  • 8/18/2019 What Are the Sources of Fear




    "The primary one is death. The fear of death is a particular thought that is always backed by some

    relevant emotion, because the love for survival is instinctive.

    This very natural love 'to be' is inbuilt in creation. No living organism wants to die. An animal always runs

    away from a predator because instinctively it knows it will die otherwise.

    If you detect the thought 'I will die', you can begin to inquire into it.

    What is it that is going to die ? The body? It is definitely going to die. Nothing can stop it. That which dies

    always dies and what cannot die, does not.

    It is not that suddenly the body dies. It keeps ageing , because like a thing in the creation , it has an

    inherent dis integrative factor, entropy which drives order to disorder.

    The more you understood this , the better you can appreciate being alive today. You can celebrate life.

    All you have to do is to plan for one day. All you have to do is to plan for one day, today.

    There are always some people who create problems. You just put up with them. After all , it is just for a

    few hours.

    Similarly ' just for a day , everyday, I celebrate living and I am not afraid of death."



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