dded support for loading Mr+$ MG4 0idar files.

    o dded support for loading =ertical Mapper 1Mapnfo2 Grid&Clutter format

    files.o dded support for loading AC' 1Auick Chart2 and A$ format files.

    o dded support for loading Google +ketch

    nown-'e!t 1W>'2 format for storing feature geometr".

    • Iage (ectification En&anceent!

    o dded checkbo!es to allow easil" turning individual control points on and

    off to see how it affects the rectification.o dded an optional crosshair displa" traversing the entire (oomed and

    reference image views.

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    o dded d"namic cursor location displa" for reference image view.

    o dded displa" of the selected rectification method to the dialog title bar.

    o dded support for using a Belmert 1similarit"2 transformation when

    rectif"ing imager" and vector data la"ers.o Made pol"nomial rectification with 6 or more control points use a Dnd

    degree 1ED2 e3uation.o Made CtrlF0eft Click in the ;oomed =iew automaticall" fill in the pro9ected

    coordinates and also (oom the ?eference =iew to the same appro!imatelocation and (oom scale if possible.

    o Made CtrlF0eft Click in the ?eference =iew automaticall" fill in the pi!el

    coordinates and also (oom the ;oomed =iew to the same appro!imatelocation and (oom scale if possible.

    o dded option under the *ptions menu to automaticall" save the control

     points 1GC#s2 to a GC# file when closing the dialog.o Made the control point list resi(e when the dialog is resi(ed.

    • )ro*ection$"at +&ange!

    o dded built-in support for the 5apanese #ro9ection +"stem 1(ones - 772,the #hilippines Grid pro9ection 1(ones /-2, and the +inusoidal 1ntegeri(ed2 pro9ection.

    o dded built-in support for Clarke /H66 uthalic +phere, $@ 1orth +ea2,

    $@ 1orwa" *ffshore 6D2, $@ 1orwa" *ffshore +6D2, 5G$D@@@15apan2, 0>+D 10atvia /D2, $H 1+outh Carolina B#G2, aparima/ID, ?ome /4@ JMonte MarioK 1w& ?ome meridian2, +?G+ D@@@1)ra(il2, +outh merican /6 1)ra(il2, Wisconsin - )urnett Count",Wisconsin - $ouglas Count", and special M*$+ spheroid-based datums.

    o dded support for a Central 0ongitude parameter for the Geographic

    10at&0on2 pro9ection to allow re-centering a lat&lon displa" on a longitudeother than @. 'his allows for easil" wrapping maps near the anti-meridian.

    o dded built-in support for Mars D@@@ sphere and polar sphere datums and

    ellipsoids.o dded support for Maine C+D@@@ +tate #lane (ones.


  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    o Corrected transformation for >ertau /4H, #?+D, and 'imbalai /4H

    datums 1incorrect since v/@.@/2.o mproved accurac" of '% %rance datum conversions 1the" now agree with

    the official results to within / centimeter2.o mproved accurac" of ?*M /4@ and WG+ID datum transformations.


  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    value in an" attribute, rather than 9ust a single selected attribute.

    • utomaticall" use bilinear interpolation when e!porting repro9ected or resampled

    raster la"ers that are not palette-based.

    • dded abilit" to label features based on the feature t"pe, description, and&or source

    filename as well as attributes when setting up feature labeling for a vector la"er via

    the *ptions dialog for the la"er from the Control Center.• dded support for e!porting loaded area data to multi-patch +hapefiles.

    • $ramaticall" increased speed of raster and elevation e!ports cropped to areas with a

    large number of vertices.

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    • Changed %*'8BGB'8M'?+ to %*'8B'8M when writing out st"le

    information via attributes so that it would fit inside the /@ character attribute lengthlimit for $)%&+hapefiles.

    • dded a new option to the dvanced section on the General tab of the

    Configuration dialog to specif" that lat&lon values in the status should be displa"ed

    in WG+H4 rather than the current datum selected on the #ro9ection tab of theConfiguration dialog.

    • +ped up gridding of 0idar 0+ files when using the option to remove ground shot

     points during the gridding operation.

    • llowed use of up to D@ (oom levels 1instead of /2 when generating tiles for

    displa" in =irtual arth.

    • %i!ed problem with specified sample spacing not being maintained when gridding

    to a fi!ed width in ground units during e!port and also appl"ing overlap. 'his bugwas introduced in the v/@.@D release.

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00



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    • dded support for saving elevation values from multi-point ; +hapefiles.

    • dded option to combine all vector la"ers into a single la"er when e!porting a

    Global Mapper #ackage file.

    • +ignificantl" sped up access to the +?'M and $ data sources using the %ile-

    $ownload *nline mager" menu command.

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  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    • %i!ed bug with changes on the #alette tab of the *ptions tab for '%% files not being

    applied to overview la"ers 1i.e. it onl" worked when (oomed in on the la"er2.

    • $ramaticall" improved performance of e!ports from large numbers of Mr+$ files.

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    3uadrant&bearing&distance input or distance&bearing input. lso addedsupport for entering $M or $M+ bearings as decimal values, like 4@.@D@for 4@ degrees, @ minutes, and D@ seconds.

    o dded new right-click options to the rea +t"les, 0ine +t"les, and #oint

    +t"les tabs of the Configuration dialog to allow saving the current st"le

    settings to a file and restoring st"le settings from a file.o dded new ++G8':# command to the scripting language to allow

    classif"ing loaded vector features based on one or more attribute&displa"label value 3ueries.

    o dded support for loading +*+ format files 1commonl" used in orwa"2.

    o dded abilit" to easil" shift loaded data b" some fi!ed distance b" right

    clicking on them in the Control Center and selecting a new option to shiftthe selected la"er1s2.

    o Made batch conversion remember the last used import and e!port formats as

    well as the last used settings for a previousl" used import&e!port formatcombination.

    o Made G#7 files with links pointing to local image files behave 9ust like 5#Gfiles with 7% positioning data and show the image when "ou click on the point with the %eature nfo tool. 'he linked images will also e!port to >M;files.

    o dded new +lope $irection shader to allow coloring loaded terrain files b"

    the direction that the slope faces 1the coloring can be setup on the +hader*ptions tab of the Configuration dialog2. :ou can also now e!port slopedirection values to %loat&Grid files.

    o dded option to batch converter to add a watermark image.

    o dded new option to onl" displa" area labels when the label is completel"

    contained within the parent area to the =ector $ispla" tab of the

    Configuration dialog.o Made the option to displa" selected feature measurements 1including

    combined values2 in the $igiti(er&dit 'ool work even if onl" line featuresare selected.

    o dded abilit" to displa" an" custom NelevationN units string that "ou want

    on the elevation legend b" right-clicking on the legend and selecting theoption to specif" a custom unit string.

    o dded support for e!porting to $e0orme track and wa"point formats.

    o dded support for e!porting loaded area and line features to ;MapF

    7:+egd te!t files.o dded option when generating Global Mapper #ackage files to store each

    la"er in its native pro9ection rather than in the current view pro9ection or inlat&lon&WG+H4.

    o dded new option to the =ector $ispla" tab of the Configuration dialog to

    alwa"s show vertices for features selected with the $igiti(er&dit 'ool. 'hismakes it easier to edit the vertices of area and line features without beingoverwhelmed b" displa"ing all feature vertices.

    o llowed rasteri(ation of vector data to an" si(e to e!ported image file

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    1previousl" "ou were limited b" the largest bitmap that could be allocated on"our s"stem2.

    • )ro*ection$"at(elate% A%%ition! an% +&ange!

    o dded built-in support for the Wisconsin Count" coordinate s"stems.

    o dded built-in support for $eir ( +or, g"pt Gulf of +ue( +-6@ '0,

    stonia /I, %$ /H, Berat orth, +, 5ordan, >orean /H, >orean/, *cotepe3ue 1Costa ?ica2, ?e"k9avik /@@, and 'rinidad /@datums.

    o dded built-in support for the Clarke /HH, $anish /HI6 and Clarke /HH@

    1G2 ellipsoids.o dded built-in support for linear units of Clarke %eet.

    o dded #+G codes for >G$ 1>orean Geodetic $atum2 and Mercator

     pro9ection used in Google Maps and =irtual arth 1code IH2.o %i!ed problem with $utch 1?$2 datum transformations in the v/@.@/

    release.o dded support for decoding )onne pro9ections from *(i!plorer .map files.

    o dded support for decoding pro9ection names from CW files stored as#+GPepsg8code in the pro9ection name and also encode unknown pro9ections that wa" in e!ported CW files.

    o mproved accurac" of >>5 datum conversions and added >>5 pro9ection

    #+G codes.

