Page 1: What to do for healthy Teeth OCDC Liliana Will Developed by: Institute for Health Advancement

What to do for healthy Teeth


Liliana Will

Developed by:

Institute for Health Advancement

Page 2: What to do for healthy Teeth OCDC Liliana Will Developed by: Institute for Health Advancement

What will the book do for you?

It is written to help you take good care of your teeth and your children's teeth.

Two ways to find things in the book

Table of contents pages v-viii. Content from A to Z pages 191-196.

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Safety Tips (Page 2)

Safety tips will help you keep you mouth, teeth and gums safe. You can hurt your teeth and gums by not being safe. Your teeth and gums help you talk and eat, so you should take good care of them.

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What can I do?

Children should only use a toothbrush at the sink. Never let them walk or run with a tooth brush.

Don’t swallow toothpaste or mouthwash. (call the Poison Control Center if you child swallows a for large amount of mouthwash.)

Don’t allow small children to play with floss. Assist your children when they brush their teeth. (pea-sized

amount of toothpaste) Put safety locks on cabinets that have mouthwash, toothpaste or

any medicines or cleansers that your baby can get to. Do not rub alcohol or numbing gels on your baby’s teeth to ease

teething pain. If you give your baby a pacifier, make sure it is not cracked or

torn. (choke) Never put anything around your child’s neck.

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Prevention of accidents before they happen (Page 3) Use an infant or child safety seat the right way in your car all the times.

(If you have any questions regarding your car seat please ask your FA) Use child gates at the top and bottom of stairs. Lower your crib mattress. (fall or climb out) Don’t leave curtain cords, blind cords, or electric cords where a child

can reach them. Don’t let your child walk or run holding pointed things. Make sure your child wears a mouth guard and helmet when playing

most sports.

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The mouth (Page 8)

What is it? The part of your face you use to talk. It is also used to chew food and

swallow. What do we see:

Teeth Gum Tongue

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Teeth (page 9)What is it?You use them to bite and chew food.

Incisors (cut) Canines, fang teeth or eye teeth (rip and tear) Bicuspids (crush) Molars (crush and grind)

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What can I do at home? Take good care of your teeth Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day. Limit foods with lots of sugar. Use mouth guard if you play a sport. Read this book and learn how to keep your teeth


When should I call the dentist? See the dentist every 6 months. You have pain in your mouth or teeth. You break or hurt your teeth.

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Gums (Page 12)What is it?The pink part around your teeth

What can I do at home?

Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day and clean between your teeth daily with floss.

When you floss, you clean between your teeth and where your teeth touch your gum.

When should I call the dentist?

Your gums get big and puffy. Your gums turn very red. Your gums hurt or bleed. Every 6 months, even if your teeth and gums don't hurt.

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Tongue (Page 14)

What is it? The tongue is the muscle in your mouth that moves. It helps you taste and

swallow food. Your tongue helps you talk

What can I do at home? Keep your tongue clean and healthy. You can use a toothbrush or tongue scraper to clean your tongue.

When should I call a dentist? You see red or white spots on your tongue. Your tongue looks or feels different. Your tongue hurts.

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Dental Plaque (Page 24)What is it?

Dental plaque is a soft, sticky layer of germs on your gums and teeth.

What do I see? It is hard to see. It may be the same color as your teeth.

What can I do at home? Brush your teeth and clean between your teeth daily with floss. Limit snack with lost of sugar.

When should I call the dentist? You need help to brush and floss the right way. To see the dentist every 6 months.

What else should I know? Dental plaque makes cavities and gum diseases.

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Dental Tartar (Page 24)What is it? Dental tartar is the hard stuff that forms on your teeth. It is made of

minerals from spit. It is also called calculus.

What do I see? You may see hard, brittle, crusty, stuff on your tooth, at the gum line.

(black o white)

What can I do at home? Brush your teeth and use floss. The dentist can help you to solve this problem.

