  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    January 2011 Issue 16

    West CoastThe magazine for West Kirby and Caldy

    Inside this month: Allotments, Round Table 3 Peaks success, Esther McVeyAlly Interiors, Hilbre High School, local news, whats on, car club and gardening

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country Texas Guinan

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    West CoastTHE New Year isupon us and thegreen shoots arealready sprouting- at least for theallotment holdersin West Kirby whowill get an extra40 plots when aredundant site is turned over to them.Weve got more on this, as well as stories fromHilbre High, the West Kirby Round Table, AllyMcDermotts interior design column, books byLinghams of West Kirby and the Wirral ClassicCar Club.We hope you enjoy the magazine and pleaseremember to use your localshops and trades people!


    The page footers this monthare winter quotes



    We are an independently owned company producing sevenmagazines, Keep it Local, Neston Local, Heswall Local, West Coast,

    Tarporley Talk, Overleigh Roundabout and Hoole Roundabout.For details visit




    For advertisement inquiriesplease call Hayleyon 01244 350398 / 07801506538or [email protected] Liverpool Road, Chester CH2 1AE

    Winter is natures way of saying, Up yours. - Robert Byrne

    H A P P Y

    N E W Y E A R

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011



    4 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E in [email protected] W

    Now is the winter of our discontent - William Shakespeare

    Green shoots of recovery?

    Wirral Counc s ow ng oc g oup of otm nt ho d s to s n unus ds ct on of g nb t.Th n w y-fo m d G oy ro d Commun ty a otm nt Soc ty h s b n g v n th

    g n ght to st p up th ffo ts to t nsfo m nd t th of Co on t on Bu d ngsn W st K by nto subst nt otm nt s t .

    No f w th n 40 fu -s z p ots cou d b c t d on th nd, wh ch w s fo m y us dfo g z ng ho s s nd h dnt b n us d s nc 2002, s w s commun otm nt

    , p cn c s, commun o ch d nd c ss oom.The move is in accordance with the Councils Allotment Strategy, which identi ed the

    importance of trying to nd new potential allotment sites, particularly in areas where

    th s h gh d m nd fo th m.C . S mon Ho b ook, C b n t M mb fo Co po t r sou c s, s d: i h vnoth ng but p s fo th v s on nd d t m n t on of th m mb s of th G oy ro dCommun ty a otm nt Soc ty n ch ng th s st g . Th y h v b n g nt d nagreement to lease this land, which means they have ve years to develop their plans

    nd p ov th y v b nd sust n b . if th y , th y w b th n g v n 25-y p pp co n s on th nd.i b v th s s fu th d monst t on of how th Counc s fu y suppo t v of

    commun ty g oups com ng up w th th own d s to p ov d v b nd sust n bfuture for Council land or assets for the bene t of the local community.

    Hoylake and DistrictGardening SocietyTHe sp k t ou J nu y 12th m t ngw b oc ho t cu tu st M T d B b nwho w b t ng us bout th P ntHunt G o g Fo st who w s bo n n1873.Fo st ncount d m ny d ng ous

    s tu t ons on h s xp d t ons to Ch n

    , wh ch w sponso d by M a thu Bu y th c to of N ss G d ns. Thsu t ng nt oduct ons to B t sh G d ns

    nc ud d such f vou t s s z s,p mu s, g nt ns nd ov 300 sp c sof hodod nd on.Ou m t ngs h d on th s cond

    W dn sd y of th month t W st K byConcou s st t ng t 7.30 p.m. Th y f to m mb s but v s to s w com

    t ch g of 1.50. C P t Johnsonon 625 7036

    Rachel Bolland married TyroneCisarello at St Bartholomews Church,Thurstaston, and then held their reception at The Grange, ThorntonHough.

    Pic by Cetra Gallery, Heswall

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    West Coast magazine January 2011 5

    Maths & English Tuition

    Call Jess on07894 744 698

    l Private & Group Sessions

    l Other Subjects Available

    l All Ages, Abilities & Levels Welcome

    l Friendly Experienced Tutors

    There are two seasons in Scotland: June and Winter - Billy Connolly

    LIFE DRAWING SESSIONS TWO-hour drop-in drawing sessions inHoylake on Tuesdays at 1pm & 7pm

    Suitable for beginners or moreexperienced artists. Tuition given as necessary.

    7.50 per session.