    • dded option to #ath #rofile&0ine of +ight dialog when matching the elevation scale

    to the draw scale to allow users to enter a vertical e!aggeration to appl".

    • dded new batch conversion option to skip e!isting output files.

    • dded new batch conversion option to disable anti-aliasing 1interpolation2 in all

    cases, even when it is automaticall" applied for repro9ection or resampling.

    dded new batch conversion option to minimi(e the main window while theconversion is running.

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    in a shader.

    • %i!ed problems with labels for ver" short lines not showing when (oomed wa" out

    on them.

    • ?educed memor" re3uirements for loading Belava $M format files.

    • %i!ed color problems with CM:>-encoded 5#G files from dobe #hotoshop.

    • %i!ed problem generating iso-height contour areas in some rare situations.• dded a new option when batch converting to %loat&Grid format files to e!port

    slope values rather than elevations.

    • M08;**M8+C08%C'*? script parameter not


    • dded support for overriding the default naming convention for 0idar class names

    using a lidar8classes.t!t file enumerating 0idar classes and the new name to use forthose classifications.

    • %i!ed problems with some features being missing when loading some +?

     personal geodatabase 1.mdb2 files, like those from the B$.

    • M0 import to support color specified for icons.

    • When batch converting files that are loaded in the main map view with contrastad9ustment enabled, use the contrast ad9ustment settings of the loaded files duringthe conversion.

    • dded support for loading clutter and height files similar to M+ #lanet but with .cl

    or .he e!tensions and a 0ist file rather than a nde! file.

    • dded new option to Google Maps and =irtual arth e!ports to allow skipping

    e!isting tiles. 'his provides a mechanism for restarting cancelled e!ports or 9ustupdating part of a data set.

    • mproved compression ratio achieved in 0;W-compressed Geo'%% files.

    • %i!ed problem e!porting +hapefiles split b" la"er&description when the

    la"er&description includes special characters like LL or LL.• llow the Control Center dialog to be resi(ed to be more narrow.

    • dded option when batch converting from

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    • dded new option to the *ptions menu on the #ath #rofile&0*+ dialog to allow

    modif"ing the start distance for the distance scale in the path profile graph.

    • When gridding during e!port and using a letter to name rows and&or columns, keep

    the letter as lower case if it was originall" specified that wa".

    • %i!ed problem with default line simplification not being applied during contour

    generation unless "ou actuall" click on the +implification tab.• When gridding to selected area features, allow the overlap setting to be applied if

    "ou are 9ust cropping to the bounds of each area feature.

    • Corrected half-pi!el shift in the placement of loaded G7% files.

    • %i!ed problem reading palette color labels with spaces in them from .pal files.

    • Made the shot point number field in e!ported +G-#/ files be right-9ustified.

    • ncreased the number of recentl" opened files that are remembered on the %ile menu

    from 4 to 6.

    • Made the +earch-+earch b" ttributes dialog alwa"s displa" the current number of 

    selected items.

    •dded option to feather blend to the outside of a pol"gonal boundar" rather than tothe inside.

    • dded option to generate ?+ files when doing elevation-format )0 e!ports.

    • llowed cropping a raster la"er to multiple selected pol"gons when using the

    Cropping tab on the options dialog for the la"er.

    • %i!ed error reading some Mapnfo M%&M$ format files.

    • dded support for .9gw! as a 5#G world file e!tension.

    • Made the dialog displa"ed when editing multiple features at the same time be


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    • dded support for loading 5#G files with embedded 7% G#+ position data. 'hese

    files will be loaded as point features with picture icons. When "ou select one ofthese with the %eature nfo 'ool, the 5#G image will be displa"ed.

    • dded support for tracking and managing multiple G#+ devices via an input G#+

    data stream including R#?= sentences. With a compatible receiver, "ou can nowuse Global Mapper for fleet management. 'here is a new Manage G#+ $evicesoption under the G#+ menu that provides e!tensive functionalit" for managing thecollection of G#+ devices being tracked.

    • dded new Color Grade tab to raster options dialog to allow comple! manipulation

    of color channel values and saturation for loaded raster files. 'his allows LgradingLeach color channel from a specified input range for a color channel to a specifiedoutput range.

    • dded support for e!porting loaded data to '% format files.

    • dded support for e!porting an alpha channel to CW and 5#GD@@@ format files,

    thus allowing creating of files in those formats with transparenc" built-in.

    • dded button to the toolbar for the +earch-+earch b" ttributes menu command.

    • dded option to add 7 and : coordinate attributes to selected point features via the

    right-click menu in the $igiti(er 'ool.

    • dded new option to the distance&bearing&C*G* input to close a path using the

    Lcompass ruleL and to edit the start location.

    • dded abilit" to right click on a point in the +earch b" ttributes dialog and start a

    new distance&bearing&C*G* line from that point.

    • dded new batch conversion option to NMake a +ingle Color 'ransparentN. 'his

    will allow "ou to choose a color to make transparent when batch converting rasterformat files.

    • dded support for loading #$+&=icar format data, which is commonl" used b" + for planetar" data sets.

    • dded new item to the right-click menu in the $igiti(er 'ool when area features are

    selected to populate the attributes of those areas from the attribute tables of a single point contained within those area features.

    • dded new dvanced Creation *ptions sub-menu to the right-click menu in the

    $igiti(er 'ool when area and&or line features are selected. 'his menu now containsthe options to create lines from area, create areas from lines, create terrain fromareas, as well as a couple of new options 1see below2.

    • dded option to the dvanced Creation *ptions menu of the $igiti(er 'ool to

    create new point features at the centroid of selected area features.

    • dded option to the dvanced Creation *ptions menu of the $igiti(er 'ool to

    create new point features from the vertices of selected area and line features.

    • dded new options to the right-click menu option of the $igiti(er 'ool for creating

    rectangular&s3uare area and line features b" manuall" entering the rectanglecoordinates.

    • dded new built-in point t"pes for 0$? point t"pes to make it easier to filter out

    different 0$? points loaded from 0+ and 'errascan 0$? files.

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    • +ped up e!port to Geo'%% files when a large number of input files are being


    • dded support for adding multiple custom s"mbols at once when adding custom

    s"mbols on the #oint +t"les tab of the Configuration dialog.

    • dded automatic positioning of *+G) /@> grid cells in '%% format.

    • mproved generation of image-optimi(ed palettes in cases where over /6.I million pi!els with the same color are involved in the e!port.

    • dded abilit" to select which la"ers to load from an +? personal geodatabase

    1M$)2 file.

    • dded new palette option during batch conversion to use the same settings as the

    source file. 'his allows "ou to convert a mi!ture of ?G) and palette-based files andmaintain their original settings.

    • dded built-in support for the $ouble +tereographic and +"stem /6 1M0 raster e!ports using the

    super overla" feature if vector data is being e!ported. 'his is to prevent problemswith the multiple la"ers of images showing through in Google arth when (oom inon transparent areas which are prevalent in vector e!ports.

    • Made filename parameters for script commands referencing loaded files 1like


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    description of loaded la"ers in case no matching filenames are found. 'his allowsmatching against created la"ers that are not backed b" a filename, like the results ofa previous C*M)8'?? or G?'8C*'*

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    Configuration dialog is set to L+tatute 1ft2L.

    • %i!ed problem batch-converting to Geo'%% files using a min-is-black or min-is-

    white palette.

    • dded options to rdas magine e!port to control the block si(e, whether or not

    compression is used, and whether or not to add overview 1p"ramid2 la"ers.

    • dded progress bar for length" area volume calculations.• Made +urfer )0 files be automaticall" detected and imported with no user


    • Made $elft $ .ldb files be automaticall" detected and imported with no user


    • dded support for reading place point features from *pen+treetMap 1*+M2 files.

    • %i!ed problem with attribute displa" in +earch b" ttributes dialog when loading

    new files with the dialog open.

    • dded new line drawing st"le, N+olid with )lack dgesN.

    • %i!ed bug in v/@.@@ which caused vector features to not be selectable if an" fi!ed

    screen position la"ers that are set to alwa"s draw on top are loaded.• Modified the bearing displa" in Global Mapper to be based on the #osition $ispla"

    %ormat selection on the General tab of the Configuration dialog. +o if "ou have thatset to $M+, "our bearings should show up that wa" as well.

    • dded support for M#?&M#B files larger than DG).

    • ?educe memor" re3uirements for loading large = $M format files.

    • %i!ed problem in v/@.@@ release with users being prompted to confirm pro9ection

    for $H-based pro9ections from old-st"le #?5 files or pr9.adf files.

    • dded support for loading truncated 0idar 0+ files.

