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    What do the principles mean for children and young people?

    1. Challenge and enjoyment. Children and young people should find their learning challenging, engaging and motivating.The curriculum should encourage high aspirations and ambitions for all.. At every stage, children and young people

    should experience an appropriate level of challenge, to enable each individual to achieve his or her potential. They

    should be active in their learning and have opportunities to develop and demonstrate their creativity. There should be

    support to enable children and young people to sustain their efforts.

    2. Breadth. All children and young people should have the opportunities for a broad range of experiences. Their learningshould be planned and organized so that they will learn and develop through a variety of contexts within both theclassroom and other aspects of school life.

    3. Progression. Children and you people should experience continuous progression in their learning from 3 to 18 years.Each stage should build upon earlier knowledge and achievements. Children and young people should be able to

    progress at a rate which is meets their individual needs and aptitudes.

    4. Depth. There should be opportunities for children and young people to develop their full capacity for different types ofthinking and learning, exploring and achieving more advanced levels of understanding.

    5. Coherence.Children and young peoples learning activitiesshould combine to form a coherent experience. There shouldbe clear links between different aspects of learning. Such links should be discussed with children and young people in

    order to bring different strands of learning together.

    6. Relevance. Children and young people should understand the purpose of their learning and related activities. Theyshould see the value of what they are learning and its relevance to their lives, present and future.

    7. Personalization and choice. The learning planned for children and young people should respond to their individualneeds and support particular aptitudes and talents. It should provide opportunities for exercising responsible personal

    choice. Once children and young people have achieved suitable levels of attainment across a wide range of areas of

    learning, the choice should become as open as possible.

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    Lecture 7



    O Total learning experienceO The description above implies that the crux of a curriculum is the different planned and unplanned activities which have

    been lived, acted upon or done by the learners with the guidance of the teacher.

    O Teaching and learning are actions necessary to accomplish a goal in education.In TEACHING. You cannot give what you do not have

    Teaching as a process in curriculum

    Effective teaching is one that will bring about the intended learning outcome

    O An organization of meaningful learning.O It is creating a situation or selecting life-like situation to enhance learning.O To the traditionalist, it is imparting knowledge and skills required to master a subject matter.O Process of dispensing knowledge to an empty vessel (mind of learner).O Its showing, telling, giving instruction, making someone understand in order to learn.

    Teacher- Person, who teaches, controls learning, dispenser of knowledge, an ultimate authority, a director of


    Teaching- Based on progressive and humanist education, teaching is perceived as stimulating, directing, guiding the

    learner and evaluating the learning outcomes of teaching.

    - Teachers role becomes complex but has given the learner the responsibility to learn.- A process that enables the learner to learn on his own

    Teacher is the Decision maker in teaching process.Teaching Process

    Planning Phase includes decision like:

    O The needs of the learner.O The achievable goals & objectives to meet the needs.O Selection of the content to be taught.O Motivation to carry out the goal.O Strategies most fit to carry out the goals.O Evaluation process to measure learning outcome.

    Considerations in planning

    O LearnerO Availability of materialsO Time requirement of particular activityO Strategy need to achieve the objectiveO Teacher

    Implementation phase

    O Based on the objective, implementation means to put into action the different activities in order to achieve the objectivesthrough the subject matter.

    O Interaction of the teacher and learner is important in the accomplishment of the plan.O Use of different teaching style and strategy are included in this phase.

    Evaluation phase

    O A match of the objective with the learning outcome will be made.O Answer the question if the plans and implementation have been successfully achieved.O A continuous process of feedback and reflection is made in this three phases of teachingO Feedback is the reflection of the feedback ;

    Basic assumptions can be made based on the


    That teaching is goal oriented withthe change of behaviour as the

    ultimate end.

    That teachers are the ones whoshape actively their own action

    That teaching is a rational and areflective process.

    That teachers by their actions caninfluence learners to change their

    own thinking or desired behaviour,

    thus teaching is a way of changing

    behaviour, through the intervention

    of the teacher.

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    O Reflection is the process embedded in teaching where the teacher inquires into his action and provides deep and criticalthinking.