    Contact Dennis Spicer at [email protected] or 0151 625 3107

    The Beacon Coffee ShopHeswall Methodist Church,

    Telegraph Road, Heswall. Tel 342 7446Opening timesTuesday 10.30-2pm - Coffee and lunchesFriday 10.30-2pm - Coffee and lunchesSaturday 10-12noon - Coffee and snacks

    Friendly Welcoming Atmosphere, Homemade Food -Fair Trade Goods, Gifts, Cards and Second hand Books

    We are a voluntary organisation and all proftsare donated to charities at home and abroad.

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  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    West Coast magazine January 2011 7

    A career is wonderful, but you cant curl up with it on a cold night - Marilyn Monroe

    Feel healthier, ftter and happier in 2011

    Call Jamie on 0797 147 8786W E info@living-

    Personal training andconditioning consultant

    HealtHier, Fitter, HappierNew Y ars R solutions ar

    asy to mak , but hard r tok p. Many p opl vo to g tin shap follo ing th x-c ss s of Christmas, but if youar r ally s rious, th n talk toLiving Fit .

    Jami L ighton and his t amof p rsonal train rs ill cr at a p r-sonal ftness plan,tailor d to your o nspecifc require -m nts. Th b auty of this isthat h lp you to m t yourgoals, ho v r mod st or am- bitious, in your o n tim andas quickly as possible.

    You can choos to train at your o n hom , in a local gymor in an outdoors nviron-m nt, b that th b ach at w st Kirby or th countrysidaround your villag .

    Jami has a id xp ri-nc , ranging from h lping

    thos ho ish to los af pounds, through totraining a Ro ing worldChampion.

    So, if you ar r ally s ri-ous about making a diff r ncto your lif this y ar, th n talk to Living Fit and b h althi r,ftter and happier.

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    8 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E in [email protected] W

    If they hadnt scored, we wouldve won - Howard Wilkinson

    HilBre H gh Schoo Hum n t s Co g h s c nt y b com th t st dd t on toth v - xp nd ng F m y of rot y.Th schoo s Stud nt Counc m d th d c s on t th b g nn ng of th schoo t m

    to c t rot y int ct C ub, c ub th t s nk d to nd h p d by, but nd p nd ntf om th oc c ub, Hoy k nd W st K by (HaWK). Th c ub s found d upon ths m p nc p s s rot y, to fund s fo ch t s nd c us s oc y, n t on y nd

    nt n t on y, to conn ct w th oth rot ns th oughout th count y nd ound thwo d nd to h v fun nd m k f nds t th s m t m .Hilbres Interact club was of cially inaugurated on 3rd December at an event which

    s w th schoo s c ub m mb s jo n d by m mb s of th oc rot y F m y nc ud ngth P s d nt of HaWK, B b S nc nd th D st ct Gov no , Gwyn D yhu st-Dodd.Th v nt w s g t succ ss nd nvo v d, both n rot y nd

    w th n th schoo commun ty, xc t d to s thc ub d v op nd g ow.

    Top: The Interact Club (Arran Broad,Antony Furlani, Lauren Cross and

    Holly Broad) along with Miss. J.Levenson, Headteacher of Hilbre,Mr. P. Lloyd, Assistant Headteacher,Barbara Sinclair President of HAWK,Gwyn Dryhurst-Dodd DistrictGovernor of District 1180 andvarious other local Rotarians.

    Right: President of Hilbre InteractArran Broad receiving the clubs

    charter from Gwyn Dryhurst-Dodd.

    School joins Rotary amily

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    West Coast magazine January 2011 9

    heres a pa tial ola clip b ginning o Janua y. TUnit d Nation a d ignat d 2011 t Int national Y a

    o Fo t and Int national Y a o C mi t y Jupit and U anu a in conjunction o t t tim in 14 y a .Ti i all m aning, tak om c anc . Do om t ing

    unconv ntional , dif nt, colou ul v n.I lov and ad book . My ou i tuf d ull o book

    om ru kin to D s u . I could appily liv in a lib a y. Ilov t way t i a ang m nt wo k . N w a c it ctu but wit t cli nt pa ion in mind. G t id o clutt and put t good tuf on ow.I al o lov t i mu al, av ipping t ont pag o

    you avou it comic .Do om t ing bold and dif nt t i y a , ip up t ul book and ju t go o it.