    • dded support for loading ver" large /6-bit )M# files.

    • Corrected color displa" in the status bar as "ou move the cursor around the map

    over loaded '%% files.

    • dded support for user-specified tile si(e when generating >M0 super overla"s.

    • Made the last palette selection be remembered for batch conversions.

    • dded support for additional flavors of M*$+ data in B$% format, like the ++'

    1sea surface temperature2 data.

    • %i!ed problem with some new line st"les from v/@.@@ not drawing properl" when

    used as area borders.

    • Corrected rotation of te!t labels from some $7% files.

    • %i!ed problem with multiple consecutive spaces being reduced to a single space

    when reading in attributes from +C te!t files.

    • Made the te!t LOnL be interpreted as a newline character in attribute values read from

    +C te!t files.

    • dded 0=08$+C attribute to features imported from $G vH and later files if

    the file contains a te!t description for the level of the feature.

    • %i!ed problem with translucenc" setting not alwa"s working with '%% files in map


    • dded abilit" to use custom palettes when e!porting Geo'%%, #G, or rdas

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    magine files from scripts b" providing the palette filename as the value of the#0'' parameter, like #0''ENCPOm"8palette.palN.

    • Greatl" sped up the addition of 5#G files to map catalogs.

    • Made M and 0)0 fields be preferred for labeling over fields that 9ust start

    with M or 0)0 when loading +hapefiles.

    • dded support for addition font st"le information from attributes using%*'8+':0, %*'8WGB', and %*'8#0CM' attributes.

    • Changed name of automatic M*$%$8$' attribute to M*$8$' to avoid

    attribute name length issues with +hapefiles.

    • %i!ed problem when geo-coding to loaded data from a file that contains the address

    number and street name in the same field.

    WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v10.00

    • Significant New Featre!

    o dded support for importing +? personal geodatabase 1M$)2 files.

    o dded support for importing and e!porting )ig'%% files, which allows

    working with 1Geo2'%% files larger than 4G).o dded support for generating super overla"s in raster >M0&>M; e!ports to

    allow for the viewing of massive 3uantities of data in Google arth. 'hee!isting option to automaticall" grid data on the >M0&>M; raster e!portoptions dialog enables this behavior.

    o dded support for selecting&changing the la"er that features are in when

    editing e!isting features and creating new ones with the $igiti(er 'ool.o dded abilit" to generate raster >M0&>M; files using the

    7#*?'8?+'? script command.

    o dded new Coordinate Convertor option under the 'ools menu to alloweasil" converting a coordinate between an" two supported pro9ections&datums&units.

    o dded abilit" to +earch =ector $ata dialog to limit "our search to the

    e!isting search results. 'his effectivel" allows "ou to 3uer" on multipleattributes&values.

    o dded support for creating new feature coordinates based on

    distance&bearing and&or C*G* values from a start location using the$igiti(er 'ool.

    o dded more control over placement of labels for point features. ow when

    choosing the font to use for point features, "ou can also choose where to

     place the label for the point relative to the point location. n automaticsetting will tr" different locations to tr" and make the label fit.

    o dded a large collection of new available line st"les to use when rendering

    line features or area feature borders.o dded option to crop a loaded raster la"er to the currentl" selected area

    feature to the Cropping tab of the ?aster *ptions dialog accessible from the*verla" Control Center.

    o dded support for e!porting loaded vector data to the Mapnfo ')&M#

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    format.o dded support for e!porting loaded $ line and point data to the +G#/

    format.o dded support for e!porting loaded area features to the $e0orme #ol"gon

    'e!t format that some $e0orme products can import.

    o dded support for loading >' track files generated b" MagicMapssoftware.

    o dded support for loading Gravsoft Grid format files.

    o dded option on the Gridding tab for e!ports to grid to the currentl"

    selected area features. 'his will create a separate e!port file for each selectedarea feature. aming can be done using the displa" labels or an attribute ofthe selected area feature1s2.

    o dded support for generating $ $7% and +hapefiles 1including using an"

    loaded elevation data as a source2 when batch converting to those formats.o Made automatic collar cropping work for )+) charts.

    o dded arrow buttons to the *verla" Control Center to make it easier to

    change the overla" draw order.o dded support for loading files from web

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    o dded new option to initiali(e custom elevation shaders from a palette file.

    o Made the distance scale displa"ed on the main map view and on the path

     profile dialog use the currentl" selected distance measure units. 'his allowsdispla" of nautical and other units on the scale.

    o dded option for fi!ed screen la"ers to force them to alwa"s be drawn on

    top of other la"ers 1including grid lines and user created features2 regardlessof the la"er order in the Control Center. 'his is useful for forcing things likelegends to alwa"s be displa" on top of other data.

    o dded new option when pasting features from the clipboard to not clear the

    clipboard after pasting the features 1shortcut ke" is CtrlF+hiftF=2.o dded option when printing to select the area to print rather than 9ust alwa"s

    using what is on screen.o +ignificantl" improved the speed and reliabilit" of accessing the 0andsatI

    Global mager" Mosaic data la"er through the %ile-$ownload *nlinemager" menu command.

    o dded built-in access to several new aviation chart 1GC, *C, '#C, and

    5C2 la"ers through the %ile-$ownload *nline mager" menu command.o Made rotated line labels be e!ported to $7% files when e!porting line labels

    to $7% files Lnclude $ispla" 0abels as +eparate 'e!t 0a"erL option.o dded new option to the %ont selection dialog to control the label fill

     background mode. ow "ou can force the background to be transparent,which allows labels centered on line features to be drawn with no filler behind them if "ou want.

    • )ro*ection$"at +&ange!

    o dded built-in support for the M+'M 1Mississippi 'ransverse Mercator2

    and ew )runswick $ouble +tereographic pro9ections as well as aconfigurable ?+* 1?ectified +kew *rthomorphic2 pro9ection.

    o dded built-in support for the $HI, 5$6 15amaica /62 and 5$D@@/

    15amaica D@@/2 datums.o mproved accurac" of datum conversions involving the 'ananarive datum b"

    using improved conversion parameters from G.o %i!ed accurac" problem with $@ 1+pain and #ortugal2 and *+G)6

    datum conversions ver" close to and 9ust east of the prime meridian.o mproved accurac" of datum conversions involving the )ogota *bservator"

    1)ogota /I2 datum.o llow the (imuthal 3uidistant pro9ection to cover the entire world rather

    than 9ust half the world around the pro9ection center.

    o dded support for users to add their own #+G codes definitions or modif"the e!isting ones b" modif"ing the epsg8codes.t!t file in the Global Mapperinstallation folder.

    o dded recognition of additional #+G codes for pro9ections 1like


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    o dded support for two e!tra false easting&northing attributes to the +tate

    #lane pro9ection s"stem to support users that use a +tate #lane pro9ections"stem with an e!tra scale factor 1such as for ground vs. grid coordinates2and then appl" an 7: offset to the coordinates after that.

    o dded (ones 6- for Gauss >rueger German" 1-degree (ones2 pro9ection.

    o dded additional +-4D 1#ulkovo /4D2 datum speciali(ations and made the base +-4D 1#ulkovo /4D2 datum automaticall" select an appropriatespeciali(ation to use.

    • dded support for eas" creation of multi-line te!t for area and point features b"

    adding the te!t LOnL to displa" labels for points when creating&editing them with the$igiti(er 'ool.

    • llowed the label for area features to be rotated.

    • utomaticall" combine address ranges for 'iger D@@I line segments that have

    multiple address ranges to make address searching more effective.

    • dded support for additional M'%CC 1feature t"pe2 codes from 'iger D@@I data so

    that features like state and count" boundaries can be automaticall" classified on

    import.• dded new selection mode to the $igiti(er 'ool. f "ou hold down the LL ke" when

    dragging a bo!, onl" features that are completel" contained within the bo! will beselected. 'his is useful for things like selecting a point feature on top of a line orarea feature.

    • Corrected ?+ header e!port to be correct when e!porting )0 files or files with

    e!port units of arc degrees.

    • %i!ed bug when e!porting raster >M0&>M; files to a filename with a special

    character not allowed in 7M0 files, like an ampersand.

    • %i!ed problem with per-verte! time-stamp values being lost in some cases when

    graphicall" moving or deleting vertices with the $igiti(er 'ool.• dded new built-in point t"pe Lddress 0abelL. :ou can disable this t"pe to turn off

    the center address labels automaticall" applied to downloaded online sources, like'erra+erver-

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  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    • When generating +imple +C 'e!t files from a script using the

    7#*?'8=C'*? command, allow specification of attribute e!port e!cept forst"le attributes b" using the parameter 7#*?'8''?+E*8+':0.