    Good teaching is.......

    O One that is well planned & where activities are interrelated to each other.O One that provides learning experiences or situation that will ensure understanding, application and critical thinking.O Based on the theory of learning.O One where the learner is stimulated to think and reason.O Utilizes prior learning and its application to new situation.O Governed by democratic principles.O Embeds a sound evaluation process.

    Learning as a process of learning.

    To teach is to make someone to learn.


    O Defined as a change in an individuals behaviour caused by experiences or self activityO Implies that learning can only happen through the individuals activity or his own doingO Can be intentional or unintentional

    Two principal types of learning process

    1. Behavioural learning theories Emphasizes observable behaviour such as new skills, knowledge, or attitudes which can be demonstrated Observable and measurable If the individual has changed behaviour, he has learned

    2. Cognitive learning theories Concerned with human learning in which unobservable mental processes are used to learn and remember

    new information or acquired skill

    Related to concept of meaningful learning through cognitive models

    O Three model of teaching anchored on cognitive learning theory1. Discovery learning of Jerome Bruner States that the individual learns from his own discovery of the environment Learners are inherently curious, thus they can be self motivated until they find answers to the problem Gave rise to the emerging theory of constructivism and self-learning Learning is flexible, exploratory, and independent

    2. Reception learning of David Ausubel Though learners are inherently curious, they may not be able to know what is important or relevant and

    they need external motivation in order to learn

    both also emphasize that prior learning is important in order to learn new things and because knowledgecontinuously changes once it is in the learners mind

    3. Events of Learning of Robert Gagne Motivation phasethe learner must be motivated to learn by expectation that learning will be rewarding Apprehending phaselearner stands or pay attention if learning has to take place Acquisition phasewhile learner is paying attention, the stage is set and the information presented Retention phasenewly acquired information must be transferred from short tem to long term memory Recall phaserecall previously learned information; to learn to gain access to that w/c has been learned

    is a critical phase in learning

    Generalization phase transfer of information to new situations allows application of the learnedinformation in the context in w/c it was learned

    Feedback phasestudents must receive feedback on their performanceO Learning based on the theory of learning

    Does not take place in an empty vessel A social process where interaction with other learners and the teachers are needed Result of individual experiences and self activity Both observable and measurable Takes place when all the senses are utilized Will be enhanced when the learned is stimulated, directed, guided and feedback is immediately given Each learner has its own learning style

    O Teaching and Learning Go together One cannot succeed with the support or success of the other. Teaching style of the teacher should jibe with the learners learning styles. Learner is the centre of teaching. Knowledge of the learner and his learning style should be considered.

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    Learners become complex individuals capable of learning on their own; the repertoire of teaching shouldalso increase.

    THEREFORE Teaching is the cause and Learning is the effectearning in Teaching and Teaching for earning

    O Ways of Teaching & Learning1. Different teaching method & strategies can be clustered according to the number of students being taught.2. For larger group teaching, methods like lecture, expository, panel discussion, seminar, forum, demonstration or

    combination of lecture-demo are appropriate.3. For smaller group, role playing, buzz session, workshop, process approach, discovery learning, and cooperative


    4. For individualized teaching, modular instruction, e-teaching, programmed instruction.5. Traditional teaching method: inductive method, deductive method, type study method, project method,

    laboratory method, Q&A or Socratic Method & lecture method.

    6. Improved teaching methods: integrative technique, discovery approach, process approach, conceptual approach,mastery learning, programmed instruction, e-learning, simulation, case-based teaching, conceptual teaching,

    cooperative teaching.

    7. Trial and error- related to stimulus response theory of learning8. Conditioningclassical conditioning theory of Pavlov9. Insight- higher level of intelligence is being utilized10. Observation & imitation through modelling.

    O Teaching & Learning in the Curriculum1. Crucial issuehow the student should learn how to learn2. Curriculum seems to be overloaded3. Teaching & Learning give life to the curriculum4. Value placed in teaching will reap the same value in learning5. A good curriculum can be judged by the kind of teaching and the quality of learning derived from it

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    Lecture 8



    Crafting a curriculum follows some designs. Curriculum designs provide clear relationships between and among the

    different elements of the curriculum: objectives, contents, activities, and evaluation. Considering all of these elements, as a

    curriculum designer, one has to look into the parameters or dimensions upon which a design can be crafted.

