
What about now?

Listen to the lyrics of the song and watch the video, summarise it’s main message.

Social ConcernAll Christians are called to put faith into action in their lives.

How are Christians

putting their faith into action?

Look out for examples and video clips throughout the lesson and add to your mind map.

• Jesus’ ministry taught that whenever a good deed was done to the least in the world, it was as if it was done to him. Christians therefore have a duty to see the image of God in every human, no matter what their race, colour, creed or status in life.

Following Jesus’ example of action in the world

• Christians are called to live out their faith in the world through following the example and actions of Jesus Christ.

• His mission was addressed to the marginal in society. He healed the sick and identified himself with the needy (prisoners, hungry, blind, lame, deaf, dumb, outcast). He stressed the importance of love for everyone

• Christians must follow the example of Jesus and actively work against anything that separates human beings from one another. This includes prejudice on the basis of religion, race, gender, social class, sexuality or disability.

• We have seen that Christians believe that each individual is created in the image of God and that this leads them to have a very high opinion of all human life.

• Also, as shown in the

parable of the Good Samaritan, the Christian is called to recognise and reach out to every person as a neighbour – including those who are enemies.

• We have also seen that social action within the world will have consequences at the Last Judgement. The parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man illustrated this point well.

• So too did the teaching on the separation of the sheep (those who helped the prisoners, hungry, naked etc.) and the goats (those who ignored the needs of others).

• Christians have a duty to take action on behalf of the poor and the marginalised.

• Christians have a duty to supply basic needs to all people (food, healthcare, housing, education) and to actively campaign against all forms and causes of oppression.

• One particularly important movement in recent times has been the development Liberation Theology.

• This is a movement that has encouraged theologians to put Christian ideas into practice. It arose in Latin America and urged believers to stand alongside those suffering oppression and poverty.

• There are also a number of Christian organisations that operate and give aid on the basis of Jesus’ example.

• These include CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development), Tearfund and Christian Aid. Christian Aid’s campaign slogan ‘We believe in life before death’ shows that the Christian message of liberation must impact upon the world in the present. :

• Closer to home, initiatives such as Scottish Churches Housing Association comprises 13 denominations all working together to offer comfort and dignity to homeless people; this exhibits a similar vision.

• By developing local initiatives, campaigning for better deals for the homeless and ‘promoting practical support for homeless people as a integral part of outreach and pastoral ministry’ this movement seeks to live out Christian ideals in Scotland

What is The Salvation Army?

The Salvation Army is an integral part of the Christian Church, although distinctive in government and practice. The Army’s doctrine follows the mainstream of Christian belief and its articles of faith emphasise God’s saving purposes. Its objects are ‘the advancement of the Christian religion… of education, the relief of poverty, and other charitable objects beneficial to society or the community of mankind as a whole.’*

The movement, founded in 1865 by William Booth, has spread from London, England, to many parts of the world

• The Salvation Army provides another powerful example of action in the world as a result of faith. It is both a church and a charity that provides humanitarian aid in over 100 countries.

• In May 1912 William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, made the following speech, which sums up the call of many Christian charities that seek to put faith into practical action in the world and fight all systems that promote prejudice, discrimination, injustice and poverty.

While women weep, as they do now, I’ll fight;

When little children go hungry, as they do now, I’ll fight;

While men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I’ll fight;

While there is one drunkard left,While there is a poor lost girl on the streets,While their remains one dark soul without

the light of God,I’ll fight, I’ll fight to the very end.

Amazon Hope

• Branches gift shop Bo' Ness

• The Vine Trust started as a local community response to the famine in Ethiopia and Sudan in 1985. Churches in Bo'ness, felt compelled to do something. They established "Branches", a small gift shop, staffed by volunteers, whose profits continue to be distributed to local and international causes

• From these small beginnings has grown the realisation that ordinary people working together can effect significant change. They work in partnership with local people in other countries who have a vision to see their own communities transformed.

• Amazon Hope - Peru

• In 2000 the Trust decided to support the development of Street Children’s work in Peru through developing its partnership with SU Peru who have been working with street children for 20 years. In 2004, the first medical team from the UK went to work on the Amazon Hope medical ship.

• Willie McPherson

Reasons why Christians

must put faith into action?

Discussion Questions

• What is prejudice and discrimination and what forms do they take?

• Can you think of contemporary examples of prejudice in your society?

• How do you think a Christian is called to react to such perspectives?

Discussion Questions

• Why should Christians become involved in social issues and act against injustice and oppression in our own society and abroad?

Describe fully one example of how Christians combat social

injustice in the world.7KU

• Candidates may use an example they have studied and any others they may have studied.

• • Campaigns• • Awareness raising• • Prayer• • Finance• • Variety of missionary work• • Lobbying• • Self-sacrifice• • Protests• • Charity work

Explain the benefits and difficulties for Christians of becoming

involved in action against social injustice.8AE

• BenefitsRelieve sufferingFollow the example of JesusShare God’s loveSpread the word of GodChange the situationExpand the churchPublicityDemonstrate worldly concerns of the Church

DifficultiesTimeEffortPublicitySpiritual v. SecularLoss of neutralitySeen as interferenceHinders spiritual development

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