Page 1: What does your smile say about you

What Does your Smile Say about You?

Especially nowadays, the overall appearance of your teeth, face and smile say a great deal about you. A mouth full of dingy, uncared for or decaying teeth doesn't often give people a memorable first impression, but a healthy, well maintained smile and set of teeth can add to the overall impression that you are a healthy, happy and smart individual. So, if nature didn't endow you with a naturally beautiful and healthy set of teeth then there are many ways to restore and improve your smile and overall oral health.

Dentistry has come a long way and a dentist's visit is now no longer just for routine check-ups, root canals and sliver fillings. One of the best examples of where cosmetic dentistry is today is now, instead of just getting unattractive dental fillings that are solely used for treating decayed teeth, advances in this field have made it possible for a dentist to match the shades of a patient's teeth to the filling. Other procedures that can reverse years of neglect, the affects of an insufficient diet or just bad genes are also available: bonding and reshaping, whitening and braces can make a significant difference for your smile.

If you have stained or chipped teeth, you might want to look into cosmetic dentistry Brisbane where the right dentist can perform composite bonding. Your teeth are first deep-cleaned and are then made ready for the resins that will be used to fill in large gaps, alter the form of a tooth or teeth or improve any area where there is discoloration.

In the same way, if a person has cracked teeth, a veneer is the best treatment for repairing such a problem. A veneer is a procedure where thin porcelain pieces are fixed to the surface of a tooth or teeth to make it look more like the rest of your teeth. The color not only looks better, but you would never know that a chipped, smaller than typical or misshapen tooth was beneath the veneer.

Today, it's even possible to repair an area where a tooth has been lost, due to decay or accident, by implanting a man-made tooth into the jawbone. Dental implants are an improvement from the old days when a false tooth was temporarily fixed into place because, with a dental implant, you can avoid a misaligned bite or the risk of ending up with a sagging face or jaw as you age. The surface of the implanted tooth is also polished and made to match the rest of your teeth.

For cosmetic dentistry Brisbane offers efficient and expedient dental procedures, such as teeth whitening, bonding, veneers and many others, performed by a team of well-known experts.

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