    Fabric from Linwood

    Ally Interiors Interior design thoughts with Ally MacDermot,

    rom Your Choice Interiors

    You C oic Int io91 Banks Road, West Kirby CH48 0RB Tel 07813761571

    Rip up the rule book and go for it

    Best Superhero quote I could fnd- apologiesto Spiderman, Superman, Batman

    o In nity and B yond-Buzz Lightyear

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    If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? - Percy Bysshe Shelley



    Financial column with Simon utton, rom the Hadlow Edwards Partnership

    GOVERNMEN s over the la t 50 year have encouraged u to

    ave toward our own retirement and be le dependant on the

    tate by way o incentive inthe way o pen ion tax relie Tere are re triction on theamount you can beneft and thi ha changed on numer-ou occa ion over the year and i due to changeagain next April.Te way relie is granted

    depends on how you pay your pension. I you are amember o an employerscheme at work any pensioncontribution is usually taken

    rom your salary be ore youpay tax and National Insur-ance which means that theamount o your taxable pay isreduced by the level o contribu-tion you have paid.

    I you have no company pensionscheme or are sel employed you will usually have a personal pension plan and tax re-lie is provided by a top up to your contributions. Forexample i you are personally paying 100 per monthby direct debit the amount that would be credited toyour pension scheme would be 125.

    I you are a higher rate tax payer then you couldclaim another 25 o tax relie by way o a re und

    rom Her Majestys Revenue and Customs (HMRC)

    which works out as an equivalentincrease in your contributions o

    67%. Higher rate tax payers need tobe especially care ul to make surethey reclaim the overpayment asHMRC will not automatically pay it back.Some large companies run

    schemes known as Salary Sacri-ce where employees can give

    up some o their wages to makeadditional payments to theirpension scheme. Tis is a very taxe cient way o increasing yourpension savings as in addition tothe tax relie you can also save

    on National Insurance pay-ments. Small companies can runsimilar schemes or employees orDirectors and i you have an op-portunity to consider this optionor would wish to set a pensionscheme up or your own busi-ness you would be well advised

    to look at a Salary Sacri ce relie is one o the ew ways we can get ree

    money rom the state and it is well worth takingull advantage o this bene t. For example saving

    300 per month to a pension with 20% tax relie would mean that over 25 years you would have saved112,500 at a cost o 90,000.Interest or growth on this additional sum over 25

    years can boost the saving even urther and make thediference between a com ortable retirement and astruggle.

    o receive a complimentary guide covering Wealth Management, Retirement Planning or Inheritance ax Planning,produced by St. Jamess Place Wealth Management, contact Michael Edwards, Senior Partner o the St. Jamess PlacPartnership on 01285 123 456, by email [email protected] or visit

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    West Coast magazine January 2011 11

    In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy - William Blake

    l M rtg gel Inve tmentl In ur ncel Retirement p nl T x

    Hadlow EdwaRds

    t: 0800 652 8175e: [email protected]

    Now could be the right time to nd a nancial advisor who completely

    understands your nancial afairs and provides a highly tailored service

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    12 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E in [email protected] W

    In summer winter rain or sun, its good to be on horseback - Mike Oldfeld

    lOCal MP esth McV y h s unch dth nsp t on c book z n fo t n gg s c d if Ch o C s n nsp t on

    c s book c t dnd w tt n by esth ,

    wh ch s to b d st but dfo f c oss W

    nd M s ys d , m dt 11-13 y o ds nd

    th n hop fu y xt nd dn t onw d . St t st csshow wom n stnot ch v ng th fupot nt n th wo kp c , wh ch s v d nt

    n th ck of v s b ndp of ss on o mod s

    wh ch s x ct y wh tth s book z n ms to

    dd ss.Th book s comp s d of w d v ty of f m

    rsts who have all beenh gh ch v s n th respective elds. All of whom, h v ov comdif culties and hardshipsto b com th b st n thwo d; th t nts nd

    xp t s ng f om;science to nance, law topo t cs, f sh on nd ts.

    esth , who v s n W stK by, s d Th m of thbook s th t t w b dby ch d n, who wou dnot oth w s b s y

    ch d by conv nt onc s dv c .

    Ov th st 2 y s im t w th ov 300 schoog s nd sk d th m wh tso t of book o m g z nth y wou d njoy d ng,who nd wh t so t of p op th yd k f tu d

    s w s wh t qu st onsth yd k nsw d,th su t w s if Ch oC n, n nc us vm g z n , d st but d fo f to schoo g s c ossM s ys d , so ch ngout to g s, f om b ckg ounds, w th thm ss g if Ch o C n,You c n too.

