Page 1: West Midland Bird Club Annual Report No 38 1971...Annual Report No 38 1971 Being the Annual Bird Report of the West Midland Bird Club on the birds of Warwickshire, Worcestershire and

West Midland Bird Club

Annual Report No 38 1971

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Photographs R J C Blewitt

The front cover shows a Greenfinch at the nest, the subject of an interesting story recounted in the Ringing Secretary's Report.

The photograph below shows a very tame Dotterel at Cannock reservoir.

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West Midland Bird Club

Annual Report No 38 1971

Being the Annual Bird Report of the West Midland Bird Club on the birds of Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire.


2 Officers and Committee

3 Editor's Report

4 Secretary's Report

8 Treasurer's Report and Financial Statement

10 Ringing Secretary's Report

11 Field Meetings Report

11 Ladywalk Nature Reserve

13 The Birds of Cannock Reservoir 1948-1971

28 Classified Notes

87 Recoveries in 1971 of Birds Ringed in the WMBC Area

92 Recoveries in WMBC area of Birds Ringed Elsewhere

95 Arrival and Departure of Migrants

103 Key tp Contributors

Price 50p

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Officers and Committee 1972

President The Lord Hurcomb, GCB, KBE

Vice-President A J Harthan, Dovers Cottage, Weston Subedge, Chipping Camden, Gloucestershire






C A Norris, Brookend House, Welland, Worcs.

A T Clay, " Ardenshaw," Ullenhall, Solihull, Warwickshire

A J Richards, 1 St Asaph's Avenue, Studley, Warwickshire

B R Dean, 2 Charingworth Road, Solihull, Warwickshire

K H Thomas, 34 Froxmere Close, Crowle, Worcester WR7 4AP

Field Meetings A F Jacobs, 2A Green Lane, Hadzor, Droitwich, Secretary Worcestershire WR9 7DP

Assistant J N Sears, 81 Alcester Road, Hollywood, Secretary Birmingham B47 5NR

Ringing E J Pratley, 54 Welford Road, Sutton Coldfield, Secretary Warwickshire

Conservation G C Lambourne, The Cottage Farm, Ipsley, Officer Redditch, Worcestershire

Membership D M Thomas, 43 Mayhurst Road, Truemans Heath, Secretary Hollywood, Birmingham B47 5QG

Kidderminster L R Bayes, 23 Woodland Avenue, Sweetpool Lane, Branch Rep. West Hagley, Worcestershire

Stafford F C Gribble, 22 Rickerscote Avenue, Rickerscote, Branch Rep. Staffordshire

Committee A R M Blake, S C Brown, B C George, G R Harrison J R Mountford

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Editor's Report

The year has been notable for the number of fresh county records. All the following occurrences were the first for the counties concerned and in some cases the first for the club's area. A Cory's Shearwater at Cannock Reservoir; a Night Heron at Moneymore Gravel Pits; a Crane at Blithfield Reservoir; a Least Sandpiper at Cannock Reservoir; a Mediterranean Gull at Draycote; and a Caspian Tern at Upton Warren.

Nor was there any scarcity of other interesting, if less spectacular reports. A Brent Goose at Bittell; Little Ringed Plover breeding for the second time in Worcestershire; a Dotterel at Cannock Reservoir; Purple Sandpipers at Blithfield and Cannock Reservoir; Pectoral Sandpipers at Upton Warren and Wilden; Avocets at Hams Hall and Bodymoor Heath; an unprece-dented influx of Great Skuas on September 26th when birds were seen at four different waters; a White-winged Black Tern at Upton Warren; a Roseate Tern at Belvide; a Little Auk at Cannock Reservoir; Bearded Tits at four localities; Black Redstarts nesting in Birmingham and Bilston; a Firecrest at Bittell; and Water Pipits at four localities.

This being my final report a few comparisons on changes since the first one 21 years ago are appropriate. Several familiar bird-watching areas were unknown at that time. Blithfield and Draycote Reservoirs were then only in the minds of the planners (although Blithfield started to fill in 1952); Brandon and Hams Hall—the Ladywalk Bird Reserve—had not developed; and Upton Warren pools, which now provide a wealth of Worcestershire records, were usually dry. Well-known localities at that time such as Minworth, Baginton and Branston have now declined with changing conditions.

Of birds now lost as breeding species there are the Woodlark—16 pairs bred in the Kinver/Enville district alone, the Red-backed Shrike and the Stonechat. The Buzzard has almost gone but at that time about 25 pairs bred in the club's area, mostly in Worcestershire. The Little Ringed Plover was just beginning to colonize the area, the Collared Dove had not even reached this country, let alone the Midlands, and the term Ruddy Duck would have been regarded as an expletive rather than a species. Reports of visiting Bearded Tits would have been received with incredulity but in the present Report there are occurrences at four localities. The Twite was not breeding and the summer distribution of the Redpoll and Corn Bunting was much more limited.

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Waders in passage are now much more varied in species and greater in numbers due in part to the increased waters and bird-watchers but divers are less. Gulls have increased—in the early 50s reports of three or four winter Lesser Black-backed Gulls were worthy of mention—now roosts of up to 5,000 birds are frequent. Glaucous and Iceland Gulls are now regular visitors and perhaps the increase in rubbish tips has something to do with this. Bird-watchers have multiplied in numbers and broadened in knowledge with experience gained in all parts of the country and abroad. 100 contributors to the 1950 Report have now become over 250 in 1971. Conservation was a term little heard 20 years ago nor was there the same fierce competition with recreational sports at many of the bird haunts. I thank all those whose co-operation has made the Editor's job a pleasant one. In this report a number of line illustrations have been included of some of the interesting species recorded during the year. These delightful draw-ings have been produced by Michael Warren to whom we are most grateful. We are also indebted to Clive Richards once again who advised on the typography and drew the map of Cannock reservoir. J Lord

Secretary's Report Membership 1971 can be regarded as another successful year in the Club's history for during the 12 months under review we enrolled over 200 new members and at the year's close our fully paid up membership stood at 1,470. Had it not been for the postal strike during the early part of the year we would almost have certainly topped 1,500. Such dramatic increases in our membership as we have experienced during 1971 and the previous year is most heartening, for as our membership increases so does our ability to influence the shaping of our environment to the benefit of birds which in turn will benefit ourselves, not only in terms of the birds we see and enjoy but in the conditions in which we observe them. Though we may marvel at the way Little Ringed Plovers and other species manage to raise their young to a background of industrial debris or rubbish filled gravel pits and other equally salubrious surroundings, we hope we can encourage the conservation of some of the more natural areas of the West Midland countryside; for if we are to preserve the " quality of life " which still exists albeit tenuously, this must be our aim.

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Indoor Meetings As in previous years we were able to enjoy our usual high standard of indoor meetings which was brought about by some hard work by a number of people and particularly Mr Inskip who once again is to be thanked for his efforts in ensuring the right speaker appeared at the right place at the right time. It is however, with regret we have to accept Mr Inskip's resignation from this onerous duty. His contribution to this very important aspect of the Club's activities in recent years is much appreciated. In 1971 our speakers and their subjects were as follows:— January DrJJMFIegg February T Hedley Bell March Annual General Meeting April M M Swales, MA May RSPB Films

' Puffins Come Home,' October RSPB Films

November J B & S Bottomley December Donald Watson

Saltee ' Sea Bird Island ' Iceland Safari *

Birds of Gough Island ' Where the Curlew Calls,' Sea Eagles for Fair Isle.' Winged Aristocrats' and Birds of the Grey Wind ' Birds of the Hayle Estuary' Watching Hen Harriers '

We thank all these speakers for adding to our knowledge and enjoyment of birds in their different ways. With our programme of indoor meetings we do of course always start with the distinct advantage of having such a wonderful centre for our meetings and our warmest thanks must go to the Museum and Art Gallery authorities once again for allowing us the continued use of these fine premises which incidentally have been our venue since 1948. At this point I would also like to thank Mr Hanney, Keeper of the Natural History Department, and the Museum staff for all sorts of behind the scenes help which has added immensely to the smooth running of operations at our indoor meetings. Open Day 1971 was a year of further close co-operation with the RSPB for as well as participating in the Coventry RSPB Group's Open Day on 30th October we also held our own Open Day with the RSPB at Carrs Lane Church Centre, Birmingham, on 20th November which despite uncertain public transport and diabolical weather later in the day was a notable success with over 1000 people attending this function. The many willing helpers who were in attendance throughout the day are expressly thanked for their invaluable contribution towards the success of

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the venture. Many of these helpers also assisted with our other joint venture, the Town Hall Film Show on January 29th, when a capacity audience saw the RSPB colour films ' Birds of the Grey Wind ' and ' Winged Aristocrats.'

One of the big values of these occasions is that a lot of people get to know about the RSPB and ourselves, and it is these promotions which without question have added to our ranks in recent months. It goes without saying we welcome all new members who have come to know of us through these means and any other means for that matter. We hope their membership of the WMBC will be a long and happy one.

Permit Schemes In 1971 even greater demands were placed on the various birdwatching permit schemes operated by this Club with over 200 issued for Blithfield reservoir and just short of that figure issued for Belvide and Gailey reser-voirs.

In the first year of the Ladywalk Nature Reserve (see page 9) becoming operative the full complement of 300 permits was quickly taken up indicating the appeal of this area.

Through arrangements with the Superintendent of the Drakelow Power Station the year 1971 also saw the extension of the permit scheme to this other CEGB Nature reserve which many West Midland Bird Club members took advantage of.

Kidderminster Branch In 1971 the Kidderminster Branch held another full programme of indoor and outdoor meetings for members living in north-west Worcestershire. Indoor meetings under the chairmanship of Miss Margaret Badland were held in the lecture room of Kidderminster public library on Fridays in February, March, October and November. Speakers included Mr Fred Fincher and Mr Jim Pratley. The highlight of this winter series was a selection of bird films in colour produced and presented by Dr Kenneth Southall, a well known conservationist and a Worcestershire member of the West Midland Bird Club. The annual business meeting was held in December at the home of the branch Honorary Secretary Mr Malcolm Upsall who organised the meetings throughout the year.

Outdoor meetings were held in each of the spring, summer and autumn months with the exception of August. Visits were made to places in Worcestershire, and Shropshire regularly favoured by Kidderminster members, including Wyre Forest, Bringewood Chase near Ludlow, and

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the Worcestershire Conservation Trust's nature reserves at Upton Warren and Alfrick. The visits were well rewarded by the variety of birds seen. Branch members were again active in organising and maintaining nest box schemes by both the WMBC and private land owners. The continued breeding success of the Pied Flycatcher was a principal feature of these schemes. Mr L R Bayes as Branch representative maintained the close liaison which exists between the Kidderminster Branch and the parent Club during 1971 and provided the information on the Branch activities referred to above.

Stafford Branch 1971 The undoubted highlight of the indoor programme was the first joint meeting of the Branch with the RSPB when the films ' Winged Aristocrats ' and ' Birds of the Grey Wind ' attracted 700 people to the Queen's Hall, Burslem in February. The rest of the year's meetings, though not approaching it in attendance, certainly equalled it in the quality of the speakers and the range of their subjects. Most members were provided for—the scientifically inclined (' Decline of the Partridge '), the rarity chasers (' Birds of Turkey, Southern Spain and Ethiopia'), the stay-at-home watcher (' Derbyshire and its Birds ') and the technically minded (' Natural History Sound Recording'). Audiences continued to grow—to such an extent that the over capacity crowd for' Skokholm Seabirds ' in Hanley persuaded a move of house to larger and more luxurious premises in the Central Library for the second half of the year. Out of doors the Branch meetings ventured twice beyond the confines of the county to the Wrekin and Ironbridge in May and Point of Air in January. The rest of the field meetings were on familiar ground except for two which made their first appearance on the list: Patshull in the south and the Pot-teries area in the north. Thanks to the hard work of several of the Club's camera enthusiasts the Branch was able to mount a large display dealing with Staffordshire reservoirs for the County Fair at Stafford in September. The Stafford Branch officers and committee members are again to be congratulated on their efforts which yearly adds to the club's coverage and activities in Staffordshire and as in previous years close liaison between parent Club and Branch has been maintained through the Stafford Branch representatives, Mr F C Gribble, the Branch Secretary, Mr B Craddock and the Branch Chairman Mr E W Longman who provided the details for this account of the Branch activities.

A J Richards

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Treasurer's Report

Excess of income over expenditure for 1971 was £224.88. As this included net receipts of £170.80 from sales of the 'Atlas of Breeding Birds of the West Midlands ' and we were unable to issue two Bulletins during the postal strike, our expenditure in a normal year would have exceeded income. Expenditure rose on major items as follows. Indoor Meetings from £57 to £110 because we paid our speakers realistic fees and expenses. Report from £340 to £576. This vast rise can be accounted for under three headings (i) a bigger and re-styled Report; (ii) increase of printing costs; (iii) considerably larger numbers ordered. Bulletins from £510 to £532. This would have been a much greater increase if our normal quota of Bulletins had been issued. Printing, Stationery etc from £133 to £164. The net expenditure on the Open Day (£59) has to be set against the visible profits (new members and sales of publications) and the invisible prestige produced by such a venture. Income for the year ending 31st December 1971

1970 1,134 Subscriptions received for 1971

13 Sale of Reports

1971 1,325.14

38.321 4.08

28.84 38.28 50.03

296.681 175.33 83.75 32.55

3 Sale of " Birds of Staffs " 29 Field Meetings — Collection—Indoor Meeting 47 Building Society Interest

291 Reservoir (Permit Fees) 777 Atlas Fund

— Open Day—Film Show Receipts — Greetings Card Receipts

2,294 £2,073.01

Liabilities as at 31st December, 1971 1,041 As at 1 st January, 1971 (211) Add: Surplus for year

830.81 224.88

250 Loan: FoyleTrust (Interest Free) 286 Subscriptions in Advance 830 1,055.69

337.77 250.00

£1,366 £1,643.46

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Membership rose from 1250 to 1470—a rise of 441 in two years; con-sequently subscriptions and reclaimed tax produced £191 higher income. The Conservation Fund now stands at a realisable value of about £226 and the overall profit on the Atlas at £310. When the subscription was raised to £1 in 1970 we thought that we might have a surplus for two or three years and then have to run down our reserves for (say) two years before considering a further increase. We have, in fact, produced an overall surplus in the last two years but may not do so in 1972 despite the unprecedented membership rise now being experienced—139 in the first two months of 1972. However in view of our net balance of nearly £1056 at the end of 1971 I am not recommending a rise in subscription rates for 1973 at the moment. If however postal charges are raised during 1972 the position will be reviewed as these charges are a major expense which is almost directly proportional to the number of members. K H Thomas

Expenditure for the year ending 31st December 1971 1970 1971

57 Indoor Meetings 109.79 340 Reports 576.39 510 Bulletins 532.04 133 Printing, Stationery, Postages, &c. 162.78 283 Reservoirs (Permit Fees, Insurance, Hide Rental) 294.13 17 Subscriptions to Associates 17.52

1,110 Atlas Expenditure 4.53 — Open Day Expenditure 142.75 — Greetings Card Expenditure 8.20 27 Display Board — 28 ECY Expenditure —

£2,505 £1,848.13 211 Deficit 1970

Excess of income over expenditure £224.88 Assets as at 31st December 1971

1970 1971 234 Cash at Bank 235.78 968 Investment in Leicester Permanent Building Society 1,218.54 164 Conservation Fund (161.37 Scot Exempt Growth

Units—at cost) 189.14

£1,366 £1,643.46

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Ringing Secretary's Report The pattern of ringing in the West Midland Bird Club area was little changed from previous years. Those ringers helping with the British Trust for Ornithology Acrocephalus enquiry continued their efforts, movement of warblers between sites in the Club area was noted, and birds ringed in previous years were well represented in catches. Swallow, Finch, Thrush and Starling roosts were visited in their respective seasons by most ringers. Two Swallow recoveries from North Africa of one year old birds are of interest; the dates reported, late May and late June, would surely mean that these birds would not have returned to the UK in 1971. The number of Greenfinch recoveries and controls mostly occurred during the winter months and shows how this species moves around with seem-ingly no particular pattern. One control in the breeding season is however illustrated by the photograph elsewhere in this report taken by R. Blewitt. It shows a Greenfinch at its nest near Belvide. A series of photographs enabled the ring number to be deciphered and to identify the bird as having been ringed at its winter roost near Weston under Lizard, Staffs, by P. Deans. Both photographer and ringer are Club Members. The Finnish Starling recovery is interesting. It was ringed at a huge roost near Shustoke, in fact on this occasion only four birds were ringed; one was recovered in Germany, see 1970 report. The new Nest Box Scheme at Kings Norton Golf Club where 83 boxes were erected early in the year, was very successful. Five species occupied 46 boxes. They were Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Nuthatch, and Tree-creeper; a total of 157 nestlings were ringed. In the Wyre Forest nest boxes 43 nestlings were ringed of five species. Blue Tit, Great Tit, Marsh Tit, Nuthatch and Pied Flycatcher. The Wigeon Study at Blithfield Reservoir continued during the winter but the large catch of 1968 has not been repeated. Useful numbers were ringed and more information collected to help in ascertaining the origin of these duck. The surprise recovery from Iceland in June gives food for thought, as all previous recoveries have shown an easterly movement. Movements of Mute Swans in the South Staffs Study Area followed a similar pattern to previous years with one exception, a juvenile that was reported from Wakefield, Yorkshire, three weeks after ringing. This is the furthest any Swan has moved in a north-easterly direction from the study area. The Secretary thanks all Ringers for the information received, both for this report and during the year for the Bulletins. E J Pratley

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Field Meetings Secretary's Report Twelve day and part-day field meetings were held during the year, the venues being Belvide, Bittell, Blithfield and Cannock Reservoirs, Upton Warren, the Lickeys, the Wyre Forest, Cannock Chase, Ludlow area, Radnorshire hills and the Dee Estuary. Weekend visits were paid to Anglesey and the Norfolk coast. The increasing membership of the Club brought a number of new field meeting followers for whom the meetings provided an introduction to fellow-members, niew places and new birds.

A FJacobs

Ladywalk Nature Reserve On Friday, 18th June, 1971, Max Nicholson, CB, performed the inaugural ceremony at the-Ladywalk Reserve by unveiling a small plaque on one of the two hides. As befits such an auspicious occasion, one of the Reserve's specialities, a Shelduck which had nested there, paraded her recently hatched eleven ducklings in front of the admiring spectators which included MrD D Fair, Director General of the CEGB, Peter Condor, Director of the RSPB, and C A Norris, Vice-President of the WMBC. The inaugural year of the Ladywalk Nature Reserve although short was not without ornithological interest. A systematic list of birds was compiled from entries made in the hide log books which were started as the hides were completed—hide B in mid April and hide A at the end of May. The total number of species noted was 121 of which 46 are known to have bred. Seventy-two observers made entries in the hide books and of these about a third were more or less regular contributors. Shelduck bred for the second and Little Ringed Plovers for the thirteenth successive years. In May and June the latter species was noted to be disputing territory with Ringed Plovers. Mid May saw a short Spring passage of waders which included both Curlew Sandpiper and Knot in breeding plumage, a rare enough treat inland. The Autumn passage produced thirteen species of waders but disappointing numbers of birds. By late October the reserve was acting as a wildfowl refuge in a much disturbed valley, 600+ duck being recorded, and although mainly Mallard the flock included one or two Pintail, a few Wigeon and Shoveler and a steadily increasing number of Teal which reached well over 100 by the end of the year. In addition the late Autumn brought a growing finch flock of 2-300 birds holding no less than nine species; Chaffinch, Linnet, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Redpoll, Bullfinch, Brambling, Twite and Siskin. A nest box scheme in the Church Pool Covert reserve is another aspect of

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the overall conservation plan at Hams Hall, commenced in 1971 and the following details of the year's activity and successes in this respect are given herewith. In the late spring of 1971 thirty-eight nest boxes were placed throughoutthe covert which comprises ten acres of old mixed woodland. Generally they were positioned in the more open areas, the woodland edge, the pathways and the water's edge. Two types of boxes were used, twenty-eight of the closed variety with a 1 in. diameter entrance hole designed for tits; and ten of the open fronted kind. The boxes were placed at a height of around 10ft to discourage interference and were examined for occupancy in the middle of June 1971. Evidence of use is summarised as follows. Of the closed front boxes sixteen were utilised by Blue Tits, one by Tree Sparrows and one by Wrens. In five boxes partly built nests were found of four Blue Tits (one with one egg) and one Wren. There was one empty box but for one Blue Tit's egg and four were unused. Of the open fronted boxes two were utilised by Spotted Flycatchers, one contained a partly built Wren's nest, two were used as roosts and five were unused. Two boxes showed evidence of attention from Woodpeckers. One box had been smashed and another removed, presumably by vandals. Of the thirty-eight boxes twenty showed certain evidence of successful occu-pancy while five more could well have produced Blue Tit broods. Leaving out of account the five possible successes these numbers give a 52% successful occupancy result which can be considered most satisfactory in view of the lateness of installation. The full complement of permits allowed for 1971 (300) was issued long before half the year in question had passed which was evidence, if any was needed of the ornithological value placed on the area by Club members. The West Midland Bird Club is grateful to the CEGB and MrT Howard, the Station Superintendent, for the facilities of access accorded to permit

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The Birds of Cannock Reservoir 1948 -1971 Cannock Reservoir, known locally as Norton Pool and recently re-named Chasewater, has seen considerable changes in character along with its change in name. While always used by the local population as a recreation area the last decade has seen more specific development as a " Pleasure Park"; there are now thriving powerboat, water-ski and sailing clubs, which bring large crowds of spectators, and on the south side go-kart and trotting tracks now exist where previously there was open heath. Also on the south side are car-parks, model boat pools, ornamental banks and shelters, a pier and so on. With this development disturbance has increased all round the pool and the whole of the water surface is used for boating. In 1970 the small northern pool, separated from the rest by a causeway, was used for water-skiing. Along with more responsible visitors come an unhealthy proportion of indiscriminate gunmen. The southern side, despite its changes, remains the most attractive shore to waders if the water is low, but here they are subject to the greatest distur-bance. The western area was a strip of small fields and ponds between the embankments of reservoir and railway, but this has now been infilled with ash and roughly covered with earth. Initially the fields were scraped clear of vegetation and Little Ringed Plovers bred here. The eastern side, running down alongside a canal, is a mixture of heath, marsh, ponds and spoil heaps, with a varied and interesting flora, but is also scheduled for burial beneath refuse and eventual levelling to create a golf course. At present the patches of willows and hawthorns are valuable for breeding birds and migrants. Near the northern end of the dam the group of trees around the Old Vicarage provide suitable habitat for species found less often elsewhere. The northern area has so far changed little but many of the old spoil heaps are being levelled; there remains a large tract of heath, marsh and scrub, crossed by old hawthorn hedges and disused railways. There are pit heaps, and flat slurry beds between overgrown banks, and on the northern edge of the pool in recent years a strip of willows has grown up. A stream running into the bay on the north side (Fly Bay) is also edged with willows and these provide good spots for the common migrants. The northern pool (Jeffery's Swag) used to fluctuate in level with the rest but has now been controlled by a weir in order to ensure sufficient depth for boats; the aquatic plants are being cleared, and this together with wash from boats has decreased the numbers of Coots and Grebes which nest; however the rise in level has flooded a patch of bushes and

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created a marsh which extends from the pool to the fields of a nearby pig farm and is clearly a rich feeding ground for several species. When reading the notes, particularly those concerning waders, it must be remembered that, as a canal feeder, the reservoir has a markedly fluctuating water level; certain years, such as 1957, 1965 and 1971 have many wader records because of the low level at the time; while waders still vary with the water there is nevertheless a general decrease with increasing distur-bance and birds apparently stay for shorter periods and numbers do not build up as before. A change of 10-15 feet in water level can alter the actual shoreline by up to 75 yards in places, and clearly this affects many birds.

