Page 1: What Are the Similarities and Differences Between the Theories of Maslow and Herzberg

What are the similarities and differences between the theories of Maslow and Herzberg?


Both use a hierarchical scale..where one stage must first be fully or largely completed before advancing to the next stage.

Both are based on the argument that "we behave as we do because we are attempting to fulfill internal needs." (Bartol et al., 2005) i.e. needs theory

They both specify the criteria as to what motivates people. However, this is controversial because entrepreneurs and people from different cultures have different values and norms, and therefore have different criteria or have criteria which are perceived as more important e.g. Greek and Japanese employees stated that safety and physiological needs are more important to them, where as employees from Norway and Sweden saw belongingness needs as being more important.

Herzberg's hygiene idea corresponds with Maslow’s Physiological, Safety and Belongingness needs i.e. they both have the same criteria (basic pay, work conditions etc...)

Also, Herzberg's motivator’s idea corresponds with Maslow’s Esteem and Self-Actualization needs i.e. they both have the same criteria (recognition, growth, achievement etc...).

Both theories are influenced by environmental conditions, employee attitudes and as a result, their motivation. These influence an employees performance.


Maslow says that each stage of the 5 must be fully or largely completed before advancing to the next stage..however, Herzberg suggested that there were only 2 stages (hygiene and motivators) instead of 5.

Maslow said that fulfilling each stage is a motivator, however Herzberg said that fulfilling the hygiene stage only results in an employee being in neutral state and that satisfaction and motivation only comes from the 2nd stage (motivator).

Page 2: What Are the Similarities and Differences Between the Theories of Maslow and Herzberg

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