    Esther McVey with Debbie Moore (1st female to set up a PLC) Lisa Pover (Yachtswoman) Gilliam McDonald (1st female whisky distiller) Rona Cant(explorer) Louise Greenhalgh (1st female Bomb disposal of cer) and school girlsin Westminster Hall

    MP seeks to inspire young women

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    West Coast magazine January 2011 13

    In the depth of winter I nally learned that there was in me an invincible summer - Albert Camus

    New Years Resolution Spa Day

    Rowton Hall Country House Hotel Health Club and Spa, Whitchurch Road, Rowtont- 01244335262 f 01244335464 e- [email protected] www.

    To simply feel pampered in 2011

    You may choose one treatment out of each section below

    Aromatherapy Body ScrubBabor Khanya Body ScrubAnti-Aging Hand Traetment

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    Sensational Eye TreatmentBabor Introductory FacialAromatherapy Hydrating Facial

    -------------------------Mini Head Massage

    Foot MassageHand Massage

    included in this spa day is a relaxing spa light lunchand full use of health club facilities

    Also enjoy a detoxifying tea in our relaxation area

    Special New Years Price

    75.00 mon-thurs85.00 fri-sun

    valid 28/02/2011

    For all enquires please call 01244 335262 or [email protected]


    by Jessica NailsLong lasting Manicure

    Discover the strength of Jessica withthe beauty of a gel polish

    File and gel polish from 20.00

    Manicure with gel polish from 35.00

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    West Coast magazine October 2010 15

    If you cant stand the heat in the dressing room, get out of the kitchen - Terry Venables

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    No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn - Hal Borland

    January brings the snow, makesour feet and ngers glow

    THE icy conditions last month were treacherousunder foot but the snow blanket made for some goodphotographs at Caldy Golf Club and theAshton Park pond

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    West Coast magazine January 2011 17

    People dont notice whether its winter or summer when theyre happy - Anton Chekhov

    The ueens Lower School The ueens Senior School


    Come and join usTaster sessions and individual visits now available

    Please contact Mrs Jane Taylor on 01244 312078 or email [email protected] w w. q u e e n s . c h e s h i r e . s c h . u k

    he Qu ns Sc ools valu s a ound d onsp ct, community and appin ss.

    W a p oud o ou putation o ou stud nts

    acad mic succ ss, as t y ac i v bot xc ll ntpublic xamination sults and top univ sity o s.Qu ns i ls a appy and positiv , n a in

    and a ticulat . Acad mically t y qu stion andc all n , xplo and innovat ; t a no

    nd st otyp s ! Ou sta av xp tisin t t ac in o i ls and ou community is an

    ncou a in and suppo tiv on . W av a ull xt a-cu icula p o ammincludin a wid va i ty o spo ts andadv ntu ous activiti s suc as t ks and

    xp ditions. In addition, music and t a tsou is in an atmosp t at ncou a s s l -xp ssion and con d nc .

    Its ofcial, T Low Sc ool was plac d 14t

    out o t 100 top p p sc ools in t count y and is t top sc ool in t No t W st in tsu v y publis d by T Sunday im s Pa ntPow su v y, Nov mb 2010. Monday 17th January 2011, entrance assessments for 11+ entry, Reception and Junior entry.


    Sc ool W al n b s se v ce ava lable

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    18 To advertise call 01244 350398 E in [email protected] W

    God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, surfeit and hunger - Heraclitus

    A WirrAl bus ness owne has we comed ana a m ng new epo t wh ch has h gh ghted how much money househo de s a e th ow ng out of the w ndow.Ma c McQuilliam om Apollo Blinds wasobsmack d by t ndin s o t s a c

    w ic us d t mal ima in cam as inedinbu to s ow just ow muc at is lostt ou windows o om s in t city.Simply d awin cu tains, s utt s o blinds

    to stop at scapin could b as ctiv asttin doubl lazin , acco din t po ts

    aut o s pa ticula ly o old p op ti s. Its avi w w ic is c o d by Ma c w o owns ApolloBlinds Wi al.T ndin s s ould b a wak -up call toous old s in Wi al b caus t t mal