When should I call the dentist? You need a checkup and cleaning every 6 months.

What else should I know? Germs live and grow in tartar. You can’t brush off tartar.

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Dental Decay

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Cavity (Page 18)What is it?

Cavity is a hole in your tooth. What do I see?

A cavity may look whiter than the rest of your tooth. You may see a hole that is black, brown, or yellow.

What ca I do at home? Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day. Use tooth paste with fluoride and floss. Eat food that is good for you. Don't eat too many sugar snacks. See your dentist.

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When should I call the dentist?

To get a checkup every 6 months. Your tooth hurts when you eat things that are hot, cold, or

sweet. Your tooth hurts when you chew. Food gets caught in your teeth and you can’t get it out.

What else should I know? Food that have sugar cause cavities. Germs live in your mouth. They use sugar to live. You can get cavity at any age. A cavity may not cause pain until it is large.

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Tooth decay developmentDental caries is initiated by sugars and leftover food on the teeth (bread, potatoes, rice, pasta etc), forming a sticky film called plaque, in which the bacteria lives.

5 minutes after eating or drinking, the bacteria begin to produce acids as they digest food causing tooth decay

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Tooth pain especially after consuming sweet foods or hot and cold drinks

Visible gaps or holes on the teeth Coffee stains on the surfaces of the teeth Inflammation and infection

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Gingivitis (Page 20)

What is it?

A sickness of the gums around your teeth.

What do I see? Your gums may look red and puffy. They may bleed easily and feel tender.

What can I do at home? Brush your teeth and use floss. Take extra time to massage your gums with a soft toothbrush Rinse with ½ glass warm water with ½ teaspoon of salt. To helps

the puffiness go away.

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When should I call the dentist?

If your gums do not get better after 2 weeks. If your gums bleed a lot and are very tender. Call for a check up every 6 months.

What else should I know?

Healthy eating helps your gums stay healthy Some illness can cause bad gum problems.

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Bad Breath (Page 42)What is it? Bad breath is a bad smell coming from the mouth.What do I smell? Rotten eggs. You will not always know you have bad breath.What can I do at home? Brush your teeth and use floss. The germs in your tongue can give you bad breath. Clean your tongue. If you have dentures, old food stuck on the dentures can give you bad

breath. Mouthwashes will only hide the bad breath for about fifteen minutes. Avoid to eat foods that cause bad breath like tobacco, alcohol, onions,

garlic, and some spicy foods.When should I call the dentist? If you think you are having a problem with bad breath.

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Pregnancy ( Page 56)

What is it? The baby grows inside the woman for about 40 weeks.What do I see? Your body changes in many ways. Your tummy gets big and round as the baby grows. You gain weight. You may see changes in your gums.What can I do at home? Take care of yourself. Eat food that are good for you. Do what the doctor says about food, vitamins, exercise, sleep, and

taking care of yourself. Take care of your mouth and teeth.

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What else should I know?

Keeping your mouth healthy will help your baby be healthy. Your baby’s teeth start to form in your second month of

pregnancy. Pregnancy gingivitis is a problem that arises in pregnancy Brush and floss your teeth Visit your dentist if you have any dental problem Do not smoke or drink alcohol Don’t have X-rays of your teeth if you are going to have a

baby. Eat the right foods and take care of your teeth.

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Teething (Page 78)What is it? It is when the teeth start to come out of the gums for the first time. Itmay start between 4 months and 2 ½ of age.What do I see? The baby’s gums may look tender. Teething can make your baby fussy and cranky. Your baby may drool. Babies may put things in their mouths.What can I do at home? Gently rub and clean where the teeth are coming in. Let your baby chew on a clean, wet washcloth that has been in the

freezer for no more that 30 min. Don’t give your baby a teething ring with liquid in it. Don’t rub numbing gels on the baby’s gums It make the baby’s

gums lose feeling. Don’t rub liquor or alcohol on the baby’s gums.