    • When importing files from a script&workspace, warn the user if a file does not e!ist.

    • mproved detection of invalid 1void2 values for elevation Geo'%% files that use

    ver" large negative numbers for invalid values and the files do not contain an" validdata.

    • dded support for loading palettes from drisi +M# files.

    • dded option to make background pi!els transparent when batch converting to

    raster >M; files.

    • dded option to generate H-bit palette-based #G files when batch converting to

    raster >M; files.

    • dded automatic detection and correction of incorrect +tate #lane (one encodings

    in some .au! files, such as those produced b" a ew :ork imager" site.

    • %i!ed problem reading the timestamp for tracklog points from G#7 files that are on

    the /st da" of a month.• %i!ed problem with 'riangulation0ib.dll files sometimes not being installed b"

    auto-downloading them if needed.

    • %i!ed rare error loading some $C data sets.

    • When importing +C data files, automaticall" detect lines with a series of .@

    values and allow the user to treat these as feature separator lines rather thancoordinates.

    • +ped up import of GM0 files, particularl" when importing lines or areas with a lot

    of vertices.

    • $rasticall" improved speed when displa"ing some # D@@H 5#GD@@@ imager".

    • dded support for using '%W7 files as world files for '%% files.

    • dded displa" of the number of grid cells being e!ported when doing a gridded

    raster or elevation e!port.

    • dded displa" of the area covered b" the screen to the =iew-#roperties dialog.

    • %i!ed crash when doing more than one e!port to a web-based format 1like =irtual

    arth, Google Maps, etc.2 from a single Global Mapper session.

    • %i!ed B'M0 file created for =irtual arth e!port when using the 5#G format.

    • dded option to $ownload *nline mager" menu command to delete the caches for 

    the various sources.

    • dded ltF? as a shortcut ke" to save the current view.

    • mproved decoding of block labels and attributes from some $7% files.

    • dded support for D additional resolution level e!ports for Google Maps e!ports,allowing up to D cm resolution imager" to be accuratel" represented.

    • llowed for the specification of negative grid cell width and&or height values when

    e!porting and using the Gridding tab. When a negative value is specified the gridcells will be snapped to the right and&or bottom of the e!port bounds rather than theleft and&or top as is normal.

    • When assigning areas to be islands in other areas with the $igiti(er 'ool, allow the

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    user to add areas as islands even if the" are not completel" contained within thetopmost area at the clicked location.

    • Changed the cursor used when selecting features with the $igiti(er 'ool to a

    crosshair from a pointer.

    • dded new CtrlF+hiftFM shortcut ke" to the $igiti(er 'ool to activate move mode.

    • llow D line features that do not share a common endpoint to be combined b"automaticall" adding a line segment connecting the D closest ends of the line whenusing the Combine +elected 0ine %eatures command in the $igiti(er 'ool.

    • dded displa" of some pro9ection information on the Metadata tab of the metadata

    dialog for la"ers and also in the output of the 7#*?'8M'$' scriptcommand.

    • dded option to the batch conversion dialog when converting raster files to disable

    the automatic use of contrast ad9ustment. 'his is useful when "ou have files withmore than H bits per color channel that look better with no contrast ad9ustmentapplied.

    • dded new #?*M#'8%8':#8*W parameter for the M#*?' script

    command to allow disabling the t"pe prompt when importing files for which thet"pe could not automaticall" be determined.

    • dded new option to the + World Wind e!port to allow manual specification

    of the level @ tile si(e to use.

    • llowed use of the $elete ke" to delete ground control points from the rectification


    • %i!ed problem loading some Map'ech )+) charts with unusual pro9ections 1like


    • %i!ed problem with image rectification that would occasionall" cause pol"nomial

    rectification to be used instead of triangulated even if triangulated 1piecewise-

    affine2 should have been used.• Corrected half-pi!el shift when loading +?'M@ and +?'M@F files.

    • dded CtrlF+ as a shortcut ke" to the image rectifier dialog to save the GC# list to a


    • When loading a GC# file in the image rectifier dialog, prompt the user to remove all

    of the current control points if there are an".

    • dded option to the advanced section of the General tab of the Configuration dialog

    to specif" that when cropping to an area feature on e!port that an" cell that has an" part in the crop area should be kept rather than 9ust those for which the center of thecell is inside the crop area.

    • When cropping to selected area features during batch conversion, prompt the user to

    see whether the" want the e!port files to have the bounds of the file being convertedor the selected area features.

    • Made the screen capture dialog remember the last format used and select it b"

    default within a single run of Global Mapper.

    • mproved displa" of some )+) charts that cross the anti-meridian.

    • %i!ed error loading some '% imager" data sets that use 5#GD@@@ compression.

    • mproved positioning of '% imager" that uses ?#C 1pol"nomial-based2

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00



    • #rompt the user to specif" whether /6-bit 5#GD@@@ and CW files are elevation or 

    imager" files rather than 9ust assuming the" are elevation.

    • %i!ed problem with view background color not being in generated image optimi(ed

     palettes in all cases.

    • Made script e!ports automaticall" create the destination director" for the new file being created if it doesnLt alread" e!ist.

    • dded new G?$8MG8#?#$8;?*+ parameter to the script e!port

    commands to allow controlling whether or not (eroes are prepended to named gridtiles during e!port.

    • dded new G?$8MG8+#?'*? parameter to the script e!port

    commands to allow users to control what separator character is used between piecesof a grid name. 'he default is an underscore.

    • dded support for appending column names before row names when gridding on

    e!port from a script b" using the G?$8MGE+#?'8C*0+8%?+' parameter.

    • mproved resi(ing of main map window so that the map data is not constantl"

    redrawn as "ou drag the window to a new si(e.

    • ncreased the si(e of the displa"ed elevation on the G#+ nformation dialog.

    • dded option when batch converting vector data to >M0&>M; files to allow the

    inclusion of displa"ed te!t labels for e!ported area and line features with labels.

    • %i!ed problems reading some '%% files larger than DG) in si(e.

    • dded new shortcut ke" 1CtrlF/2 to (oom the map to the full detail for the

    raster&elevation map at the center of the screen.

    • %i!ed error when tr"ing to e!port vector-onl" data to a raster )0 file.

    • When e!porting #olish M# files using an image $ from a template file and also

    gridding the e!port into multiple pieces, automaticall" increment the image $ ofthe output files to prevent duplicate image $ values.

    • dded new option to alwa"s displa" line labels on the center of the longest segment

    of the line to the =ector $ispla" tab of the Configuration dialog. 'his prevents linelabels from 9umping around as "ou (oom and pan around.

    • dded new option to onl" snap to area and line vertices b" default when drawing

    new features to the =ector $ispla" tab of the Configuration dialog. Bolding the L=Lke" when drawing the new features will toggle this behavior.

    • nable snapping to e!isting features when inserting vertices into e!isting area and

    line features using the $igiti(er 'ool. 'he shortcut ke" to sta" in Ninsert verte!Nmode was changed to the LL ke" from 0' since the 0' ke" is used to disablesnapping behavior.

    • dded option to crop +hapefile e!ports to selected area features. 'his will onl"

    include point features inside the selected area features and line and area features thatintersect the bounding bo! of the selected area features.

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    marine contour 1@!@/@2 lines when e!porting vector data to #olish M# files.

    • %i!ed memor" leak when running a script file with 7#*?'8?+'? commands

    that includes vector data from the command line.

    WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v/.0

    • Significant New Featre!

    o dded support for loading 'iger D@@I +hapefiles with full attribution and

    automatic st"ling and t"pe assignment fromhttpP&&

    o dded support for loading =ulcan$ triangulation files.

    o dded support for e!ported loaded gridded elevation data to =ulcan $

    triangulation 1.@@t2 files.o dded support for loading *pen+treetMap 1*+M2 format vector maps.

    o dded support for loading '% data sets using 5#GD@@@ compression.

    o dded option to directl" e!port the results of the triangulation and gridding

    of loaded vector la"ers from the *verla" Control Center to Global MapperGrid files rather than loading them in the main map view, thus allowinglarger areas to be triangulated and gridded at once without memor" issues.

    o dded abilit" to add per-verte! elevations to features that donLt alread" have

    them.o Made the verte! displa" dialog automaticall" highlight all vertices that are

    selected in the dialog on the map.o Made the +earch b" ttributes&ame dialog automaticall" highlight all of

    the result features that are selected on the map.o dded support for e!porting loaded point features to 'om'om *=D format

    files for creating new point databases for loading onto 'om'om G#+devices.

    o dded support for e!porting loading vector data to $elft $ 1.ldb2 format

    files.o dded option to >M0&>M; vector e!port to make labels for line and area

    features displa" on the map in Google arth.o dded option when generating elevation grids from vector data to ignore

    (ero elevation values.o dded automatic recognition of potentiall" iconi(ed road names when

    editing road features. 'his allows "ou to do things like enter a road name ofL-L and have it automaticall" be recogni(ed as an interstate highwa"

    iconi(ed road name.o dded new option to the %ile menu of the rectification dialog to allow easil"

    saving a world file that represents 1if possible2 the transformation defined b"the currentl" provided control points.

    o dded option to the vector filter dialogs to save and restore a filter to a file.

    o dded "ards and chains as available units of measure when using the

    Measure 'ool.