    ima s t at w us d as pa t o t po t av y pow ul in d monst atin ow muc at

    is lost t ou windows, said Ma c.It i li ts ow v y simpl m asu s can b

    tak n to si ni cantly duc n y xp nditu

    b caus s utt s, blinds and cu tains anatu al ba i s w ic p v nt at loss.I dont know anyon w o couldnt do wit

    savin som cas i t now and iv n t atn y p ic s a isin a ain, its t i t tim

    to do som t in about it.Ma c can s w y int io plantation s utt s

    a abbin all t adlin s as t y a tott st t nd in int io dco . As w ll as b ino ous, stylis and inc dibly unctional

    t y do com into t i own du in t wintmont s p ovidin p ivacy and xc ll nt n y-savin p op ti s.h also points to Du tt blinds, w ic a tisin sta s o t int io s indust y, as t y can

    duc t amount o at t at scap s t ou windows by a t i d du in t wint .

    Du tt is a mod n tak on pl at d blindsand av a pat nt d doubl -wall d on ycomb

    d si n w ic allows t m to o m ai pock tst at iv t m n y-savin p op ti s, saidMa c.


  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    West Coast magazine January 2011 19

    I had slumps that lasted into the winter - Bob Uecker


    0151 203 [email protected]

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    20 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E in [email protected] W

    Thou hast no sorrow in thy song, no winter in thy year - John A. Logan

    Fiction: House Rules- Jodie PicoultWh n emm Hunts t n g son s d gnos d w th asp g s sh knows sh wdo nyth ng to h p h m. J cob Hunt s b nt t m ths, h s w ck d s ns of humou , s xt o d n y o g n z d but hop ss t d ng soc cu s. H s ock d

    n h s own wo d w of th wo d outs d , nd w nt ng to m k conn ct on,t y ng to b k v yon s w thout know ng how. H s moth xp cts oth p opnot to und st nd, sh xp cts st s nd wh sp s, sh v n xp cts t oub w thth po c . But wh n h s tuto s found d d, th h m k b h v ou s of J cobssynd om not ook ng som on n th y , odd mov m nts, n pp op t ct ons

    st t ook ng ot k gu t to th po c . and J cobs moth must sk h s f thh d st qu st on n th wo d: s h ch d c p b of mu d ?Jod P cou t f ns w ov th s book w th ts usu m x of top c cont ov sy nd

    ns ght nto th wo k ngs of f m y. N w y out n p p b ck, th s s g t nov nwh ch to os you s f ov th ong d k J nu y v n ngs.

    Travel Biography: Return to the Olive Farm- Carol Drinkwater and f thos d k w nt v n ngs g tt ng you down, wh b tt to sp nd th mth n n th sunny South of F nc ? aft s xt n months of t v ng ound thM d t n n n s ch of th nc nt s c ts of th o v t , C o tu ns to h husb nd M ch nd h s g ow ng f m y. How v , th hom com ng c b t ons

    ov sh dow d by d stu b ng d scov s. Th p ght of th hon y b h s b comn nt n t on c s s nd C o s f c d w th uns tt ng n ws bout th h v s on h

    own o v f m. Wh th mu t n t on comp n s push ng fo b gg , b tt ,bump c ops, sm b nd of f m s nd co og sts c ng fo h t to m nyof th mod n f m ng m p ct c s th t nd ng ng th p n t. C o s mongstth m. But t puts h own f m, h dy , und th t. Th s s th sto y of how C oand Michel struggle with some dif cult choices, and how they decide to deal with theun vo d b d s ppo ntm nts nd n v t b spons b t s th t com w th unn ng no g n c f m.S xth n th O v F m s s, b ut fu y w tt n, w s ch d, w m ndhum n book th t p ss on t y conf onts ssu s to do w th f m ng n P ov nctod y.

    Health and Beauty: Lorraine on Looking great- Lorraine KellySt t 2011 s you m n to go on w th wond fu gu d to n w you. Th 4 s ct ons of

    th s tt ct v y p oduc d book nt t d H thy e t ng, ex c s ,look ng G t nd St y ng H thy. Th o ds of ust t ons

    nd d g ms nd th who th ng s h gh y cc ss b , w th ots of g t t ps fo mp ov ng h th nd w b ng w thout un st cp ssu to ook k sup mod . and judg ng by th photog phs,Lorraine herself is a marvellous advert for the ef cacy of her

    m thods. a g t on fo you W st K by Yummy Mumm s!