The notes are taken from the Annual Reports from 1954 and from the article on Cannock by M J Rogers in the report for that year; the Red-crested Pochard record appeared in " Birds of Staffordshire." Supple-menting these sources is experience gained from rather more than 600 personal visits; and for valuable notes and helpful comments I must thank A R M Blake, who has known the area and has visited it regularly throughout the period. Thanks must also go to the rather small group of observers who have watched Cannock over the period and have produced such good coverage.

R A Hume

Classified List Black-throated Diver Single birds on the following dates: December 16, 1951; January 2, 1952; December 31, 1954; March 22-23 and April 11-12, 1958; between May 21 and September 1, 1960; November 11, December 1 and 15, 1963 and on January 23-31, 1965. Great Northern Diver Singles on November 9-24, 1948; January 20-March 1, 1952; November 13-December 19, 1954; January 7-9, 1955 (shot); February 18-19, 1956; December 27-28, 1959; January 1-10 and November 11-26, 1960. Note tendency to stay on for several days. Red-throated Diver Singles on only two occasions, March 6-7, 1965 and January 6, 1968 (oiled). Great Crested Grebe Present as a non-breeder until recent years when breeding regularly on the northern pool (1 -2 pairs). Increasing tendency for a few to winter, but most in March and September, usually up to 15 but 25, March 24, 1969. Red-necked Grebe January 30, 1955 and February 27, 1966.

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Slavonian Grebe Singles on March 10, 1949; December 1-15,1957; December 12, 1959; and December 19-20, 1970. Black-necked Grebe January 16-23, 1949; February 11-12, 1966; September 2, 1968; and September 15 and 23, 1970. Little Grebe Breeds on nearby small pools though several sites have been destroyed; recently also on the northern pool. Leach's Petrel After gales birds appeared on October 29, 1952; September 15, 1957 and January 11, 1962. Cory's Shearwater One found on the shingle of the northern shore in calm, clear weather, October 2, 1971. Manx Shearwater Singles on August 4 and 12, 1959. Cormorant Irregular in appearance, mostly in autumn when singles sometimes occur. One with characteristics of southern race on March 2 and 15, 1958. Shag Singles on September 19, 1948; December 14, 1948 and August 2,1954. Heron Noted on a very few dates most years; of my 24 records 12 are in March-April, including my only sighting of 2 birds. Often merely flying over, but sometimes fishing on the northern shore. Mallard Bred until 1957 but eggs generally taken; has attempted to breed once or twice since, but generally scarce, with most in autumn, often on the northern pool. Teal Ones and twos often occur in autumn and winter, with some larger parties most years. Garganey Pairs on July 12, 1953, April 18-19, 1954; one May 9, 1954; two April 28 and one May 13, 1956. Gadwall Four December 27, 1948; one shot November 23, 1957; two early April, 1958; and singles March 19, 1960, September 18, 1966 and January 16, 1971. Wigeon Small groups on a few dates each year, often in autumn, with 50 October 28, 1956, many more than usual; sometimes feeds in the partially submerged bushes by the northern pool. Pintail Noted as rare before 1954 and since then only on five dates: eight February 17, 1954; two March 18, 1956; two February 17, 1962; on December 15, 1963 and four flew over on December 22, 1969. Shoveler A few occurrences each year, mostly in autumn and rarely in summer. Eight, November 28, 1954, the most reported. Red-crested Pochard One November 20-21, 1948.

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Scaup Recorded each year except 1950-53, 1959-63, 1966-67; up to five birds between October 3 and May 19, most October, December and January; often remaining for several days. Tufted Duck Regular except in summer, with 20-50 during most winters and influxes in hard weather (perhaps from Gailey); these give up to 150, with 228, January 6, 1970. Pochard Small numbers frequent except in summer with some large flocks during autumn movements or in hard weather; 1-200 noted on several occasions, with 350 on December 18-19,1957, and November 27. 1965. Ruddy Duck A drake with influx of other ducks, January 6, 1970. Goldeneye Once rather scarce this species has shown a marked increase; from 1 -3 maxima increased to 9, December 1965; 17 in the two following winters, 32 in January and 38, December 31,1971. Summered (injured ?) in 1968 (2) and 1969, the birds often skulking in weeds of northern pool. Long-tailed Duck One November 27-December 29, 1949, two imma-tures November 22-December 27, 1955; singles between November 3 and 23, 1957, and one immature, November 19-20, 1966. Velvet Scoter Two, February 18-19, 1956; one immature November 30- December 22, 1957; and one immature drake January 6, 1963. Common Scoter Said to be regular in summer months, usually singly, prior to 1954; since then recorded in each year except 1960, in all months except January, March and June, with the majority from mid-July to mid-September (50% of occurrences, 36% of birds) and fairly frequently mid-November to mid-December (24% of occurrences, 23% of birds). Mostly singles, several pairs, more rarely up to nine, but 20, May 5, 1969. Eider Two, October 31 - December 27, 1948; two December 12, 1959 to January 17,1960, one remaining until March 27; four December 27,1961 ; one December 20-26, 1964; one November 20-28, 1965; seven October 15, 1966 of which two stayed, one killed, the other to November 6; four December 16-31, 1968; one January 9 and February 8-9, 1969. Red-breasted Merganser Five, February 17-19, and two December 24, 1956; one February 28, 1970; and one February 27, 1971. Goosander A scarce bird, with about 14 records since 1954, in only nine of the years; up to four, most November-January, with two, September 12, 1962 unusually early and the latest on March 23, 1956. Smew Singles on December 18, 1955; February 5 and April 22, 1956 and December 12, 1959.

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Shelduck Said to occur frequently August-March before 1954; since then in each year except 1960, 1962; in all months but June, July. Most in October-January (59% of records, 67% of birds) with smaller peaks in March-April and August. Frequently parties of 4-9, once 14, and 27 on November 29, 1969. White-fronted Goose One, December 31, 1949; two, February 21, 1954; 45 flew north, March 4, 1956 and one, December 28, 1966. 100 Grey Geese, March 18, 1954. Brent Goose Three dark-bellied birds swimming with Coots on March 1, 1965, after snow and gales. Canada Goose Small parties on a very few occasions, eg three, August 23, 1969. Mute Swan Has not bred since 1966 or 67; regular non-breeding flock, numbers fluctuating partly with water level, but recently some decrease; after rise in water level has numbered as few as six, usually 30-50, annual peaks in autumn and winter in 40's-60's since 1956, when 99 on September 12. Whooper Swan Three, January 11,1949; one immature November 23, 1957. Bewick's Swan Recorded in 15 of the winters (14 years) since the first in 1953; usually fewer than 10, mostly early November-late February, but 30, January 10, 1954 and one until May 1, 1965. Buzzard One flew south, October 8,1966. Red Kite One, August 4, 1953. Sparrowhawk Occurred rather erratically, most in September. Hobby One immature, September 9, 1967, flushed from hedge north of the reservoir. Peregrine One, February 22, 1956. Merlin Said to be a frequent visitor September-March before 1954; since then recorded 17 times in 9 of the years, August-February, with nine of the records between November 20 and December 18. Kestrel Regular and breeding nearby in most years. Partridge Two, February 5, 1957, the first for several years; next record May 13, 1964. Present in spring and autumn, 1966, perhaps bred; since 1968 one or two pairs breeding regularly. Red-legged Partridge A few records from the slurry beds and spoil heaps to the north, at any time of the year. Pheasant My only records are of a hen, April 22, 1967 and a cock bird on September 28, 1971.

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Water Rail Not recorded until December 29, 1968; then present again in autumn and winter 1971 in marsh north of the smaller pool. Moorhen Small breeding population on nearby small pools and the northern pool. Coot Up to 400 used to winter, with 900, December 11, 1955, 525 the following January, but only up to 250 since then. Usually winters on the main pool, otherwise scarce there and largely confined to the northern one and one or two of the larger " swag " pools as a breeding bird; with destruction of some of these sites and use of northern pool for boating numbers have decreased. Oystercatcher Up to three on up to four dates per year most years, in all months except January, February and June. Most March-early April, mid-August to mid-September and late November-December. Lapwing Bred until 1958 (three pairs) and in 1964 (two pairs), with five pairs 1957. Often on the shores in autumn but largest numbers (up to 1500) recorded passing overhead, generally moving west. Ringed Plover Recorded annually except for 1959, but decreasing in common with other waders. In all months except January and December but mainly May, early August-mid September. 35, May 13 and 80, August 17, 1957, a year with very low water levels; more recently very much fewer but numbers very variable. Little Ringed Plover First records May, 1954, then occasional until 1960; then annual except for 1966 and 1970. Usually a small passage late April-late May, early July-mid August, some in June, October. In 1968 and 1969 bred or attempted to do so in area west of the reservoir scraped clear of vegetation during earth-levelling; in 1971 probably bred on area of coal-slack and shale. Grey Plover Records in eight years, with one February, five May, six September, one October, one November and three December occur-rences, almost all singles, once three. Golden Plover Frequent until late 1950's when increasingly uncommon; infrequent on the shores but sometimes large flocks passing over, with 200, April 18, 1957. Dotterel Single birds on August 24, 1950 and from August 16 to August 26, 1971. Turnstone A fairly regular bird, with records in 12 of the last 18 years, in May, July, August and September, with one on December 2,1967 and one, June 11, 1971. Parties up to five have occurred.

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Snipe Regularly breeding in the marshy areas to the north, and small numbers on passage, sometimes on the shores. In 1970 it was found to be regular near the northern pool after the water had been raised by a weir, and often numerous in a nearby marsh; in 1971 up to 40 were seen. Jack Snipe Several records from nearby small pools but with the raising of the level of the northern pool a marsh, extending into a pig farm, clearly became a rich feeding ground and birds were regular there, up to 17 being noted.

Curlew Common on passage for many years, now quite scarce; bred occasionally. 17, August 24, 1970 was the only large party in recent years.

Whimbrel Not regular in recent years, recorded in only half of the last 18 years, in April, May and August, more rarely in July. 26, August 27, 1951.

Black-tailed Godwit One, September 7, 1966, in summer plumage.

Bar-tailed Godwit Singles August 8, 1949; July 24, 1951 ; April 27, 30 and between May 5 and 19, with two, May 11, 1957; July 24, 1967; May 25-June 1, 1968; September 8 and September 23-27, 1970; April 25 and two September 1, 1971.

Green Sandpiper Two singles in 1948 and also in 1954; since then no published records and certainly no more than 4-5 have been seen. Wood Sandpiper Singles, August 18-20, 1951; August 31, 1957; May 14, 1965 and August 10, 1971.

Common Sandpiper Common migrant, though fewer in recent years; unlike other waders it prefers the northern shore, and may be seen fre-quently on both artificial embankments. Most late April-late May and mid July-late September, usually about four, sometimes 10-12. 17 on May 21, 1948.

Redshank Bred 1954 (two pairs), 1955, probably 1958 and attempted breeding 1957. Since then rather scarce and irregular, but 17, August 23, 1961. Several November and December records.

Spotted Redshank Two records: May 3, 1956 and August 28, 1961. Greenshank Recorded most (but not all) years, parties up to five. A few in early May, most early August-mid September, fewer in late July and October. One, November 12, 1966 was late. Less regular in last five years.

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Knot Recorded in 14 years, in all months except March, June, July. Small peak late August-late September. Rarely more than two-three a year and usually singles, but 10, December 23, 1956 and 13, September 29, 1957; and several records, up to eight, in 1970.

Purple Sandpiper Singles on October 26, 1958; September 16-17, 1969 and on May 15, 1971, in summer plumage.

Little Stint Recorded in 12 years, usually on only one or two dates. 1954—with four spring records and up to five in autumn, and 1957 were exceptional. With very low water in 1957 birds were present from August 12-October 8, with 17 on September 24. Eight, May 25, 1958 was a high spring total.

Temminck's Stint Singles May 11,1950; and between September 9-23 1968.

Least Sandpiper One from August 9-11, 1971.

Dunlin With increasing disturbance has generally decreased in recent years, but very low water levels still attract good numbers especially late in the year when fewer people are around. The 1970 records reflect this with few in the autumn until the end of September, 40, October 29, and 30 to the end of the year. Seen in all months with fewest January-mid March and mid June. 45, May 13 and 60, August 19-September 24,1957, and 45, August 23, 1962.

Curlew Sandpiper Noted in only eight years (1948, 50, 54, 56-58, 65, 71) on only two-three dates generally and rarely more than two, but 14, August 22, 1954 during a series of records. One, April 27, 1958 the only one in spring.

Sanderling Almost annual with a marked peak in May; some late April, early June and mid July-late September. Usually up to five, but 12, May 18, 1948, 13, May 30, 1950,11, May 21,1956 and May 25, 1958, and 10, May 24, 1963.

Ruff Noted in 17 years, rarely more than twice a year. Once late July, and one, December 2, 1967, otherwise mid August-early October.

Arctic Skua Single dark-phase birds after gales, November 5, 1967 and August 19, 1970.

Great Black-backed Gull Up to five on dates in autumn (often immatures) and winter each year.

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Lesser Black-backed Gull In 1954 said to be a common visitor, sometimes in small parties. A marked change since then; an autumn migrant and winter visitor, more frequent in summer than Herring Gull. From 40, February, 1955 and January, 1956, increased in roosts to 300, October, 1961, 450, November, 1965; 600 in 1967 and 2000 on December 29, 1968; up to 1000-1500 since then. Herring Gull Said to stay to roost in small numbers in winter prior to 1954; recently numerous in winter roosts, up to 1500-2000 most years though rather variable. Scarce in summer.

Common Gull Fairly regular in small numbers, mostly in autumn and more recently in winter; 60, August 26, 1954 exceeded usual numbers. Glaucous Gull One, November 21, 1970; immature bird feeding at nearby rubbish tip, December, 1970 and January, 1971, not seen to roost at Cannock. Iceland Gull One, January 3 and 10, 1970. Little Gull One August 17, 1952; one immature December 3, 1955; one adult, April 21 and four immatures August 17, 1958; 2 immatures, August 12, 1969; and one, September 1, 1971. Black-headed Gull Again shows a great increase; from up to 1500 the winter roost has increased to 3000 or more, with 4000 in January, 1962; 5000, November 1969 and 4500, March 4, 1970. Otherwise present in all months though few in summer before a build up, largely of juveniles, in August. Kittiwake Six flew NW, June 16, 1963; 25-30 flew in from the SE after gales, November 5, 1967; in 1968 singles on March 17, May 25 (found dead) and November 2; in 1969 one-two on March 24 and 29, August 1 and 16, October 25 and December 28. Not all records were in rough weather. Black Tern Recorded almost every year from April to October, most in mid May and especially mid August-early September. Usually fewer than 12, but 45, May 18, 1948; 30, August 5, 1954.

Common Tern April-October, most mid May and early August-late September. Usually fewer than five. June records include seven, sitting on a shingly island, on June 20, 1967. Arctic Tern Identified most years, May and July-October, one to November 2, 1968. Usually fewer than 10, but influxes in rough or rainy weather sometimes occur.

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Little Tern Two, August 6, 1952; one, August 5,1957; one, September 28, 1958 and one, May 29, 1970. Sandwich Tern Four, May 18, 1957; two, July 9 and three, September 28, 1958; one, September 16 and three, September 19, 1969; and one, June 10, 1970. Little Auk One November 8, 1971. Woodpigeon Infrequent in the summer but large flocks often pass over in winter; 700, November 21, 1965; and in 1967 350, January 1 ; 3000 January 14 and 500 next day. Short-eared Owl Recorded on 11 occasions in eight years; October, 1949; October, 1951; March and November, 1955; March, 1959; October, 1965; November, 1966; December, 1967; and January, Feb-ruary and September, 1969. Kingfisher Scarce in autumn and winter; records not published, but I know of only some six or seven occurrences. Hoopoe One on spoil heaps and embankments around the slurry beds to the north, November 18, 1967. Flew off to the south-west. Green Woodpecker Records February 26 and December 23, 1956; November 17, 1957; January 25, 1959; and January 8, 1967, though others may well have occurred. Great Spotted Woodpecker Of seven which I have seen all have been in scrub or bushes, none in trees, and in autumn or winter. Unusual habitat for the species. Woodlark Two, July 19, 1954. Skylark Breeds commonly; influxes or visible movements in winter, early spring or late autumn. 100, February 21, 1954; 150, March 14, 1959; heavy passage October 26, 1966; and 250 flying west, January 6, 1970. Swallow Breeds nearby; 1000 passed over in 10 minutes, August 21, 1954; passage at 100/hour, August 17 and 28, 1958. Passage observed most years. House Martin Generally smaller numbers and lighter passage than other hirundines, though the most common breeder. Sand Martin Large numbers in August, once up to 2000 or more, in recent years not more than 500 as a rule. The south shore has always been a gathering place in spring and autumn, with day to day fluctuations often marked. Raven One flew SW, September 22, 1957.

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Carrion Crow Some build up in autumn and a small flock often forages on the shores in winter; 35, October 11, 1963 more than usual. Jackdaw Notable because of its rarity here, with very few occurrences known. Magpie Breeds; common, with several in autumn and winter and 24 nearby, December 31, 1966. Jay Appears rarely; my own records are of birds on October 24, 1966; February 10, 1968 and three on October 16, 1971 with one-two next day. Probably these are birds wandering from Cannock Chase. Coal Tit Records include singles on September 17, 1957; December 31, 1969; January 1, 1971 and September 5 and September 19 (two), 1971. Willow Tit Records since August, 1960, later becoming more regular; singing in Old Vicarage area April, 1968 and probably breeding; in 1971 regularly seen in several sites around the reservoir. Long-tailed Tit 18, October 5, 1968; a rare species here. Ring Ousel One on May 2, 1954 was the only record. Wheatear Regular April-May, July-September, with some October records; usually fewer than 10, but 25, August 12, 1957, in which year breeding may have been attempted. Some in May appear to be of the Greenland race. Stonechat Regular since 1966 after a gap in records from 1961, with wintering birds frequent until and including that year. Usually one-two from October to April, sometimes two pairs, and some in May, July and September. Whinchat Breeds in varying numbers, usually five-six pairs but only two pairs in 1971. Small numbers occur on autumn passage. Redstart Appears on a few dates each autumn between mid August and mid September; one on October 8, 1966, was very late. Usually in willows north of the pool or below the dam, often rather skulking. Grasshopper Warbler First singing bird noted May, 1958; regular in later years with birds singing from up to six sites, 1967, more usually about three pairs. Small autumn passage. Reed Warbler Erratic in summer, with a pair feeding young in the willow bushes to the north, 1967, and a bird singing regularly from a very small reed-bed to the south-east in 1971. A very few occur in spring and autumn on passage. Sedge Warbler A regular breeder, with several pairs each year; small numbers on passage, in the areas of bushes about the pool.

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Blackcap Singing in Old Vicarage garden July 17-30, 1965; in 1970 singles on August 20 and September 18; in 1971 up to three on five dates in September. Most records are of birds feeding on elderberries. Garden Warbler Singing nearby June 4, 1963 and May 17, 1969; singing in Old Vicarage garden June 23,1971 and present there on July 5; two on passage on September 3 with influx of other warblers. Whitethroat Several pairs used to breed, up to 15-20 birds being seen in spring, 1968; also frequent on passage. In 1969 none bred, only one on passage and since then scarce; one pair 1970 and 1971. Lesser Whitethroat A few records before 1969, including birds singing nearby on June 4,1963 and May 23,1964; from 1969 much increased as a bird on autumn passage, and a pair with young plus another singing male in 1971. Up to five between mid August and mid September in the bushes around the pool recently. Willow Warbler Regular on passage spring and autumn, with 20 or so singing males in May; breeds all around the reservoir. Chiffchaff Does not breed; regular in spring and autumn in small numbers, singing each way. Wood Warbler. One, May 6, 1951 and one, May 4, 1967. Goldcrest Up to four appear on odd occasions in the scrub nearby especially in March-April and September-October. Spotted Flycatcher One or two pairs usually breed and up to four-five appear on passage in August and September. Meadow Pipit Breed in small numbers; passage noted each autumn influxes often occurring after wet weather. Largest numbers were 200, September 19, 1954; 300, September 18, 1969 and 200, September 13, 1970. Usually few in winter but up to 50 in December, 1971 during mild weather. Tree Pipit Previously appeared to be a regular migrant but now scarce, one-two on a few occasions some years. Rock Pipit One-two on a few dates most years; several records in 1969 and 1970. March, April, October and November provide most records. Water Pipit Singles March 9-26 and from December 13, 1969 (two on December 25) and until January 3, 1970; in 1971 up to three-four in December, finding the low water level very attractive. White Wagtail Fairly regular in spring 1954-58 and 1965-71, early April-mid May; 20, April 27, 1958 was the most noted. Grey Wagtail Appears regularly in September and October with occasional records in winter (up to three, December, 1971).

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Yellow Wagtail Bred regularly until 1960's when more erratic; 50, May 9, 1956; 45, August, 1957 and 35, August, 1958, but in later years much fewer. One Blue-headed, May 9, 1956 and a bird with a grey head, May 13, 1958. Great Grey Shrike First recorded November 20, 1965; again January 16, 1966 and then wintered 1966/7, 67/8 and then more of a passage bird with records in November, 1968, February, April, October and December, 1969 and again in October/November, 1971. Two in early December, 1966. Extreme dates October 22 and April 5. Greenfinch Large flock in most years until 1968 when building develop-ment spoiled habitat; 400, November 21, 1954 and in February and December, 1967. Goldfinch Does not breed, but regular in autumn and winter in small numbers feeding on the plentiful thistles. Siskin Rare, but 40, December 3, 1968; one on September 12, 1971 was early. Linnet Breeds commonly, increasing in autumn, often to 150-200. Generally fewer in winter, but 70, January 10, 1956 and up to 35, Dec-ember, 1971. Twite One singing, July 23, 1950. Otherwise a regular winter visitor, up to 15 before 1954, then 31 in that year; other maxima include seven, 1955; 35, 1956; 50, 1958; six, 1959; eight, 1960; 42, 1963; 19, 1965; 80, 1967, 90 next year, 80, 1969 then 45, 1970. Usually found on the centre one of three slurry beds to the north of the pool, or on nearby spoil heaps and embankments, but at various times seen all round the pool. Hawkweeds, stinkweed, thistles etc. are plentiful in the usual feeding areas but the strange regularity has not really been explained. Redpoll A few in winter before summer records in 1968, when probably breeding; bred regularly since then, perhaps up to 10 pairs. Up to 50-60 autumn and winter. Brambling One, December 4, 1965; several passing over with other finches and one feeding nearby, December 10, 1967; one, January 2, 1968 and two flying south, October 10, 1971. Corn Bunting First record early in the spread of the species in the county, four February 25-March 18, 1967. Occasional since then. Reed Bunting Breeds in small numbers and increase in autumn; autumn and winter flocks up to 40-50. Lapland Bunting One, December 5, 1948.

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Snow Bunting About 17 records in 13 years (11 winters), November-March. Up to three, November 16-30,1957, and six, November 18,1962.

Species which breed regularly: Great Crested Grebe, Little Grebe Kestrel, Partridge, Moorhen, Coot, Snipe, Cuckoo, Skylark, Swallow. House Martin, Magpie, Blue Tit, Wren, Mistle Thrush, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Whinchat, Robin, Grasshopper Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Dunnock, Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail, Starling, Greenfinch, Linnet, Redpoll, Yellow Hammer, Reed Bunting, House Sparrow.

Species which breed occasionally: Mute Swan, Carrion Crow, Great Tit, Willow Tit, Yellow Wagtail.

Species which bred formerly: Mallard, Lapwing, Curlew, Redshank.

Regular non-breeding birds not included in the classified list: Stock Dove, Turtle Dove, Collared Dove (breeding?), Swift, Rook, Red-wing, Fieldfare, Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Tree Sparrow.