    • )ro*ection$"at +&ange!

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    o dded built-in support for the MG 1Map Grid of ustralia2 pro9ection.

    o dded built-in support for the ratu and Camacupa datums.

    o mproved accurac" of *+G)6 datum conversions b" using the *+'@D

    tables.o Made )onne pro9ection work properl" when the origin latitude is in the

    +outhern Bemisphere.o dded support for decoding lbers Conic pro9ections from *(i .map files.

    o dded support for correcting the pro9ection of multiple raster files at once

    1onl" if all of the raster files being corrected have the same pro9ection tostart with2.

    o %i!ed problem with displa"ing the e3uator grid line when using the =an der

    Grinten pro9ection.o %i!ed problems encoding and decoding 0ambert C"lindrical 3ual rea

     pro9ection to&from Geo'%% files.

    • dded option to the +hader *ptions tab of the Configuration dialog to reverse the

    color order of the selected shader 1previousl" onl" the B+= shader was reversible2.

    • dded support for reading the track st"le information written to G#7 files b" the

    !pertG#+ software application.

    • dded new right-click option to the %eature nfo dialog to allowing easil" (ooming

    to the e!tents of the selected feature.

    • When an elevation legend is displa"ed, make selecting the =iew-%ull =iew menu

    command (oom the map so that the elevation legend does not obscure an" of theloaded data.

    • When editing e!isting elevation values on the custom shader dialog, edit the value

    in the selected elevation units rather than alwa"s in meters.

    • When digiti(ing new point features, displa" the distance from the last digiti(ed

     point to the current cursor position in the status bar.• dded option to the =ector $ispla" tab of the Configuration dialog to allow

    drawing dots at line endpoint locations 1this is a subset of the e!isting option todispla" all area and line vertices2.

    • %i!ed problem that prevented the description of the L

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    snapped to is in a different pro9ection than the current view pro9ection.

    • Made the displa" label for selected area features be displa"ed if the option to onl"

    highlight the border of selected areas is selected.

    • mproved default elevation unit selection when loading multiple files so that it

    doesnLt alwa"s default back to meters.

    • %i!ed problem with some grid line labels being drawn at strange angles.• dded new +#0'8):80:? parameter to the 7#*?'8=C'*? command in

    the scripting language to allow splitting +hapefile e!ports into files based on thela"er&t"pe of each feature.

    • When drawing new line and area features with the $igiti(er 'ool, render the

    vertices if we are displa"ing the vertices for other line and area features.

    • Made the %eature nfo dialog displa" the enclosed area in addition to the length in

    the Geometr" field for closed line features.

    • llowed band selection for '% imager" with or more bands of data.

    • Made the bit depth be displa"ed in the metadata list for Mr+$ and '% imager".

    dded support for WM+ servers using secure B''# 1i.e. httpsP&& addresses2.• mproved accurac" of area calculations when using the Mercator pro9ection.

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    • Made default attribute lists be applied when changing the feature classification of

    multiple features at a time.

    • Corrected placement of image files positioned using world files with rotation. 

    WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v/.0-

    • Significant New Featre!

    o dded support for e!porting an" loaded data into tiles for use in Microsoft

    =irtual arth. n addition, an B'M0 file will also be created allowingimmediate viewing of the maps. 'he menu option for creating the tiles isunder the new %ile-!port to Web %ormats menu.

    o Moved web mapping formats, like Google Maps, World Wind, etc., to a new

    %ile-!port to Web %ormats menu from e!isting e!port menus.o dded abilit" to batch convert to $'$ and raster >M; formats.

    o dded =ertices button to the %eature nfo dialog to allow displa"ing and

    editing the location and per-verte! elevations for line and area features and

    displa"ing per-verte! time stamps for line features.o dded abilit" to appl" elevation values from loaded terrain data to point

    features using a right-click option in the $igiti(er&dit tool.o dded new right-click menu option in the $igiti(er 'ool to allow easil"

    shifting 1offsetting2 selecting features b" some distance.o dded abilit" to combine multiple attribute values into the displa" label for

    features on the vector la"er options dialog available from the *verla"Control Center.

    o dded new e!ternal control interface to allow e!ternal applications to

    control the view of Global Mapper and also displa" point features on themap loaded in Global Mapper. +ee the $evelopers page athttpP&& for details.

    o dded option to the path profile&line of sight dialog to allow matching the

    elevation scale to the distance scale.o dded support for selecting multiple colors as transparent for palette-based

    raster files.o dded new #alette tab to *ptions dialog for raster la"ers with palettes to

    allow eas" displa" and modification of the palette used for loaded rasterla"ers.

    o dded support for loading #C Geomatics ?W files with

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    also allow (ooming and panning the map.o dded support for having lines a fi!ed width in meters based on attribute

    values named W$'B8M or 08W$'B8M'?+.o dded new G?'80=8G?$ script command to allow generating

    an elevation grid from loaded $ vector data.

    o Made time stamps for each verte! in a G#+ tracklog be saved if availablewhen tracking a connected G#+ device or when loading a tracklog from aG#7 file.

    o Made tracklogs e!ported to G#7 files contain time stamps if the tracklog

    had time information for each verte!.o dded new options to hide all offscreen la"ers and close all hidden la"ers to

    the right-click popup menu in the *verla" Control Center.

    • )ro*ection$"at +&ange!

    o dded built-in support for the )elge /ID 1)elgian 0ambert /ID2 grid

    s"stem, 0aborde 1Madagascar2 pro9ection, and 'ransverse Mercator 1+outh-*rientated2 pro9ection.

    o dded built-in support for the G* /4H datum based on the *slo primemeridian vs. Greenwich.

    o dded built-in support for the 'ananarive /D datum based on the #aris

     prime meridian vs. Greenwich.o dded decoding support for some #olar +tereographic, ustrian Grid, and

     orwegian grid #+G pro9ection codes.o %i!ed *bli3ue +tereographic and $utch Grid pro9ections 1the" were broken

    in v.@@2.o %i!ed 0ambert (imuthal 3ual rea pro9ection to work properl" with all

    datums. 'his fi!es problems with the C*? land cover data not lining up properl".

    o %i!ed problems using ew ;ealand Map Grid with an" datum other than

     ;G$4.o ?enamed some datums 1i.e. $@ and *+G)62 to make them shorter and

    reflect their more common usage.o %i!ed problem loading new format 1W>'2 #?5 files with a datum using a

    meridian other than Greenwich 1i.e. the '% #aris datum2.o dded support for decoding =ertical ear-+ided #erspective pro9ections

    from *(i!plorer .map files.o %i!ed bug using the itoff-Wagner pro9ection.

    o dded centifeet 1hundredths of feet2 as an elevation unit for e!port.

    •Made further improvements to triangulation and gridding to allow even larger datasets to be gridded.

    • When gridding $ point data sets using the %ile-*pen Generic +C $ata %ile

    menu command, made the elevation specific options 1like tightness threshold andgrid spacing2 appear on a separate dialog after selecting the +C options.

    • dded option to make specified e!port bounds be e!actl" maintained at the e!pense

    of the specified sample spacing 1the reverse is the default2 to the dvanced sectionof the General tab of the Configuration dialog.

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    • llowed map catalog files to be added to e!isting map catalog files. n these cases,

    all files referenced in the map catalog being added will simpl" be added to the mapcatalog the" are being added to.

    • dded N+ave sN button on the map catalog options dialog to allow changing the

    filename associated with a map catalog.

    • dded new L+#*' atural ColorL blend mode to combine the color channels in ala"er using the common algorithm for generating natural color imager" from the+#*' B?= multi-spectral sensor.

    •  %i!ed bug writing out $ area features to $G files.

    • Made the LCop" to ClipboardL button on the %eature nfo dialog cop" the actual

    feature to the clipboard for pasting into Global Mapper in addition to cop"ing thete!t attribution for the feature to the Windows clipboard for pasting in a te!tapplication.

