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What to Eat Before and After Workout

Apart from your workout session, things you eat before and after your exercise play significant role in overall improvement. Heart-pumping exercise that you do

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pushes your body into full gear. It is important to pay attention to what you eat before and after exercise to enjoy the full benefits of a good workout, pay attention to what you eat. Preventing hunger while you are exercising, eating before a workout will give you enough energy, improving your endurance and muscle strength so that you can burn more calories and have better concentration. Foods that you can eat prior to a workout should be light and high in fiber if possible since it easier to digest. Avoid foods that have a lot of fat because they are difficult to digest. Drawing blood into the stomach for digestive purposes, these foods can thus cause pain or cramping if you are exercising. Instead, the food you consume before a workout should give you enough fuel to power a good workout without weighing you down. Some options include fresh fruit such as apples, oranges, and grapes; an energy bar; sports drinks, fruit juice; vegetable juice; boiled eggs; and cereal with milk. When you eat and how much you eat matters a lot. If you eat too much food, you will feel sluggish, possibly nauseous, and your performance will be impaired. The timing of when you eat is significant. If you ate food six hours ago and then work out, your body may feel tired or weak. Eating two hours before a workout enables your body to be full of energy from nutritious foods all properly digested. In addition, you should drink at least one or two glasses of water thirty minutes before you work out. Then your body is functioning well and is properly hydrated and nourished so that you can enjoy a great workout. It is also important to pay attention to what works best for you. You may find that the foods and beverages you consume are different from that of your friend or partner. Experiment and find out what works for you. Also, some foods such as fruits, which are full of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, offer fantastic health benefits as well such as detoxifying the body. Detox foods include liquid beverages from fruit and vegetable sources that can flush out toxins from the body, keep the digestive tract functioning, and pour in nutrients. After your workout, what should you eat? You might have a busy schedule where figuring out your exercise plan in between is challenging. However, the meal you have after a workout is by far the most important meal for you since your body has just expended a lot of energy and needs refueling. After you work out or train, your body is depleted of energy reserves and your muscles have been flexed and worked out extensively. Nutrition is important for the healthy recovery of your muscles, becoming fit, and maintaining lean muscle. Your body needs enough fuel after your exercise to grow stronger. During and after your workout, you should be drinking enough water, at least every ten to fifteen minutes. You will want to eat a mixture of protein and carbohydrates after a workout. This could include (but is not limited to) foods such as fruit and vegetable juice with a sandwich, veggie omelet, eggs and toast, protein shakes, protein bars, dried fruits and healthy nuts, and chocolate milk. Be sure to avoid eating fats since they slow down digestion. Drinking enough water and fluids is important to rehydrate the body; replacing

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potassium, fluids, and glycogen in the body within thirty minutes after you have completed your workout. Called the "golden hour," the first hour after your workout is most important in terms of what you do to replenish the body. Choose foods and fluids that will offer nourishment and replenish the glycogen reserves in your body for healthy recovery.

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