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When should I call the dentist?

To see if you should give your baby medicine for pain. Your baby is still crying, cranky, or has a fever.

What else should I know?

Teething does not cause a fever. Never cut the baby’s gums to help a tooth come out.

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Caring for your baby’s teeth (Page 68)What is it? Making sure your child’s teeth and mouth are healthy by cleaning and

checking them.

What do I see? At first you can’t see your baby’s teeth. (Primary teeth) Teeth may start to pop out from the gum when the baby is about 6

months old. A child will have all 20 baby teeth by about age 3.

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How to clean the gums and to prevent baby bottle tooth decay?

What can I do at home? Start cleaning your baby’s mouth when your baby is few days old. Use a

clean, damp washcloth wrapped around your finger. Never let your child fall asleep with a bottle of milk, formula, fruit juice or

sweetened liquids. Never give your child a pacifier soaked in a sweet liquid. Never give your child a bottle with sugary liquids such as water or sodas. Bring your baby to the dentist before the baby’s first birthday.

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How to take care of my child's teeth when her/his first tooth appears? (Page 30) When teeth appear, start using a infant/child's

toothbrush with soft bristles at least twice a day, preferably after breakfast and before bedtime.

Place the brush at 45 degrees. Start brushing the upper teeth by movement from top to bottom, continue on the back of the teeth. On top of the molars make circular movements.

Proceed to the bottom teeth doing movements from the bottom up, continue on the back of the teeth and then make a circular motion on the molars.

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Floss (Page 36)

1. Use floss daily to maintain healthy gums and teeth free of plaque and food particles

2. Find the best time to floss your baby, possibly at night before going to bed

3. Take 18 inches of floss on the middle fingers and then use your index finger and thumb to guide the floss between teeth. Gently slide the floss taking care not to mistreat the gum

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Fluoride varnish applications (Page 52)

Fluoride varnish helps to prevent cavities and stop cavities that have already started. Fluoride varnish can be used on babies from the time they have their first teeth.

Pre application instructions: The child can not have something to eat and drink before going

to a dentist to receive a fluoride application A child’s teeth may become discolored temporarily as fluoride

varnish has a yellow touch. The teeth will not be white and shiny until the next day

Post application instructions: The child should eat a soft diet for the rest of the day Don’t brush or floss the child’s teeth until the next morning In the morning brush and floss child’s teeth as usual

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Position the child:

Infant: the child will be placed on the parent's lap with the child's head on the parent's knees and the child's legs around the parent's waist or the infant also can be placed on an exam table and work from behind the head

Young child: will have a prone or sitting position

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Sealants (Page 98)

What is it? A sealant is a safe plastic coating the dentist put on top of your back

teeth. (Prevent cavities)

What do I see? It looks like white or clear paint.

What can I do at home? Watch for your child’s six-year molars to come in. Call your dentist when

you see them.

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Baby bottle tooth decay

The caries in infants and young children is called baby bottle tooth decay. It can destroy teeth usually in the upper front teeth.

The decay happens when the baby gets sweetened liquids and those stay in the mouth for a long time. Some sweet liquids including milk, formula and fruit can cause cavities.

Allowing your child to fall asleep with a bottle during naps or at night can cause damage to the teeth .

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Baby bottle tooth decay

bottle of formula, milk, juice, soft drinks, sugar water, sugared drinks or pacifier soaked in honey

Sugars in the liquid change to acid by germs in the mouth

Acid starts to dissolve the teeth enamel

Tooth Decay

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Tooth accidents (Page 83)What is it? Sometimes babies and toddlers hurt their mouth, lips, tongues, or

teeth. They can do that while playing, climbing, falling, or in an accident.

What do I see? Children may bleed when they hurt their face. Blood can come from

their gums, tongue or lips. If they are bleeding, look inside the mouth to see where the blood is

coming from. A piece of the child’s tooth may break off. Sometimes a child’s whole tooth or more than one tooth may come out.