    • dded new option to the =ector $ispla" tab of the Configuration dialog to allow

    auto-iconi(ing road feature names on import if the" are recogni(able icon names1like -I@,

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    • dded option to Google Maps e!port to select the default Google Maps background

    la"er that is displa"ed 1i.e. street maps, imager", or terrain2.

    • Made the last searched address be remembered on the %ind $ata *nline and %ind

    ddress dialogs.

    • Made point classification and intensit" be available for 0idar points from 'errascan

    format files.• Made the +earch b" ame and +earch b" ttributes dialogs show a bullse"e on the

    map when "ou double click on a search result.

    • Made running script files that make changes to the main view automaticall" update

    the main view window when the" complete in all cases.

    • Made the L?un in Conte!t of the Main Map =iewL setting on the ?un +cript dialog

     be remembered between runs.

    • llow selection of elevation units when batch converting to the 0idar 0+ format.

    • %i!ed bug with color intensit" values not being used in some cases for some raster


    dded option to the elevation grid generation dialog to allow the user to specif" thatthe" want the generated elevation grid to fill the entire bounding bo! of the inputdata rather than stopping at the conve! hull of the data set. 'his should reall" onl" be used for data sets that ver" nearl" fill the bounding bo! but have corners cut offor something.

    • dded support for reading raster la"out information from .glcf data files.

    • %i!ed problems loading portions of some rdas magine .img grid files with floating

     point samples.

    • dded support for auto-detecting connected M G#+ devices running at 6@@

     baud 1in addition to the standard 4H@@ baud2.

    • %i!ed error e!porting vector data to +B# file if there are more than /@@ attributes

    with the same name to /@ characters associated with a single feature.• dded support for getting positioning information for 5#G files from 5GC files.

    • %i!ed problems loading C$% files where the pen goes up and down within a single

    string of coordinates.

    • dded new ?#8?ender+tarted and ?#8?ender%inished functions to raster&elevation

    import plugin # to allow plugin $00s to be notified of raster begin and endoperations with the bounding bo! being rendered.

    • +ignificantl" sped up the loading of line and area features with a lot of vertices from

    >M0&>M; files.

    • %i!ed problems loading some new Micro$M $M format files.

    • %i!ed problems converting some rdas magine elevation files with void areas torc +C Grid format files.

    • Made elevation values from loaded terrain data be used when batch converting to

    +imple +C 'e!t files and selecting to include elevation data.

    • gnore duplicate point features in $7% )0*C> sections.

    • %i!ed error in some cases when generating view sheds while checking %resnel (one


    • Made cut-and-fill volume calculation operations for areas report the $ surface area

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    of the calculation area in addition to the D$ surface area.

    • +lightl" increased the precision reported for some measurements.

    • dded option to the right-click menu on the *verla" Control Center to allow

    disabling selection of vector features from a la"er.

    • dded support for using a M#8)'80=0 attribute value to specif" the ma!imum

    (oom bit level that a particular feature 1or feature t"pe for default attribute lists2should be visible at in e!ported #olish M# files.

    • dded new area fill st"les 1black cross and black dot on white backgrounds2.

    WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v/.01

    • Significant New Featre!

    o dded support for e!porting an" loaded data into tiles for use in Google

    Maps. n addition, an B'M0 file will also be created allowing immediateviewing of the maps.

    o Made significant improvements to the triangulation and gridding of $

     point, line, and area data. ot onl" is the process now M 1+wedish 'opo2 format raster files.

    o dded support for loading *C$ format files.

    o dded support for loading Map'ech #C7 charts. 0oad these from the

    Map'ech .hdr file in the ChartBdr folder.

    o dded support for loading *(i!plorer .rte format files.o dded support for loading Garmin #C7 .rte format files.

    o dded support for loading ** format post plot data files. 'he" are

    listed under the format +G#/&**.o dded support for loading B%D&B%; format elevation grid files.

    o dded support for e!porting loaded gridded elevation data to B%D&B%;

    format files.o dded new item to the *ptions menu on the #ath #rofile&0ine of +ight

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    dialog to allow specification of how man" sample points 1either b" numberor b" a spacing distance2 to use when generating the path profile.

    o llowed feather blending to use multiple pol"gons.

    o dded several new built-in s"mbols for different well t"pes used in the

     petroleum industr".

    •Made minor improvements to #olish M# e!port, including option to keep $ valuefrom JMG $K section during templated e!ports, to cop" the J%0+K and JM#Ksections from template files, to allow 'e!t attributes longer than H@ characters, andto automaticall" remove the labels from marine spot depth and height points.

    • dded new option to 5#G e!port to allow specification of a $# value to store in the

    e!ported 5#G file.

    • dded $7% vector e!port option to use the filename for the input feature as the

    la"er name in addition to the default of the feature description or the feature label.

    • Scripting ,angage +&ange!

    o dded new C*M)8'?? command to the scripting language to

    allow combining terrain la"ers to generate a new la"er using a script file.

    o dded new $$8M+

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    useful in network environments where "ou donLt want one persons work toaccidentall" overwrite anotherLs. 'his option is in the dvanced section of theGeneral *ptions tab of the Configuration dialog.

    • dded option to have cells from $G vH and later files to be imported as point

    features at the cellLs origin rather than be e!ploded into the features referenced b"

    the cell. 'his option is in the dvanced section of the General *ptions tab of theConfiguration dialog.

    • dded option to have the color number for lines from $G vH and later files to be

    add to the feature description te!t in addition to the level number. 'his option is inthe dvanced section of the General *ptions tab of the Configuration dialog.

    • dded option to generate world files and #?5 files during 'erragen terrain e!port.

    • dded support for getting depth values from a connected G#+ device that embeds

    R+'$)' or R$)' M sentences containing the depth values. %or G#+ devicesthat provide depth, the depth will be used as the ; coordinate for track logs ratherthan the elevation value.

    • dded option to *ptions menu on rectification dialog to automaticall" add control

     points at the image corners.• %i!ed creation of attribute list when marking new wa"points from a connected G#+

    device. #reviousl" the elevation and time stamp attributes were no longer beingsaved.

    • %i!ed problem with elevation units other than meters not being usable for 0idar

    0+ and 'errascan files loaded as point cloud data sets.

    • When loading '%% files with 4 color channels and the 4th color channel is of

    unspecified t"pe, prompt the user to see if this should be treated as an alpha channelor an additional data channel 1like infrared2. 'his allows '%% files created with#hotoshop with an incorrectl" marked alpha channel to be loaded and displa"ed properl".

    • dded new option to the dvanced section of the General *ptions tab of the

    Configuration dialog to automaticall" save backup copies of the current workspaceever" so often. 'hese backup copies will be created in the same folder as theworkspace file and have the suffi! Nauto8backup7N, where 7 is a number from @ to.

    • When generating new area features from the bounds of la"ers in the *verla"

    Control Center, make those new areas have an attribute list consisting of themetadata from the la"er.

    • Made the last selected file t"pe be remembered between sessions on the Geo'%%

    e!port dialog.

    • Made the last selected e!port target compression ratio be remembered betweensessions on the CW and 5#GD@@@ e!port dialogs.

    • Made the last selected 3ualit" setting be remembered between session on the 5#G

    e!port dialogs.

    • )ro*ection$"at +&ange!

    o dded the Winkel 'ripel pro9ection as a built-in pro9ection.

    o dded built-in support for the )$ID 1)elgium /ID2, ML#oraloko 1Gabon2

    and Google Maps datums.

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    o mproved the accurac" of the $@ - +pain and #ortugal datum

    transformation b" having it use a 'vD transformation file.o mproved the accurac" of the MG ustria and #otsdam 1$B$2 datum

    transformations.o dded ndian :ard as an available unit for pro9ections.

    o llowed #+G datum codes to be used to specif" a datum on the pro9ectionselection dialog using the Lnit %rom #+GL button.

    o dded support for decoding #ol"conic 1merican2 pro9ections from

    *(i!plorer .map files.

    • Made the map&chart t"pe for C$?G maps 1i.e. '#C, *C, etc.2 be included in the

    la"er description and metadata for those maps.

    • %i!ed problem with elevation override data not being applied to elevation WM+

    la"ers 1like +?'M and $2 loaded from a script or workspace file.

    • Made the =ertical

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    Mapper for large areas more consistent with what "ou see in other applications.

    • %i!ed bug with fill st"le not being read from generic +C files properl".

    • %i!ed errors rendering CW and 5#GD@@@ files to monitors with e!tremel" high

    resolutions 1t"picall" multi-monitor setups2.

    • dded option to Belp menu to disable the automatic check for updates at

    application startup.• Made it possible to batch convert from +C te!t files 1like 7:;2 to gridded

    elevation formats.