    Designing Curriculum

    1. Subject-Centered. This model focuses on the content of the curriculum. The subject centered design corresponds mostly to the textbook written for the specific subject. The subject-centered curriculum can be focused on

    o traditional areas in the traditional disciplineso interdisciplinary topics that touch on a wide variety of fieldso on processes such as problem solvingo on the goal of teaching students to be critical consumers of information.

    A curriculum can also be organized around a subject center by focusing on certain processes, strategies, or life-skills, such as problem solving, decision making, or teamwork.

    In the Philippines, our curricula in any level are also divided in different subjects or courses. Most of the schoolsusing this kind of structure aim for excellence in the subject matter content.

    Examples of Subject-centered curriculum:

    A. Subject Design. The drawback of his design is that sometimes learning is so compartmentalized. It stresses somuch the content that it forgets about students natural tendencies, interest and experiences.

    B. Discipline Design. Discipline refers to specific knowledge and through a method which the scholars use tostudy a specific content of their fields.

    C. Correlation Design.This comes from a core, correlated curriculum design that links separate subject designs inorder to reduce fragmentation. Subjects are related to one another but each subject a maintains its identify.

    D. Broad field design/interdisciplinary. This design was made to prevent the compartmentalization of subjectsand integrate the contents that are related to each other.

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    2. Learner-Centered Curriculum. Centered on certain aspects of the learners themselves. May explore the learners own life or family history or local environment.

    A. Child-centered design (John Dewey, Rouseau, Pestallozi and Froebel)o It is anchored on the needs and interests of the child.o The learner is not considered as a passive individual but as one who engages with his/her

    environment. One learns by doing. Learners interact with the teachers and the environment.

    B. Experience-Centered designo Experiences of the learners become the starting point of the curriculum.o Thus the school environment is left open and free.o Learners are made to choose from various activities that the teacher provides.o The learners are empowered to shape their own learning from the different opportunities given by

    the teacher.

    C. Humanistic design (Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers)o The development of self is the ultimate objective of leaning. It stresses the whole person and the

    integration of thinking, feeling and doing. It considers the cognitive, affective and psychomotor

    domains to be interconnected and must be addressed in the curriculum. It stresses the development

    of positive self-concept and interpersonal skills.

    Advantages:It gives power to the learners: they are identified as the experts in knowing what they need

    to know.

    The constructivist element of this approach honors the social and cultural context of the


    It creates a direct link between in-class work and learners' need for literacy outside the


    As a result, learners can more easily transfer new skills to day-to-day use (Purcell-

    Gates, et al., 2001). The immediacy of this transfer of skills at home, at work, and in

    communities also encourages learner persistence.


    It often relies on the teacher's ability to create or select materials appropriate to learners'

    expressed needs.

    This requires skill on the part of the teacher, as well as time and resources: at a

    minimum, texts brought in from real life, a wide pool of commercially available materials

    from which to draw, and a reliable photocopier. Given the reality of teachers' professional

    preparation and working conditions (Smith, et al., 2001), lack of skill, time and resources

    makes creating curriculum with this approach difficult.

    Teachers may also find it difficult to strike an acceptable balance among the competing

    needs and interests of students

    Alternative Methods for a Learner-Centered Curriculum

    (These are only suggestions for supplementing your style, not substituting for it)

    Individualized diagnosis and (some) course objectives Learning contracts Programmed learning sequences Organize structured drills Multi-sensory instructional activities Paired activities Student-designed creative activities Design task cards Small-group activities (in and out of class) Role play Design competitive games Read aloud Design problem solving games Sit on the floor in a circle Focus on team learning/peer teaching Standard lecture Change the seating configurations Teacher demonstrations Go outside or meet in an alternate location. Speedwriting. Listserve, online forums.