Species which occurred before 1948: Grey Phalarope, Great Skua.

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Classified Notes

The number preceding the name of each bird refers to the Check-list of the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland which was current in 1971. See page 103 for key to contributors.

5 Great-Crested Grebe Warks Maximum at Alvecote where five broods reared seven young was

27 on March 28th GAA; 17 noted at Shustoke on March 10th BLK; 28 at Draycote on July 10th CHP; 21 at Bartley on May 27th MT; 45 at Bodymoor Heath on March 28th EAH.

Worcs 49 present at Bittell on March 30th KGC MF; 11 at Pirton Pool on April 12th CMH; nine at Tardebigge on April 14th JRH; 35 at Westwood in autumn peak in November.

Staffs 120 on July 18th PDH MJI was the maximum at Blithfield where about 27 pairs attempted to breed, most unsuccessfully ARD BRD PDH; at Belvide where eight pairs reared eight young the most seen was 60 on August 13th DS; at Cannock Reservoir 16 noted on April 6th GE.

7 Slavonian Grebe Staffs At Blithfield one seen on February 21st EGB and one from

November 21st MJI DS PCT until end of year.

8 Black-necked Grebe Warks At Draycote one present on August 31st GRH JVH. Worcs One at Upton Warren on October 26th called continuously AFJ. Staffs At Blithfield one seen on September 5th, and one or usually two

between September 12th many observers and November 14th BCG.

9 Little Grebe Maximum numbers occurred in September at most waters.

Warks The most seen at Shustoke was 12 on September 9th BLK; at Draycote 30 on September 11th CHP and 18th GRH JVH; at Bodymoor Heath 50 on September 26th HTL; and at Alvecote 59 on December 12th GAA.

Worcs Small numbers at several pools. Said to be increasing in Hagley/ Churchill area LRB. Maximum at Bittell was 26 on August 19th MAB and at Upton Warren 20 on September 26th SFLE.

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Staffs The most seen at Belvide was 31 on August 14th DS and at Blithfield 40 on September 18th DS. 18 at Bridgtown Subsi-dence Pools on October 3rd GE.

20 Cory's Shearwater Staffs An exhausted bird picked up at Cannock Reservoir on October 2nd

and subsequently died when released at the coast RAH. Believed to be North Atlantic race. Large, brown and white Shearwater, large pale bill, head with ill-defined pattern, broad pale edging to upper tail-coverts giving pale appearance at a distance. The first record for the Club's area.

26 Fulmar Worcs One occurred at Bittell on June 8th KGC.

28 Cormorant Continues to favour the Staffordshire reservoirs. Only odd records elsewhere.

Worcs Three flew over Malvern Hills on May 2nd LAB. Staffs Maximum numbers reported were 24 at Gailey on December

24th DS; 21 at Blithfield on February 28th PCT and March 7th AS; 23 at Aqualate on November 14th DFH and at Belvide up to six was many fewer than usual DS. Birds with southern race characteristics seen at Gailey, Blithfield and Belvide in March and April.

29 Shag Warks An immature present at Draycote on August 14th CHP and 15th

JL. Staffs Five immatures flew into Belvide on September 4th and remained

for an hour fishing together DS.

30 Heron Warks 12 pairs in residence at Wootton Wawen heronry on March 21st

SMW and seven nested at Berkswell MMC. Staffs Numbers at nests at the Staffordshire heronries were 62 at

Aqualate, 58 at Bagots Wood, 31 at Gailey and 14 at Enville. One nested unsuccessfully at Belvide. 50 birds counted round Blithfield on July 15th ARD BRD PDH.

36 Night Heron Staffs An immature seen at Moneymore Gravel Pits, Manley, on June

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13th ARMB. Mallard-sized, hump-backed in flight, short rounded wings, short bill, underparts grey-straw streaked dark, grey-brown head, neck, back, and wing-coverts. The first county record.

38 Bittern Warks Single birds seen at Bodymoor Heath between January 2nd and

5th EAH and at Brandon on March 7th and April 11th BMCG. Worcs A sick bird found at Church Lench on January 21st per AJH. Staffs One occurred at Blithfield on June 27th ARD BRD ESC PDH.

45 Mallard Warks Maximum numbers reported were 250 at Brandon on January

24th BMCG; 1200 at Draycote on January 17th RB; 275 on October 16th at Alvecote where 12 broods noted with 61 young GAA; 250 in Sutton Park on October 21st RS; 300 at Hams Hall on October 23rd EAH; 840 at Coombe Abey on November 14th CHP.

Worcs The most reported were 300 at Westwood on January 2nd SMW; 400 at Bittell on January 17th MAB TAW; and 400 at Upton Warren on October 3rd MAB RM TAW. At Stevens Park, Stour-bridge, nine broods totalled 85 young MSS.

Staffs At least 2000 estimated on January 16th GE DS; at Belvide where 39 broods totalled 230 young DS and the same at Aqualate on January 17th DFH. The maximum at Gailey was 400 on January 2nd PCT; at Blithfield 1650 on December 12th TWF JL; and at Tittesworth 250 on October 17th BR.

46 Teal Warks Maximum numbers were 250 on January 9th and February 27th at

Brandon, where four pairs bred BMCG; 100 at Hampton Lucy on January 31st RA; 400 at Draycote on January 19th CHP; 120 at Alvecote on November 13th GAA; and 125 at Hams Hall in December JHB SMH.

Worcs The most reported was 160 at Upton Warren on October 16th MAB TAW and 50 at Wilden on November 14th RM.

Staffs 200 reported at Belvide on January 9th GE DS; 130 at Aqualate on January 17th DFH; and 600 at Blithfield on December 12th TWF JL.

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47 Garganey Warks Up to four seen at Alvecote between May 4th and June 5th and

again between July 8th and August 26th GAA. At Brandon one noted on April 28th, two on June 6th and small numbers in August and September with seven on September 12th BMCG. One present at Hams Hall on April 11th, two on the 28th and five on August 18th EAH. At Draycote two present on June 8th I ME EEG and one on July 10th and August 21st CHP. Up to three occurred at Bedworth Sloughs from March 20th to 28th RMa DSp.

Worcs At Upton Warren one seen on May 15th PA GKR and one or two between August 4th CNL SMW and October 20th RM with five on September 8th SMW. Two present at Bittell from April 6th GKR RLS to 13th KGC YMW and up to three between July 30th GKR and September 11th MAB. Two seen at Westwood from April 9th SMW to 11th CPB and one on May 16th CPB. One or two noted at Wilden between August 20th MBP and September 7th RM.

Staffs At Belvide one or two from May 26th to June 20th and again from July 17th to September 25th with a peak of 12 on August 25th DS. Two seen at Blithfield on May 30th ARD PDH and up to five from July 20th BCG to September 28th MJl apart from 12 on August 9th GIG. One present at Four Ashes on July 28th DS and May 1st GE.

49 Gadwall Records on the increase.

Warks At Alvecote four on January 23rd >4£C;two between February 14th and March 10th and up to six December 11th to 28th GAA. Two at Sutton Park between January 24th and March 14th GEL; and November 28th JP to December 27th SMH. Two seen at Bodymoor Heath between January 6th SVB TPM and February 7th HTL. One or two occurred at Brandon from April 28th to May 23rd and up to four July 4th to November 7th with eight on August 30th BMCG. Two seen at Coton on January 18th EAH, one at Bartley on February 15th DMH and three at Napton on November 28th RA.

Worcs One or two at Upton Warren from September 10th JLT to Nov-ember 7th SFLE RM. One seen at Bittell on January 16th GEL and two on April 10th and 11th NC GKR. One present at Wilden on October 31st MBP.

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Staffs At Belvide three seen on February 6th and up to five between April 3rd and September 4th, with eight on April 21st DS and up to four November 20th FCG DS to December 26th RAH. At Blithfield one seen on April 19th BCG and up to four between May 9th ARD and 31st DS and two on September 13th BCG. One seen at Cannock Reservoir, where unusual, on January 16th RAH; at White Sitch six on February 5th and two on November 5th JL; one at Gailey on January 2nd PCT; and one at Tittesworth on January 2nd PAB AGF and April 7th AGF.

50 Wigeon Numbers much less than last year.

Warks Maximum numbers reported were 120 at Bodymoor Heath on January 11th EAH; 800 at Draycote on February 14th CHP; 100 at Brandon on March 7th BMCG; and 115 at Shustoke on March 8th BLK.

Worcs 120 reported on January 1 st SMW at Bittell where one present on June 13th RJH CDP.

Staffs Present in summer at Belvide and Blithfield. 170 reported at Belvide on January 2nd and 9th GE DS; 630 at Aqualate on February 14th DFH; and 800 at Blithfield on January 23rd SMW.

52 Pintail Small numbers, less than 20, but widely dispersed.

Warks Small numbers at Brandon from January 24th to April 2nd apart from 19 on February 7th and single birds August 6th and 8th, November 21 st and December 28th BMCG. One or two seen at Draycote January 17th to April 11th per RB. At Alvecote one or two present from January 10th to April 22nd and from September 4th to November 28th with four on last date GAA. Up to four reported at Bodymoor Heath on January 3rd EAH HTL and between November 13th JHB SMH DFP and December 23rd SVB. Single reports of up to four birds in autumn and winter months at Sutton Park JP; Bartley YMW; Chesterton Mill Pool LB; Hams Hall EAH DRW; Wootton Wawen CNL SMW; and Hampton Lucy RA.

Worcs Up to three reported at Upton Warren February 20th SMW to March 14th PKD RM JLT and three October 2nd and 3rd MAB. One or two at Westwood January 24th CPB, February 8th AFJ and November 13th CPB. 16 seen at Bittell on January 9th KGC MF and three on the 21 st DMT.

Staffs At Blithfield present usually two or three up to February 22nd AWH apart from 13 on January 9th JL and then occasionally up

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to six from September 11 th JL to December 28th IJD DS. At Belvide seven noted on January 9th DS and one on the 16th DS and then one or two between September 18th AJD DS and December 24th with five on the last date DS. Three at Gailey on January 7th DS; one at Bridgtown Subsidence Pools on February 4th PCT; four at Aqualate on January 24th AS; and one at Westport on September 18th HWK and Stafford on September 26th per JEF.

53 Shoveler Warks Maximum at Alvecote where recorded in all months was 138 on

October 31 st GAA; at Coombe Abbey 95 on October 17th CHP; and at Brandon, where bred, 70 on November 28th BMCG. Bred at Hams Hall EAH.

Worcs 60 reported at Upton Warren on October 2nd and 3rd MAB SMW TAW.

Staffs At Belvide, where five broods totalled 34 young, maximum was 130 on December 24th DS; at Aqualate 150 on March 14th DFH; and the most seen at Blithfield was 105 on November 13th TWF JL. Two or three pairs bred near Gnosall DS.

54 Red-crested Pochard Worcs Three seen at Westwood on May 5th EGP and two on May 8th

MAB TAW. Staffs One noted at Belvide on July 11th EGP and November 6th DS


55 Scaup Warks A duck present at Bartley from September 14th DMH to 17th

DMH CDP. Worcs A drake seen at Bittell from February 16th TAW Xo March 12th

MAB. Staffs At Cannock Reservoir four noted on January 1st and 2nd RAH,

two up to January 10th GE, and one from March 13th to April 11th GE. One or two at Bridgtown Subsidence Pools on January 24th GE and February 4th PCT.

Mandarin Staffs A drake seen at Blithfield on October 1st and December 5th


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56 Tufted Duck Warks At Alvecote, where 22 broods totalled 94 young, the maximum

was 238 on January 10th GAA; at Draycote, where bred, 250 on February 14th CHP; at Middleton 100 on November 14th GAA and 103 at Edgbaston Park CDP; at Shustoke, where bred, 110 on December 5th BLK; at Bodymoor Heath, where bred, 140 on December 31st EAH; and at Brandon, where bred, 200 on April 22nd BMCG.

Worcs Bred at Conderton CMH; Westwood DIN; Upton Warren SMW; Grimley Gravel Pits SMW; The most reported at Bittell was 250 on November 7th KGC.

Staffs At Belvide, where 13 broods totalled 56 young, the most reported was 500 on December 27th DS; at Trentham 100 on November 13th PAB; at Blithfield, where bred, 300 on November 28th BRD; at Gailey 200 on February 24th PCT; at Cannock Reservoir 170 on January 1st RAH. Bred at Brandon BMCG, White Sitch JL; Bridgtown Subsidence Pools GE; and Brocton Gravel Pits RS.

57 Pochard Warks The most reported at Alvecote, where two broods reared three

young, was 250 on February 13th GAA. Only one pair bred at Chesterton Mill Pool LB. Maximum numbers at other waters were 150 at Tame Valley on January 17th GAA; 200 at Bodymoor Heath on February 14th EAH and 120 at Coombe Abbey CHP; 100 at Packington Park on February 15th KS; 100 at Draycote on November 14th JL; 220 at Shustoke on December 4th BLK.

Worcs Bred at Westwood DIN. 100 reported at Pirton Pool on Feb-ruary 14th CMH and 140 at Westwood on December 29th SMW.

Staffs A big influx at Blithfield in November when the most ever re-ported there 900 was recorded on the 13th TWF JL. 260 on February 21st SMW was the maximum at Belvide. 100 reported at Gailey on February 24th PCT and at Aqualate on February 14th DFH.

Ruddy Duck Warks One seen at Alvecote on June 5th and July 10th GAA. Worcs Bred at Upton Warren and Westwood where the maximum birds

seen were eight and 10 respectively in the autumn. Two present at Pirton Pool on April 12th and one on June 19th CMH.

Staffs Noted at Belvide in all months except February and June with maximum of 35 on November 14th and 27th DS. The most seen at Blithfield was 12 on February 20th DS. In spring and summer

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noted at Copmere, up to seven NRW and two at White Sitch, where bred, JL; and two at Betley JFB.

60 Golden-Eye Small numbers at many waters. Larger numbers as follows:—

Warks 30 on March 21st HTL and 24th EAH at Bodymoor Heath, where a bird spent the summer TPM; 18 present at Shustoke on February 21st BLK and 12 at Tame Valley Gravel Pits on March 7th GAA.

Staffs At Belvide, where a bird spent the summer, numbers higher than usual with peak of 103 on April 3rd DS. At Cannock Reservoir, where numbers continued to increase, 38 on December 31st was the most seen RAH. 50 seen at Blithfield on February 20th DS and 20 at Gailey on March 21st GS.

61 Long-tailed Duck Warks A duck seen at Bartley Reservoir on January 27th CDo MH


64 Common Scoter Worcs One noted at Westwood on July 31st CPB and at Wilden on

September 16th MBP. Staffs Single birds present at Cannock Reservoir on August 11th RAH,

August 22nd several observers, September 16th RAH and December 25th AFJ. Two seen at Belvide on July 31st DS.

Red-breasted Merganser A duck noted at Shustoke from February 7th to 18th BLK. At Draycote three present on April 15th RPNand two on the 18th RB. A duck seen at Cannock Reservoir on February 27th ARMB RAH and 28th ARMB ARD BRD PDH; a drake at Belvide on April 25th DS; two at Stubbers Green on April 24th RS; and a duck at Blithfield on November 13th GWH.

70 Goosander Warks Maximum noted at Draycote was nine on February 11th per RB.

One seen at Sutton Park on January 27th EMR and 31st ARMB and two at Bodymoor Heath on November 13th JHB SMH.

Worcs Eight reported at Bittell on November 24th KGC MF; one at Upton Warren on November 25th CMH; and at Westwood one on November 25th CMH and two on December 18th SMW.

Staffs Maxima at various waters were:—63 at Blithfield on April 10th; 18 at Belvide on January 28th JL; 14 at Tittesworth on January




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9th AGF; nine at Aqualate on February 14th DFH. One reported at Bromley on April 14th EWL.

71 Smew Warks Three, one drake, present at Draycote on February 13th CHP. Worcs A drake seen at Bittell on December 30th and 31st KGC MF.

73 Shelduck Apart from the breeding pair, reports received in all months except June and August and only one record in July.

Warks Bred at Hams Hall where 11 ducklings seen. At Alvecote up to three seen on several dates in January, February, March, May and September GAA and at Brandon up to four in January, February, October and December BMCG. At Bodymoor Heath three noted on March 28th EAH and five on September 26th HTL and at Draycote seven on March 1 st EAE EEG and 2nd RPW and two on December 26th BAF. Occurred also at Shustoke, Packington Gravel Pits and Whitacre Heath KS.

Worcs Up to three seen at Bittell on several dates in January, February, August and November with eight on August 19th MAB. Two present at Holt Heath on March 21st SFLE; eight at Westwood on May 14th CPB; two at Wilden from September 4th MBP to 9th MHB RM and one on November 14th RM; and one at Upton Warren on December 28th MAB TAW.

Staffs Up to five visited Belvide on dates in January, February, March, May, November and December apart from eight on July 15th and seven on August 16th DS. At Blithfield up to four on a few dates in February, March, April, October, November and December apart from eight on January 1st BCG. One or two seen at Cannock Reservoir in February, September, October and December apart from six on September 15th and five on Dec-ember 29th RAH. One present at Gailey on April 30th FCG and three at Westport on November 12th HWK.

75 Grey Lag Goose Most records believed to be of feral birds.

Warks 52 present in late summer at Packington where six broods reared KS; 43 at Bodymoor Heath on September 3rd and October 10th SVB HTL; 40 at Packington Gravel Pits on September 16th BLK; 23 at Hams Hall on October 25th BLK; 10 at Tame Valley Gravel Pits on August 29th GAA; six at Alvecote on April 13th GAA;

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and one at Bartley on January 11th DMH. Worcs Single birds seen at Upton Warren April 3rd GKR to 19th SMW;

one at Bittell on July 20th GKR and eight on April 21st MAB; two at Pirton Pool and Croome Court until mid-April CMH; two at Westwood May 5th to 26th EGP; one at Worcester Bridge April 3rd SFLE; and one at Wilden May 2nd RM.

Staffs Singles occurred at Brewood on March 27th DS and at Belvide on May 8th ARMB. June 21st EGP, October 14th DS and December 27th DS. Bred at Enville where 10 seen in April MSS.

76 White-fronted Goose Warks One or two seen at Bodymoor Heath on January 3rd EAH HTL,

December 12th EAH, December 26th HTL and at Tame Valley Gravel Pits on December 12th GAA.

Worcs The 1970 bird was still present at Upton Warren up to January 9th CNL. Single birds reported at Westwood on January 1st CPB and Pirton Pool on the 10th CMH.

Staffs Up to six present at Belvide on dates between January 16th DS PCT and February 23rd ESD and up to 10 on a few dates between October 16th and December 27th DS. At Blithfield up to 18 seen between January 7th AEC and February 21st BCG. Two seen at Gailey on February 9th PCT and 27th KS and six on the 19th PCT. Four at Aqualate on January 10th GBr GB WSi.

78 Pink-footed Goose Warks 20 seen at Middleton on January 3rd EAH. Two noted at

Bodymoor Heath on December 12th TPM. Worcs One seen at Upton Warren between December 18th AFJ and

24th MAB AFJ GKR. Staffs Nine reported at Coombes Valley on October 19th M.Wa.

75/78 Grey Geese Largest parties reported were:—

Worcs 26 at Upton Warren MAB TAW and 10 at Bittell on February 27th SMW.

79 Snow Goose All records presumably of feral birds.

Warks One at Bodymoor Heath on February 14th and 21st EAH and December 26th HTL.

Worcs One at Stourbridge from December 16th MSS.

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80 Brent Goose Worcs One, dark-breasted, seen at Bittell on October 17th several


81 Barnacle Goose All records probably of feral birds.

Warks One present at Bodymoor Heath on January 3rd EAH and October 24th TPM WVI/l/and one, with Grey-Lags, at Packington in autumn KS.

Worcs One at Strensham Sludge Pits on August 27th CMH.

82 Canada Goose Hybrids of various suspected parentages reported from several waters.

Warks Bred at Bodymoor Heath—14 pairs EAH, Arbury MS; Hams Hall EAH; Trittiford Park RLS; Edgbaston CRB. Most birds reported were 500 at Bodymoor Heath on September 1 st EAH; at Seesword 69 on December 28th NH; at Packington, where five broods reared, 100 on September 5th KS; and at Packington Gravel Pits 56 on September 30th BLK.

Worcs Bred at Upton Warren SMW; Belbroughton YMW; Grimley SMW; Bromsgrove TA W; Stourbridge Westwood CPB; Blakedown MSS. Maximum numbers reported were 140 near Bewdley during July per LRB; 85 at Upton Warren on October 2nd SMW; 75 at Bittell on August 25th MAB and 74 at Stevens Park, Stour-bridge, in October MSS.

Staffs Maximum numbers reported were 290 at Belvide on January 9th DS; at Gailey, where eight pairs nested, 191 on September 8th BCG; 154 at Aqualate on February 14th DFM; 135 at Blithfield on January 17th ARD BRD; 117 at Hatherton Hall on December 9th BCG; 100 at Enville in spring and late winter MSS; and 90 at Clay Mills on January 17th ESC.

Egyptian Goose Warks One seen at Bodymoor Heath on March 14th EAH. Worcs Nine at Upton Warren on November 2nd CMH.

84 Mute Swan Peak numbers reported were generally lower than usual.

Warks 101 on July 24th and August 28th GAA was the maximum at

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Alvecote. Worcs One at Kyre Pool on May 9th was first seen in that area by observer

in four years MJI. Staffs Peak numbers reported were 29 at Belvide on June 15th DS;

55 at Blithfield on June 27th ARD BRD PDH; and 55 at Cannock Reservoir on November 27th SMH.

85 Whooper Swan Warks Four seen at Bodymoor Heath on January 24th EAH HTL.

86 Bewick's Swan Warks Seen at Draycote between January 1st RB and March 8th CHP

with 24 on March 2nd CHP; and four on November 21st LR. At Alvecote five present on January 23rd and four on November 20th GAA. Three seen at Bodymoor Heath on January 10th HTL and 11th EAH; one at Bartley on November 12th RJH; and four at Chesterton Church Pool on November 28th LB.

Worcs Up to four seen at Bittell on November 13th and 14th many observers; at Pirton Pool three on January 10th, 10 on November 20th and one on the 25th CMH; at Westwood 11 on January 8th and two on November 14th CPB; at Wilden two on January 23rd MBP; and 16 flew south-west at Northwick on January 24th SMW.

Staffs At Blithfield up to 20 between January 1 st BCG and 24th several observers. smaller numbers to March 7th ARD BRD PDH MJI, 11 from November 20th ARMB to 23rd EGP, and up to 15 bet-ween December 10th GIG and 19th ESC EGP. At Belvide one on January 16th GE DS PCT, six on February 6th DS, 11 on Nov-ember 13th RJJ and two on December 4th GIG EGP. At Tittes-worth two on January 2nd AGF and three on March 14th HWK; at Cannock Reservoir four from January 14th to 16th RAH; at King's Bromley one on January 17th MJA; at Rickerscote five on February 1st and 2nd FCG; at Gailey six on February 6th EGP; at Burton-on-Trent four on November 14th ARP; and at Trentham three on November 28th EWL.

91 Buzzard Many sightings of single birds mostly in September and October and more reports from Worcestershire and Staffordshire than Warwickshire. Summer and breeding records and records of more than one bird given below.

Warks One seen at Stratford on July 17th and five birds on November

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6th PH. Two seen at Hatton on March 14th GRH JVH and one over Sutton Park on April 11th SMH.

Worcs Several summer records on Malvern Hills DIN. Bred near Kyre MJI. Single birds seen at Elmley Lovett on April 14th DMT and Abberley Hills on May 9th RM.

Staffs A 1970 record just received recorded breeding in south of county per FCG. Pair seen at Enville on June 26th AFJ; one at Roaches on April 7th AGF and at Croxden on July 1 st BR. Two present at Forton on January 10th GBr GB WSi and two seen on several occasions in Dane Valley in March AGF.