    BOOK reVieWS:


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    West Coast magazine January 2011 21

    We need to drive like hell and get to the hills before the winter sets in - Steven Squyres

    ST BRIDGETS COMMUNITYCENTRE APPEAL EVENTS29th JanuaryBurns Night, St Bridgets Primary School HallT d t on Bu ns N ght Supp w th p p , 5 cou s m nc ud ng h gg s, n psnd t tt s. V g t n opt on v b book b n dv nc . B ng you own d nksnd wh sky s uc . l st n to som of th b ds mus c nd po ms. an v n ng of nt t nm nt nd fun! if you h v n v b n to Bu ns N ght supp , h s you

    oppo tun ty! if you h v you know wh t fun th y ! r s v t b fo th v n ngnd b ng you f nds. T ck t on y v nt. T ck ts 17 f om P p d ms, B nks ro d o

    P u Bu g ss on 625-3696. G t v u ! Wednesday, 2nd February

    Celts, Romans and Vikings: The Archaeology of Irby by Rob Philpott.rob Ph pott, H d of F d a ch o ogy t th N t on Mus ums l v poo nd joint author of Meols: The Archaeology of the North Wirral Coast. A chance nd of rom n pott y n g d n t i by n th 1940s d to th d scov y of n mpo t nt

    nd ong- v d s tt m nt s t by ch o og sts of th N t on Mus ums l v poo .On xc v t ng n subu b n g d ns, th y found v d nc of B onz ag , i on ag ndrom no-B t sh, y M d v nd M d v occup t on. rob w x m n th n tuof the settlements and the nds uncovered by the excavations. St Bridgets Church at7.30pm5th February

    Concert Junior Royal Northern College of MusicTh Jun o rNCM p ov d s sp c st t n ng fo mus c y g ft d ch d n b tw n

    th g s of 8 nd 18 y s t v ng f om f nd w d c oss No th n eng nd. ThrNCM hosts g t t nt nd m mb s c n so b found p fo m ng n th N t onYouth O ch st , th N t on Ch d ns O ch st , th N t on Youth B ss B nd ndN t on Youth Cho s w s n t on nd oc mus c comp t t ons such s th BBCYoung Mus c n nd Young Compos aw ds.

    St B dg ts Chu ch t 7.30. T ck ts 10 du ts, 8conc ss ons nd ch d n 4 nc ud ng f shm nts.T ck ts f om P p d ms, B nks ro d, W st K by o

    edw d edw ds on 632 -2346.

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    22 01244 512251 / 07801 506538 E in [email protected] W

    22 E N T E R T A I N M E N T

    Winter is not a season, its an occupation - Sinclair Lewis

    Triumph nt od ced t eo la l ttle he ald saloon

    ca n 1959 and t was oneof only a few ca s t enst ll be ng b lt w t ase a ate c ass s. T s

    was a c nn ng ove by T beca se tenabled t e co any

    to t a n be of ve y d ffe ent body ty esonto t e sa e nn nggea . One va at on t at

    oved ensely o la was the Spitfre which was madef o 1962 nt l 1981.This month we take a look at the 1978 Spit re 1500

    which belongs to Ray and Bettine Fields, in our picture.These cars are very easy to work on and maintain, which is just as well because when

    Ray acquired it in 1991 it had just been written off by the insurers. Its previous owner,having allowed his enthusiasm for driving it to get a bit out of hand, had made a majormodi cation to the front by allowing a tree to impede his progress.Ray had just recently retired from a lifetime of working with ships around the world

    and was looking for something new to occupy him, so when he heard about the damagedSpit re he snapped it up for the princely sum of 150. Ray then spent the next two yearson a full restoration which went much further than was necessary just to repair theaccident damage.Ray and Bettine then became enthusiastic members of two Triumph car clubs, rst they

    joined the national Triumph Sports Six Club and for the last decade they have also been

    keen members of the Wirral group Triumph Appreciation. For the former, Ray has been aregular contributor to their magazine and for the latter he is the much valued editor of ourregular newsletter. Rarely missing opportunities to join in events they love to go to shows,long runs, camping weekends and local outings to country pubs in the car. They evendrove to Le Mans on one occasion.Such was the excellence of Rays restoration that the car won them several cups in the

    early days and has never failed to get them back home in all the 40,000 miles they havecovered. The car is tted with the desirable overdrive (5th gear) and regularly returns38 - 40 mpg. Now both in their 80s, neither owners (nor car) are showing any signs yet of loosing their enthusiasm for the fun and friendships their retirement hobby has provided.