    Lets have a situation:

    Students in history should learn the subject matter likehistorians, students in biology should learn howbiologist learn, and so with students in mathematicsshould learn how mathematicians learn.

    The discipline design model of curriculum is oftenused in college

    Discipline becomes the degree program.

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    Computer applications. Socratic dialogue (question-answer-deeper question). Chunk knowledge and connect chunks to make big picture. Multimedia presentations (film, CDs, audio-tapes, animated graphics). Student presentations (encourage multi-sensory supports). Cancel class and meet students individually. Present multiple invention and discovery techniques (brainstorming, clustering, freewriting, idea letters,

    graph and object relationships, meditations, dreams, art, etc.).

    Split Page (key phrases on one side, commentary on other). Color code ideas in documents and lesson plans (already known, yet-to-learn, still negotiating). Reverse question (look at answers and solutions first; create a question that it answers next). Treat objective questions an essay questions.

    3. Problem-Centered Curriculum Problem-centered curriculum is inherently engaging and authentic, because the students have a real purpose to

    their inquiry -- solving the problem.

    Types of problems to be explored may include:a) Life situations involving real problems of practice.b) Problems that revolve around life at a given schoolc) Problems selected from local issuesd) Philosophical or moral problemsLife-situations design

    It uses the past and present experiences of learners as a means to analyze the basic areas of living. As a starting point, the pressing immediate problems of the society and the students existing

    concerns are utilized.

    Based on Herbert Spencers curriculum writing, his emphases were activities that sustain life,enhance life, and in rearing children, maintain the individuals social and political relations and

    enhance leisure, tasks and feelings.

    The connection of subject matter to real situations increases the relevance of the curriculum.Core design.

    It centers on general education and the problems are based on common human activities. The centralfocus of the core design includes common needs, problems, and concerns of the learners.


    Dimensions of Curriculum Designs

    1. Scope. According to Tyler in Ornstein (2004), he defines scope as all the content, topics, learning experiences andorganizing threads comprising the educational plan. Scope does not only refer to the cognitive content, but also the

    affective and psychomotor content. The scope of the curriculum can be divided into chunks called units, sub-units,

    chapters, or sub-chapters.

    2. Sequence. Contents and experiences are arranged in hierarchical manner, where the basis can either be logic of the subjectmatter or on the developmental patterns of growth of the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.

    Smith, Stanley, and Shore (1957) introduced four principles for sequence.

    A. Simple to complex learningB. Prerequisite learningC. Whole to part learningD. Chronological learning

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    Posner and Rudnitsky (1994) presented five major principles for organizing content in units, which can also be

    applied to curriculum.

    A. World-related sequencei. Space

    ii. Timeiii. Physical attributes

    B. Concept-related sequencei. Class relations

    ii. Propositional relationsC. Inquiry-related sequenceD. Learning-related sequence

    i. Empirical prerequisitesii. Familiarity

    iii. Difficultyiv. Interest

    3. Continuity. Vertical repetition and recurring appearances of the content provide continuity in the curriculum. This processenables the learner to strengthen the permanency of learning and development of skills. Gerome Bruner calls this spiral

    curriculum For learners to develop the ideas, these have to be developed and redeveloped in a spiral fashion in increasing

    depth and breadth as the learners advance.

    4. Integration. Everything is integrated and interconnected. Life is a series of emerging themes. This is the essence ofintegration in the curriculum design. Organization is drawn from the world themes from real life concerns. Subject matter

    content or disciplined content lines are erased and isolation is eliminated.5. Articulation. Can be done either vertically or horizontally. In vertical articulation, contents are arranged from level to level

    or grade to grade so that the content in a lower level is connected to the next level. Horizontal articulation happens at the

    same time like social studies in grade six is related to science in grade six.

    6. Balance. Equitable assignment of content, time, experiences and other elements to establish balance is needed incurriculum design. Too much or too little of these elements maybe disastrous to the curriculum. Keeping the curriculum in

    balance requires continuous fine tuning and review for its effectiveness and relevance.

