
What do I need to know?January 2015

Workforce Investment ProgramStarts January 2015. Intended to increase employment

opportunities locally, and for hard-to-hire and disadvantaged individuals.

Applies to County contracts that are over $500K in annual value.

Does not apply to non-County contracts, to non-construction, covered services not covered under the Living Wage Program, or to County employment.


Why is this program important to me?If you are a County employee, you may receive

questions from vendors who are interested in their compliance with the program. You can help them to understand their obligations.

If you represent a contractor, there are a few requirements that you must meet under the program if you plan to seek County contracts over $500,000 in annual value. If you don’t meet these requirements, it can affect your ability to continue to contract with County government.

It’s County Policy – it is important to all of us.


Why should I help?Local employment helps grow 0ur economy.

Plenty of local folks need work and we should hire locally before hiring those outside our area.

There’s a chance to help people that may not otherwise have as many opportunities to gain employment. If you can help people having difficulty finding work, then we should try to do that.


What this program is notIt is not a “gotcha” game. The County

wants vendors to succeed and provide job opportunities to potential employees locally, but understands that sometimes this is not possible for a variety of reasons.As long as firms meet the requirements,

they are considered compliant with the program.


What this program is notProgram doesn’t trump other lawsDoesn’t mandate hiringDoesn’t apply to small projects (Less than

<$500K in annual value).


As a contractor, what must I do?I must post all vacancies with CareerSource for five

days on contracts where this program applies.I cannot fill any vacancies until the five days are up

unless they are filled through CareerSource.When CareerSource provides me a list of qualified

referrals, I agree to review the list, and where qualifications are met for the position, interview those people.

This establishes what’s called ‘good faith,’ which I can also meet by showing that 50% + of my workforce meets the qualifying new hires definition

I must periodically report my progress.


As a contractor, what must I do?


Work Flow


BROWARD COUNTY (BCG)Upon award of the county contract provides the Contractor with instruction sheet (prepared by CareerSource Broward (CSBD) on how to access the CSBD/WIP web link to notify CSBD of the job opportunities.

BROWARD COUNTY (BCG)Upon award of the county contract provides the Contractor with instruction sheet (prepared by CareerSource Broward (CSBD) on how to access the CSBD/WIP web link to notify CSBD of the job opportunities.

CONTRACTORUsing the instructions and guidance provided by BCG, accesses the CSBD/WIP weblink and notifies CSBD of the available job opportunities by posting positions to website. CSBD will have dedicated staff for Contractor support.

CONTRACTORUsing the instructions and guidance provided by BCG, accesses the CSBD/WIP weblink and notifies CSBD of the available job opportunities by posting positions to website. CSBD will have dedicated staff for Contractor support.

CAREERSOURCE BROWARD (CSBD)Within one business day, ensures postings received from Contractor via CSBD/WIP web link are entered into Employ Florida Marketplace (EFM) or successor platform and begins referring qualified candidates via the employer’s method of application noted in the job order. Referrals may continue through 5-day period.

CAREERSOURCE BROWARD (CSBD)Within one business day, ensures postings received from Contractor via CSBD/WIP web link are entered into Employ Florida Marketplace (EFM) or successor platform and begins referring qualified candidates via the employer’s method of application noted in the job order. Referrals may continue through 5-day period.

CONTRACTORReports to CSBD the results of referrals received (i.e.: number of referrals interviewed and hired). Contractor will also inform CSBD of all “Hard-to-Hire” and “Disadvantaged” Workers hired via the County-provided attestation form.

CONTRACTORReports to CSBD the results of referrals received (i.e.: number of referrals interviewed and hired). Contractor will also inform CSBD of all “Hard-to-Hire” and “Disadvantaged” Workers hired via the County-provided attestation form.

BROWARD COUNTY (BCG)Requests reports from CSBD on a quarterly or annual basis in relation to the Contractor’s job posting and hiring under the Workforce Investment Program.

BROWARD COUNTY (BCG)Requests reports from CSBD on a quarterly or annual basis in relation to the Contractor’s job posting and hiring under the Workforce Investment Program.

CAREERSOURCE BROWARD (CSBD)Provides requested reports to BCG.

CAREERSOURCE BROWARD (CSBD)Provides requested reports to BCG.

CAREERSOURCE BROWARD (CSBD)Notify partners OIC South Florida and

Vocational Rehabilitation of new postings.

CAREERSOURCE BROWARD (CSBD)Notify partners OIC South Florida and

Vocational Rehabilitation of new postings.

Qualified Hires Qualified referrals (from CareerSource or its

partners)Military vets or Peace Corps volunteersApprenticesThose lacking skill, experience or

qualification by that have been provided training by CareerSource

Those that are economically disadvantagedThose that are hard-to-hire as defined by the


What about goals?A goal is established for hiring associated with a

specific County contract. This is different than a CBE goal for small business participation, for example.

If no new hiring is needed, there’s no expectation for new hiring.

If new hiring is anticipated, the goal is: expected vacancies, less vacancies filled outside the state, divided by two.

If a contractor hires an economically disadvantaged individual or hard-to-hire individual, that counts as two for purposes of meeting the goal.

Again, due diligence is the issue…contractors must show good faith to meet the goal, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they must hire. 11

As a project manager or contract administrator, what is my role?Throughout the contract, it is important to remind

contractors of their ongoing obligation to meet the requirements of the workforce program for any vacancies on covered contracts.

Firms will probably have questions about the program. You should understand the program well enough to help them understand the requirements and expectations.

Where you do not understand, or where a contractor has a question and the answer is unclear to you, refer the question to the Economic Development section of OESBD at 357-6400 for an answer.


Where can I go for more info?If you have questions, we can help!Call 954-357-6400.OESBD has posted a page with more

program information, including the Board’s resolution; link to it from the office’s main webpage (button located on the left side of the page):


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