93 Sparrow Hawk Many sightings with most in Staffordshire. Summer records below.

Warks Pair at Merivale Estate in summer EAH. One seen at llmington on May 13th DSM.

Worcs Summer records from Lickeys SMH DFP; Malvern DIN; Kyre MJI; Oddingly SMW; Bredon MLJ; Defford MLJ.

Staffs Summer records from Belvide DS; Keele per PT; Blackbrook PCT; Enville AFJ- where bred; Coombes Valley- where bred ARP; Fradley Wood MJA; Kinver Edge RM; Consall Wood PAB; Cannock Chase- probably bred RAH; Keele per PT; Rawnsley BCG.

100 Hen Harrier Staffs Single birds seen on north Staffordshire moors on May 9th

ARMB FCG. October 12th JGB and November 10th MWa.

102 Montagu's Harrier Staffs One seen on north Staffordshire moors on May 9th FCG, same

date as Hen Harrier.

103 Osprey Worcs A bird present at Stanford-on-Teme on April 7th, ND-P. Staffs At Blithfield one flew north-east on April 25th ESC BRD PDH

and single birds seen on several dates between July 25th and September 26th many observers. A 1970 record just received was of one, possibly two, at Weston Park between May 9th and 21st PGD.

104 Hobby Several reports concerned birds hunting at Swallow roosts.

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Warks One or two seen at Draycote on dates between August 14th CHP and September 19th JL. One seen at Brandon on May 9th and 23rd and then on dates between August 8th and September 30th with a family party of five on September 11th BMCG. Single birds reported at Henley-in-Arden on June 2nd TPM; at Prince-thorpe on August 16th DS; at Compton Verney on August 22nd RA; and at Packington Gravel Pit on September 10th and 22nd BLK.

Worcs One occurred near Droitwich on May 15th AFJ; two at Clent on May 15th CAN; one at Wyre Forest on June 16th RM; one at Northwick, Worcester, on June 9th SMW and 19th CNL; up to four seen near Pershore from August 24th to September 10th MLJ; up to three at Strensham in September DIN; and one at Upton Warren during August and early September MAB PKD AFJ SMW.

Staffs A bird seen on north Staffordshire moors on July 11th flying up and down heather slopes catching emperor moths JL.

105 Peregrine Warks One seen at Bascote Heath on March 8th MWB. Worcs A bird reported over Malvern Hills on October 22nd DIN. Staffs One occurred at Clay Mills on January 17th ESC.

107 Merlin Warks Single birds reported at Curdworth on February 1st JEF; Edgbaston

Park on February 18th SVB and November 15th TPM; at Harts-hill on August 18th PHM; and at Brandon on August 22nd BMCG.

Staffs Single birds seen near Lichfield on January 24th JEF; on Cannock Chase on January 29th AJD and October 29th BCG; at Dovedale on May 8th TJP; on north Staffordshire moors on August 18th per FCG; at Little Aston on October 10th ARMB; at Blithfield on November 28th ARD MJI EGP; at Kings Bromley on December 9th BCG; at Hatherton on December 26th AJD.

110 Kestrel Records from all areas and several from industrial areas.

Warks Bird near church tower in Edgbaston seen to eject pellet in flight which when examined contained three mice jaw bones CRB.

111 Red Grouse Staffs Much predation by Carrion Crows on north Staffordshire moors,

per FCG.

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113 Black Grouse Staffs Estimated by keeper that there were at least 50 cocks at leks on

moors including Elkstones, Gradbach Hill, Back Dane, Gun Hill and Morridge per FCG. 34 cocks seen at five different leks in early April AGF.

115 Red-legged Partridge Warks Very small coveys in Tame Valley area EAH. Worcs Said to be commoner around Malvern on agricultural land than

Partridge DIN. Common in Pirton area SMW.

116 Partridge Warks Breeding success affected in Tame Valley by wet weather as with

Red-legged EAH. Staffs Numbers said to have recovered well in many South Staffordshire

areas ARMB.

117 Quail Warks Pair with 10 or 12 chicks seen at Welford-on-Avon AWH. Worcs Heard at Sambourne on May 22nd and 23rd SMW; at Pershore in

early May MLJ and June DIN; and near Stourport on May 23rd per AJH.

Staffs Heard at Shenstone on May 22nd JAJ and pair with young noted in June near Stafford per FCG.

118 Pheasant. No changes reported.

Golden Pheasant Warks One seen during October in Edgbaston Park TPM.

119 Crane Staffs One circled Blithfield Reservoir for about 20 minutes on October

1st and then made off to south-west. Extended head and neck, long legs, black and white head pattern, pale grey plumage with black primaries and secondaries noted RAH. A first record for the county (if non feral).

120 Water-Rail Usual autumn, winter and spring records from many localities. Summer records as follows.

Warks Two adults seen with young at Brandon Marsh during May

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BMCG. Suspected of breeding at Packington LJB and what was probably family party noted at Bodymoor Heath on August 3rd

Worcs Heard at Wilden throughout breeding season RM, up to four wintered at Old Northwick Marsh, Worcester, and present up to May 10th SMW.

Staffs Heard at Blithfield during breeding season BRD.

121 Spotted Crake Warks A bird seen at Brandon Marsh on September 26th BMCG.

125 Corncrake Warks One heard at Charlecote during evening of May 17th PH.

126 Moorhen Warks 45 present at Alvecote on March 13th GAA. Staffs Largest concentrations reported were 40 at Ford Green on

January 3rd HWK; 60 along river at Milford on February 21st GS; and 70 at Whittington Sewage Farm on December 4th MSS.

127 Coot Warks Largest numbers reported were 200 at Brandon on January 12th

BMCG; 400 at Shustoke on October 19th BLK; 875 at Alvecote on


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October 31st GAA; 100 at Napton on November 27th RA; and 600 at Draycote on December 12th CHP. A pied bird seen at Middleton Pool in autumn and winter GAA.

Worcs 75 reported at Upton Warren on January 17th RM. Staffs At Belvide where about 20 broods totalled 50 young the maxi-

mum was 900 on September 4th and November 6th DS; at Blithfield 400 on January 16th TWFJL; at Gailey 270 on October 4th PCT; and at Cannock Reservoir about 200 on December 31st RAH.

131 Oystercatcher Warks At Bodymoor Heath one on February 27th EFF and October 24th

TPM; at Draycote one on February 28th RB and four on March 28th GCB; at Packington Gravel Pits one on March 28th BLK; at Hams Hall two on April 11 th MT;one flew westerly over University of Birmingham on August 13th ARD; one at Ansley on August 15th MS; one at Hartshill on August 26th PHM; and one at Brandon on October 17th and 22nd BMCG.

Worcs Single birds seen at Wilden on April 7th RJH and August 19th MBP; and two at Upton Warren on August 14th MJI SMW TAW and at Bittell on the 21st MJI.

Staffs Three present at Blithfield on July 29th EMR, one on August 15th PCT and 22nd ESC ARD BRD PDH and two on the 29th ESC. At Cannock Reservoir one seen on February 27th ARMB RAH, four on March 24th PCT and two on August 29th GE. Single birds noted at Belvide on April 25th and May 18th DS.

133 Lapwing Warks Largest concentrations reported were 700 at Hams Hall on July

10th BLK; 650 at Packington Gravel Pits on October 24th BLK; 500 at Brandon on November 28th BMCG; about 3500 in Body-moor Heath/Middleton area on December 5th HTL; 800 at Alvecote on December 5th GAA; 600 at Hampton Lucy on December 18th RA. A large scattered breeding colony reported at Griff with probably 30 pairs in four fields MS.

Worcs 30 noted at Mere Green on February 3rd RM; 450 at Eckington on February 10th CMH; 1000 at Upton Warren on March 6th SMW; 500 at Westwood on October 2nd PA; 400 at Wilden on October 9th MBP; 550 at Bittell on December 5th KGC; and 450 at Iverley on December 20th MSS.

Staffs Largest flocks noted were 1200 at Wall on January 27th DS;

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3500 at Rickerscote on January 29th FCG; 2000 at Seighford on February 7th FCG; 2400 at Bradnop on October 15th MW; 1000 at Werrington on December 5th HWK; 1500 at Blithfield on December 5th PDH MJI; 2000 at Cannock on December 14th MT; about 1500 on December 27th at Belvide where first post-breeding movement noted on May 31st and up to 450 flew westerly on June 23rd DS; 1100 at Stretton on December 27th DS; and 1000 on December 28th BRO MSS at Whittington Sewage Farm where about 29 pairs bred.

134 Ringed Plover Warks Up to five seen at Alvecote between April 18th and 22nd GAA and

single birds between July 18th and August 30th GAA. One or two reported at Brandon from May 12th to 27th and again from August 22nd to September 5th BMCG. Single birds occurred at Draycote between August 29th JL and September 4th RB JL. At Bodymoor Heath one present on April 27th TPM, six on June 6th EAH HTL, five on August 28th SMH and one on September 3rd SVB. At Hams Hall up to five seen from April 27th TPM to May 15th BLK and four on September 26th BLK. Single birds occurred at Packington May 13th and September 10th BLK.

Worcs One or two seen at Upton Warren from April 19th RM SMW TAW and May 12th TAW and up to seven between August 11th SMW TAW and September 1st AWH TAW. Single birds present at Bittell on April 19th and 20th and then up to three between July 21 st and September 20th KGC with nine on September 18th RJH. At Wilden up to six seen between July 22nd and September 11th MBP and up to three at Grimley Gravel Pits between July 14th and August 23rd SMW.

Staffs At Cannock Reservoir small numbers present from February 14th GE to May 11th ARMB, then larger numbers up to June 19th MJI PCT with 26 on May 22nd PCT and noted again from July 5th RAH until October 23rd ARMB with maximum of 26 on August 31st PCT. At Blithfield single birds seen on May 9th ARD and 16th ESC BRD PDH and then from July 25th ARD BRD MJI until October 31st many observers with 60 on August 12th ARD BRD and a further peak of 30 on September 12th SMW. At Belvide up to five seen between April 8th and May 19th DS and again present from July 27th to September 4th DS with six on August 8th GS. Up to three seen on a few dates at Latherford AJD, Rudyard HWK, Holden Bridge HWK and Westport JS.

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135 Little Ringed Plover Warks Up to four pairs bred at Brandon BMCG; at least three pairs at

Bodymoor Heath HTL; up to three pairs in Packington area ARD BRD PDH; up to three pairs at Hams Hall EAH; and probably bred at Marston Quarry BLK. Present during summer at Alvecote where up to four noted between April 11th and May 17th GAA and up to seven between July 4th AEC and September 21st GAA. Up to four seen at Draycote between April 4th and June 8th RB and single birds on July 13th RB and 23rd JL. One seen in Sutton Park on June 10th JP; one at Hartshill on August 25th PHM and up to three at Packington Park between April 8th and June 12th KS.

Worcs A pair bred near Shirley just within county boundary DMT. One or two seen at Bittell on April 19th and 20th KGC and between July 23rd RM and 31st GKR. Single birds occurred at Holt Heath on May 22nd and June 12th SFLE and at Grimley on April 10th MFF CNL and between July 14th and August 23rd SMW. At Wilden one or two seen between July 18th RM and September 6th with four on September 2nd MBP. One or two recorded at Upton Warren from April 7th GKR until May 9th PA TAW apart from seven on May 4th EGP and then one or two again between June 29th MAB and July 24th MJI.

Staffs Bred near Cheadle BR; near Bridgtown JL; and almost certainly at Cannock Reservoir RAH and Moneymore Gravel Pits ARMB. One or two seen at Belvide between April 8th and June 10th and July 8th and 25th DS. At Blithfield one or two present between April 14th EDP and May 16th ESC BRD PHD and then from July 8th to September 26th many observers with highest numbers late July and early August and peak of 27 on August 5th ARD BRD PDH MJI. One or two present at Cannock Reservoir from April 9th PCT throughout summer with autumn passage from July 1st ARMB to August 29th GE with seven on July 29th PCT. Up to three seen at Four Ashes between May 1 st and 10th GE and three at Tittesworth on August 4th ARP.

Grey Plover One reported at Bittell on September 15th MAB. Two seen at Blithfield on October 6th AWH and 8th DJM. At Cannock Reservoir one noted on September 15th DJM and two on October 9th JF.

139 Worcs Staffs

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140 Golden Plover Warks Flocks of 100 noted near Solihull on April 3rd and 4th JEH and

of about 600 in Middleton/Bodymoor Heath area in January, February and December HTL.

Worcs One at Wilden on October 17th was the first recorded there by observer RM.

Staffs Birds seen on north Staffordshire moors in summer. Largest flocks reported were 150 at Alrewas on January 16th ESC; 200 at Drayton Bassett on January 31st JL; 300 at Penkridge on March 5th DS; 300 at Pillaton on March 12th BCC; about 1200 at Essington on April 11th, many of northern race DS; 125 at Hammerwich on November 13th GE; 500 at Werrington on December 5th HWK; 150 at Elmhurst on December 10th AJD; and 550 at Stretton on December 26th RAH.

142 Dotterel Staffs A very tame bird seen at Cannock Reservoir from August 16th

DRB to 26th several observers.

143 Turnstone Warks Single birds reported at Draycote on May 6th DNM; Packington

Gravel Pits May 8th ARD PDH and 13th BLK; and Bodymoor Heath on August 25th EAH.

Worcs Single birds seen at Bittell on July 24th RM and 25th MBP GKR, at Upton Warren between August 1st and 27th SMW and at Wilden on August 10th RM.

Staffs At Cannock Reservoir up to three seen April 25th RAH to May 22nd ARMB, one on June 11th DS and one or two between July 16th RAH and August 14th SMH. One reported at Blithfield on May 16th SMH and August 11th BCG DJM. At Belvide one seen on May 11th and up to five between July 24th and August 14th DS.

145 Snipe Warks Maximum reported at Brandon, where at least four pairs bred, was

100 on December 26th BMCG and at Alvecote, where three or four pairs bred, 30 on November 27th BMCG. Other concentra-tions were 100 at Griff on November 28th EHT; 50 at Bodymoor Heath on December 5th EAH HTL and 50 at Hams Hall BLK.

Worcs 30 noted at Fladbury Meadows on January 1st TCS; 40 at Old Northwick on March 19th SMW; 200 at Upton Warren on March 28th TAW, and 220 at Wilden on October 10th RM.

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Staffs Bred at Belvide DS. Maximum concentrations were 120 at Blithfield on September 20th ARMB and October 23rd BCG; over 600 at Doxey Marshes, Stafford, on October 23rd and 24th FCG; 53 at Cannock Reservoir on October 10th G£;450 at Whittington Sewage Farm on December 4th MSS; and 80 at Latherford on December 5th AJD.

147 Jack Snipe Small numbers in many localities. Largest numbers reported were:—

Worcs Seven at Old Northwick Marsh on March 9th SMW. One at Castlemorton Common, where rarely recorded, on November 5th LAB.

Staffs Six at Holden Bridge on March 6th HWK, Ford Green on Dec-ember 5th HWK, at Blithfield on December 28th DS PCT and five at Belvide October to December DS. About 30 reported at Doxey Marshes on October 24th per FCG and 20 at Cannock Reservoir on December 4th GE.

148 Woodcock " Roding " or summer records from the following localities.

Warks Haywood, Honiley GRH JVH, Oakley Wood RB; Arbury where up to 15 seen in late November MS. Bred at Packington KS, Hurley EAH, Brandon BMCG and 10 seen on May 17th at Spernall Wood GKR.

Worcs Wheatley Wood JMH; Enville SFLE; Eyemore Wood EGP; Clifton-on-Teme CMH; Wyre Forest YMW; Goosehill Wood, Trench Wood SMW; Ravenshill Wood CNL SMW; Birch Wood RM; Abberley Hills MJI; Randan Wood FF; Hanley William MJI.

Staffs Cannock Chase—widespread; Little Wyrley PCT; Enville MT; Whittington, Checkhill, Highgate EGP; Fradley Wood MJA; Hopwas Wood, Brereton Hayes MJA; Coombes Valley, Trentham Park ARP; Hey Sprink Wood per PT; Farley area—four localities BR; Consall Wood PAB; Manley Wood ARMB; Swindon ESD.

150 Curlew Warks Bred near Aston Cantlow—first record there by observer RLS.

Autumn roost at Hams Hall reached 23 on September 11th and none seen after October 10th BLK.

Worcs 45 noted at Upton Warren on March 13th MAB. Staffs At Whittington Sewage Farm 76 seen on January 4th SFLE and

150 present on most dates from end of August until December

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when numbers decreased. Maximum was 162 on September 28th MSS. 32 on September 17th JAJ was the most seen at Blithfield. Winter record of four at Tittesworth on December 12th PAB.

151 Whimbrel Warks Single birds noted at Hams Hall on April 27th SVB TPM, July 23rd

MJI and August 3rd SMH TPM. Four present at Bodymoor Heath on May 5th EAH and three on August 1st HTL One seen at Shustoke on April 30th and at Packington on May 5th and 19th BLK.

Worcs One occurred at Berrow Hill on July 4th RM. Staffs At Cannock Reservoir one between April 25th RAH and May

11th ARMB, two on July 14th RAH and one on August 11th ESC FCG MJI. At Blithfield one noted on April 21st ESC and May 16th SMH >4S and usually one or two between July 25th ARMB and September 12th ARD BRD PDH apart from seven on the first date. Single birds seen at Belvide on July 28th PCT and August 3rd DS, and at Yoxall on August 11th BCG. One flew north-east over north Staffordshire moors on May 9th ARMB.

Black-tailed Godwit One seen on July 10th at Upton Warren SMW. At Blithfield one or two noted between July 22nd ARD BRD PDH and August 11th PCT apart from five on August 4th ESC and then up to five between September 12th and 26th many observers and one on October 23rd BCG. One present at Belvide on June 28th PCT.

Bar-tailed Godwit One noted at Bittell on September 14th DO. Single birds noted at Blithfield between August 4th ARMB ESC and August 14th DS and on October 20th DJM. Seven present at Belvide on May 5th DS PCT. One or two seen at Cannock Reservoir on February 28th ARMB, April 25th RAH, September 1st and 2nd RAH and November 25th PCT.

156 Green Sandpiper Warks Spring records at Shustoke and Brandon and winter records from

Packington, Shustoke, Hams Hall, Brandon, Bodymoor Heath, Draycote, Snitterfield and Yarningale. The most recorded was

154 Worcs Staffs

155 Worcs Staffs

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10 at Brandon on August 27th BMCG. Worcs Spring records from Tardebigge and Upton Warren and winter

records from Upton Warren, Bittell, Caunsall and Tardebigge. Maximum numbers reported were 10 at Upton Warren on July 16th and at Grimley Gravel Pits on August 16th SMW.

Staffs No spring records but winter records from Belvide and Bridgtown Subsidence Pools. The most seen was 10 at Blithfield on July 8th JL.

157 Wood-Sandpiper Warks Single birds seen at Brandon on April 22, May 16th, July 5th,

August 1st and 18th BMCG; at Bodymoor Heath on July 18th HTL and 25th EAH; at Middleton on July 18th EAH; at Draycote on August 14th CHP, 15th and 29th JL; Hams Hall on August 3rd TPM and September 19th SVB TPM; and at Hartshill on August 20th PHM.

Worcs At Upton Warren one reported on May 5th TAW and up to three between August 21st MAB AFJ SMW TAW and September 4th MAB DMT. At Bittell single birds seen on July 30th to 31st GKR. August 2nd, 16th and 24th KGC. One or two noted at Wilden between August 26th MHB RM and September 17th MBP.

Staffs At Blithfield single birds occurred on a few dates between July 18th JL and September 5th BCG; at Belvide on July 27th DS; at Alrewas on June 24th ESC; and at Cannock Reservoir on August 10th ARMB.

159 Common Sandpiper Widespread at many waters during autumn and spring passages with largest numbers on the autumn passage in late July and early August.

Warks Largest numbers reported were 24 on August 21st at Draycote per RB and 14 at Hams Hall on September 4th EAH. One seen at Whitacre Heath on December 9th EH.

Worcs Maximum numbers reported were 18 on August 25th at Upton Warren and 11 on August 15th at Wilden MBP.

Staffs The most seen was 20 on July 25th PDH MJI EGP and August 8th ARD BRD PDH at Blithfield, where two birds remained until the end of the year and 15 at Belvide on July 19th PCT and 25th DS.

161 Redshank Warks Winter records from Hams Hall, Shustoke and Bodymoor

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Heath. Breeding records reported from Griff MS EHT; Alvecote GAA; Hams Hall BLK; Brandon BMCG.

Worcs Breeding records from Hadley CPB DIN; Grimley SMW and Upton Warren several observers. One at Caunsall on January 3rd CAN was only winter record.

Staffs Probably bred at Whittington Sewage Farm MSS where one seen on January 2nd EGP. At Belvide, where bred, one seen on February 23rd ESD and 20 noted on March 31st BCG GIG and May 22nd JHB SMH. Bred at Four Ashes, probably three pairs, and 10 birds seen on March 16th DJM.

162 Spotted Redshank Warks Single birds reported at Alvecote on May 4th GAA; at Bodymoor

Heath on July 18th HTL, August 20th SMH and September 12th SVB to 22nd EAH; at Brandon on May 23rd and September 7th BMCG; at Hams Hall on April 14th TPM and July 23rd SMH; Middleton on July 18th EAH,'and one or two at Draycote between September 4th JL and October 6th RB.

Worcs One seen at Wilden on August 31st MHB and on September 2nd MFF.

Staffs Up to five seen at Blithfield from August 25th ESC to October 10th PDH MJI DS.

165 Greenshank Warks The only spring records were from Brandon on March 14th and

April 28th, one seen on June 5th, and up to four between July 4th and October 3rd BMCG. Noted at Draycote between July 12th RPW and October 25th EAE EEG JL with a maximum of six on July 18th GRH JVH and September 4th JL. Up to four seen at Alvecote between July 8th and October 2nd with six on July 10th GAA. Up to three present at Hams Hall between July 27th DFP and September 19th SVB TPM. One reported at Bodymoor Heath on July 7th TPM and August 1st HTL.

Worcs One or two present at Upton Warren from August 4th SMW to 24th TAW; up to three at Wilden between August 6th MHB and September 19th RM MBP; up to three at Bittell between July 9th AFJ and August 27th MAB; and one at Grimley on July 14th MFF.

Staffs One seen at Blithfield on May 1st BCG and then from July 4th ESC ARD BRD PDH to October 10th BCG with maximum of 12 on September 1 st ARD. At Belvide one or two present between

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May 22nd and 27th and one on July 31st DS. Up to three noted at Cannock Reservoir on a few dates between August 11 th RAH and October 4th PCT. Two seen at Bridgtown Subsidence Pools on June 6th GE and one at Whittington Sewage Farm on August 19th EGP.

169 Knot Warks One seen at Bodymoor Heath on September 1st EAH. Staffs At Blithfield one or two seen between November 11th PDH and

14th several observers. At Cannock Reservoir single birds reported between July 31st ARMB and September 4th SMH AK PCT and one on November 20th DS.

170 Purple Sandpiper Staffs One seen at Cannock Reservoir on May 15th ARMB GE and at

Blithfield between November 21st MJI DS GS PCT and 28th several observers.

171 Little Stint Warks One present at Hartshill on August 15th PHM. Worcs Single birds seen at Upton Warren from May 6th AFJ to 14th

RM and from August 16th MAB RM to 20th MAB SMW. Staffs One at Belvide from July 29th to 31st DS; at Cannock Reservoir

on May 28th PCT and August 14th SMH; and one or two at Blithfield between September 10th DJM and October 2nd ESC with four on September 26th ARMB.