    • %i!ed bug in batch conversion that caused the hori(ontal e!tents of raster or gridded

    elevation data e!ported using a custom spacing to be incorrect in some situations.lso fi!ed problem with an e!tra column and or row being e!ported when thecustom spacing option was used.

    • dded attributes for database linkages to loaded $G files.

    • mproved the handling of break lines imported from $M$% format files.

    • %i!ed problems loading some Garmin #C7 files.

    dded new %ile menu commands to the rectification dialog to allow loading control points and pro9ection information from CompeG#+ .imp and 'ouratech ''A= .calfiles.

    • dded option to specif" offset and scale values to appl" to coordinates loaded from

    M% format files.

    •  o longer save the L?ender reasL, L?ender 0inesL, L?ender #ointsL, and L?ender rea

    and 0ine =erticesL options from the =ector $ispla" tab of the Configuration dialog between runs as this tends to cause confusion. 'he first three will alwa"s be enabled b" default when "ou start Global Mapper and the verte! displa" will now alwa"s bedisabled b" default.

    • Corrected positioning of = files that donLt use the top left coordinate as their

    reference point.• %i!ed problems e!porting attributes with special characters like S and - in their

    name to Mapnfo M%&M$ format files.

    • dded support for loading ?+ files with missing cell si(es. 'hese are apparentl"

    defined as having a cell si(e of /.@.

    • Made the last e!ported bounds be available between runs of Global Mapper.

    • dded an option to the dvanced section of the General tab of the Configuration

    dialog to make the full path to files be displa"ed in the *verla" Control Center forla"ers that do not have an" description other than the filename.

    • llowed selection of which bands are used from multi-spectral %+'-0I 0andsat

    imager" la"ers.• dded support for loading /6-color 14-bit per pi!el2 #C7 files.

    • Made holding down the L#L ke" when selecting a new location in the ?eference

    =iew of the rectification dialog or when using the Measure or $igiti(er 'ools, causethe new location to be snapped to the nearb" point features.

    • Made the default attribute list for a feature t"pe be applied when changing the

    classification of an e!isting feature through the single feature edit dialog.

    • %i!ed problem with missing start row and column of $'$ tiles in some cases

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    when e!porting to $'$ format.

    • When cropping to selected area features during a batch conversion operation, made

    the bounds of the e!ported data also be cropped to the selected area features.

    • dded support for loading *(i .map files with grid coordinates in multiple :8C

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    WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v/.00

    • Significant New Featre!

    o dded direct access to high resolution $igital Globe, Globe7plorer, and

    ir#hotoM0&>M; file

    for displa" in Google arth 1use %ile-!port ?aster and levation $ata-!port >M0&>M; menu command2.

    o dded support for e!porting loaded gridded elevation data to $'$ format


    o dded support for e!porting loaded gridded elevation data and $ vectordata 1including 0$? point clouds2 to 0$? .0+ format files.

    o dded abilit" to make area features partiall" transparent. ver"where that

    "ou can edit an area st"le now has a transparenc" slider allowing "ou toad9ust how translucent a solid filled area will be.

    o dded new %ile-Combine 'errains menu command to allow combining

    loaded terrain la"ers with a variet" of operations, including differencingterrains, averaging terrains, and using the min and&or ma! elevations fromtwo terrains.

    o dded new option to the Color&Contrast d9ust option dialog for raster

    la"ers to allow specification that the contrast ad9ustment should be shared

     between multiple la"ers. 'his allows a consistent contrast ad9ustment to beapplied to all images with that option checked.

    o dded option to view shed calculation to generate area features for the

    covered areas. 'hese generated area features could then be e!ported tovector formats like +hapefiles.

    o dded support for feather-blending elevation la"ers in order to smoothl"

     blend the elevation values of one la"er with an underl"ing one near someedge 1either a pol"gon or the rectangular edges of the top file2.

    o dded support for loading $M$% 1$igital Map $ata %ormat2 files, such as

    those used for lberta $M files.o dded support for loading vector data from M% 1Windows nhanced

    Metafile2 files.o dded support for loading rdas .0 format files.

    o dded support for loading #C7 format image files.

    o dded support for loading point rc =ector Coverage files 1lab.adf2.

    o dded option to the =ector *ptions dialog to allow selecting the attribute to

    use for elevation values for vector features. 'his is useful if "ou want to getelevation values from something other than the default elevation field for a

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    la"er.o dded option to the $igiti(er 'ool to split an area feature into D pieces along

    the segment connecting D selected vertices.o Made the +earch-+earch b" ttributes&ame&$esc dialog be NmodelessN so

    that "ou can interact with the map underneath the dialog without closing the

    dialog.• dded new N+elect llN option under the dit menu to allow easil" selecting all

    loaded vector features.

    • dded support for loading files in a fi!ed location relative to the screen with the

     position of the file being specified in width or height percentage values or relative toan absolute latitude&longitude value in addition to the previousl" available inchesfrom edge values.

    • When specif" custom crop bounds for a raster la"er, allow control of which sides

    will be cropped through check bo!es activating which edges to actuall" crop. 'hedefault is all edges.

    • dded a new NBill +hading +hadow $arknessN control to the =ertical *ptions tab of 

    the Configuration dialog. 'his control allows "ou to control the ma!imum darknessof shadows 1the default is black2. With this setting "ou can cause the shadowing to be capped in high relief areas, thus allowing the use of other controls to better bringout detail in low-relief areas.

    • dded support for drawing the location for a connected G#+ device as a circle or

    transparent triangle with a dot at the center for the G#+ location. 'his support is provided b" the new G#+-=essel +hape submenu.

    • dded option to $7% vector e!port to allow elevation values from loaded elevation

    la"ers to be used as the ; coordinate for e!ported vertices if available.

    • dded option to $7% vector e!port to allow coordinate values to be written out as

    C% 1earth-centered earth-fi!ed2 coordinates rather than in the current selected pro9ection.

    • dded support for performing batch geocode operations from data files using

    currentl" loaded road data. #reviousl" batch geocoding was limited to the

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    /I d9ustment2, >orean Geodetic 1>G$2, 0isbon 1$0!2, +-5'+>,+olomon /6H 1G

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    • %i!ed problem loading comple! shapes from older 1pre-vH2 $G files. 'his

     problem was introduced in the vI.@4 release.

    • mproved decoding and encoding of some 0ambert-based pro9ections with default

    units of feet with CW files.

    • %i!ed garbled displa" of some rare +?#&$?G&

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    • Made filenames in the *verla" Control Center be displa"ed with the same casing as

    the" have on disk rather than alwa"s being all upper case.

    • dded new option to the dvanced section of the General tab of the Configuration

    dialog to allow users to specif" that the default e!port folder should be the folder ofthe first loaded file rather than the last e!ported-to folder.

    • dded new option to the dvanced section of the General tab of the Configurationdialog to specif" that lines in generated world files should be separated with C?&0%1carriage return and line feed2 characters rather than 9ust a 0% 1line feed2 character.

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    • %i!ed rare problem with a handful of iso-height areas not generating properl" during

    contour generation.

    •  o longer break lines over D6 vertices into smaller pieces on e!port to the #olish

    M# format as cG#+Mapper can now properl" handle lines of an" length.

    • Made double-clicking on la"ers in the *verla" Control Center bring up the *ptions

    dialog for that la"er. f "ou hold down the LML ke" when double-clicking theMetadata dialog will appear instead.

    • dded support for the +wiss Grid pro9ection in CW files.

    • %i!ed problems batch converting 0idar 0+ format files to some other formats, like


    • Made automatic $?G-st"le collar cropping work for high latitude Canadian topo


    • dded support for loading M+ #lanet files with a .dat e!tension.

    • Made GM0 files from the *rdnance +urve" load.

    • llowed border and line widths up to @ pi!els wide 1up from /@2 to be selected.

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00



    • %i!ed half-pi!el shift of Geo'%% files that were forcefull" positioned using a world

    file rather than embedded positioning information.

    • dded new advanced selection option to the $igiti(er 'ool to allow selecting all

    line features contained within a selected area feature.

    • Made the false easting&northing values for

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    • %i!ed problems with not being able to change the label attribute used for +hapefile

    features that have a L0)0L attribute associated with them.

    • %i!ed reading of altitude values for wa"points in somee Garmin #C7 .W#' format


    • %i!ed rendering of '%% files with overview la"ers when raster displa" options are

    changed from the defaults. 'his problem was introduced in vH.@D.• llow color band setup for '%% files with 9ust color bands.

    • %i!ed slowdown in rendering&e!porting '%% files. 'his was introduced in vH.@D.