    Guidelines in Curriculum Design


    Curriculum design committee should involve teachers, parents, administrators and even students. Schools vision, mission, goals and objectives should be reviewed and used as bases for curriculum design. The needs and the interests of the learners, in particular, and the society, in general, should be considered. Alternative curriculum design should consider advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, scheduling, class size,

    facilities and persona; required.

    The curriculum design should take into account cognitive, affective, psychomotor, concepts and outcomes.

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    Lecture 8


    I. THE ROLES OF STAKEHOLDERS IN CURRICULUM IMPLEMENTATION Individuals or institutions that are interested in the school curriculum. Shape the school curriculum implementation. Is a group or organization that has interest in an organization. Anyone who affects or is affected by the schools


    Learners at the Center of the Curriculum

    The very reason a curriculum is developed. The ones being directly influenced by the curriculum. The primary stakeholders in the curriculum. Make the curriculum alive. Success of the curriculum. The reason why curriculum is developed. They can make or unmake the curriculum by active and direct


    Teachers as Curriculum Developers and Implementers

    The curriculum maker. From a developer to an implementer. Being an implementer is very crucial. Planning and writing the curriculum are the primary roles of the teacher. Guides, facilitate and directs activities which will be done by the students. Designs, enriches and modifies curriculum to suit the learners needs.

    Curriculum Managers and Administrators

    Supervise, select & recruit, admit, procure. Plan for the schools improvement. Can never be ignored. They supervise curriculum implementation, select and recruit new teachers, admit students, procure


    and materials needed for effective learning.

    Responsible for running the entire school effectively. Important role in shaping school curriculum for the formulation of mission and vision, philosophy of the

    school effectively.

    Parents as Supporters in the Curriculum

    Parents are theBest supporters of the school. They have the power to influence curricula to instructional materials and school activities.

    How do parents shape the curriculum and Why they become stakeholders?

    Effective parental involvement in school affairs Involvement extends from the confine of the school to the home. Parent association is organized.

    Others Stakeholders in Curriculum Implementation

    The curriculum resources. They can interview and can provide local and indigenous knowledge in the curriculum. Professional organizations have shown great influence in school curriculum. The government is represented by the: (ACADEMIC EXPERTS )

    o Department of Education (DepEd) for basic education curricula

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    o Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for tertiary and graduate education They have mandatory and regulatory powers over the implementation of any curricula.

    o The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)o TESDA


    A. Instructional Mediaa. Media Technologyb. Learning Technologyc. Simply Technology

    B. Technology Plays a crucial role in delivering instruction to learners. Offers various tools of learning.

    For Example:

    Will a chalkboard presentation be sufficient in illustrating a mathematical procedure; will

    a video clip be needed for motivating learners?

    C. Types of Instructional Media/Technology

    D. Factors of Technology Selectiona. Practicalityb. Appropriateness in relation to the learnerc. Activity/suitabilityd. Objective-matching

    Non-projected Media Projected Media

    Real Objects


    Field Trips


    Printed materials

    VisualsVisual Boards

    Audio Materials

    Overhead Transparencies

    Opaque projection


    File stripsFilms



    Computer/ Multimedia presentations

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    E. Three Current Trends that could carry nature of Education in the future:a. The paradigm shift from teacher-centered to student-centered approach to learning.b. An educative process of cultivating the cognitive, affective, psychomotor, and much more the

    contemplative intelligence of the learners of a new age.

    c. The increase in the use of new information and communication technology or ICT.F. The Primary Roles of Educational Technology in Delivering the School Curriculums Instructional Program

    a. Upgrading the quality of teaching-and-learning in schools.b. Increasing the capability of the teacher to effectively inculcate learning and for students to gain mastery

    of lessons and courses.c. Broadening the delivery of education outside schoold. Revolutionizing the use of technology to boost educational paradigm that gives importance to student-

    centered and holistic learning.


    This process will gather empirical data Follows some form of research design Usually follows an experimental method Assures the teachers and the school that indeed the curriculum materials are ready to use

    Basic Education Curriculum (BEC) - the original name of the curriculum to the whole nationwide 2002 renamed as

    Revitalized Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC)

    B. Monitoring Process Curriculum monitoring- ask the question: HOW ARE WE DOING? Important to determine if curriculum is still relevant and effective. Periodic assessment and adjustment during the period of time. Like formative evaluation. Determines how the curriculum is working.