172 Least Sandpiper

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Staffs One present at Cannock Reservoir from August 9th RAH to 11th BCC FCG. Small size, legs brownish-yellow, call " tree-eet," bill very fine, dark and about two-thirds head length, no broaden-ing towards base, two pale stripes down back, outer tail-feathers greyish brown, upper parts darker than Dunlin, weak greyish wing-bar, central breast buffish strongly flecked with brown giving way to pale under-parts. A first record for the Club's area.

176 Pectoral Sandpiper Worcs A bird present at Upton Warren from July 24th CPB to 26th

AFJ and at Wilden between August 29th MHB RM and Sept-ember 2nd MAB MHB MBP TAW.

178 Dunlin Small numbers at various waters. Other records as follows:—

Warks At Draycote one or two noted between April 18th RB and May 23rd GRHJVH and from July 12th RPW and November 15th EAE with a maximum of five on April 18th RB. At Alvecote four seen on January 10th, two on February 27th, up to three between April 3rd and 20th and one on July 24th GAA. Up to two present at Brandon between April 17th and May 5th and singles from July 8th to August 22nd and November 14th to 18th BMCG. Up to four seen at Hams Hall between April 27th TPM and June 8th BLK and again from July 10th to September 26th BLK with up to 19 in August SMH. At Bodymoor Heath one present on February 6th SVB TPM and up to 10 between July 7th TPM and September 12th SVB.

Worcs One or two seen at Upton Warren between April 9th RM and May 12th TAW and from July 10th MAB to August 11th TAW and one on October 16th MAB. At Bittell one noted on April 18th KGC and more from July 28th GKR until November 13th MAB with 15 on September 18th RJH. Present at Wilden between July 21st and September 3rd RM with seven on August 15th MHB.

Staffs At Cannock Reservoir reported in every month except October. Numbers up to 20 present in January and then up to 10 until the end of July. Up to 20 in mid-August and early September and then up to 12 in late November. At Belvide one present on January 9th DS and usually about three between March 6th PCT and May 16th BRD PDH with a peak of 17 on April 17th DS. One or two on a few dates from June 11th with seven on July

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16th and eight on November 20th DS. At Blithfield one on February 28th JAJ PCT and March 13th TWF JL and six on April 17th IJD. Present then from July 15th ARD BRD until end of year usually about five but with peaks of 15 on August 14th DS, 17 on September 5th ESC, 23 on September 18th MJI DS and 22 on November 13th TWF JL.

179 Curlew Sandpiper Warks Two present at Hams Hall on May 13th BLK MT. Staffs At Blithfield two seen on August 8th several observers and one

from September 5th BCG to October 1 st RAH. Three present on August 11th DS at Cannock Reservoir and one between August 19th JL DS and September 6th JF.

181 Sanderling Warks Two seen at Hams Hall on March 13th EAH and June 8th BLK

and at Bodymoor Heath on August 28th SMH. Staffs At Cannock Reservoir one present on April 18th ARMB GE RAH.

Noted from May 7th PCT to June 13th ARMB with four on May 25th PCT and seven on June 8th DS. One noted on July 19th RAH MJI and 20th RAH and August 16th ARMB. At Westport two occurred on May 15th JS and one at Blithfield on May 16th SMH.

184 Ruff Warks One seen at Alvecote on July 3rd and 4th and two on August

30th GAA. One or two present at Brandon on April 28th and between July 10th and September 10th BMCG. Present at Draycote, single birds, between August 15th and September 19th JL. One seen at Bodymoor Heath on the unusual date of February 14th HTL and two on October 17th EAH HTL.

Worcs One present at Upton Warren on April 22nd DMT and 24th MAB SMW TA W and usually two between August 9th several observers and September 1st AFJ SMW with six on August 15th TAW. At Bittell single birds noted on May 5th SMW, May 15th GKR and September 5th MAB KGC. Up to three seen at Wilden between August 9th RM and September 11th MHB and one on October 10th RM.

Staffs One or two seen at Belvide between June 23rd DS and August 21st FCG DS apart from four on July 30th JL. Present at Blithfield between July 29th BCG and October 7th ARD, usually two or three, but six on September 18th DS. At Cannock

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Reservoir one seen on August 21st JL, seven on the 16th JF and eight on the 24th JF. Single birds reported at Bridgtown on June 6th GE and at Alrewas on July 2nd and 15th ESC.

185 Avocet Warks One seen at Bodymoor Heath on September 5th EAH and three

at Hams Hall on April 13th EFF. Staffs Three, presumably the same birds, seen at Yoxall on April 14th


193 Arctic Skua Staffs A dark phase bird appeared at Belvide on August 21st AEC DS

FCG PCT and flew off to the north-east.

194 Great Skua An unprecedented influx occurred on September 26th following gales.

Warks One seen at Bartley Reservoir on September 26th YMW. Worcs One at Upton Warren on September 26th SFLE AFJ RH was

feeding on a freshly killed Black-headed Gull and left to the north. Another seen at Bittell on the same date MAB JLT.

Staffs A bird at Blithfield on September 26th was seen to attack and kill two Coots many observers.

198 Great Black-backed Gull Winter, spring and autumn records increasing.

Warks More records than usual at Brandon with a maximum of 50 on April 22nd BMCG. Up to four reported at Draycote in February and in August and September per RB.

Worcs Several records at various waters. Staffs Up to 10 roosted at Blithfield in winter months ARD BRD PDH

and up to seven at Cannock Reservoir in autumn and winter RAH DFP.

199 Lesser Black-backed Gull Warks Maxima reported at roosts were about 5000 at Draycote on

February 25th GRH JVH and at Shustoke 3500 on November 19th BLK. Scandinavian birds noted in small numbers at Brandon and Bodymoor Heath.

Staffs The most noted was about 4000 in mixed roost at Blithfield on November 15th and December 5th ARD BRD; about 2500 at Cannock Reservoir on September 1st DS; 1000 at roost at Belvide

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during passage in spring and autumn DS; 500 in fields at Hammer-wich on September 20th RAH; and 400 at Brereton on September 8th BCG. A few Scandinavian birds noted at Belvide. Several birds with white wing patches seen at Belvide, Blithfield and Cannock Reservoir ARD BRD DS.

200 Herring Gull Warks Seen on many fewer occasions at Alvecote than Lesser Black-

backed Gulls GAA MAA. 3000 was maximum noted at Brandon tip on January 9th BMCG.

Staffs At Blithfield maximum in winter roost was about 2000 from December 5th onwards ARD BRD. Very few in roost in Novem-ber, compared with Lesser Black-backed Gulls, as also was the case at Cannock Reservoir JL. At Cannock Reservoir 1500 noted on January 2nd and December 23rd RAH and at Belvide 1800 on January 2nd DS. Some birds with white-wing patches seen at Cannock Reservoir and Belvide in winter DS.

Common Gull. Numbers increasing, particularly in Warwick-shire. 150 seen at Brandon on January 9th and up to 50 in autumn BMCG. Flock of 130 noted following the plough at Priors Hard-wick on March 26th and 23 similarly near Southam DS. 1 50 pre-sent at Coombe Abbey on December 27th CHP. Up to 10 present at Blithfield and Cannock Reservoir roosts in November and December and about 30 at Belvide on January 10th DS. Movement to north-east noted on early April evenings at Belvide with maximum of 70 on April 8th DS. 12 occurred at Tittesworth Reservoir on October 17th BR.

202 Glaucous Gull Warks Two immatures seen at Brandon on January 9th BMCG and an

adult at Bodymoor Heath on December 5th SVB. Worcs Single immature birds at Westwood on March 14th MFF DIN and

at Bittell on December 18th MAB. Staffs Single immatures reported at Hammerwich on January 2nd

RAH; Cannock Reservoir on February 6th KS; adults at Blithfield on December 5th many observers, 12th PDH, 24th BCG and 28th PCT DS; and at Belvide on December 11th EH and 12th DS.




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203 Iceland Gull Warks Single birds reported at Brandon in late March RB and between

December 9th and 17th BMCG. Worcs Single adult birds seen at Bittell on February 18th MAB TAW,

March 8th KGC GKR and March 22nd MAB. Staffs Single adults reported at Blithfield on February 21st ESC, March

7th several observers, March 28th ESC DS PCT and an immature on March 21st DS, PCT. An immature bird occurred at Belvide on January 2nd DS KS PCT and an adult on April 6th DS. An adult bird seen at Cannock Reservoir on February 11th PCT.

205 Mediterranean Gull Warks One seen at Draycote on July 6th RB. Large ' droopy ' bill, no

white leading edge or black tips to wings, incomplete black hood noted. First record for the club's area.

Little Gull One reported at Draycote on April 18th RB, two on August 29th JL and 31st GRH JVH and three on September 4th JL. Single birds seen at Blithfield on August 7th FCG, July 25th EGP, August 28th EMR to September 6th MJI, and October 31st several observers; at Cannock Reservoir on August 31st JF and September 1st DS PCT; and Belvide on June 2nd DS.

Black-headed Gull. Maximum numbers noted were:— 2000 at Bartley on January 1st MT; 3000 at Brandon on January 9th BMCG; 1000 at Packington on March 3rd BLK; 10,000 at Draycote on November 14th CHP; and 10,000 at Shustoke on November 24th and 29th BLK. 7000 estimated at Bittell roost on March 8th PA and 2500 at Westwood on March 15th SMW. About 50 pairs were nesting on June 13th at colony near Gnosall DS. At Blithfield roost 19000 estimated on January 10th DS; at Belvide 23,000 on February 13th DS; and at Cannock Reservoir 3,500 on December 23rd RAH.

211 Kittiwake Worcs Two noted at Upton Warren on August 30th MAB CNL SMW. Staffs Single birds seen at Belvide on April 17th DS, June 11 th DS PCT,

August 21st DS and December 12th DS PCT; at Blithfield one on February 13th ARMB and November 21st DS PCT; and one at Cannock Reservoir on November 13th GE.

207 Warks


208 Warks



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212 Black Tern Warks At Draycote 15 on May 6th DNM and one on June 14th EAE EEG

and then one or two between July 31st CHP and September 9th /ME EEG apart from 10 on August 31st per RB. At Bran-don six noted on May 5th, one on the 30th and six on September 26th BMCG. Single birds seen at Alvecote on May 6th and between September 13th and 21st GAA; 10 seen in Sutton Park on May 5th EMR; three at Bodymoor Heath on May 5th GAA EAH; one at Hams Hall on April 22nd DJM.

Worcs One or two seen at Bittell from May 23rd MAB to July 31st MJ! GKR and from August 13th MAB to 24th KGC apart from four on the last date. Up to four present at Upton Warren between April 24th DRW SMW and June 3rd EGP and again from August 10th RM to September 26th PA MAB SFLE AFJ. Up to five noted at Westwood between April 24th SMW and June 5th AJR and from August 10th FF to September 26th FF SMW. One seen at Tardebigge from September 3rd to 5th JRH and one at Wilden on September 28th and 29th MHB.

Staffs At Blithfield seven on May 1st BCG, three on May 14th DJM, five on June 3rd EMR and then usually two between July 30th MJ/ and October 2nd ARMB ESC PCT with nine on August 2nd BCG. Usually two at Belvide between April 20th PCT and June 13th DS with 11 on May 5th DS PCT and then up to five between July 31st DS and September 3rd AJD apart from eight on first date DS. One or two noted at Cannock Reservoir on June 11th DS, PCT and on a few dates from July 31st ARMB to August 24th MBP. Three seen at West Bromwich on May

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5th JH; one at Bridgtown on May 25th GE; one at Westport on September 15th HWK; and one at Rudyard on October 9th AJD.

213 White-winged Black Tern Worcs One seen at Upton Warren by many observers on September

26th. Silver-grey wings, darkish saddle contrasting with white rump and tail, no black shoulder patches.

216 Caspian Tern Worcs One present at Upton Warren on July 29th DMT. Large red

bill, black cap extending below eye, short shaggy crest, legs black, half as big again as adjacent Black-headed Gull, prominent dark outer primaries seen in flight. The first record for the county.

217 Common Tern Warks Bred successfully with brood of three at Bodymoor Heath EAH

HTL where most seen was 13 on June 6th HTL. At Draycote eight seen on August 29th JL, one on the 31st GRH JVH and two on September 5th RB. Single birds noted at Alvecote between May 8th and June 6th, apart from 11 on last date, and again from August 8th to September 21st GAA. Up to three noted at Compton Verney on April 24th and June 12 RA; Pack-ington Gravel Pits on May 23rd ARD PDH; Earlswood on May 23rd GKR and August 22nd SMH; Packington on August 28th KS; Bartley on September 15th DMH; Hams Hall on August 3rd SMH.

Worcs At Upton Warren single birds seen on April 21st TAW, May 5th TAW and June 27th SFLE and then up to four from July 31st RM to August 30th AFJ. At Bittell 10 seen on June 9th KGC MF and one or two up to June 19th SMH TPM and then again from July 31st GKR to August 25th KGC MF. 16 noted at Westwood on April 24th CPB and on on May 15th MBP; one at Grimley on July 14th MFF SMW; three at Wilden on August 10th RM and one on September 16th MBP; and one at Tarde-bigge from September 1st to 4th JRH.

Staffs Bred at Branston per TWF. Noted at Cannock Reservoir between April 24th and June 11th with eight on last date DS and then usually two between August 8th PRP and September 16th RAH with 14 on August 11th DS. At Blithfield 10 seen on June 9th

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AEC and then usually two or three between June 20th ESC and September 19th ESC ARD BRD with 12 on August 22nd ARD BRD. Noted at Belvide between April 13th MT and June 20th DS with nine on May 23rd PCT and then present from July 15th until September 2nd with 24 on August 21st DS.

218 Arctic Tern Warks At Draycote two seen on May 6th DNM, 10 on May 23rd RB

and one on August 31 st GRHJVH. One or two noted at Brandon on April 15th BMCG; at Earlswood on May 15th GKR; and at Alvecote on August 2nd GAA.

Worcs At Westwood one present on April 24th MFF and six on August 19th SMW. One or two seen at Tardebigge on May 5th JRH; at Upton Warren on August 13th SMW; at Wilden on August 22nd RM and 29th MHB; and at Bittell on August 24th KGC.

Staffs At Belvide two seen on April 19th GE MSS and then on the 24th parties totalling 108 birds (DS) moved through, all of which could be identified being Arctics. One or two noted up to June 10th and then up to four between July 31st and August 24th apart from 18 on August 21 st DS. One or two present at Blithfield on May 2nd ARD BRD PDH and June 20th ARMB and between August 11th BCG and September 18th DS PCT. Present, up to three, at Cannock Reservoir between April 22nd RAH and May 26th ESC and then from August 14th PCT to September 14th RAH. 12 seen at Gailey on April 24th DS PCT and one at West Bromwich on August 24th CDPa.

217/18 Common/Arctic Terns. The largest numbers reported were: Warks 20 at Bartley on April 28th RJH and 15 at Draycote on May 6th

and 30th RB. Worcs 15 at Westwood on April 24th MFF. Staffs 39 at Blithfield on May 1st BCG.

219 Roseate Tern Staffs One seen at Belvide on June 10th DS.

222 Little Tern Warks Two present at Draycote on May 30th RB and one at Bodymoor

Heath on August 29th EAH HTL. Staffs Single birds reported at Cannock Reservoir on June 11th DS

PCT and at Blithfield on July 25th several observers.

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223 Sandwich Tern Worcs One seen at Bittell on June 11th KGC and two on August 31st

DMH. Staffs At Belvide two present on April 3rd DS PCT and one on May 27th

DS and at Cannock Reservoir two on August 23rd PCT.

226 Little Auk Staffs One seen in flight and also swimming at Cannock Reservoir

on November 8th PCT.

232 Stock-Dove Warks 110 seen at Kineton on December 29th DS. Worcs 25 noted at Bredon Hill on January 18th RM; 30 at Sheriffs

Lench on March 20th TCS; and 15 at Bittell on December 12th DMH.

Staffs 25 seen at Bridgtown on July 17th GE and 40 at Blithfield on September 29th RAH.

234 Wood-Pigeon. Largest numbers reported were:— Warks 1500 at Brandon on December 28th BMCG; 300 at Alvecote

on December 18th GAA MAA; 250 in north Birmingham on October 24th in nine flocks moving south south-west over period of two hours JF.

Worcs 250 at Sheriffs Lench on January 1st TCS and 600 at Bittell on February 6th MAB.

Staffs 1000 at Belvide on January 9th DS; 1000 at Whittington on

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February 8th EGP and December 28th MSS; 1000 at Iversley Reservoir on December 20th MSS; and 600 at Blithfield on October 24th ARD BRD and October 31 st MJI.

235 Turtle-Dove. Most records from Worcestershire Warks Reported as being uncommon in most of north-east Warwickshire

MS. 12 seen at Brandon on September 12th BMCG. Worcs 10 seen on July 14th at Grimley Gravel Pits where common


Staffs 15 reported at Belvide on August 21 st DS.

Collared Dove Warks Reports received from Coleshill BLK; Alvecote GAA; Brandon—10

on October 26th BMCG; Olton MMC; Stratford-upon-Avon—32 on August 26th DMT; Moseley, Birmingham—20 BP; Edgbaston, Birmingham AWT; and from Coventry where a large roost devel-oped in autumn and winter RB.

Worcs Noted at FernhillJZ.; Old Swinford; Pedmore; Hurcott; Pershore; Wollaston; Stourbridge where eight nests located MSS; Broome; Holt Heath SFLE; Pershore—85 at grain store on February 27th CMH; Fladbury; Evesham; Broadway TCS; Ombersley SMW; Lower Habberley—30 on August 15th RM; Malvern—40 in November DIN; West Hagley LRB; Droitwich CPB. Nested on top of a drainpipe on side of house at Worcester DIN.

Staffs Reported from Weston Park— about 30 pairs per JL; Rugeley; Blymhill; Colwich; Bridgtown JL; Wall Heath; Wordsley; Kingswinford MSS; Forton GB; Keele—large numbers in June RG; Norton HWK; Walsall MAT; Pelsall; Norton Canes; Cannock Reservoir GE.

237 Cuckoo Warks More than usual present in Tame Valley EAH and Packington

areas LJB. Red phase female seen at Hams Hall on August 23rd SMH.

Worcs More than usual noted around Malvern DIN but said to be un-common in Wychbury and Cradley areas for second successive year SFLE.

Staffs More than usual reported in South Staffordshire ARMB.

241 Barn-Owl Warks Said to be very uncommon in Brandon area BMCG. Reports

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received from Shustoke BLK; Alvecote GAA; Hatton GRH JVH; Compton Verney RA; Charlecote—three pairs nesting JAH; Wilmcote RA; Nuneaton area—where seen frequently MS; Packington KS; Tame Valley EAH; Solihull—where bred JEH; Northfield AWH; Radway JFMF.

Worcs Noted at Chaddersley Corbett FHS; Fladbury TCS; Trench Wood MFF; Malvern Link SMW; Droitwich DIN; Upton Warren KGC MF; Kyre MJI; Cookley MBP; Pershore—where bred MLJ.

Staffs Recorded from Blithfield several observers; Gibbet Wood per SFLE; Ivetsey Bank per DS; Belvide DS PCT; Moors Gorse per DS; Greensforge EGP; Kinver EGP; Alrewas ESC; Kings Bromley BCG; Yoxall BCG; Trentham HH; Carmountside HWK; Norton HWK; Tittesworth DK; Pipe Ridware LYT; Hamstall Ridware LYT; Coombes Valley MWa; Whittington—where bred MSS; Gnosall FCG; Stourton MW.

246 Little Owl Warks Reports received from Brandon BMCG; Stratford RA; Walton

RA; Weston-under-Wetherley JH; Drayton DS; Solihull TPM; Packington Park—where bred and nine birds present in mid-October KS; Hurley—three pairs bred EAH; Whitacre—bred EAH; Kenilworth—bred RSh; Napton RB; Charlecote EFF.

Worcs Noted at Sheriffs Lench TCS; Northwick Marsh—where bred SMW; Upton Warren—bred AFJ; Belbroughton FHS; Woodcote Green EGP; Trench Wood SMW; Goosehill Wood SMW; Burcot NC; Hanley Court—bred MJI; Kyre MJI; Hopwood—bred MJI; Tardebigge—bred JRH; Pershore—four pairs bred but a marked decrease in last three years MLJ; Bluntington CAN.

Staffs Bunkers Hill Wood—bred SFLE; Hammerwich RAH; Etchington Hill PCT; Iversley—bred MSS; Blithfield ARD; Swinfen—bred MJA; Lichfield MJA; Shenstone ARMB; Enville EGP; Hanford HH; Light Oaks HWK; Holden Bridge—bred HWK; Whitfield HWK; Hamstall Ridware LYT; Compton EGP; Whittington— bred MSS.

247 Tawny Owl Worcs 12 nests located in Pershore area rearing at least 18 young MLJ.

248 Long-eared Owl Worcs Reported in Lickey Woods around early May JMH. Staffs Reported as resident in Moors Gorse area, Cannock Chase, per

DS. Bird seen at Enville in March MSS and on north Staffordshire

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moors on April 3rd and 13th AGF. A dead bird found at Whitting-ton Sewage Farm on September 4th JCL.

249 Short-eared Owl Warks Two seen at Draycote on January 17th and one on March 17th

and December 20th RB. Single birds reported at Curdworth on March 25th EAH, at Brandon on March 20th and during October and November BMCG and at Bodymoor Heath on August 20th JHB.

Worcs Up to three seen on rough ground at Goosehill Wood from April 5th to 7th SMW TAW.

Staffs At Belvide three present from January 2nd ARMB until March 21st FCG GS, one remaining until second week in May DS. Two present from late September with three in early November DS. Birds present on north Staffordshire moors in summer months in different areas possibly up to five pairs several observers. At Tittesworth two noted on January 2nd and one on the 9th AGF.

252 Nightjar All records from Staffordshire.

Staffs On Cannock Chase at least 15 churring birds located at four sites per DS. Present, probably two pairs, at Kinver and at Enville Commons EGP. Bred at Coombes Valley MWa. At Fradley Wood after an absence of eight years a churring bird present in summer months MJA but no birds located at Brereton Hayes, Hopwas or Swinfen.

255 Swift Warks At Alvecote 200 moved south-west in 30 minutes on August 16th

GAA. Movement to the west, 75 during five minutes, noted at Sutton Coldfield during severe thunderstorm on August 10th JL.

258 Kingfisher The volume of reports indicates that the bird has now recovered fully from effects of last severe winter. Breeding records, or presence in breeding season, received as follows:—

Warks Alvecote GAA; Hams Hall—two pairs bred EAH; Brandon—at least three pairs BMCG; Bodymoor Heath SVB; River Dene RA; Radway JFMF; Charlecote—bred JFMF; Compton Verney RA; Nuneaton area—several localities MS; Packington KS; Good breeding season in Tame Valley EAH. Seen on March 1st along river Cole at Shirley where very unusual DMT.

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Worcs Dowles Brook TECP DS; Tardebigge JRH; Ombersley CMH; Cleeve Prior CMH; Upton Warren TAW; Bittell RLS; Stour Valley MSS; Northwick—three pairs resident SMW; Leigh Brook LRB; Wilden RM; Pershore—at least seven pairs breeding in area MLJ.

Staffs Churnet Valley TECP; Blithfield area PDH; Brewood DS; Stourton EGP; Checkhill EGP; Himley ESD; Stafford GS; Baswich GS; Wetton Mill DLB; Hopwas AJD; Hamstall Ridware LYT.

261 Hoopoe Warks One reported at Sherbourne in early October per J AH.

262 Green Woodpecker No changes in distribution reported.

Worcs Unusual behaviour of drumming heard from bird at Dunstall on June 10th DS.

263 Great Spotted Woodpecker No changes in distribution reported.

264 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Although more records received than for other Woodpeckers this does not reflect its relative abundance but its news-worthiness to observers. From reports appears to be commoner in Worcester-shire than in other counties. Breeding season records from:—

Warks Earlswood RAC; Southam RB; Packington KS; Charlecote JFMF; Not seen at Arbury this year MS.