    • When batch converting $?G&+?# files to new raster formats, use the name of

    the internal .MG file for the e!port results rather than the '?+B@/.'B% filewhich is too generic.

    • Made most of the metadata for +$'+ vector la"ers be available on the main

    metadata tab for that la"er to allow eas" cop"ing to the clipboard.

    • %i!ed problems with translucenc", blending, and feathering over the top of


  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    • mproved the name displa"ed for rc =ector Coverage la"ers in the *verla" Control


    • Make default e!port elevation units for $M and Global Mapper Grid e!ports be

    decimeters if metric units are the default so that the full precision of nearl" all datasets will be preserved b" default.

    • dded option to save custom shaders to +urfer C0? format files when editing them.When coupled with the current abilit" to initiali(e a shader from a +urfer C0? filethis provides an eas" wa" to makes copies of custom shaders.

    • dded support for loading new tab-delimited G+ format files.

    • %i!ed problems e!porting attributes as tags to $G format files 1this problem was

    introduced in vH.@D2.

    • Made graphic group codes for D$ lines and points from $G vI files be used as

    elevation values.

    • Made the L(L scan range value for D$ lines and points from $G vH files be used as

    elevation values.

    • dded new G?$8>#8C008+; parameter to the scripting language to allow

    specification that grid cell si(e should be maintained at the e!pense of samplespacing.

    • dded support for reading H-bit palette and gra"scale ntergraph C*' format files. 

    WHAT'S NEW IN Global Mapper v.0-

    • dded the abilit" to load la"ers 1like graphic images2 to be displa"ed at a fi!ed

    location on the screen rather than tied to earth coordinates. 'his allows "ou to addthings like headers and watermarks ver" easil". 'here is a new %ile menu commandcalled N*pen $ata %ile at %i!ed +creen 0ocationN that allows this.

    •dded abilit" to e!port an" loaded data to tiled images for use in +Ls WorldWind application. 'he new World Wind e!port option under the %ile-!port ?aster and levation $ata menu will correctl" break "our data up into tiles at various (oomlevels and also create the necessar" 7M0 file to view "our data in World Wind.

    • dded the abilit" to cop" features selected with the $igiti(er 'ool to the clipboard

    and then paste that copied data into an" running instance of Global Mapper b" usingthe new dit menu options.

    • dded new right-click option to the +earch-+earch b" ttributes dialog to

    allowing cop"ing the selected features to the clipboard. 'hose features can then be pasted into an" running instance of Global Mapper b" pressing CtrlF=.

    • When triangulating and gridding $ vector data, like 0$? and 7:; data, made

    all sample locations outside of the bounding pol"gon of the input data to bediscarded to avoid the spurious data outside of the bounds.

    • When triangulating and gridding $ vector data that includes area features with

    height values, make an" regions inside an area feature be flattened rather than 9usttreating the area features as $ lines. 'his allows making good elevation grids fromthings like buildings as well as allows easil" flattening an area like a lake.

    • dded option to smooth generated contour lines to improve their appearance. 'his

    option is enabled b" default.

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    • dded option when generating contour lines to directl" e!port them to Global

    Mapper #ackage 1GM#2 files rather than displa"ing them on the main map. 'hisallows ver" large areas to be contoured when used in con9unction with the Griddingoption during contour generation.

    • dded abilit" for users to add support for additional raster and elevation e!port

    formats through a $00-plugin architecture. +ee the $evelopers&+$> page athttpP&& for more details.

    • llowed Global Mapper to use up to 4G) of ?M on 64-bit Windows. *n D-bit

    Windows Global Mapper 1like all applications2 is limited to DG) of ?M.

    • dded option to rotate point labels when selecting the font to use for points of a

     particular t"pe.

    • "igiti#er Tool +&ange!

    o dded option to the $igiti(er 'ool to create&flatten terrain within an"

    selected area features that have an elevation value associated with them.o llowed 3uick insertion of multiple vertices in selected features with the

    $igiti(er 'ool b" holding down the 0' ke" when adding vertices. 'his willcause "ou to sta" in insert verte! mode rather than reverting back to thedefault mode.

    o llowed modification of insert verte! behavior to insert vertices on the

    e!isting selected line feature if the +B%' ke" is held down when addingvertices. 'his allows "ou to emulate the behavior of releases earlier thanvH.@/ if "ou prefer things to work that wa".

    o llowed 3uick deletion of selected vertices with the $igiti(er 'ool. +impl"

    use the C'?0F$0' hotke" to delete selected vertices. 'his saveshaving to right-click and select the delete vertices option from the popupmenu.

    o dded new right-click option to the +earch b" ttributes dialog to allow

    selecting all of the selected search results with the $igiti(er 'ool to allowfurther editing after closing the dialog.

    o When reversing the order of line vertices also reverse an" left or right t"pe

    attributes like addressing attributes.o dded option to add address attributes to selected point features using

    addressing information from the nearest line feature to those selected pointfeatures.

    • Scripting +&ange!

    o dded new M#*?'8$?8'? command to allow importing all files in a

    director" tree that match a list of filename masks. 'his is the same

    functionalit" offered b" the %ile-*pen ll %iles in $irector" 'ree menucommand.

    o llowed the user of files with multiple pol"gons when using the

    #*0:G*8C?*#8%0 parameter for an" of the 7#*?'8Q commands.f multiple pol"gons are found in the specified file the pol"gon with thelargest overlap over the loaded data will be used as the crop pol"gon.

    o dded abilit" to specif" template file to use for M# e!port when scripting

    1'M#0'8%0M parameter for 7#*?'8=C'*? command2.

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    o dded abilit" to specif" an image id to use for M# e!port when scripting

    1M#8MG8$ parameter for 7#*?'8=C'*? command2.o Made +#C parameter to the

    G0*)08M##?8+C?#' command to allow specification that ascript&workspace file can onl" be run if another workspace file is alread"loaded.

    o dded )08#?*G?++ parameter to theG0*)08M##?8+C?#' command to allow specification that no progress reporting dialogs should be displa"ed while running a script.

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    o Corrected false northing value for 0ambert = Corse pro9ection.

    o Corrected central meridian for the Auebec M'M ;one D pro9ection.

    o dded abilit" to specif" a scale factor for Mercator pro9ections.

    o mproved handling of some 0ambert %rance pro9ections in Geo'%% files.

    o %i!ed decoding of reland /6 datum from ') files.

    o %i!ed problem from vH.@@ release that caused some #?5 files to not beloadable.

    o %i!ed problems with northing values for a handful of +tate #lane (ones, like

    the M ast (one with the $DI datum.o %i!ed problems with saving and restoring the Botine *bli3ue Mercator )

    and the derived Michigan Georef pro9ections to&from #?5 files.o %i!ed problems saving pro9ections using a Nlongitude of poleN or a Ntrue

    scale latitudeN parameter to new format #?5 files.

    • Made the current view scale be displa" on the status bar.

    • When running the cursor over line features with recogni(ed addressing attributes the

    address under the cursor will be displa"ed on the status bar.

    • dded support for points to have dot or s3uare s"mbols of an" si(e and color when

    loaded from a file. +"mbol attributes now support s"mbol names of$*'8C

  • 8/18/2019 What's New in Global Mapper v11.00


    • %i!ed storage of contour line elevations to #olish M# files when a template file with

    elevation units of meters is used.

    • Made #olish M# e!ports using template files be done in the datum specified in the

    template file if the datum name is known.

    • %i!ed automatic map $ generator for #olish M# e!ports so that valid map $s will

    alwa"s be generated.• Made the ;-level value for custom area t"pes be stored in the custom8area8t"pes.t!t

    file. 'his allows the user to customi(e the ;-ordering of custom area t"pes to getthem to draw where the" want. Currentl" this re3uires editing thecustom8area8t"pes.t!t file and editing the value in the Ith column. value of @ willcause the t"pe to draw below all other area features.

    • %i!ed problems loading te!t from some $G vH files.

    • %i!ed error when loading some $G vH files with raster data in them.

    • Made the last selected t"pe be remembered on the rea +t"les, 0ine +t"les, and

    #oint +t"les tabs of the Configuration dialog.

    • Made the L?estore $efault +ettingsL button on the General tab of the Configuration

    dialog also restore the vertical displa" settings to their default values.

    • Made alpha channels from CW files be used.

    • %i!ed conversion of offset and min&ma! elevation values in feet units on lter

    levations tab of the raster *ptions dialog when pressing the ppl" button.

    • %i!ed e!port bug when using blend modes and transparenc" at the same time.

    • When rectif"ing, made holding down the C'?0 ke" and right-clicking in either the

    (oomed or

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