    C. Curriculum evaluation The process of judging the value, effectiveness and adequacy of curriculum. Should be useful and systematic.

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    Lecture 9



    Curriculum assessment is the process of collecting information for use in evaluation.

    Purpose of Curriculum Assessment

    Curriculum assessment may achieve the following purposes:

    1. Highlight curriculum expectations.2. Gather information about what students know and can do.3. Motivate students to learn.4. Motivate and encourage teachers to meet the identified needs of the students.5. Provide evidence to tell how well the students have learned.6. Obtain feedback that help teachers, students and parents make good decisions to guide instructions.

    The difference between:

    Intended Curriculum.

    Refers to the objectives set at the beginning of any curricular plan. Establishes the goal, specific purposes and immediate objectives to be accomplished. The intended curriculum answers what the curriculum writer wants to doSome Questions to Intended Curriculum

    Are the objectives achievable within learners development levels? Is it achievable within allotted time? Are there enough resources to achieve the objectives? Are the objectives clear and specific? What are the ways to measure the outcomes of the objectives? Are the objectives observable, relevant & doable?

    Implemented Curriculum

    This refers to the various learning activities or experiences of the students in order to achieve the intendedcurricular outcomes.

    Implemented curriculum refers to the ACTUAL activities being practiced in schools. These activities may coincide with the specified objectives of the curriculum (intended curriculum) OR may largely

    be out of agenda.

    Some Questions to Implemented Curriculum

    Are the learning objectives congruent with the stated objectives of the curriculum? Are the materials and methods appropriate for the objectives set? Does the teacher have the skill to implement the activities or use the strategy? Does the teacher utilize the various ways of doing to complement the learning styles of students? Are there alternative activities for learners to do to accomplish the same objectives? Are there activities to address individual differences? Do the activities provide maximum learning experiences? Do the activities motivate the learners to do more and harness their potentials? Do the activities utilize multiple sensory abilities of the learners? Do the activities address multiple intelligences of the learners?

    Achieved Curriculum

    This refers to the curriculum outcomes based on the first two types of curriculum: the intended and theimplemented.

    Achieved curriculum is considered the PRODUCT of the curriculum development process. Any achieved curriculum must MATCHwith the objectives and the activities that were made. Achieved curriculum indicates PERFORMANCE in relation to the objective sand the activities. It is usually described thru test scores and other performance indicators.

    Some Questions to Achieved Curriculum

    Do the learning outcomes achieved by the learners approximate the level of performance set at the beginning of thecurriculum? Are the learning outcomes achieved higher or lower than the objectives set? Do the achieved learning outcomes reflect the knowledge, skills and attitudes intended to be developed? How many percent of the learners in the same class perform higher than the level set at the beginning? Do the curricular outcomes reflect the goals and the aspirations of the community where the curriculum was implemented?


    A set of standards to be followed in assessment. As they apply to curriculum, criteria are set of standards upon which the different elements of the curriculum

    are being tested.

    Will determine the different levels of competencies or proficiency of acceptable task performance.

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    Criteria for Goals

    are statements of curricular expectations. are sets of learning outcomes specifically designed for students.

    Criteria for Objectives

    indicate clearly what the students will learn after instruction has taken place.GOALS AND OBJECTIVES ARE FORMULATED AND SPECIFIED FOR THE FOLLOWING PURPOSES:

    To have focuson curriculum and instruction which give directionto where students need to go. To meet the requirements specified in the policies and standards of curriculum instruction. To providethe students the best possible educationand describe the students level of performance To monitor the progress of students based on the goals set. To motivate the students to learn and the teachers to be able to feel a sense of competence when goals are



    For goals and objectives to be formulated, criteria on certain elements should be included according to Howell in Nolet in


    1. Content- From the objectives, what content should students learn?2. Behavior- What will students do to indicate that they have learned?3. Criterion- What level of performance should the students have to master the behavior?4. Condition- Under what circumstance should the students work in order to master that behavior?