    Dave Evenett [email protected]


    Old SeadOg learnS neW TrickS

    in SpiTfire

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    23 E N T E R T A I N M E N T

    WHATS ON IN JANUARYWest Coast magazine January 2011 23

    Winter lingered so long in the lap of Spring that it occasioned a great deal of talk - Bill Nye

    Saturday 8th January

    a Wood nd W k n royd n P k, 1pm 2.30pm. an n d pth ook t royd n P kswoodland, its beauty, uses and wildlife. Meet Rangers Of ce, Royden Park. No needto book. T : 0151 677 7594.

    Sunday 9th JanuaryW nt W st W W k, 10.15 m - 3.30pm. Jo n th r ng on 5-7 m m ch

    ound W st W to bu n off xt c o s f om f st v food o to h p tow d N wY r so ut ons! Book ng ss nt , cont ct T 0151 648 4371.

    Friday 21st January

    C ss c ch mb mus c t W stbou n H , W stbou nro d, W st K by, o g n s d by Hoy k Ch mb Conc tSoc ty. Th H nsch Qu t t f om G m ny onof th wo ds g t st st ng qu t ts. Th conc t w

    nc ud wo ks by Moz t, Schu hoff nd Schub t. Conc tcomm nc s t 7.30pm - doo s op n t 7pm. T ck ts 8

    nc ud nt v f shm nts.

    Sunday 23rd JanuaryW nt B d W k, 10.30 m 12.30pm. a sho t st o w th n royd n P k & Thu st ston

    Common to discover our winter resident birds. Meet: Rangers Of ce, Royden Park.So y no dogs. No n d to book. T : 0151 677 7594.

    Wednesday 26thJanuaryH p th s H th nd-Thu st ston Common,10.30 m 3.30pm. Com nd h p c

    nv d ng sc ub on th s mpo t nt h th nd s t . M t: Thu st ston H c p k off T g ph ro d. G ov s nd too s p ov d d. B ng p ck d unch. No n d to book.T : 0151 677 7594.

    Thursday 27th January

    W B d C ub: V M cF nd s g v ng n ust t d t k on K mch tk nd thr ng of F . Th C ub m t v y fou th Thu sd y of th month ( xc pt august ndD c mb ) t 8pm p ompt t K ngsm d Schoo , B t m D v , Hoy k . a so wm k bout tw v F d T ps y . Th s f nd y C ub s fo nyon w th n nt st nb ds, v n f you c nt t k t f om coot. r ng 625 8809 fo mo nfo m t on. Saturday 12th FebruaryAn Evening of Swing & Big Band Music in aid of the Re lwe Project, in South Africa,f tu ng W Schoo s B g B nd on st g t H sw H , T g ph rd, H sw ,7.30pm. Fo d t s nd t ck ts cont ct: G C mpb (0151 632 2463) o Co n

    Thompson (0151 632 0024).

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    U S E F U L N U M B E R S


    ChurchesChurch o the Resurrection and AllSaints, Caldy; St Bridgets Church Tel 0151 625 Riverway Christian Fellowship86 Grange Rd.West Kirby.Tel. 0151 6051872. St Agnes RC Church16 Darmons Green, WK, 0151 625 6367St Andrews ChurchGraham Road, West Kirby 632 4728.www.achurchnearyou.comSt. Michael & All Angels Parish Church,Frankby Road, Newton, West Kirby. Tel. 6258517. West Kirby Methodist ChurchWestbourne Road, West Kirby. Tel 632 2776West Kirby United Re ormed ChurchMeols Drive, West Kirby. Tel 632 6921

    Community CentresHoylake Community Centre, 2 HoyleRoad, Hoylake, CH47 3AG. Tel 632 2889Email: [email protected]: www.hoylakecommunitycentre.orgDentistsBanks House Dental Practice143 Banks Road, West Kirby. Tel 625 6829.Health

    West Kirby Health Centre The Concourse, Grange Road, West Kirby. Tel: 625 9171 Sandstone Medical Centre161 Banks Road, West Kirby. Tel : 625 Arrowe Park HospitalArrowe Park Road, Upton. Tel 678 5111Hoylake Cottage Residential HomeBirkenhead Road, Hoylake. Tel 632 3381

    Leisure CentreWest Kirby Concourse, includes 25m pool,sports hall, tness suite, aerobics studio,

    unction rooms and crche. Tel 929 7801PharmaciesWilsons Chemist, 17 The Crescent, WestKirby. Tel: 625 6115Police999 Emergency. I you wish to contactMerseyside Police regarding any other nonemergency issue please Telephone - 709

    6010 or visit TouristWest Kirby Marine Lake Tel 625 2510Wirral Country Park Thurstaston. Tel 648 4371VetsAcorn Veterinary Centre15-17-Acacia Grove, West Kirby.

