Page 1: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

What is a gene?

• A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it)

• Genes-made of nucleotides• Proteins-made of amino acids• How does a nucleotide code (in the

nucleus) specify an amino acid sequence (in the cytoplasm)?

Page 2: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

The Central Dogma

• DNA is transcribed into RNA-characteristics of RNA

• RNA is translated into protein

• Advantages

• Exceptions

Page 3: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

LE 17-4


Gene 1

Gene 2

Gene 3

DNA strand(template)







Amino acid



Page 4: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

The Genetic code-characteristics

• Triplet (3 nucleotides=codon=info for a specific amino acid);64 different codons (3 are stop codons)

• Universal• Redundant (61 codons-20 amino acids)-

variability in third nucleotide of codon. Advantages of a redundant code?

• Non-overlapping • Exceptions (ciliates; mito/chloroplasts)

Page 5: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

LE 17-5Second mRNA base







(5 e









(3 e



Page 6: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Figure 17-06

Page 7: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Gene Expression

• If a gene is transcribed and the m-rna is translated (the gene is expressed); a protein is made. This often changes the phenotype of the cell that produces the protein.

• Differential gene expression is involved in embryonic development and cell specialization.

• Totipotency-each cell has the genetic information for an entire organism.

• Differential gene expression results in cell specialization (differentiation)

• Hormones often play a role in gene expression

Page 8: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of


• The first step in gene expression• Takes place in the nucleus• Requirements• A. RNA nucleotides• B. DNA template (gene)• C. Enzymes (RNA polymerase)• Only one of the two DNA strands is copied

(template strand)

Page 9: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

LE 17-7a-2






Transcription unit



Start pointRNA polymerase



Template strandof DNA

Page 10: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

LE 17-7a-3



Transcription unit


Start pointRNA polymerase






Template strandof DNA




53 3



Page 11: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

LE 17-7a-4Promoter


Transcription unit


InitiationRNA polymerase

Start point

Template strandof DNA









3 5


5 3

35 35

RNAtranscript Termination


5 3Completed RNA transcript

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LE 17-7b

ElongationNon-templatestrand of DNA


RNA nucleotides

3 end3



Newly madeRNA

Templatestrand of DNA

Direction of transcription(“downstream”)

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LE 17-8




TATA box Start point




Several transcriptionfactors

Additional transcriptionfactors

RNA polymerase IITranscription factors

RNA transcript



Transcription initiation complex

Eukaryotic promoters

TemplateDNA strand

Page 14: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Transcription-some important details

• Rate-30-60 nucleotides/second• RNA polymerase (Many forms in eucaryotes, 3

basic types in bacteria: type I transcribes r-rna, type II-mrna, types III-trna)

• Promotors-(approximately 100 nucleotides)-strong and weak promotors

• Eukaryotes-transcription factors needed to help RNA polymerase to bind to TATA box (region of promotor 25 nucleotides upstream from initiation site).

Page 15: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

RNA products of transcription

• m-rna

• t-rna

• r-rna

• sn-RNA (small nuclear)

• mi-Rna (micro)

• Si-rna (small interfering)

Page 16: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Not all genes code for proteins (m-rna)-Rrna and t-rna are obvious examples

• Actually, recent discoveries indicate that a large part of the eukaryotic genome is non-coding RNA-Introns

• Small rna (micro rna and small interfering rna)-play a crucial role in the regulation of gene expression involving both transcription and translation. Rna interference (Rnai)

• We’ll talk about regulation of gene expression in Chapter 15.

Page 17: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Ribosomal RNA and ribosomes

• R-rna; one of two important components of ribosomes (other is protein-some of the proteins are enzymes). 60% r-rna; 40% protein.

• Ribosomes consist of 2 subunits • Ribosomes needed to translate proteins• “workbench of protein synthesis”• Position t-rna (which is attached to a specific

amino acid) on the codon of a m-rna• Result is the synthesis of a protein (whose

amino acid sequence is specified by the m-rna; which is transcribed from a gene)

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LE 17-16b

P site (Peptidyl-tRNAbinding site)

E site (Exit site)

mRNAbinding site

A site (Aminoacyl-tRNA binding site)



Schematic model showing binding sites


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LE 17-16a


Exit tunnelGrowingpolypeptide


mRNA 3

Computer model of functioning ribosome




Page 20: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Ribosomal –rna processing

Page 21: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of


• Single polynucleotide chain folded into a complex 3-D shape (inter-chain H bonding). 75-80 nucleotides in length

• Binds a specific amino acid (involvement of amino-acyl-trna-synthetase

• Attaches to a specific m-rna codon via its anticodon

• How many different t-rna’s are there? 61? Actually only 45 (wobble)

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LE 17-14a

Amino acidattachment site




Two-dimensional structureAnticodon

Amino acidattachment site



Anticodon Anticodon

Symbol used in this bookThree-dimensional structure

3 5

Page 23: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

“Charging” t-rna with its specific amino acid

• “charging” enzyme-amino acyl t-rna synthetase (20 different enzymes)