Worcs Weatheroak MJI; Ombersley CMH; Dowles Brook FHS; Pipers Hill Wood AFJ; Westwood SMH; Inkberrow FF; Randan Wood FF; Wyre Forest ARMB; Wolverley—nested MW; Malvern area— three pairs located DIN; Dodderhill Common MAB; Bredon Hill RM; Eymore Wood RM; Trench Wood RM; Kyre area—where bred MJI; Lickeys GKR; Barnt Green MAB; Monkwood WJL; Brotheridge Green—bred GCL; Not seen at Blakedown this year FHS.

Staffs Manley ARMB; Tittensor—bred ARP; Highgate Common EGP; Barlaston ARP CPI.

265 Wryneck Warks One visited a Nuneaton garden from August 26th to 28th where

seen " anting " AW SWo.

272 Skylark Warks 13 pairs bred on 200 acres of farmland at Wilnecote GAA MAA.

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Flock of 100 at Brandon on December 19th BMCG. Worcs Flocks totalling 150 noted at Sheriffs Lench on January 1st TCS

and 100 seen at Upton Warren on January 1 st MAB and 9th SMW. Staffs 200 seen at Whittington Sewage Farm on January 2nd EGP.

274 Swallow Warks Maxima estimated at various roosts were 10,000 on August 31st

at Belgrave GAA MAA; 10,000 near Tamworth on August 31st AEC; 7000 at Packington Gravel Pits on September 6th BLK; 4000 at Brandon on September 9th BMCG. Peak at roost at Bedworth Slough was about 10,000 on September 10th and 11 th and then moved to a neighbouring roost which had 7000 on September 14th MS.

Worcs About 4000 was estimated at Upton Warren roost on September 11th MAB.

Staffs Roost at Wetley Rocks totalled about 2000 birds on August 19th and was abandoned on the 24th FCG.

276 House-Martin Maximum concentrations reported were:—

Warks About 200 feeding at Bedworth Sloughs on August 15th MS. Worcs 100 at Wilden on October 2nd MBP. Staffs About 75 at Cannock Reservoir on September 15th RAH.

277 Sand-Martin Warks Nested in drainage slot and crevices in stone wall at Alcester AJR.

At Bedworth Sloughs roost about 500 noted on August 14th MS; 100 on August 31st at Alvecote roost GAA; and about 4000 on same date at Brandon BMCG.

Worcs About 1000 present at Upton Warren on August 26th AWH. Staffs Autumn peak at Belvide was about 1800 on August 14th DS;

at Cannock Reservoir about 700 on August 24th GE PCT and 25th GE SMW.

278 Golden Oriole Staffs One reported near Alton from May 26th to 28th MCO.

279 Raven Worcs One seen near Bredon Hill on March 12th LAB; two at Wyre

Forest on March 14th RJH; one on Malvern Hills in early April DIN; one at Beckford on October 3rd DVM; and one at Arley on December 31st JEC.

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Staffs A bird present in Coombes Valley from October 11 th to 29th MWa.

280 Carrion-Crow Warks Party of about 70 seen at Draycote on September 4th JL. Bird

with large white wing patches seen at Bartley Green on March 1 st RLS.

Staffs Flock of 50 noted at Warslow on April 3rd JL and about 190 seen at Whittington Sewage Farm on December 28th MSS A bird with grey patches on wing coverts and mantle seen at Rugeley on January 3rd RAH.

281 Hooded Crow Staffs Two reported at Whittington Sewage Farm on October 31st

SFLE and one on November 21st MBP RM.

282 Rook Warks Rookeries in Packington Park have decreased from eight to two

in last 10 years LJB. Staffs Small rookeries on west side of Stafford during 1968-70 were not

used this year PT.

283 Jackdaw. No changes in distribution reported.

284 Magpie Worcs 25 seen in one party near Burcot on January 1st MAB.

286 Jay Staffs Reported as commoner this year in autumn in Clayhanger area

RS. Three present on October 16th around Cannock Reservoir where very unusual RAH.

288 Great Tit Staffs Nest box scheme at Black Firs Reserve, Newcastle-under-Lyme,

started in 1970 had this year seven out of 24 boxes used by Great Tits and 10 by Blue Tits EWL.

289 Blue Tit Warks Largest party reported, mainly Blue Tits, was 50 in Nuneaton area

at end of year MS. Worcs Party of about 40 seen at Westwood on January 2nd SMW.

By far most abundant titmouse using nest boxes in Lower Dowles area MMC. In Far Forest area 10 out of 34 boxes occupied by this species against three by Great Tits LRB.

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290 Coal Tit Several reports of increased appearances at bird tables and instances of occurrences in autumn in gardens where unusual gave some indication of an autumn influx.

292 Marsh-Tit Warks Seen in Edgbaston Park on February 5th SVB where said to be

very uncommon. Staffs More than usual seen at Belvide in later months of year DS. 293 Willow-Tit Warks Bred in Edgbaston Park SVB. Worcs In Sheriffs Lench area mainly found in breeding season in hedge-

rows whereas Marsh-Tit is essentially a woodland bird TCS. Seven seen in Abberley Hills on January 31st RM.

294 Long-tailed Tit Warks The biggest parties seen were 30 at Arbury on November 13th MS

and 20 at Sutton Park in mid-December SVB. Worcs The most reported was 20 at Bredon Hill on January 18th RM;

70 at Dowles Brook on January 24th RM; 20 in Lickeys on February 3rd RLS; 30 at Trench Wood on October 6th; 30 at Grafton Wood on October 6th; 50 at Devil's Spittleful on October 31st RM.

Staffs Largest parties were 47 in Coombes Valley on September 11th MWa; 30 at Riley Hill on October 1st; 20 at Rudyard Reservoir on October 9th AJD; and 50 on October 16th at Belvide, where more numerous than usual DS.

295 Bearded Tit

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Warks Up to three seen at Brandon from March 14th to 21st and up to seven November 7th to end of year BMCG. A bird heard at Wootton Wawen, but not seen, on October 31st SMW.

Worcs Two occurred at Upton Warren on October 31 st MBP RM. Staffs One reported at Belvide on October 31 st JF.

296 Nuthatch No changes in distribution reported.

Staffs Eight seen in Churnet Valley on April 25th TECP and five in Coombes Valley from mid-August to mid-October MWa.

298 Tree-Creeper Warks Said to be less common in Belbroughton district than in recent

years FHS. Worcs 20 recorded on the Abberley Hills on January 31st RM and 10

at Dowles Brook on April 9th MT.

299 Wren Warks 20 seen at Brandon on March 7th BMCG and 19 in song in

Edgbaston Park on April 29th SVB.

300 Dipper Warks Pair seen on river Alne in spring and breeding suspected SMW. Worcs Breeding season reports from Dowles Brook—where bred many

observers; Sapey Valley TECP; Malvern—bred DIN; Teme near Worcester DIN; Sling Pool, Clent—bred MT; Leigh Brook LRB; near Drayton FHS. One on Teme at Powick Bridge on September 21st DS.

Staffs Breeding season records from Dovedale several observers; Sherbrook Valley, Cannock Chase DS; Consall PAB; Manifold Valley—bred DLB; Wetley Rocks—bred HWK; Oakley—one of first breeding records in west part of county JMH.

301 Mistle-Thrush Warks Plentiful in Packington Park LJB. Staffs Birds common in Weston Park on March 28th JL.

302 Fieldfare Generally scarce in December until end of month.

Warks Largest flocks noted were 400 at Ingon on February 2nd DS; 300 at Drayton Bassett on March 20th DRW; 300 at Broadwell on

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March 23rd DS; 700 at Southam on March 24th DS; 300 at Priors Hardwick on March 26th DS; 300 going east-north-east at Wilnecote on April 8th GAA MAA; 450 at Brandon on April 9th BMCG; 500 at roost Coombe Abbey December 27th CHP.

Worcs 400 at Broughton Wood on February 6th RM; 300 at Tardebigge on December 25th JRH; 300 at Sheriffs Lench on December 25th TCS; 250 at Castlemorton Common on December 30th SMW.

Staffs 300 at Little Wyrley on February 14th TECP; 500 at Whittington on February 18th MBP; 300 at Latherford on March 21st AJD; about 1000 between Stafford and Tixall on March 28th GS; 350 roosting near Bridgtown Subsidence Pool on March 31st PCT; 250 at Warslow on April 3rd JL; 300 near Bloxwich on April 4th PCT; 500 at Horsley on April 10th NRW; 2500 in Coombes Valley on October 25th MWa—compare 90 Redwings on October 14th; 300 at Blithfield going north-west on November 6th RJJ; 400 at Yoxall on November 6th BCG; 600 at Kingston Hill on November 18th PT; 300 at Belvide on November 20th DS— smaller numbers than usual in later months; 250 on November 22nd at Cheadle BR; 300 at Stafford Castle on December 23rd PT.

303 Song-Thrush Warks Bird sang on December 26th at 10.30 p.m. by light of sodium

lighting at Coventry AJR. Worcs Bird seen on May 7th on nest on ground in middle of grass field

near Bromsgrove away from any tree or bush FF. Flock of up to 220 seen feeding on rowan berries on Malvern Hills from September 20th to 25th DIN.

304 Redwing Warks A bird reported at Combrook on May 23rd RA JM and another,

perhaps the same, with a damaged wing but otherwise in good condition, at Henley-in-Arden on June 12th DRW. Largest flocks reported were 200 at Southam on March 24th DS; 700 at Walsgrave on October 23rd CHP; 350 at Arbury on October 31 st MS; 230 at Shustoke on November 2nd BLK; 300 at roost at Coombe Abbey on December 27th CHP.

Worcs 200 at Bromsgrove on January 20th TAW; 200 at Eckington on February 10th CMH; 200 at Bittell on October 20th MJI; and 250 on November 13th JRH at Tardebigge where in October and November outnumbered Fieldfares by 10 to one but many more Fieldfares in December JRH.

Staffs Very many fewer than usual at Whittington Sewage Farm where

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scarce in autumn SFLE. 300 at Whittington on February 14th MBP; 250 at Alton Towers on March 7th FCG; about 2000 at Sandon on March 21st BCC; 350 going west-south-west at Cannock Reservoir on October 15th PCT; 300 at Walsall on October 16th where out-numbered Fieldfares, a very unusual position for area TECP; 200 at Belvide on November 6th DS; 200 at Yoxall on November 10th FCG; 250 on November 11th PDH at Blithfield where absent during December BRD; 200 at Norton on November 15th HWK.

307 Ring-Ouzel Warks One seen on passage at Brandon on April 9th BMCG. Worcs A bird at Castlemorton Common on April 18th DIN. On Malvern

Hills single birds reported on April 18th DIN and May 2nd LAB and flock up to 12 feeding on rowan berries in September MFF DIN and up to six during October DIN.

Staffs Breeding records from north Staffordshire moors. Single birds noted at Baswich on April 18th GS; at Radford on April 20th PT and on Cannock Chase on October 2nd ARMB AFJ.

308 Blackbird Warks Party of 37 seen at Oldbury Reservoir on November 20th PHM.

311 Wheatear Widespread on spring and autumn passage in small numbers.

Warks The most seen at Brandon was six on August 21st BMCG. Worcs Bred on Malvern Hills CNL DIN SMW. Up to eight was the

maximum at Upton Warren on passage between August 15th and October 2nd MBP; and at Bittell on April 20th MAB.

Staffs Bred at Whittington Sewage Farm MSS. Seen on north Stafford-shire moors in breeding season several observers. Pair noted at Weston Coyney on May 20th HWK, and at Dove Valley on June 22nd RG. A bird seen at Rowley Regis on June 19th RF and a very young bird on the wing present at Cannock Reservoir on July 10th JL suggesting local breeding. Most on passage at Cannock Reservoir was 11 on August 21st PCT. 20 seen near Flash, north Staffordshire moors, on October 23rd ARP.

Greenland Wheatear Staffs Birds believed to be of this race reported at Cannock Reservoir on

May 2nd GE and 9th ARD PDH.

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317 Stonechat Warks Single birds reported at Brandon during January, on September

29th and throughout October and November BMCG; at Draycote between January 10th JL and February 28th RB; at Hams Hall on March 13th JHB SMH DFP, September 15th BLK, and November 14th EAH; at Bodymoor Heath on February 6th SVB TPM; two at Oldbury Reservoir on November 20th PHM; and one or two in Sutton Park between October 3rd GEL and December 4th JHB SMH DFP.

Worcs Up to two seen several times in autumn and winter on Malvern Hills and on Castlemorton Common DIN; one or two at Wilden on January 2nd MHB; April 8th RJH and between October 31st RM and December 19th MHB; and single birds at Washford Bridge from February 20th to 27th GCL; Upton Warren on October 9th PKD; Hartlebury Common on November 6th MHB; and at Blakedown in December FHS.

Staffs One reported at Cannock Reservoir on January 10th GE, October 17th RAH and between December 4th DS PCT and 23rd RAH; at Tittesworth on January 2nd AGF; Kings Bromley on March 20th BCG; at Belvide on March 27th DS; at Blithfield on November 14th BCG; at Ford Green on December 5th HWK; and two at Hednesford on November 7th FCG.

318 Whinchat Breeding season records from :—

Warks Brandon—two pairs bred BMCG; Hams Hall—two pairs bred SVB; Alvecote—two or three pairs bred GAA; Bodymoor Heath SVB; Wilmcote RA; Packington KS.

Worcs Wilden—two pairs bred RM; Castlemorton Common—at least two pairs bred DIN; Malvern Hills DIN; Paxton—bred RM; Eymore Wood RM; Goosehill Wood MAB; Upton Warren—where maximum on passage was seven on August 15th TAW.

Staffs Cannock Chase—several pairs PA PCT; Bagots Wood—bred JL; north Staffordshire moors—bred JL; Blithfield JL; Highgate Common SFLE; Cannock Reservoir—two or three pairs bred compared with twice as many in recent years RAH and maximum on passage was seven on September 3rd PCT; Tittesworth— several pairs PAB; Horchurch Pool RG; Holden Bridge HWK; and Weston Coyney where 12 pairs counted on June 17th HWK.

320 Redstart Warks Bird in song during May at Arbury where unusual EHT.

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Worcs Decline in numbers in Lower Dowles area of Wyre Forest over last four seasons reported by observer MMC. Six singing along Dowles Brook on May 5th ARMB; Eight singing birds counted from Chase End to St Anne's Well, Malvern, on June 5th SMW; five pairs in Lickeys on May 29th GKR. Five birds noted on Clent Hills on September 19th NC.

321 Black Redstart Warks Bred in City Centre, Birmingham MAB CRB. Single birds seen

at Draycote on March 30th RPW and at Bishops Itchington on November 4th RJHo.

Worcs A pair frequented a building site at Worcester from March 17th CNL to 28th SMW.

Staffs Bred at Bilston as in 1970 per DS. A bird seen at Belvide on March 31st GIG and April 4th several observers.

322 Nightingale Warks Singing birds heard at Brinklow GRH JVH; Combrook RA;

Weethley Wood DS; and Oakley Wood RB. Worcs Heard in song at Monkwood TECP; Tardebigge CRB; Strensham—

six in song CMH; Defford CMH; Trench Wood—three in song AFJ; Old Hills—six in song DIN; Longdon FF; Goosehill—only one compared with four last year TAW; Madam's Hill MAB TAW; Fillet Wood RM.

Staffs One reported at Hanbury on April 18th BCG.

325 Robin Staffs One at Horsley on December 19th had crown of head white NRW.

327 Grasshopper-Warbler In song in breeding season in following localities:—

Warks Fewer singing birds compared with last year in Hatton/Shrewley/ Wroxall/Honiley areas GRH JVH. Hayward GRH JVH; Hams Hall ARMB JL BLK; Alvecote GAA; Brandon—six pairs believed to have bred BMCG; Stoneleigh RWL; Wilmcote PH; Kineton RA; Compton Verney RA; Combrook RA; Arbury—four singing MS; Tanworth-in-Arden RLS; Sutton Park KS; Packington KS.

Worcs Fewer this year in Tardebigge area—two singing birds as against five last year JRH. None heard in usual haunt at Cradley SFLE. Heard at Wilden MHB RM; Upton Warren MHB TAW; Castle-morton Common; Old Hills; Malvern Hills—several areas DIN; Old Northwick Marsh; Westwood; Grimley SMW; Bittell several

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observers; Pershore RA; Hollywood DMT; Bromsgrove TAW Goosehill Wood—six singing birds; Eymore Wood—eight in song Abberley Hills; Bredon Hill; Trench Wood; Monkwood RM. Tiddesley Wood DS.

Staffs Belvide; Brewood; Four Ashes DS; Blithfield—up to five in song as against eight last year ARD; Cannock Chase; Stafford GS: Cannock Reservoir ARMB; Holden Bridge; Stockton Brook; Weston Coyney HWK; Haughton EO; Clayton ARP CPI; Bridg-town; Little Wyrley GE.

333 Reed-Warbler Warks About 15 pairs nested at Brandon BMCG, 12 pairs at Wootton

Wawen PH and at least 10 pairs at Alvecote GAA. Worcs 33 singing males counted on about one mile of Droitwich Canal

from Wheelers Bridge to Salwarpe on May 16th CPB. About three pairs estimated at Westwood DIN and at least 12 pairs nested at Upton Warren TAW.

334 Marsh-Warbler Worcs Four or five singing birds heard near Nafford several observers.

About four heard near Eckington CRB SMW TAW and birds noted at several other sites along river Avon DIN. Heard at Tewkesbury RB.

337 Sedge-Warbler Warks 35 breeding pairs located at Brandon BMCG and around 15 at

Alvecote GAA. Worcs About 17 pairs estimated at Upton Warren where not restricted

to marshy areas TAW. Staffs Only 11 singing birds located in Belvide area compared with 26

in 1970 DS. Also reduced in numbers at Blithfield where 12 singing birds noted BRD as against 15 in previous year.

343 Blackcap Warks About five pairs bred in Edgbaston Park SVB. One seen in garden

at Sutton Coldfield on January 4th VNW. Worcs Wintering cock seen in Burcot garden in early January WNAT.

10 in song in Abberley Hills on May 9th RM; seven at Trench Wood on May 16th RM; eight at Westwood on May 2nd SMW and seven at Madams Hill in May TAW. On June 4th three in song at Dowles Brook as against four Garden-Warblers ARMB.

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About same number of Blackcaps and Garden-Warblers noted in western part of Tardebigge JRH.

Staffs Only seven singing birds in Belvide area compared with 12 in 1970 DS. An injured hen bird seen on December 18th at Cannock Reservoir DS where more than usual seen on autumn passage RAH. A wintering female seen at Pelsall on December 24th RS.

346 Garden-Warbler Worcs 11 singing birds on Abberley Hills on May 9th RM, six at Trench

Wood on May 16th RM and four at Westwood on May 2nd SMW. Staffs Only one or two singing birds in Belvide area compared with

five in 1970 and six in 1969 DS. Usually about four in song dur-ing May at Blithfield BRD but influx of 12 noted in area on the 16th PDH. One or two present and in song at Cannock Reservoir, where unusual GE.

347 Whitethroat Warks 40 noted on passage at Brandon on August 22nd BMCG.

Reported as scarce in Edgbaston Park TPM and Sutton Park SMH. At least five pairs bred at Bodymoor Heath where not seen by observer last year SVB.

Worcs Most areas reported normal numbers at 1968 level. Staffs At Belvide 10 singing birds present compared with 23 in previous

year was part of general decline in warbler numbers reported by observer DS. Numbers in south Staffordshire said to be still low ARMB and at Blithfield BRD but back to normal (1968 level) in other areas such as Whittington Sewage Farm MSS and Wom-bourne ESD. 12 noted in Consall Valley on May 29th HWK.

348 Lesser Whitethroat Breeding season reports as follows:—

Warks Alvecote GAA MAA; Little Packington ARD; Ufton; Birdingbury; Kineton—bred; Cropthorne—bred DS; Sutton Coldfield JL; Whitacre Heath—bred KWB; Brandon—bred BMCG; Bodymoor Heath EPF.

Worcs Bittell—bred and five singing in late April MAB; Birlingham— bred DS; Goosehill—four singing in May TAW; Upton Warren— four pairs TAW; Bredon Hill; Wilden; Eymore Wood; Abberley Hills; Trench Wood; Sale Green; Berrow Hill RM; Hollywood DMT; Malvern—three sites and up to eight on passage in second half of April DIN; Malvern Links LAB; Worcester DIN SMW;

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Eckington SMW. Staffs Decrease in Belvide area to seven singing birds compared with

10 in 1970 DS; Brewood; Wightwick DS; Hopton GS; Seisdon ESD; Cannock Reservoir—bred RAH; Blithfield JL; Manley ARMB; Walsall End AEC; Hanchurch Pool RG; About 12 present in Consall Valley on May 1 5th HWK.

354 Willow-Warbler Warks About nine pairs bred in Edgbaston Park SVB. Very heavy

passage noted at Brandon on August 22nd BMCG. Staffs 20 in song in Churnet Valley on April 25th as against two Chiff-

chaffs TECP. 20 in song at Cannock Reservoir on April 20th RAH. 56 singing birds located in Belvide area compared with nine Chiffchaffs DS.

356 Chiffchaff Warks Five pairs bred in Edgbaston Park where male heard with

aberrant song SVB. 20 noted at Brandon on April 9th BMCG. Staffs Influx with Willow-Warblers noted at Blithfield on August 22nd

ARD BRD (cf. heavy passage of Willow-Warblers at Brandon).

357 Wood-Warbler Warks Six sang in Coughton Woods on May 22nd SMW and one near

Berkswell in late April and early May MMC. One in song at Earls-wood on May 14th was first record from there by observer RLS.

Worcs Singing birds reported from Lickey Woods CRB; Wyre Forest— several observers; Norton RAD MSS; Westwood SMW; Goose-hill TAW; Upton Warren—on passage RM; Eymore Wood; Trench Wood; Fillet Wood; Monk Wood; Abberley Hills—nine on May 8th RM. 12 singing birds noted along length of Malvern Hills DIN.

Staffs Cannock Chase—separate localities GS PCT; Churnet Valley ARP; Hopwas Wood—on passage AEC; Horchurch Hill RG; Apedale WH; Consall HWK; Barlaston RGW; Whittington Sewage Farm-on passage MBP. Two noted on passage at Blithfield on April 25th ESC PDH to May 2nd ARD BRD where unusual. One in song at Loynton Moss on May 2nd was first recorded there by observer in eight years FCG.

364 Goldcrest Warks A good breeding season at Arbury where 20 birds noted on

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October 3rd MS EHT. Worcs 30 seen at Devil's Spittleful on October 31st RM. Staffs One seen on April 2nd at Great Barr garden where not previously

noted in 10 years TECP. 30 reported on March 28 in Blackbrook Valley, north Staffordshire moors DS. Well distributed in good numbers in south Staffordshire in autumn and winter months ARMB. 20 seen at Seven Springs, Cannock Chase, on November 7th BCG.

365 Firecrest Worcs A bird seen at Bittell from December 25th MAB to 27th KGC


Spotted Flycatcher Noticeably absent from open-front nest boxes in Far Forest site where bred last year but predated LRB. Four pairs nested successfully in Stafford Castle churchyard PT. Up to 12 noted on passage at Blithfield on August 22nd AEC KSE.

366 Worcs


368 Pied Flycatcher Warks One, on passage, at Middle Tysoe on September 26th JFMF

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Worcs Eight pairs nested in Lower Dowles area of Wyre Forest largely in nest boxes MMC. Successful nesting noted in nest box sites at Far Forest and at Bayton, near Kidderminster LRB. A bird seen at Malvern Links on September 6th LAB.

Staffs One present at Chillington on April 18th RAH and at Keele on April 23rd RG. Five pairs nested in Coombes Valley MWa.

