Page 1: Western Settlement and Economic Development

Western Settlement and Economic Development

Page 2: Western Settlement and Economic Development

Transcontinental Railroads

Page 3: Western Settlement and Economic Development

Railroad Land Grants and Time Zones

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Western Mining

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Boom Towns to Ghost Towns

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Mormon Migration to Salt Lake, Utah

The murder of Joseph Smith ledto the Mormon migration to Utah in the 1840s.

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Cattle Industry, Cowboys and Ranching

Page 8: Western Settlement and Economic Development

Barbed Wire, Homesteaders and the closing of the Open Range

As farmers (homesteaders) moved into the plains, they began to stringbarbed wire fencing around their cropsTo protect them. This caused the Openrange era of cattle driving to developinto large ranches and year round andthe Age of the lonesome cowboy came to an end lasting about 20 years.

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