• Requires ATP

Page 24: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

LE 17-15Amino acid Aminoacyl-tRNA

synthetase (enzyme)





Aminoacyl tRNA(an “activatedamino acid”)

Page 25: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Messenger Rna (m-rna)

• Contains the information for the primary sequence of a polypeptide chain

• Consists of codons

• Binds to ribosomes

• T-rna binds to m-rna (codon/anticodon)

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LE 17-13


tRNA withamino acidattached








Page 27: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of


• Codons (m-rna) read by ribosomes/t-rna• Polypeptide chain produced• 3 steps in translation-• A. initiation• B. elongation• C. termination• Translation is a process that consumes a

tremendous amount of energy (ATP and GTP)

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LE 17-16c

Amino end




Growing polypeptide

Next amino acidto be added topolypeptide chain



Schematic model with mRNA and tRNA


Page 29: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of


• Initiation codon is AUG

• T-rna that bonds to AUG has an anticodon UAC-this carries the amino acid methionine

• Requires a GTP molecule

• Requires proteins called initiation factors.

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LE 17-17


GTPInitiator tRNA



mRNA binding site


Start codon

P site

5 3

Translation initiation complex





Page 31: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of


• The elongation cycle takes about 60 milliseconds

• During elongation, one m-rna codon is read and then the ribosomes moves down the message to the next codon.

• Binding of incoming t-rna to the A site of the ribosome requires a GTP

• Translocation-requires a GTP

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LE 17-18

Ribosome ready fornext aminoacyl tRNA



Amino endof polypeptide
















Page 33: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of


• When the ribosome reaches a termination codon, it causes the m-rna/ribosome complex to separate

• No t-rna binds to the termination codon.

• Release factors

• Newly made polypeptide chain is released (folds into its characteristic 3-D shape)

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LE 17-19


Stop codon(UAG, UAA, or UGA)








When a ribosome reaches a stopcodon on mRNA, the A site of theribosome accepts a protein calleda release factor instead of tRNA.

The release factor hydrolyzes thebond between the tRNA in theP site and the last amino acid of thepolypeptide chain. The polypeptideis thus freed from the ribosome.

The two ribosomal subunitsand the other componentsof the assembly dissociate.

Page 35: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Summary of energy demands for protein synthesis

• A rough estimate is that for every amino acid incorporated into a polypeptide chain, 3 ATP/GTP are consumed

A. Charging the amino acid (1 ATP)B. Binding of incoming t-rna into the A site (1

GTP)C. Translocation (1 GTP)D. So a small protein (120 amino acids in length)

would cost the cell 360 ATP/GTP to make (the equivalent of 12 glucose molecules going through aerobic cell respiration)

Page 36: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of


• A single ribosome can translate an average-sized polypeptide in about 1 minute

• Several ribosomes can translate the same message one after the other.

• Increases the efficiency of protein production

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LE 17-20a




Start ofmRNA(5 end)

End ofmRNA(3 end)


An mRNA molecule is generally translated simultaneouslyby several ribosomes in clusters called polyribosomes.

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LE 17-20b



This micrograph shows a large polyribosome in a prokaryotic cell (TEM).m0.1

Page 39: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

M-rna modifications

• Eukaryotic M-rna is modified extensively after transcription (while its still in the nucleus)

• These modifications include

A.Polyadenylation-added to 3’ end of m-rna

B. 5’ cap

C. Intron removal

Page 40: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

M-RNA modifications

• Poly A tail

• A. added to the 3’ end of the m-rna

• B.30-200 Adenine nucleotides

• C. roles-regulation of transport of m-rna out of the nucleus; regulation of degradation of m-rna in the cytoplasm; helps m-rna attach to small ribosomal subunit

Page 41: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

M-RNA modifications (continued)

• 5’ cap

• A. Modified guanine nucleotide stuck onto 5’ end of m-rna

• B. Roles- positioning of m-rna on small ribosomal subunit in initiation; protects m-rna from degradation

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LE 17-9

5Protein-coding segment

5 Start codon Stop codon Poly-A tail

Polyadenylation signal

5 3Cap UTR UTR

Page 43: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of


• Many eukaryotic genes have nucleotide sequences that don’t code for amino acids (Introns)

• Introns separate coding sequences (exons). Split genes

• Introns must be removed from the m-rna before it is translated (introns have nucleotide sequences that indicate splicing sites)

• Splicesomes are molecular machines that remove introns from m-rna

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LE 17-11-1

Exon 15


Other proteins




RNA transcript (pre-mRNA)


Exon 2

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LE 17-11-2





Exon 1 Exon 25


Page 46: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Significance of introns

• Why would chromosomes carry around extra DNA that isn’t used in the final m-rna?

A. Expensive to maintain (energy). B. Splicing out introns is a risky business

(what if it’s done incorrectly)C. With these disadvantages, there must be

an advantage or natural selection would not favor this arrangement

Page 47: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Benefits of Introns

• Evolution of protein diversity

• One gene can be alternatively spliced in a number of different ways to form several different types of m-rna (alternative splicing)

• Human antibody genes-about 500 genes can code for billions of different antibody molecules because of alternative splicing.