    1. Are the general objectives syntactically correct?- Syntactic Correctness

    See if it has all its parts Teachers need to include logically the elements: content, behavior, criteria and conditions

    2. Do the objectives comply with the legal requirements of the course of subjects?- Compliance with legal requirements

    There should be a direct relationship between the annual goals and the students present levels of educationalperformance.

    The annual goals should describe what the learners can reasonably be expected to accomplish within a givenappropriate instructional resources.

    Short term instructional objectives should be stated so clearly so that it is obvious how we would measure tosee if the objectives are met.

    The objectives should describe a sequence of intermediate steps between a childs present level ofeducational performance and the annual goals that are established.

    3. Do the objectives address both knowledge and behavior?- Both knowledge and behavior are addressed

    The confusion between knowledge and behavior: although it is knowledge that we are most often trying totransmit, we need to see behavior to know if we have succeeded.

    4. Do the objectives pass the stranger test?- The Stranger Test

    Goals and instructional objectives must be measurable so that their status can be monitored.The simplest way to judge if a goal or objective can be reliably measured is to apply the stranger test

    (Kaplan, 1995).

    The statement of behavior must be in an objective to provide a measurable indicator of learning. But it is

    the learning, not the behavior, which is of primary importance to most teachers.

    5. Do they pass the so-what test?- The So-What Test (validity)Because the purpose of education is to prepare people to be socially competent, the so-what testasks

    whether the goals and instructional objectives are important.

    Good objectives specify outcomes that will benefit students by teaching them things that are socially

    significant (Ensminger & Dangel, 1992)and not simply make life easier for parents and teachers.

    To pass the so-what test, an objective should act to develop, rather than to suppress, behavior. In cases

    where behaviors need to be suppressed, goals and objectives should include alternate positive behaviors (Kaplan,

    200; Martin & Pear, 1996; Sulzer-Azaroff & Mayer, 1991).

    6. Are the objectives aligned?- Individualization

    Appropriate goals and instructional objectives are derived from assessment data. They must be aligned

    with the students present level of educational performance and students goals.

    7. Do they make common sense?- Common Sense

    Instructional objectives dont have to fit into one sentence and trying to make them do so can be very

    confusing. Objectives tell what the students will learn, not descriptions of what the students will follow to learn.


    Instructionrefers to the implementation of the objectives. It is concerned with the methodologies and strategies

    of teaching.

    The two approaches to instruction:

    1. Supplantive Approach- referred to as direct instruction (Adams & Englemann,1996). The teacher attempts to promote learning by providing explicit directions and explanations regarding

    how to do a task.

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    The school offers its assistance in the improvement and realization of ongoing programs of the


    There is cooperative effort between the school and the community towards greater productivity.

    8. The Curriculum has educational quality. Quality education comes through the situation of the individuals intellectual and creative capacities for

    social welfare and development.

    The curriculum helps the learner to become the best that he can possibly be.

    The curriculum support system is secured to augment existing sources for its efficient and effective


    9. The Curriculum has administrative flexibility. A good curriculum must be ready to incorporate changes whenever necessary.

    The curriculum is open to revision and development to meet the demands of g lobalization and the

    digital age.


    Curriculum Evaluation is the process of obtaining information for judging the worth of an educational program, product,

    procedure, educational objectives or the potential utility of alternative approaches designed to attain specific objectives (Glass and

    Worthem, 1997).

    In evaluating a curriculum, the following key questions are usually asked:

    1. Are the objectives being addressed?2. Are the contents being presented in the recommended sequence?3. Are the students being involved in the suggested instructional experiences?4. Are the students reacting to the contents?


    Summative evaluationis evaluation that takes place at the end of the unit or section of instruction. It takes place at the end

    of the lesson or project and tells the evaluator what has happened. It sums-up the learning.

    Formative evaluation takes place during the lesson or project and tells the evaluator what is happening. It is ongoing and

    yields information that can be used to modify the program prior to termination. (Howel & Nolet, 2000).