    Tel 625 9916Wirral CouncilGeneral Enquiries (Switchboard): 0151 6062000 or visit PoliticsMPEsther McVey (Conservative) The Parade, Hoylake Community CentreHoyle Road, Hoylake. Tel 632 4348Local CouncillorsCllr David M Elderton(Conservative, West Kirby and Thurstaston) Tel: 632 3195. Email: [email protected] Cllr Jef Green(Conservative, West Kirby and Thurstaston) Tel: 648 5913 / Mobile: 07766 725 125.Email: je [email protected] Cllr Geofrey Watt(Con, West Kirby and Thurstaston) Tel: 625 3941. E: [email protected]

    Use ul numbers and in o

    You cant get too much winter in the winter - Robert Frost

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011


    U S E F U L N U M B E R S


    SchoolsBlack Horse Hill In ant SchoolSaughall Massie Road West Kirby, 625 5238,E-mail: schoolofce@blackhorsehill-in

    Black Horse Hill Junior SchoolSaughall Massie Road. West Kirby, 625 8446E-mail: [email protected]

    Calday Grange Grammar School, GrammarSchool Lane, West Kirby. Tel 625 2727Email: [email protected] Hilbre High School Humanities College

    Frankby Road, West Kirby. Tel 625 5996West Kirby Primary School & NurseryAnglesey Road, West Kirby. Tel 625 5561 orvisit West Kirby Grammar SchoolGraham Road, West Kirby. Tel 632 3449. Bridgets SchoolSt. Bridgets Lane, West Kirby. Tel 625 7652.

    E-mail - [email protected] Clubs and SocietiesAC Hoylake Junior Football ClubOver 200 players aged 6-15. Call PaulWilliams on 0781 7684682. www.achoylake.comCaldy Cricket ClubPaton Field, Telegraph Road, Thurstaston. Tel6258043. E-mail: in [email protected] Calday Grange Swimming Pool Trust

    Tel Jean Robb / Hillary 625 2619Caldy Rugby Club Tel: 0151 625 8043 Girlguiding Newton DistrictRainbows (5+), Brownies (7+), Guides (10+),Young Leaders (14+) and Adult volunteers(18+). Meetings on various nights in termtime. e-mail: [email protected], orphone 625 5602

    Gymnastics Club(West Kirby). Tel 670 0694 or

    Hoylake Flower ClubMeet at Melrose Hall, Hoylake on the 3rd Tuesday o the month. Doors open 7.15pm.Demonstrations by NAFAS demonstrators.Hoylake Lawn Tennis ClubEddisbury Road, West Kirby. Tel 632 3491Lions Club o West Kirbywestkirbyuk.lionwap.orgGrange Probus Club (West Wirral)We meet monthly, on the rst Wednesday o each month, or Lunch at Heatherlands andrun day and short break trips. New Memberswelcome. Contact Peter Bale on 334-3965.Probus Club o West Kirby The club or ormer pro essional andbusiness people. Call 648 6141.Rotary Club o Hoylake & West Kirby Tel 625 3484Senior SwimmersOpen to anyone over 50, or serious or

    light exercise, at Calday Grange SwimmingPool every Friday morning Tel. 342 3703Soroptimist International o Hoylake andWest Kirby Tel 632 4602West Kirby Football ClubGreenbank Road, West Kirby.Visit www.westkirby c.orgWest Kirby Sailing ClubSandy Lane, West Kirby. Tel 625 5579 or visitwww.wksc.netWest Kirby Wasps Junior FCwww.westkirbywasps.comWest Kirby Panthers Junior FCCalday Grange Grammar School, Tel 625 0116Wirral Embroiderers Guild The guild meet in the Birkenhead ArtGallery, Slatey Road, Birkenhead, on the third Thursday in the Month at 7.15pm. Everyonewelcome

    While I relish our warm months, winter forms our character and brings out our best - Tom Allen

  • 8/8/2019 West Coast January 2011



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