Page 48: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Figure 15.12



mRNA or


Troponin T gene

RNA splicing

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 5 1 2 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Page 49: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Summary of Transcription and Translation

Page 50: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of


• An alteration in the nucleotide sequence of a DNA molecule (chromosome)

• Chromosomal mutations (duplications; deletions; inversions)

• Point mutations-alterations of one or a few nucleotides in a gene

Page 51: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Point mutations

• Spontaneous mutations

• Induced mutations

• Consequences of mutations-

• A. no effect-”silent mutations”

• B. harmful mutations-(may be lethal)

• C. beneficial mutations (rare)

Page 52: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Spontaneous mutations

• Base pairing errors; why aren’t they corrected by DNA repair enzymes?

• Effects:• A. no effect-silent mutation (redundancy of

genetic code; alteration of a non-critical amino acid)

• B. Positive effect-rare• C. negative effect-missense mutations;

nonsense mutations

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LE 17-24a




Amino end Carboxyl end



Page 54: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

LE 17-24bBase-pair substitution

No effect on amino acid sequenceU instead of C


MissenseA instead of G


NonsenseU instead of A


Page 55: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Sickle cell anemia

• Results of a spontaneous missense mutation

• Result-altered hemoglobin molecule

• Effect-Depends on the environmental conditions and number of copies of the defective gene you inherited.

Page 56: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

LE 17-23

Wild-type hemoglobin DNA


3 5 53

5 3 35

Mutant hemoglobin DNA


Normal hemoglobin Sickle-cell hemoglobin

Page 57: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of
Page 58: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of
Page 59: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of
Page 60: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Induced mutations

• Caused by environmental damage• Radiation (UV)- T-T dimers; excision

repair enzymes; xerdoerma pigmentosa • Chemicals-Common result-base pair

addition or deletion• Result of addition or deletion (frame shift

mutation)-missense or nonsense • Worst scenario-addition/deletion of 1 or 2

nucleotides at the beginning of a gene

Page 61: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

LE 17-25

Base-pair insertion or deletion

Frameshift causing immediate nonsense

Extra U

MissingFrameshift causingextensive missense

Insertion or deletion of 3 nucleotides:no frameshift but extra or missing amino acid




Amino end Carboxyl end


Wild type


Protein5 3

Page 62: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Mutations and Cancer

• Many mutations make cells cancerous

• 90% of known carcinogens are mutagens

• Ames test-screens potential chemicals for being carcinogens by seeing if they are mutagens

• Bacteria are the test subjects in the Ames test.

Page 63: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Employee Resource Manual

• Plasmids

• Restriction Endonucleases

• Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

Page 64: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of


• Small extrachromosomal pieces of DNA found in some bacterial species

• May carry additional genes (such as antibiotic resistance)

• Can be genetically modified and used as vectors for genetic engineering

Page 65: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

PUC 18-Plasmid

Page 66: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Restriction Endonucleases

• Produced by some bacteria as a defense against virus infection

• Cleave DNA at specific bases sequences (different recognition site for each different enzyme)

• Can be used to join DNA from 2 different sources (plasmid DNA and genomic DNA)

Page 67: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of


Page 68: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

• Separates DNA based upon size differences

• DNA is pulled through a gel by an electric current

• (-) charged DNA is pulled to the positive pole of the apparatus.

• Smaller pieces of DNA migrate through the gel faster than larger pieces of DNA

Page 69: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

Page 70: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of


Page 71: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Procell in Action

Page 72: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

What is your first job assignment?

• Clone the H gene (use a bacteria to make copies of the gene for us)

Page 73: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

What kind of bacteria do we use to clone the H gene?

• E.coli (lacZ(-), amp sensitve)

Page 74: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Where is the H gene located?

• Lambda virus

Page 75: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

How do you get the cloned gene into the bacteria so the bacteria can copy it?

• Transform E.coli (lacZ(-), amp sensitve) with PUC 18-lambda plasmid (heat shock and osmotic shock)

Lambda virus genes have

been inserted into the plasmids here

Page 76: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

How do you get lambda genes into PUC 18 plasmid?

• Incubate PUC-18 and lambda with EcoRI, ligate products

Page 77: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

How many different plasmids do you get when you mix PUC 18 and lambda, both of which have been

ECOR1 and then ligated?


Page 78: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

Would all 7 of the plasmids be recombinant (have lambda DNA)?


Page 79: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

How do you tell if bacteria have been transformed successfully with PUC-18


• They will grow on amp agar.

Page 80: What is a gene? A sequence of DNA nucleotides that specifies the primary structure of a polypeptide chain (tells the cell how to make it) Genes-made of

How can you distinguish whether plasmids that transformed bacteria were recombinant (lambda and PUC-18) or nonrecombinant (pUC-18 only)?

Plate the transformed cells on Xgal-amp agar

E.Coli transformed With nonrecombinant Plasmids (PUC-18)

E.Coli transformed With recombinant Plasmids (PUC-18/lambda)

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