371 Hedge Sparrow. No changes in distribution reported.

373 Meadow-Pipit Warks 100 noted at Brandon on November 3rd BMCG. Passage noted

over Hall Green, Birmingham, from September 6th to October 27th DMH.

Worcs Bred commonly on the Malvern Hills where flocks of at least 100 seen in September DIN. 75 roosted at Old Northwick Marsh, Worcester, on November 7th SMW.

Staffs Up to 100 on passage at Blithfield during October and November ARD and maximum at Cannock Reservoir was about the same on September 24th RAH. About 100 at Whittington Sewage Farm in December MSS.

376 Tree-Pipit Warks About five singing birds heard in Sutton Park SVB and six at

Brandon BMCG. Two in song at Earlswood on May 10th where not seen by observer in recent years RLS.

Worcs Seven noted in song at Eymore Wood on May 8th RM; four on Abberley Hills on May 9th RM; 10 at Goosehill Wood on May 22nd SMW; and 20 on Malvern Hills on June 5th SMW.

Staffs Six in song in Sherbrook Valley area, Cannock Chase, on June 13th GS.

379 Rock-Pipit Warks At Brandon two seen on January 9th and one on December 19th

BMCG. One present at Draycote on October 17th CHPJW. Worcs At Upton Warren single birds noted beween March 26th AFJ

and April 7th TAW and one or two between September 30th AFJ and October 31st TAW; one at Wilden on October 20th RM; two at Bittell on October 27th GKR; and one at Trimpley Reservoir on November 21st SMW.

Staffs One noted at Belvide on April 6th DS and one or two present between October 3rd DS and 23rd JF. One occurred at Blith-field on January 23rd DFP and up to three between October

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10th DS and 31 st ESC ARD BRD PDH and one on November 14th ESC BCG. At Cannock Reservoir single birds seen on March 27th PCT, October 10th PDH MJ/, October 15th PCT and November 7th FCG. One at Gailey on October 15th PCT.

Water-Pipit Birds were noted regularly in the Club's area from the start of records in the early 30's up to the early 50's, most of the records being from the same experienced observer. Records then declined and were absent from 1962 to 1968 after which regular reports recommenced. The pattern seems to be related to the activities of observers able to distinguish in autumn between this species and the more commonly occurring Rock-Pipit.

Warks Two identified at Hartshill Sewage Farm on October 30th PHM. Staffs At Cannock Reservoir one present on April 6th PCT and 10th

RAH and usually one or two but up to four on dates between November 2nd PCT and December 31 st RAH PCT. Single birds reported at Belvide on December 24th DS PCT and at Blithfield on December 28th DS.

Pied Wagtail Roost at Courtaulds at Coventry had a maximum of 1943 on January 1st KS. Concentration of 43 noted on lawns at Walton on July 20th RA. 70 noted at Wilden on August 29th RM and 100 roosted at Old Northwick Marsh on November 21st SMW. Concentrations reported were 50 at Blithfield on August 7th FCG; 150 at Holden Bridge on September 21st HWK; 60 at Dilhorne on November 1 st BR; 200 at Whittington Sewage Farm on December 28th BRO MSS.

White Wagtail Records from late March to May at various waters the most being seven on April 18th ARMB at Cannock Reservoir (Staffs) and six at Draycote RB (Warks).

Grey Wagtail Many records of single birds in autumn and winter, only rarely more than three. Bred at Brandon BMCG and seen in Sutton Park throughout the summer SMH DEP. Bred at Dowles Brook many observers; along river Teme near

380 Warks






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Malvern DIN; at Arley SFLE; and on Bow Brook near Pershore MLJ. Six seen at Malvern Sewage Farm in December MLJ.

Staffs Bred at Checkhill EGP. Two seen at Wetley Rocks on April 25th HWK and at Consall Wood on May 29th PAB. About 17 noted at Whittington Sewage Farm on December 4th MSS.

382 Yellow Wagtail Warks Breeds commonly in fields of beans and potatoes in south

of country DS. Four pairs bred at Griff MS. 20 seen at roost at Brandon on September 11th BMCG and 12 ringed from roost at Bedworth Slough in September MS.

Worcs Breeds commonly at Ombersley CMH and in fields of beans and potatoes in south of county DS. 70 noted on passage at Upton Warren on August 15th A WH and 100 at Wilden on the 29th RM.

Staffs 50 noted at Blithfield on April 18th BCC; 70 on May 6th DS PCT at Belvide, where seven pairs bred; 25 at Cannock Reservoir on August 24th PCT; and 40 at Ford Green on August 25th HWK.

Blue-headed Wagtail Warks One identified at Bodymoor Heath on April 18th HTL and at

Shustoke on April 30th BLK. A variant seen on April 27th at Bodymoor Heath TPM.

Staffs Two seen at Blithfield on April 18th BCC and one at Belvide on April 29th JL and two on May 6th DS.

383 Waxwing Warks At Solihull two present on January 1st PDH and eight on the 6th

DMB; six at Erdington on January 4th SMH; 12 at Sparkhill, Birmingham, from January 5th to 9th WC; two at Nuneaton from January 6th to 8th DW; 20 or 25 at Barston on January 7th MB; five at Hall Green, Birmingham, on January 10th MAB TAW; 12 at Four Oaks on January 23rd and one on March 23rd JF; one at Tanworth on January 27th and on February 1 st and 2nd per GAA ; one at Edgbaston on February 1st COP; five at Sutton Coldfield on February 20th SVB CMB; one at Alcester on March 7th SMW; three at Glascote on March 11th and 12th per GAA; one at Moseley, Birmingham, on September 22nd BP; and about six at Atherstone in December NSJ.

Worcs One seen at Pedmore on January 1 st SFLE; two at Headless Cross on January 14th Mrs. Cox; one on February 6th MAB GKR TAW at Upton Warren and six on March 6th SMW; one at Worcester on March 19th CNL.

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Staffs About 40 present at Rugeley on January 2nd MJM; six at Meir Heath on January 17th AGF; up to 17 at Newcastle-under-Lyme from March 14th to 31st ESE; and up to 12 at Clayton between March 27th and 29th ARP.

384 Great Grey Shrike Warks Single birds noted in Sutton Park on January 24th GEL; at

Brandon on October 17th and November 3rd BMCG; and at Grendon on November 14th NSJ.

Worcs One seen at Bittell between February 14th AFJ and March 25th MAB and from October 17th KCG MFJLTXo December 5th KGC; one at Tardebigge on March 21st JRH; and one at Castlemorton Common from March 27th LAB to April 11th JL.

Staffs Single birds present at Belvide between February 7th AFJ and April 3rd DS; at Highgate Common between April 3rd and 9th EGP; at Hopwas on April 6th AJD; at Cannock Reservoir between October 9th JHB DFP and November 1st PCT; on Cannock Chase on October 25th PCT; and at Gnosall in late November NRW.

388 Red-backed Shrike Warks A hen bird seen at Brandon on May 23rd BMCG.

389 Starling Warks Roost reported of several thousands at Arbury on October 31 st MS. Staffs About 10,000 estimated at Hanley Park on November 4th HWK.

391 Hawfinch More localities than usual.

Warks One seen at Compton Verney on December 26th and 28th RA. Worcs Two reported at West Malvern on March 27th CNL; at Malvern

Links on December 5th LAB and three in wood on Malvern Hills on April 11th, but not later MFF. Noted at Bredon Hill in April and June RM and several on August 7th LAB. Three seen at Spetchley Park on June 3rd JW and two in Clows Top area on June 6th AFJ.

Staffs Four present at Weston-under-Lizard on March 28th JL and one in Coombes Valley on April 22nd MWa. A 1970 record just received was of two in June and July at Wrens Nest Park, Dudley PGD.

392 Greenfinch Warks Flock of 200 noted at Brandon on November 9'ih BMCG.

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Worcs Flocks reported of 200 at Bredon Hill on March 28th and near Westwood on October 3rd RM.

Staffs At least 500 seen feeding on old hops on seed beds at forestry nurseries at Highgate Common in January MW. 200 present at Hoar Cross on November 14th BCG and at Lichfield on December 10th AJD.

393 Goldfinch Warks Increase noted at Arbury where three pairs bred MS. At Draycote

flock of 50 noted on January 23rd JL and 60 in December per RB. 50 present at Brandon on September 12th BMCG.

Worcs 75 at Wilden on September 26th increased to large total of 250 on October 10th MBP; 50 seen near Westwood on October 3rd RM; 30 at Trench Wood on October 6th RM.

Staffs Flocks reported were 50 at Cannock Chase on April 7th PCT; and 50 at Belvide on September 25th and October 16th DS PCT.

394 Siskin Warks Largest flocks reported were 45 at Compton Verney on November

21st RA; and 100 at Shustoke on December 7th BLK. Worcs 60 seen at Fladbury Meadows on January 1st TCS; 75 at Upton

Warren on January 3rd RM; 70 at Wyre Forest on January 5th AWH; 40 at Bromsgrove on January 7th NC; 30 at Bredon Hill on February 28th RM; 40 at Belbroughton on March 28th SFLE; 30 at Eymore Wood on March 30th RM; and 75 at Bittell on December 3rd KGC.

Staffs Birds seen on July 6th at area in central Staffordshire where breeding suspected per FCG. Largest parties were 60 at Tam-worth on March 1st AEC; 30 at Hanchurch on March 4th HWK; 40 at Wandon on March 23rd BCG; 300 in mixed flock at Sher-brook Valley, Cannock Chase, on April 7th PCT; 45 at Blithfield on October 31st JF; and 35 at Wall Grange on November 6th HWK.

Linnet Up to six pairs bred on 200 acres of farmland at Wilnecote GAA MAA. Maximum seen at Brandon was a flock of 350 on May 2nd BMCG and at least 1000 seen at Hartshill feeding on weed seeds during September HS. 200 seen at Tardebigge on September 9th and 19th JRH and 250 near Westwood on October 3rd RM. 300 noted on Cannock Chase on April 25th and about 200 at

395 Warks



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83 Cannock Reservoir on October 7th PCT.

396 Twite Warks Two reported at Draycote on February 3rd RB. Staffs Good breeding year on north Staffordshire moors—possibly up

to 20 pairs per FCG. Around 50 seen at Cannock Reservoir between January 1st ARMB and February 6th DS and up to 95 between October 30th ARMB and end of year RAH. Two re-ported at Clayhanger on March 28th GE and one at Belvide on October 23rd DS.

397 Redpoll Warks Bred, up to 50 pairs, in Brandon area BMCG; in Sutton Park SVB;

widely in Packington/Maxstoke area ARD PDH; Coughton Woods SMW; Hall Green, Birmingham DMH; and Arbury MS. 100 seen in Sutton Park on January 17th GEL.

Worcs Present in breeding season at Bittell; Shrawley; Blakedown DS; Lickeys MAB; Wilden; Hartlebury Common; Eymore Wood; Trench Wood; Bredon Hill RM; Kyre—bred MJI; Cockscroft Wood MJI; Malvern Hills DIN; Barnet Hill—bred FHS; Stour-bridge—bred RAD MSS.

Staffs Present in breeding season in Churnett Valley; Danebridge TECP; Cannock Chase GS; Blithfield; Belvide; Four Ashes; Tettenhall DS; Bagots Wood JL; Manley ARMB; Roaches JL; Rushall AEC; Baswich GS; Kinver Edge RM; Aqualate—bred DFH; Enville— bred MSS; Cannock Reservoir—bred RAH; north Staffordshire moors; Weston Coyney HWK; Newcastle-under-Lyme—bred EWL. About 300 noted at Seven Springs, Cannock Chase, on January 24th AEC; 200 at Highgate Common in January MW; and 100 at Enville on April 14th JT.

401 Bullfinch Warks Increases reported in Sutton Park, Bodymoor Heath SVB and

Hall Green, Birmingham, areas RLS. 50 noted in Brandon area on January 9th BMCG.

Worcs 30 seen at Bredon Hill on January 18th; 30 at Abberley Hills on January 31st; 15 at Upton Warren on February 14th RM; up to 20 in parties on Malvern Hills on September DIN; 20 at Devil's Spittleful on October 31st RM; and 18 at Bittell on December 23rd MAB.

Staffs 12 seen in Tettenhall garden on January 18th DS and 10 at Little Wyrley on same date TECP.

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404 Crossbill Worcs A bird seen at Bittell on November 6th MAB GKR. Staffs One reported on Cannock Chase on December 25th AFJ.

407 Chaffinch Warks Flocks totalling 100 seen at Draycote village on February 23rd DS

and 200 at Hams Hall on December 18th BLK. 180 in 29 parties flew west over north Birmingham in two and a half hours on October 24th JF.

Worcs 150 noted at Sheriffs Lench on January 1st TCS; 250 at Lickey Church on same date SMW; 100 at Dodderhill on February 6th TAW; 350 in Lickeys on February 16th TAW; and 200 at Bredon Hill on March 28th RM.

Staffs 100 reported at Belvide on February 27th DS; 500 in Coombes Valley roost on November 2nd MWa; and 200 at Whittington Sewage Farm on December 28th BRO MSS.

408 Brambling Small numbers up to 20 from many localities in winter and spring months.

Warks About 50 in four parties flew west over north Birmingham on October 24th in two hours JF. Largest flock was 250 on December 12th in kale field near Brandon BMCG.

Worcs 40 present in Lickey Woods on April 6th NC GKR. Staffs Scarcer than usual in Whittington Sewage Farm area SFLE.

About 50 seen in a mixed flock at Kinver Edge on November 2nd MT.

409 Yellow Hammer Warks 50 noted at Shelford on January 27th DS; about 200 at Draycote

on January 23rd JL and a flock of 150 on November 14th CHP; and five in Edgbaston Park on February 5th SVB where uncom-mon.. Reported as common around Priors Hardwick in November and December RB.

Worcs 50 reported at Sheriffs Lench on January 1 st and March 20th TCS; 50 at Bradley Green on January 9th CPB; 200 at Bredon Hill on January 18th RM; 300 roosted at Island Pool in dead ferns on February 4th EGP; 75 at Bredons Morton on February 28th RM; and 60 at Castlemorton Common in December DIN.

Staffs 100 seen at Belvide on February 20th EGP; and 50 at Hopton during December GS. Said to be scarcer this year in Shelfield area RS.

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410 Corn-Bunting Singing birds heard at the following localities in breeding season.

Warks Polesworth GAA; Marston KS; Amington GAA; Brandon—two pairs bred BMCG; Curdworth JHB SMH; Luddington; Drayton; Rushford; Kineton; Radford Semele; Aitstone—eight in song July 5th DS; Elmdon MMC; Little Packington PDH; Larkstoke GRH JVH. Numerous singing birds around Church Lawford area there being substantially higher numbers on the lighter sandy soils of the Coventry/Rugby/Leamington triangle than elsewhere in mid-Warwickshire and numbers increase going eastwards from Kenilworth to Rugby GRH JVH. 32 noted in Sutton Park on December 26th JF.

Worcs Salwarpe CPB; Harvington; Naunton Beauchamp; Holt; Little Comberton FF; Goosehill Green TAW; Claines; Hanbury; Eckington; Kempsey; Ombersley SMW; Holt Green; West Hagley SFLE; Birlingham; Broome—five singing on July 13th; Hartlebury DS; Tardebigge JRH; Upton Warren MAB; Hack-man's Gate GET; Sale Green; Bredon Hill RM; Mustow Green RJH RM; Pixham Ferry—six singing DIN; Grimley/Holt Heath area—10 singing SMW; Clent—where not recorded before 1970 CAN.

Staffs Drayton Bassett GAA; Bonehill GAA; Tamworth AEC; Swindon— up to four in song in June EGP; Cannock Reservoir area ARMB; Wombourne ESD; Whittington Sewage Farm SFLE; Essington; Belvide—where six flew westerly on January 9th DS; Heath Hayes RAH; Audley JFB; Seighford IJD; Hammerwich—11 singing birds in July in area of about one mile square RAH.

415 Cirl Bunting Worcs Bred in very small numbers at Malvern several observers. One

seen with Yellow Hammers at Belbroughton in early months FHS and one fed in garden at Hallow in December DIN.

421 Reed-Bunting Regular visitor to gardens.

Warks Up to 12 pairs bred at Alvecote GAA and 35 pairs at Brandon where a flock of 50 seen on October 31st BMCG.

Worcs 50 noted at Westwood on March 20th SMW. Staffs 60 seen at Cannock Reservoir on March 2nd PCT and about

100 at Belvide on April 10th DS after small numbers in winter.

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423 Snow-Bunting Warks At Draycote the 1970 birds were seen (five) on January 1st RB

and seven on the 10th JL. Staffs Single birds reported at Cannock Reservoir on November 25th

PCT; Blithfield on November 28th several observers; at Belvide on December 4th EGP and at Sneyd Pit mound on December 8th DK.

424 House-Sparrow Warks A yellow coloured bird present at Brandon throughout the year

BMCG. Staffs At Cannock Reservoir on September 18th one landed on water

swam for about 30 to 40 feet by using wings as paddles before landing and drying itself GE.

425 Tree-Sparrow Warks A pair bred in Edgbaston Park where flock of 20 present in

autumn TPM CDP. Largest flocks reported were 150 at Dray-cote Water on February 21st JL; 300 at Draycote village on March 23rd DS; 100 at Packington on October 14th KS; 60 at Brandon on November 28th BMCG.

Worcs 200 noted at Upton Warren on January 2nd MHB; 150 at Bittell on February 21st ARMB; 150 at Bredon Hill on February 28th RM; 100 at Wilden on October 31 st RM; 500 at Castlemorton on farmland on December 30th SMW. Usual flocks were missing from Sheriffs Lench at beginning of year but breeding numbers were normal TCS.

Staffs Largest flocks were 150 near Penkridge on February 7th GS; 110 at Whittington Sewage Farm on February 14th SFLE; and 600 at Belvide on February 27th DS.

Errata 1970 Report Page 54 Line 1 Delete " MJ/ " Page 58 Line 8 For " November 20th PDH"

read " October 4th ARMB " Page 99 Under Swift. Delete " September 27th Aston-by-Doxey /JD " Page 100 Under Nightjar for " September 4th " read " August 4th "

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Recoveries And Controls In 1971 Of Birds Ringed In The W M B C Area Key Pull Pullus (nestling) 1Y First Year PJ Post Juvenile

Juv Juvenile (young able to fly) FG Full Grown (age uncertain) AD Adult (at least one year old)

Arrangement of Entry By species and recovery date. Ringing details are given on the first line and recovery or control data on the second. A control is marked thus * before the date on the second line.

Species Ring No Age

Heron 1070592 Pull


GP 13305 Juv

AJ 92095 Juv

Wigeon SS 73025 AD

SS 93725 1Y

SS 93745 AD

SS 93752 AD

Date Place

15 05 69 Gailey Reservoir, Staffs 21 09 69 La Chappelle Basse Mer

(Loir Atlatigue), FRANCE

Ringer Movement


CDT PRM 47° 16' N 1° 20' W

30 05 71 Weston-under-Lizard, Staffs PD 16 10 71 Kegworth, Leics 70 k ENE 23 05 71 Weston-under-Lizard, Staffs PD 12 12 71 Little Budworth, Tarporley, 55 k NNW


07 12 68 Blithfield Ressrvoir, CDT PRM Rugeley, Staffs

20 05 70 Near Oktyabr's Skoye, 62° 29' N (Tumen), USSR 66° 05' E

20 12 70 Blithfield Reservoir CDT PRM 03 01 71 Southport, Lanes 113 k WNW 20 12 70 Blithfield Reservoir CDT PRM 20 06 71 Vagnbrekka (Sudur— 65° 35' N

Thingeyjarsysla), ICELAND 17° 02' W 24 12 70 Blithfield Reservoir CDT PRM 27 09 71 Sonder Nissum (Jylland), 56° 18' N


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SS 93721 1Y 20 12 70 Blithfield Reservoir CDT PRM 15 12 71 Ouse Washes, 142 k ESE

Mepal Bridge, Cambs

Canada Goose 5043244 AD

5045051 Pull

5031129 Juv

27 06 70 Gailey Reservoir, Staffs CDT PRM 16 05 71 Shirley, Ashbourne, 41 k ENE

Derbys 27 06 70 Bodymoor Heath, Nr Sutton CDT PRM

Coldfield, Warks *03 07 71 Clumber Park, 85 k NE

Nottingham, Notts 10 07 66 Branston, Burton-on-Trent, CDT PRM

Staffs *13 07 71 Harewood Park, Leeds, 112 k NE


Mute Swan Z31264 Juv 11 09 71 Wychnor, Alrewas, Staffs CDT PRM

04 10 71 Wakefield, Yorks 90 k NE


204 3349 Pull

EF 20553 Pull

09 07 70 Yardley, Birmingham TE 13 01 71 Blandford, Dorset 180 k S 18 06 70 Upton, Warks J AH 26 12 71 Lawford Heath, Warks 40 k ENE

Coot GF 01913 AD 09 08 70 Alvecote, Atherstone, Warks GM

31 05 71 Northampton, Northants 66 k SE

Lapwing 2089427 Pull 16 06 70 Belvide Reservoir, Staffs PC

03 07 71 Kernebridge, Ross-on-Wye, 92 k SSW Herefords

Snipe CS 37881 FG 24 10 71 Doxey, Stafford, Staffs PC

*04 12 71 Wombourn, Wolverhampton, 30 k S Staffs

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Swallow JB 47173 Pull 05 09 70 Burton-on-Trent, Staffs DRG

27 05 71 Taourirt, MOROCCO 34° 25' N 2° 53' W

HS 17541 Juv 09 09 70 Doxey, Stafford, Staffs BC 26 06 71 Ain-Youcef, Tlemcen 34° 53' N

(Oran), ALGERIA 1° 21' W JB 96690 AD 27 08 71 Bedworth, Nuneaton, Mac

Warks 05 09 71 Wansford, Hunts 75 k ESE

JB 96698 1Y 27 08 71 Bedworth M&C *06 09 71 Upton Warren, Droitwich, 53 k WSW

Worcs (RMB) HS 17552 Juv 09 09 70 Doxey, Staffs BC

08 09 71 Swords, Dublin, Eire 285 kW HS 17850 AD 21 07 71 Doxey BC

*18 09 71 Madeley, Telford, Salop 30 kW (PD)

Sand Martin HP 57343 Juv 21 07 68 Brewood, Staffs EDP Paris 1834276 *14 02 71 Near Richard Toll, 16° 25' N (added) SENEGAL 15° 42' W

Song Thrush CS 56762 Pull 21 04 70 Wellesbourne, Warks JAH

07 01 71 Satandar, Bilbao, SPAIN 43° 30' N 3° 42' W

CJ 19855 FG 23 10 71 Aldridge, Staffs GF 27 10 71 The Lizard, Cornwall 390 k SSW

Redwing CS 37489 FG 25 11 70 Aldridge, Staffs PC

02 02 71 Sousel, PORTUGAL 38° 57' N 7° 40' W

CP 16551 FG 23 11 69 Weston - u nder- Lizard PD 05 02 71 Villanouve-Le's, 43° 33' N

Maguelonne, Montpellier, 3° 52' E (Hersult), FRANCE

CV 90035 FG 12 03 67 Weston-under-Lizard PD 14 02 71 Arrenches (Alto Alentejo), 39° 08' N