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What can I do at home? Put cold water on a piece of gauze or washcloth if the

child’s teeth or gum are bleeding. If the tooth is broken, rinse the child’s mouth with warm

water. Put a small, cold cloth pad on the face or the area where the tooth came out.

If the tooth is knocked out completely, gently rinse it with salt water or cool tap water. Put the tooth in a cup of salt water or milk or a clean damp cloth. Get it to the dentist right away.

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Healthy food (Page 46)

A healthy diet is one that provides all the nutrients your child needs to grow and develop strong teeth and healthy gums (fruits, vegetables, breads, cereals, milk and milk products, meat, fish and eggs)

A diet high in sugar puts a child at a high risk of developing tooth decay and suffering obesity.

Avoid sweet, sticky foods and snacks between meals. The saliva in the mouth can clean teeth, but needs time to act.

Children who continually eat snacks during the day never give the saliva a chance to rinse his/her teeth.

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Children snacks (Tips)

Offer many options, such as yogurt, celery or carrots, whole grain toast or crackers, apples or oranges

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If your child needs to snack on the go, think beyond a bag of potato chips, offer string cheese, yogurt sticks, cereal bars

Whole-grain snacks such as whole-grain pretzels or tortillas

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Offer something new, such as fresh pineapple, cranberries, red or yellow peppers, or roasted soy nuts. Slice a whole-wheat pita and serve with hummus

Serve baby carrots or other raw veggies with fat-free ranch dressingDip graham cracker sticks or fresh fruit in fat-free yogurtTop celery, apples or bananas with peanut butter

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Use skim milk, fat-free yogurt and fresh fruit to make your own smoothies

Leave fresh fruit in a bowl on the counter

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Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease ( Page 85)What is it? It is a sickness caused by a virus. You can get it easy from someone


What do I see? Small bumps like blisters in the mouth and on the hands and feet. The bumps may be in the diaper area. They may be on child’s legs and

arms. Bumps in the mouth can show up: tongue, gums, cheeks or near the


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What can I do at home?

Talk to the dentist before you do anything. Give the child small amounts of cool water. If your child has a fever, ask your doctor if you should give the

child Tylenol. Wash your hands often. Don’t share food and toys. Keep your child at home.When do I need to call the dentist or doctor? You see bumps in the baby’s mouth.What else should I know? The disease happens more in the summer and the fall. The bumps go away after about a week. You child may not want to eat.

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Mouth Ulcers (Page 69)What are they? It is an open sore and it hurts. It can be on your lips, cheeks, or

tongue. (canker sore)What do I see? The sore is red at first. It changes to a yellow-white color. You may see one or more in your mouth. The sore can last 7-14 days.What can I do at home? Children with a sore that hurts will not eat or drink well. Choose foods that are mild. (No Tomatoes or Oranges)When do I need to call the dentist? If you see a sore in your mouth or your child has pain.What else do I need to do? Don’t use a mouth gel that takes pain away on one of these

sores. It may make the sore feel worse.

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Herpes (Page 108)What is it? It is a germ (virus) that can make a sore on your skin. Those sores may

be near your mouth or nose.What do I see? A small, clear sore filled with liquid. You may see one blister or a group of them. Your skin may itch or tongue before the sore shows up. After a while the crust falls off and the red skin heals. You will see the sore for 7-14 days.What can I do at home? Don’t touch the sore or let the child touch it. Wash your hands after you touch the sore. Don’t share forks, spoons, or glasses with others. Don’t kiss a person with a sore.When do I need to call the dentist? Your child has a sore on the lip or around the mouth.

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Interesting things

Page. 110 -183 Bad Bite

Mouth guard

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Interesting things

Smoking tobacco


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Interesting things

Removable Partial Denatures

Root Canal

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Interesting things

Eating Problems

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