
What have you learnt about technologies from the

process of constructing this product?

Kaplan urul

Using blogs

Throughout the course of my as media studies coursework I have been regularly uploading my work to my Tumblr blog, I have found it very useful in keeping my work organised.

I have also learnt a lot about tumbler and how to use it, I managed to change my theme and edit the appearance of my blog

Digital Cameras/Tripod

Throughout the filming process I used this camera, the Cannon EOS 1200d I didn't find it that difficult to use as I had experience with this camera although I did learn some things about the camera and its features

Along with the camera comes the tripod, to get a steady shot a tripod had to be used I didn't find it very difficult to get the hang of because it is a very simple peace of equipment although some specific shots took some time to frame correctly

Editing Equipment

The editing software that I used to put together my two minute opening was Adobe Premier Pro, I found it fairly complicated at first but as I started to use it more I got the hang of the features and the format

I would say that I am quite confident when using this editing software


I used Vimeo to upload my film opening because I found that it is simpler to use and was better quality than for example YouTube

Photoshop I used Photoshop to create the indents for my

production company and my distribution company I think that I learnt a lot about Photoshop whilst doing this.

My skills defiantly improved I learnt how to handle multiple layers, crop and put together different images, and I am very proud with what I produced

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