    1. School-Based Evaluation An approach to curriculum evaluation which places the content, design, operation of evaluation


    It is participative evaluation where the control and the process rest on the school personnel themselves. A range of evaluation activities may take place within the school.

    Advantages of School-Based Evaluation

    Accountability is shared by all, hence bias and conflict are minimized.

    School personnel develop evaluation skills.

    The real concern of the school and community are addressed by the evaluation.

    Broad participation of school personnel provides opportunities for building school


    Provides reliable and valid information on curriculum, resources, and general schoolfunctioning

    2. Accreditation A voluntary process of submitting a curricular program to an external accrediting body for review in any

    level of education.

    Studies the statement of the educational intentions of the school.Areas for Accreditation under Curriculum and Instruction

    O Curriculum and Program of Studies.Includes the cluster of knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and experiences.

    O Classroom ManagementManagement of teaching and learning in the classroom

    Provide opportunities to develop independent lifelong learners

    Teacher will act as a manager of learners and learning

    O Instructional Process or MethodologiesFollow principles and theories that enhance learning outcomes

    O Graduation RequirementsGraduation - successful accomplishment of the curricular program of studies. Student has

    to accomplish its academic program

    O Administrative Support for Effective InstructionPrincipal has a distinct responsibility of curricular manager or manager of learning

    O Evaluation of Academic Performance of Students

  • 5/28/2018 What do the principles mean for children and young people? Challenge and enjoyment. Breadth. Progression. Depth. Coherence. Relevance. Pe


    Learning outcomes of the students must be evaluated

    Students should receive information about their school performance promptly and



    Assessment strategies are used by the teacher to assess students performance. There are Seven (7) tools in assessing the


    1. Paper and Pencil Strategy- it is a traditional way of teacher in assessing student performance.Examples:

    Essay- refers to a writing samples of a students in which, is used to assessed student mastery of the

    concept, organizing ideas and developing the critical thinking.

    Select Response- is used to identify one correct answer (multiple choice, identification and matching type)

    2. Performanced-Based Strategy - requires students to demonstrate, create and produce.3. Reflective Strategy - it is a self assessment where in students reflect with there own.4. Behavioral Strategy - refers to the behavior of the students which the teacher used to assessed while

    working/task inside the classroom.

    5. Oral Strategy - often used by the teacher inside the classroom, a question and answer portion where in studentsdevelop their verbal skill on how he/she response to the question given by the teacher.

    6. Combination Strategy - used by the teacher to enhanced students creativeness of answering questions.Example:

    Portfolio - refers to the student work collection.

    7. Personal Communication StrategyExamples:

    Conference- is a formal and informal meeting between and among the teachers, students and parents.

    Interview- a form of conversation among/between the teachers, parents and students.evaluation and

    curriculum redesign?


    Curriculum and Assessment

    Assessment is the process of collecting information which describes students achievement in relation to

    curriculum expectations.


    Level 1: Students has demonstrated few of the required knowledge and skills and achievement falls below the standardset.

    Level 2: Students has demonstrated some of the required knowledge and skills and achievement exceeded the standardset.

    Level 3: Students has demonstrated most of the required knowledge and skills and achievement exceeded the standard set. Level 4: Students has demonstrated all the required knowledge and skills and achievement has exceeded the standard set.


    Instruction refers to the various ways of teaching, teaching styles, approaches, techniques, and steps in delivering the

    curriculum. It is a complex activity that requires teachers to use a variety of action to accomplish a variety of functions.

    Several factors on how well instruction will be done..1. Learnerthe centre and the one who receives instruction. The learners will be the one to put action on the objectives.2. TeacherHe/she guides the implementation of the plan. Often times referred to as instructors because they give


    3. Learning EnvironmentThis where learning occurs. It provides the situation or the conditions for teaching and learningto occur.

    4. Subject Matterthis is the content of instruction. Ideas, concept, principles and theories in the different disciplinesthat are taken up as a means to accomplish the objectives.

    5. Method of teaching and learningThis is the heart of instruction.6. Measurementrefers to assessment.

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