
Speed & Velocity

Uniform Motion

What is the average speed of a cheetah that sprints 100 m in 4 s? How about if it sprints 50 m in 2 s?

A runner makes one lap around a 200.0 m track in a time of 25.0 s. What was the runner's average speed? Average velocity?

If you traveled one mile at a speed of 100 miles per hour and another mile at a speed of 1 mile per hour, your average speed would not be (100 mph + 1 mph)/2 or 50.5 mph. EXPLAIN!

An auto travels at a rate of 25 km/hr for 4 minutes, then at 50 km/hr for 8 minutes, and finally at 20 km/hr for 2 minutes. Find the total distance covered in km and the average speed for the complete trip in m/s.

An auto travels at a rate of 25 km/hr for 4 minutes, then at 50 km/hr for 8 minutes, and finally at 20 km/hr for 2 minutes. Find the total distance covered in km and the average speed for the complete trip in m/s.

A city bus leaves the terminal and travels, with a few stops, along a straight route that takes it 10 km [W] of it starting position in 24 minutes. In another 18 minutes, the bus turns around and retraces its path, ending at a stop 2.0 km [W] of the terminal. What is the average speed & velocity of the bus for the entire route?

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