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Pied Wagtail HS 17466 Juv

Yellow Wagtail HS 17588 1Y

JH 16179 Juv

Starling CB 13257 FG

XX 30727 AD

XX 05594 AD

XX 19449 1Y

CB 66063 FG

XX 50040 FG

Greenfinch BN 06369 FG

BC 25806 PJ

BN 14680 AD

BE 46638 PJ

04 09 70 Stafford, Staffs BC 30 12 70 Tre'gourez, Leuhan 48° 06' N

(Finistere), FRANCE 3° 52' W

12 09 70 Kiddemore Green, Brewood, BC Staffs

10 11 70 Laluque (Landes), 43° 51' N FRANCE 1o00'W

09 09 71 Arrow, Warks JAH *14 09 71 Wick, Hants 160kS

28 11 64 15 03 71

28 02 71 23 03 71 21 02 70 18 04 71

Sandon, Stone, Staffs GM Veenwouden, (Friesland), 53° 15' NETHERLANDS 6° 00' Penkridge, Staffs BC DENMARK (no other details) Shustoke, Nuneaton, Warks GM Halolanmski, Svonenjoki, 62° 44' N (Kuopio), FINLAND 27° 00' E

29 10 70 Malvern Link, Warks RMB 20 04 71 Balkbrug, (Overijssel), 52° 36' N

NETHERLANDS 6° 24' E 02 01 65 Handsworth Wood, TE

Birmingham 14 05 71 Cholsey, Oxon 110kSSE 28 12 70 Temple Grafton, Warks JAH 26 06 71 Pelkum, GERMANY

28 03 70 Hopwas, Tamworth, Staffs PC *25 12 70 Longbuckley, Northants 57 k SE 22 01 66 Sutton Coldfield, Warks EJP 29 01 71 Charnock Richard, Chorley, 135 k NNW

Lanes 15 03 70 Weston-under-Lizard PD

*28 02 71 Stanton, near Ilkeston, 73 k ENE Derby

09 02 69 Malvern Link, Worcs GHG •02 03 71 St Peter's School, York 225 k NNE

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BH 49799

BN 14618



BE 89362 1Y

BC 93889

BN 14621

BN 03076

BN 14727

BJ 11401





21 02 70 *11 04 71 08 03 70

*13 04 71

22 02 69 13 04 71

23 02 69 19 04 71 08 03 70 20 04 71 17 01 70 11 05 71 03 04 70 16 06 71

FG 08 02 70

07 07 71

Weston-under-Lizard PD Birklands, Warsop, Notts 90 k ENE Weston-under-Lizard PD Melton Wood, Doncaster, 117 k NNE Yorks Weston-under-Lizard PD Siddington, Macclesfield, 58 k N Ches Malvern Link, Worcs GHG Cinderford, Glos 38 k SSW Weston-under-Lizard PD Sheffield, Yorks 90 k NE Stafford, Staffs EDP Eccleston, St Helens, Lanes 80 k NNW Weston-under-Lizard PD Fartown, H uddersfield, 110 k N N E Yorks Handsworth Wood, TE Birmingham Upwood, Ramsey, Hunts 117 k E

Linnet JH 16058

HS 64618

HA 16758

Juv 15 08 71 Barford, Warks JAH 15 10 71 Arbonne, Pyrenees, FRANCE

FG 03 10 70 Aldridge, Staffs PC late 10 70 Lit et Mixe (Landes), 44° 02'N

FRANCE 1°15'W Juv 30 07 65 Birlingham, Pershore, Worcs SKT

31 12 70 Aulnay-de-Saintonge, 46° 01' N (Charente Maritime) 0° 20' W FRANCE

Redpoll JA 86130

JB 88832

JB 40267

1Y 22 11 70 Temple Grafton, Warks JAH *09 05 71 Hilbre Island, Dee Estuary, 160kNW

Ches AD 02 01 71 Tiddesley, Pershore, Worcs GHG

*28 08 71 Sedburgh, Dent, Yorks 250 k NNW AD 06 09 70 Weston-under-Lizard PD

12 10 71 Limsuil-Bre'yannon (Seine 48° 44' N et Oise), FRANCE 2° 29' E

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Chaffinch HP 52475 FG 21 12 69 Hopwas, Tamworth, Staffs CDT PRM

06 01 71 Soestdijk (Utrecht), 52° 12' N NETHERLANDS 5° 17' E

HS 21984 AD 08 01 69 Weston-under-Lizard, PD 26 10 69 Wakken (West Flanders), 50° 56' N

BELGIUM 3° 23' E HS 64382 1Y 01 03 70 Hopwas PC

05 11 71 Zinge'm (East Flanders), 50° 54' N BELGIUM 3° 39' E

Birds Ringed Elsewhere And Recovered Or Controlled in 1971 In The W M B C Area

Mallard 111803 Juv 07 06 70 Boarstall Decoy, Brill,

Bucks •23 12 71 Wyndley Pool, Sutton

Coldfield, Warks

Canada Goose 5038519 AD

Mute Swan Z 22933 1Y

Sparrowhawk ? 1Y

Oystercatcher SS 15538 AD

Snipe Heligoland FG 7512405

28 06 69 Kedleston, Derbys *09 06 71 Gailey Reservoir, Staffs


06 12 69 Leigh, Lanes 06 70 Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs


80 k NW

48 k SW

10 06 68 Abingdon, Berks *28 11 70 Leamington, Warks (JAH) 60 k NW

55 k S

27 03 71 Heacham, Norfolk 10 09 71 Minworth, nr Birmingham 155kW.

19 09 71 Obersuhl, Rotenburg 50° 57' N (Hessen), GERMANY 10° 02' E

*24 10 71 Doxey Marshes, Stafford (AC)

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Black Headed Gull ED 82652 Pull 31 05 68 Sunbiggin Tarn, Orton,

Westmorland 01 03 70 Claymills, Burton-on-Trent, 210 k S


Swallow JH 58114 FG

HV 24324 Pull

J B 42660 Pull

17 08 71 Madeley, Salop PD *02 09 71 Bedworth, Nuneaton, Warks 70 k SE

(MBC) 12 06 71 Poulton, nr Chester, Ches

•10 09 71 Bedworth, Warks (M & C) 125kS 22 08 70 Cauldwell, Derbys 14 10 70 Brandon, nr Coventry, 55 k S


Great Tit BH 62585 AD 24 02 70

*03 01 71 Wytham, Berks Ftedhill, Warks (JAH) 60 k NW

Blue Tit JC 97670 AD 17 05 71 Wytham, Berks

•10 10 71 Middle Tysoe, Warks (JAH) 38 k NW

Coal Tit JA 45152 ? 18 07 71 NrTring, Herts

* 11 71 Perry Barr, Birmingham (SB) 140 k NW

Blackbird CP 29616 1Y

CN 73509 1Y

Sedge Warbler JA 12698 Juv

07 11 70 Holme Bird Observatory, Norfolk

•28 12 70 Tittensor, Stoke-on-Trent, 180 k W Staffs

11 10 70 Drakelow, Derbys 05 04 71 Kingshurst, Birmingham 32 k S

07 08 70 Combwich, Bridgewater, Somerset

•28 07 71 Defford, Pershore, Worcs (GHG)

118 k NNE

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Chaffinch HH 21668 1Y 18 10 67 Bardsey Island (Caerns)

•09 04 70 Weston Park, Staffs (PD) 170 k SE

Brambling Arnhem B116732

AD 11 10 67 Kennemerduinen (Noord Holland), NETHERLANDS

*07 03 71 New Oscott, Sutton Coldfield, Warks (EJP)

58° 25' N 4° 34' E

Reed Bunting AD 23 07 67 Marbury, Chester, Ches

02 03 70 Cannock, Staffs 62 k SE

Key to Ringers Initials

RMB R M Bishop GHG G H Green SB S Brown DRG Drakelow Ringing Group PC P Challinor JAH J A Hardman M&C Merrill & Clarke CDT PRM Dr and Mrs Minton BC B Craddock GM G Mortiboy PD P Deans EDP E D Ponting TE T Edwards EJP E J Pratley GF G Fernihough SKT late S K Taylor WAGB/ Wildfowlers Association of Great Britain and Ireland

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Migrants The average arrival or departure dates given below for each bird are based respectively on the first and last dates given in the Annual Reports up to 1971. The figure in brackets is the number of years on which the average is based.


Chiffchaff March 18 Average (37) March 13 Westwood CNL

21 Brandon BMCG 23 Bittell KGC 28 Shrawley KSE

Sand-Martin March 26 Average (36) March 30 Bittell KGC

31 Shustoke EAH April 2 Several records

Wheatear March 25 Average (34) March 4 Coventry TWL

16 Cofton Richards JMH 18 Draycote per RB 19 Curdworth EAH

Willow-Warbler March 28 Average (37) March 29 Gailey BCG

30 Leamington EJB April 3 Earlswood GKR

Little Ringed Plover April 2 Average (7) March 27 Hams Hall EAH


Oct 10 Average (37) Nov 7 Wood End EAH Oct 27 Leamington EJB

21 Latherford AJD 10 Blithfield PDH 10 Brandon BMCG

Oct 2 Average (36) Oct 30 Hams Hall HTL

18 Hednesford BCG 17 Westwood CPB 17 Bodymoor Heath EAH

Oct 2 Average (35) Oct 31 Brandon BMCG

23 Flash ARP 19 Cannock Reservoir PCT

Sept28 Average (37) Oct 27 Leamington EJB

2 Bittell CP 2 Upton Warren SMW

Sept 27 Cannock Reservoir PCT

Sept21 Average (7) Sept 26 Blithfield DS

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April 4 Brandon BMCG 4 Draycote RB 7 Upton Warren GKR

Swallow April 3 Average (37) March 16 Hatton GRH April 2 Earlswood GKR

2 Bittell TAW 3 Many records

Blackcap April 6 Average (37) Jan 4 Bromsgrove PA

4 Sutton Coldfield VNW April 5 Blakedown SFLE

9 Knypersley HWK 12 Blithfield BCG

Ring-Ouzel April 9 Brandon BMCG

10 Roches HWK 12 Blackbrook PCT

Garganey April 8 Average (29) March 20 Bedworth RMa April 6 Bittell GKR

9 West wood SMW 11 Hams Hall EAH

Yellow Wagtail April 8 Average (35) April 11 Alvecote GAA

11 Blithfield PCT 11 Upton Warren RM

Tree-Pipit April 10 Average (34)


21 Alvecote GAA 19 Hams Hall HTL

Oct 26 Average (37) Nov 14 Haughton JWT

13 Worcester CNL 9 Droitwich CPB 6 Yoxall BCG

Sept 21 Average (34) Dec 24 Pelsall RS Nov 14 Weston-under-Lizard PGD Oct 17 Leamington EJB

16 Bittell SMH Sept 21 Cannock Chase PCT

Oct 2 Malvern Hills CNL 2 Cannock Chase AFJ

Sept 13 Average (28) Oct 20 Upton Warren RM Sept 28 Blithfield MJI

25 Belvide DS

Oct 3 Average (34) Oct 9 Yoxall BCG

3 Blithfield PDH 3 Bodymooor Heath EAH

Sept 13 Average (33)

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Arrival Departure

April 4 Bodymoor Heath EAH Sept 19 Hoar Cross BCG 9 Wyre Forest JL 19 Hams Hall HTL

10 Gailey BCG 15 Cannock Reservoir RAH

House-Martin April 11 Average (37) April 4 Brandon OLL TWL

11 Budbrooke TR 13 Upton Warren SMW 13 Blithfield RFG

Oct 25 Average (37) Nov 9 Burton-upon-Trent DEB

4 Walsall BCG Oct 29 Droitwich CPB

28 Leamington EJB

Common Sandpiper April 12 Average (35) April 4 Drayton Bassett EPF

8 Alvecote JWH 12 Bridgtown GE

Oct 12 Average (32) Dec 31 Blithfield, several observers

9 Whitacre Heath EH Nov 14 Hams Hall HTL Oct 30 Bittell FF

10 Several records

Redstart April 12 Average (35) April 6 Malvern JHe

12 Highgate Common ESD 17 Several records

Sept 12 Average (34) Oct 31 Brandon BMCG

3 Cofton Richards JMH Sept 26 Bodymoor Heath EAH

21 Alvecote GAA

Cuckoo April 14 Average (35) Sept 15 Average (33) April 12 Leamington EJB Sept 20 Wall DS

17 Malvern CDP 18 Lowsonford TPM 17 Cookhill FF 14 Bridgtown PCT 18 Several records

Whitethroat April 17 Average (37) April 14 Upton Warren YNW

19 Belvide GE 25 Bodymoor Heath RJJ 25 Bittell PA

Sept 20 Average (37) Oct 10 Brandon BMCG

2 Upton Warren PA Sept 26 Alvecote GAA

20 Burntwood RAH

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Sedge-Warbler April 19 Average (35) April 15 Sideway Stoke HWK

18 Brandon BMCG 18 Wilden RM 19 Shelfield RS 19 Upton Warren SMW


Sept23 Average (28) Oct 6 Wilden RM

2 Brandon BMCG Sept 29 Upton Warren SMW

26 Blithfield DS

Nightingale April 21 Average (35) No records April 18 Hanbury BCG

23 Longdon FF

Grasshopper-Warbler April 21 Average (35) April 18 Brandon BMCG

19 Bromsgrove TAW 20 Many records

Aug 19 Average (20) Sept 11 Upton Warren MAB

5 Cannock Reservoir RAH 4 Brandon BMCG

Wood-Warbler April 23 Average (35) April 25 Churnet Valley KSE

25 Blithfield PDH 29 Shoal Hill BCG 29 Malvern GKR

Aug 11 Average (25) Aug 11 Blithfield BCG

Pied Flycatcher April 23 Average (24) April 14 Wyre Forest DMT Sept 26 Middle Tysoe JFMF

18 Chillington RAH May 1 Coombes Valley ARP

Lesser Whitethroat April 24 Average (35) April 20 Bittell MAB

23 Leamington EJB 24 Several records

Sept 13 Average (35) Sept 30 Rickerscote FCG

28 Cannock Reservoir RAH 26 Droitwich CPB

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Swift April 24 Average (37) April 20 Henley-in-Arden FWT

20 Bodymoor Heath FtJJ 21 Bittell GKR 22 Belvide PCT

Garden-Warbler April 25 Average (34) April 28 Edgbaston Park SVB

29 Shoal Hill BCG May 1 Several records

Whinchat April 25 Average (35) April 14 Upton Warren GKR

22 Sheffield RS 25 Blithfield PDH

Reed-Warbler April 29 Average (31) April 18 Brandon BMCG

19 Shelfield RS 21 Upton Warren TAW

Corncrake May 17 Charlecote PH

Turtle-Dove April 30 Average (36) April 14 Highgate Common EGP

24 Droitwich CPB 25 Goosehill TAW

Spotted Flycatcher May 5 Average (34) April 22 Packington KS May 1 Belvide DS

5 Weston-under-Lizard PGD

6 Dodford FF


Sept 9 Average (37) Sept 21 Lichfield BCG

17 Brandon BMCG 16 Burntwood RAH

Aug 26 Average (33) Sept 11 Upton Warren SNW

5 Cannock Reservoir GE Aug 29 Kings Bromley BCG

22 Brandon BMCG

Sept 25 Average (32) Oct 2 Upton Warren GKR Sept 27 Chesterton EEG

26 Blithfield PDH

Sept 16 Average (23) Sept 26 Upton Warren CPB

18 Westwood SMW 16 Cannock Reservoir RAH

No Records

Sept 18 Average (36) Oct 3 Brandon BMCG

1 Ombersley CPB Sept 26 Marton DM

25 Hammerwich RAH

Sept21 Average (34) Oct 2 Brandon BMCG Sept 19 Bodymoor Heath EAH

16 Cradley SFLE 16 Cannock Reservoir RAH

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Nightjar May 17 Average (31) May 26 Kinver EGP

Red-backed Shrike May 18 Average (14) May 23 Brandon BMCG

Quail May 22 Sambourne SMW

22 Shenstone JAJ 23 Stourport per AJH

Marsh-Warbler June 2 Average (23) May 29 Eckington SMW

Golden Plover Sept 2 Average (26) July 15 Penkridge SVB

28 Blithfield RCB Aug 19 Kineton DS

28 Hints DS 29 Bodymoor Heath HTL

Wigeon Sept 7 Average (33) Aug 14 Alvecote GAA

20 Upton Warren SMW 22 Bodymoor Heath EAH

Sept 7 Hams Hall HTL 9 Several records

Redwing Oct 2 Average (37) Oct 2 Dordon EAH

3 Bittell /CGC 4 Several records


Aug 15 Average (20) Aug 11 Kinver EGP

4 Cannock Chase IJD

No records

No records

No records

April 10 Average (26) April 25 Essington DS

18 Bodymoor Heath HTL 12 Several records

April26 Average (37) April 19 Westwood MFF

18 Bodymoor Heath HTL 17 Bittell SMH

(Summered at Belvide)

April 11 Average (37) April 15 Burton-upon-Trent RS

14 Bodymoor Heath EAH 13 Upton Warren SMW

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Pintail Oct Aug


5 Average (25) 6 Brandon BMCG

19 Blithfield RCB 4 Alvecote GAA

18 Belvide PCT 18 Westport HWK


April 10 Average (31) April 22 Alvecote GAA

11 Draycote CHP 8 Upton Warren MAB 2 Brandon BMCG

Jack Snipe Oct 10 Average (30) Oct 3 Hams Hall HTL

3 Bittell GKR 6 Worcester MFF 9 Belvide DS

April 2 Average (27) April 22 Cannock Reservoir GE

20 Upton Warren DMT 19 Worcester SMW 12 Brandon BMCG

Brambling Oct 13 Average (37) April 7 Oct 6 Trench Wood RM April 25

15 Cannock Reservoir PCT 21 24 Weston-under-Lizard 10

PGD 28 Droitwich CPB

Average (36) Bredon Hill RM Lie keys GKR Bittell PKD

Fieldfare Oct 11 Average (36) Aug 21 Draycote CHP

31 Oldswinford PRS Sept 11 Lea Hilton SVB

11 Lea Marston SVB 25 Malvern MFF 25 Brandon OLL TWL

April27 Average (36) May 3 Motty Meadows AJD

2 Upton Warren SMW April 29 Etching Hill BCG

29 Alrewas DS

Golden Eye Oct 18 Average (33) Oct 2 Bodymoor Heath SVB

3 Middleton Hall SVB 17 Blithfield PDH 17 Draycote DM

April26 Average (34) May 6 Draycote DM

2 Blithfield PDH 2 Bodymoor Heath HTL

(Summered at Belvide)

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Arrival Siskin Oct Sept Oct


19 Average (34) April 4 Average (35) 12 Cannock Reservoir RAH April 11 Bittell GKR 6 Trench Wood RM

10 Bittell /CGC 25 Upton Warren PA

10 Cannock Chase RFG 7 Shoal Hill BCG 6 Goosehill Wood SMW

Goosander Nov 14 Average (32) April 1 Nov 13 Bodymoor Heath SMH April 14

19 Bittell KGC 14 25 Upton Warren CMH 7 25 Westwood CMH

Average (32) Belvide DS Bromley EWL Tittesworth AGF (Summered at Blithfield)

Smew Dec 17 Average (27) Dec 30 Bittell KGC

Mar 2 Average (24) Feb 13 Draycote CHP

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Key To Contributors

The following members and non-members have forwarded material for the report

P Adams R Armfield G A Arnold M A Arnold M J Austin

C R Bagshaw J G Baker J F Ball F R Barlow N P Barlow P A Barnes Miss D L Barrass L Bates Miss M Baxter L R Bayes G Bell B Bentley K J Bentley R Bennett (RBe) S V Bingham G C Bird J H Blackburn A R M Blake Mrs D R Blake M H Bourne W B o w m a n

t E J Bradford M A Brazil G Brian (GBr) R C Broadbent C P Brooking L A Brown Mrs D M Brown L J Brown Mrs M W

Brownsword R Brownsword D E Butler

J E Campbell M M Campbell M R Chandler

R A Chidwick E S Clare E H Clark K G Clifford Mrs E Cloake N Coldicott A C Coles A E Coleman B C Craddock W Crump

L F Dale J Day A J Dean A R Dean B R Dean P G Deans P K Dedicoat Mrs D Dickins I J Dix

* C Donoghue E S Dorsett R A D o w e n

Miss E A Eattell E S Edees F L S Edwards K S Edwards G Evans

f M r s I M Evans

J F M Fennell F Fincher A G Finikin R Fletcher M F Foley J Fortey E F Freeman M Fuszard

BMCG (Brandon Marsh Conservation Group)

B C George R F Grant T R Green F C Gribble G I Griffiths R Griffiths

f M i s s E E Gutch

G Halfpenny A G Hallington

f J W Handley P Hanney W Hamilton R D Harding J A Hardman G R Harrison Mrs J V Harrison E Harvey A W Hatfield D M Hawker J M Hawkins R J Haycock

(RJHa) S M Haynes R H Heath C M Hemmings D A Henstock G W Henton

* N Hepburn J Hewlett Mrs J M Heynes

*R Higginbotham R J Hoccom

(RJHo) J Holland M J Hollis D F Hope E A Hopkins J E Howarth R J Hudson H Hughes R A Hume J R Hutchings

P D Hyde

M J Inskip

A F Jacobs R J Jennett J A Johnson M L Jones

* N S Jones

A Keatley H W Key

* D J Kightley B L Kington D Knight

f M r s 0 L Lancaster t T W Lancaster

G C Lambourne J C Lamming C N Lane R W Lee

* A Lewis G E Lewis Miss W J Lewis E W Longman J Lord

D V Mardle D S Mar land

*R Marriott ( R M a ) R Martin (RMar) R Maskew

*P H Mason J Mat thews W E Merrill Mrs M J Miller T P Mi lsom

t D Mirecki Mrs J Moore

(J Mo) * M Moreton

M Morris (MMo) D J M u n n s

Page 106: West Midland Bird Club Annual Report No 38 1971...Annual Report No 38 1971 Being the Annual Bird Report of the West Midland Bird Club on the birds of Warwickshire, Worcestershire and


J E N e w c o m b e C Powell C A Norris C D Powell D I North P R Powell

J Pratley Mrs M C Orgill T J Pratt D Orton B R O w e n LBR (Ladywalk C D O w e n Bird Reserve) Mrs E O w e n A J Richards

G K Richards B Packer T Reece

'S J Parker B Robertson T E C Parker J B Robertson C D Parnell R Rooke

(CD Pa) Miss E M Rose M B Passman N Douglas- S H Savage

Pennant W Schaack E G Phillips A Sherlock D F Pickering Mrs R Shrive A R Plant (RSh) C Plant ( C P I ) W Silk (WSi) E D Ponting K Simmons C H Potter F H Simms A V Powel l D Smallshire

R L Smallwood * H Smith

M S Smith T C Smout B A Snape

* D Sparrow ( D S a ) * M Stew

G Summers J Sutton R Sutton P R Symonds

E Taylor Mrs L Y Taylor P C Taylor D M Thomas M J Thomas W N A Thompson P Till G E Timmins Miss M A Tongue J W Tonkins M Townsend J Tranter

J L Tromans F W Tunbridge

*E H Tunnicliffe

T A Walsh G W Ward R G Warren M Waterhouse

(MWa) Miss Y N W a y J Wedgbury N R Went D R West

* D White S M Whitehouse V N Whittaker N A J Wi lde

* S Wilson • A W o o d

A G W o o d * S W o o d ( S W o )

N Wright R P Wright

H J Yapp

* member of the Nuneaton and District Bird Club

\ member of Warwick Natural History Society

Page 107: West Midland Bird Club Annual Report No 38 1971...Annual Report No 38 1971 Being the Annual Bird Report of the West Midland Bird Club on the birds of Warwickshire, Worcestershire and

Photographs R J C Blewitt

Top: Nesting in certain parts of the Club's area the Common Sandpiper is more generally known as a spring and autumn visitor to our lakes and reservoirs.

Below: The Little Stint, a scarce spring, but regular autumn passage migrant, in the West Midlands.

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Page 108: West Midland Bird Club Annual Report No 38 1971...Annual Report No 38 1971 Being the Annual Bird Report of the West Midland Bird Club on the birds of Warwickshire, Worcestershire and

Design Clive Richards

Printing Charles Clarke (Haywards Heath) Ltd, Sussex

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