
What, how and why..

Freda Fallon, 2012

Learning through Adventure

Challenge by Choice

Experts who understand

Safety, Enjoyment, Learning

Our Locations

Loch Eil




Sense of Community

Nestled in the Lake District

Plenty of Choice & Quantity

Sharing Stories of Adventure

Quality Equipment

Space and Freedom

What to expect

challenging and new activities

community living

taking responsibility

good food


new friends

one instructor for whole course

tough bits, great memories


The John Muir Award

John Muir – father of conservation

Connect, enjoy and care for wild places

Educational initiative of John Muir Trust

- Discover- Explore- Conserve- Share

› Bring enough medication for the entire course. Notify us of any medical conditions.

› Bring clothes suitable for the outdoors eg not jeans!

› Bring a spare pair of trainers that will get wet.

› Bring playing cards, games etc. For evening entertainment, but not electronics.

› Come with an open mind

Top tips for your course...

Fun Icebreaker



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Learn New Skills

Planning and Team Skills


Taking Responsibility

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Time for Reflection

And why?

“We are all better than we know. If only we can be made to realise this, we may never be prepared to settle for anything less”

Kurt Hahn, 1941 Co-Founder

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Shared Memories


Friends for Life

Thank you

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